How to close green string beans for the winter. Asparagus bean salad for the winter

String beans in jars can come in handy at any time of the year. IN winter time it is more useful and needed to replenish the body essential vitamins. Vegetables should be in the diet at any time of the year, and pickled beans, like them, are a delicious dish that instantly disappears from the table.

Beans should not be fully ripe, it is better to pickle only young plants. They have a delicate texture and do not need to be boiled for a long time to become soft and tender. But young plants will absorb the marinade well and become juicy.

Required Ingredients:

  • Dill - 2-3 sprigs;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • Vinegar 9% - 50 milliliters;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Salt - 10 grams;
  • Water - 0.5 liters.

Pickled green beans recipes for the winter:

  1. Beans must be washed well, sorted out, it is better not to use overripe pods. On both sides, it is necessary to cut off a small part, it is too rough and unsuitable for pickling. The rest of the plant must be cut into identical cubes;
  2. Throw the pulp into boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. After cooking, transfer the mass to a colander and let it drain;
  3. Rinse the dill, remove the yellow parts, you can use;
  4. Peel the garlic and can be used whole;
  5. Put garlic and dill in prepared jars. Then you can send the pulp to the jar;
  6. Boil the marinade separately. Dissolve salt, granulated sugar in boiling water and last turn add vinegar;
  7. Pour the pulp with the solution, cover with lids and put for sterilization in a separate pan with boiling water. But you can not re-sterilize, just pour the pulp with the solution and roll up the lids;
  8. Before cooling the cans, they must be placed in a warm blanket upside down.

How to pickle green beans for the winter

In this recipe, you can add salt, the desired sugar and vinegar, but also other favorite spices. Can be given extra flavor and aroma by adding dill greens, bay leaf. And piquancy and spiciness can be achieved by adding garlic and black pepper. Thus, you can make a blank that will suit your taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh asparagus beans - 3 kilograms;
  • Sugar - 100 gr.;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 50 gr.;
  • Water - 1 l.

Recipe for pickling asparagus beans for the winter:

  1. Sort the fruits, wash, cut into neat small pieces. But you can not cut the pods if they are completely placed in the pickling container;
  2. Pods are boiled over low heat, about 5-10 minutes. The cooking time may vary depending on the degree of ripeness of the pulp. Very soft fruits do not need to be cooked for a long time, 3-5 minutes is enough. But if the pods are large, then the cooking time must be increased to 10 minutes;
  3. While the pulp is boiling and draining in a colander, jars can be prepared, they are thoroughly washed, soda can be used. And then you need to subject the container to sterilization. It is convenient to do this in the oven, as several cans are sterilized at once;
  4. Then put spices and herbs (if they are used) in the container, then you can put the pulp;
  5. Pour boiling water into the prepared blanks, cover with lids and a towel. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes;
  6. Then the water is drained, again brought to a boil, seasoned with salt, sugar, vinegar and turned off;
  7. Pour the prepared marinade over the pulp and roll up the lids. Banks must be placed under a very warm blanket, turned over, until completely cooled. After cooling, you can remove the spins in a cold place.

How to pickle green beans for the winter

Except necessary ingredients can add no a large number of honey, it will give a little sweetness and aroma. But do not add honey to large quantities, the workpiece will turn out to be too sweet, but the main ingredient is a vegetable.

Required Ingredients:

  • Green beans - 300 grams;
  • Vinegar 6% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt - 20 grams;
  • Water - 750 milliliters;
  • refined vegetable oil- 20 ml;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.

Marinating green beans for the winter:

  1. Before preparing the workpiece, put jars and a pot of hot water for marinade on the stove;
  2. Now you can start preparing the ingredients. Wash the pods, sort out, remove coarse parts and veins;
  3. Put salt, vinegar, pepper, garlic, laurel and vegetable oil into boiling water. Boil the whole mixture for 5-7 minutes, add the prepared pods and cook for 15 minutes over low heat;
  4. When the mass is cooked, add garlic to it and cover with a lid. The mixture should cool slightly;
  5. After that, it is necessary to send the container to a cold place, it should be infused for about 4 hours. Then you can transfer the mass into separate sterile jars and roll up the lids.

Marinated green beans recipes

To begin with, the vegetables must be boiled so that the marinade is better saturated into the pulp. Various spices can be added to the boiling water, then the mass will have an additional aroma and flavor. You can pickle vegetables without spices, using only the main ingredients for the marinade, and they will turn out to be no less tasty and appetizing.

Required Ingredients:

  • Asparagus beans - 2 kilograms;
  • Vinegar 9% - 100 milliliters;
  • Salt - 30 grams;
  • Sugar - 200 grams;
  • Water - 1000 milliliters.

Pickling asparagus beans for the winter:

  1. Rinse the pods, cut off the ends, cut them off so that the marinade gets inside the pods, and the mass marinates faster. And if the pods are large, then you need to cut the pulp into equal sticks;
  2. Transfer the pulp to a saucepan, add water and put to boil, after boiling it is worth boiling the mixture for 1 minute, then transfer the mixture to a colander and while they cool and get rid of excess liquid, you can start preparing the marinade;
  3. For harvesting, only specially sterilized jars are used. It is worth sterilizing them at high temperatures, usually the jars are placed over steam or in the oven. But every housewife has her own methods of sterilization and all the tools suitable for this;
  4. In prepared jars, first transfer spices and herbs, if they are used in this recipe. And then you can stack the pods, they should fit tightly, without large voids;
  5. After that, it is worth starting to prepare the marinade. Water is measured for him, boiled, seasoned with sugar and salt. Stir a little, wait until the crystals dissolve and remove from heat. Add a measured amount of vinegar to the hot solution, mix and use;
  6. Pour the prepared jars with the mass with hot marinade, it should reach the edges. Blanks close immediately iron lids, turn over and put under a warm blanket. Thus, the workpiece should be steamed well and the pulp will become softer. Also, prolonged cooling helps to extend the shelf life. After cooling, the twist is removed to a cold room.

Pickled asparagus green beans for the winter

Usually, only dill seeds are used to prepare blanks, and in this recipe it is proposed to use greens. Such a mixture turns out to be more saturated in color, looks great in a glass jar and acquires an interesting aroma of fragrant greens.

Required Ingredients:

  • Green beans - 1 kilogram;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dill - 2-3 sprigs;
  • Allspice - 2-3 peas;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Table salt - a tablespoon;
  • Table vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 1 l.

How to pickle asparagus beans for the winter:

  1. First, put a pot of water on the stove to boil;
  2. Wash the vegetables, remove overripe and damaged pods, if you want, you can cut the pulp into identical cubes. But you can leave the whole pulp, also the fruits must be cut on both sides;
  3. Load the prepared pods into boiling water and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then remove the pulp from the water and wait until it dries a little;
  4. Place the dried mass in prepared jars, tamp a little, add pulp, and put prepared seasonings and herbs on top;
  5. In a separate container, mix very hot water with salt and sugar, mix until the crystals are completely dissolved. Lastly, add a measured amount of vinegar, it is recommended to take not too tart vinegar, 9% is enough, it adds spice to the mass, but does not oxidize it too much. After adding vinegar, mix the mixture, the marinade is ready;
  6. With the hot marinade prepared earlier, you must immediately pour the pulp into glass jars, the pulp should be completely covered with liquid;
  7. Cover the blanks with previously sterilized lids, put in hot water so that they are immersed in water by 2/3 of the part. We wait until the water boils and start timing. Sterilization should be carried out for 25 minutes, but if the containers are small, you can sterilize them for 15 minutes;
  8. After sterilization, it is necessary to immediately roll up the jars with iron lids, turn them over, and wrap them in a warm blanket. So the jars should be completely cooled, then they are removed in the cold. Such a workpiece should be given some time for marinating so that the pulp becomes more saturated with marinade.

Marinated green beans with oil are simply indispensable during the fasting period, with a vegetarian diet. Of course, you should use beans in any form with diet food, it contains many vitamins and will add nutrition to the diet. Beans or often replace heavy meat dishes, which are not very useful for the body.

I know many of my gardening friends who grow asparagus in their summer cottage, or green beans. And I also know that not everyone knows how to cook it deliciously, and even more so prepare it for the winter. And if they ask me how to do it, I am happy to share recipes with them.

Indeed, in fact, it is a very tasty and healthy culture, which must be eaten. Not often, of course, but this limitation applies equally to any other product. And having prepared it at least once a month, you will undoubtedly diversify your menu.

All recipes are different - the pods can be canned, pickled, frozen; cook them in the form of a salad, appetizer or semi-finished product for further cooking. The main thing is that all this can be made unforgettable. And now the story will go on how to do it.

Asparagus beans with tomatoes and vegetables, canned for the winter in jars (the best recipe)

I confess that this is my favorite recipe of all the preparations of this vegetable crop for the winter. I have been preparing it for a very long time, since the time we lived in Uzbekistan. A neighbor shared the recipe. So now I cook this salad every year.

It is not difficult to prepare it. The hardest thing is preliminary preparation vegetables: wash, peel, chop. Everything else is done simply and fairly quickly.

And you can't imagine how delicious it will be. ready meal. Nothing worse than , and .

We will need (yield 2 liters):

  • beans - 500 gr
  • carrots - 500 gr
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • bell pepper– 250 gr
  • garlic - 50 gr
  • sugar - 100 gr
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. spoons


1. Soak the pods for 20 minutes, then rinse. First in the water in which they were soaked, then under running water. Then let it drain, and while this is happening, you can immediately cut off the tails from the pods on both sides.

To make it faster, you can take several at once, align them on the board and cut them off in the same place. Then immediately cut them into fragments with a side of about 3 - 4 cm, so that they are convenient to eat.

Also, pieces of this size will boil faster and be better fed with the juice of other vegetables.

It happens that the bean has coarse veins on the sides, and if you pull it by the tip, it can be easily removed. But this is a leguminous variety, this is its difference from asparagus. On the latter, the vein usually does not form. But in any case, if there are any, then they must also be cleaned off.

2. In the meantime, we clean and cut them, you can put a pot filled with water on the fire. For this number of pods you will need about 2 liters. You don't need to salt the water!

For the entire preparation of this type of vegetable crop, preliminary boiling is necessary, even if for a very short time.

3. After boiling water, pour chopped fragments into the pan, and after it boils again, cook with the lid closed for 7-8 minutes. That is, until the state when the pods will already be possible and pleasant to eat.

4. When the time is up, drain the water through a colander. Cut there and leave to drain the liquid and cool.

5. Cut the washed tomatoes into cubes with a side of about 2.5 cm. The skin can be either peeled off or left.

I have my own tomatoes, their skin is not at all rough, and I do not peel it. I already know from experience that it will not interfere at all, just as it will be felt.

6. Cut the bell pepper into strips.

If it is available in different colors, then take it, the salad will look more colorful and positive. Do not cut it coarsely, it is better that it be about the same size and thickness as the already chopped fragments of the pods ..

7. Peel and grate carrots for Korean carrots. You can also use a regular coarse grater. But with the use of a special “assistant”, the salad will look more aesthetically pleasing when served.

8. Cut hot red pepper into small cubes. If you have taken chili, then add it to taste. If it is an ordinary hot pepper, then after cleaning the seeds, you can add it whole.

And mince the garlic.

Now that everything is ready, you can start.

9. In large saucepan pour oil and put all the chopped tomatoes. Put on fire. Without waiting for them to warm up, immediately add the carrots, sugar and salt.

10. Cover the vegetables with a lid and bring the mixture to a boil. When it boils over the entire surface, you will need to time it. At this stage, cook everything that was added should be 25 - 30 minutes.

During this time, the tomatoes will take on the appearance of tomato sauce and a lot of juice will appear, which during this time will even have time to evaporate a little.

11. Pour in the beans that have cooled by that time (although there is no difference, you can also use hot ones) and a mixture of peppers. Cover again and bring to a boil. Then cook for another 10 minutes.

12. And we still have garlic and vinegar, add them and cook for another 3 - 4 minutes, again after boiling.

13. Without turning off the fire, but only reducing it to a minimum, arrange the vegetables in sterilized jars. You can choose how to sterilize them.

You need to fill it tightly so that there are no voids and air sinuses inside. If there are any, then air bubbles can be released by pressing their contents with a spoon. Or just slipping along the edge of the can table-knife, or a spoon handle. And it is better to fill it in stages - they laid out a few spoons, pressed the salad, checked it, then we take on the next calculation.

14. Fill the container to the very neck. It is better if the juice is poured on top, which we have formed in abundance in the already prepared salad.

I got two full 750 gram jars, and one not full. We will leave it to eat the dish freshly prepared. If you don’t want to leave a sample, then add another 200 g of beans to the recipe. The rest of the composition of the ingredients can be left unchanged, except to add a little more salt, and the vinegar is no longer 2 tablespoons, but 2.5.

15. Cover the filled containers with a sterilized lid.

16. Cover the bottom of a large saucepan with a rag and put a container in it. Pour the pot warm water, so that it reaches the shoulders of the can. Turn on the fire and bring the water to a boil.

Sterilize for 45 minutes, if the jar is 0.5 liter, then 30 minutes.

Sometimes they sterilize even less, but I don’t risk it to be sure. Still preparing the mixture different vegetables. Moreover, on palatability it is not reflected in any way. That 20 minutes to sterilize, that 30 - the taste will be the same.

17. After rolling up, the jar should be placed on the lid, turning it over, and covered with something warm. Leave in this form until completely cooled. Then turn it over to its usual position and put it away for storage in a cool place, it is desirable that there is no constant access to light for conservation.

It turns out such a salad - lecho is simply divinely delicious. You will be surprised that from asparagus beans You can actually cook something so delicious!

Video on how to cook the most delicious beans for the winter

This recipe is really delicious. And so we decided to make a video on it. Everything is explained and shown here. Therefore, there will be no difficulties with cooking.

Watch and cook for health!

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Marinated beans for the winter without sterilization

I want to bring to your attention a delicious recipe for pickled beans. Preserving it is very simple, but it turns out a very tasty and beautiful dish.

In finished form, it can be eaten as a snack, and if desired, used for cooking first and second courses.

We will need: (for two 650 gram cans)

  • asparagus, or green beans - 700 - 750 gr
  • bell pepper 2 colors - 2 pcs
  • spicy Bell pepper if desired
  • garlic - 4 cloves

For marinade: (per liter of water)

  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • black peppercorns - 20 pieces (10 per jar)
  • allspice - 4 pcs (2 pcs each)
  • cloves - 4 buds (2 pcs each)
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs (one each)

And also for each 650 gram jar we need 1.5 teaspoons of 9% vinegar. On the floor- liter jar- 1 teaspoon, per liter - 2 teaspoons.


1. Soak the beans for 10 minutes in cool water, then wash them first in this water, and then under running water. Place in a colander to drain all liquid.

To beautifully design the workpiece, I decided not to cut the pods into fragments, but to leave them as long as possible. Therefore, I filled the jar with pods as much as they fit, and cut off all the remnants sticking up. This way they are all aligned and I don't have to align each of them.

Do not throw away the leftovers, they can be laid in the middle of future preservation, or used for another dish. Today I will cook more beans for freezing, that's where all the small fragments will go.

Keep in mind that we will still cook the pods. After that, it will become more pliable, and it will eventually fit in a jar more than 100 grams.

At the end of the trimming procedure, remove the pods and cut the tails on the other side.

2. In the meantime, we are doing the pods, you can put a pot of water on the fire. We will need boiling water. Use a large pot if you want to boil them all at once. Or cook in two batches.

After the water boils, lower the pods into it. And as soon as they boil, cook for 7 minutes if they are thin, and 10 minutes if they have already gained shape and become thicker.

3. At the end of cooking, drain the water and put the product in a colander so that all the water is glassed. Let it cool down a bit.

4. Peel the bell peppers of contrasting colors from the stalk and cut into long feathers along the fruit. I use red and juicy green vegetables. You will need half of one, and half of the other.

And I also want to add a piece of hot capsicum to make the appetizer a little spicy. Therefore, I also cut off a long thin strip from the whole fruit. This despite the fact that my pepper is not very sharp. If you have chili, then you need only a small piece for such a jar, about 0.3 -0.5 cm thick.

5. We will also need garlic. It is now fresh, juicy, and therefore can be easily crushed with the flat side of a knife, and then finely chopped. And if you want, then use the press for this procedure.

6. And so we have everything ready except for the marinade. We will deal with them a little later, when we collect everything that we have prepared in a jar.

Take one of the pre-sterilized jars and put 1/4 of the garlic on the bottom. Then slightly tilt it, and start filling it with cooled pods. On the edge of the jar it is beautiful to arrange colored peppers. Fill tightly in such a way that nothing else can be pushed inside.

7. Put another 1/4 of the garlic on top. And for now, cover with a sterilized metal lid.

8. Similarly, fill the second jar.

9. Before you start filling it, you can put a liter of water to warm up in a saucepan. This is for the marinade. Immediately prepare the mixture of cloves and bay leaves. And do not forget salt and sugar, what kind of marinade without their presence.

As soon as the water boils, add everything that has been prepared and let the marinade boil for 3 minutes.

10. Pour the hot liquid into the jars, taking care to leave all floating additives in the pan for now. But nothing, if something gets into the container, it's not scary.

Cover with lids and let stand 10 minutes.

11. Put a lid with holes on the jar and drain the marinade back into the pan, do the same with the second container. Boil the marinade again and pour again.

Again wait 10 minutes.

If the beans are thin, then two fillings will suffice. If it is quite large, or if you want to play it safe, then drain the brine again and boil. Then pour a third time.

12. Vinegar should be added to the last filling without topping up the marinade to the end. IN this case we add 1.5 teaspoons. Then add the marinade to the very neck and cover with a lid.

After the filled container has stood for 5 minutes, it can be twisted using a seaming machine.

I try to close all blanks with beans in this way. Don't bother with screw caps. Although it may be possible to do so.

13. Now it remains to turn the jars over and wrap them well with a warm blanket. It is desirable that under such a “fur coat” heat is preserved for as long as possible. It can last up to a day for me. And this is very good, this is an additional natural sterilization.

14. And on final stage remove the container with conservation for storage. For this, a dark place is suitable, away from heating appliances.

In winter, open and eat with pleasure. Treat family and guests.

Asparagus beans in tomato sauce for freezing in bags

We really love a dish called lobio, we cook it the way it is. And if in the summer there are no problems with cooking this dish, then in the winter you have to come up with something.

You can, of course, buy a freeze in the store, but I want to cook from my own, from the one that I grew in my garden! That's why we plant! If you just freeze your own and cook from it, then the finished dish still does not turn out the same as the summer one.

And so I am preparing just such a blank, which will be quite quickly and easily converted into your favorite tasty dish, even meat, even vegetable.

Yes, even if you don’t convert anything, but just heat up such a mixture in a frying pan, it will be ready in 5 minutes delicious side dish to any meat or fish dish.

We will need (for 1600 - 1700 gr of the finished product):

  • beans - 1 kg
  • tomatoes - 1 kg
  • onion - 2 pieces approximately 200 gr
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • bitter red pepper - 0.5 - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon without a slide, or better to taste
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon (even with a slide, even without it, that is, to taste)
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml


1. As always, the process begins with washing the beans and cutting off unnecessary ponytails from both sides. Then it needs to be cut into pieces convenient for further cooking. I cut them into approximately 3.5 - 4 cm segments. But some may turn out a little smaller or larger. It doesn't really matter.

2. Put water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Throw in the cut prepared by that time and wait until the water boils again. You don't need to salt it.

After boiling, cook for 3 to 8 minutes. The time depends on the size of the pods, or rather on their thickness, as well as on your preferences. If you like the finished dish softer, then cook the maximum amount of time, that is, until cooked. If you like a crispy product, then choose the shortest time.

And keep in mind that we will cook it in a tomato, and for quite a long time. Of course, it will not boil there, because tomatoes contain acid, but it will not boil much either.

3. I chose the average time - 5 minutes. After that, the water must be drained and discard what was boiled in a colander. We will not need a drop of extra liquid.

4. In the meantime, everything was cooked with us, it was possible to have time to do other work. Namely, fry onion sliced ​​​​in quarters of rings in oil in a pan. Do not fry too much, just enough so that the pieces become only slightly limp, transparent and more pliable.

5. And if we have time, then we still need to wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices no more than 2 cm. The question may be whether to peel the tomatoes or not. Solve this question yourself. If the skin interferes with your food, or irritates, then remove it, if not, then you can leave it.

Tomatoes take red, ripe, tasty. The tastier they are, the tastier our preparation will turn out.

6. We put a large pan on a parallel burner, where we actually put the chopped tomatoes. We bring them to a boil under the lid and simmer until the pieces lose their shape, that is, until they are boiled. As a rule, this takes from 15 to 20 minutes.

7. Then add the fried onion to the tomato, right along with the oil in which it was fried.

8. And without postponing the matter indefinitely, we immediately lay out the pods of asparagus beans that have cooled slightly by that time.

9. Mix vegetables and simmer without closing the lid with occasional stirring for 30 minutes. Our task is not only to extinguish everything well, but also to evaporate the excess liquid.

Remember that we are preparing an appetizer for freezing. There will be no liquid at all!

10. After half an hour, add chopped bell pepper and smaller pieces - red bitter pepper.

Mix vegetables. Simmer for another 15-20 minutes until there is no liquid left.

11. Now it's time to lay out the chopped garlic, salt and pepper to taste. After good mixing, taste the finished dish. And if your taste suggests that you need to add something else, then add and cook after all the additions for another 5 minutes.

During this time, you can have time to mix our dish a couple more times. There is little liquid, so make sure that the vegetables do not stick to the bottom.

12. At the end of cooking, wait until the dish has completely cooled down. Then put it into bags or containers and put it in freezer.

I sorted the contents into bags, so they will take up less precious space in the freezer. It turned out 3 packages of about 550 grams each. Enough for three meals.

At any time, the packaging can be taken out, opened and any soups or main dishes can be cooked with the contents. And you can eat it as a side dish, just warming up the workpiece in a pan, which will undoubtedly diversify your winter menu.

Beans cooked for the winter in jars in Korean

Another delicious preparation for the winter, which leaves no one indifferent. We have already prepared Korean salads, we have them on the menu and they are delicious. And now it's time for a new recipe.

The cooking technology is not much different from already prepared Korean salads from other vegetables. However, there is a difference.

We will need (for two 650 gram cans):

  • beans - 1 kg
  • carrots - 300 gr
  • onion - 100 - 120 gr (1 head)
  • garlic - 45 - 50 gr
  • hot capsicum - 0.5 - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon (or to taste)
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml
  • vinegar 9% - 60 ml
  • spices for Korean carrots - 15 gr (1 sachet)


1. As usual, wash and clean the pods from the tails. Then cut it into two - three parts 4 - 5 cm long. Although the pieces can be made shorter, this is more a matter of taste.

2. Pour about 2 - 2.5 liters of water into the pan and boil it under the lid. Salt does not need to be added. Place cut pieces into boiling water and cover again. Bring to a boil and cook for 7 minutes.

Drain the water and put the pieces in a colander to completely get rid of it and cool the slices.

3. While the pods are cooking and cooling, peel the carrots and grate them on a Korean carrot grater. At the same time, try to make the straw long.

4. Grind the garlic, you can do it with a press, or you can crush the cloves with the flat side of the knife and finely chop them.

So the pieces will not be in the form of gruel, and will be more tangible in taste.

5. Chop the onion into very small cubes. To do this, it should first be cut into half rings with a side of 1 - 2 mm, and then cut them also across to get cubes of the same size.

Just like garlic better head chop, not rub, for example, on a grater. small cubes will be practically invisible in the salad, but at the same time they will be preserved and give their touch of taste in this magnificent ensemble.

6. We will add to the salad hot peppers. Although it is already in the ready-made mixture for Korean carrots, which we have already prepared. But you can't refuse the fresh taste, Korean salads and they are famous for the presence of bitterness.

I have enough hot pepper, so I will add only half of it. And you do not risk, add some part first. then try, and if necessary, it will be possible to add.

7. We immediately put everything that we have prepared into a small basin, or a suitable pan.

8. Pour salt and sugar into the basin, enter ready mix for Korean carrots. If you don't have it, you can make it yourself.

The basis for this spice is ground coriander and red hot ground pepper. And also ground is added nutmeg, a mixture of herbs, dried garlic.

9. In a measuring cup, measure out the oil and vinegar and pour the measured portions over the vegetables. Mix everything and leave to infuse for 6-7 hours.

During this period of time, vegetable mix should be stirred approximately every 40 minutes. After 2 - 3 hours, you can try a piece of the pod. At this stage, you can add what is missing. This is especially true for salt and pepper.

For my taste, nothing needs to be added. Therefore, I leave everything as it is.

The degree of severity is determined, of course, individually. Everyone has their own preferences. Men love spicy food, but not all women can eat such spicy food. Therefore, I always choose the golden mean so that everyone enjoys such food.

9. Wash and sterilize jars and lids.

10. And so, it's time to lay the salads in prepared containers. There is a small feature here - there is very little juice in the dish. But don't worry, it will be enough.

We will fill the jar slowly, and having prepared in advance a crush for cooking mashed potatoes. Fill the container to 1/4 part and lightly crush the contents with the prepared object. Without crushing the contents into a porridge, of course. Strength is not needed here, but accuracy and patience are needed.

Then fill the jar halfway and again lightly press the vegetables with a “wooden helper”. You will see that the juice began to appear more and more.

If air bubbles remain along the edges of the jar, and when pressed with a spoon or pusher, they are not even going to come out, stick the table knife along the very edge of the glass wall. Be careful not to damage the vegetables while doing this.

Thus, gradually fill the container almost to the very neck, or rather, leave places of about 0.3 - 0.5 cm. During sterilization and heating, the juice will stand out even more and fill all the space left.

11. Line the bottom of a large and spacious pan for sterilization with gauze or a cloth. Put in it a filled container, covered with scalded lids. And pour warm water to the very shoulders of the jar.

11. Bring water to a boil, then sterilize for 30 minutes.

12. Without opening the lid during the entire sterilization process, take out the filled containers one by one using special tongs and screw them on immediately.

13. Turn the jars over and cover them with a blanket. Leave "under a fur coat" until completely cooled. For about a day. Then put away for storage.

Since I filled the jars very tightly, I only got two 650 gram jars. Half of a small bowl is left to try. But even this was enough to taste this yummy.

And there is only one thing to say about this salad - it is not just tasty, but incomparably tasty! So be sure to cook such an appetizer, in winter it will certainly please you.

Freezing asparagus beans for the winter is the best way

This is perhaps the simplest and fast way harvesting green beans for the winter. Thus, we prepare a semi-finished product in pure form. When you need to cook something from it, we take out a bag from the freezer, defrost it and cook it.

But let's still consider what's what.

We will need:

  • beans in any quantity
  • freezer bags for vegetables


1. Rinse asparagus or green beans and cut off the ends on both sides.

Then cut it into fragments from 2 to 3.5 cm long, as you like.

2. Boil water in a large saucepan, lower the prepared cut into it. Keep in boiling water for no more than 3 minutes.

3. Then quickly discard the pods in a colander, it is not advisable to heat treatment lasted more than the specified time.

4. Pour into a basin, or another pan cold water. If there are ice cubes, then you can pour them into the water. And put the processed pods into the container. Thus, the heating process will stop instantly. But the pieces will also need to be kept there for no more than 3 minutes.

5. Throw them back in a colander. Now it is necessary that all the water is glass, and the pods are slightly dry. If water remains on them, then the beans will be covered with a thin crust of ice, which is not at all desirable.

6. And at the final stage, put the cooked slices into bags in portions and put them in the freezer.

In winter, take a bag, defrost it, and cook different delicious dishes to your liking.

Video on how to cook beans in tomato sauce without vinegar

If you are preparing for the winter tomato juice then you might like this video. Moreover, from it you can see that everything is prepared as simply as possible, and most importantly quickly.

Also an advantage this method is that this blank is not sterilized. It is placed hot under a warm blanket and pasteurized under the so-called "fur coat".

At present, when housewives do not really want to stand at the stove for a long time, they will certainly appreciate this recipe and take it into their piggy bank.

Dear friends, these are the ones we reviewed today wonderful recipes. All of them turn out great. delicious preparations. If you have never harvested beans for the winter before, then be sure to do it, you will be amazed at how delicious it is.

And then every year you will plant this plant in your summer cottage to harvest and cook with it.

And that's all I have today. On this I say goodbye to you, and in conclusion I want to wish you excellent and tasty preparations!

Bon appetit!

Choosing asparagus is not at all difficult. It should be bright green or deep yellow, depending on the variety. The youth of the pods can be identified by the absence of hard veins and fresh tails. If it began to dry out, then it is better not to use such beans for harvesting for the winter.

Asparagus grown in your own garden should be processed no later than three days after harvest, and asparagus bought on the market or in a store immediately.

Beans should be stored in a dark, cool place. It is possible on the warmest shelf of the refrigerator, but only without a package, but laying it out on a tray or a deep plate.

Before canning asparagus, you should:

  • wash;
  • allow excess liquid to drain;
  • cut ponytails;
  • lower into boiling, very slightly salted water for 5 minutes;
  • Drain the beans in a colander and pat dry.

Jars also need preparation. They must not only be thoroughly washed with soda, but also sterilized in the oven or over hot steam.

Asparagus beans with zucchini in tomato for the winter

The dish resembles a traditional summer sauté of zucchini or eggplant. It can be eaten immediately, or can be preserved in jars for the winter.


  • asparagus beans - 500 g,
  • zucchini or zucchini - 2 pcs.,
  • carrots - 2 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • garlic - 2 large cloves,
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons,
  • water - 200 ml,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - to taste,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. without a slide.


Of all the components, asparagus beans will cook longer than others (after all, this bean product). Therefore, it is best to prepare it in advance. Rinse the pods, cut off the tails from them, and then cut into pieces about 2 cm long. Put the pieces of the pods into a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Leave the asparagus beans in the pan under the lid until completely cooled: you will get something like a semi-finished product for cooking vegetable sauté.

Pour vegetable oil into the bottom of the saucepan and put on fire. When the bowl is hot, put the cubes in it. onion that you have time to prepare while heating the pan.

While the onion is frying (or rather, it comes to transparency), peel the carrots and grate it on coarse grater. Add carrots to transparent pieces of onion in a pan and mix. Fry without covering the pot with a lid.

Rinse zucchini or zucchini under running water and cut into 1 cm cubes. Stir immediately so that the zucchini do not let water in, but are fried.

Drain the water and add the beans to the vegetables in the skillet. Also stir it all together.

Dilute the tomato paste with water until smooth and pour into the pan: you get tomato sauce for steaming vegetables.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a press into the pan.

Salt the dish, add sugar, stir and cover. Let the sautéed green beans and zucchini simmer covered for 30 minutes.

Arrange the hot dish in sterilized jars, cover with hot lids and cork.

Now green beans with zucchini will stand until winter, and one fine evening will delight you with a real summer taste! Good luck with your preparations!

Asparagus beans for the winter with tomato

A very simple recipe for a delicious meal. In winter, you can eat simply with bread, but with meat, asparagus beans in tomato, as well as with baked potatoes, combine simply amazingly.

For 2 kg of asparagus you will need:

  • 3 kg tomato;
  • 3 tbsp salt;
  • 5 tbsp Sahara;
  • 8 tbsp vinegar;
  • 5 tbsp rast. oils.

Washed, peeled beans, cut into several parts depending on the size of the pod.

Grind tomatoes in a meat grinder. You can first remove the skin, but if it is not too tough, then you can leave it.


Recipe fast food, jars with blanks will not be sterilized, so all products must be fresh, without the slightest sign of spoilage. This is especially true for tomatoes.

Boil the resulting mass, boil for 2-3 minutes. Add vinegar, salt, oil and sugar. When the puree boils again, put the beans into it and cook for 20 minutes.

Using a slotted spoon, arrange the asparagus in jars, pour over the sauce, roll up. Can be supplemented basic recipe garlic or carrots. These foods should be added along with asparagus. The taste will be completely different.

Asparagus beans for the winter with garlic

Great option in moderation spicy snack. Such a treat can also be festive table put, and just serve potatoes for dinner.

For a pound of asparagus you will need:

  • 2 cloves;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 3 soul peas. pepper;
  • 2 laurels;
  • 370 ml of water;
  • incomplete spoon of salt;
  • spoon with a slide of sugar;
  • 25 ml sol. oils;
  • 40 ml 9% vinegar.

Cut the asparagus, previously prepared for canning, into pieces, boil the water and drain.

Mix beans with chopped garlic and other spices. In boiling water, add salt, oil, sugar, vinegar, bring to a boil again.

Pour the asparagus into the resulting marinade, boil for just a couple of minutes and roll up.

This recipe is not only for winter preparations. You can eat asparagus after two or three days.

Asparagus beans in Korean for the winter

The original appetizer will surely please you and your loved ones. Korean style green beans are not only delicious. It has a rather attractive appearance, and the aroma instantly causes appetite.

To prepare a pound of asparagus you will need:

  • large carrot;
  • a couple of cloves of garlic;
  • a set of spices for Korean carrots;
  • 3 spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 50 ml of oil;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a spoonful of salt;
  • 300 ml of water.

Grate the carrots (preferably on a special grater), put them on the beans prepared for canning. Add crushed garlic, spices, pour in oil. Mix everything thoroughly, arrange in clean sterilized jars.

By adding Korean seasoning, focus on total weight products. In this case, you need to take spices based on 1 kg.

From water, salt, sugar and vinegar, make a marinade, pour asparagus over it. Sterilize liter jars for 25 minutes, half liter jars - 15-18.

Marinated asparagus beans for the winter

Simple and very quick recipe. But the asparagus on it turns out to be surprisingly tasty, slightly crispy with a rich aroma of spices.

For a pound of beans prepared for preservation, you need to take:

  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a small onion;
  • 3 shower peas. pepper;
  • 2 laurels;
  • a piece of horseradish root;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • a spoonful of salt (incomplete);
  • a spoonful of sugar (with a slide);
  • 40 ml 9% vinegar;
  • 20 ml sol. oils.

Put the asparagus whole or cut into halves in boiling water, boil for 5-7 minutes. Drain the water, and add chopped garlic and onion to the beans, add spices, mix.

From water, sugar, salt, vinegar and oil, prepare a marinade, pour asparagus over it, boil everything together for about 2-3 minutes. Immediately distribute to banks and roll up.

Asparagus beans in tomato for the winter

For this preparation, you need exactly tomato paste or ketchup. Fresh tomatoes will not work. It turns out very tasty if you take the Krasnodar sauce. With it, asparagus acquires a special taste and aroma.

For 2 kg of asparagus, the following ingredients are needed:

  • tomato paste - 500 ml;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • allspice - 3-5 peas;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 4 tbsp Sahara;
  • 7 tbsp vinegar;
  • 5 tbsp rast. oils.

Prepared for preservation, put blanched asparagus in a saucepan. Pour it with a boiling marinade of water, salt, sugar, oil and vinegar, add pepper and finely chopped garlic. Boil 3 minutes after boiling. Add tomato paste. Boil for another 15 minutes. Arrange in banks and roll up.

The taste of cooked asparagus depends on the sauce used. Be sure to try the workpiece before laying it in jars, if necessary, add your favorite seasonings and spices.

How to cook asparagus beans for the winter without sterilization

Enough original taste obtained from this workpiece. It only takes minutes to prepare, so give it a try.


  • 2 kilos of asparagus;
  • greens and celery root to taste;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • a little green dill;
  • 100 ml of vinegar;
  • 30 gr. salt;
  • 150 gr. Sahara;
  • liter of water.

At the bottom of each jar, put a few cloves of garlic, a little chopped dill and celery. Spread the pre-peeled and blanched beans on top, gently shake the jars so that everything is evenly distributed. Pour boiling marinade from water, salt, 9% vinegar and sugar. It remains to roll up the banks. Banks with this blank are well stored, but it is better to keep them in the dark and cool.

Asparagus beans for the winter with carrots and onions

An excellent salad, in which, in addition to asparagus, almost all seasonal vegetables are present. A real charge of vitamins and vigor, which will be very useful on the table on cold winter evenings.

For one kg of asparagus you will need:

  • onion - 300 gr;
  • 2 kilos tomato;
  • a kilo of sweet pepper;
  • a kilo of carrots;
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic;
  • glass rast. oils;
  • a few peas of black and allspice;
  • 2 tbsp vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tbsp Sahara.

Prepared beans can be left whole, but it is better if they are slices of 3-5 cm. Mix with randomly chopped tomatoes and peppers, grated carrots on a medium grater. Pour in the oil and cook over very low heat for about an hour.

The salad should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn.

A quarter of an hour before the end of cooking, add the remaining ingredients, except for vinegar. It should be poured into a boiling mass three minutes before turning off, roll up.

Asparagus beans with eggplant for the winter

A recipe for lovers of moderately spicy treats. This salad comes from the Caucasus, but has undergone minor changes.


  • asparagus - 1.5 kg;
  • eggplant - 1.5 kg;
  • sweet pepper. - 0.5 kg;
  • 1 hot pepper;
  • tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • a bunch of cilantro;
  • ½ bunch of parsley and dill;
  • ½ stack oils;
  • ½ stack vinegar;
  • ½ stack Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp salt;
  • a pinch of black Hammer. pepper.

From tomatoes, peppers and garlic in a meat grinder, prepare mashed potatoes. Add vinegar, oil, sugar, salt. Boil over very low heat. Put the chopped beans, boil for half an hour, stirring regularly. Add small pieces of eggplant, boil for another half hour. Pour chopped greens, pepper. Arrange in sterilized jars and roll up.

Choose eggplants with thin skins so they don't have to be peeled before canning. This will take more time and ready salad it won't look as attractive.

How to freeze asparagus beans for the winter

Frozen asparagus should be completely ready to use. Therefore, it must be very carefully sorted out, removing the damaged and old. Then wash several times. Be sure to drain excess liquid and dry.

After removing the tails, cut the beans into 2-3 parts. Although you can freeze whole pods.

Divide the prepared asparagus into planks, freeze and distribute into portioned bags or put into containers. Such a semi-finished product can be fried, added to soup or vegetable stews.

You can also freeze cooked beans. In winter, it is suitable for a variety of salads and snacks.

Wash the asparagus, remove the stems, and cut into halves. Then dip in lightly salted boiling water for three minutes. Remove the finished pods with a slotted spoon and immediately transfer to a plate with ice water for two minutes.

Put the cooled beans on kitchen towel, dry, distribute on a cutting board and freeze, and then packaged in portion bags or containers.

Recipes for cooking asparagus beans for the winter should be in cookbook every hostess. Try the suggestions and create your own! Good luck with your preparations.

I propose to take note of how to cook chopped cucumbers for the winter, following the link, the three best recipes.

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Many people grow asparagus beans in their beds, the recipes for canning for the winter of which will help turn this useful plant into an excellent provision. Such a preparation can be used as a side dish or as a component of a salad. Beans belong to the legume family, so they are very high in calories. In addition to the calorie content, it is tasty and unusual. Having a dish on the table with green beans, you will stock up on energy and useful trace elements all day.

The benefits of asparagus beans and dishes from it

Green beans contain vitamins A, B, C, E, potassium, magnesium, zinc, folic acid, which have a beneficial effect on human body. Intensively cleansing the body of toxins, this herbaceous plant It also removes excess fluid from the organs, thereby facilitating the work of the heart. Once on the menu for diabetics, it reduces the level of glucose, so it is strongly recommended to use it as often as possible for such people. Year-round will not work, because asparagus is a seasonal fruit. To keep it for a long time, you can freeze or preserve it. Asparagus beans, the preparations for the winter of which are countless, allow you to feed on positive substances from them at any time of the year.

The easily digestible protein inside the bean in question reaches the level of the meat. If you are on a diet, then meat can be replaced with asparagus beans in any form. It is also very useful for people suffering from kidney and liver diseases, because it normalizes salt metabolism. Eating canned pods can prevent atherosclerosis and arrhythmia.

Green beans should not be eaten raw.

Asparagus beans without additives for the winter with sterilization

For those interested in how to cook asparagus beans tasty and without additives, a simple recipe is provided below. It will take 2 kg asparagus pods. The beans will be stored in brine, which will require 3 teaspoons of salt and 2 liters of water. It is better to pick up jars of 0.5 liter ones, 3 teaspoons of vinegar will be poured into them for better preservation of provisions.

Cooking steps:

In all the recipes provided, vinegar is taken at 9%.

Asparagus beans with celery for the winter without sterilization

Asparagus beans are quickly prepared for the winter, the recipes without sterilization of which describe the process in detail. This option involves canning along with celery, which adds spice to the dish. The quantity is taken to taste, and asparagus is 2 kilograms. 100 grams of vinegar, 1 liter of water, 30 grams of salt, 200 grams of sugar will go to the marinade. Garlic and dill will help to add astringency, their volume is taken according to taste preferences.

Cooking steps:

Asparagus beans with spices for the winter without sterilization

Another delicious recipe preservation of asparagus beans for the winter is its interaction with fragrant spices and spices. For 2.5 kilograms of legumes, you will need up to 10 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. spoons of allspice and black peppercorns and. According to your taste, you can vary the amount of ingredients, as well as remove or add some other seasonings, for example, add a bay leaf.

Cooking steps:

Korean green beans

Nutritious, juicy asparagus food can be obtained by adding carrots to it. Korean-style green beans are a rich, spicy appetizer for any table. The main ingredients for this dish: 500 grams of legumes, 1 large carrot. A bag of “Korean-style carrots” spices and 4 cloves of garlic will help to fill the workpiece with spiciness. The marinade will take 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 50 grams vegetable oil, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt and sugar, as well as 300 grams of water.

Cooking steps:

Green beans in tomato

Pickled asparagus beans for the winter, the recipes of which are very diverse. For example, you can use tomato juice instead of marinade. Provisions are also stored for a long time and have an unusual aftertaste. For beans in a tomato, you will need a pound of asparagus, 2 leeks, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic, and for a tomato 3 pieces of tomato. Required spices for provisions: a pinch of black ground pepper, 2 g of salt and 30 grams of fresh parsley.

Cooking steps:

Instead of fresh tomato you can use tomato juice.

Winter canning recipes for asparagus beans are not limited to the above options. Every year they are replenished with new items. You can also complement the ingredients with your favorite vegetables, try and experiment. Do not forget about sterile jars and adding vinegar for a longer shelf life.

A tasty and crispy preparation for the winter, such as green beans, will help diversify any vegetable dish and make it more original. Prepare homemade bean preparations according to our recipes and pamper yourself and your loved ones with healthy canned food.

Among the recipes for homemade preparations, preparations from green beans or asparagus beans are very popular. In winter, such beans are useful for preparing salads, soups and main dishes.

Young bean pods about 7-8 cm long are suitable for canning, they are dense and juicy, with a characteristic crunch at the break, you can use whole pods or cut them. It all depends on the volume of jars prepared for storage.


  • green beans;

for the marinade:

  • water;
  • dill seeds or inflorescences;
  • currant leaves;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • salt;
  • aspirin tablets.


Wash beans, dry. Peel and wash the garlic. Rinse currant leaves and dill inflorescences well. In the presence of strong pollution, immerse the greens in cold water for a few, dry. Cut the pods into pieces about 3-5 cm long, immerse in boiling water for 10 minutes, then drain the water.

In each liter jar at the bottom put a clove of garlic, bean pods, upstairs - 1-2 leaves of currants and dill inflorescences, 1 tbsp. l ordinary (without iodine) salt. Also, you need to put aspirin in each jar - 1 tablet per 1 liter jar. This will protect the blanks from damage.

Pour boiling water over jars of beans, cover each jar with lids sterilized in boiling water. Sterilize each jar, then seal tightly and invert, place in a warm place and leave to cool.

Ingredients per 1 liter jar:

  • green beans - 400 g;
  • garlic - a few cloves;

for the marinade:

  • sugar - 10 g;
  • a few peas of allspice;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • table vinegar - 50 ml;
  • bay leaf;
  • water - 500 ml.


Sort the string beans, while removing coarse, rotten, overripe and unusable specimens. Then rinse and dry the beans with a linen towel, cut off the tails on both sides of the pods.

To prepare the marinade, mix the above ingredients and boil.

Place in sterilized jars fresh garlic, beans, pour marinade (without bay leaf), cover with sterilized lids and cork.

When you want to cook something with green beans in winter, it’s better to rinse them well in water first, then the vinegar will go away, and only the mild taste of young beans will remain in the dish!


  • young asparagus beans - 1.5 kg;
  • red tomatoes of a high degree of maturity - 1 kg;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • chili pepper - 1 pod;
  • table vinegar - 2 tablespoons
  • a few peas of black pepper;
  • a few cloves of garlic;
  • sugar - 1-2 tablespoons;
  • dry cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil - 100 g.


Process the beans as indicated in the previous recipe. For ease of preparation and portioning in jars, cut the pods into pieces. Wash the tomatoes, cut into pieces. Peel, wash and chop the onion and garlic.

Grind tomatoes, onions, garlic in a food processor, you can also use a meat grinder. Pour the mixture into a suitable size pan and put on a slow fire to simmer for an hour. Add chopped beans and simmer for 20-25 minutes. Season with spices and salt, continue to simmer for 25-30 minutes. Pour in the vinegar. Mix.

Advice! When adding spices, salt and vinegar to such a preparation, to determine correct proportions, try to focus on taste! Take a sample with a clean spoon and you will understand by taste what is missing. The workpiece should be moderately salty and peppery, have a moderately sour taste from vinegar.

Continue simmering for a few minutes. Immediately put into jars sterilized with boiling water, cork with lids sterilized in boiling water. Turn the jars over, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave to cool.


  • asparagus beans - 1 kg;
  • onions - 300 g;
  • tomatoes of a high degree of maturity - 2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 1 kg;
  • carrots - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • black peppercorns - a few pieces;
  • table vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon.


Sort the beans, removing all rotten, coarse and overripe pods. Rinse the selected pods in running water, but it is better to soak for several hours, rinse and dry again. Cut off the tails of the beans and cut the pods into pieces of 3-5 cm. Wash and peel the rest of the vegetables.

Tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic and onions cut into thin slices or plates. Cut carrots into thin sticks or grate. Put the chopped products in a saucepan of a suitable capacity, pour vegetable oil, simmer for about an hour over low heat. All this time, periodically stir the salad, due to the fact that the tomatoes will give juice, the salad will not burn.

After another 15 minutes, put peppercorns, salt, sugar in the salad. Continue simmering for about 10 minutes until done. Then spread the vegetable mixture into pre-sterilized jars, cover with sterilized lids and cork, leave warm to cool.

To prepare asparagus beans in the freezer, fit general rules freezing for vegetables:

  1. Clean the beans selected for freezing from debris and impurities, soak in cool water to remove possible dirt and sand, rinse again;
  2. Cut the pods into small pieces, place in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes, transfer the colander and cool;
  3. Dry the asparagus beans on a towel;
  4. Place in freezer molds or containers;
  5. Place in the freezer, allowing the products to freeze well;
  6. Then you can remove the beans from the containers and transfer them in portions to plastic bags, close them tightly and send them to the freezer for storage. This saves space in the freezer.