How to cook apple jam. Necessary products for cooking

Probably, no cottage can be imagined without apple trees. For gardeners, the apple tree is the most favorite fruit tree, which can most often be found on a personal plot or in a garden broken around country house.

One of the reasons for this notoriety is great amount blanks that can be prepared from apples. So, for example, apples can be pickled, pickled or soaked. And jam, jam, jam from apples can be obtained such that only at their sight will all the fingers be licked.

Among various ways there is also one, when used, that jam can be prepared within five minutes. Do you want to know how to cook apple jam so quickly?

To do this, you need, based on 1 kg of peeled and seeded apples, only 150-200 g of granulated sugar.

The jam is prepared in this way: sliced ​​​​apples are placed in a saucepan and covered with sugar, after which they are allowed to brew for at least an hour in order for the juice to stand out. To make the process move faster, the mass can be periodically stirred. After the juice stands out, put the pan with apples on the stove with low heat and bring to a boil.

To prevent the apple mass from burning, it must be constantly stirred. After the contents of the pan have boiled for about 20 minutes, we can assume that the jam is ready. Then you can start translating it into glass jars and actually closing the lids. The only disadvantage of this method of harvesting apples is the impossibility of storing such jam for a long time. But such apple jam for the winter is very good!

Another type of blank is also not subject to long-term storage is a jam obtained in a "raw" way, where apples are rubbed on coarse grater and mixed with granulated sugar by volume in a ratio of 1:1. Before cooking according to this method, apples should be doused with boiling water and then wiped dry. More than others, apples are suitable for this recipe. winter varieties, which are quite juicy and firm.

In addition to the "raw" method, there is also a "dry" method of cooking apple jam. To make jam in this way, for 1 kg of apples, you will need: granulated sugar - 300 g, ground cinnamon- 1 tsp, citric acid - 5 g.

The recipe for jam prepared in a “dry” way is as follows: seed nests are removed from apples, then they are cut into two or four parts and boiled in 65% sugar syrup, after which they should be left to infuse in syrup for about 8 hours. After that, the fruits are taken out of the pots and sprinkled with sugar (ideally powdered sugar) mixed with cinnamon and citric acid, mix well, while the excess sugar should be sifted out, and dried at a 40-degree temperature over a stove or in an oven, which should be periodically ventilated) for 10 hours. Store this jam in a dry place, in boxes lined with parchment.

There is another method of cooking such jam: apples are also peeled, then cut large slices and place skin side down in a single layer on a baking sheet. Sugar, citric acid and cinnamon are mixed and apples are sprinkled with this mixture, after which they are placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and dried for half an hour. After the apple slices have dried, they should be removed from the oven, cooled and laid out on parchment paper or food foil, previously sprinkled with sugar. In this form, apples are dried at room temperature 2 more days. The jam can then be packaged in a storage box.


You can also make jam from apples. Don't know how to make apple jam? It's not a problem! For this purpose, any sour variety of apples is more suitable.

Jam, unlike jam, can be cooked in one go. To do this, peel, seed nest is removed from apples cut into 2 or 4 parts. So that the slices do not darken, they should be held for 20 minutes in water with citric acid (1-2 g of acid per 1 liter of water). Then the slices need to be blanched with boiling water and only after that, hot, transfer them to enamelware. Also, add 1 glass of water and 1 kg (if the apples are very sour, then 1.2 kg) of sugar per kilogram of apples to the pan. Then the pan with apples must be brought to a boil and boiled for half an hour.

To determine if the jam is ready, you can drop it on a saucer. If the drop does not spread and thickens quickly, then you should finish cooking and proceed to pouring the hot jam into sterile jars. After pouring, you need to let the jam cool, and then the jar can be closed with parchment paper tied with a rubber band. Rolling cans is not necessary.


Jam, jam from apples - that's something else ... You can also cook jam from apples, the storage of which will not be a problem, even if it is not pasteurized. Interested?! Well, I’ll tell you how to cook jam from apples!

By the way, jam is sweet applesauce, boiled down from the initial volume by at least a third. To prepare it for 1 kg, you need 700-800 g of sugar. Cut the washed apples into slices and put in a container where the jam will be cooked, add a glass of water there.

All this mass is boiled for about 10-20 minutes, until the apples soften. In this form, they can easily be rubbed through a sieve. The mashed mass is again brought to a boil, granulated sugar is added to it and all this is boiled until about a third of the original volume of jam remains.

The finished jam, still hot, is laid out in jars, but they are not closed, but allowed to “rest” for 1-2 days, as a result of which a dried crust will appear on the jam. Only after it appears cans should be closed with plastic lids.

Well, have you prepared jam, jam and jam from apples? Now wait for winter to try!

Summer is approaching its middle and the first early varieties of apples have already ripened in the orchards. Of course, this is well-known and beloved by many " White filling”, and after a short period of time, an equally adored variety under the loud name “Glory to the winner” is already keeping up with it.

It is these early apples that act as the most magnificent filling for summer pies. Lush delicious homemade pies with apples, well, who doesn't love them? Such people, most likely, do not exist in nature!

And if you decide to please your family and cook such pies with your own hands, but you don’t know how to make sure that the apple filling does not leak and burn during baking, we give a hint.

Everything is extremely simple! Apples (you can peel, you can not peel) cut into small cubes, take a large frying pan, put on the stove, heat, and, on a dry surface, pour the prepared pieces of apples. Sprinkle them with sugar on top and “fry” constantly stirring. Apples will initially give juice, but in just a couple of minutes the excess liquid will evaporate and we will get the perfect apple filling, which definitely will not flow out of the pies.

Well, if you decide to think about winter and cook a thick apple jam for pies, we will be happy to reveal this recipe to you.

It is quite simple, affordable and does not require much time. To implement our plans, we need a little effort and following this recipe.

Taste Info Sweet blanks


  • Apples (we have Glory to the winner) - 500 grams;
  • Sugar sand - 500 grams;
  • Water - 100 ml.

From this amount, we got one half-liter jar of chic thick apple jam. If you want to make more supplies, multiply the number of ingredients.

How to make a thick jam from apples for filling for the winter

Let's start by going to the market and buying there those apples that we like the most.

The main ingredient is there and you can start cooking apple jam. We will cook it in a pan with a wide bottom and it is desirable that it be stainless steel (enamelled dishes are not suitable for this).

We wash the apples and peel them. It is not worth throwing it away from the peel, you can make a wonderful drink.

Peeled apples cut into thin slices. We weigh the result obtained after processing and it is on the basis of this amount that we determine the amount of sugar required. The proportions are one to one.

Pour water into the bottom of the pan, pour the prepared apple slices.

We send the pan to low heat, cover with a lid and begin to simmer the apples so that they become soft. Since the summer fruits have a rather loose pulp, five minutes will be enough for us to reach the desired condition.

We remove the pan from the heat, arm ourselves with a blender and turn the apples into a homogeneous mass.

We weigh required amount Sahara.

Pour it into a saucepan.

We send the pan to the fire and begin to cook apple jam. We interfere constantly (without leaving), and within about 30-40 minutes we get a thick apple jam for pies.

If you are in doubt whether the jam will turn out thick or liquid, then send a spoonful of jam in a saucer, after cooling you will see its final texture.

If you get a liquid jam, then do not thicken it with any thickeners, just boil a little longer.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and fast, the jam is ready for the winter, look how thick it turned out, no filling will flow out.

We pack it in sterile jars and can store it at room temperature in the pantry.

thick jam from apples can be used for any filling. Traditionally, pies, bagels, rolls are prepared with apple jam.

Among all apple blanks thick for winter fragrant jam occupies a special place. At home, it will take no more than 2 hours to prepare it, and it is not necessary to constantly monitor the process. If a few years ago such dishes could only be cooked on the stove, today they are trying to cook them with the help of modern devices. Even if this does not save time, and sometimes even increases the processing time, the apple dessert turns out to be more fragrant, rich and thick. Before proceeding with the manipulation, you should familiarize yourself with a number of important points and tips from professionals.

Despite the fact that approaches to processing apples for jam can be different, there are a number of universal rules for making seams for the winter. They will help you get the best result when working with the main component at home:

  • For jam, it is better to take soft and juicy fruits; summer varieties are considered the best option. The fastest according to the above recipes are boiled White filling, Pear.
  • If you want the dessert to have an attractive red tint, then you should take fruits with red or variegated skins. And you need to remember that the longer you cook the composition, the darker the final product will be.
  • When deciding how many cans to take for harvesting for the winter, you should know that the initial volume of apples as a result of cooking will decrease by about half. In addition, the frozen jam is thicker than still hot.

Tip: Usually all recipes involve the use of sweet or sweet and sour fruits. If sour apples are used, then the recommended amount of sugar should be increased by 25-30%. Otherwise, the taste of the final product will be too specific.

  • To check the readiness of the composition, you need to take a teaspoon of the mass and put it on a saucer. If the dessert retains its shape and does not spread, it is ready and can be closed for the winter.
  • Jam is traditionally considered a one-component delicacy, but to make it even tastier at home, housewives add pieces or citrus zest, cinnamon, ginger or vanilla to applesauce.
  • A properly prepared product can be stored in a cool place for 3 years without the risk of losing its quality.

Regardless of how much and how jam is cooked, it retains a lot of pectins. These are natural substances that contribute to the removal of salts of heavy metals and toxins from the body.

Classic options for making jam from apples

When for the winter you want to prepare a traditional apple treat the following simple recipes come to the rescue:

  • Basic dessert. For 1 kg of fruit we take 1 kg of granulated sugar and a glass of water. Wash the fruits, peel and seeds, cut into small pieces and put in a bowl for cooking. Pour the mass with water and put on medium heat, stir the composition regularly throughout the entire processing. After about 40 minutes, the composition must be transferred to a colander or sieve with large holes and grind. Now add sugar to the apples and continue to cook it for an hour, stirring regularly. We check the composition for readiness, put it in jars and close it for the winter.

Tip: Jam is best cooked in a low and wide dish, such as a basin. In this case, even at home it will be possible to get a truly delicious product with a pleasant aroma and natural color.

  • A gooey treat. In this case, for 1 kg of apples we take 3 cups of sugar and half a glass of water. Wash and clean the fruits, remove the skin and cut into small pieces. We put the fruit mass in a basin, fill it with water and put it on fire. After boiling, the mass should be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. We introduce sugar, knead everything thoroughly and wait until the crystals dissolve. Then grind the mass with a sieve, colander or immersion blender. Boil the jam for another 10 minutes, without ceasing to interfere with it. The resulting thick delicacy is laid out in jars and closed for the winter.

No one shop product can not be compared with jam, which was prepared at home. Given the simplicity of the process and the availability of ingredients, you only need to choose suitable recipe and allocate some time for its implementation.

How to use a slow cooker, oven and bread machine?

At home, modern housewives try to make the process of boiling blanks for the winter as easy as possible. Some of the techniques can also be used in the manufacture of jam from apples. The main thing is to clearly follow the recommendations on how much to process the main component when using a particular device.

  • Multicooker. To cook a decent dessert, you need to thinly chop the apples, peeled of everything superfluous, put them in a slow cooker and sprinkle with sugar. In no case do not pour sugar first, it can burn. The ratio of components is taken from traditional recipes or choose your own. We select the "Extinguishing" mode and start the process for 1.5 hours. Every 30 minutes, stir the applesauce and rub it lightly with a wooden spoon. If necessary, sugar is added to the composition. This approach allows you to get an almost homogeneous composition, so you do not need to grind it additionally. Just lay out finished product in sterile jars.

  • Bread maker. Another convenient and fast option cooking jam at home. Peeled and finely chopped fruits are placed in the bowl of the device and covered with sugar. You just need to set the "Jam" mode to start processing the components. The duration of the manipulation will take about one hour. Perhaps a little more if very firm fruits were originally taken. AT this case the final product will have to be crushed with a blender or sieve. It will need to be brought to a boil again to achieve sterility and can be laid out in prepared containers.

  • Oven. For 1.5 kg of apples, we take 2 times less sugar and two-thirds of a glass of water. Put peeled and chopped fruits in a saucepan, add water. Stir the composition so that the apples do not burn. Cook it over high heat, stirring occasionally, until the apples soften. After that, we grind the workpiece, mix with sugar and put it in a heat-resistant dish with a lid. We cook the resulting mass in a preheated oven at a temperature not exceeding 100ºС for about 3 hours. Then we lay out the jam in sterile containers and roll it up.

lovers diet food can cook apple dessert no added sugar. To do this, apple slices are boiled for 10 minutes in a small amount water (no more than a glass per 1 kg of product) and rub through a sieve. After that, it is boiled for another 10 minutes and laid out in sterile jars. True, such a product should be eaten within 6-8 months.

Apple jam can be cooked the classic way, as well as using thickeners, starch, gelatin. Excellent jam is also cooked in a slow cooker. Great taste when added with apples various berries and fruits. They go great with many flavors.

How to cook jam from apples at home

Apples are the most popular fruit available almost all year round.

The best jam is obtained from homemade apples, without nitrates, so basically such preparations for the winter are made in August-September, when the orchards are full of their ripe fruits. Such apples exude aroma, real, apple. It is these fruits that are recommended by nutritionists to reduce weight, improve digestion, and replenish body reserves with vitamins.

Due to the fact that apples naturally contain pectin, and this is a natural thickener, you can not add anything to the jam to thicken it. Just increase the cooking time. And apples go well with other fruits and even vegetables, for example, carrots. So jam options will be enough for you.

Recipes for making apple jam

To prepare any version of jam, you need to properly cook apples. To do this, you need to wash the apples, peel them, remove the seeds and coarse skins in the middle of the apples.

What kind of pot is needed to boil apples? It is best to take a stainless steel container. In enameled jam, it often burns, and in aluminum or copper, it oxidizes.

Jam from apples, a simple recipe

A recipe that even beginners can make. It is done very quickly, in the evening you can already try jam with tea or even cook pies.

We will need:

  • 1 kg apples of any variety
  • 1 kg sugar

Preparing apple jam

In this option, the seeds can not be cut, they will remain in the sieve, so do not do extra work.

Put the apples cut into slices in a bowl for cooking and fill with water so that it slightly covers them. Put on the stove and simmer for ten minutes, let cool slightly, drain the water, of course. Then just rub all the apples through a sieve.

Pour sugar into the resulting brew, first turn on the medium temperature, after boiling, set it to a minimum and cook, standing nearby and stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Jam is boiled for about half an hour, it happens less or more depending on the juiciness of the apples. If you constantly stirred it while cooking, then the mass will turn out to be homogeneous, evenly cooked, transparent caramel color. In order to make sure that it is ready, drop a little mass on a saucer and start circling it, does the drop keep its shape? Then you can put it in banks.

Thick jam from apples for the winter

You can cook jam from apples of any consistency, someone likes it liquid, someone, on the contrary, is thick so that the spoon stands. This is what we will prepare.

For this you need:

  • Kilo of apples
  • glass of sugar

Jam making process

Wash apples and cut into two halves, cut out the seeds too. You can grind apples on a grater, or scroll through a meat grinder - as you like. Transfer the resulting mass to a saucepan in which you will cook the jam, only you do not need to add water, the juice that stands out will be enough.

We begin to gradually heat the apple mass, not forgetting to mix. When it softens and the pieces become transparent, you can chop it again with a blender. Next, immediately pour out the sugar and cook on the weakest fire for 40 minutes until cooked. The jam will darken and become thick, after that we lay it out in jars.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

Thanks to this indispensable assistant in the kitchen, life has become more pleasant, how much time the multicooker saves us, because there is no need to guard, stir, be afraid that it will run away or burn.

We will need:

  • Kilo of apples
  • Half a kilo of sugar
  • half a lemon

How to cook jam from apples in a slow cooker

Rinse the apples under running water, remove the skin and core and cut into thin slices. Now we shift it into a multicooker bowl, pour a third of a glass of water there and bring it to a soft state in the baking mode.

We check with a fork if the apples have begun to fall apart, we crush them or chop them with a blender, mix with sugar and squeeze the juice from half a lemon. Now it remains to close the lid and, choosing the same baking mode, cook our jam for an hour. When the time is right, look into the slow cooker and check the readiness. Jam in jars is laid out hot.

Jam from apples White pouring, recipe

This option is ideal for serving with desserts. If the jam will be used for baking various muffins, then it takes longer to boil the jam - 20 minutes until almost completely thickened.

You will need the following products:

  • Apple varieties White filling - 2 kilograms
  • Sugar - 1 kilogram
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoons

How to cook jam from apples White pouring

Wash the apples, remove the stones and the core as a whole and cut into quarters. Pour apples with sugar in a ratio of 2 to 1 and mix well.

Candied apples should be infused for about 30 minutes until they give juice. After that, over medium heat, heat them for 5-7 minutes, stirring.

When all the sugar has dissolved, grind the warmed apples in a blender until smooth.

Then add half a teaspoon of cinnamon and put the brew back on the fire. Boil for 10 minutes.

Roll hot jam into jars and put in a dark, cool place for a couple of hours.

Such jam can be served with pancakes and pancakes, you can add it to pastries, or you can just eat it with tea. Enjoy your meal!

Jam from apples and apricots

This jam is best prepared from sweet and sour apples and fully ripe apricots. This jam is useful for soaking pancakes, fillings for various muffins.

In order to make jam for the winter, pack it hot in sterilized jars.

Jam Ingredients:

  • Apples - 600 grams
  • Apricots - 300 grams
  • Sugar - 1 kg


Wash the apples, peel, remove the core with seeds. Grind in a food processor (nozzle - metal knife).

Place the apple chips in a saucepan, add the apricot puree (grind the pitted apricots in the same food processor).

Boil for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.

Grind the mass with a blender to a puree state. Add sugar.

Boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly.

Jam from apples and apricots is ready. Such jam can be prepared for the winter by pouring it into sterilized jars and closing it with sterilized lids.

Of all the sweet homemade preparations, jam is the thickest. It can be eaten with tea, spread on toast, or can be used as a filling for pies and other pastries. Cooking jam is not an easy and troublesome business: you cannot leave it even for a minute, otherwise it will burn. But you can cook it from “out of condition” - slightly overripe berries and fruits spoiled from one side, sorted out, cut out and mashed. This puree is boiled with sugar until the original volume is halved. If the jam is not cooked much, by adding more sugar, you will get a more liquid jam in consistency.

How to cook jam

Sort out ripe, sweet fruits or berries from debris, remove damaged or slightly rotted places and wash in running water. You can take fruits of one type or a mixture of them, but it is best to cook jam from apples. They must be added when cooking berry jam to give it a jelly-like consistency - without apples it will turn out to be too liquid. Fruits containing large seeds and a hard skin should be freed from them, and large fruits should be cut into small pieces.

The prepared raw materials are placed in a wide dish, a little water is added to it. When its contents boil, cover the dishes with a lid and cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes until the fruits become soft. Boiled berries and fruits need to be cooled a little and turned into puree by rubbing through a sieve or passing through a meat grinder.

Try not to cook more than 4-5 kg ​​of jam at a time, otherwise, even with constant stirring, it can burn. Transfer the puree again to a wide enameled bowl (basin) for subsequent cooking. A large area will ensure faster evaporation of excess moisture, and the jam will turn out to be tastier and lighter, retaining the aroma as much as possible fresh fruit. First you need to cook jam without adding sugar - without it, the fruit mass gives off moisture faster, and reducing the cooking time is only good for jam. If possible in several doses, then the jam is prepared at a time.

Some experienced housewives lubricate the inner surface of the pelvis olive oil to prevent accidental burning, but there is one more secret: before putting the mashed potatoes to boil, you can add a little white to it table wine. Now the mass must be reduced by almost half, keeping it on low heat and constantly stirring with a wooden spoon or spatula.

Per 1 kg fruit puree take about 800 g of sugar, adding it at the end of cooking. By reducing the amount of sugar to 500-600 g, and increasing the cooking time, you can get a very dense jam, which, after hardening, will be easily cut into pieces.