Chocolate biscuit cream. Recipes for chocolate creams with honey and condensed milk. Video: how to make custard for sponge cake

Tell me frankly, can you imagine a holiday without a cake? Unfortunately, our fast pace of life and the constant lack of time are increasingly forcing modern housewives to turn to culinary services and purchase already ready-made cakes. Undoubtedly, as a rule, each cake made by confectioners is another masterpiece of the master. However, you must admit that a cake prepared with love for your family and friends cannot replace even the most delicious one purchased in a store, and, therefore, baked by the hands of a completely stranger.

Deservedly popular among the sweet tooth enjoys biscuit cake. Delicate and airy cake just melts in your mouth, and it pleasant taste remains in memory for many years. So, biscuit cakes are ready. Some believe that it is very important to properly prepare the cakes for sponge cake. But what the cream will be is not so important. How wrong they are! It's just as important! It is thanks to the cream that the same biscuit cake acquires one or another taste. One cream will perfectly soak the cakes, with the other - the cake will be drier. It is the cream that will make the cake both very sweet and not too sweet. What cream to choose to make its taste both original and unique?

Which cream is best for biscuit cake

Of course, first of all, when choosing a recipe for a cream that will interleave the cake layers of a biscuit cake, you should definitely focus on the taste and preferences of those people for whom the biscuit cake is baked. So, in one family they prefer to classically layer biscuit cakes with some jam or jam, jelly or condensed milk. You will not surprise others with this, they like only butter cream to be used as a layer for biscuit cakes, others - custard, fourth - protein, etc.

Cream cake recipes with photos

Getting acquainted with the recipes of the hostesses regarding the cream that can be used to layer the biscuit cakes, it becomes clear that some of them are simpler, some are more difficult. Some can only be handled by experienced confectioners, while others can be handled even by a novice hostess. There is a recipe, the purchase of ingredients for which it will be inexpensive, while the other set of ingredients is a rather expensive purchase. And you need to prepare for it properly. As a rule, to prepare any kind of cream, you will need a mixer, blender, or at least a whisk, a deep bowl, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, a glass or a measuring cup. Usually, every housewife has it in the kitchen.

The most delicious sour cream

Sour cream will add tenderness and lightness to the biscuit. Such a cream has long gained popularity among both sweet tooth and confectioners. It is considered not only one of the least high-calorie, but also one of the easiest and fastest to prepare. For cooking sour cream two ingredients are needed: sour cream and sugar. Usually, sour cream is used, the fat content of which is 15-30%. Confectioners believe that it is better to use powdered sugar instead of sugar, because it will almost halve the preparation time for sour cream.

So, in a large bowl, add 450 g of sour cream and 150 g of powdered sugar. Beat these products at high speed with a mixer for approximately 5 minutes. If sugar is used, beat until it is completely dissolved. The cream becomes almost airy. Then it should be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. And only after that, sour cream is considered ready for use. Some confectioners are absolutely sure that the preparation of sour cream has a huge scope for the imagination of the hostess, because if desired, you can slightly change the taste of sour cream by adding vanillin, grated chocolate or cocoa to it.

Light cottage cheese cream with strawberries or cherries

Perfect for biscuits and curd cream, in which strawberries or cherries are added, in general, such a product as cottage cheese goes well with both fruits and berries. It can also be used as an independent dessert.

To prepare it, you will need 200 g of cottage cheese, strawberries or cherries, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar and 3 st. l. ordinary sugar. Pre-washed, de-stemmed and chopped large pieces 8 pcs. strawberries and cottage cheese are placed in a blender and beat until homogeneous mass. Other housewives prefer to grind the cottage cheese and mix it with cream, and then add large pieces berries. Ready-made cream is sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

How to make cream from condensed milk and butter

A favorite delicacy of many sweet tooth is a biscuit cake with cream of condensed milk and butter. Each housewife prepares it in her own way, here is one of the recipes.

600 g of melted butter are beaten with a mixer. To it add 1 can of condensed milk, a pinch of vanillin and, if desired, cocoa. The whole mass is beaten well again. First, the mixer is at the lowest speed, gradually increase it. Actually, that's all. It is recommended to apply this cream on already cold biscuit cakes, while the cream itself is not sent to the refrigerator beforehand.

Creamy chocolate cream

400 g of 35% fat cream are poured into a saucepan and heated without bringing them to a boil. Grind 200 g of dark chocolate and add to the cream, stirring constantly. The mass is removed from the heat and continue to stir until the chocolate is completely dissolved.

Cooled to room temperature, the mass is sent to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Then the mass is whipped with a mixer so that it becomes thick and lush.

Simple Banana Milk Cream

Pleasant taste and biscuit cake with banana cream. 120 g of milk is poured into a saucepan and 1 tbsp is added there. Sahara. Puree from 1 ripe banana, 10 g raisins, 1/2 beaten egg, zest of 1 lemon and vanillin. Mix everything well. Next, the cream is prepared in a water bath.

Low fat yogurt cream with fruit

There is no oil in this cream. 2 tbsp gelatin soaked in 150 ml of cold water. Separately, in a bowl, mix 350 g of yogurt, 100 g of powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. The swollen gelatin is added to this mass and mixed well. 250 ml of cream are first mixed well with a spoon and then whipped in a blender.

Sometimes sliced ​​fruits, which are found in yogurt, are added to this cream and sent to the refrigerator to harden.


It is said that this cream requires some skill from the confectioner. It is best obtained by those who are good at cooking ordinary meringue.

An incomplete glass of sugar is mixed with 100 ml of water and put on medium heat and boiled down to samples of a rolling ball. Separate the whites from the yolks of 3 medium eggs, and put the whites in the refrigerator. Add a little salt to the chilled proteins and beat with a mixer when it has already been brought to the desired consistency. sugar syrup. The foam on whipped proteins should be very resistant. Continuing to beat, you should pour in the finished syrup in a thin stream. Beating is continued until the cream has completely cooled. To make this happen sooner, a bowl of mass is lowered into a saucepan with cold water. Protein cream can be stored in the refrigerator for three days.

Lemon mascarpone cream

Sour lovers can treat themselves and their loved ones biscuit cake With lemon cream from mascarpone. Replacing the lemon with strawberries, you can get a delicate strawberry cream. This cream is distinguished by its unusually light and airy texture. It goes well with any kind of dough. is no exception and biscuit dough. To prepare 400 g of such a cream, you need to take 250 g of mascarpone cheese, 100 g of powdered sugar. 3 art. l. liqueur, juice of 1/4 lemon, 1/2 packet of vanilla sugar.

At room temperature, mascarpone cheese is added with powdered sugar and vanillin and beat until a fluffy foam is achieved. Add lemon juice and beat again. Then liquor is added and mixed well using a mixer. The mass is sent to the refrigerator for 30 minutes until completely cooled. After half an hour, the cream is considered ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

Every housewife must remember that the main ingredient that she must add to her baked biscuit cake is her love, her soul, her good mood. And then, regardless of the type of cream that she chose to layer the biscuit cakes, the cake will definitely turn out to be very tasty and everyone will like it without exception.

Video: how to make custard for sponge cake

cook custard very simple, in this video this recipe is clearly demonstrated. A list of ingredients is presented, as well as kitchen utensils that will be needed during the cooking process, and of course, the recipe itself is step by step.

The bitter rich taste of this delicacy can cheer you up in the most cloudy moment. A cup of coffee or tea, crispy biscuits and chocolate cream from cocoa - a guarantee of a positive charge for the whole day. What to say about birthday cake? And as an independent delicacy, this dessert is also served.

Depending on the consistency, cocoa chocolate cream can be used to decorate and layer cakes, fill eclairs or basket cakes. In addition, it is great for fruit salad cocktails. And with it, you can turn into holiday treat the most common pancakes or pancakes.

Many mothers use cocoa chocolate cream as an alternative to unhealthy pastes containing dyes and preservatives. Prepared independently, this dessert can be safely given to children.

Let's take a look at some great recipes.

Cream with an oil base

Chocolate cream from cocoa, the recipe of which contains butter, holds its shape perfectly and is ideal for decorating pastries with a pastry syringe.

To prepare a portion of the cream you will need:

  • butter, half a pack;
  • milk, half a glass;
  • sugar, 1 tbsp. without a slide;
  • flour, 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cocoa, 2 tbsp. l.

Butter needs to be chopped small pieces, put in a bowl and put on a small fire. To eliminate the possibility of burning, it is better to use a water bath. In the melted butter we send sugar, flour, cocoa. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add milk, while not stopping to mix thoroughly. Cooking time - 7 minutes. The cream will thicken and boil enough.

Something stronger

Not a large number of cognac makes this cocoa chocolate cream flavorful and rich. It can be used both for impregnation of cakes and for the formation of decorative elements. For cooking you will need the following products:

  • three eggs;
  • 2 packs of butter 200 g each;
  • cocoa, 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • cognac, 2 ml;
  • sugar, one and a half glasses;
  • half a glass of water.

First of all, we will cook from sugar and water thick syrup. Whilst it is cooling, beat the eggs until they triple in size. Gently pour the syrup into the eggs in small portions, continue to beat. Add cocoa, butter, vanilla, cognac. Once again, beat the cream well, send to cool. That's all!

sour cream

This unusual recipe goes well with fruit and can be used to decorate cocktail salads. It is also great for berry baskets. And of course, you can decorate and layer cakes with it. It is prepared from the following products:

  • sour cream, half a glass;
  • sugar or powder, 100 g;
  • gelatin, 10 g;
  • cocoa powder, 50 g

Cool the sour cream, put it in a container, beat thoroughly with a mixer, gradually adding sugar. As soon as the cream becomes homogeneous, add cocoa in small portions and mix. Dissolve in cold water gelatin, let stand. We carefully connect both parts.

The finished cream can be immediately poured into molds and cooled.

Curd chocolate cream

Such chocolate cream from cocoa for a cake is not only very tasty, but also healthy. It is great for children's desserts. They will be happy to feast on even those children who do not really like dairy. And all because cocoa in this cream dominates over the rest of the ingredients, muffling the taste of cottage cheese.

Take these products:

  • milk, half a glass;
  • cream, 20 ml;
  • cocoa powder, 10 g;
  • sugar syrup, 25 ml;
  • cottage cheese, 2 tbsp.

Thoroughly grind the cottage cheese with a blender. Add cocoa and sugar. We heat the milk and pour it into the cream in small portions, mixing thoroughly. Such chocolate cream made from cocoa and cottage cheese can also be served as an independent dessert.

They depend not only on properly prepared cakes. Not the last role is played by the cream for chocolate biscuit. It is he who will make your cake unique, tender. In this article, recipes for the most interesting and exquisite creams are selected. Thanks to this collection, cook delicious cream for a chocolate biscuit will not be difficult. Choose the most suitable recipe for your case and cook for the joy of yourself and your loved ones.

for biscuit

Simple, airy, low-calorie - it's not even quite a cream, but rather a protein soufflé. It is prepared quite easily and quickly. And in comparison with creamy and oily, this simplest homemade cream- the most harmless for the figure.


  • Two glasses of sugar.
  • Ten egg whites.
  • Two tablespoons of condensed milk.
  • 150 ml plain water.
  • 20 grams of gelatin.
  • One teaspoon vanilla extract.


  1. First, rinse the eggs thoroughly, then dry them with a towel.
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. It is important that the protein container is clean and dry. Avoid getting the yolk into the mass.
  3. Remove container from egg whites for a while in the refrigerator. Chilled protein whips much better.
  4. Pour gelatin with cold water, mix well, leave aside until swelling.
  5. Heat the swollen gelatin over a fire until it is completely dissolved. Do not bring the mass to a boil.
  6. Strain the heated gelatin, add the condensed milk. Keep the resulting mass warm, while stirring from time to time, otherwise lumps may form.
  7. Beat the chilled proteins until a stable airy foam, then, without ceasing to beat, pour a little sugar into the cream.
  8. As a result, you should get a mass that forms stable protein peaks.
  9. It remains only to gently pour the gelatin to the proteins and beat all the ingredients.

Butter cream

In order to prepare this cream for chocolate biscuit, you will need the following products:

  • 500 ml 30% cream.
  • 150 ml of liquor.
  • Three tablespoons of sugar.
  • 200 grams of prunes.


  1. Prunes will need to be dealt with in the evening: rinse it, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Remove the pits from the prunes, chop them with a knife or scissors.
  3. Pour the chopped pulp with liquor. If you plan to cook a cake for children's holiday, it is better to replace the liquor with sweet syrup.
  4. Leave the prunes overnight in the refrigerator.
  5. The next day, grind the swollen prunes in a blender. It is not necessary to grind the mass to a puree, you should get the consistency of not very dense jam.
  6. Whip the chilled cream in a separate bowl, gradually adding the sugar. Stir until a stable cream is formed.

No need to mix two masses into one. Lubricate the cakes should first be prunes, then butter cream. Chocolate sponge cake with prunes is incredibly tasty and juicy.


This is probably the simplest and fast option. In addition, it is simply impossible to spoil it. Anyone can handle it.


  • 150 ml 30% cream.
  • 150 grams of dark chocolate.


  1. Bring the cream to a boil, but do not boil.
  2. Remove the container of hot cream from gas stove, put pieces of dark chocolate into it, stir the mixture until the last ingredient is completely dissolved.
  3. After cooling, the cream will thicken to the consistency necessary for lubricating the cakes.

As you can see, this cream for But, despite this, the cake soaked in such icing turns out to be really tasty.

Condensed milk cream

It is simply impossible to describe the taste of this cream: juicy, amazing, delicious. Try it, you won't regret it.


  • 200 grams of butter.
  • 200 grams of condensed milk.
  • Two tablespoons of vanilla sugar.


  1. Warm the butter to room temperature, then beat with a mixer until smooth.
  2. Without ceasing to beat, pour in the condensed milk, pour in the sugar.
  3. The resulting cream should be thick and keep its shape well.

Nut cream for chocolate biscuit


  • 100 grams of butter.
  • 150 ml of milk.
  • Half a glass of sugar.
  • Two yolks.
  • 50 grams chopped nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts or peanuts).
  • A packet of vanilla sugar.
  • 10 grams of starch.


  1. Whisk all the ingredients in the recipe, except for the oil, in a small bowl until smooth.
  2. Heat the mixture in a water bath. It must be constantly stirred so that it does not burn, otherwise it will ready cream there will be a burning taste. Do not bring the mass to a boil so that the milk does not curdle.
  3. As soon as the cream thickens, add chopped nuts, mix, remove from heat, cool.
  4. Warm the oil to room temperature, beat it in a blender. Add cooled cream a little at a time, beat thoroughly until smooth.

Enjoy your meal! May your holiday be successful. Cook for yourself and your family with love and pleasure!

Homemade confectionery- this is a whole art and a reverent topic for most modern housewives who dream of learning how to cook, for example, their own biscuit cakes. And which of them can do without a seductive cream, which not only decorates pastries, but also serves as the final chord in the overall range of taste!

Experienced confectioners advise choosing a cream, focusing on the quality of the test base. For example, a cream for chocolate biscuit should set off a little, but at the same time complement the overall taste of baking and soak well air cakes. It is this component that can make the cake a unique work of culinary art.

Sour cream is very light, airy. It well and quickly impregnates porous biscuit cakes, but has a soft taste. The situation is easily corrected by the addition of vanilla and cinnamon, which are ideally combined with the taste of chocolate and complement it.


  • 400 g sour cream (fat content over 25%);
  • 1 st. granulated sugar;
  • 1 pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon.


Cherry chocolate sponge cake recipe

Cherry and chocolate are an amazing combination of flavors. Dark biscuit cakes, decorated with airy pink cream, look amazingly beautiful, and the cake turns out to be moderately sweet, with a very bright taste.


  • 100 g cherries (fresh or frozen);
  • 1 pack of butter (200 g);
  • 150 g sugar.


The bright taste of chocolate is more clearly manifested in the background. gentle cream with boiled condensed milk.


  • 1 st. milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.


  1. Dissolve the sugar in warm milk, then dissolve the flour and put the mixture on low heat.
  2. Boil it until it thickens, and constantly stir vigorously, otherwise everything will burn, and the taste of the base for the cream will deteriorate.
  3. Soft butter and boiled condensed milk beat with a mixer and add to the chilled flour mass.
  4. Continue whisking until the cream becomes homogeneous, airy, with stable peaks.

Snow-white cream looks great with dark cakes, and strawberries emphasize the taste of chocolate. The cake turns out to be light, tasty, with a touch of freshness and not at all cloying.


  • 500 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 st. powdered sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. dry gelatin;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 250 ml heavy cream (30%);
  • 300 g strawberries.


  1. Prepare the base for the cream. Pour hot milk into gelatin and stir until it is completely dissolved. Strain.
  2. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve to remove excess grain and make it more uniform. Rub the resulting paste with powdered sugar.
  3. AT curd mass pour in the milk with gelatin and mix everything well, carefully add the whipped cream into a stable foam.
  4. Cut strawberries into small pieces, put in the resulting cream - and you can immediately start decorating the chilled cake.

This cream is good on its own. But its taste can be made richer by introducing such additional ingredients like sweet syrup and prunes.


  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of 30%;
  • 150 ml of liquor or sweet syrup;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • 200 g prunes.


  1. First of all, prepare dried fruits. Wash and dry them. If the prunes are too dry, pour boiling water over them and soak for 5 minutes. Cut the softened fruits into small pieces.
  2. Put prunes in glass jar, fill with liquor or syrup and refrigerate overnight.
  3. Grind dried fruits soaked in syrup before adding to the cream in a blender until puree or dense jam.
  4. Whip the cream with a mixer until firm peaks. Add sugar in the process of whipping in small portions.
  5. Then there are two options. You can combine both masses or grease the cakes in layers: first prunes soaked in liquor or syrup, and whipped cream on top.

Cocoa chocolate cake cream

Chocolate "squared" - isn't that the most the best treat for the real sweet tooth!

Not all novice housewives know that an ordinary biscuit can be turned into elegant pastries. It's not difficult at all and looks like a trick. Chocolate cake cream can decorate even the most nondescript cakes. No matter what recipe you make, it always turns out delicious. To make the cream light, airy, homogeneous, you need to familiarize yourself with some secrets of preparation. Cooks are happy to share tips and tricks, following which you can cook your masterpieces.

How to make cream cake

There is a large variety of chocolate creams for cakes. With their help, you can not only lubricate the cakes, but also fill waffle, puff pastry, stuff eclairs, even use as a gravy for pancakes and pancakes. When experienced chefs prepare creams for cakes, they adhere to the following rules:

  1. All ingredients must be at the same room temperature: this is the key to successful mixing of products. If the condition is met, there will be no peeling of one component from another.
  2. The creamy mass should have a thick consistency so that when spreading it does not spread or drip.
  3. You need to prepare the cream only in a dry, clean dish. If you grease its walls with half a lemon, then the mass will not stick and will separate well.
  4. The mass should be cooked over low heat, if possible in a container with a thick bottom. So the mixture warms up well, does not burn.


This recipe is suitable for any cakes, pies, pastries. “Napoleon” is especially tasty, the cream for which is prepared on the basis of a classic custard mixture, but chocolate notes will add a rich, thick aftertaste to it. Prepared with simple products:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • dairy and vegetable product - 150 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 100 g;
  • sugar - 180 g;
  • yolks chicken eggs- 6 pcs.

The chocolate custard is prepared as follows:

  1. In order for the butter to soften quickly, you need to cut the bar into plates, leave to heat up at room temperature.
  2. Beat the yolks, adding sugar in small portions, to ensure that the mixture does not turn white.
  3. While continuing to beat, gradually pour in the warmed milk in a very thin stream.
  4. Put a container with custard on a moderate fire.
  5. While the mass is on the stove, it is necessary to constantly stir, touching the bottom with a whisk so that the yolks do not burn.
  6. Add detailed chocolate bar, shake with a whisk until smooth.
  7. The custard mass must be boiled to the consistency of semolina, then put to cool naturally.
  8. Beat softened butter until light and fluffy.
  9. In parts, add the oil to the cooled cream, while whisking vigorously.

For chocolate biscuit

This cake goes well with Charlotte cream. Biscuit cakes, oiled chocolate mass, quickly soaked, become juicy and tasty. Due to the density, this cream fills in irregularities and voids well when assembling the cake. What you need for cooking:

  • eggs - two medium;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • butter - 500 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 170 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour sugar over milk, put on fire. Stir until the sand dissolves.
  2. Shake the eggs, add the cooled milk mixture to them, beat.
  3. Boil, the syrup should resemble condensed milk.
  4. Beat the melted butter with a mixer and introduce milk syrup in small portions.
  5. Melt the chocolate, add to the cream, mix thoroughly.


Due to the high fat content, not everyone likes this filling: the basis is butter. Few people use it to lubricate all the cakes; this mixture is suitable for decorating the surfaces of the cake. Using a pastry syringe butter cream make inscriptions, roses, circle the sides and edges of the cake. Ingredients:

How to cook:

  1. Mix milk with powder, put on fire until boiling.
  2. Add starch to milk syrup, boil and cook until thick sour cream.
  3. Beat the butter with a mixer for two minutes, mix with milk-starch syrup.

With cocoa

If you do not have the opportunity to purchase chocolate, then cocoa, which every housewife has, will be an excellent substitute for it. Such a filler will not have a very pronounced taste, but very gentle and not intrusive. Dessert Ingredients:

  • milk - 300 ml;
  • cocoa powder, starch - two tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • flour - three tablespoons (tablespoons);
  • butter - 100 g.

How to make cream cake:

  1. Mix dry ingredients in a deep saucepan and pour over milk.
  2. Boil on fire for about twenty minutes, add butter.
  3. Boil for a few minutes, stop when the mass becomes silky and glossy.

From chocolate

Cream for cake with chocolate filling will especially appeal to children. This mass is used for spreading on White bread. This dish is great for breakfast, which will fill the day with energy, good mood. What products are prepared from:

  • dark chocolate- 1 tile;
  • flour - three tablespoons;
  • condensed milk - a can.