Do I need to eat liquid. Should you eat soup? Myths and reality

From childhood, mothers and grandmothers taught us that it is necessary to eat liquid dishes for lunch, otherwise there will be problems with digestion. Is it true?

The tradition of eating soup

Soup is a liquid dish containing at least 50% liquid. Soups are common in many countries. It is believed that soups began to be prepared no more than 400-500 years ago, with the advent of refractory, chemically neutral dishes.

In Ukraine, liquid dishes have been known for a very long time. Hot stews warmed and satisfied hunger, served as an excellent remedy for a hangover. As you know, the most favorite Ukrainian first courses are borscht and cabbage. Since ancient times, we have also prepared cereal stews, meat and fish soups. The word "soup" on the territory of Russia and Ukraine appeared in everyday life under Peter I, who brought it from France along with French cuisine.

IN Soviet time The first course formed the basis of a full meal. Until now, the tradition has been preserved for lunch, first an appetizer, after soup, then a main course and dessert. Not a single lunch in school and kindergarten canteens is complete without a first course.

Currently, peoples are known whose traditions do not have first courses. Some of our compatriots do not eat soups for years simply because they do not like it. So all the same: do you need to eat soup for lunch?

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Benefit or harm

There is a lot of controversy about the beneficial properties of first courses. Some argue that soup is a dietary product, broths are especially useful. No wonder grandmothers soldered chicken broths grandchildren suffering from colds. The broth is also useful in recovery from surgeries. But there are also opponents of first courses. Firstly, they argue, when cooking the broth, substances harmful to the body are released from the meat. Secondly, the liquid that is present in soups washes out gastric juice, as a result, food is poorly digested. We asked the gastroenterologist of the Boris clinic Oksana Romanenko if soup is a must in the diet.

“The absence of first courses in the diet is often associated with gastritis. Unfortunately, at present, this disease is present in almost everyone, regardless of whether he eats liquid meals for lunch. All the products that the population now eats leave much to be desired. As for the soup, that is, it is not necessary at all, like any other dish. Moreover, first courses enhance acid formation. Therefore, they are useful only for people with low acidity. If a person has a peptic ulcer, duodenal disease or inflammation of the stomach with hyperacidity, soups, on the contrary, are contraindicated.

It is important that a person’s daily diet must contain meat, milk, dairy products, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits. And whether these products will be in the composition of the soup or any other dishes - it does not matter.

If you cannot live without soup, listen to the advice of a gastroenterologist:

soup should not be very hot and not very cold;

spicy first course is also undesirable;

cook soup not on fatty broth. It is better to take chicken for this, and not pork meat or bones;

when cooking soups, avoid seasonings containing chemical nutritional supplements, instant soups from bags and bouillon cubes. Such products have a toxic effect on the body;

Tatyana Koryakina

Hello dear friend.

In the last article, I told you what consequences await people with Bechterew's disease when using meat broths. Any broths, even chicken ones, do more harm than good for people weakened by the disease.

So the same applies to soups and borscht and liquid cereals. After all, borscht and soups, and sometimes porridge, are usually boiled in meat broths. And it turns out that all the harmful substances that have passed from the meat into the broth also successfully enter the person inside, through soups, borscht and cereals.

The same applies to soups and cereals cooked in milk. Milk itself is a controversial product, and is not very suitable for nutrition in case of illness, and when it is also boiled, in the preparation of milk soups and cereals, the imaginary benefit of milk turns into concrete harm.

Most people buy milk from stores where it comes from dairies. There it is processed several times so that it has a marketable appearance, and not beneficial features. And, at home, after boiling in milk, there is practically nothing left that a person needs.

It turns out that by preparing liquid dishes based on meat broths and milk, we create harmful, and not healthy diet. And such nutrition further complicates the course of the disease.

Much more energy is spent on the processing of harmful nutrition, and this affects not only the digestive organs, but also other organs and systems. And how can a weakened body successfully fight diseases?

With this approach, the body spends energy on fighting unhealthy food, and not on the disease. Add here more potent drugs for the treatment of ankylosing spondylitis and negative thinking, which take away the last strength. And it turns out that Bechterew's disease can never be defeated in this way.

I also want to remind you that drinking liquids with meals significantly impairs digestion. And, soups and borscht contain just such a liquid. It helps to dilute the gastric juice, and the digestion time of food increases, which creates a feeling of long-term satiety.

Also, any soups, borscht or other liquid dishes usually contain many ingredients to improve the taste. Such a variety of products, combined with liquid, simply misleads our body, which finds it difficult to switch from one product to another.

As a result, food stays in the stomach undigested for a long time and begins to rot. And, all this leads to further deterioration of digestion and weakening of the body. Which is accompanied by more frequent exacerbations of Bechterew's disease, and even leads to side diseases of other organs.

If you decide to change your diet, but cannot refuse liquid dishes, cook thick vegetable soups only on water. It is advisable to pre-soak cereals for soup and porridge in water for at least half a day. Then this water must be drained and the cereal washed under running water.

Avoid soups cooked in milk. Also, do not soak chicken and fish in milk and kefir. And, of course, do not do this with cereals when making porridge.

When cooking chicken or fish, after cooking, the chicken or fish broth must be discarded and not used for cooking other dishes. There are many harmful substances that pass from meat to broth.

It is clear that for fish soup lovers it will not be easy to give up their favorite dish. Only the knowledge that fish grown artificially and caught in dirty waters is not healthy will help you feel more relaxed about such broths.

In addition, many times frozen and thawed fish is no longer suitable for cooking fish soup, because in it, apart from harm, there is nothing useful left. Just as it does not give any benefit and the ear of a rooster. Take note of this, and don't hurt yourself.

Remember that any liquid meals are an additional, harmful burden on the digestive organs, which, in case of illness, already suffer due to the use of potent drugs.

Try, act, and you will find your own, which will help you get rid of diseases.

, veganism, raw food diet), can from time to time arrange fasting days for themselves on a liquid diet.


Liquid nutrition: advantages and disadvantages.

  • Liquid food is easily absorbed by the body, resting the entire digestive system and helping to restore its functions.
  • Liquid nutrition starts the processes of cleansing the body. For cleansing, strength is also needed and light liquid food, just frees the body from unnecessary energy costs for the digestion of coarse solid food. As a result, the body begins to release toxins and toxins that have been stored for years in its tissues - they enter the bloodstream and then are excreted from the body. The removal of harmful substances from the body contributes to a large amount of water that enters the body with juices and soups.
  • Liquid food contains significantly less harmful substances than solid food. Although it depends on what is on your liquid menu. Usually, people, arranging fasting days, tend to eat (on this case- drink) healthy foods, otherwise in fasting days it makes no sense.
  • People whose usual diet includes meat, eggs and dairy products should be prepared for the fact that during the entire period of liquid nutrition they may feel a lack of strength, get tired quickly. It is worth planning fasting days for the weekend, when there is an opportunity to relax.
  • The period of liquid nutrition may be accompanied by the same changes in well-being as the period of fasting on water (see the article Complications during fasting), although, of course, these changes will be less pronounced (and acidotic crisis, as in long-term fasting, does not occur on liquid nutrition).
  • Many note that on a liquid diet, the need for sleep is significantly reduced (by 2-3 hours).

Liquid nutrition: what not to include in the menu?

  • There is no point in fasting days on a liquid diet if you use harmful drinks ( purchased juices in boxes, various sugary drinks, supposedly "fruity" yoghurts, etc.).
  • Drinking milk will significantly reduce the positive effect of liquid nutrition.
  • Many recommend kefir as a product that helps cleanse the body in general and cleanse the liver in particular. I do not agree with this recommendation due to the high content of hormones, antibiotics and other harmful substances in all dairy products.
  • Meat (including chicken and fish) broths and soups immediately and permanently stop any processes associated with cleansing the body.
  • Soups with pieces of unmashed vegetables do not fit into the framework of a liquid diet. All food should be liquid, without solid pieces.
  • Eliminate coffee, tea (black and green) and cocoa. These drinks deplete the nervous system, interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals and impede the processes of recovery and regeneration. Avoid any caffeinated beverages during the cleansing liquid diet. Try replacing coffee with a chicory drink, for example.

Liquid nutrition: what to include in the menu?

  • The main condition is that food should be liquid. Fruit and vegetable smoothies, soups and purees are allowed, without hard pieces.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and smoothies fresh fruit and vegetables. It is advisable to choose fruits and vegetables grown without nitrates. But, even if the fruits and vegetables you use contain nitrates, the body on a liquid diet will be able to quickly remove them.
  • Juices and smoothies may contain nuts and seeds (such as sesame) that have been ground to a mushy consistency.
  • You can add greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.). The main thing is that it, too, be completely wiped.
  • Juice and smoothies from sprouts of grains of wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, sunflower, legumes and other edible plants are very useful. You may want to keep such a drink in your daily menu and upon returning to solid nutrition, as it is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful biologically active substances.
  • Soups are allowed liquid puree from boiled vegetables, various cereals, peas, beans, etc. Boiled food will make your menu more satisfying, but will somewhat reduce the cleansing effect. Ideal for body cleansing, relaxation and recovery digestive system, is a liquid raw food diet.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of hot (but not burning) water with the juice of one lemon (or less). Returning to a regular (solid) diet, try to keep this habit. This is a cleansing and rejuvenating drink that should be drunk every morning 20-30 minutes before breakfast.
  • You can prepare herbal and fruit teas (decaffeinated). It is useful to throw a piece of ginger root into tea. You can add other spices, to taste.
  • Even on a liquid diet, do not forget to drink clean water at least 1-1.5 liters per day (see the article How much water do you need?).

Liquid nutrition: experience.

In this video, a girl talks about her experience with a 30-day liquid diet. We are talking about a liquid raw food diet, that is, eating only juices and necks from fresh vegetables and fruit - the most stringent type of liquid nutrition.

Liquid nutrition: what's next?

Is it possible to live on such a diet permanently? What does it give and is it dangerous?

Transition to permanent liquid food often caused by a person's desire to develop, evolve. This evolution is a gradual process. The evolution of nutrition occurs from low-frequency to high-frequency food (more in the article High-frequency nutrition). The usual, most correct and safest way is a gradual change in nutrition, which looks like this:

If you want to switch to a liquid diet, ask yourself why you need it and are you ready? If you go back to solid foods a few months or years after the transition, it could have a negative impact on your health. An organism accustomed to a cleaner and lighter diet will not be able to normally perceive the food that was once familiar. Of course, after some time, you will be able to eat solid food again without experiencing problems with digestion, but such a step back is a heavy stress for the body that does not pass without a trace.

Therefore, when thinking about switching to a liquid diet, think carefully about your decision. Perhaps, for starters, a compromise is suitable for you, when part of the food is consumed in liquid form, and part in solid form.

Most of us are used to eating the first thing every day. We have been confident in its benefits since childhood. Should You Eat Soup Regularly? What happens if you exclude this dish from your diet? And is it possible to harm health by eating soup?

According to our compatriots, soup is a must-have during lunch. They are confident that the rejection of liquid first courses is fraught with digestive disorders and other health problems.

We know that liquid:

- useful for the stomach;
- easily absorbed even by a weakened body;
- rich in vitamins and nutrients;
- is the prevention of constipation.
Is it so? Is it really necessary to eat soup regularly?

soup soup strife

Shchi, borsch, hodgepodge and pickle, okroshka and beetroot - cooking this necessary minimum first courses should be mastered by every hostess. They warm or refresh, quickly saturate and keep the feeling of satiety for a long time. Eating soup is a great solution that helps.

Soups in Eastern Europe have been loved and eaten constantly for several hundred years. Liquid must be fed in kindergartens and schools, it is included in absolutely any complex lunch.

First courses are:

- cold (okroshka, botvinya) and hot (everything that is customary to eat warm);
- on broth (cooked on meat, poultry and game) and lean (vegetable, mushroom);
- meat, fish and smoked meats;
- broths, noodles and mashed potatoes;
- prepared with the use of "frying" and without.
It is easy to understand that the benefits and harms of the first course depend on how it is prepared.

Diet benefits of soup

A liquid dish prepared correctly from fresh and high-quality products is definitely good for health. It suffices to give a few arguments in favor of why you should eat soup:
- welded on light broth or vegetable broth warm soups stimulate digestion: they warm the walls of the stomach, catalyze the production of gastric juice;
- first courses are quickly and easily digested;
- liquid helps to maintain the water-salt balance in the body;
- in the cold season, the first allows you to warm up and accumulate thermal energy in the body;
- brewing is one of those kinds heat treatment products, in which they retain the maximum amount of useful and nutritious substances.
It is due to easy digestibility and high nutritional value that soups are necessarily present in children's menu, they are recommended to eat during illness, during the period of recovery and rehabilitation after surgery.

To whom liquid dishes are harmful - contraindications

Grandmothers like to intimidate children with gastritis who refuse liquid. According to gastroenterologists, soup is not at all a means of preventing this disease, but, on the contrary, can lead to its appearance.

It is not recommended to get involved in first courses for those who suffer from high acidity: warm broth or decoction will further enhance acidification . Now it’s clear why you need to eat soup for lunch: after the first, the second dish will follow, for the digestion of which all the produced gastric juice will go.

Why You Shouldn't Eat Soups All the Time

Those who see in meat, chicken and fish broths an ideal dish in terms of benefits and nutritional value are also wrong. The fact is that during the cooking of meat, the proteins contained in it break down, and chemical compounds enter the broth, which are difficult to digest, make it difficult to work. gastrointestinal tract and liver.

E If the meat boils on the bones, salts of heavy metals, mercury compounds, and even carcinogens can be released from it into the broth. Also, I will get into the broth antibiotics that were “fed” to animals. Therefore, you should buy meat for soup in trusted places.

Since the soup is a multi-component dish, it is necessary to carefully consider the choice of each of its ingredients. So, with potatoes, beets and carrots, nitrates can enter the body. With mushrooms - toxins. WITH tomato paste- starch.

To add “richness” to the dish, to give it a golden color, the housewives like to cook it on the “roasting” - they generously pass onions, carrots and other vegetables in vegetable or animal fat. Such an additive eliminates all the benefits of the soup, because it is a cocktail of cholesterol and carcinogens.

Is it possible to exclude the soup altogether?

It turns out that without soup it is quite possible to live. This is proved by the experience of Americans, who rarely eat soups. Rather, they rarely eat what we mean by this dish. For them, liquid is puree-like masses of meat, vegetables and herbs. Why don't they die of indigestion?

For a healthy life, a person needs to eat regularly and regularly every day. balanced , ate meat, cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits, dairy and sour-milk products in a certain ratio, received a sufficient amount of calories and nutrients. And the way in which he uses all these "usefulness" plays a secondary role. Therefore, it is quite possible not to eat soup and not harm your health!

soup diets

Great news for those who want to slim figure! If you eat soups you can lose weight! Especially if you cook it with the addition faster. And the process of losing weight will go smoothly. Exists great amount diets for vegetable soups. Their advantage is that they do not imply starvation or a limited diet. The composition of the liquid may include certain useful components, which will be enough to nourish the body, and they will also help to get rid of excess weight.

For example, the so-called "onion" soup includes not only onions, but also cabbage, pepper , greens, sometimes - tomatoes. You can eat it three to five times a day. The diet does not exclude the use of fresh fruits.

And the first course includes white and cauliflower, celery, carrots, herbs, tomatoes, garlic, onions and other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the body.

From homemade soup The benefit is definitely greater than the harm. Surely, the hostess will cook it from selected meat and best products, will comply the right technology its preparation. Then this first dish will not only satisfy your hunger and warm you up physically, but will also contain warmth and love in every spoonful.

How do you feel about soups? Share your feedback in the comments to the article.

Liquid nutrition is the second stage of transformation nutrition, which promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the body! Read the details...

1. What is liquid nutrition?
2. What are the pros and cons of liquid nutrition?
3. Liquid food recipes

What is Liquid Nutrition?

In the Vedic tales of ancient India, the great sages rishis ate only liquid food. Liquid food is considered to be food that needs to be drunk and not chewed. This is the most subtle and high-frequency power.

The composition of liquid nutrition includes pure water, various dairy products (milk, natural yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, liquid sour cream, etc.), natural freshly squeezed juices, various vegetable and fruit cocktails, puree soups, honey, coconut milk, etc.

There are 2 types of liquid nutrition:

  • liquid-coarse (includes the pulp of fruits and vegetables)
  • liquid-thin (only juices).

Liquid nutrition is most suitable for people engaged in intellectual work that does not require physical exertion.

Liquid nutrition must be accompanied by yoga or qigong and breathing practices!

What are the pros and cons of liquid nutrition?

Benefits of liquid nutrition

Liquid nutrition reduces weight, gives a feeling of lightness, is easy to digest, improves memory and increases the level of intelligence, slows down all processes in the body (including the aging process).

Cons of liquid nutrition

During the first three days of a liquid diet, diarrhea may occur. Many people feel irritation, anger, hunger, a desire to chew something and severe weakness during this period. However, after three days, the body gets used to liquid food, and these negative manifestations disappear.

In two weeks, a person fully adapts and gets used to a liquid diet.

The transition to this type of nutrition should also be carried out gradually!
It is possible to completely switch to the use of liquid food only within 5-10 years.

Nevertheless, it is useful for each person to arrange periodic unloading “liquid days”. It significantly rejuvenates, gives lightness and cleanses the body well.

Also, when switching to a liquid diet, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages inherent in vegetarianism¹ in general.

Liquid food recipes

Liquid nutrition includes, first of all, juices from vegetables and fruits.
They are very helpful for human body.

  • IN natural juices contains a large number of essential macro- and microelements and vitamins.
  • Food based on juices is rich in fructose, enzymes, pectins, and contains structured water necessary for a person.
  • Vegetable and fruit juices cleanse blood vessels and blood from cholesterol and other harmful substances.

Drinking such drinks is useful not only for adherents of liquid food, but also for ordinary people, as they favorably affect the health of the whole organism. Especially favorably freshly squeezed juices act on the gastrointestinal tract.

If you decide to switch to vegetarian food and liquid food in particular, then it is recommended to start this process with juices.

They will give the necessary boost of energy and facilitate the transition to "new food".

Consider the most popular juices that can be prepared at home.


The information below is not nutritional advice and does not replace the advice of a dietitian. The diet plan should be selected individually by the attending physician or nutritionist. There may be contraindications!

Red beet juice

Red beets have big amount iron, which is easily absorbed by our body. Therefore, this juice is very useful for people suffering from anemia. Moreover, beetroot juice increases the content of red blood cells in human blood, as a result of which the flow of oxygen to tissues and organs increases. A large number of sodium contained in this juice helps to remove calcium salt deposits from the body. Beets also have the ability to naturally thin the blood and lower blood pressure.

But you should know that out of habit, even a glass of pure beetroot juice can provoke nausea, dizziness and vomiting, because after taking it, cleansing processes immediately start in the body, first of all, lymphoid tissue, gallbladder, kidneys and liver are cleaned.

This combination of juices is especially useful for women during menopause, as it helps to normalize hormonal levels.

By combining beetroot and carrot juice and coconut milk, you will get a drink that is excellent in its regenerative properties.

The combination of juices from beets, carrots and cucumber perfectly heals the body, and if you add lemon juice dissolved in one glass of not boiling, but hot water, then you can naturally remove kidney stones. To do this, you need to drink such a cocktail three to four times a day. If you have large kidney stones, then there may be significant pain during their removal, but it will not last more than an hour, during which time all the stones will be removed.

cabbage juice

Fresh cabbage juice can cure many diseases - duodenal ulcer, tumors of various etiologies, hemorrhoids, inflammation of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Cabbage juice also helps with diseases of the respiratory organs, helps to cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol plaques, and helps to normalize weight.

Often, when taking cabbage juice, people note the release of gases.

This indicates contamination of the body with toxins, which the cabbage juice dissolves and removes from the body. For the best effect in such cases, it is recommended to combine cabbage juice with carrot juice, cleansing enemas are also shown.

Moreover, the juice of cabbage and carrots improves immunity, as it contains a large amount of vitamin C.

carrot juice

Carrot juice effectively cleanses and heals internal organs, removes toxic substances from the body, resolves tumors. It contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, carotene and iron.

Carrot juice restores the energy balance of the body, normalizes the work of the endocrine glands, restores the nervous system, improves immunity, relieves various inflammatory processes. Due to the high calcium content, carrot juice is recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

celery juice

Celery is very useful for the human body. It contains a large amount of sodium, which does not allow calcium salts to accumulate in the body.

Therefore, the juice from this plant is useful for people who do not adhere to diet food whose diet includes a large amount of meat, easily digestible high-calorie foods containing a large amount of sugar and various muffins.

Celery juice thins the blood and cleanses the lymphatic tissues, thus healing the entire body.

It is good to take such juice in extreme heat, as it normalizes body temperature. A mixture of carrot and celery juice can cure various diseases circulatory and nervous systems s.

Cucumber juice

This juice has excellent diuretic properties, due to which it relieves puffiness and helps to reduce pressure. A large amount of potassium in cucumber juice normalizes cardiac activity, improves the condition of hair, gums and teeth.

long time ago cucumber juice applied in cosmetic purposes- brightening the skin, it eliminates unwanted pigmentation, helps regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Fresh tomato juice

Tomato juice contains oxalic acid, which contributes to the normalization of metabolism. A large number of elements such as potassium, calcium and sodium contained in tomatoes treat many cardiovascular diseases. However, it is juice from fresh tomatoes that has useful properties.

Boiled tomato juice has the exact opposite effect on the body!

potato juice

Raw potato juice is very good for all digestive organs. It normalizes acidity and relieves various inflammations of the digestive system. The starch contained in raw potatoes is good for treating burns and various skin diseases, including those of fungal origin.

A mixture of raw potato and carrot juices helps cleanse the body. Cucumber, carrot, celery and potato juices treat disorders of the digestive and nervous systems, stop bleeding, and reduce inflammation.

pumpkin juice

Pumpkin juice normalizes metabolism (therefore, it is indicated for people who are overweight and diabetes), treats diseases of the pancreas, relieves inflammation genitourinary system, is used as a medicine in the presence of worms.

Pumpkin juice promotes nutrition and cleansing of the body and is very suitable for people who decide to switch to a liquid nutrition system. Pumpkin juice can be replaced with squash, as their properties are similar. It is very useful to combine pumpkin juice with other vegetable and fruit juices.

Other liquid food recipes

In addition to the above juices, people practicing liquid nutrition can consume:

  • clean water (both cold and hot),
  • olive oil,
  • warmed tomato juice, to which spices can be added,
  • fried onions and grated cheese,
  • grape and other juices,
  • various teas - black, green, herbal,
  • fruit, vegetable and milkshakes,
  • cocoa,
  • ice cream,
  • jelly.

Also healthy food for liquid eaters - kefir in combination with a few tablespoons of buckwheat, bran, pea or other flour (it is easy to make with a coffee grinder).

Let's take a closer look at a few more liquid food recipes.

Milk from seeds and nuts

Take a handful of almonds or any other nuts or seeds and soak them in water for 24 hours. Then washed and crushed in a blender, adding 50 ml of warm (40-50 degrees) water. The resulting mixture is filtered - nutritious and tasty milk is ready! You can make milk from peas and soy, the main thing is to increase the temperature of the added water to 70 degrees.

Ripe tomato soup

Juicy ripe tomatoes are mixed in a blender with parsley and celery, add a little ginger (fresh or in powder). Then cool water is added (to one part of the mixture 2 parts of water) and everything is mixed again. If desired, you can add sea ​​salt, favorite unrefined oil and a spoonful of yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria. To keep the soup free of pulp, it can be strained.

Cold soup with tomatoes and fresh cucumbers

Grind in a blender tomato juice, fresh cucumbers, onion and cool water (1:2). Bio-yogurt and sea salt are added to taste. Strain if desired.

Combine 1 part of kefir and 1 part of water, optionally add chopped pickled cucumbers, dill, salt, dried apricots, honey.

Tang from tomato

Mix water and kefir in equal parts, add 3 ripe tomatoes, finely chopped dill, salt and pepper.

Live yogurt

In India, this drink is called lassi. Prepare it like this. Milk is brought to a boil (it is better to choose in soft bags with a short shelf life), add sour cream, bring to a boil again. Cool for an hour, then beat with a mixer or blender. Soon the mixture will begin to ferment. After two days, live yogurt is ready.

Kissel from buckwheat

Pour a glass (250 ml) of water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. Separately, mix one teaspoon of buckwheat groats ground into flour and a glass cold water. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water and bring to a boil again. Turn off the fire and let the jelly cool down and infuse.

It is good to add honey and chopped nuts to it before taking it.

Beet-based kvass

This drink is prepared in the evening, and in the morning it is ready to drink.

Placed in three-liter jar one finely chopped beetroot and pour it with boiled cold water. To this is added to taste a little sugar (a few tablespoons) or honey, a crust of burnt bread (for this, the bread is put in the oven) and dry yeast - about one fourth of a teaspoon. Close the jar tightly with a lid and leave overnight.

It is better to drink such kvass in the first half of the day, as it gives the body extraordinary vigor. Sometimes, instead of kvass, jelly can turn out, while the beneficial properties of such a drink will only increase.

Kissel from flax

This drink normalizes digestion and treats various inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract. To prepare such a jelly, take a tablespoon of flaxseeds and pour 500 ml of boiling water over them. Cover the container tightly with a lid and place on water bath for two hours.

The resulting jelly does not need to be filtered, it is drunk with seeds. This will give you the most benefit.

Kissel from oatmeal

Mix a glass of water and a tablespoon of oatmeal in a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until the mass thickens. Strain and add honey or salt to the resulting jelly to taste.

Kissel with mushrooms and oatmeal

As in the case of the usual oatmeal jelly take a glass of water and a tablespoon herculean flakes, add 2-3 mushrooms (you can use fresh, dry or frozen). Salt to taste and cook until thickened. Chilled jelly is filtered.

Kissel from oatmeal and dried fruits

Mix a glass of water, a tablespoon of herculean flakes and any dried fruits. Put everything on a small fire and cook, stirring from time to time, until the mass thickens. Strain the chilled drink and add honey if desired.

This jelly is very tasty and healthy, it is especially good to use it for indigestion.


Take in equal parts cinnamon, cloves, black pepper and ginger powder (or rub a little natural root). Grind all ingredients in a coffee grinder. Such a mixture (at the tip of a knife) is poured with a glass of boiling water and a teaspoon of honey is added.

In India, a similar drink is called masala, but milk is also added to it. In Rus', sbiten was drunk before the wedding night and given to soldiers before the battle. It warms well and increases energy, cleanses the body of foreign bodies.

bitter chocolate

Melt chocolate (preferably bitter) by placing it in a water bath or using a microwave (about 15-20 seconds). Gently pour liquid chocolate in a mug and enjoy!

Berry juice

Take 150 grams of any berries (fresh or defrosted) and squeeze juice out of them. The resulting waste is poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes. Allow the resulting broth to cool, then filter it and add the previously prepared juice. Add lemon and sugar to taste. Cool down in the refrigerator.

coffee cocktail

Mix in a mixer half a glass of cooled brewed coffee, a teaspoon of rum and sugar, half a glass of ice cream and two teaspoons of apple or lemon juice. Delicious coffee cocktail is ready!

cabbage soup from sauerkraut

Boiled in a saucepan a small amount of sauerkraut. Cool and strain or beat in a blender. Add salt and a spoonful of sour cream to taste.

pomegranate mix

Natural pomegranate juice it is good to drink both on its own and with the addition of dill, green onions and sour cream, while to taste the juice can be diluted with water and add a little salt and sugar.


For one serving, mix a glass of water and a tablespoon of grated pickles. Boil for a while, add salt and sour cream to taste.

pumpkin soup

Cut the pumpkin into small cubes and pour them with boiling water for two minutes. Then crush the pumpkin with water to a puree state and add a little cream and chopped greens.

Okroshka mineral

IN mineral water add a little lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to make it slightly sour. Add sour cream and herbs, salt and sugar to taste.

Sorrel chiller

A pinch of salt is added to half a liter of water and brought to a boil, finely chopped sorrel is added, and allowed to cool. Topped with sour cream before serving.

Beetroot and curdled milk drink

Beat the pre-chilled yogurt with a mixer, gradually adding beetroot juice to it (approximately at the rate of 3: 1), then add finely chopped parsley, salt, sugar and honey (to taste)

Yogurt fizz

Cold yogurt is whipped with a mixer, gradually adding any sweet syrup. Fill half a glass with this mixture and add carbonated mineral water. It is necessary to drink such a drink immediately, while gas bubbles come out.

The food of the gods is liquid bread

This method can be considered as an alternative to food and bread.

Sprouted wheat (sprouts should be no more than 1.5 mm.) Grind in a blender with the addition of water.

This cocktail contains almost all the necessary substances.

If a person eats only liquid food, then you can eat exclusively this cocktail - there will be no shortage of substances. The entire periodic table is found in grains and sprouts of germinated wheat. It is believed that thanks to such nutrition, all diseases disappear, the body rejuvenates, and a complete transformation of the body occurs. It's true unique recipe, which contains the entire natural pharmacy.

nutritional value and chemical composition sprouted wheat:

The nutritional content (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible portion is given below.

  • proteins - 7.49 gr;
  • fats - 1.27 gr;
  • carbohydrates - 41.43 gr;
  • dietary fiber - 1.1 gr;
  • ash - 0.96 gr;
  • water - 47.75 gr;
  • rich fatty acid- 0.206 gr.


  • vitamin - B1 (thiamine) - 0.225 mg;
  • vitamin - B2 (riboflavin) - 0.155 mg;
  • vitamin - B5 (pantothenic) - 0.947 mg;
  • vitamin - B6 (pyridoxine) - 0.265 mg;
  • vitamin - B9 (folic) - 38 mcg;
  • vitamin - C2.6 mg;
  • vitamin - PP (niacin equivalent) 3.087 mg.


  • calcium - 28 mg;
  • magnesium - 82 mg;
  • sodium - 16 mg;
  • potassium - 169 mg;
  • phosphorus - 200 mg.

Trace elements:

  • iron - 2.14 mg;
  • zinc - 1.65 mg;
  • copper - 261 mcg;
  • manganese - 1.858 mg;
  • selenium.

Useful and medicinal properties"liquid bread" from germinated wheat:

  • removes poisons, cholesterol and other harmful substances from the human body;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • immunity increases;
  • prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body;
  • regulates and restores important body functions;
  • normalizes the intestinal microflora;
  • restores hair and nail plates;
  • increases the level of cold endurance;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • rejuvenates the skin;
  • reduces the likelihood of the formation of toxins in the body;
  • stabilizes all body systems: respiratory, nervous, circulatory, etc.;
  • saturates the blood with oxygen;
  • restores color and natural density of hair;
  • promotes resorption of neoplasms: polyps, benign and malignant tumors, cysts, fibroids and wen.

People who eat sprouted wheat every day saturate their body with the necessary nutrients.


2. In no case should you give sprouted wheat to children under 12 years of age.

3. Adults who have undergone surgery should also not eat sprouted wheat until they are fully recovered.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Vegetarianism - eating plant foods with the rejection of meat (red meat, poultry, seafood and the meat of any other animal) (