How to soak antonovka at home. Pickled apples with kefir

Soaked apples "Antonovka" at home - this is the easiest, most delicious and popular way winter harvest fruits. It is customary to ferment fruits in tubs or barrels made of wood, but it is also suitable for urban conditions. glass containers. For more flavor, along with apples, it is worth using fragrant herbs, leaves of berries, shrubs, mint. Together with fruits, you can ferment cabbage and lingonberries - it turns out a very juicy and appetizing snack.

Specific taste pickled apples everyone has known since childhood. For such an appetizer, the main thing is to choose suitable grade fruit. good choice the Antonovka variety will become, since it has dense pulp and harmonious combination sweet and sour tastes. For the recipe, it is better to use ripe fruits, and unripe ones are recommended to be kept for several days just in an apartment.

  1. Traditionally, apples are soaked in a tub. They are laid with the stalks up so that the fermentation process goes faster. Layers of cherry and currant leaves are distributed between the fruits.
  2. We make a pickle. A kilogram of fruit takes 1.5 liters of boiled water, four tablespoons of white sugar and a spoonful of salt.
  3. We add the prepared brine to the fruit, put a load on top and cover the “construction” with clean gauze.
  4. Apples need to be kept warm for several days to start the oxidation process. After that, we clean them in a cool place for 1.5 months.

If your arsenal is not found wooden tub, and you don’t want to mess with banks, then a simple enameled bucket will come to the rescue. The main thing is that the container is free of rust and chips.

Before starting the process of soaking apples, the container must be processed hot water by dissolving soda in it, and then rinse it well plain water. We need apples whole, without defects, of medium size.

Cooking method:

  1. The displacement of a standard bucket is eight liters, so we will take 6 kg of apples. For the marinade, prepare 180 g of salt and granulated sugar. We also need raspberry and currant leaves (approximately 15 pieces each).
  2. We wash the leaves of berries and fruits. At the bottom of the container we lay out the berry leaves and put the fruit with the stalks up. We also make a green layer between the apples.
  3. In boiled water, stir salt and granulated sugar. Pour the resulting brine to the fruit, cover the bucket with a cloth and keep for three weeks in a cool, dark place.
  4. As soon as the pulp of apples is salted, the fruits can be transferred to jars along with the marinade, close them with a lid and put in the refrigerator.

The classic recipe for soaked apples involves the addition of sugar. But honey will give the fruit a special sweetness, and mustard will make its taste sharper and allow the fruit to retain density after salting.

Cooking method:

  1. We cover the bottom of the tub with straw, put the first layer of apples on it, then straw and fruit will go again, and so on to the top of the container. Straw can be replaced with leaves of berry bushes and fruit trees.
  2. For brine in ten liters of water, dissolve a glass of granulated sugar, half a glass of salt, three tablespoons of mustard and two tablespoons of honey. As soon as the marinade boils, turn off the heat, give the composition time to cool, and then pour apples over it.
  3. We close the fruit with straw, cover the tub with the contents with clean gauze and fix it with a metal ring. We put oppression on top.
  4. We remove the snack in a cold place for 1 - 1.5 months.

Soaked apples "Antonovka" in jars

Soaked apples are a truly Russian product, because even our great-grandmothers knew how to preserve all the benefits and taste of this fruit until spring. There are many recipes for sourdough apples. various additives, but they are all designed for bulk barrels. Today's housewives are modern city dwellers who cook pickled apples in ordinary three-liter jars.

Cooking pickled apples in jars:

  1. We take whole fruits of apples. Large fruits are cut into slices, small ones can be left whole. We lay out the apples in clean three-liter jars.
  2. Let's prepare the brine: for five kilos of fruit you will need 2.5 liters of water and a spoonful of white sweet sand and salt. We add dry ingredients to water, boil and then fill jars with their contents with hot marinade.
  3. We cover the containers with lids and send them to the refrigerator. If after a month the fruits are not salted, then we just wait another half a month.

With rye flour

"Antonovka" is the undisputed leader among other varieties for the preparation of pickled fruits. And use rye flour give them a special delicate taste and aroma.

In order for apples to remain dense after soaking and cause appetite, it is worth using cherry and currant leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. We take ripe apples without defects. We wash the fruits from dust and dry them well.
  2. The container in which the fruit will ferment should be poured over with boiling water, dried and covered with leaves on the bottom.
  3. Lay the apples on top, cover them with leaves and fill the container in layers. The final layer should be from herbs.
  4. For brine, we need ten liters of water (for 10 kg of apples), a glass of sugar and rye flour, as well as 130 g of salt.
  5. In boiling water, stir salt, flour and sweetener. Cool the marinade and pour into a container with apples. Fruits should completely go into the brine, for this it is worth pressing them with oppression from above.
  6. We keep the workpiece in a dark place, and after a week we rearrange it in a colder place, for example, in the cellar. After 1.5 months, it will already be possible to eat soaked fragrant apples.

Cooking with cabbage

Soaked apples with vegetables are not only appetizing, but also very healthy. When urinating, apples, together with cabbage, form trace elements necessary for the body, so this preparation should definitely be included in your diet in winter.

Cooking method:

  1. For the recipe, we will take 3 kg of apples and the same amount of cabbage, as well as three carrots, three tablespoons of salt and two tablespoons of white sugar.
  2. We sort out the apples, chop the cabbage, three carrots on a grater. We mix the carrots with cabbage, sprinkle with salt, sugar and knead the vegetables well with our hands so that they highlight the juice.
  3. Layer apples and vegetables in a bowl. We close all the gaps with cabbage, and the final layer should also be from vegetables.
  4. If your cabbage is not very juicy, then you can add a little boiled water to the apples.

We put a load on top and leave the apples with cabbage for 7 - 9 days at a temperature not lower than 14 degrees. Then we rearrange the workpiece in a colder room for three weeks. The benefits of pickled Antonovka apples have long been proven by nutritionists, but those who have stomach problems should not get carried away with such a dish.

The benefits of pickled apples

  1. Not many people know, but pickled apples bring invaluable help to our body, especially in the fight against fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. Pickled fruits contain a large number of ascorbic acid, which is a very strong antioxidant.
  2. Soaked fruits render beneficial effect and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. First, they have more pectin than before soaking. Secondly, in terms of the amount of probiotics, they are not inferior to yogurt and other fermented milk products. Therefore, the use of such a snack will speed up metabolic processes in the body, as well as restore the functioning of the intestines and stomach.
  3. An important point is that pickled apples contain calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin D. All these elements are necessary for the normal condition of bones, joints and cartilage.
  4. Women should pay special attention to such an appetizer, because it will help maintain their figure and beauty. If you include pickled fruits in your diet, the skin will become more elastic, acne will disappear and small wrinkles will be smoothed out.

Rye straw can be used for rinsing fruit, which will give the fruit a special taste, aroma and beautiful color. The main thing is that the straw is fresh, without unpleasant odors and foreign aromas, as well as mold.

Our ancestors didn't have as many opportunities to indulge in desserts as we do now. But traditional for Russian cuisine "snacks" were prepared exclusively from natural ingredients with the richest vitamin composition.

One of these delicacies is pickled apples, which, depending on the method of preparation - simple, sour or sugary, can be both an appetizer to start a meal, and its sweet end, as well as a spicy ingredient in salads and other complex dishes.

Apple fruits, preserved in this way, retain as much as possible vitamin composition, and this is so needed in winter ascorbic acid, vitamins A, E, D and group B. There is also a whole set of important minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, silicon, iodine, phosphorus, zinc and many others.

It is important that even those who are losing weight and those who simply watch their weight can afford such a dessert. Indeed, in 100 g of soaked apples, depending on the method of urination, there are only 40-69 kcal and great amount cleansing and activating the intestines of coarse fiber. And the lactic acid bacteria contained in the product restore the intestinal microflora

However, this useful product can harm those who suffer from gastritis with ulcers and other inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pancreatitis and urolithiasis. Pregnant women who are prone to edema should eat pickled apples carefully.

What varieties of apples are suitable for harvesting

This is a very important point. No matter how appetizing these fruits look in the window, not all of them are suitable for urination. Antonovka is considered a classic variety for this purpose. Experienced chefs varieties of pepin, anise, titovka are also recommended.

In any case, the apples should be ripe, but not flabby. Instances with the slightest signs of damage are subject to culling, otherwise you can ruin the entire batch.

Choosing the Right Cookware

It is optimal to use a wooden barrel with oppression for urination - this is a circle of wood that is placed on top of apples and pressed down with a heavy load. This method has developed historically, and this is quite justified: those who have tried soaked barrel apples will confirm that in this form they acquire a special taste and aroma.

This also saves the hostess' time, which is spent on packing jars and their pre-processing. However, in the conditions of a modern city, not everyone can afford to place a whole barrel in an apartment, so a variety of glass, ceramic, enameled dishes are quite successfully used for urination, in last resort even food grade plastic.

Classic recipe

You do not need special tricks to please yourself and loved ones the most simple option soaked apples. To do this, well-washed apples are laid out in jars and the filling is prepared at the rate of: 120 g of salt and exactly the same amount of sugar per 10 liters of water.

Apples are poured with this liquid, covered with ordinary plastic lids and left for storage in a dry, cool place, protected from sunlight. Soaked apples are delicious and fragrant on their own. But to diversify the sensations will help various additives: cinnamon, oregano, rosemary, leaves and berries garden trees and shrubs and so on.

With rowan

A tart aftertaste and spectacular appearance will give the apples a pee with rowan berries. For 10 kg of apples, you will need 1.5 kg of mountain ash, as well as 5 liters cold water, 250 g sugar and 75 g salt.

Water with loose ingredients dissolved in it must be boiled and cooled. Arrange pre-washed apples and berries in layers in containers and pour brine, press down with a load and store for two weeks at a temperature of about +16 ° C, and then put in a cool room.

with sea buckthorn

The variation with sea buckthorn looks bright and cheerful and contains the richest vitamin composition. And if you complement this set with the same rich orange ripe pumpkin- will be completely independent snack dish. For 4 kg of apples and 3 kg of pumpkin, you need 200 g of sea buckthorn, 0.5 kg of sugar and 0.3 l of water.

Washed and dried apples and berries are laid out in a clean container. Water with sugar dissolved in it must be brought to a boil and immersed in it chopped pumpkin into pieces, boil it until tender and use a blender to make puree.

Apples are poured with a mixture of this puree and broth and kept for a week at room temperature and then stored in a cool, dark place.

With honey and melissa

The presence of mint or, alternatively, lemon balm gives a refreshing aroma, and honey enhances the benefits of fruit. In addition to all of the above, to prepare this masterpiece you will need fresh leaves cherries and currants, as well as salt, malt or rye flour.

Line the bottom of the container with currant leaves. A double layer of apples is laid on this litter and covered with cherry leaves. From above we again place a double layer of apples, then mint is used in the form of a covering layer and again apples. On top of the entire structure, we lay out sprigs of mint or a mixture of them with the mentioned leaves of garden shrubs and press down with a load.

Now we are preparing the filling: in 10 liters of boiled water, cooled to a warm state, we dilute about 200-300 g of honey until completely dissolved, add 150 g of salt, 100 g of malt or rye flour. We pour the liquid directly under the load. We withstand 4-6 weeks at a temperature of + 15-18 degrees. As the volume of brine decreases, add its required amount.

For 20 kg of apples, 500 g of honey, 170 g of salt, 150 g of rye flour and 10 liters of cold water are required. As well as 100 g of basil greens with sprigs and 20 leaves black currant.

Water must be boiled and cooled to 40 ° C, then add flour and salt to it, mix thoroughly and completely cool the whole mixture. In the meantime, sort and wash the apples and greens. From currant leaves form a bedding at the bottom of the dish. Then, alternately layer apples and basil in layers.

Cover with currant leaves, pour over with brine and keep under oppression for about two weeks at a temperature of about +15 ° C, and then store in a cool place.

with mustard

Thrill-seekers are dedicated to this harvesting method. For two dozen kg of apples and 10 liters of water, there are 100 g of salt, 150 g mustard powder, 500 g rye flour and 30 mint leaves.

The water must be brought to a boil, in two liters it is necessary to dissolve, mixing well and quickly, flour, salt and mustard and pour the mixture into the remaining boiling water. This is how the brine is prepared, with which you need to pour the apples laid out in the container with layers of mint.

All this is stored under pressure in a cool room.

With lingonberries

In addition to apples, cranberries (10 kg and 0.5 kg, respectively), this recipe contains cherry and currant leaves (15 each), 400 g of sugar, 200 g of rye flour, 100 g of salt and 10 liters of water.

At the bottom of a deep dish washed and scalded with boiling water, lay out half of the cherry and currant leaves. In a small amount of water, dilute the entire volume of flour to get a creamy consistency. Boil the remaining water, dissolve sugar, salt and gruel from flour in it. Cook for a couple of minutes, remove from heat, cool and pour apples, laid out in layers or mixed with lingonberries.

We store according to the usual, already mentioned scheme under oppression.

Presence fermented milk product does not mean that the shelf life of apples is short. They are perfectly preserved in such a brine: 10 liters of water, 200 ml of kefir and 3 tablespoons of mustard powder.

Boil water and cool, mix with kefir and mustard. Pour the apples laid in a container and covered with gauze, store in a cool place. After two weeks, the product is ready for use.

With dill and currant leaves

The aroma of summer will be preserved for a long time by apples soaked according to this recipe. For 10 kg of fruit, you need 300 g of dill sprigs, 200 g of blackcurrant leaves, 200 g of sugar, 50 g each rye malt and salt and 5 liters of water.

Rinse the herbs first and lightly dry them on a towel. We put half of the currant leaves in a processed container, and then we will alternate layers of apples and dill sprigs. Cover with currant leaves and oppression. Boil water with malt added to it for 20 minutes, dissolve salt and sugar in it, cool and pour all the layers. We stand for five days at room temperature, and then in a cool room.

With cabbage and carrots

Another classic recipe Russian cuisine. For him, sour varieties are recommended. For 3 kg of apples - 4 kg of cabbage and two or three medium carrots, 3 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar.

Vegetables need to be chopped, mixed with salt and sugar and squeezed by hand until juice is released, then set aside for an hour and a half. When the mixture is infused, lay out alternately vegetable and apple layers. We cover everything cabbage leaves and pour the juice squeezed from vegetables.

If its volume is insufficient to cover all layers, we supplement it with marinade: in a glass of boiled and cooled water, dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and salt.

To get the perfect pickled apples, you need to pay attention to a few details at the stage of selecting raw materials. So, for example, it is recommended to use apples from the garden for urination, and not from the store counter, where fruits most often end up after a chemical treatment that prolongs their life.

Moreover, diseased fruits or those that have fallen from a tree to the ground should be used in this case it is impossible, like apples with any hint of rotting. Manifestations of spoilage may not be immediately noticeable, so it is better not to use freshly picked fruits for urination, but to let them lie down for several days when the marriage becomes obvious.

Dishes for urination must be carefully processed by rinsing with soda and dousing with boiling water. The apples themselves and any accompanying herbal ingredients are also thoroughly washed and dried. It is better to put the apples in the container with the stalks up.

When storing, do not violate the established temperature regime. When the temperature limits are exceeded, soaked apples quickly become unfit for food. Optimum temperature for aging - about 15 °С, for storage - +4 °C ... +6 °С. At least once a week, you need to remove mold and foam, wash the oppression with scalding with boiling water.


Many today pay great attention proper nutrition and maintaining health. natural treats, prepared according to homemade recipes that have been tested for centuries, are a great alternative to modern confectionery industrial production. Therefore, pickled apples are a good option for harvesting.

Since ancient times, the most common method of harvesting apples was soaking, although they were quite common. Thanks to him, fruits not only acquire unusual taste, but also preserve the maximum of all useful substances. Now pickled apples can be purchased from grandmothers in the markets or even in large supermarkets, but of course it is best to make them yourself.

If you're willing to invest the time and effort into this process, here are a few ways to make pickled apples. Well, if not, then you can always cook something else out of them, for example,.

Soaked apples antonovka - recipe


  • apples (Antonovka variety) - 1 bucket;
  • sugar - 300-400 g;
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • leaves and sprigs of raspberries, currants, lemon balm and cherries.


For making pickled apples at home, it is best to use enamelware. Pour boiling water over it, put half of the leaves and branches on the bottom, washed apples on top, and then the second half of the leaves and branches.

To prepare the marinade, put some water on the fire, pour sugar, salt into it and bring to a boil. Let it cool, dilute with cold boiled water and pour over the apples so that the marinade completely covers them. Place a weight on top and add the marinade little by little over the next week as the apples will soak it up.

Then put the dish with apples in a cold place and keep it there for at least 1.5 months. Ready soaked apples can be an independent dish, or maybe - an excellent filler for stuffed poultry or meat.

In this recipe, we will share a way to make pickled apples in a marinade with the addition of mint, which gives ready meal special piquancy.


  • apples - 5 kg;
  • cherry and black currant leaves;
  • sprigs of mint;
  • water - 10 l;
  • honey - 250-300 g;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • malt or rye flour - 100 g.


At the bottom of the dish in which you will cook apples, lay out some blackcurrant leaves, after washing them. Lay apples on top in two layers, cherry leaves on them, and then apples again. The next layer is mint leaves (there should be very few of them) and again apples. The last layer can be laid out with a mixture of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, adding a couple of mint leaves to them. Cover all this, for example, with a plate, and put a load on top.

Dissolve honey, salt and malt in warm boiled water. Let it cool and pour over the apples. Keep the container in a cool room for 6-7 days and make sure that the brine completely covers the fruit, top it up if necessary. After that, send the soaked apples to infuse in the cold for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples recipe with cabbage


  • apples - 3 kg;
  • carrots - 3-4 pieces;
  • cabbage - 4 kg;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Wash and shred the cabbage. Peel and grate carrots coarse grater. Mix the vegetables, add salt and sugar to them, and remember a little with your hands so that the cabbage starts up the juice. Put the washed apples in a saucepan and add cabbage to them, filling all the gaps with it. On top of the apples, a layer of cabbage should be 2-3 cm.

Pour all this with cabbage juice, and if it is not enough, then brine from 1 glass of cold water, seasoned with a tablespoon of salt and sugar. Cover it with whole cabbage leaves, a plate and place under oppression. Keep apples for 2 weeks at room temperature, and then another 2 weeks in a cool place.

Soaked apples with mustard - recipe



Send mustard, salt and sugar to water, bring to a boil, and then let the brine cool. Line the bottom of a barrel or pan with blackcurrant leaves, put apples on top and pour brine over them. Infuse for about a week at room temperature, and then another 2-3 weeks in a cool place.

Apples are always nice to crunch, even in summer, even in winter. However, a large harvest is not so easy to maintain for a long time. In this case, pickled apple recipes come to the rescue. The process of preparing such a homemade delicacy will not require much effort in conditions when all the containers and ingredients are prepared correctly. And you can soak fruits in jars or barrels, make them with sugar or horseradish, add honey or mustard and other products.

How to Prepare Apples for Peeing

The process of urinating apples and other fruits or berries is to convert fructose from them into lactic acid and alcohol. Yeast and lactic acid bacteria act as a catalyst for this transformation. At the exit, the same sour-sweet “soaked” taste is obtained. Not all apples are suitable for cooking. They must meet the following criteria:

  • average same size;
  • hardness and density;
  • sour taste;
  • plucked from a tree, not dropped to the ground;
  • without red blush (for summer varieties).

Advice. You can not wet recently picked apples - let them rest. Thus, the starch in their composition will turn into sugar.

Recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

V wooden barrels fruits and vegetables have been soaked and fermented since ancient times. In this case, it is important to choose and prepare the container correctly. Oak is best suited for these purposes, but another is allowed. wood material. The optimal capacity is 30 kg or more. Preparation is carried out as follows:

  1. Soak the barrel and wash it with hot water.
  2. Rinse with soda solution: for 1 bucket hot water- 20 y.
  3. Pour boiling water over the container again.
  4. Discuss.
  5. For the purpose of disinfection, fumigate with sulfur.

Traditionally pickled apples are cooked in a barrel.

The bottom and walls before laying out the fruit and already during the process must be lined with a thin layer of straw. It will protect the fruits from mechanical damage and give them a pleasant smell, taste and golden hue. Rye or wheat is best. Straw is needed from a new collection, without mold and bad smell. It should be cleaned of weeds, washed, scalded with boiling water and dried.

Advice. Instead of straw, a blackcurrant leaf treated in the same way is suitable.

Apples should be tightly packed in a container with the stalks up. At the end, the top layer of the fruit must also be covered with straw, and then with a napkin, with a circle under it and pressed down with a heavy object. After that, you need to lubricate the edge of the barrel vegetable oil and pour in the brine. It is prepared as follows: for every 10 kg of apples, take 5 liters of cold boiled water, pour 80 g of salt and about 150-200 g of sugar into it.

Variants of soaked apples with spices in a barrel

To give apples an additional flavor, you can add honey (sometimes they completely or partially replace sugar), as well as spices:

  • mustard;

Recipes for brine with malt are quite popular:

  1. Add 50 g of malt to 0.5 l of water.
  2. Boil the broth for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix with brine (this is enough for 5 liters).

Advice. Rye flour is also used instead of malt. 75 g stir with a small amount water and add the mixture to the already boiling broth. Boiling water should be 4 times more.

Apples in a barrel need care. Remove mold and foam, wash wheel and weight weekly with hot water. Urination occurs within 1.5 - 2 months. If everything is done correctly, then the apples will turn pink or slightly golden and acquire the desired taste.

Recipe for pickled apples in jars

The basic principles of soaking in barrels are also available to residents of apartment buildings who cannot keep wooden 30-kilogram straw containers on the balcony. In this case, much smaller ceramic or glass can be used. Simplified recipes are also suitable. Most popular among modern ways- soaking with honey, mustard, horseradish, etc.

Soaked apples in a jar

The simplest version of pickled apples in jars involves a brine with sugar and salt. For 5 liters of water you will need 60 g of both:

  1. Carefully sort and wash the apples.
  2. Pack them tightly in a jar.
  3. Fill with brine.
  4. Seal with a plastic lid. After 1.5 months. you will get sour apples.

Ways to soak apples with honey

Honey often pairs with mint in recipes. Straw in this case is replaced by scalded and dried blackcurrant and / or cherry leaves. The recipe is suitable for containers of various types:

  1. Prepare the brine: in 5 liters warm water dissolve 100-150 g of honey, 75 g of salt, 50 g of malt or 75 g of rye flour. When the mixture has cooled, stir thoroughly.
  2. Lay a currant leaf on the bottom of the jar in a thin layer.
  3. Place 2 rows of apples tightly together.
  4. Cover them with a cherry leaf layer and arrange two more rows of apples on top.
  5. The next is a thin layer of mint, and on top of it are apples again.
  6. Cover the topmost apple row with assorted leaves and a couple of mint sprigs.
  7. Close the circle and press down with something heavy.
  8. Carefully, without removing the load, pour the brine into the container. Throughout the soaking process, the circle must be completely immersed in the liquid.

Advice. The optimum temperature for successful rinsing of apples is +15…+18°C. The term of readiness for this and other "jar" recipes is 4-6 weeks.

Recipe for pickled apples with mustard and other spices

For pickled mustard apples, the brine is prepared as follows: 0.5 tbsp. sugar, 50 g salt, 1.5 tbsp. l. mustard. The filling is boiled and allowed to cool. In its own way, the recipe for soaked apples with mountain ash is piquant and peculiar.

Pickled apples with spices

The brine for it is prepared with honey: dissolve 1250 g of honey (or sugar), 25 g of salt in 5 liters of warm water, cool the mixture - this is enough for about 10 kg of apples. In a container mixed with apples, evenly place ripe, whole and washed rowan berries, separated from the twigs. Cover with a lid or cheesecloth, circle and weight.

Attention! Rowan is a winter berry. Therefore, according to this recipe, apples are soaked in the cold.

The recipe for soaked apples in Polish involves the use of horseradish to give a special taste to the fruits. To 5 liters of warm water, add 75 g of salt, sugar and rye flour. The brine must be cooled before pouring, and horseradish leaves (according to the recipe, it is also allowed grape leaf) shift the layers of apples. The finished fruit container should be kept in a warm room for a couple of days, then transferred to a place with a temperature of no more than 12 ° C.

If everything works out for you, and you like the process and the result of soaking, then next time you can experiment. For example, change the composition of the brine or the proportions of the ingredients. So you can achieve the perfect taste, based on the preferences of your family.

Apples for the winter in a jar: video

Soaked apples: photo