Prepare lenten funeral pancakes. The sequence of actions is

I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​adding baking powder or soda to pancake dough mineral water, but thanks to this good man in the post you can cook excellent pancakes. Personally, I like them more than usual, although they contain no milk, no eggs, no kefir. We take flour, add salt, sugar, pour from a bottle plain water with gas and get masterpiece lean pancakes on mineral water - thin, with holes, see the recipe with exact proportions below. In the meantime, take a look at the photo - are pancakes really good? In preparation, they are very simple, they always turn out and for everyone. They don’t stick to the pan, they don’t wrinkle, they are elastic in structure, but not rubbery, they are good for stuffing. Usually, having tried to bake such pancakes for the first time in fasting, people are so impressed with the result that they continue to bake them even on holidays. Perhaps this recipe will be added to your list of favorites.


  • Mineral water highly carbonated - 2 cups
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup + 2 heaping tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

How to cook thin pancakes on a mineral water

1. Take a bowl of medium volume. We add flour. To be sure, it can be sifted through a sieve. But this is optional.

2. Add sugar. With two spoons, pancakes will turn out slightly sweet, and if you want sweeter, put three.

4. Mix everything with a wooden spatula or spoon.

5. It remains to pour mineral water. I recommend that you use sparkling water. In this case, the bubbles will play important role in pancake test. We begin to pour in mineral water and immediately mix the ingredients intensively. A little trick: to make the dough for pancakes without lumps, first pour in half of the mineral water, mix well, and then add the rest of the water to the thick dough. Stir again.

6. Pour in vegetable oil, stir. If you want the pancakes to be softer, increase the amount of oil by another 2 tablespoons.

7. The dough for lean pancakes turned out to be liquid, this will allow you to bake thin pancakes. We bake them in a hot frying pan (I usually put two at once so as not to spend too much time in the kitchen), which can be oiled only once. And if you grease before each pancake, they will turn out crispy. As for the baking time, it depends a lot on what kind of pans you have. I have one with a thick bottom, the other with a thin one. So on a thin one I have time to bake two pancakes, while one is baked on a thick one. Pour two-thirds of a ladleful of batter over the surface of the pan. It is best to do this from the center, twisting the pan in different directions at different angles - then the dough will be distributed evenly. Next, we look, if the edges of the pancakes have become golden, then, most likely, you can already turn over. We hook the pancake, apparently a bright crust, fry on the other side for about a minute. I have already said, but I will repeat it again. Baking pancakes on a mineral water is a pleasure. They do not tear and do not crumple.

Pancakes are thin, with small holes, very beautiful and tasty!

I recommend you cook lean pancakes on mineral water according to this recipe - it's so delicious that it's simply beyond words. Pancakes are thin, with small holes, very beautiful and fried! Lean, thin pancakes can be served at the table in two versions: as light breakfast or as a dessert after the main course.

They are easy to bake, and they can be served beautifully - I'll tell you how.


  • mineral (carbonated) water - 2 glasses;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Lean pancakes on mineral water. Step by step recipe

  1. Flour for pancakes must be sifted through a sieve. I would advise you not to neglect this requirement, since the sifted flour absorbs the liquid evenly, and the taste and tenderness of your baking depends on it. And another equally important point: sifted flour can be measured more accurately.
  2. Pour one glass into a deep bowl mineral water, add sugar, salt (it takes a little less than half a teaspoon of salt). Mix well with a whisk.
  3. Tip: if you want to make pancakes with sweet stuffing, then sugar can be added as per the recipe, or even more, but if you cook lean pancakes with salty filling, then, of course, put a little sugar.
  4. Add the sifted flour in small portions to the water with sugar and mix until smooth (I mix with a whisk, but you can use a mixer).
  5. Pour a second glass of mineral water into the dough.
  6. Then pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough and mix well with a whisk so that there are no lumps. The dough for lean pancakes is ready.
  7. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan on both sides until golden brown. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil just before baking the first pancake.

I want to add on my own: any housewife probably has her favorite pan for pancakes, where they turn out well.

So I have a small cast-iron (precisely cast-iron) frying pan, because I am sure that when baking on it, pancakes turn out to be the most delicious.

I very often cook lean pancakes on mineral water and always serve to the table with different stuffing. Here are the options for salty filling:

fry mushrooms with onions and make pancake bags. Such a dish will perfectly decorate even a festive table;
very tasty stuffing for lacy pancakes, if mashed potatoes combine with fried onions - super;
and another filling is stewed cabbage: from pancakes with stewed cabbage my husband is just crazy.

And when serving sweet pancakes on mineral water, your imagination has a place to roam: smear the finished pancake with honey, jam, jam, banana puree can be served with fresh or frozen berries.

Cooking lean pancakes on mineral water is very easy and simple. And most importantly - a minimum of financial costs.

Show your imagination and come up with your own filling for a lean pancake that you and your family like. You can serve fruit compote to the table along with sweet pancakes - you will definitely give pleasure to children.

We wish you a pleasant tea party!!!

How to cook lean pancakes on a mineral water thin recipe - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Lenten pancakes on mineral water

I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​adding mineral water to pancake dough instead of baking powder or soda, but thanks to this kind person, you can cook excellent pancakes in fasting. Personally, I like them more than usual, although they contain no milk, no eggs, no kefir. We take flour, add salt, sugar, pour plain water with gas from a bottle and get masterpiece lean pancakes on mineral water - thin, with holes, see the recipe with exact proportions below. In the meantime, take a look at the photo - are pancakes really good? In preparation, they are very simple, they always turn out and for everyone. They don’t stick to the pan, they don’t wrinkle, they are elastic in structure, but not rubbery, they are good for stuffing. Usually, having tried to bake such pancakes for the first time in fasting, people are so impressed with the result that they continue to bake them even on holidays. Perhaps this recipe will be added to your list of favorites.

  • Mineral water highly carbonated - 2 cups
  • Wheat flour - 1 cup + 2 heaping tablespoons
  • Sugar - 1.5-2 tablespoons
  • Salt - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tablespoons

How to cook thin pancakes on a mineral water

1. Take a bowl of medium volume. We add flour. To be sure, it can be sifted through a sieve. But this is optional.

2. Add sugar. With two spoons, pancakes will turn out slightly sweet, and if you want sweeter, put three.

4. Mix everything with a wooden spatula or spoon.

5. It remains to pour mineral water. I recommend that you use sparkling water. In this case, the bubbles will play an important role in the pancake dough. We begin to pour in mineral water and immediately mix the ingredients intensively. A little trick: to make the dough for pancakes without lumps, first pour in half of the mineral water, mix well, and then add the rest of the water to the thick dough. Stir again.

6. Pour in vegetable oil, mix. If you want the pancakes to be softer, increase the amount of oil by another 2 tablespoons.

7. The dough for lean pancakes turned out to be liquid, this will allow you to bake thin pancakes. We bake them in a hot frying pan (I usually put two at once so as not to spend too much time in the kitchen), which can be oiled only once. And if you grease before each pancake, they will turn out crispy. As for the baking time, it depends a lot on what kind of pans you have. I have one with a thick bottom, the other with a thin one. So on a thin one I have time to bake two pancakes, while one is baked on a thick one. Pour two-thirds of a ladleful of batter over the surface of the pan. It is best to do this from the center, twisting the pan in different directions at different angles - then the dough will be evenly distributed. Next, we look, if the edges of the pancakes have become golden, then, most likely, you can already turn over. We hook the pancake, apparently a bright crust, fry on the other side for about a minute. I have already said, but I will repeat it again. Baking pancakes on a mineral water is a pleasure. They do not tear and do not crumple.

Thanks a lot! Great recipe. Is it possible to bake pancakes from whole grain flour on mineral water? Thank you

Elena, I've only tried these. I think you can try first to make a mixture of a third of tsz and two-thirds of the usual. And if the result is normal and the pancakes do not tear, then next time increase the flour to half tsz. I baked on a regular one - my children snapped up these pancakes so much, I was even surprised. Ordinary they will eat a couple and that's it.

Irina! Today I took a chance and baked pancakes with the addition of tsz flour. I recommend you too! True, I took a little more than the usual one (2/3 of the usual one by 1/3 tsz). I made sure and added 3 tablespoons of butter to the dough. Conclusion: delicious pancakes. I will take 1-2 tablespoons of oil. It's enough. It is better to grease the pan. because I stick fast food, this recipe will become a "table" for me. Thank you and good luck!

Elena, I believe.) I will definitely bake these! Thank you!

Thanks for the recipe, the dough is very tasty, but for some reason my pancakes stuck to the pan and when I turned them over they crumpled and torn, maybe you need to fry longer and on a slower fire, I don’t know, I added 4 tablespoons of oil.

Svetlana, such pancakes are well baked in pans with a smooth non-stick coating, for example, in special pancake pancakes.

They turned out delicious, soft, delicate and most importantly for me without animal ingredients! Now, based on these ingredients, I'm experimenting with baking dough, thanks for the tip ^_^ I fried on cast iron pan on slow fire.

And at first they turned out to be crispy, they fell into crumbs when I took them in my hands. And then they stood under the lid and in the evening they became rubber, it was impossible to chew. What could be the reason?

In order not to break the pancakes, let the pancake dough stand for a little while. Approximately 20 minutes. The gluten will swell and will not fly off and will not tear and crumple. Good luck

Yesterday I baked according to this recipe, I tried it on cast iron and non-stick pans over medium heat. At first, the dough was sticky on both sides. Added 2 tbsp. with a slide of CZ flour (it interferes better with ready dough than white), and let's go pancakes! True, due to the addition of flour, they are not thin, but thicker. More perforated and lush came out on cast iron, I have such an effect with regular test watched. After 10-15 minutes, the dough came up and the pancakes became much more magnificent. My conclusion is that you need to proof the dough for at least 15 minutes before baking, maybe, by the way, you wouldn’t have to add flour.

Eugene, thank you for sharing your experience. And I agree about the stretch. And that a lot depends on the pan.

How to cook pancakes with mineral water

Pancakes - Russian dish known to us since ancient times. Every family has its own recipe for making this favorite pastry. But if you change a little standard recipes pancake dough, then we can get an even more delicious dish. For example, by adding mineral water to the dough, your pancakes will be more tender, openwork, and airy. How to bake pancakes on a mineral water?

The fastest recipe

The dough can be prepared on both slightly carbonated and highly carbonated water. The airiness of the dish will depend on the number of bubbles. If you want to use low gas water in a recipe, you will need:

  1. Half liter bottle of mineral water;
  2. Eggs - five pieces;
  3. teaspoon of salt;
  4. Teaspoons of granulated sugar - four;
  5. Half a spoon of tea soda, it must be extinguished with vinegar;
  6. 1.5 cups flour;
  7. 5 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

The number of calories in 100 grams of pancakes is 105.

The mixture cooks very quickly. First, all dry foods are mixed with eggs, add mineral water.

Flour is gradually poured in, mixed thoroughly.

It is best to bake pancakes in a thick cast-iron skillet.

It warms up well, pastries will be ready faster and will not burn.

If the recipe uses highly carbonated water, it is best to add oil so that the pancakes do not stick to the pan. You will need:

  1. Half a liter of mineral water;
  2. A glass of flour;
  3. 70 grams of butter;
  4. 5 eggs;
  5. Salt;
  6. Sand sugar - about 4 tablespoons.

Eggs are beaten with sugar and salt. Pour in 1/5 mineral water, add flour. Gradually pour the melted butter into the dough. Then the rest of the mineral water and vegetable oil are added. Pancakes according to this recipe are thin, but very lush.

The following recipe for pancakes will be very popular with those who observe the fasts. Even in the strictest post, you can not deny yourself your favorite pastries. Pancakes can be easily baked without adding eggs and milk. Using mineral water to prepare a pancake mixture, you will get delicious, tender, thin pancakes.

Lean pancakes can be prepared with potato, cabbage or sweet fillings for dessert.

Mineral water for lean pancakes should be highly carbonated. Please note that it is better to take water that is neutral in taste. The more bubbles there are, the more airy and tender the cake will be.

Another tip: do not overcook pancakes on mineral water, they become tough. The degree of readiness of such pancakes is when they are slightly browned. Turn them over immediately and get a tender dish.

For the pancake test you will need:

  1. A glass of highly carbonated mineral water;
  2. A glass of flour;
  3. 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar, if you bake pancakes with filling, then put less sugar, 2 tablespoons will be enough;
  4. Salt;
  5. Vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons.

Cooking time 50 minutes.

Calorie content - per 100 gr. 92 calories.

Mix together sugar, salt and flour. Mineral water is gradually poured into the flour. The water must be room temperature. First, do not pour out all the water, but only half of the bottle. We form a thick dough, into which we gradually add the remaining water. It turns out plain dough for pancakes. When it is whipped, pour in vegetable oil, and you can start frying.

Lean pancakes do not turn out as ruddy as in milk or kefir. Their color will be much lighter.

Recipe for pancakes with milk and mineral water

For those who like to make pancake dough with milk, fit recipe, combining mineral water and milk in equal proportions. For cooking you will need:

  1. Mineral water carbonated 2 cups;
  2. Milk - 2 cups;
  3. 3 eggs;
  4. 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  5. Half a teaspoon of baking powder;
  6. Half a tablespoon of salt with a slide;
  7. 2 cups of flour.

Cooking time 50 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 134 calories.

Mix eggs with sugar and salt. Add sparkling water and milk. Then pour flour into the mixture. Mix well. If the dough is thicker than required, add mineral water. Baking powder is poured into the already prepared dough or it can be replaced with baking soda.

Pancakes are baked in a very hot pan. Pancakes can be served with any jam, fruit, syrup.

Take note of the pesto sauce recipe. which is very easy to make at home.

How to pickle mackerel at home, read our article.

How to cook mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms, you can find out from our article.

Thin openwork pancakes with starch

One of the most delicious pancakes ever. They want to eat more and more. Pancakes on starch just melt in your mouth, openwork, delicate work culinary arts will not leave anyone indifferent.

The secret of these pancakes is that they are made on the basis of mineral water, without the addition of milk. Milk is replaced by any fermented milk product. In our recipe, it will be kefir.

For cooking openwork pancakes you will need:

  1. Mineral water - 1.5 cups;
  2. Half a liter of kefir;
  3. 7 tablespoons of starch;
  4. 4 tablespoons of premium flour;
  5. 3 pieces of eggs;
  6. 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  7. 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  8. Half a teaspoon of soda;
  9. Salt.

Cooking time - 50 minutes.

Calorie content per 100 grams of product 174 calories.

Sugar is mixed with eggs until a creamy substance is formed. Kefir must be warmed up a little before cooking. Pour soda into kefir and mix thoroughly.

In a separate bowl, mix cornstarch with flour and salt. Gradually pour the resulting mixture into kefir, stirring constantly. Then add vegetable oil, you should have a dough similar to pancake dough. To get the dough of the required consistency, mineral water is added to it. When the mixture is completely ready, it is left to brew for a few seconds.

We heat the pan well, grease with oil. The dough needs to be poured quite a bit so that the pancakes turn out thin, almost transparent.

To make your pancakes tasty and thin, use simple rules when cooking:

  1. Choose dishes with a deep bottom. This will allow you to beat the dough well;
  2. All recipes for pancakes on mineral water involve the use of vegetable oil. Choose only refined oil for cooking, as unrefined oil can spoil the taste;
  3. Before cooking, the dough should rest for half an hour at room temperature. Only in this case, the components will interact better with each other, and in the end you will get homogeneous dough. The mass will easily spread over the pan and the pancake can be easily turned over;
  4. Mix for pancakes can be kneaded in any way, both manually and using a mixer or blender. But when adding mineral water, it is necessary to knead the dough only by hand. In the process of frying, the mixture must be constantly stirred, as a precipitate forms at the bottom;
  5. To make the dough pour easily from the ladle, lower it into cold water before each use;
  6. To prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, it must be calcined before frying, and only after that pour oil.

Using an original component in the recipe, such as mineral water, you can cook delicious, tender, air pancakes that will delight your whole family.

Lenten pancakes with mineral water

Super economical recipe - lean pancakes on mineral water, thin, with holes, very tasty. With such pancakes, both to the feast and to the world, which is quite relevant, given that New Year we have to post. TO festive table you can make them with some interesting lean filling, from buckwheat with mushrooms, for example, or overcook the mushrooms with onions and mix with mashed potatoes. And for every day with jam is not bad or with fragrant honey. Cooking lean pancakes on mineral water is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to take highly carbonated water so that the dough is more magnificent and there are more holes in the pancakes.

Recipe for lean pancakes with wheat flour

  • highly carbonated mineral water - 0.5 liters;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 faceted glasses;
  • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l;
  • salt - 2 pinches;
  • refined sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.

I indicated the amount of flour for lean pancakes on mineral water not in grams, but in a more accessible measure - in glasses. It will take 1.5 cups of wheat flour, this is one full, as in the photo, and another half.

Sift flour through a fine sieve, mix with salt and sugar. Choose the amount of sugar according to the toppings or additives with which you will serve pancakes. Even at this stage, you can flavor the dough with spices. For example, if you are cooking with savory fillings, then you can add curry seasoning or Provencal herbs, a pinch of pepper, paprika. And to sweet cinnamon, nutmeg or vanilla sugar.

Pour mineral water into the flour mixture, it is desirable that it is not very cold. First add about a third of the bottle.

We mix the dough, now we only need to moisten the flour so that there are no dry areas left on the bottom. It turned out to be not very convenient to use a whisk, it is better to mix a thick mass with a spoon.

When all the flour is moistened, add a little more water. Now whisk with a whisk. The dough will be thick and bubbles will start to appear. Gradually add water, stirring. We need to make the dough not quite liquid, and not thick. How well it spreads hot pan depends on the thickness of the pancakes. Thick ones may not have time to bake, very thin ones will be problematic to remove.

Add sunflower oil. In fasting, the use of vegetable oil is allowed, although not every day. So we don't break anything with this addition. It is necessary to add oil to the recipe for lean pancakes on mineral water so that the dough becomes more elastic, the pancakes are better baked and turned over, do not dry out and are tastier.

We heat up the pan. It is not necessary to lubricate it, but at least after two or three pancakes it is advisable to walk with a brush, they will be dry without oil at all. We collect the dough in a ladle, pour it onto the edge of the pan, tilt it to the side, shake it, dispersing the layer as thin as possible. We put back on the fire (medium, not strong) and bake until the bottom begins to brown. Lean thin pancakes are baked on mineral water quickly, in a minute they will already turn brown.

We pry with a spatula, throw it to the other side. Fry for another half minute. Fold in a pile, cover to soften the edges.

As you noticed, there is no soda in this recipe, holes in pancakes are obtained thanks to highly carbonated mineral water. Of course, they will not be as lacy as pancakes on kefir and boiling water, but after all, we prepare them from an ascetic set of products: water, flour and butter.

This recipe for lean pancakes on mineral water, thin, with holes, will come in handy not only in fasting. There are different situations - I wanted pancakes, but there is no milk or eggs, or they forgot to buy, and the mood is already such that nothing else is needed. This is where you remember him. Bake to health, may your pancakes always be delicious!

Lean thin pancakes made from rye flour

I decided to continue the topic of lean pancakes with another recipe and invite you to bake pancakes from rye flour on the water. I was pleasantly surprised by the taste - they turned out a little rough in texture, they look like bran. Not wet, not dry, and at the same time very elastic, they fold even in an envelope, even make bags or tubes with stuffing. TO lean fillings even better than wheat flour. Proportions are easy to remember, do not get confused: two glasses of flour, two glasses of water. The rest is to taste.

  • Rye flour- 1 faceted glass;
  • wheat flour - a full glass without a slide;
  • warm drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l (to taste);
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp without a slide;
  • table vinegar 6 or 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • refined sunflower oil - 3-4 tbsp. l.

We take rye and wheat flour in equal quantities - a full glass each. Mix, sift. The measuring cup should be the same for liquid ingredients and for loose ingredients, so as not to disturb the proportions.

Pour water into a bowl (I remind you - the glass is the same with which the flour was measured), slightly warm to room temperature.

Pour refined sunflower oil into the water. Or olive, corn - a matter of taste and possibilities. I go with sunflower.

Pour half of the water into the flour mixture. Stir with a whisk. You should get a thick mass without lumps, something similar in density to semolina. Let it stand for five minutes, develop the gluten of wheat flour. We add the rest of the water.

The density of the dough will be the same as in the first recipe - it pours freely from a spoon, but does not separate into drops.

Pour soda with vinegar, add to the dough. Whisk with a whisk, dispersing the soda. After a minute, the dough will become lush, with air bubbles. Let it brew a little and after ten minutes we start baking.

Lubricate the pan, pour the dough. It is not necessary to make lean rye pancakes thin, lush, they are also well baked and taste good. Pour the dough into the pan, bake over medium heat. The color will be darker than wheat, keep this in mind when you flip.

We put the rye pancakes on a plate, cover to stay hot. Any filling for them can be prepared, preferably unsweetened: from potatoes with onions, fried mushrooms, buckwheat with vegetables or mushrooms, stewed cabbage. Fast tasty! Your plush.

Lenten pancakes on mineral water - so delicious that it is beyond words!

I recommend you cook lean pancakes on mineral water according to this recipe - it's so delicious that it's simply beyond words. Pancakes are thin, with small holes, very beautiful and fried! Lean, thin pancakes can be served in two versions: as a light breakfast or as a dessert after the main course.

They are easy to bake, and they can be served beautifully - I'll tell you how.

  • mineral (carbonated) water - 2 glasses;
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

Lenten pancakes on mineral water. Step by step recipe

  1. Flour for pancakes must be sifted through a sieve. I would advise you not to neglect this requirement, since the sifted flour absorbs the liquid evenly, and the taste and tenderness of your baking depends on it. And another equally important point: sifted flour can be measured more accurately.
  2. Pour one glass of mineral water into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt (I use a little less than half a teaspoon of salt). Mix well with a whisk.

Tip: if you want to cook pancakes with a sweet filling, then sugar can be added as per the recipe, or even more, but if you cook lean pancakes with salty filling, then, of course, put a little sugar.

  1. Add the sifted flour in small portions to the water with sugar and mix until smooth (I mix with a whisk, but you can use a mixer).
  2. Pour a second glass of mineral water into the dough.
  3. Then pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the dough and mix well with a whisk so that there are no lumps. The dough for lean pancakes is ready.
  4. Bake pancakes in a well-heated pan on both sides until golden brown. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil just before baking the first pancake.

I want to add on my own: any housewife probably has her favorite pan for pancakes, where they turn out well. So I have a small cast-iron (precisely cast-iron) frying pan, because I am sure that when baking on it, pancakes turn out to be the most delicious.

I very often cook lean pancakes on mineral water and always serve them to the table with different fillings. Here are the options for salty filling:

  • fry mushrooms with onions and make pancake bags. Such a dish will perfectly decorate even a festive table;
  • the filling for lace pancakes is very tasty, if you combine mashed potatoes with fried onions - super;
  • and another filling is stewed cabbage: my husband is simply crazy about pancakes with stewed cabbage.

And when serving sweet pancakes on a mineral water, your imagination has a place to roam: smear a ready-made pancake with honey, jam, jam, banana puree, you can serve it with fresh or frozen berries.

Cooking lean pancakes on mineral water is very easy and simple. And most importantly - a minimum of financial costs. Show your imagination and come up with your own filling for a lean pancake that you and your family like. You can serve fruit compote to the table along with sweet pancakes - you will definitely give pleasure to children.

Cook with "I love to cook" - here you will find a lot of lean and incredibly delicious meals. After all, it's not magic when one of the most simple products you can cook a tempting appetizing dish.

We wish you a pleasant tea party.

Lenten pancakes on mineral water

Even on a strict fast, it makes no sense to give up pastries and your favorite desserts. It is quite possible to do without dairy products, butter and eggs, having prepared, for example, lean pancakes on mineral water. The recipe with a photo will help you bake thin pancakes with holes.
They will turn out no worse than pancakes on kefir or milk. cook delicious pancakes can be in two versions: a snack, with a minimum addition of sugar (they are amazingly tasty stuffed with potatoes, mushrooms or cabbage) and dessert - sweet. We will bake sweet lean pancakes on mineral water. If you decide to bake pancakes for stuffing, then simply reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe.
Mineral water we need highly carbonated, but neutral in taste. The more bubbles get into the dough, the more airy and tender the pancakes will turn out. Don't overcook them so as not to dry them out. As soon as lightly browned, remove from the pan and pour the batter for the next pancake. For lean dessert pancakes, serve any jam, honey, fruit syrups, fresh berries and fruit, or purée frozen berries.

- highly carbonated mineral water - 250 ml;
- wheat flour of the highest grade - 1 cup;
- sugar - 2-3 tbsp. spoons (put to taste);
- fine salt - 2 pinches;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- berries, fruits, honey, jam - for serving pancakes.

Sift a full faceted glass of wheat flour through a sieve into a deep bowl.
Add fine salt and sugar, mix with flour. The amount of sugar is given for sweet dessert pancakes, they will turn out to be sweetish in taste. If you are preparing pancakes in a snack version, put a tablespoon of sugar, this will be enough. If you do not add sugar at all, then the pancakes are poorly browned, you need to put at least a little sugar.
We take the mineral water out of the refrigerator in advance so that it has time to warm up to room temperature. If the water is cold, then the dough will need to stand warm for half an hour. Pour the mineral water into the flour mixture gradually, stirring the dough with a whisk.
First, add about half of the right amount. Beat flour with water until a thick dough forms. Now gradually add mineral water, adjusting the density of the dough as in regular pancakes. You can make it thicker than in the recipe, or vice versa - not very thick. Focus on the consistency of pancake dough that you are used to.
When everything is whipped up homogeneous mass, add vegetable oil. With a whisk or spoon, intensively stir the dough, mixing in the oil. Particular attention is paid to the walls of the dishes - oil stains or rims may remain near them, you need to drive the oil away from the walls and beat the dough again. We give him a rest for 10-12 minutes (if the mineral water was cold, leave for half an hour).
We grease the pan with oil only before the first pancake, this is usually enough. First, we heat the pan, then grease the surface with a culinary brush (or use a cut potato, dipping it in oil). We scoop up the dough with a small ladle, pour it into the center of the pan. We scroll, dispersing the dough with a thin layer.
Lenten pancakes are baked on mineral water quickly, 1.5-2 minutes on each side. They will not be as ruddy as pancakes on kefir or milk with eggs, lean pancakes will turn out a little lighter. After frying, stack the pancakes one on top of the other in a pile, cover with a bowl so that they do not dry out and cool down.
How and with what to serve lean sweet pancakes on mineral water is a matter of taste. Slice kiwis, oranges, apples, bananas or make berry puree from fresh or frozen berries, remove the jar fragrant jam, jam, pour pancakes with honey - all these options are suitable for lean pancakes. Bon Appetit!
Author Elena Litvinenko (Sangina)
You will also have time to bake lean pancakes made from chickpea flour.
  • Pancakes on kefir, thin with holes
  • Pancakes with yeast, thin, with holes
  • Pancakes with whey apple filling
  • Whey pancakes, thin with holes
  • Pancakes on the water, thin with holes
  • Thin pancakes on kefir, the right recipe
  • Thin pancakes with mushrooms
  • Thin vanilla pancakes on the water
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  • With such a dish as pancakes, a cheerful and well-fed Maslenitsa is usually associated. But there are also lean pancakes - their recipe is made taking into account all the features of abstinence in nutrition, prescribed by religious rules. Therefore, there is absolutely no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of eating pancakes, even if you observe all Orthodox customs and traditions.

    Since the specifics of the cuisine in great post 2015 is such that it cannot contain milk, sour cream, or eggs, then we will have to take this into account when preparing the dough for lean pancakes. It can have both a yeast base and a yeast-free base. In any case, the main components will be water, flour, sugar, salt and vegetable oil. Do not worry: if you do everything right, then the result of your work will be no worse than delicious pancakes to Shrovetide. — except that there will be less oil.

    Recipe for lean pancakes with yeast

    Required for the test. 250 g flour, 2 cups warm water, 5 g dry instant yeast, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 4-5 teaspoons sugar, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).

    Useful advice. you can cook lean pancakes entirely on wheat flour. But they will turn out much tastier if you mix in equal amounts wheat flour with buckwheat (125 g each).


    1. Dry yeast is mixed with a teaspoon of flour and diluted with one glass of warm water. Basically, fast acting yeast are designed to be immediately mixed with the total amount of flour and knead the dough directly from it. But the fact is that they are of different quality, and it is better to play it safe. Bubbles should appear on the surface of the dough - a mixture of flour, yeast and water - and this is a good signal. So the yeast didn't let you down.
    2. The remaining flour must be mixed with sugar and also diluted with a glass of warm water. This mass is allowed to stand for about half an hour so that it becomes sticky, and then it is stirred and the dough is introduced into it. Now you need to put a bowl of dough closer to a heat source and wait until bubbles begin to appear on its surface. It remains only to add salt and vegetable oil.
    3. The dough will turn out quite thick - this is required for thick and dense pancakes. If you want the pancakes to be as thin as possible, add about half a glass of warm water to the mass and mix thoroughly.
    4. Lean pancakes are baked with yeast using a special round pan - we talked about this in an article on how to bake pancakes without errors. It is not necessary to lubricate it with fat, since vegetable oil is present in the dough itself. When serving them to the table, you can show your imagination and cook some pancake dishes in a hurry.

    Recipe for lean pancakes with water and soda

    Test products. 250 g flour, 2 cups water, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1/3 teaspoon each baking soda and salt, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

    Useful advice. vegetable oil can be added directly to the dough, or you can simply grease the pan with it before frying the next pancake.


    1. Sugar and salt must be dissolved in water.
    2. The flour is carefully sifted, poured into a bowl and poured into it with water, gently stirring the components until a homogeneous mass.
    3. After that, soda, quenched with lemon juice, is introduced.
    4. Add vegetable oil to the dough only if it is convenient for you to fry pancakes in a dry frying pan.

    This recipe can be used to make potato pancakes. having previously made the filling from mashed potatoes, fried onion, chopped greens and some other components.

    Lenten pancakes with mineral water

    Someone once made a completely reasonable conclusion that lean pancakes on mineral water are more tasty and tender than plain water.

    Test products. 0.5 liters of Borjomi-type mineral water, 1-1.5 cups of flour (it all depends on how thick the dough you need), 3 teaspoons of sugar, #189; a teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.


    1. Flour is mixed with salt and sugar, diluted mineral water add vegetable oil.
    2. Fry in a dry frying pan (only better not on Teflon) on both sides.

    Any lean pancakes can be served with jam or honey, and you can also cook potato or pancakes for them. mushroom stuffing with herbs, fried onions and vegetable oil.

    Step-by-step recipes for lean pancakes for a wake with filtered and mineral water, skim milk and berry juice

    2018-03-03 Julia Kosich





    In 100 grams ready meal

    9 gr.

    4 gr.


    64 gr.

    295 kcal.

    Option 1: The classic recipe for lean pancakes for the wake

    Memorial Day for the untimely departed loved ones is a difficult time. And hostesses often lack the desire to invent and prepare some kind of separate menu. Apparently, therefore, from time immemorial in our cuisine there are special dishes for these mournful events. One of them is lean pancakes for the wake. Take a look at our selection and perhaps some recipes will be useful to you. Although in this rare case, we wish you never cook anything like this.


    • two and a half glasses of water;
    • two glasses of flour (white, wheat);
    • a pinch of fine salt;
    • refined oil (in the dough and for frying).

    A step-by-step recipe for lean pancakes for a wake

    Pour two glasses of (standard) purified cool water into a bowl.

    Sift wheat flour into liquid. Beat the dough with quick, very active movements using a whisk.

    When you get a completely homogeneous mixture, add fine salt. In addition, pour into the dough a couple dessert spoons lean refined oil.

    Once again (with the same whisk) beat the contents of the bowl.

    Now heat up a dry pancake pan. As soon as the bottom is hot, brush (lightly, lightly) with oil. To do this, you can use a piece of sponge or a napkin folded several times.

    Pour in small batches into the middle of the pan and spread (thinly) the resulting dough.

    In turn, fry lean pancakes for a wake for half a minute on each side. Turn over with a wide spatula.

    Fold the finished thin pastries in a pile. Store until serving, covered with a film (food) or a new disposable bag.

    Since there are no eggs in the dough, the first pancake can really turn out to be lumpy. However, subsequent preparations should be fried without problems. As for the oil for greasing the pan, do not overdo it with the amount. Otherwise, it will be incredibly difficult to spread the pancake in a thin layer.

    Option 2: A quick recipe for lean pancakes for the wake

    To prepare a large number of pancakes in a short time, we advise you to take two or even three pans. Yes, it takes a lot of attention. But you will not stay near the stove for long.


    • two glasses of skim milk;
    • one and a half glasses of flour;
    • oil (refined) for dough;
    • salt in the dough to taste.

    How to quickly cook lean pancakes for a wake

    Chilled skimmed milk combine with flour. It is better to sift it in a sieve.

    After adding salt, quickly beat the dough for lean baking with a whisk.

    At the end, pour the oil inside (a spoon will be enough). Mix again.

    Heat two special pancake pans over medium heat. Immediately lubricate both surfaces with a very thin layer of oil.

    In turn, pour in with a ladle batter to the bottom. Fry for 25-27 seconds. Then turn over and cook the same.

    Store all lean pancakes for a wake under foil or cling film. Serve warm or cold with other traditional dishes for this event. For example, borscht or vinaigrette.

    Option 3: Lenten pancakes with mineral water for a wake

    Mineral water will replace the use of soda in its own way. This is especially suitable for those who do not use it in cooking. At the same time, we recommend choosing not medicinal waters, which can cause undesirable consequences, but simple table waters.


    • two glasses of flour (high grade);
    • two and a half glasses of mineral water;
    • lean (vegetable) oil;
    • fine salt in the dough.

    How to cook

    Pour mineral (only table) water into a deep (high-rimmed) bowl.

    Whisk clear water with a metal whisk to remove bubbles. Only after that add a little salt. Sift flour immediately.

    Continue to actively interrupt the dough until all the resulting lumps disappear. If this still happens, strain through a sieve.

    On the current preparatory stage pour oil. Mix.

    Heat a frying pan (pancake, wide) on the stove. Burner fire - medium.

    Smear the hot bottom with a thin layer of oil (sponge or napkin). After a few moments, pour in, using a small scoop, a sufficient amount of dough for lean pancakes for the wake.

    Fry the blanks until they darken, on both sides. Place on a flat plate. At the same time, try to choose the diameter of the bottom of the plate corresponding to the size of the pancake. So you can avoid deformation. After all, they will be served, as a rule, in a few hours.

    It is important to remove the bubbles from the mineral water so that they do not burst directly in the hot pan, causing the pancakes to burst. By the way, you can get rid of gases right in the bottle. To do this, it is enough to shake it several times, periodically opening the lid. At the same time, be careful that the contents of the plastic container do not “run away” to the outside.

    Option 4: Funeral Lenten Pancakes with Soda

    But in the case when soda is not prohibited for you, try making pancakes by including it in baking. It will turn out very beautifully, with curved openwork knitting. But do not overdo it with it, otherwise you will spoil the taste of pancakes.


    • a quarter of a spoon of soda (food);
    • four glasses of quality flour;
    • salt (a pinch in the dough);
    • four and a half glasses of water;
    • 24 grams of vegetable oil.

    Step by step recipe

    Mix soda (specified amount) with premium flour and fine salt. Mix dry ingredients with a spoon.

    Pour chilled filtered water in a thin stream directly into the flour bowl. Mix the dough as actively as possible with a whisk.

    The faster this is done, the fewer options that lumps will appear that are unacceptable for creating thin pancakes.

    At the end, add oil (refined, a couple of tablespoons). Continue the process of active mixing.

    Now, over high heat, heat a frying pan (pancake, with a flat wide bottom).

    As soon as it warms up, grease (carefully so as not to burn your fingers) with a napkin soaked in oil.

    Pour in turn the dough for lean pancakes for the wake in the middle of the pan. Spread evenly.

    Fry thin pieces, reducing the temperature of the burner to medium. Place on a plate, covered with cling film before serving.

    Thanks to soda, baking will turn out openwork. But since we don't add acid, the pancakes won't rise, leaving them thin. Which is what we need. If, on the contrary, you want the baking to be more dense and fluffy, add quite a bit to the flour citric acid or squeeze sour lemon juice (1/2 tsp).

    Option 5: Lean pancakes with yeast for a commemoration

    The yeast used for lean pancakes will help you achieve the tenderness that is often lacking in baked goods without the use of eggs and butter. However, a spoonful is enough for a couple of glasses of water. Otherwise, pancakes will not have a very pleasant smell. Keep this in mind when determining the amount of food, if you cook more pancakes than indicated in this recipe.


    • two glasses of purified water;
    • 3-4 grams of yeast (in granules);
    • a pinch of salt;
    • two and a half glasses of high-quality wheat flour;
    • 14 grams of sunflower (lean) oil.

    How to cook

    Combine granulated yeast with wheat flour and fine salt. Moreover, it is better to sift the flour through a sieve (rare).

    Warm up filtered water. Sufficient temperature - 34-35 degrees.

    Pour the prepared liquid into the dry mixture of flour, salt and yeast. Mix vigorously with a whisk.

    Add the specified amount of oil. Beat actively.

    Pour a small scoop of dough into a frying pan that has been warmed up and lightly greased with sunflower vegetable oil.

    Spread evenly over the bottom. The layer is thin.

    Fry lean pancakes for a wake for 27-28 seconds. Flip. Leave the same. Repeat the process until the dough runs out.

    Put the pastry on a regular flat plate. Then cover the pancakes with a film (special food) and store on the desktop right in the kitchen. If desired, warm them up before serving in the microwave or a well-heated oven.

    Thanks to warm (but not too much) water, the yeast will start to play. At the same time, it is not necessary to insist the dough so that it does not rise. We still need to make thin and tender, not tall and fluffy pancakes.

    Option 6: Funeral lean pancakes with berry juice

    In the last recipe of our simple selection, we suggest replacing water (or skim milk) with berry juice. And they are perfect both as an independent snack, and in the form of a lean dessert.


    • two glasses of berry juice;
    • salt (a pinch);
    • refined vegetable oil in the dough;
    • two and a half cups of flour.

    Step by step recipe

    Pour purchased berry juice into a bowl. By the way, you can do it yourself. Especially in the summer when there are a lot of them. So, cut currants (red and black), raspberries and strawberries in a blender. Strain through a sieve. Use the resulting mixture.

    Now pour salt, refined oil and sifted flour into the juice.

    Whisk the ingredients quickly to form a dough. uniform consistency. If there are lumps, strain.

    Pour the liquid mass from the bowl in small portions using a suitable ladle.

    Raising the pan over the heat, spread over the entire hot surface. Return the lean pancakes for the wake to the fire.

    Fry each blank for about half a minute so that it darkens well. Turn over and cook further (time - similar).

    If you still decide to serve these pancakes for dessert, put a vase next to it with fresh and, of course, washed berries. Just don't sprinkle them with sugar. For sweetness (maximum), natural honey can be used.