Recipes for dietary salads with chicken breast for holidays and for every day. Dietary chicken breast salads

Hello, dear readers and fans of a healthy lifestyle! Today the “Me and Fitness” team has prepared an article for you on how to cook with chicken breast. This topic is relevant, because during a diet you can’t eat everything. Salads are healthy and effective in the fight against overweight.

Dishes from chicken breast are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but you need to know recipes without mayonnaise, because this sauce is very high in calories and contains unhealthy fats. We have prepared for you best recipes chicken salads for weight loss with photo.


This one is lightweight and delicious salad Absolutely everyone will like it. It can be prepared for the holiday table or just for dinner. Approximate cooking time 20 minutes. 100 grams of the dish contains only 90 kcal. To prepare, take:

  1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.
  2. Wash and chop the mushrooms, sauté together with the onions in a frying pan without adding oil.
  3. Pre-fill the prunes for 15 minutes warm water and let it brew. Then dry it on a paper towel, cut it into slices and put it in a salad dish as the first layer. We pour sour cream over it.
  4. Then lay out the chopped boiled breast, also pour sour cream.
  5. The next layer is sauteed mushrooms with onions.
  6. Then cut the eggs and lay them out in the next layer.
  7. Decorate the salad with cucumber and herbs, spices, and serve.

Tropical Delight

This original salad with pineapples, boiled chicken and vegetables will delight those losing weight with its exquisite and delicate taste. The calorie content of the dish per 100 grams is 130 kcal. Main ingredients of the dish:

  1. Boil the chicken, cut into convenient slices.
  2. Peel the boiled egg and grate it on a fine grater. We connect the components together.
  3. Three cheese on a medium grater and also add to the salad.
  4. Cut the pineapples and add them to the dish.
  5. Add spices and season with yogurt, serve.

Eat and lose weight

This simple recipe will be appreciated by those who strictly monitor their figure and calories consumed. There are no more than 69 of them in 100 grams of the dish. You can also prepare this salad from fresh Chinese cabbage. IN traditional recipe To prepare you need to have on hand:

  • 200 gr. Chicken;
  • 200 gr. broccoli;
  • 200 gr. pickled cucumbers;
  • 130-170 gr. low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.

  1. Chicken fillet boil, cut.
  2. Blanch broccoli for 3 minutes, drain ice water and cut finely.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  4. Pour the dressing over all the ingredients, mix and enjoy your meal.

Diet Olivier

Salad "Olivier" has become traditional for many families and not only in new year holidays. While on a diet, you need to know how to make this dish in order to please yourself and your loved ones, but at the same time not harm your figure. The new one contains only 95 kcal in 100 grams of salad. The main ingredients are:

  • chicken 250 gr.;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • cucumber 1 pc.;
  • carrots 2 pcs.;
  • green pea 1 tbsp;
  • apple 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice 0.5 tsp.

  1. All products requiring pre-cooking, prepare in advance - eggs, chicken breast and carrots. Then peel them and finely chop them into small pieces.
  2. Sweet and sour apples clean, remove the cores, cut into small slices and add lemon juice.
  3. Cut the cucumbers and add to the rest of the ingredients. Seasoning the dish mustard sauce.
  4. To prepare the dressing, mix 150 grams of cottage cheese, 5 tbsp. l. thick natural yogurt, 1.5 tsp. mustard, salt and pepper.

Greek low calorie

Very hearty dish, which is prepared from vegetables and chicken, will perfectly complement festive table or romantic dinner. A 100-gram serving of salad contains no more than 100 calories. To prepare it, you will need:

  • 350 gr. Chicken;
  • 250 gr. fresh cucumbers;
  • 200 gr. tomatoes;
  • 200 gr. sweet pepper;
  • 120 gr. feta cheese;
  • 100 gr. olives;
  • mixture of herbs and salt.

  1. Clean the chicken, cut into long strips and fry in a frying pan without oil.
  2. Cut peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers into medium cubes.
  3. Add chopped cheese and olives, a mixture of herbs and salt, season olive oil and serve to the table.

We hope our recipes will help you diversify your diet, fill it with the necessary protein and other useful substances. We wish you inspiration while cooking and Bon appetit!

If you found this article useful, take a minute of your time and share it with your friends on social media. networks. We thank you in advance.

Trying to become slimmer and more graceful, you give up your favorite foods, count calories, and ignore the constant feeling of hunger. But sooner or later a breakdown occurs, and with it comes a lack of faith in one’s own strength.

Diet salads with chicken will help you say goodbye to extra centimeters easier and faster.

The recipes below include lean chicken, which is a source of easily digestible protein, as well as vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. These salads will give you a long-lasting feeling of fullness, vigor and good mood.

Diet Caesar salad with chicken

Ingredients Quantity
sheet or head lettuce - 200 g
boiled chicken meat - 300 g
hard cheese (ideally Parmesan) - 100 g
garlic - 3 slices
loaf - 5-6 pieces
olive oil - 50 g
yogurt - 200 ml
cherry - 8 pcs.
mustard - 10 g
spices and sea salt - taste
Cooking time: 20 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 36 Kcal

Caesar is a popular salad that is prepared both at home and in fine restaurants. IN classic recipe In a dietary chicken salad, the ingredients are fried in a frying pan and mayonnaise is used as a sauce.

To do light dish, the chefs slightly changed the cooking technology, but the salad remained just as tasty and looks very appetizing.

Divide the loaf slices in half, place them on a baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. After 15 minutes, take out the golden brown croutons and rub them with garlic.

While the bread is drying, prepare the sauce. Add mustard, olive oil, salt and spices to the yogurt, squeeze out the garlic. Mix everything well and put it in the refrigerator.

Cooked chicken fillet is cut across the grain fairly large pieces. The cheese needs to be grated on a fine grater. Now Caesar can be placed on plates.

First, lay out the lettuce leaves, on them - chicken meat, tomatoes and croutons. Top with grated cheese and generously pour sauce.

Layered salad with chicken and broccoli for weight loss

Gentle puff salad will decorate both everyday and formal dinners. Unlike “Mimosa” and “Herring under a fur coat”, it does not add extra pounds, but taste qualities will even surpass popular table dishes. To avoid eating too much, you can prepare the salad in small vases or glasses.

Required ingredients:

  • carrots - 200 g;
  • 300 g boiled chicken breast;
  • broccoli - 1 large inflorescence;
  • 2 small sweet and sour apples;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sour cream 15% - 50 g;
  • a bouquet of gray greenery;
  • yogurt - 200 g.

Cooking time: 35 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 57 kcal.

Before preparing the salad, boil some ingredients, namely carrots, broccoli and eggs. At this time, prepare the sauce: mix yogurt, sour cream, salt and add your favorite spices to make the dressing spicy. When all the products are ready, you can start slicing.

We cut the meat, put it in the first layer, add salt and pour sauce over it. Next, finely grate the apples - this is the second layer, we also coat it with sauce. Now finely chop the broccoli and carrots, mix them, place them on top of the apples and pour the dressing again.

The eggs will be the last layer. They need to be finely chopped or grated, spread evenly and poured with the remaining sauce. The top of the dietary salad is decorated with fresh herbs.

Village salad with chicken and mushrooms

Mushrooms are practically not absorbed by the body, but a lot of calories are spent on their processing. Having eaten a small amount of this product, you won’t remember about food for a very long time. And the ginger included in the salad will help speed up metabolism and improve digestion. And of course, it will be very tasty!

Required ingredients:

  • pickled mushrooms - 400 g;
  • 300 g chicken meat;
  • 1 red onion;
  • ginger root - 100 g;
  • parsley - 100 g;
  • olive oil - 50 g;
  • 3 potato tubers.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 62 kcal.

Boil the potatoes in their skins, and after cooling, peel and cut into cubes. We divide the meat into small fibers. We take the mushrooms out of the jar; if they are large, do it in half. Cut the onion into thin rings and combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl.

Add spices and salt, chopped parsley and finely grated ginger root to taste. Ready salad for weight loss, season with olive oil.

Refreshing salad with fresh cucumbers and chicken fillet

For weight loss, the body needs water. And the most water-saturated vegetable is the cucumber. Diet salad with chicken and cucumber contains everything that a person losing weight needs: protein, liquid, antioxidants, fiber. This is an example of a real healthy food: tasty, healthy, low-calorie!

Required ingredients:

  • 3 fresh cucumbers;
  • chicken breast - 400 g;
  • 1 medium bell pepper;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • 10 g mustard powder;
  • garlic clove;
  • 25 g sunflower oil;
  • 20 ml lemon juice or vinegar.

Cooking time: 7 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 38 kcal.

Divide the cucumbers in half and cut into thin slices. We divide with our hands chicken breast on fibers. Three apples coarse grater and cut the pepper into large pieces. Mix all the ingredients, squeeze out the garlic, add mustard, salt, and spices. We make a dressing from oil and lemon juice (vinegar) and add it to the salad. Mix well and serve.

Light vegetable salad with chicken

Everything ingenious is simple, like this salad for weight loss. It is filling and light at the same time. The salad is easy to prepare, and it looks like it’s from the cover of a culinary magazine! Half of its composition is green vegetables containing minimal amount calories and many vitamins and microelements.

Required ingredients:

  • arugula - 150 g;
  • 250 g chicken breast;
  • celery - 1 bunch;
  • 5-7 sprigs of parsley;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • hard cheese of any kind - 100 g;
  • wine vinegar - 25 g;
  • salt, spices, sunflower oil;
  • tomatoes - 4 pcs.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 28 kcal.

Rinse the greens with water and cut them fairly large or tear them with your hands. Grate the cheese. Divide the tomatoes into 8 parts, cut the onion into rings, and cut the chicken into small pieces. Mix the crushed ingredients in a deep bowl, add salt, spices, vegetable oil, vinegar. Everything is ready, the salad can be brought to the table!

Chicken salad recipe with feta cheese and bran

Fiber occupies a special place in dietary salads. It gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach, removes toxins and radionuclides from the body, and improves intestinal function. Fats eaten together with fiber are less digestible. This weight loss salad includes bran - coarse fibers cereals and fresh vegetables, which will have a positive effect on your waist.

Required ingredients:

  • 150 g sweet green peas;
  • boiled chicken meat - 300 g;
  • 2 carrots;
  • feta - 120 g;
  • 50 g olive oil;
  • 50 g green onions;
  • salt, spices;
  • 15 g wheat bran.

Cooking time: 10 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 34 kcal.

Cut the chicken into arbitrary pieces, the cheese into large squares, and grate the carrots. Mix the ingredients, add chopped onion, bran, salt and spices. Season the dish with olive oil and let it soak for a quarter of an hour.

Diet salad with boiled chicken and pineapples

An exotic sweet and sour salad will be an excellent ally in the fight against extra centimeters. It's all about the combination of two super-dietary components. Pineapple contains a unique enzyme - bromelain, which accelerates the process of fat breakdown. A hearty chicken breast will satisfy your hunger for 3-4 hours.

Required ingredients:

  • chicken breasts - 400 g;
  • 1 can (500 g) canned pineapple;
  • 100 g of lettuce;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • cheese “health” - 200 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • sour cream 15% - 80 g;
  • 20 ml wine vinegar;
  • pepper and salt, mustard, cumin.

Cooking time: 20 min.

Calorie content per 100 grams: 42 kcal.

Boil the chicken in salted water. Divide the cooled meat evenly into pieces and place in a deep salad bowl. Send diced cheese and thin rings there onions, chopped lettuce, nuts. Prepare the sauce: with a mixer or fork, beat sour cream with spices, vinegar and mustard. Add salt to taste and season the salad. Let it brew for 10-15 minutes and serve.

All parts chicken carcass are considered low-calorie, but chicken breast has earned special love from nutritionists, since it contains the least cholesterol and saturated fats. fatty acids. To prepare salads, boil the skinless meat in moderately salted water for 60 minutes.

An integral part of any salad is dressing. Having started the fight against excess weight, it is necessary to replace mayonnaise, full-fat sour cream and cream with more dietary analogues. Delicious and low calorie sauce can be made from yogurt, adding mustard, cumin, marjoram, rosemary and fennel.

Vegetables that are familiar to us are not equally beneficial for weight loss. Pay attention to the content in them fast carbohydrates. Do not get carried away with corn, potatoes, dry peas, beets and root parsley. Green vegetables contain the least calories and the most fiber: cabbage, all types of lettuce, celery, spinach, broccoli, sorrel, and parsley.

Despite the fact that a tablespoon of any vegetable oil contains more than 200 kcal, there is no need to exclude it from your diet. The linoleic acid contained in this product actively affects metabolic and hormonal processes in the human body and helps fight excess weight. Sunflower or olive, as well as corn, flax, and pumpkin are suitable for salad dressing. unrefined oils. Daily dose for those losing weight - 50 g.

Chicken meat is very tender and tasty. It contains a large amount of protein, but it contains negligible fat. Dietary chicken salad is perfect for those who limit their fat intake. Poultry dishes are recommended for those who want to lose weight, as they contain essential amino acids. These chemical compounds are natural fat burners. More energy is spent on the absorption, breakdown and transformation of amino acids than is generated during their breakdown. Various types dietary salads with chicken will bring not only benefits, but also pleasure. They are light, satisfying, tasty and beautiful.

Chicken salads will be a pleasant addition to a monotonous diet for weight loss. So that they hasten the loss extra pounds, you should follow several rules when preparing them:

Dietary dishes should not be salted. You can make the taste of the dish brighter by adding a little lemon juice or soy sauce. If you can’t do without salt, it’s better to add a little sea salt.

Salad of apples, celery and white cabbage with chicken

To prepare the dish you will need: 1 medium apple, 300 g white cabbage, 1 large stalk of celery, 200 g boiled chicken breast, 0.5 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. natural yogurt for dressing. Salt to taste.

The apples are peeled, cut into quarters, seeds removed and cut into slices. White cabbage finely chop, salt and crush it a little with your hands so that it becomes soft. The celery stalk is cut into wide or thin rings. The chicken breast needs to be cut into cubes.

Place the prepared products in a salad bowl, sprinkle with lemon juice, add a few tablespoons of yogurt and mix.

The salad can be consumed as independent dish or together with millet, buckwheat or corn porridge.

To prepare the dish you will need: 200 g of boiled chicken breast, 1 fresh cucumber, 1 large stalk of celery, a bunch of green onions, 6-7 cherry tomatoes, a large leaf of Chinese cabbage, 0.5 tbsp. lemon juice and 1-2 tbsp. olive oil. Sea salt taste.

Chicken fillet and cucumbers are cut into cubes. The celery stalk is cut into sticks 1-2 cm long. Cherry tomatoes are cut into 4 parts. The Chinese cabbage is washed and left on a paper towel to dry for 15 minutes. Then it is finely chopped. Place all the ingredients in a salad bowl and sprinkle them with chopped green onions. The products are sprinkled with lemon juice and mixed. The dish is seasoned with olive oil.

A light and tender dietary salad with chicken breast can be eaten as a separate dish for breakfast or dinner.

Dietary dish of chicken and salad with strawberries

The salad will surprise you unusual combination taste of berries and meat. Strawberries give the dish a sweet and sour taste and a wonderful aroma. The mild diuretic and laxative properties of the berry will speed up the process of losing weight.

To prepare the dish you will need: 200 g of boiled chicken breast, 200 g of fleshy strawberries, 1 tbsp. soy sauce, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 200 g of lettuce and 0.5 tbsp. lemon juice.

The breast should be cut into cubes. Strawberries are cut into 4 or 8 parts depending on the size of the berries. Lettuce leaves are torn into pieces. The products are placed in a salad bowl, sprinkled with lemon juice, and olive oil and soy sauce are added to them.

Once strawberry season has passed, you can add other sweet and sour fruits to your chicken breast salad. For example, kiwi or plums.

The salad is consumed as an independent dish.

Caesar salad for weight loss

Diet Caesar salad does not contain the usual mayonnaise. Instead they add dairy products low fat or fat free.

To prepare the dish you will need: 150 g of boiled chicken fillet, 300 g of Chinese cabbage, 3 medium-sized dense tomatoes, 70 g of Gracia cheese (20%), 100 g of rye bread, bunch of dill, 1 tsp. mustard and 3-4 tbsp. kefir (natural yogurt or sour cream). You can add a pinch of sea salt.

Washed and dried Chinese cabbage is cut into large strips. The stems of the tomatoes are cut out and then cut into cubes. The cheese is also cut into cubes. The cheese cubes should be the same size as the tomato cubes. The chicken fillet is cut into pieces and the dill is chopped. Separately prepare the dressing sauce from kefir, mustard and salt. The prepared products are placed in a large salad bowl and poured with sauce. When the dish is soaked, it is ready to eat. Sprinkle the salad with croutons immediately before eating.

Many people have long appreciated the excellent taste of Caesar salad. His dietary option no less tasty. This dish is suitable for a holiday table.

Diet chicken salad with cucumber and corn

Greek cuisine is famous for its lightness, healthfulness and excellent taste. Many Greek dishes included in a variety of weight loss diets.

To prepare the salad you will need: 250 g of boiled chicken fillet, 1 medium-sized cucumber, 1 large stalk of celery, 150 g of canned corn, 200 g of lettuce, 1 onion (preferably red), a bunch of dill and 3-4 tbsp. natural low fat yogurt.

The dressing is prepared separately. Finely chopped onion and chopped dill are placed in a salad bowl. The products are poured with yogurt and mixed. You can add a little sea salt to the dressing.

The cucumber is cut into cubes or slices. Celery should be cut into small pieces, and chicken breast into cubes. The products are placed in a large salad bowl and added to them. canned corn and lettuce torn into pieces. The products are poured with dressing and mixed.

Greek salad is traditionally eaten with fresh bread. For dietary nutrition A slice of wholemeal bread would be better.

Diet salad with chicken and pineapple

Pineapple's ability to burn fat has made it a popular food among those who want to lose weight. Another advantage is refined taste, juiciness and aroma. Dishes with pineapple are considered a real delicacy.

To prepare the salad you will need: 1 medium-sized pineapple, 2 apples, 200 g boiled chicken breast, a bunch of greens, 200 g lettuce, 3-4 tbsp. natural low-fat yogurt. You don't need salt for this salad.

Fresh pineapple needs to be peeled and cut into cubes (or slices). It is advisable to use the core, despite its rigidity. This is where it is located greatest number fat burner bromelain. It is better to cut the apples into slices, after removing the seed pods. The chicken meat is cut into cubes, the greens are chopped, and the salad is torn into pieces by hand. The ingredients are mixed in a large salad bowl and topped with yogurt.

If not fresh pineapple, you can use a canned product.

The properties of pineapple are more pronounced when consumed on an empty stomach. Therefore, it is recommended to eat the salad on an empty stomach. It is consumed as an independent dish or together with boiled rice.

Grapefruit is often included in diet menu for weight loss. It increases metabolic rate and reduces body fat. Grapefruit salad has spicy taste. The original combination of citrus bitterness and tender white chicken meat harmoniously complements spicy taste greenery This dish will be appreciated by sophisticated gourmets.

To prepare the dish you will need: 300 g of cooked chicken fillet, half a large grapefruit, 50 g of Parmesan cheese, 150 g of lettuce, a quarter of a medium-sized lemon, a coffee spoon of dried and chopped mint, and 3 tbsp. olive oil (or olive oil) grape seeds) for refueling.

In a separate bowl, combine the juice of a quarter of a lemon, vegetable oil and mint. The salad dressing is ready.

Lettuce leaves need to be torn into pieces. Grapefruit slices are carefully peeled from films and seeds, then cut into cubes. You also need to cut the chicken breast into cubes. The products are placed in a salad bowl, dressing is added to them and mixed. Top the salad with finely grated Parmesan cheese.

To appreciate the merits of the dish, it is better to eat it separately. It is suitable for both dinner and a holiday table.

Diet salad with chicken meat can be prepared from different products, guided by your eating preferences. The main requirement for the composition is the low calorie content of its components.

Hello, dear readers and fans of a healthy lifestyle! Today we have prepared for you an article on how to prepare a diet salad with chicken breast. This topic is relevant, because during a diet you can’t eat everything. Salads are healthy and effective in the fight against excess weight.

Chicken breast dishes are an excellent source of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, but you need to know recipes without mayonnaise, because this sauce is very high in calories and contains unhealthy fats.

5 dietary salads with chicken breast

We have prepared for you the best chicken salad recipes for weight loss with photos.


This light and tasty salad will please absolutely everyone. It can be prepared for the holiday table or just for dinner. Approximate cooking time 20 minutes. 100 grams of the dish contains only 90 kcal.

To prepare, take:

  • 300 gr. boiled chicken;
  • 2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 onion;
  • 150 gr. pitted prunes;
  • 6 champignons;
  • 100 gr. sour cream 10% fat;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


  1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.
  2. Wash and chop the mushrooms, sauté together with the onions in a frying pan without adding oil.
  3. First, fill the prunes with warm water for 15 minutes and let it brew. Then dry it on a paper towel, cut it into slices and put it in a salad dish as the first layer. We pour sour cream over it.
  4. Then lay out the chopped boiled breast, also pour sour cream on it.
  5. The next layer is sauteed mushrooms with onions.
  6. Then cut the eggs and lay them out in the next layer.
  7. Decorate the salad with cucumber and herbs, spices, and serve.

Tropical Delight

This original salad with pineapples, boiled chicken and vegetables will delight those losing weight with its exquisite and delicate taste. The calorie content of the dish per 100 grams is 130 kcal. Main ingredients of the dish:

  • 250 g chicken;
  • 60 gr. hard cheese with low fat content;
  • 120 g canned pineapples;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. low-fat yogurt;
  • salt, pepper and ground garlic to taste.


  1. Boil the chicken, cut into convenient slices.
  2. Peel the boiled egg and grate it on a fine grater. We connect the components together.
  3. Three cheese on a medium grater and also add to the salad.
  4. Cut the pineapples and add them to the dish.
  5. Add spices and season with yogurt, serve.

Eat and lose weight

This simple recipe will be appreciated by those who strictly monitor their figure and calories consumed. There are no more than 69 of them in 100 grams of the dish. You can also prepare this salad from fresh Chinese cabbage.

In a traditional recipe, you need to have on hand:

  • 200 gr. Chicken;
  • 200 gr. broccoli;
  • 200 gr. pickled cucumbers;
  • 130-170 gr. low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet and cut it into pieces.
  2. Blanch the broccoli for 3 minutes, rinse with ice water and chop finely.
  3. Cut the cucumbers into strips.
  4. Pour the dressing over all the ingredients, mix and enjoy your meal.

Diet Olivier

The Olivier salad has become traditional for many families, and not only on New Year’s holidays. When on a diet, you need to know how to make this dish in order to please yourself and your loved ones, but at the same time not harm your figure. In the new dietary recipe 100 grams of salad contains only 95 kcal.

The main ingredients are:

  • chicken 250 gr.;
  • eggs 3 pcs.;
  • cucumber 1 pc.;
  • carrots 2 pcs.;
  • green peas 1 tbsp.;
  • apple 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice 0.5 tsp.


  1. We prepare all products that require pre-cooking in advance - eggs, chicken breast and carrots. Then peel them and finely chop them into small pieces.
  2. Peel the sweet and sour apples, remove the cores, cut them into small slices and add lemon juice.
  3. Cut the cucumbers and add to the rest of the ingredients. Season the dish with mustard sauce.
  4. To prepare the dressing, mix 150 grams of cottage cheese, 5 tbsp. l. thick natural yogurt, 1.5 tsp. mustard, salt and pepper.

Greek low calorie

A very hearty dish, which is prepared from vegetables and chicken, will perfectly complement a holiday table or a romantic dinner. A 100-gram serving of salad contains no more than 100 calories.

To prepare it, you will need:

  • 350 gr. Chicken;
  • 250 gr. fresh cucumbers;
  • 200 gr. tomatoes;
  • 200 gr. sweet pepper;
  • 120 gr. feta cheese;
  • 100 gr. olives;
  • mixture of herbs and salt.


  1. Clean the chicken, cut into long strips and fry in a frying pan without oil.
  2. Cut peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers into medium cubes.
  3. Add chopped cheese and olives, a mixture of herbs and salt, season with olive oil and serve.

We hope our recipes will help you diversify your diet menu, filling it with essential protein and other beneficial substances. We wish you inspiration while cooking and bon appetit!

If you found this article useful, take a minute of your time and share it with your friends on social media. networks. We thank you in advance.