How to prepare apple juice for the winter? Preparations from white filling for pies. Provisions from apple juice

From juicy apples so much can be cooked and mashed potatoes, and marshmallows, and pies, and jam! You can cook compote, but you save the most vitamins if you prepare apple juice!

Harvesting is best done at the end of the season, when you have accumulated enough fruits to process them. Of course, first of all, housewives devote themselves to various primary preparations, such as jam or apple chips, depending on desire and personal preferences. But the remaining apples can be turned into juice: due to the lack of long-term thermal processing, all vitamins will be preserved in it.

How to choose apples for juice?

It is important to choose the right fruits so that they are juicy and sweet. You need a late harvest in August, it is he who is rich in vitamins and filled with moisture. For juice, you can choose the following varieties:

  • Antonovka
  • Antey
  • Imant
  • Kovlenkovsky
  • Shtreifling
  • White filling
  • Nizhegorodka
  • Anuxis

Choose large and hard fruits, overripe apples will not give much juice, it is better to use them for jam. Small apples such as ranetki are also not suitable for juice, they are more fussy.

Apple juice for the winter: recipes

For you, several different cooking recipes. You can choose any to your taste!

Apple juice for the winter through a juicer

A juicer will greatly simplify the cooking process and a similar device is already available in many kitchens. To make juice you will need 5 kg of apples and 100 g of sugar.

  1. Peel the apples from the seeds and cut into several pieces, send to the juicer.
  2. To prevent the juice from turning dark, you can add a few tablespoons of lemon juice.
  3. The resulting juice must be heated to 95 degrees, but do not boil! That is, after the appearance of the first bubbles, immediately turn off and add sugar.
  4. Prepare containers for transfusion, these can be glass jars or bottles. Be sure to thoroughly wash and sterilize them.
  5. Spill some more hot juice container and tightly close the lid.
  6. Store in a dark cool place.

If the juice is too concentrated, you can dilute it with water just before drinking.

Homemade apple juice from the Anuxis variety for the winter

Apples of this variety are distinguished by their fleshiness and juiciness, so you can get excellent juice. To prepare 3 liters of juice, you need 2 kg of apples, a liter of water and a glass of sugar.

  1. Peel apples from seed boxes and cut into small pieces, chop in a blender
  2. Heat water and add sugar, bring to a boil
  3. Mix apple mixture and sugar syrup and mix well
  4. Pour the resulting syrup into prepared containers
  5. Close the lid tightly
  6. After cooling, put in a dark and cool place

Apple juice in a juicer for the winter

The juicer will do everything you need for you, so it is very convenient in preparations for the winter:

  1. Peel the apples, cut into large pieces
  2. Pour water into the bottom of the juicer, and put apples into the top
  3. Place under drain pipe glass container and wait until it's full
  4. Close the lid tightly at the end

Apple juice with pulp for the winter

For lovers of juice with pulp, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Cut and peel apples, it is better to choose fleshy varieties such as White filling or Antey.
  2. Transfer the apples to a saucepan and cover with water, leaving 3 cm on top.
  3. Place the saucepan on the stove over low heat, bring to a boil and stir constantly until the apples are soft.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the stove and let cool.
  5. Wipe the resulting mass through a metal sieve and roll the juice with pulp into jars.

Apple juice without pulp for the winter

To get juice without pulp, it is enough to pass the apples through a juicer and remove the excess foam. You can also strain the juice through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

Pumpkin-apple juice for the winter

Recipe apple juice can be modified by adding:

  • pear
  • cinnamon
  • orange
  • celery
  • pumpkin

To prepare pumpkin-apple juice, you will need 2 kilos of apples, a kilo of pumpkins, 2 oranges, 250 ml of water and a glass of sugar.

  1. Peel the pumpkin from the peel and fibrous pulp, cut into cubes and transfer to a saucepan, pour a glass of water. Bring to a boil over low heat and simmer until pumpkin is soft.
  2. Peel oranges and use a juicer to extract juice.
  3. Slice the apples and run them through a juicer.
  4. Add citrus juice to the boiled pumpkin and grind the mixture with a blender.
  5. Add sugar and apple juice to the resulting mixture, put on medium heat and heat to a temperature of 95 degrees.
  6. Pour into prepared containers and let cool.

Preserving apple juice for the winter

Basic conservation rules:

  • jar must be clean and sterilized
  • after seaming, the jar must be turned over and put the lid down
  • hot jars are covered with a blanket so that they cool evenly
  • store glass jars with juice in a dark and cool place

What to do with the leftover pulp?

In the process of making juice, a very large waste remains in the form of cake or pulp. It can also be used to make a delicious and easy dessert.


  1. 3 eggs, beaten with a glass of sugar
  2. In the resulting mixture, add two cups of cake, a glass of kefir, 2 cups of flour, a spoonful of soda
  3. Mix everything thoroughly and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 30 minutes


  1. Bring a glass of oilcake and 3 tablespoons of water to a boil
  2. After spreading the resulting mass on a parchment sheet
  3. Put in the oven for 2-3 hours


  1. Mix a kilogram of cake and a glass of water in a saucepan and bring to a boil
  2. Add 800 g sugar and stir until thickened
  3. Pour into jars and let cool

Summer preparations will allow you to get essential vitamins even in winter. Making juice will not take you much time and you can enjoy this drink on cold evenings.

Video: How to cook apple juice for the winter?

How to make apple juice? Quite simply, by analogy with tomato juice. Apple juice on this step by step recipe it turns out concentrated, natural and without pulp. We will not dwell on the benefits of natural homemade juices, I think everything is already clear. Whether freshly squeezed or canned, these drinks have a lot of advantages over any, even the most expensive, bought in the store.

It takes very little time and effort to prepare a simple apple juice recipe with a photo. You need to have a desire and you will succeed, you just need to want. Feel free to bookmark this simple recipe and offer it to friends and family.


  • Apples: 5 kg
  • Sugar: 100 gr


The fruits of apples need to be sorted out, washed, cut into small pieces knife or rub on a vegetable grater. In general, to obtain a small amount of juice, it is possible to prepare apple juice in a juicer, a juicer and a meat grinder with special device. We skip all the apples through the juicer. Don't forget it will work a large number of foam from apples, it's okay, you can remove it immediately or remove it during cooking.

We put the resulting juice on medium heat. The most important thing is not to let the juice boil, it should just start to boil and immediately turn it off, otherwise all the vitamins will go away. Try it, you can add sugar, if the apples are sour, if the juice suits your taste, do not add sugar.

Preparing bottles and jars for juice. The jars should be thoroughly washed with soda, poured over with boiling water (or put in the oven and heated to 100 degrees), then turn upside down on a dry, clean towel and cover with an ironed clean towel on top so that the jars do not cool down. The lids also need to be washed and boiled in water for several minutes.

Now pour the juice into sterilized jars, close the lids. Ready!

Glutton wishes you bon appetit!

This blank leaves the table perfectly, not only adults, but also children like it. The aroma and taste of apples is completely preserved, and preservation does not take much time.


  • whole, semi-ripe apples - 2 kilograms;
  • sugar to taste - about 250 g;
  • clean water - 3 liters.

To prepare this blank, it is better to select fruits without defects in the form of black dots or damage.

Cooking process:

  1. Rinse the apples thoroughly under running water, then wash each separately. Prepared fruits should creak in the hands. Otherwise, the remaining bacteria and microbes will cause the workpieces to explode.
  2. Throw fruits in a special colander so that all excess liquid is drained.
  3. Rinse and dry three-liter jars.
  4. In prepared jars, tightly lay the apples on the "hangers".
  5. Boil water and pour the contents of the jars, cover with lids and leave to infuse for about 20 minutes.
  6. Drain the water into the pan through a special lid with holes.
  7. Add sugar to the water, boil the syrup.
  8. Pour jars with hot syrup and roll up prepared lids.
  9. Wrap preserves until completely cool. Store in a basement or room temperature.

Add some mint, cloves, or cinnamon to the jars. This will spice up the finished seaming.

The secret recipe for rejuvenating apples: preservation with honey

Apples prepared according to this recipe remove all toxins from the body, rejuvenate and help normalize weight.

Recipe onion salad: cooking options


  • apples - 70 pcs. (White filling);
  • purified water - 2 liters;
  • flower honey - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • currant leaves (dry) - 15-20 pieces;
  • chamomile - 1 pack.

Ready fruits are consumed in the morning on an empty stomach, 5 pieces each. Nothing else is eaten before dinner. After two weeks, lightness will appear in the body.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Apples are carefully prepared, washed and dried.
  2. Big enamel pan or a bucket is scalded with boiling water.
  3. Dry are placed in the prepared container. currant leaves and chamomile.
  4. Next, tightly lay the fruits upside down.
  5. Boil water separately. When it cools down a bit, add honey and stir well.
  6. The completely cooled filling is poured into a container with apples so that it covers them.
  7. Currant leaves are laid on top.
  8. Cover the pot with a lid and refrigerate.
  9. After 20 days, the apples are ready.

While the workpiece is infused, mold periodically appears. This is normal. It must be removed with a clean slotted spoon.

Preservation of apples variety "White pouring": jam slices with sugar


  • ripe fruits - 3 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • favorite spices (cinnamon, mint) - 2 tsp.


  1. Wash the apples well, remove the middle, cut into slices.
  2. Pour the prepared fruits into a clean bowl and cover with sugar.
  3. Mix the fruits well and leave for a few hours so that the juice stands out.
  4. Put the container with apples on the stove and let it boil, add spices.
  5. Reduce heat and simmer for one hour.
  6. decompose ready jam into sterilized jars and roll up.
  7. Wrap until completely cool.

Hot jam is runny, but will thicken as it cools.

Apple jam: recipe "A la USSR"

Everyone remembers those times when kindergartens and schools served delicious pies with jam. The taste of childhood is unforgettable, but today store-bought jam does not shine with quality. We prepare fragrant jam from the white filling yourself! The finished jam does not spread during baking, it is suitable for fillings and just for a sandwich with butter.

Physalis recipes for the winter: the best blanks


  • applesauce - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 750 g (more possible);
  • water - 250 ml.

First you need to prepare applesauce:

  1. Rinse the apples well and remove the skin and seeds.
  2. Cut into small pieces and place in a clean bowl.
  3. Add water and cook the apples until tender (they will become soft).
  4. Drain the water, grind the fruit on a combine (pass through a sieve, chop with a blender).

Cooking jam:

  1. We transfer the finished applesauce to an aluminum pan and add sugar. Its quantity can be adjusted according to your own taste.
  2. Mix everything well, cover with a lid and send to the oven. We set the temperature at around 250 degrees, wait until the jam boils.
  3. We check the jam, reduce the fire to a minimum and leave to languish for 3 hours.
  4. Ready jam should be red.
  5. Hot jam is quickly poured into sterile jars, otherwise it will thicken.
  6. Stores well at room temperature.

Preserving jam according to this recipe is very easy. It does not burn, does not splash, it does not need to be constantly stirred.

Applesauce for a baby: a step by step recipe

Any mother and grandmother knows what benefits the first complementary foods bring to the child. You can make your own homemade applesauce. Puree prepared according to this recipe is eagerly eaten not only by kids, but also by their parents.


  • apples White filling (other varieties are possible) - 2 kg;
  • purified water - 250 ml;
  • condensed milk - 1 can (380 g).

If you are preserving mashed potatoes for babies, then instead of condensed milk, add sugar in a small amount.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the apples, remove the pits and cut into large pieces.
  2. Put the peeled fruits in a saucepan or basin, pour water.
  3. Cook apples until soft over medium heat.
  4. Drain the water, and chop the fruits with a blender or rub through a sieve (who has what).
  5. Transfer the finished applesauce back to the pan and add condensed milk (not boiled).
  6. Put the container with puree on the stove and bring to a boil.
  7. Boil for about 10 minutes over low heat.
  8. Pack hot puree in dry sterile jars.
  9. Tanks with applesauce place in a saucepan, pour water and sterilize for 20 minutes.
  10. Seal the finished puree, put it under the covers until it cools completely.
  11. Store in a cold place.

Try adding crushed banana and vanilla to the puree. The taste of puree is amazing! If cooking for immediate consumption, you can add a little melted white chocolate(but this is for older kids).

What could be tastier than apple juice? Many prefer to drink it fresh. But what if there are not always suitable apples? The best option is to prepare juice for the winter. It is quite possible to do this at home. Let's take a look at the most simple ways preparations for the winter of apple juice.

Benefits of apple juice

Many people know how to preserve, but not everyone is aware of its benefits. Experts have established: if you drink one and a half glasses of this drink per day, then the work of all respiratory organs will significantly improve. If you prepare juice without sugar, then it turns out to be low-calorie. Such a drink allows you to keep your figure slim.

There is a lot of vitamin C in apple juice. Everyone knows that this component is necessary for our body to improve its work. immune system. In addition, the composition of the drink contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and many organic acids, including citric and malic.

Many doctors recommend regular consumption of apple juice for those suffering from various diseases of cardio-vascular system, gastritis with low acidity, anemia, frequent bronchitis. Will not harm the drink and heavy smokers.

As already mentioned, the composition of the product contains iron. This component allows you to more effectively deal with anemia, and also helps to remove stones from the kidneys. It is worth noting that ready drink very rich in pectin, which help cleanse the body of toxins.

Many people use a juicer to make apple juice. However, the product must be properly prepared. Otherwise, many of its useful components will simply lose their properties. That is why it is so important to know how to preserve apple juice from a juicer.

Which is better to choose?

To make canned apple juice tasty, you need to choose only ripe fruits for its preparation without signs of rotting and wormholes. Only they will have a pronounced aroma. The most delicious drink is obtained from those apples that have the right ratio of acid and sugar. Therefore, one should choose best grade or at the end mix the juices. If the drink turned out to be sour, then sugar syrup can be added to it.

You should not prepare canned apple juice only from fruits that are not too acidic. As a result, you will get a drink with weak palatability. As for mealy varieties, they produce a product that is very difficult to lighten.

Since it is a little more difficult to preserve apple juice from a juicer than using a juicer, it is better to choose strong and juicy fruits. These include winter varieties: Grushovka, Parmen, Anis, Titovka, Antonovka and others.

Cooking juice: preparatory work

First of all, you should prepare the lids and glass jars into which you will pour the juice. Wash containers thoroughly. For this it is better to use warm water and baking soda. After that, sterilize the jars. You can pour boiling water over them or warm them in the oven at a temperature of 100 ° C. Place the sterilized jars upside down on a dry and clean towel. This will keep them from getting cold quickly.

Wash the lids thoroughly and boil for 10 minutes.

Preparing apples

In order for canned apple juice, the recipe of which will be given below, to stand for a long time and not ferment, it is necessary to prepare the fruits for processing. To do this, they must be thoroughly washed, remove the core from each apple. The fruits must be cut into slices. After that, the prepared raw materials can be passed through a juicer.

What to do with juice?

Harvesting apple juice does not end there. It still needs to be bottled and rolled up. The squeezed juice should be poured into a saucepan. The container needs to be filled with drink only 2/3. This will prevent the juice from spilling onto the hob when boiling. The contents of the pot should be brought to 95°C. In this case, the juice must be constantly stirred. If sour fruits were used to make the drink, then sugar can be added to taste. If the apples were sweet, then the drink can be rolled up like that. Sugar can be added after opening the jar.

Adding special preservatives to juice is not worth it. After all, the acid and sugar in apples perfectly replace them. When the sterilization of apple juice is completed, it is necessary to remove the resulting foam and pour finished product by banks. Filled containers are immediately covered with lids and rolled up with a key.

Each rolled jar must be turned over and put on the neck. After that, they should be wrapped in a blanket and left to cool completely.

Mixing juices

Before preserving apple juice from a juicer for the winter, it is worth considering that the finished drink is concentrated. Such a product can bring some trouble to those who have problems with the digestive system. Therefore, it should be diluted or cooked, for example, with zucchini juice. It is worth noting that the drink turns out to be more tender and, of course, it will be much healthier. For three liters of apple juice, you need to add only one glass of zucchini juice.

Apples contain a lot of iron and upon contact with air, this element begins to oxidize. As a result, the juice obtained as a result of squeezing through a juicer may become dark. To prevent this from happening, it is worth adding a little citric acid, but not too much. Most the best way It's lemon juice. It acts more gently and mixes quickly.

All pomace can be re-passed through the juicer. To get a drink, you need to add 10% water by weight of recycled materials. So, if there are 2 kilograms of pomace left, then 200 milliliters of liquid must be added to them, the temperature of which should be from 75 to 80 ° C. Everything is thoroughly mixed and infused for three hours. After that, you can skip the raw materials through the juicer. This juice can be used to make jam, marmalade or jam.

How to make apple juice without a juicer?

If there is no juicer, then you can make juice using a conventional meat grinder. Harvesting apple juice in this way is a laborious process. First of all, the fruits should be completely peeled and core.

Prepared apples must be passed through a meat grinder. The result should be homogeneous mass. It must be laid out in portions on a dense fabric or on gauze folded in several layers. Apple juice is squeezed by hand into a bowl. After that, the drink should be boiled, poured over glass jars and roll up with a key. Natural juice from apples is ready.

So that the drink prepared by this method does not quickly darken and does not acquire an unpleasant aftertaste, it is worth using stainless steel or enameled dishes and a meat grinder. This little trick allows you to make it even more tasty and healthy. After all, it retains much more useful components.


Now you know how to preserve apple juice from a juicer. By following all the tips, you can make blanks for the whole winter. In this case, the drink can turn out to be tastier than store-bought. The main thing is to choose the right variety of apples and calculate required amount Sahara.

During a big apple harvest, it's a great idea to preserve healthy apple juice for the winter. In families with children, such a preparation will be especially valuable. Did you know that you don't have to add sugar to homemade apple juice? Because apples have fruit acid, which prevents the juice from spoiling.

The easiest apple juice recipe for the winter

The easiest way to make apple juice is in a juicer. If you do not strain, the juice will be with pulp. I will describe in detail the cooking process. Please note that a 3-liter jar of finished juice will take about a bucket of apples (7-8 kilograms).

Prepare right amount apples: varieties such as Antonovka are best suited, a little worse - "simirenko" (they are too sour). Excellent compotes are obtained from white filling, but there is little juice in them, so it is not advisable to use this variety for processing with a juicer.

Wash apples under running water. If you notice rot on the fruit, be sure to cut it off. After the apples are washed, cut them into pieces and remove the core. Run the fruit pieces through a juicer. There will be a dense cap of foam on top of the juice pot - do not rush to get rid of it. When the fruit runs out, put the pot of juice on the stove and start heating.

Immediately try the juice "for sweetness", sweeten to your liking. While the juice is heating, stir it with a large spoon. Part of the foam will disperse, and what remains - remove. In order for as many vitamins as possible to remain in the juice, you should not bring it to a boil, let alone boil it. long time. Therefore, when a light white steam appears above the surface of the juice, this is a signal that it is time to remove the pan from the heat. Wash juice cans with baking soda and sterilize over steam for 10-15 minutes, dip the lids in boiling water for a few seconds. Pour hot apple juice into jars and roll up with sterile lids. Turn over and wrap with a blanket, after 25-30 hours, rearrange the juice from apples for the winter in the pantry or cellar. Here is such a simple process of harvesting apple juice with pulp.

Clear apple juice for the winter

Everything is great, you say, but how do you make clear juice that looks like a store? I will not argue, the appearance of clarified apple juice is simply wonderful. And it's easy to cook.

Do everything as indicated in the previous recipe, namely: wash the apples, remove the core, cut into 4 parts, pass through the juicer. And then strain through a sieve with small holes, heat almost to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and tighten with treated lids. Be sure to cool upside down, wrapped in a warm blanket.

Sugar free apple juice with oregano and thyme

Prepare apples for processing through a juicer. Squeeze juice out of them. Pour freshly picked or dried oregano and thyme herb with apple juice in a small amount, bring to a boil, cover and cool to room temperature. Strain the cooled infusion through a dense cloth, mix with the rest of the juice, heat over high heat almost to a boil, pour into sterilized jars and seal hermetically.

Apple-grape juice for the winter

For every 2 kg of apples, you need to take 1 kg of white table grapes. Wash apples and grapes. Prepare the fruits for processing and squeeze the juice out of them separately. Strain the apple juice until it becomes clear. Mix in a saucepan, bring to a temperature of 80-85 degrees, pour into a sterile container and seal hermetically.

Apple and carrot juice for the winter

Another option for processing apples, with the addition of carrots - very useful ingredient. As you know, fresh carrots contain a large amount of carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in our body. And this is a strong argument in favor of harvesting juice from apples with carrots.

Apple-carrot juice is sweet on its own, but if that's not enough for you, you can add sugar to taste.

The amount of juice squeezed directly depends on the juiciness of the fruit. On average, 2 liters of pure juice are obtained from 5 kg of apples, and 400 ml from 1.5 kg of carrots, respectively. To fill three-liter jar, take 7 kg of apples and 3 kg of carrots. Excess juice, if any, drink immediately, filling your body with vitamins!

The preparation is very simple: wash the apples and carrots, remove the peel from the carrots, chop the apples and remove the seeds. Pass through the juicer separately. Strain through a fine sieve or through a colander lined with clean cheesecloth. Then mix in a large saucepan, bring almost to a boil, but do not boil. Pour into sterilized jars, tighten with lids pre-treated with boiling water. Turn over and wrap for a day. In winter, a glass of such juice - vitamin cocktail with home delivery.

I hope that you will like apple juice recipes and come in handy.

And what juices do you stock up for the winter?