Lenten dishes in a slow cooker: the widest variety of recipes for a lean table. The most delicious lean dishes in a slow cooker

Many believers deny themselves animal products while fasting, while some simply do not eat meat for one reason or another. Contrary to popular belief, fast food is not at all boring and monotonous. An unimaginable number of dishes can be prepared from cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs, beans, nuts and other products, and in this article we will describe interesting lean recipes for a slow cooker.

This simple slow cooker lean recipe will allow you to cook a delicious dish that will serve as a hearty lunch or dinner. You can take a piece of such a casserole with you to work so that you can quickly satisfy your hunger during a break. For such a lean recipe in a slow cooker, the following products are needed:

  • boiled potatoes - 0.5 kg;
  • green onions - 2-3 stalks;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • fresh champignons - 0.3 kg;
  • sunflower oil - 30 g;
  • black pepper and salt.

Lean casserole in a slow cooker according to this recipe is prepared in several steps:

  1. If you have leftover mashed potatoes at home, you can use it as the main ingredient. Otherwise, the puree will need to be prepared by boiling the peeled potatoes in salted water and mashing them until smooth. Butter and water do not need to be added to the puree.
  2. To prepare the filling, wash the mushrooms and peel the onion head. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker and set the "Frying" or "Baking" mode. Chop the onion into cubes and fry until golden brown without closing the lid.
  3. Mushrooms also cut into small cubes or thin slices, and then add them to the onion and stir. Salt the filling a little and continue cooking it until the juice released from the mushrooms has almost completely evaporated.
  4. Chop green onions and mix with mashed potatoes. Divide the mass in half. Rinse the empty bowl of the multicooker and grease with oil. Lay half of the potatoes on the bottom, flatten it and press down a little. Sprinkle the puree with black pepper, then add a layer of mushrooms and pepper it too. Lay the remaining potatoes in the last layer, press it down and close the lid of the multicooker.
  5. Set the "Baking" option and cook a lean casserole in a slow cooker for 40-50 minutes.

Using this lean recipe for a slow cooker, you will prepare a wonderful dinner for yourself and your family with minimal food, labor and time.

Lean recipe for lentil puree in a slow cooker

Lentils are not used very often in cooking, since not everyone likes the specific and unusual taste of this product. Meanwhile, this legume is of great benefit to human health, because it contains a complex of essential vitamins and other substances necessary for the body. Fasting is a great excuse to use our lean slow cooker recipe and make lentil puree. For the dish you will need the following products:

  • lentils - 0.4 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • adjika - 100 g;
  • salt pepper.

A lean recipe for lentil puree in a slow cooker can be described step by step:

  1. For this lean recipe in a slow cooker, it is advisable to use red lentils, since they boil much faster than green ones. First, rinse the grains under the tap and soak them in cold water for 30 minutes.
  2. Peel the onion heads, garlic cloves and carrots, chop the vegetables. Pour sunflower oil into a multi-cooker pan and turn on the “Frying” or “Baking” mode. Pour the vegetables into the oil and fry them for 4-5 minutes.
  3. Drain the water from the swollen lentils and transfer the ingredient to the slow cooker with the rest of the products. Fill the dish with 1.5 liters of water and add adjika. Instead of adjika, you can use tomato juice.
  4. Switch the multicooker to the “Stew” mode, salt the ingredients and add any spices you wish. Cook the lentil puree for 50-60 minutes. about halfway through the process, open the lid and stir the dish with a spatula.

Lean lentil puree in a slow cooker according to our recipe is ready. It is served on the table exclusively hot, for an extra taste, you can crush the puree with chopped parsley or add croutons.

Lenten recipe in a slow cooker: puff pastry pie

Who said baking takes a long time? If instead of making the dough with your own hands, you can use ready-made thin pita bread, you can save a lot of time and effort. A lean pie recipe in a slow cooker is useful for those who like to combine benefits and great taste in dishes. For this dish you will need the following:

  • Armenian thin lavash - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pod;
  • potatoes - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lean mayonnaise - 3 tablespoons;
  • hard cheese - 300 g;
  • pepper, salt.

A step-by-step lean recipe for a puff pie in a slow cooker looks like this:

  1. Most of the time when making a pie will be spent preparing the filling. First you need to clean all the vegetables, onions and garlic. Then potatoes, zucchini and onions should be cut into cubes, grated carrots, and chop the bell pepper into strips.
  2. It is advisable to remove the skin from the tomato by dousing it with boiling water. But if you want to save time, you can do without it. Put the tomato in a blender along with the peeled garlic cloves and beat until smooth. Do not forget to salt the mass and add a little black pepper.
  3. Mix chopped vegetables in a suitable bowl and divide them in half. Combine one part with tomato, mix the other with mayonnaise. Taste for salt and season with salt if necessary.
  4. Cut pita bread into such fragments that will easily fit into the bowl of the appliance. Grate hard cheese, but if you observe a strict fast and do not consume dairy, then you can do without cheese.
  5. Lubricate the multi-cooker dish with sunflower oil, put a sheet of pita bread on the bottom and cover it with an even, not too thick layer of vegetables mixed with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the ingredients with grated cheese and cover with another sheet of pita bread. Then lay out a layer of vegetables with tomato and sprinkle with cheese again. Keep doing this until all the products come to an end. The top layer should be a sheet of pita bread.
  6. Turn on the “Baking” program on the multicooker and cook the cake for 50-60 minutes. The finished dish can be sprinkled with grated cheese.

A layer cake made in a slow cooker according to this lean recipe should be cooled slightly, removed from the mold and cut into pieces. Bon Appetit.

Lenten eggplant recipe in Korean in a slow cooker

A great appetizer for the table will be Korean-style eggplant, made according to our lean recipe in a slow cooker. Their spicy taste goes well with a soft and delicate texture, and the aroma of herbs and spices awakens the appetite. The list of ingredients for this lean slow cooker recipe is as follows:

  • carrot - 0.5 kg;
  • eggplant - 0.5 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 2 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • sesame seeds - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar, salt, seasoning for carrots in Korean - to taste.

The process of cooking eggplant in Korean can be described as a sequence of steps:

  1. Peel the heads of onions, carrots and eggplants. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots on a special grater for Korean carrots, and chop the eggplant into thin long straws. If you do not have a special grater, use an ordinary one.
  2. Turn on the “Frying” or “Baking” mode on the instrument panel, pour sunflower oil into the container and wait for it to heat up. Then dip eggplant straws into hot oil and sauté the product for 10 minutes. After that, salt the vegetables, stir with a spatula and leave for a while, turning off the slow cooker.
  3. Combine grated carrots and onion half rings with salt and seasoning, apple cider vinegar and soy sauce, as well as sugar, chopped garlic and sesame seeds.
  4. Put the resulting mass in a slow cooker to the eggplant, mix the ingredients well.
  5. Rinse a bunch of parsley under the tap, shake off excess liquid, chop the greens as finely as possible. Pour the parsley into the bowl with other ingredients, mix and transfer the dish to a jar or other suitable container.
  6. Lightly pack the eggplants, cover the bowl and leave the appetizer for several hours until it cools.

Eggplants made according to this lean recipe in a slow cooker must be put in the cold for several hours, after which the appetizer will be completely ready to eat.

Lenten recipe for banana gingerbread in a slow cooker

Among the abundance of lean recipes for a slow cooker, you can find a huge number of delicious desserts that are in no way inferior in taste to those delicacies that cannot be consumed during fasting. We suggest you use our lean recipe for a banana cake in a slow cooker - a simple and quick-to-make wonderful dessert for the whole family. To prepare treats, stock up on the following products:

  • bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • honey - 2 tablespoons;
  • refined sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet.

A step-by-step lean banana gingerbread recipe in a slow cooker consists of the following steps:

  1. If you use candied honey to make gingerbread, you must first melt it in a water bath to a liquid state.
  2. Pour honey into a suitable bowl, combine it with refined vegetable oil, slaked soda and vanilla sugar. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.
  3. In small portions, add the sifted flour to the dough and mix everything until a homogeneous consistency.
  4. Crush peeled bananas with a fork or chop with a blender until smooth. Combine all ingredients and mix.
  5. Lubricate the multi-cooker pan with sunflower oil and dip the dough into it. Level with a spoon, close the lid and turn on the Baking program. Set the timer to 55 minutes and bake the cake for the set time.

The gingerbread prepared in a slow cooker according to this lean recipe should be cooled and removed from the bowl. Then the dessert can be cut into portioned pieces and treated to relatives. Bon Appetit.

Lenten recipe for ginger-cherry muffin in a slow cooker

A wonderful cupcake, cooked without butter and eggs, will become a real decoration of the table during fasting. Ginger gives the dish an indescribable, fresh and piquant aroma with a hint of citrus, cherry complements the taste with unusual sourness. To cook this lean recipe in a slow cooker, you will need the following:

  • pitted cherries - 3 tablespoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • flour - 2.5 multi-cups;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 1 multi-glass;
  • grated ginger root - 1.5 tsp;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.

Let's describe the sequence of actions for this lean recipe in a slow cooker:

  1. Pour cold water into the bowl where you will prepare the dough. Add refined vegetable oil there and mix the ingredients.
  2. Pour sugar into a bowl and mix the products again. Add slaked soda, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt to the dough.
  3. In small portions, add the sifted flour to the mass and put the grated ginger root. You can use ground ginger instead.
  4. Knead the dough until smooth and add pitted cherries to it. Cherries can be either fresh or canned. Once again, carefully, but gently, mix the dough with berries.
  5. Lubricate the bowl of the appliance with a small amount of vegetable oil, set the “Baking” program on the panel and cook the dessert for 60-65 minutes.
  6. When the signal announces the end of the program, open the lid of the device and set the timer in the same mode for another 20 minutes - during this time, excess liquid will evaporate from the cake.

Lean cake in a slow cooker according to this recipe is ready. Cool it, take it out of the mold and serve it on the table with aromatic tea or coffee. Bon Appetit.

Lenten recipe for carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

Carrot cutlets are considered one of the healthiest foods for children. This sweet treat can be a good alternative to ordinary pancakes, in addition, carrot cutlets have considerable benefits and are included in the list of dietary dishes. We offer you a wonderful lean recipe for sweet meatballs in a slow cooker. To get started, stock up on these products:

  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • semolina - 3 tablespoons;
  • apples - 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife;
  • breadcrumbs - 2 tbsp.

Lenten recipe for carrot cutlets in a slow cooker: sequence of actions:

  1. Carrots of the Karotel variety are best suited for this dish. It is very juicy and sweet, so the cutlets will turn out especially tasty. Peel the carrot and rub it on a fine grater.
  2. Remove the skin from the apple and take out the seeds. Grate the fruit on a coarse grater or cut into small cubes.
  3. Turn on the multicooker and activate the "Extinguishing" option. Pour refined vegetable oil into a container, dip a carrot into it and cook it for 7-10 minutes.
  4. Add apples to the bowl and continue to simmer the ingredients in the same mode for another 5 minutes.
  5. Pour semolina, sugar and a little salt to the products in the slow cooker. Mix the ingredients and simmer everything together for another 10 minutes.
  6. Transfer the mixture to a suitable bowl and set aside. Make small patties out of carrots and roll them in breadcrumbs.
  7. Put the cutlets in a multi-cooker dish, activate the "Baking" program, set the timer for 40 minutes and cook the dish for the set time.

Sweet and tasty carrot cutlets in a slow cooker are ready. Serve them hot, for an extra taste, you can sprinkle the dish with powdered sugar or sprinkle with honey.

Lenten recipe for manna in a slow cooker

Mannik is a pie that cooks very quickly and turns out delicious, tender and airy. In such a dessert, you can optionally add various berries, fruits or nuts. As additional ingredients in our lean manna recipe in a slow cooker, we will use blackcurrants and apples. The complete list of required products is below:

  • semolina - 1 cup;
  • refined sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • flour - 0.5 cups;
  • blackcurrant - 50 g;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • soda - 1 tsp

Let's describe step by step the lean recipe for manna in a slow cooker:

  1. Take a large bowl and pour semolina with sugar into it. Mix food and add water. Mix the ingredients again and leave for 1 hour so that the semolina is saturated with liquid.
  2. Quench the soda with vinegar, peel the apple and cut into small cubes. Add refined oil, soda, and an apple to the swollen semolina. Mix the dough until smooth.
  3. Lubricate the multi-cooker form with vegetable oil, put half the dough on the bottom of the bowl and level it with a spoon. Sprinkle black currants in an even layer and cover it with the second part of the dough.
  4. Turn on the appliance, set the “Baking” mode to 60 minutes and cook the manna during this time. Then turn the cake over and bake it in the same mode for another 40 minutes to get a golden crust.

Delicate and sweet lean mannik in a slow cooker is ready. Bon Appetit.

Lenten recipe for sorrel cabbage soup in a slow cooker

Sorrel cabbage soup is simply irreplaceable in the summer menu. They practically do not contain fat, have a great taste, are easily digested and benefit the body. We bring to your attention a lean recipe for delicious cabbage soup in a slow cooker, for their preparation you will need:

  • sorrel - 300 g;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 head;
  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • parsley - 0.5 bunch;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt and pepper.

A step-by-step recipe for lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker is as follows:

  1. Peel potatoes, carrots and onions. Cut all vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Place the vegetables in a multi-cooker pot and cover with water. Turn on the “Cooking” or “Soup” mode, wait for the water to boil, then salt and pepper the ingredients to your liking.
  3. Add vegetable oil to the dish, stir and cook the soup until the potatoes are soft.
  4. Rinse the sorrel and parsley under the tap, shake off the water and chop the herbs. Immerse the remaining ingredients in the slow cooker about 5 minutes before the cabbage soup is ready.

Lean sorrel soup in a slow cooker is ready. This diet dish is not only tasty, but also healthy and low in calories. Good appetite.

Lenten recipes in a slow cooker. Video

Lean cabbage soup in a slow cooker is very easy to cook. The peculiarity of the slow cooker is that the vegetables in it do not boil soft, remain dense and filled with taste. We will cook cabbage soup from fresh vegetables.

Lean borsch in a slow cooker is cooked from vegetables for two hours. It turns out a very tasty thick borscht, filled with the aromas of vegetables. In the slow cooker, they are remarkably revealed and retain their shape.

Rice with corn in a slow cooker will be a great side dish for meat or fish, or a completely independent dish on your everyday table. It's easy to cook with a slow cooker, but it's nice to eat!;)

I offer you another variation of the classic recipe for borscht with beans in a slow cooker. Such borscht is distinguished by its rich taste, quick cooking and diet, as it is cooked without meat. Recommend!

Solyanka is not only a delicious soup, but also a wonderful cabbage side dish, the preparation of which, in the presence of a slow cooker, turns into a real pleasure!

If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, then you can quickly and tasty cook potatoes with zucchini in a slow cooker. The maximum useful properties of vegetables and the wonderful taste of the dish will not leave you indifferent.

An excellent recipe for pilaf, which is suitable during fasting or as a vegetarian. Try it, because it is incredibly tasty, perfectly diversifies your daily menu and everyone will like it.

If you love a hearty and flavorful bean soup, then trust me, it will turn out much tastier if you cook it in a slow cooker. And you will spend much less time, so let's get started.

Stewed beans in a slow cooker is one of the easiest and most effective ways to cook this wonderful vegetable. It turns out a satisfying, but not unhealthy, nutritious side dish.

With the help of a slow cooker and this recipe, you will get a very tasty and healthy dish that your children will eat with pleasure :) So, the recipe for carrot cutlets in a slow cooker is up to you!

What could be tastier and easier than lean pilaf? Only lean pilaf in a slow cooker! Here's how to make this simple, hearty, and delicious dish!

Vegetable pilaf in a slow cooker is a very satisfying and healthy dish, not to mention its amazing taste. Be sure to try it - you'll love it!

I suggest you learn how to make cabbage soup from sorrel in a slow cooker. The taste is excellent, and you don’t need to stand at the stove, removing the foam and stirring - the slow cooker can handle itself.

It is a pleasure to cook potatoes with cabbage in a slow cooker: put all the vegetables together, turn on the mode and go about your business. In 20 minutes you have a side dish ready - two in one!

I suggest to all the happy owners of multicookers to try this recipe - the beans turn out to be very tender, crispy, and the effort and time is spent to a minimum!

Soup with buckwheat in a slow cooker is a delicious and very easy-to-prepare soup that does not use meat. So, vegetarian. But, I'm sure even inveterate meat-eaters will appreciate it!

Sauerkraut in a slow cooker is a versatile thing that can be used in cooking other dishes or, best of all, served as a side dish with some meat or sausages. Ready!

Light, healthy, satisfying, fragrant, tasty - the advantages of this wonderful and simple sorrel soup in a slow cooker can be listed for a long time. But it's better to see for yourself, isn't it? :)

A simple recipe for pea puree in a slow cooker will delight any housewife. And the elegant mint note present in it will delight you with freshness and spring mood! Enjoy!

Zucchini in a slow cooker is a quick and quite healthy dish that is suitable for both vegetarians and those who especially follow their figure. I tell you how to cook.

Sometimes the soul asks for something unusual, beyond simple, ordinary dishes. And that's when recipes like this one come into play. To your attention, though not fast, but unusually tasty soup!

For some, buckwheat with vegetables in a slow cooker can be a great side dish for meat or poultry, and for someone it can be a separate dish. In any case, it turns out very tasty and nutritious.

Summer is coming! It's time to throw off winter clothes, and with it the extra weight. An ideal dish for those who care about their figure is cabbage with rice in a slow cooker.

Loose rice and fragrant mushrooms - an incredibly tasty combination. Learn how to cook rice with mushrooms in a slow cooker, and you will have one more simple but delicious dish in your culinary arsenal!

There are many recipes for stewing potatoes in a slow cooker. I want to offer you the easiest and my favorite recipe. Potatoes are stewed without meat and oil, but it turns out incredibly tasty.

Lenten dishes in a slow cooker you can cook different: desserts, pastries, main and first courses, drinks. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following cooking variations.

Lenten dishes in a slow cooker: recipes

celery soup

Required products:

- cabbage
- celery
- garlic clove
- a glass of chopped tomatoes
- green beans - 195 g
- onion head - 3 pcs.


Chop the celery and cabbage into pieces, put in a multicooker bowl, grate the carrots. Add green beans, chopped tomatoes, chopped garlic. Pour in 3.5 liters of water, set the "Extinguishing" program, and the time is 1.5 hours. After boiling the soup, be sure to let it brew so that it can better reveal its taste.

Try to cook. It turns out very tasty!

Lenten dishes in the Polaris slow cooker

Beet mkhali


- beets - ½ kg

For sauce:

Garlic clove - 3 pcs.
- walnuts - 0.5 cups
- red ground pepper - 0.25 tbsp. l.
- balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
- a teaspoon of suneli hops
- salt
- parsley, cilantro, dill


Wash the beets, put in a bowl, pour in water, which should completely cover the fruit. Set the Soup program for one hour. Chop the peeled onion into rings. Scald with boiling water. Prepare the sauce: chop the garlic and nut kernels in a blender. Finely chop the parsley. Combine spices, garlic, salt, balsamic vinegar, pomegranate juice, nuts. If the sauce seems too dry to you, you can add a few drops of sunflower oil. Peel and chop the boiled beets, mix with onions, season with sauce, garnish with herbs.

How about you?

Lenten dishes in a slow cooker recipes with photos

Chocolate pie


Cocoa - two large spoons
- a glass of sugar
- cucumber pickle - 1 tbsp.
- flour - two incomplete glasses
- vanillin - 2 g
- soda - dessert spoon


Mix the brine, a couple of sachets of vanilla, a glass of granulated sugar, 1/3 of the oil. Stir, add baking powder. Enter flour, cocoa. Sift dry ingredients through a sieve. Stir the dough to get a thick consistency. Spread the multicooker container with butter. You can also use vegetable oil. Lay out the dough. Set the "Baking" function - for a time of 60 minutes. Cut the finished dough into pieces, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

You will like and.

tomato biscuits

You will need:

Acetic acid
- sugar sand - 120 g
- tomato pickle - 8 tbsp. spoons
- soda - 0.5 tsp
- dried basil - 3 pinches
- flour - 2 cups
- a couple pinches of vanillin
- 5.5 st. tablespoons of vegetable oil


Mix tomato brine with vegetable oil. Add tomato paste, vanillin, dried basil, granulated sugar to this mixture. Stir the mass until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved. Prepare wheat flour, sift it through a sieve. Gradually introduce slaked soda. Soda can be extinguished not only with vinegar, but also with lemon juice. Knead not very cool dough, let it rest. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 6 mm. Cut out cookies with special cookie cutters. Bake 25 minutes. After this time, turn the products on the second side and detect another 20 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar for beauty.

Do and .

Lenten dishes - recipes in the post in a slow cooker

Cassoullet with beans and pumpkin

You will need:

- pickled tomato - 2 pcs.
- a couple of glasses of meat broth
- a jar of canned beans
- garlic clove - 2 pcs.
- pumpkin - 400 g
- a tablespoon of vegetable oil
- salt and pepper
- onion


Finely chop garlic and onion. Pour a large spoonful of vegetable oil into a multi-cooker pan, put onions, garlic, fry for 5 minutes in the “Baking” mode. Peel the pumpkin, chop it into a small cube, transfer to a saucepan. Place the pickled tomatoes in a bowl. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato paste. Put in the canned beans. Season, combine with parsley and salt. Set the baking mode and the timer for 20 minutes. Pour in the meat broth, put "Steaming". Let the dish cook for a quarter of an hour.

Lenten dishes in the Redmond slow cooker

Pumpkin with ginger root and dates

You will need:

10 g ginger root
- two tablespoons of honey
- a couple pinches of ground cinnamon
- fresh pumpkin - 295 g
- dates - 8 pcs.
- water - 30 g

How to cook:

Peel a fresh pumpkin, crumble it into medium cubes. Remove skin from ginger, chop finely. Grate. Soak the dates in hot water, crumble into small pieces, set the “Baking” mode for half an hour. Water will be needed for the pumpkin to release its juice. While 5 minutes remain until the end, put flower or linden honey. Transfer pumpkin dessert to dessert and let cool. Put in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Fasting is not a reason to refuse delicious dishes. The lenten menu can be as varied as the festive one. You just need to show imagination.

There are a lot of recipes by which you can cook lean dishes in a slow cooker. You can verify this by scrolling through the suggested lenten menu options on our website.

- It turns out that lean pate can be very tasty. To make sure of this, cook it with mushrooms and beans in a slow cooker, following the simple recommendations from this recipe.

- According to this recipe, you can cook baked potatoes in foil in a slow cooker for a delicious lunch or dinner, combined with herring, fresh vegetables or salad, and for preparing various salads.

- The end of summer and the beginning of autumn is a particularly favorable time for culinary experiments with all kinds of vegetables. Today in our menu there is a very tasty squash-eggplant sauté in a slow cooker.

- If you care about your health and the health of the whole family, want to lose weight or feed your child deliciously, then this recipe for steamed diet squash caviar in a slow cooker is perfect for all your goals.

- Tasty and healthy - these two definitions get along quite well together if you cook stewed zucchini with potatoes in a slow cooker. A few other vegetables will add more rich flavor and aroma.

- Each season of preparations for hostesses begins with making their favorite, proven twists, and then trying something new, for example, such a delicious salad with rice and zucchini in a slow cooker.

- Delicious vegetable stew of red beans with cabbage and corn, cooked in a slow cooker, will delight not only with its versatility and taste, but also with a bright, presentable look.

- Fragrant, ruddy, crispy french fries in a slow cooker, if you follow just a few simple rules. It takes a minimum of effort to cook delicious potatoes.

- The recipe for this dish includes chickpeas and many healthy vegetables, and it is best to cook chickpeas with vegetables in a pressure cooker, although conventional models can easily cope with this task.

- Cook delicious and hearty buckwheat with vegetables and champignons in a slow cooker using fresh or frozen vegetables from the remaining stocks. Sweet pepper and tomato lovers will love it!

We tried to prepare a selection of lean recipes for a slow cooker in each category of dishes - for the first you can cook excellent lean soups, cabbage soup, borscht, for the second - cereals, vegetable dishes, mushrooms, delicious lenten pies can appeal to pastries, for dessert - jams, jams, baked apples, but you can complete a delicious meal with fragrant compote or jelly. Many preparations also belong to the category of lenten dishes, so you can cook adjika, tomato sauces, vegetable salads and much more according to our recipes.

The lenten menu is also suitable for vegetarian cuisine. All recipes in this section do not contain ingredients of animal origin.

By fasting, people completely exclude animal products from their diet. And although fasting in all religions means not only food restrictions, but also the rejection of entertainment, and sometimes communication, nevertheless, there are most prohibitions and rules in nutrition. But there are also days of fasting when it is allowed to eat fish, in which case the choice of dishes is greatly expanded. Or, on the contrary, on certain days there is even a ban on vegetable oil and hot food.

Knowing all these subtleties and nuances, you can plan your menu in advance and cook delicious lenten dishes in a slow cooker according to our recipes, which are all illustrated with step-by-step photos and instructions without exception. Bon Appetit!

It somehow goes without saying that the dishes in the slow cooker are unpretentious, simple in the best sense of the word. And this has its own meaning - after all, the principle of operation of the multicooker comes down to the simplest algorithm: folded, closed, turned on, left. No extra movement. No virtuoso frills. Everything is tasty and healthy. And what else do we need to cook delicious lean dishes in a slow cooker.

Lenten dishes in a slow cooker are prepared just as easily and simply, unless, of course, you use the slow cooker as a regular electric pan, conjuring over it, as before over the stove. Yes, you can spend 15 minutes of your time frying vegetables for soup, but it's easier to put all the ingredients in a bowl and get a healthy meal with a minimum of fat as a result. Even the simplest soup of 3-4 types of vegetables in a slow cooker becomes, if not a work of culinary art, then quite a worthy dish that can please any esthete, because the products retain their shape and taste, and the broth turns out to be transparent and rich. What if you add mushrooms? Dried ones, by the way, are much more suitable in this case, since they have a more pronounced aroma. A "simple" soup can be turned into a cream soup by grinding it with a blender. Oven-cooked rye or wheat bread croutons are perfect for it: cut the bread into cubes, mix with fragrant oil (preferably olive), mixed with crushed garlic, and dry, stirring often, in a light spirit.

mushroom soup

3-4 potatoes
300 g fresh or frozen mushrooms
1 carrot
3 bulbs
1 tbsp tomato paste,
1 tbsp olive oil,
salt, herbs, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cut the onion into half rings and sauté in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode in olive oil until transparent. Then put diced potatoes and carrots, sliced ​​mushrooms, tomato paste diluted in a small amount of water into the multicooker bowl, mix and dilute with hot boiled water to the desired density. Salt and pepper to taste, close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 1 hour. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Lean pickle with canned beans

2 potatoes
1 can of red or white beans in a tomato,
1 carrot
1 onion
1-2 pickled (not pickled!) cucumbers,
bay leaf, salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry in vegetable oil in a multicooker bowl in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode until half cooked. Add the beans along with the sauce, diced onions and carrots, bay leaf, 2-3 peppercorns and dilute with hot water to the desired density. Close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode to 2 hours. An hour after the start of the program, add the diced cucumbers, remove the bay leaf, salt to taste and close the lid before the signal for the end of the program.

Soup with dried mushrooms

50 g dried mushrooms
4-5 potatoes
1 carrot
1 onion
2 tbsp flour,
vegetable oil, salt, pepper, spices - to taste.

Soak the mushrooms in cold water for an hour, then drain the water and strain, rinse and chop the mushrooms. In a slow cooker in the “Baking” mode, fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil. Meanwhile, fry the flour in a dry frying pan until it becomes beige and the smell of dampness disappears (this can be done in advance and store the flour for dressing in a dry airtight resealable jar). Add flour to the bowl, stir. Cut the potatoes into cubes, send them to the multicooker bowl along with mushrooms, add bay leaf, salt, spices and pour hot water to the desired density. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 1.5 hours.

Lenten cabbage soup with beans

5-6 potatoes,
3-4 tomatoes
1 carrot
1 onion
¼ head of cabbage
2-3 sweet multi-colored peppers,
1 can of beans in their own juice,
1 -2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
bay leaf, salt, spices, garlic - to taste.

Cut the onion and potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, cut the sweet pepper into strips, chop the cabbage. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, cut one into cubes, puree the rest with a blender along with garlic and oil. Put all the products in a multicooker bowl, salt, pepper and pour hot water. Set the mode "Soup" or "Stew" for 1 hour. Serve with herbs and garlic donuts.

The main dishes in fasting are, of course, cereals, as well as potatoes (by themselves or with mushrooms) and stewed vegetables. And here the multicooker also becomes an indispensable assistant. The Stew, Cereals, Buckwheat or Soup modes allow you to cook food with the least loss of nutrients, and the delayed start function helps save time and effort.

Bulgur with carrots

1 stack bulgur,
2 stack water,
1 carrot
1-2 garlic cloves,
1-2 tsp salt,
vegetable oil - to taste.

Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, chop the garlic with a knife. Rinse the bulgur. Put carrots, garlic and bulgur into the multicooker bowl, add salt, pour hot water and close the lid. Set the "Pilaf" mode. After the signal, add vegetable oil to taste and mix.

Buckwheat with vegetables

2 multi-cups buckwheat,
4 multi-glasses of water,
1 tomato
1 carrot
1 sweet pepper
1 onion
1-3 garlic cloves,
3-5 tbsp vegetable oil,
salt, herbs - to taste.

Scald the tomato with boiling water, then pour over with cold water, remove the skin and cut into cubes. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the sweet pepper into strips, chop the garlic with a knife, cut the onion into small cubes. Pour vegetable oil into the bowl of the multicooker, lay out a mixture of vegetables, pour the washed cereal on top, salt to taste and fill with water. Close the lid and set the mode to "Buckwheat" ("Cereals" or "Rice") or "Pilaf" if you want the vegetables to be lightly browned. Sprinkle with herbs when serving.

Striped porridge with vegetables "Dubinushka"

1 stack rice,
1 stack buckwheat,
1 stack millet,
1 beet,
1-2 carrots
100-150 g pumpkin,
100-150 g cabbage,
6 stack water,
salt - to taste.

Rinse all types of cereals in several waters. Chop the cabbage, cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrots, beets and pumpkin on a coarse grater. Put the products in layers in the multicooker bowl: cabbage, rice, beets, buckwheat, carrots, millet, pumpkin. Salt and fill with hot water, pouring spatulas so that the layers do not break. Close the lid and set the mode to "Buckwheat" or "Groats". This recipe can be modified by choosing the composition of cereals and vegetables to your liking.

Barley porridge with vegetables and mushrooms

200 g pearl barley,
150 g dried mushrooms
1 carrot
1 onion
2-3 garlic cloves,
1 tomato
salt, pepper, herbs, vegetable oil - to taste.

In the evening, soak well-washed pearl barley and mushrooms in cold water. Before cooking, drain the water from the mushrooms, strain it, rinse and chop the mushrooms. Cut the onion, carrot and tomato into cubes. In a multicooker bowl in unrefined vegetable oil, fry the vegetables in the “Baking” mode for 10 minutes, then add the mushrooms and simmer in the same mode for about 5 minutes. Pour the washed pearl barley into the bowl, mix and simmer for another 10 minutes, then pour water from the mushrooms (add ordinary water if not enough) two fingers above the level of the cereal, close the lid and set the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes. Or choose the program "Buckwheat". According to the same principle, porridge is prepared from buckwheat or any other cereal, only it needs to be soaked not for the night, but for a couple of hours.

Cabbage hodgepodge

1 kg of cabbage
1 onion
1 carrot
1 stack rice,
1-2 garlic cloves,
2-3 tbsp tomato paste,
salt, herbs, pepper, spices - to taste.

Spasser the chopped onions and carrots in the “Baking” mode in vegetable oil until soft, add the tomato paste, simmer for another 3-5 minutes and add the chopped cabbage. Close the lid and continue to simmer in the same mode. In the meantime, rinse the rice, put it in a bowl, add salt, pepper and spices to taste, add chopped garlic and herbs and pour in water (2 - 2.5 cups). Stir, close the lid and set the "Pilaf" mode.

It’s good to cook some kind of porridge sauce. For instance, from broccoliand: chop the steamed broccoli with a blender in a puree, fry the onion separately, add a tablespoon of flour mixed with water, salt, pepper and spices to taste, mix, dilute with water to the required density and boil. Pair with broccoli. Goes well with mushroom dishes. walnut sauce: Chop and grind 250 g of nuts, add a piece of soaked bun, 2-3 cloves of garlic and beat with a blender, gradually adding vegetable oil (about 100 ml). In the resulting thick mass, add lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Such sauces bring a pleasant variety to the Lenten menu.

Pampushki with garlic

3 stack. flour,
200 ml of water
2 tsp dry yeast,
2 tsp Sahara,
1-2 tsp salt,
2-4 garlic cloves,
4 tbsp vegetable oil.

Beat the yeast in warm water with sugar, add salt, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil and gradually add flour. Knead the elastic dough, cover with a napkin and leave to rise warm. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil. Divide the risen dough into 7 balls and grease them with oil. Put the dough balls in a bowl (like a chamomile bun), turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes, then turn it off and let the donuts rise for 30 minutes. Then turn on the "Baking" mode for 60 minutes. After the signal for the end of the mode, turn the donuts over with the help of a steamer basket and bake on the other side for 20 minutes. In the meantime, prepare fragrant oil: rub the garlic with vegetable oil and add some chopped herbs to it. Grease the finished donuts with sauce and cool.

Spicy Bread Roll

3-3.5 stack. flour,
1 stack water,
1 tsp dry yeast,
1 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp salt,
1-3 garlic cloves,
1 tbsp provencal herbs,
olive oil.

Beat the yeast in warm water with sugar, add salt and 3 tablespoons of oil, mix and gradually add the sifted flour. Knead the elastic dough and place in a warm place to rise. In the meantime, prepare a fragrant oil by mixing crushed garlic with 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and herbs to taste. When the dough is suitable, punch it down, roll it into a 1 cm thick layer and brush with fragrant oil. Cut the dough into strips 5-6 cm wide and roll the first strip into a roll. Then wrap the next strip around your roll, and so on until you run out of dough. Place the resulting roll vertically in the multicooker bowl and turn on the "Heating" mode for 10-15 minutes, then turn it off and let stand for another 30 minutes. Then set the "Baking" mode for 40-50 minutes. After the signal about the end of the mode, let the bread stand in the heating mode for 10 minutes, then cool. This bread is eaten by unrolling the strips. The recipe is designed for a slow cooker with a bowl of 4-5 liters, for a smaller slow cooker, reduce the amount of ingredients.

And, of course, you can not ignore the lean desserts. Do you have leftover pickle from tomatoes or cucumbers? It can also be put into action by preparing cookies or a brine pie. It is better to use cane sugar in recipes - it gives a caramel flavor.

Chocolate pie in brine

2.5-3 stack. flour,
1 stack brine,
1 stack Sahara,
⅓ stack. odorless vegetable oil
1 sachet of baking powder
1-2 sachets of vanilla
2-5 tbsp cocoa powder
nuts, raisins, poppy seeds, chocolate - for filling and decoration (to taste).

Mix vegetable oil, sugar and brine in a bowl. Add flour with baking powder and cocoa powder, mix until smooth. Add fillers to taste. Put the dough into the multicooker bowl and set the “Baking” mode for 65 minutes. Cool and serve, garnished with fudge sugar or melted dark chocolate.

So we made sure that it’s not difficult to cook delicious lean dishes in a slow cooker.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!