How to make soaked apples correctly. Homemade soaked apples in a barrel with mustard

  • We wash the wooden tub hot water. If the container has not been used for a long time, it doesn’t hurt to wipe it with soda. We also thoroughly wash the Antonovka apples.
  • Place some leaves on the bottom of the tub and apples on top. And so on to the very top. The last layer should be made of leaves.
  • Bring 10 liters of water to a boil. Add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly so that everything is evenly dissolved. It is important that there are no lumps of flour.

  • Fill the apples with brine, place pressure on top and leave for 2 weeks. When fermentation begins, you should skim off the foam regularly. After 14 days, we move the apples to the cellar for 20-30 days.

Try adding a handful of lingonberries. She will give soaked apples unusual taste and beautiful color.

Soaked apples with rye and celery

These apples can be prepared for the winter in a bucket or in large 10-liter glass bottles.


  • apples – 10 kg;
  • 200 g celery root;
  • 6 liters of water;
  • 500 grams of straw (preferably rye);
  • 50 grams of malt;
  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 table. spoons of salt.


  1. We wash all the products well and additionally pour boiling water over the straw.
  2. Bring the water to a boil, add malt, and boil for about a quarter of an hour.
  3. Add salt and sugar, mix well. Place straw on the bottom of the container chosen for soaking, place apples on top, top them with thinly sliced ​​celery, fill with brine and place pressure on top.

Antonovka apples need to be soaked for a month in a cool, dark place.

With honey and spices

The mulled wine mixture gives the apples prepared according to this recipe an original flavor.


  • apples – 20 kg;
  • 500-600 ml honey;
  • 200 g fine salt;
  • 300 grams of cherry leaves;
  • 20 buds of cloves;
  • 1 package of mulled wine mixture.


  • Wash the apples and leaves and allow excess liquid to drain. Mix honey with 10 liters of water and salt, mulled wine mixture and cloves.

  • Place some of the leaves on the bottom of the container chosen for soaking, apples on top of them, and so on until the very top. The last layer should be leaves.

  • Pour the resulting honey mixture, leave for three days at room temperature. Then move it to the cellar or refrigerator for storage.

  • You can eat after two weeks. These apples at home are obtained with a spicy taste and a very rich aroma.

Delicious apples with spices

Amazing recipe. Despite the simplicity of preparation, the apples turn out very tasty that it would not be a shame to serve them on the holiday table.


  • 1.5 kilograms of apples;
  • 2 tablespoons malt (you can use 4 tablespoons instead) rye flour);
  • 1 spoon of salt;
  • 2-4 spoons of honey;
  • 1 cinnamon stick;
  • several sprigs of mint;
  • a pinch of dried oregano and St. John's wort;
  • 2 clove buds
  • 1-3 pcs. star anise;
  • 2 liters of water.


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  1. Place the apples in a jar, tails up.
  2. Add mint sprigs and other seasonings.
  3. Prepare wort from water, malt, honey and salt. Pour the contents of the jar into it.
  4. Leave for a week at room temperature. Then put it in the cold for a month and after the specified time you can try.

How to soak apples and cabbage


  • apples – 1 kg;
  • cabbage – 1.5-2 kg;
  • 300 g carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1 spoon of sugar.


  1. Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots on a medium grater. Add salt and sugar, mix thoroughly with your hands, squeezing the vegetables so that they release the juice.
  2. Place a layer of shredded cabbage in the container chosen for soaking, apples on top of it, and cabbage again. The resulting juice is also poured into the total mass.
  3. Place the press and do not touch it for 2 weeks. Then move it to the cellar or refrigerator. You can eat after 10-12 days. And such a preparation is stored for more than six months.


If there is not enough juice, you need to top it up boiled water, mixed with a small amount salt and sugar.

When soaking apples, you should follow these recommendations:

  • apples for soaking must be ripe. If they are not ripe, you need to keep the fruits warm for 3 to 10 days, depending on the variety;
  • There is no point in picking fruits from the ground. Only those apples that have been picked from the tree are suitable for urination;
  • The Antonovka variety is ideal, but you can also use Melba, Pepin, Anise, Slavyanka;
  • For preparation, it is best to take a wooden tub, but if you don’t have one, glass and plastic food containers will do. Many people prefer to soak Antonovka apples for the winter at home in a bucket.

Be sure to try the suggested recipes. Pickled apples are an excellent treat that will always come in handy both on weekdays and on holidays.

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Pickled apples are incredibly tasty and useful product!

In addition, it is very cheap if you cook it in season and yourself.

Once upon a time, our ancestors put fruit in huge barrels, filled it with well water and feasted on soaked apples until spring.

No barrel? No problem! You can even soak apples in glass jars!

Pickled apples at home - general principles of preparation

The ideal apple variety for soaking is Antonovka. But other late varieties are also suitable. It is important to choose clean fruits, without damage or rot, preferably small in size. Large apples take a long time to cook and do not fit tightly; it is better to use them for other purposes.

What can you add to apples:

Different leaves and greens (horseradish, currants, cherries, raspberries, dill, mint);

Vegetables (mainly cabbage, carrots);

Berries (grapes, lingonberries, rowan).

Urine can be sour, sweet, salty. But most often they simply add salt and sugar to the filling and make a mixed version. Be sure to use clean water, preferably spring or well water. You can find recipes with boiled brines.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel of malt

Traditional way blanks soaked apples at home in barrels. You can use flasks or other utensils. For the brine you will need some malt.


10 kg apples;

80 g salt;

200 g sugar;

300 g straw;

60 g rye malt;

5 liters of water.


1. Wash and dry the apples, placing them on a clean cloth.

2. The barrel must be scalded with boiling water, rinsed with water baking soda and rinse thoroughly. There should not be any foreign odors in the container, otherwise they will all transfer to the apples. If necessary, the container should be ventilated for several days.

3. You need to pour a little straw at the bottom of the barrel and lay out a layer of apples. Then again some straw and apples, finish with the rest of the straw, just sprinkle on top, the quantity does not matter.

4. Malt should be mixed with half a liter of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour, and strained.

5. For the brine, mix the remaining water with sugar and salt, add the strained malt.

6. Pour cool brine over the prepared apples.

7. Close the barrel and store in a warm and cool place. Every 2 weeks it is recommended to remove foam and mold. Pickled apples will be ready no earlier than in two months.

Soaked apples in a jar with rye flour

A simplified method of preparing soaked apples in a jar. Glass containers do not require such painstaking processing as barrels. This is the amount of products for one 3 liter jar.


2 kg apples;

30 g flour;

1.5 liters of water;

0.3 spoons of salt.


1. Boil some water, about 300 ml, pour in the flour, stir quickly, rub out all the lumps. Cool.

2. Strain rye water, squeeze through cheesecloth, add the remaining liquid and salt.

3. Place washed, dried apples in a jar. It is advisable to use the smallest ones.

4. Pour in the prepared brine with rye flour.

5. Now you need to come up with oppression for the can. A small bottle of water that fits into the neck will do. We install.

6. Leave the workpiece in a cool place. The apples will become soaked in 1.5 months.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel with mustard

Mustard is a wonderful ingredient that prevents soaked apples at home from becoming moldy. Using this recipe, you can make preparations both in barrels and in large jars.


Currant or cherry leaves;

7-8 kg of apples;

10 liters of water;

4 spoons with a mountain of mustard;

100 g salt;

200 g sugar.


1. According to this recipe you need to prepare boiled pickle. Therefore, any water can be used. Pour the liquid into a convenient container and boil along with salt and sugar.

2. Let the brine cool. It should be at room temperature or colder.

3. Wash the apples, dry them, do the same with the leaves, there should be a lot of them.

4. Place a layer of leaves on the bottom of a clean barrel.

5. Alternate between apples and leaves until you run out of fruit.

6. Add mustard to the cooled brine and stir.

7. Fill the apples with the prepared mixture, put pressure on them and cover them with a cloth; you can throw a piece of linen over them to prevent midges from getting in.

8. It is advisable to keep the barrel at room temperature or just warm for a week, then lower it into the basement for a month.

Pickled apples in a jar with cabbage

Many people’s favorite recipe for soaked apples in a jar with cabbage, you can use a bucket or pan. The advantage is that you don't need straw or leaves to arrange the fruit.


4 kg cabbage;

3 pcs. carrots;

3 tablespoons of salt;

2.5-3 kg of small apples;

2 spoons of sugar.


1. Chop the cabbage with a knife or grate into strips using a special grater. Place in a large bowl.

2. Grate the carrots, it is better to use Korean grater to make a straw, it will be much more beautiful.

3. Add salt and sugar to the cabbage and carrots, rub well with your hands to release the juice. Place it in a bucket or pan, put it under pressure, cover it with a cloth and leave it warm for a day.

4. After a day, stir to release carbon dioxide from below. Leave it for another day.

5. Wash and dry the apples.

6. Take clean and dry jars. Place a layer of cabbage on the bottom, then a few apples, cover with cabbage, then more fruit. Alternate until the end, press.

7. Fill cabbage brine, which will remain in the common vessel.

8. If the brine is not enough, you can dilute a little brine. Add a spoonful of salt and sugar to a glass of purified water, dissolve and pour into the cabbage.

9. Cover with whole cabbage leaves on top, place small pressure, for example, a bottle of water.

10. Leave the cabbage and apples to ferment for 2 weeks in a warm place, then you need to move it to the basement or put it in the refrigerator.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel of honey

A variation of amazing pickled apples with honey, which are also prepared in a barrel or any other bulk container. You will also need a mixture of cherry and currant leaves and a few sprigs of mint.


10 liters of water;

150 g salt;

300 g honey;

100 g malt.


1. Boil malt in a liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain.

2. Add the rest of the water and salt, cook the brine, cool.

3. The apples need to be washed and dried, use as much fruit as the brine will cover.

4. Tear cherry and currant leaves, 3-4 sprigs of mint, wash and dry too.

5. Place leaves and mint on the bottom of the barrel.

6. Fold the apples, alternating each layer with currant and cherry leaves.

7. Add honey to the cooled or lukewarm brine and stir until completely dissolved.

8. Add honey filling, put oppression.

9. Keep apples at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples in a jar with rowan berries

A recipe for sour soaked apples in jars, which are stored under a nylon lid and do not require oppression. You will need a little rowan, a small handful is enough. You can use viburnum in the same way.


5 liters of water;

60 g salt;

60 g sugar;

Rowan and apples.


1. Boil the brine with sugar, water and salt, be sure to cool well.

2. Place the apples in clean and dry jars and add a little rowan or viburnum. The berries must also be dry.

3. Fill the jars with cooled brine.

4. Close nylon covers, keep it warm for three days, then you can take it to the cellar.

Homemade soaked apples in a barrel with horseradish

This recipe uses horseradish leaves, you will need quite a lot of them. Make sure they are fresh and green. If there is not enough horseradish, then you can add some currant, grape, cherry or raspberry leaves.


5 liters of water;

8-10 kg of apples;

250 g sugar;

2 tablespoons of salt;

Horseradish leaves.


1. Add salt and sugar to purified water, stir until dissolved.

2. Line the bottom of the barrel with horseradish leaves, which need to be washed and dried in advance.

3. Now a row of clean apples, leaves again.

4. Fill the barrel to the top or until the food runs out.

5. Be sure to place clean leaves on top.

6. Pour in chilled brine, it is important that all the grains in it disperse.

7. All that remains is to put pressure on the barrel and wait for the apples. On average it will take about a month.

Pickled apples at home - useful tips and tricks

To make the apples cook faster, you can pierce the fruits in several places with a toothpick. If the preparation is done in jars, then you can prepare some of the fruit in this way, let the rest soak longer.

You can put apples in barrels not only with straw or currant leaves, but also with horseradish. Sometimes dill branches are placed at the bottom of the barrel.

If the barrel has bad smell, then before use, the container must be thoroughly washed with a vinegar solution, then ventilated. You can also use a decoction of citrus peels to neutralize unpleasant odors.

Is there mold in the barrel? Be sure to remove it along with the top leaves. You can add new leaves, but they must be clean and dry. Mustard powder also helps prevent mold. You need to powder the top layer of apples.

Want to get apples faster? Keep the workpiece warm longer. If, on the contrary, you plan to enjoy soaked fruits closer to spring, then keep the apples warm for a couple of days to start the process, and then put them in a cool room with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.

Pickled apples – traditional Russian dish, known since ancient times as one of the ways to preserve the apple harvest. When soaked, the fruits remain juicy, crispy, retain nutrients and almost the entire composition of vitamins contained in fresh apple, taste slightly carbonated. The recipe is not complicated, if you would like to cook it. You can serve the appetizer on its own or as an addition to salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes.

The content of the article:
1. What fruits are suitable?

What fruits are suitable?

It is recommended to use only late winter or autumn varieties of apples for preservation - Semerinko, Korey, Anis, Antonovka or Pepin. These fruits have a sweet and sour taste, which is more beneficial when urinated. Before fermentation, the apples must ripen; for this, it is recommended to keep the picked fruits warm for about a week.

We select containers

For the soaked apple fruits Large containers are required - 10-liter tubs or wooden barrels. Instead, it is permissible to take glass cylinders of the same volume with a hermetically sealed lid. In a city apartment, where there is no space to store large containers, you can use 3-liter cylinders.

Wetting apples in a tub

First you need to prepare the barrel. Pour water into it and leave it for a day, then wash and rinse well. It is recommended to scald a wooden container with boiling water; this will destroy microorganisms that may interfere with long-term storage of the product. Straw spilled with boiling water - rye or wheat - is placed at the bottom of the container. She improves appearance apples and the aroma of the final product.

Apples in glass containers

The simplest way to prepare soaked apple fruits is to marinate them in glass containers. The choice of container volume is at your discretion. For improvement taste qualities, and to add crunch, plant leaves - currants, cherries or mint - are added to the marinade. To apple product Prepared faster, you can use kvass powder. Apples according to this recipe are served with sauerkraut, cucumbers or lingonberries.

You can simplify the preparation of snacks using simple tips:

  • instead of wooden barrel or glass containers are allowed to be used enamel pans large volume or 5-liter plastic buckets;
  • any selected container must be well cleaned with a soda solution and doused with boiling water;
  • for the load, a small container of water is used, which is placed on a flat dish laid on top of the fruit;
  • the fruit gradually absorbs the brine and its quantity must be constantly replenished, otherwise the top layer of apples will be dry and unsuitable for consumption. Or immediately add more water;
  • Fruits need to be laid with their tails up, so they will be better saturated with brine, and the fermentation process will speed up;
  • To soak 1 bucket of apple fruits, take at least 6 liters of marinade.

Pickled apples recipes

Here you can choose the option for preparing apples to your liking. Choose additional ingredients and options for brines for filling.

Soaked apples with rowan berries

To prepare a delicacy using this method, you will need red rowan fruits, which will give light dish bitterness and pleasant color and aroma. The components are taken in the following proportions:

  • 6 kg. apples of a suitable variety;
  • 0.8 kg. ripe rowan fruits;
  • 2 handfuls fresh leaves currants;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar or honey for each liter of water;
  • 10 g iodized (or regular) salt.

Urine technique:

  1. Arrange the apples in the prepared container in layers, add rowan fruits between the fruits.
  2. For the marinade, boil water, add salt and sugar (honey). Stir until the bulk components dissolve.
  3. Pour the sweet-salty liquid all the way to the top so that it covers the apples.
  4. Cover the container with gauze or a breathable cloth and leave until fermentation begins.
  5. After 2-3 days, remove the cloth and collect the resulting foam.
  6. Cover the container with an airtight lid and keep it cool for at least 1.5 months.

Soaked apples with mustard

This is one of the simplest snack options that can be prepared at home. Products required in the following ratio:

  • 2500 g apples (Semerinko or Antonovka);
  • 5 l. water;
  • currant leaves to taste;
  • 1.5 tablespoons mustard;
  • 0.5 cups crystal sugar;
  • 50 g iodized (or regular table) salt.

To make soaked apples you need:

  1. Pour water into the pan, add salt, sugar and mustard. Boil the ingredients. Cool.
  2. Place on the bottom of the container prepared for pickling apples. currant leaves.
  3. Place apples on top.
  4. Pour the cooled marinade over the contents.
  5. For the first week, keep the apples at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees.
  6. The product should spend the next 14 days in a room with a temperature of up to +18 degrees.
  7. After this, cover the container with an airtight lid and place it in a storage location.

Barrel apples with cabbage

When soaking, the natural taste of apples is not lost, microelements and nutrients are preserved. For this recipe, prepare the necessary products:

  • 6 kg. apples of Semerinko, Antonovka or other varieties;
  • 8 medium carrots;
  • 4 tbsp. l. crystal sugar;
  • 8 kg. fresh cabbage;
  • 6 tbsp. salt.

The canning algorithm is as follows:

  1. Wash the cabbage and chop finely.
  2. Grate the prepared carrots.
  3. Mix vegetables, add salt and sugar. To make the cabbage soft and release juice, you need to knead it well with your hands.
  4. Wash the apples, place them in a marinating container, and fill the gaps between the fruits with chopped vegetables.
  5. Cover the fruit and vegetables with a thick layer of cabbage leaves (up to 5 cm).
  6. Pour cabbage juice into the container with the preparation; if it does not cover the apples, then it is permissible to pour in a few glasses cold water with salt and sugar pre-dissolved in it (1 tablespoon of each bulk component per glass of water).
  7. On cabbage leaves Place a dish with a flat bottom and press it down with pressure (you can use a pan or jar filled with water).
  8. Apples should be kept in a warm room for 14 days. Then the products are sent to a cool place for the same period.

Soaked apples with honey and fresh mint

Apples from this recipe will be sweet in taste and have a pleasant mint aroma. Even those who are watching their figure should not neglect the snack. The following ingredients are prepared for the dessert:

  • 2-2.5 kg. apples (depending on size);
  • 5 l. drinking water;
  • 150 g honey;
  • 75 g table salt;
  • cherry, currant, mint leaves;
  • 50 g malt (can be replaced with rye flour).

Method for preparing apples:

  1. Place currant leaves on the bottom of the prepared container.
  2. Place apples in 2 rows on top.
  3. “Cover” the apples with cherry leaves.
  4. Place two more layers of fruit and cover them with peppermint leaves.
  5. Repeat the procedure for 2 layers of apples, alternating the leaf covering between them.
  6. Place the 6th apple layer. On top are all the remaining leaves - currant, cherry and mint sprigs.
  7. Cover the container with a flat dish and place under pressure.
  8. To make brine, take water, boil it, dissolve honey, salt and add malt (or flour). Cool.
  9. Pour the marinade in a thin stream into the container with apples. In this case, there is no need to remove the oppression. The liquid must cover the weight that covers the fruit.
  10. Apples are soaked for about 6 weeks at temperature conditions 16-18 degrees Celsius.

Pickled apples with lingonberries

Fruits prepared according to this recipe are a treasure trove. useful substances. This is because they are marinated fresh, without additional heat treatment. To prepare a “vitamin” snack you need:

  • 2.5 kg. apples;
  • 250 g lingonberry berries;
  • 250 g crystal sugar;
  • grape leaves;
  • 1.25 l. drinking water (may be increased if necessary).

Algorithm for preparing snacks:

  1. Prepare the fruits - wash them and place them in a container.
  2. When using a wooden tub as a container for soaking apples, boiling water is poured over it, and the bottom is lined with currant, grape or cherry leaves. You can use straw as bedding.
  3. Lay the apples in layers, sprinkling each layer with lingonberries (and plant leaves if desired).
  4. Cover the last apple layer with grape leaves.
  5. Prepare the marinade. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Cool the mixture.
  6. When the brine has cooled, pour it into a container with apples.
  7. Cover the top with a wooden circle or a flat dish with pressure.
  8. The barrel of apples is placed immediately in place long-term storage. If apples are urinated in a small container, then it is first placed in a room with a temperature no higher than +18 degrees.
  9. During the first 10 days, an active fermentation process will take place, causing foam to appear. After this period, the container with apples and lingonberries can be sealed.

Soaked apples in pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn berries

This custom recipe differs from others only in the filling used. Instead of sweet-salty brine, fresh pumpkin juice is used here. Vegetable filling prevents apples from changing color and turning black for a long time after being removed from the storage container. So, the necessary components:

  • 2 kg. “autumn” apple fruits;
  • 75 g sea buckthorn berries;
  • water;
  • 450 g pumpkin.

To prepare the treat you need to do the following:

  1. First you need to start preparing pumpkin juice. To do this, peel the mature pumpkin and remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the pulp into medium pieces of any shape.
  3. Place in a saucepan and add water so that it covers the surface of the vegetable by about 0.5-1 cm.
  4. Place the container on the stove and cook over medium heat until tender (the vegetable should become soft).
  5. Boiled pumpkin in vegetable broth mash or grind. Cool.
  6. Place the apple fruits in a prepared container, sprinkling each layer with sea buckthorn berries.
  7. Fill pumpkin juice contents of the container, place a weight on top and leave in a cool place.

Soaked apples: benefits and contraindications

While everyone knows about the benefits of fresh apple fruits, soaked apples do not seem such a healthy delicacy to everyone. However, they contain not only vitamins, the product has a positive effect on the body:

  • on intestinal perilstatics due to high content fiber and dietary fiber;
  • preventive effect in the fight against osteoporosis due to the large amount of calcium;
  • increased immunity is associated with a high percentage of ascorbic acid in the product;
  • improves intestinal function by affecting microflora.

So healthy treat Not everyone can use it. People suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers should avoid soaked apples. Increased content acids in a snack can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Soaked apples are delicious and healthy video recipe

Soaked Antonovka apples at home is the easiest, most delicious and popular way winter harvesting fruit. It is customary to ferment fruits in tubs or barrels made of wood, but for urban conditions it is also suitable glass containers. For greater flavor, use with apples fragrant herbs, leaves of berries, shrubs, mint. Along with fruit, you can ferment cabbage and lingonberries - the result is a very juicy and appetizing snack.

Everyone has been familiar with the specific taste of soaked apples since childhood. For such a snack, the main thing is to choose the right suitable variety fruit. Good choice the variety "Antonovka" will become, since it has dense pulp and harmonious combination sweet and sour tastes. For the recipe, it is better to use ripe fruits, and it is recommended to keep unripe ones for several days just in an apartment.

  1. Traditionally, apples are soaked in a tub. They are laid with the stalks facing up to speed up the fermentation process. Layers of cherry and currant leaves are distributed between the fruits.
  2. We make the brine. A kilogram of fruit requires 1.5 liters of boiled water, four tablespoons of white sugar and a heaped spoonful of salt.
  3. Add the prepared brine to the fruit, place a weight on top and cover the “structure” with clean gauze.
  4. Apples need to be kept warm for several days to start the oxidation process. After this, we put them in a cool place for 1.5 months.

If you don’t have a wooden tub in your arsenal, and you don’t want to bother with jars, then a simple enamel bucket will come to the rescue. The main thing is that the container is free of rust and chips.

Before you begin the process of soaking apples, the container must be treated with hot water, dissolving soda in it, and then rinse it well plain water. We will need whole apples, without defects, of medium size.

Cooking method:

  1. The volume of a standard bucket is eight liters, so we will take 6 kg of apples. For the marinade, prepare 180 g of salt and granulated sugar. We will also need raspberry and currant leaves (approximately 15 pieces each).
  2. We wash the leaves of the berries and fruits. At the bottom of the container we lay out the berry leaves and place the fruits with the stalks facing up. We also make a green layer between the apples.
  3. Stir salt and granulated sugar in boiled water. Pour the resulting brine over the fruit, cover the bucket with a cloth and leave for three weeks in a cool, dark place.
  4. As soon as the apple pulp is salted, the fruit can be transferred to jars along with the marinade, closed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe for soaked apples involves adding sugar. But honey will give the fruit a special sweetness, and mustard will make its taste sharper and allow the fruit to retain its density after pickling.

Cooking method:

  1. We cover the bottom of the tub with straw, put the first layer of apples on it, then straw and fruit will go again, and so on until the top of the container. Straw can be replaced with leaves of berry bushes and fruit trees.
  2. To make the brine, dissolve a glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of salt, three spoons of mustard and two spoons of honey in ten liters of water. As soon as the marinade boils, turn off the heat, give the mixture time to cool, and then pour it over the apples.
  3. We cover the fruit with straw, cover the tub with the contents with clean gauze and secure it with a metal ring. We put oppression on top.
  4. We put the snack in a cold place for 1 - 1.5 months.

Soaked Antonovka apples in jars

Pickled apples are a truly Russian product, because even our great-grandmothers knew how to preserve all the benefits and taste of this fruit until spring. There are many recipes for apple starter with various additives, but they are all designed for bulk barrels. Today's housewives are modern city dwellers who prepare soaked apples in ordinary three-liter jars.

Prepare soaked apples in jars:

  1. We take whole apples. We cut large fruits into slices, but small ones can be left whole. Place the apples in clean three-liter jars.
  2. Let's prepare the brine: for five kilos of fruit you will need 2.5 liters of water and a spoonful of white sweet sand and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the water, boil and then fill the jars with their contents with the hot marinade.
  3. Cover the containers with lids and place in the refrigerator. If after a month the fruits are not salted, then we just wait another half month.

With rye flour

“Antonovka” is the undisputed leader among other varieties for preparing pickled fruits. And the use of rye flour will give them a special delicate taste and aroma.

To ensure that the apples remain firm after soaking and stimulate appetite, it is worth using cherry and currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's take it ripe apples without defects. We wash the fruits from dust and dry them well.
  2. The container in which the fruit will be fermented must be doused with boiling water, dried and the bottom covered with leaves.
  3. We lay the apples on top, cover them with leaves and fill the container in layers. The final layer should be of herbs.
  4. For the brine, we need ten liters of water (per 10 kg of apples), a glass of sugar and rye flour, as well as 130 g of salt.
  5. Stir salt, flour and sweetener in boiling water. Cool the marinade and pour it into a container with apples. The fruits should completely go into the brine; to do this, press them with pressure from above.
  6. We keep the workpiece in a dark place, and after a week we move it to a colder place, for example, in a cellar. After 1.5 months you will be able to eat soaked, aromatic apples.

Cooking with cabbage

Soaked apples with vegetables are not just appetizing, but also very healthy. When soaked, apples and cabbage form microelements necessary for the body, so you should definitely include this preparation in your diet in winter.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe we will take 3 kg of apples and the same amount of cabbage, as well as three carrots, three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of white sugar.
  2. We sort through the apples, chop the cabbage, and grate the carrots. Mix the carrots with cabbage, sprinkle with salt, sugar and mash the vegetables well with your hands so that they release their juice.
  3. Place apples and vegetables in a container in layers. We cover all the gaps with cabbage, and the final layer should also be made of vegetables.
  4. If your cabbage is not very juicy, you can add a little boiled water to the apples.

We put a load on top and leave the apples and cabbage for 7 - 9 days at a temperature not lower than 14 degrees. Then we move the workpiece to a colder room for three weeks. The benefits of soaked Antonovka apples have long been proven by nutritionists, but those who have stomach problems should not get carried away with this dish.

The benefits of soaked apples

  1. Not many people know, but soaked apples bring invaluable help to our body, especially in the fight against fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Pickled fruits contain a large number of ascorbic acid, which is a very strong antioxidant.
  2. Pickled fruits have beneficial influence and on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Firstly, they contain more pectin than they had before soaking. Secondly, in terms of the amount of probiotics they are not inferior to yoghurts and other fermented milk products. Therefore, eating such a snack will speed up metabolic processes in the body, as well as restore the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
  3. An important point is that soaked apples contain calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D. All these elements are necessary for the normal condition of bones, joints and cartilage.
  4. Women should pay special attention to this snack, because it will help maintain their figure and beauty. If you include pickled fruits in your diet, your skin will become more elastic, acne will disappear and fine wrinkles will smooth out.

To soak fruits, you can use rye straw, which will give the fruit a special taste, aroma and beautiful color. The main thing is that the straw is fresh, without unpleasant odors and foreign aromas, as well as mold.

Pickled fruits and berries have been prepared in our country since time immemorial. Yes, and now many housewives are happy to make such preparations for the winter, especially in rural areas where there is own gardens and courtyards.

For example, soaked apples are a wonderful product that retains most beneficial properties fresh fruits, throughout the winter. They can be eaten plain as a dessert, or added to various salads and cold appetizers. Such apples are especially relevant when observing fasts. Any apple is suitable for soaking durum varieties, but still, the majority uses Antonovka.

Let's look at the recipe for soaked Antonovka apples with rye flour and clarify the details of their preparation. We will also clarify how to soak apples with honey.

Preliminary preparation

To get a high-quality, long-lasting product, choose firm, healthy fruits without rotten or damaged barrels. Any such damage could completely ruin the final product.

It is recommended to wet these fruits in wooden tubs. But, of course, not everyone has them. Therefore, in a city apartment, you can use a voluminous enamel tank and glass jars, for later storage finished product, if there is no cold cellar, pantry, or open loggia.

It is recommended to line the bottom of the container, scalded with boiling water, with rye or wheat straw. It gives apples a beautiful golden color and a pleasant aroma, characteristic of pickled fruits. If there is no straw, currant and cherry leaves.

Well, if everything is ready for soaking, let's start preparing:

Recipe for soaked apples with rye flour - classic No. 1

For this recipe you will need: For 5 kg of apples – 10 liters of water and 700 g of sugar. You also need: a glass of rye flour, 5 tablespoons of salt (do not use iodized salt, it will not work), currant and cherry leaves. To give the finished product a pinkish color and additional aroma, take another handful of lingonberries or cranberries.

We will use a 15-20-liter wooden or enamel tank as a container.


Wash the soaking container thoroughly with baking soda, and then scald it with boiling water. Wipe with a clean towel. Also wash the fruits, berries and berry leaves very thoroughly.

Place a thin layer of currant and cherry leaves on the bottom of the prepared container. Use about half of all leaves.

Now put a layer of apples, add a few more leaves, some berries. Then make several more layers (apples, berries, leaves), and so on until the top. Cover the last layer of apples with the remaining leaves.

Pour water (about 10 liters) into another large saucepan and boil. Pour in the entire amount of sugar and salt, continue to simmer over very low heat. Now stir the rye flour in cool water so that there are no lumps. When the sugar and salt are completely dissolved, add water and flour little by little, stirring constantly. Cook for another 5 minutes. Turn off the stove and let the dressing cool.

Pour warm brine over everything. It should lightly cover the top layer of apples. If any brine remains, do not throw it away. Put it in the refrigerator, you will need it later.

Cover the top with a clean cloth. Place a wooden circle or lid on top that is smaller in diameter than the container itself. Place some pressure, such as a heavy stone. Don't forget to wash and scald it first.

Leave the container with apples in a warm room for 2 weeks while fermentation occurs. Remove scum daily. If necessary, add fresh brine (from the refrigerator) - the apples quickly absorb it. It is very important that all fruits are in liquid.

After the time has passed, take the tank to the basement or cellar, where it is cold. Storage temperature should not exceed 4-6°C. The apples will be ready in 40-60 days.

If you do not have a basement or cellar, transfer the soaked apples to clean jars, fill with brine and put in the refrigerator. It is necessary. If you keep them warm any longer, they will turn sour and become soft and tasteless. How long to wait for the finished product?! Well, this is the recipe for soaked apples with flour... Don’t doubt it, you’ll like the result later.

Soaked apples with rye flour - recipe with honey and mint No. 2

We will need products: for 5 kg of apples - 10 liters of water, half a kilo of honey, 3 tbsp of salt. Let's also take half a glass of rye flour, cherry and currant leaves and a few sprigs of mint.


Lay the bottom of the prepared tank with a layer of leaves. Place a layer of clean apples. Then again leaves, a sprig of mint and apples. Keep adding layers until you run out of apples. Place the remaining leaves on the top layer.

In another large saucepan, boil water, add salt, add flour in a thin stream, stirring constantly so that the flour does not stick together into lumps. After 5 minutes of light boiling, turn off the stove. When the brine becomes warm, dissolve honey in it and pour over the apples. Store the rest in the refrigerator, you will need it later.

Now cover everything with a thick cloth, place a wooden circle and a weight on top. Keep in a warm room for 2 weeks while the apples are actively fermenting. Every day, remove the foam that appears during fermentation, add fresh brine. Then take it to the cold for further storage.

Check the apples periodically. Remove the film from the surface, add fresh brine. Be sure to wash the wooden circle or lid you use instead from time to time. You will be able to taste the finished soaked apples in honey filling in 1-2 months. How long to wait? But, this is a recipe for making pickled apples at home. Be patient and bon appetit!