Healthy chicken. Diet salad with chicken breast

The most popular diet is protein. Among most of the products that it can include, chicken plays an important role ( chicken fillet). Its meat is different delicate taste and is nutritious for the body, while remaining light and non-greasy, well absorbed by the body and contains a minimum of calories.

With active physical activity Any type of chicken will do: diet recipe in a slow cooker, in a double boiler, in foil or just boiled chicken meat. The ideal option will be for the entire period of the diet to abandon sea ​​salt, but you can keep the figure in shape and with its use.

Chicken fillet: a diet recipe in a slow cooker with lemon and herbs

The slow cooker quickly and quickly gained popularity among modern housewives. Its ease of use, the speed of cooking, as well as the taste of the resulting dishes are the main advantages. Cooking a dietary chicken dish in it is within the power of even the most lazy hostess. You can start from the very simple recipe, which will satisfy even the most capricious gourmets.

Chicken fillet in own juice
This recipe will be juicy, low-calorie and very appetizing. For him you will need:

  • Chicken fillet (several halves are possible, if you rely on other family members).
  • Small onion, maybe a couple of onions.
  • One ripe small lemon with peel.
  • Greens (for taste, you can take any that is at hand, but dill and parsley are better).
  • Favorite spices (enough salt and ground black pepper).
  • Foil for baking.

Wash the halves of the chicken and cut lengthwise into thin slices, like chops. Cut the foil into small fragments and place a fillet plate on it. Sprinkle thoroughly with spices and salt, carefully place lemon and cooked herbs on top, then roll up and secure with wooden skewer. Close with the rest of the foil. Place the rolls in foil in a double boiler pan and cook for about 40 minutes. Such convolutions can be formed as many as you like.

It is recommended to serve low-calorie chicken dishes in tandem with vegetables (fresh or also from a double boiler). Fresh vegetables it is better to use according to the season, but if we are talking about autumn, then great addition will be frozen vegetable mixes, also cooked in a double boiler - it can be broccoli, black Eyed Peas, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, etc.

In this video, you can find out another very tasty and simple recipe for chicken fillet with lemon, with the addition of garlic.

Chicken fillet: a diet recipe in a double boiler with pumpkin and feta cheese

The steamer also serves as an excellent assistant in the kitchen, especially in the preparation of low-calorie foods. It does not have a frying mode at all, so the addition of oil is not required for it, however, the dishes have a juicy taste and are easily absorbed in the body.

Chicken roll
For the recipe, you need to prepare the following products:

  • 2 small breasts (medium).
  • Pumpkin without peel and seeds in the amount of 200 g.
  • Walnuts already chopped - 50 g.
  • 5 cloves of fresh garlic.
  • Feta, it is better to take it, without replacement - 100 g.

Cut the fillet into plates lengthwise and beat off, but so that there are no holes in the meat. Chop the peeled pumpkin with a knife, in the form of straws, or grate. Chop walnuts and garlic as finely as possible and add to Feta, which should first be mashed with a fork in a convenient container, mix everything thoroughly. Add pumpkin to the cheese and stir again, but do not add salt!

Apply this resulting mass with a non-thin layer on the broken pieces of the fillet and form rolls. Place the rolls in a double boiler and cook for half an hour. Ready-made rolls can be served with any side dish, vegetables are also suitable as it.

The absence of a slow cooker or a double boiler is not a reason to be upset and give up with cooking diet meals. You can remember the old and very good way foil cooking with oven. For such recipes will do even the thinnest food foil and the oldest oven.

Chicken breast in foil with sour cream
For the recipe you need to take:

  • 400g chicken fillet (or breast).
  • 8 pcs. bay leaf, fresh or dried.
  • 5 tablespoons of low-fat sour cream.
  • 3 cloves of fresh garlic.
  • Spices hops-suneli and a mixture of peppers.
  • Salt, but better without it.

Any baking dish that is on hand to prepare for this dish, lining the bottom with foil and leaving a portion around the edges to chicken breasts could be wrapped. Peel the breasts under water and season with spices on all sides. Garlic is best cut into small pieces and stuffed with meat with spices.

Grate with sour cream and put raw chicken fillet in a mold, and randomly lay bay leaves on the sides of the meat. Cover the dish with foil and place in the oven for a a large number of time: 30 minutes will be enough if the oven functions well, if not, then until cooked at your own discretion. The last 5-10 minutes, you can increase the fire so that the meat acquires a crust.

This dish can be served with unsalted rice or vegetables, you can cook buckwheat or wheat porridge, but it is better to eat a dietary dish at lunchtime. For an evening meal, it is recommended to cook something lighter. For example, a salad with the addition of boiled chicken or just a piece of boiled breast.

Such diet dishes will amaze even loved ones with their delicious taste and aroma, juiciness and originality. They can be served daily, or can be presented to festive celebration in the family circle. The main thing to remember: eating right is not an art, but just the absence of laziness.

In this video, you can find out another diet recipe from chicken fillet with colorful, vitamin-rich vegetables! There are verified delicious recipes cooking chicken? Be sure to leave them in

In any diet, balance is important, otherwise such nutrition will harm the body. The lack of protein is especially dangerous. As a result, muscle tissue, bones, hair will suffer. great way get a full portion of protein and at the same time not harm the figure - chicken breasts. 100 grams of this product contains about 18 grams of protein and very little fat compared to other types of meat. If you're on a healthy diet, cook chicken breasts without oil, mayonnaise, or other fatty ingredients. Only in this case you can get the maximum benefit.

Secrets of Cooking Chicken Breasts

Due to the fact that chicken breasts are low in fat, many may find them dry and even tough. Indeed, if this part of the chicken is simply boiled, taste qualities unlikely to be enjoyable. There are several tricks, thanks to which the breasts will turn out juicy, tender and extremely tasty. First of all, try not to cook frozen meat, give preference to chilled meat: this way your dish will be much more tender and flavorful. Try not to cook chicken breasts for too long, no matter how. As a result, the meat will be very dry. But main secret cooking tender chicken breasts is pre-pickling. If you don't have much time, soak what has already been cut into portioned pieces meat in kefir or a mixture of several tablespoons of soy sauce and apple cider vinegar. And if you have time, prepare a special brine, thanks to which ordinary white meat will turn into a real culinary masterpiece.

For this you will need:

  • 2 liters of water
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • half a lemon
  • spices

Boil water, add salt and spices, boil for 2-3 minutes. Cool down to room temperature, then squeeze half a lemon. Pour the chicken with the resulting brine and hold for 5-6 hours. During this time, the lemon juice will soften the fibers, and thanks to the salt, moisture will remain inside the meat. After that, you can cook chicken breasts in the way that suits you.

As Soon as You Can: Chicken Breast Dishes

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Recipes for chicken breasts in the oven

The main rule of roasting chicken breasts is not to leave them open. AT this case the fried crust so beloved by many will not appear, but at the same time the dish will remain in the category of dietary ones. The best way is to wrap the chicken meat in foil or put it in a baking bag. Previously, you can grate the breasts with spices.

Remember that during the cooking process, juice will definitely stand out. Therefore, make sure that the packaging for baking is sealed.

There is another way to cook breasts in the oven, thanks to which you will get a truly festive dish.

For it you will need:

  • 700g marinated chicken breasts
  • 100 g prunes
  • 1 large carrot
  • onion
  • 2–3 garlic cloves
  • dried basil
  • salt and pepper to taste

Cut the breasts into small strips. Cut prunes and carrots into strips, onions into rings, garlic into medium-sized cubes. Take a glass or ceramic baking dish and put all the ingredients in it in layers. If the dishes are deep enough, make several alternating layers. Wrap the form with several layers of foil so that air does not get in. Put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes. As a result, you will get an unusually fragrant diet dish with great gravy, without fat and extra calories.

Steamed chicken breasts

Steamed foods are ideal for diet food, because with this method heat treatment the maximum amount of vitamins is preserved. However, the meat runs the risk of being dry, because under the influence of steam all the juice will flow out. Make chicken breasts lungs steam cutlets: benefits for the body are provided. For this, in addition to the chicken breasts themselves, you will need raw egg white, salt, onion and dill. pre-cooking will take no more than 5 minutes. Just grind all the ingredients in a blender, add protein to the minced meat and make flat cutlets. Put them in the steamer for 30 minutes. As a result, this simple dish will give you an excellent dose of protein, a minimum of fat, and it will turn out incredibly tender and juicy.

You can add to water fragrant herbs, Bay leaf. During the cooking process, the meat will be saturated with these aromas.

Replenishment of protein reserves is in demand not only among athletes, but also among people who are concerned about their healthy eating. Chicken breast diet dishes are exactly those dishes that will serve as a source of useful substances for the body, and, at the same time, will not harm the digestive tract.

The building material needed for a variety of fabrics human body, are proteins. Recipes for breasts cooked in a slow cooker make it possible to keep the protein to the maximum and all the useful things that are in chicken meat.

The menu, balanced with proteins, makes it possible to quickly restore strength after grueling workouts or physical fatigue.

The advantage of breasts over other types of chicken meat is that it is low in fat and cholesterol. Cooked in a slow cooker or steamed, they perfectly retain most of the useful qualities and are a source of energy for the body.

Even if we take into account the calorie content of this meat, 110 kilocalories for every 100 grams, it becomes clear why nutritionists praise it so much. Recipes based on breasts do not allow you to store excess fat in the body, but they serve as a source of protein for muscle growth.

Meat cooked in a steamer or in a slow cooker does not contain carbohydrates at all, and in terms of the presence and ratio of fat and proteins, it is an almost ideal combination for athletes.

In addition, the composition of this white meat such that chicken breast recipes are prescribed to patients after injuries, burns, blood loss and fractures. They contribute to the speedy healing of wounds and the restoration of general tone.

Speaking about diet dishes from chicken breast, one cannot fail to mention the vitamins and useful elements contained here. The main group of vitamins is B, which are preserved after steaming meat and are so necessary for us to ensure normal metabolism.

Content of vitamins and other benefits

Vitamins B9 and B12 are necessary for the development of the fetus and the maintenance of the mother's well-being. Chicken broth recipes are definitely included in the menu of expectant and nursing mothers. You can also select such microelements: zinc, iron, magnesium, a number of other useful enzymes, vitamins A, H, F, PP.

Chicken breast cooked in a slow cooker favors blood circulation and blood formation, strengthens the skeleton and nervous system, improves the condition of our skin and hair.

However, those who are regularly engaged in heavy types of physical labor, one dietary meat, steamed or in a pan, will not be enough. To compensate for the energy expended, you will need to replenish fats. Otherwise, chicken breast recipes can be considered the standard of modern nutrition, which are necessary on every table of an average family.

In general, this meat is unique in that it can be used for almost any existing species heat treatment. Therefore, there are recipes for dietary dishes from chicken breasts, cooked in the oven, in a frying pan, in a slow cooker or a cauldron. Meat can be baked in foil, fried with a small amount oil, steam.

What is meat served with?

Since the breasts contain practically no fat, it is important not to overdry the meat during cooking, but leave it for several hours in a light marinade or slightly beaten before cooking. egg whites. Housewives recommend sprinkling the product before cooking in the oven or in a pan breadcrumbs and cheese - in this case, a pleasant crispy crust is formed.

Any kind of vegetables: boiled, fresh and stewed, pasta and cereals, dairy products and cheeses - all this is an excellent addition to light diet chicken meat. Oriental spices and spices will help to give the dish, even cooked in a slow cooker, new rich flavors.

Any family can afford such a product, because the breast is not among the exotic ones, and chicken meat recipes protect against obesity due to their low nutritional value and calorie content.

You need to know that breasts owe their popularity to the unique chemical composition, because this meat is easily digestible, rich in amino acids, as well as minerals.

Cooked in a conventional slow cooker, chicken can compete with a range of seafood and fish at an extremely low content cholesterol. With its help, it is possible to prevent the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, and regular consumption contributes to weight loss.

How to cook

Recipes from this product are truly diverse and unique. It's made amazingly juicy cutlets Kiev style, hot meat dishes. Breasts are used in various salads and snacks, they are made from it tender kebabs and barbecue.

It is easily combined with most side dishes, while even an inexperienced hostess can easily create new dishes.

Despite the fact that chicken meat itself is slightly dry, this deficiency is quite easy to fix. Just put a small piece of bacon and a few onion rings inside.

And the broth from the breast has long been considered real by many nationalities. remedy and helps to quickly put patients on their feet after surgery. If we compare the meat of the breast and drumsticks that have been processed in a slow cooker, then without a doubt the breast will be much more useful, it is not for nothing that it belongs to the so-called white meat.

Several recipes based on breasts


Chicken baked in the oven with vegetables. My approximately 300 grams of breasts and cut into cubes. Pour into the pan, where we add steam bell peppers, onion and up to 400 grams of green beans.

Lightly fry the vegetables together and pour into a baking dish for future baking. Sprinkle with 50 grams of low-fat hard cheese and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for a quarter of an hour. It is recommended to serve with brown rice.

Making soup

Broccoli and Chicken Soup Recipe. From vegetables, we need of course broccoli (300g), some spinach and 1 onion. Boil vegetables and 300 g of chicken breast (possible in a slow cooker), separately fry 100 g of champignons and onions.

We take out the chicken meat from the broth, cut into cubes. Grind the vegetables with a blender, add back to the soup along with the chicken. It is good to serve croutons with such a first dish.

Diet pilaf

Lightly sauté one grated carrot and one onion in vegetable oil. Let's put a glass in there. chicken broth, cooked in a slow cooker from 200 g of breasts, add rice (boiled in advance, in the amount of 300 g) and seasoning for pilaf.

Simmer until the broth has evaporated and serve on the table, decorating with herbs.

Bake again

Breasts baked in the oven in foil. Let's start by cutting a kilogram of chicken breasts (can be replaced with fillets). Meat cut into strips and chop a couple bell peppers. Open a jar of black olives and cut into rings crosswise.

Next, finely chop the onion, 1 medium tomato and mix all the ingredients, do not forget to pepper and salt. For the marinade, pour in a tablespoon of white wine and let it brew for 15 minutes. The mixture is laid out in foil (you can divide it into several parts), fold and cook for 20 minutes in the oven or slow cooker.

With nut sauce

Recipes for breasts baked in walnut sauce. For the sauce, we need peanut butter (a couple of tablespoons), which needs to be slightly melted using a water bath. 800 grams of chicken meat (breast), cut into strips. Two sour apple three on a medium grater.

We combine the oil with apples, add spices and dip the chicken meat. We add a little orange peels and grated ginger, 1 onion, add applesauce, and leave the meat in this marinade for a quarter of an hour. It remains to bake in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for half an hour.

Diet chicken dishes Lovers of lean, diet food will really like it. You can cook any part of the chicken deliciously: breasts, wings, fillet. It also turns out very tasty whole chicken cooked in the oven. Let's see what such a diet can be prepared from chicken.

Chicken Diet Recipes

Chicken breasts baked with lemon juice.

- chicken breasts - 520 g
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- juice of one lemon
- olive oil - a couple of tablespoons
- spices
- salt pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.
2. Wash chicken breasts, dry.
3. In a bowl, mix spices, salt, pepper, garlic, olive oil.
4. Transfer the chicken to a container, pour over the prepared sauce, cover with foil.
5. Cook the chicken for forty minutes, garnish with herbs, lemon slices.

Diet chicken fillet

Chicken fillet in almond crust.

- chicken fillet - 520 g
- almonds - half a glass
- sweet paprika - 1.5 teaspoons
- salt - a quarter of a teaspoon
- garlic powder mustard powder- 0.5 teaspoon
- egg white - 4 pieces
- olive oil (only cold pressed) - 4 teaspoons
- ground pepper– 1/8 teaspoon

1. Preheat the oven to 225 degrees, put the foil on a baking sheet.
2. Place garlic, spices, nuts in a food processor. Grind the nuts to a paste, add olive oil with the combine turned on.
3. Put the mass in a dish with a recess.
4. In a separate dish, beat the egg whites.
5. Dip a strip of chicken fillet in protein so that it covers them. After that, move the fillet to the nut mass. The fillet should be covered on all sides.
6. Put the fillet strips on a baking sheet, bake for 20 minutes.

special, exquisite taste has .

Chicken fillet with mustard-berry sauce.

- blackberries or raspberries - one glass
- chicken fillet - 520 g
- mustard - 1.5 tablespoons of mustard
- salt - half a teaspoon of salt
- honey - two teaspoons
- corn flour - 3 tablespoons
- chicken fillet - 520 g
- ground pepper - 0.25 teaspoon
- olive oil - a tablespoon

1. In a small bowl, mash the berries with honey and mustard.
2. Sprinkle the fillet with salt and pepper.
3. Pour a small amount into the container cornmeal, roll the fillet.
4. Heat the oil in a frying pan, fry the fillet, put it in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.

Chicken breasts in honey-ginger crust.

- Orange juice- tablespoon
- honey - a tablespoon
- chicken breast - 4 pieces
- ground black pepper, dried ginger - 0.25 teaspoon each
- dried parsley - 1/2 teaspoon
- corn flakes - 3/4 cups

1. Lubricate the mold with vegetable oil, place the chicken breasts there.
2. In a bowl, mix pepper, ginger, orange juice, honey. Brush the chicken breasts with this mixture.
3. Mix parsley and corn flakes, put on top of the fillet.
4. Place the dish in the oven, bake until done.

Do not deny yourself the pleasure of trying.

Chicken fillet with spinach and nuts.

- dietary mayonnaise - half a glass
- spinach leaves - 2 pieces
- chopped walnuts- 1/3 cup
- mustard - a tablespoon
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- dietary bread - a couple of pieces
- small chicken breasts - 6 pieces
- zucchini - 3 pieces
- Parmesan cheese - 2 tablespoons

1. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
2. Grind the bread in a food processor, finely chop the spinach.
3. In a bowl, mix all ingredients except zucchini and chicken.
4. Put the fillet in a large form, put the spinach-nut-mayonnaise mixture, bake until fully cooked.

How to cook diet chicken

Brussels style chicken fillet.

- olive oil - two tablespoons
- ground cumin - ¾ teaspoon
- large onion - 2 pieces
- chicken breast - 4 pieces
- a clove of garlic - 3 pieces
- brown rice - one glass
- ground black pepper - half a teaspoon
- Brussels sprouts - 520 g
- low-fat chicken broth - a couple of glasses
- salt

1. In a large skillet, heat a tablespoon of olive oil, lower the heat, fry the breasts until golden, transfer to a separate dish.
2. Pour another spoonful of olive oil into the pan, add garlic, onion, simmer until the onion softens.
3. brown rice Pour into the pan, stir thoroughly, cook for a couple of minutes.
4. Add broth, cumin, pepper, stir, bring to a boil, cover, simmer for 10 minutes.
5. Add to the pan Brussels sprouts, stir, lay out the chicken breasts, squeeze the lemon juice, cover, put in the oven for baking.
6. After half an hour, check the readiness of the chicken and rice. If necessary, add water or broth.

Diet chicken in the oven

Baked chicken with cheese.

- spices
- pepper
- garlic
- chicken fillet
- Chees Feta

1. Cut the chicken fillet into strips.
2. Mix chicken meat with feta, garlic and any spices.
3. Put the chicken and cheese in a mold, bake for half an hour in the oven.

Fillet with dry beans.

- chicken fillet - 520 g
- dry beans - 155 g
- carrots, onions - 3 pieces each
- Bell pepper, tomatoes - two pieces
- a clove of garlic
- salt
- bay leaf
- dill greens

1. Rinse beans, pour cold water, salt, boil.
2. Clean the vegetables.
3. Carrots, onions, tomatoes, sweet peppers - cut.
4. Rinse the chicken meat, dry it, cut into cubes, fry a little in vegetable oil, transfer to a saucepan.
5. Add beans, onions, a small amount of broth, put a bay leaf, stew under the lid, sprinkle with garlic, chopped dill, let it brew under the lid for 5 minutes.

You will also be pleased with your taste.

Italian chicken.

- chicken fillet - 85 g
- chopped onion - ¾ cup
- boiled chickpeas - 0.25 cups
- olive oil - one and a half olive oil
- freshly chopped spinach - 5 cups
- vegetable broth- half a glass
- dried oregano - 1.5 teaspoon
- salt pepper
- chopped garlic - a teaspoon

1. Heat olive oil in a frying pan, add chicken fillet pieces, half chopped onion, simmer, check readiness.
2. Heat the remaining olive oil in a second pan.
3. Put onions, tomatoes, chickpeas, oregano, garlic, broth, spinach, boil.
4. Put the vegetables on the dish, and then the chicken fillet pieces.

Diet soup with chicken

- chicken breast fillet
- Bay leaf
- salt
- carrot
- bulb
- vermicelli
- potato

1. Wash the chicken breasts, remove the noise, add the parsley, cook the chicken broth.
2. Take out the breast, chop finely, put back into the chicken soup.
3. Peel the carrots, cut into small slices, peel the onions.
4. Fry the onion with carrots in butter.
5. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, put in the soup.
6. Throw vermicelli into the soup.
7. Boil the soup until the vermicelli or potatoes are ready.

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Diet chicken in a slow cooker.

- hard cheese - 120 g
- a clove of garlic - 2 pieces
- bottom half chicken carcass– 720 g
- sour cream - a couple of tablespoons
- salt, spices

1. Rinse the chicken, remove the skin and fat.
2. hard cheese grate, add small garlic.
3. In a bowl, combine cheese, spices, garlic.
4. Take the chicken, place it in a container, cover with cheese and sour cream mixture.
5. Pour water into the multicooker, set the "Steam" mode.
6. Cook diet chicken.

Lovers of sweet low-calorie food will appreciate.

Boiled chicken with sauce.

- roots
- chicken - 1 kilogram
- salt
- butter - a couple of tablespoons
- carrot
- flour - a couple of tablespoons
- lemon juice - a tablespoon

1. Wash the chicken, put it in cold water, let it boil, cook for 15 minutes.
2. Add peeled roots, boil.
3. Take out the chicken, strain the broth.
4. Fry flour on melted butter, while stirring, dilute 300 ml of broth, let it boil, remove from heat.
5. Pour in the lemon juice.
6. Cut the chicken into portions, put on a plate, pour over the sauce, add boiled vegetables.

Dietary chicken cutlets.

- slices white bread- 2 pieces
- chicken fillet - 520 g
- salt
- egg
- bulb
- milk - a third of a glass

1. Soak the bread in milk.
2. Pass the fillet through a meat grinder.
3. Grate the onion, stir the ingredients.
4. Beat the egg, salt, add greens.
5. Form cutlets, place in a double boiler for half an hour.

diet salad with chicken.

- dried garlic– 1/3 teaspoon
- mustard - a tablespoon
- young fresh cucumber
- canned mushrooms
- chicken breast - ½ pieces

1. Boil chicken fillet with bay leaf, peas, salt, paprika, curry and turmeric.
2. Cut the chicken into cubes, cucumbers into strips.
3. Mix it with chopped canned champignons.
4. Add dried garlic, mustard, sour cream.
5. Mix everything.

Chicken cutlets in breadcrumbs.

- allspice
- salt
- sour cream - a tablespoon
- breadcrumbs - a couple of tablespoons
- medium bulb
- chicken fillet - 2 pieces

1. Chop the chicken fillet, grate the onion, stir.
2. Add allspice, salt, egg, breadcrumbs to the minced meat.
3. Add sour cream, stir again.
4. Blind cutlets, put in a double boiler, cook for 25 minutes.

Chicken and potato cutlets.

- salt
- egg
- potatoes - 5 pieces
- minced chicken - 1 kg

1. Boil potatoes, peel.
2. Beat the eggs, add to the potatoes, stir, add salt, form cutlets, put in a double boiler for half an hour.

In pursuit of the desired centimeters at the waist, some girls commit desperate acts and torture themselves with strict diets, while someone is completely starving. But in order to lose weight, it is enough just to properly organize your diet and include balanced and low calorie foods nutrition. These, without a doubt, include chicken breast.

Low-calorie and nutritious meat is popular among people seeking to lose weight. excess weight and those involved in sports. So dietary product is a chicken. It has less collagen and connective tissue, so its fibers are faster and easier to digest and absorb in the body. In addition, chicken meat can rightly be called a champion in protein content. In its breast, there are about 22%, 92% of essential amino acids and only 3 g of fat. Such parameters will easily help you maintain daytime. That is why it is necessary to use it for those who want to lose weight.

However, to get rid of excess weight with chicken breast, it is important to cook it correctly. It is best to boil, bake or stew such meat. It is recommended to do this without sour cream and especially mayonnaise. The energy value 100 g of boiled chicken breast is only 114 kilocalories. It should also be noted that chicken meat with skin has twice as many calories as without it. In 100 g of skin, about 33 g of fat, 368 kilocalories and 63 mg of cholesterol were found. Therefore, it is best to cook and consume the breast without it.

Chicken breast contains a large amount of vitamin B2. It has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and promotes normal functioning central nervous system. In addition, this meat contains iron in an easily digestible form. Among other things, it contains the following, B1, B3, B12, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium, iodine, sodium, phosphorus. All this makes chicken one of the best diet foods.

A large amount of protein in chicken meat serves as a building material for muscles and immune cells. The latter, in turn, protect the body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria, and also prevent the development of cancers. In addition, poultry meat contains selenium, which is necessary for the creation of hormones. thyroid gland. Vigor, energy and energy depend on them. life force person. And tryptophan (an amino acid) produces serotonin, the hormone of joy, which subsequently, at night, promotes the production of melanin and ensures sound sleep.

Chicken breast recipes

  • Baked chicken with broccoli. First prepare the meat marinade. Peel the ginger root (15 g), grate it and finely chop the chili pepper (1 pod). Combine these ingredients and pour soy sauce(15 ml), olive or sunflower oil (30 ml) and lemon juice (30 ml). Salt the mixture and add salt and sugar (5 g). Soak the whole chicken breast well in the marinade and leave it in it for 15 minutes.

After that, cover a small baking sheet with foil folded in two layers, put the breast on it and pour the marinade over it. Disassemble the broccoli (300 g) into florets and send them raw to the chicken, pre-pepper and salt. Top everything with foil and place in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C. Open the foil 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Instead of sour cream for meat, you can use low-fat yogurt sauce (150 ml) mixed with lemon juice and a chopped bunch of dill and parsley.

  • Chicken breast baked in a sleeve with vegetables. Chicken meat can dry out easily during cooking. Therefore, it is best to bake it in the sleeve. So, the breast will retain its juiciness. Rub it with marinating spices. Use paprika, turmeric, salt, curry and a mixture of peppers. Leave the meat for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, take care of the vegetables. Take a tomato, carrot, Green pepper, leeks and coarsely chop them. Stuff the breast with garlic before baking. Put all the vegetables and meat in the sleeve, tie it up and make small holes for the steam to escape. Roast the chicken at 200°C for about 40 minutes.

  • Chicken curry with rice in a double boiler. Turmeric and coriander make this dish especially expressive. Moreover, the mixture of these spices improves digestion and even promotes weight loss. Cut the chicken fillet (400 g) into cubes, and the mushrooms (100 g) into slices. Mix turmeric (5 g), nutmeg(2 g), coriander (5 g) and cumin (5 g), rub the meat with these spices and, if possible, leave to marinate for 6-10 hours. You can make this preparation for the night.

Pour round rice (150 g) into a container specially designed for it in the steamer kit, as well as mushrooms. Sprinkle a little salt on top of the ingredients. Arrange chicken pieces in another bowl, leaving space between them. Place it over rice, and then, when the chicken gives juice, it nourishes the porridge. Set the steamer timer to 30 minutes.

  • Chicken baked in pita bread. Clean the fillet (500 g) from the film and excess fat and cut into cubes. Chop one onion and fry these ingredients separately. Sprinkle the meat with red pepper (1.5 g) and salt (8 g). Peel the garlic (3 cloves), mash it with a little salt, finely chop the chili pepper (1 pod), remove the skin from two tomatoes, cut them into cubes and send it all to the pan with the onions. Sprinkle with black pepper (1.5 g) and sugar (4 g) and pour in water (80 ml). Simmer the sauce for about 10 minutes.

Then remove the meat from the heat, pour it with low-fat sour cream (40 ml) and sprinkle with cilantro (7 sprigs). Cut each of the two sheets of pita bread into 6 parts, put the meat on them and sprinkle with grated hard cheese (200 g). Roll up the sheets into tubes and place seam side down on a baking sheet. Pre-put half of the sauce on it, and pour the pita bread tubes on top of the second. Heat the dish in the oven for 10 minutes.

Losing weight with a chicken breast diet is not only effective, but also pleasant. Most importantly, pick her up the right side dish and cooking method. If you are sautéing meat in a pan, be sure to stew it or bring it to readiness in the oven. Avoid fatty sauces and, of course, control the amount of portions and the time of their intake.