Recipe for fried pork liver. Pork liver pretreatment

And minerals, as well as well absorbed by the body. However, many people dislike liver because of its peculiar taste or because it comes out tough and dry. Lifehacker's tips will help eliminate all these shortcomings and make a liver fan out of any picky.

Secrets of selection, processing and preparation

How to choose the right liver

To make the dish tasty and healthy, you need to choose a high-quality and fresh liver. To do this is quite simple.

  1. pay attention to appearance product. The liver should be elastic, soft, moist and shiny, without scratches and damage. The presence of spots and blood clots is unacceptable. They may indicate a rupture of the animal's gallbladder, which automatically gives the liver a bitter taste.
  2. The color of the liver should be neither too light nor too dark. Remember: a good beef liver is a shade of ripe cherries, a pork liver is reddish brown, the color chicken liver varies from light brown to brownish red, and turkey liver is dark red.
  3. Fresh liver has a sweetish metallic flavor. A sour smell indicates that the product is spoiled.
  4. There should be no excess ice on the surface of the frozen liver, and it should not have an orange tint. All this suggests that the product was either frozen several times or refrozen.

How to cook soft liver

  1. First you need to remove all vessels, cores and films. In the case of beef liver, this is quite simple. But, to facilitate the procedure, you can hold it in warm water for several minutes. The film of pork liver is thinner and more difficult to separate. Try to leave the offal in boiling water for 20 seconds, and then remove the film by picking it up by the edge with a knife.
  2. Gives extra softness to the liver sour marinade. For its preparation, juice or lime or a couple of tablespoons of vinegar is suitable. Mix one of these ingredients with water and soak the liver in it for a few hours before cooking.
  3. Baking soda can also soften the liver. It is enough to sprinkle each piece with it and wait about an hour.
  4. The last way is for those who like to use physical force. To make the product softer, you can simply beat it with a hammer. Just remember to place the liver in cellophane, otherwise it will spread.

How to cook delicious liver

  1. So that the liver, especially pork, does not get bitter, you can soak it in milk, after cutting it into pieces. The recommended soaking time is from 30 minutes to several hours. By the way, milk will not only eliminate bitterness, but also make the liver very soft.
  2. Instead of soaking, you can quickly boil the liver in lightly salted water. This trick should also rid the dish of bitterness.
  3. But to mask the specific liver taste, products with strong, pronounced aromas will help. good choice become onions, garlic, chili peppers and fragrant herbs such as thyme or sage.

How to cook juicy liver

  1. The main thing is not to overcook. To keep the liver juicy, it is enough to fry each side in a well-heated pan for 5 minutes (or less).
  2. If you dip the liver pieces in flour or batter before frying, the juice will definitely remain inside.
  3. Sour cream or cream are true friends of juicy and soft liver. It is recommended to extinguish it in them for no more than 20 minutes.
  4. The last item on the list and during cooking will be salt. It absorbs moisture, so it is better to add it at the end.

Dishes from the liver


  • 900 g chopped beef liver;
  • 1 ½ cups of milk;
  • 60 g butter, divided into pieces;
  • 2 large sweet onions;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • salt;
  • pepper.


Gently wash the liver under cold water place in a bowl and pour over milk. It should completely cover the by-product: if the volume of milk indicated in the recipe is not enough, increase the dosage.

The liver can only be soaked while preparing the onion, but it is best to do this step in advance and let it stand for 1-2 hours.

Put half in large frying pan and melt over medium heat. Add chopped onion, bring it to softness and set aside on a plate.

Put the rest of the butter in the same pan. Remove the liver from the milk, pat dry with paper towels and roll in the flour, salt and pepper mixture. When the butter has melted, turn up the heat and place the liver pieces in the pan.

Fry the liver on both sides until golden brown. Return the onion to the skillet, turn the heat down to medium, and simmer for a while longer.

The remaining cooking time depends on your preferences, but still, you should not fry the liver too much. It is enough that it browns well on the outside, and remains a little pink inside.


  • 400 g chicken liver;
  • 300 g of softened butter;
  • olive oil;
  • 2 shallots;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • a few sage leaves;
  • 1 pinch of ground mace (muscat color);
  • 1 small glass of brandy;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • freshly ground black pepper.


Place half of the butter in an ovenproof saucepan and place it on slow fire. Wait for the butter to melt: this should take about 10 minutes. Then strain the melted butter into a separate bowl and set aside to cool. For the pate, you only need refined yellow butter, light residues can be thrown away.

Peel and finely and garlic. Heat up in a frying pan a large number of olive oil. Sauté the onion and garlic over low heat until soft (about 10 minutes) and transfer to a plate.

Wipe the surface of the pan with paper towels, turn up the heat, and add the liver with most of the sage leaves. Fry the liver on each side for two minutes so that it browns on the outside and remains pink on the inside. If overcooked, it will lose its delicate texture and the pâté will turn out grainy.

Add brandy. Be careful: alcohol can flare. Salt and pepper the liver and simmer it for about a minute.

Remove the liver from the heat and, along with the onion and garlic, transfer to a food processor. Blend the ingredients to a puree, then add the mace and most of the ghee. Continue grinding until smooth.

Transfer the pâté to the prepared container, sprinkle the sage leaves on top and use a spoon to cover with the rest of the melted butter. Place the dish in the refrigerator for an hour. After this period, the pate can be eaten. Although, if the integrity of the top layer of oil is not violated, the liver treat can be stored for up to two weeks.


  • 500-600 g of pork liver;
  • 3 tablespoons pork fat;
  • 1 shallot;
  • 500 g fresh forest mushrooms;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive or butter;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 sprig of thyme;
  • 2 sage leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of dry sherry;
  • 50 ml dry white wine;
  • 250 ml chicken broth;
  • 100 ml heavy cream.


Heat a large frying pan over high heat, put in the pork fat, and when it is melted, add the liver. Fry it on all sides until brown.

Transfer the browned liver with chopped shallots to a saucepan and then simmer for 20-25 minutes. When the liver is firm (or when the food thermometer shows that the temperature in its thickest part has reached 55 ° C), remove it from the heat and leave it in a warm place, covered with a lid.

While the liver is cooling, start cooking the mushroom stew. Put large saucepan over medium heat, heat the oil in it and add. When they turn a little more brown and the excess liquid has evaporated, add chopped onion and garlic to the pan. Continue cooking until mushrooms soften. Then add thyme and chopped sage leaves. Mix well and pour sherry and white wine into a saucepan.

Increase the heat to high and wait until half the liquid has evaporated from the pan. Add broth and repeat the previous paragraph. When the stew thickens, pour the cream into the saucepan and stir. Taste the dish, salt and add more seasonings if necessary.

Cut the rested and slightly cooled liver into thin pieces. Transfer them to a warm plate and place the mushroom stew on top.

Enjoy your meal!

The liver is respected not only by hunters, but also by cooks and housewives. This one related to the number of products fast food, delicacy deserves attention. There is no need to talk about the benefits of the liver, it is a storehouse of vitamin A, iron, copper and others. useful substances. The liver contains phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, sodium, calcium. Vitamins of groups B, D, E, K, ascorbic acid. Thus, the liver - beef, pork, veal, chicken, duck - has been and remains not only one of the most popular products since ancient times, but also very useful. Note that for cooking it is worth using only the liver from healthy and properly fed animals. In addition, it is important not to limit the use of liver dishes to people with high content cholesterol in the blood.

The nutritional value of the liver is approximately the same, whether it be: beef liver, pork liver, chicken liver, and so on, but their taste and texture are somewhat different. It is important to know that:

  • so that the liver does not get bitter, it must be cleaned of films and ducts;
  • so that the liver is soft and without a specific smell, it can be soaked in milk or in water for 30 minutes - the liver of young healthy animals can not be soaked;
  • to prepare a soft liver, it can be rolled in flour before frying;
  • in order not to overcook the liver, cut it into slices about 1 cm thick and quickly fry in a well-heated pan on both sides;
  • you need to salt the liver at the very end.

There are many recipes for making liver. If you are a beginner and do not know how to fry a liver, what to cook from a liver, how to cook a soft liver, then these tips will come in handy. Today we will tell you how to properly fry the liver so that it is juicy, tasty and does not become tough.

The easiest way to fry the liver is this:

  • you just need to fry slices of veal, lamb or chicken liver over high heat for two to three minutes on each side, salt and pepper to taste and the liver a la nuturel is ready.

It is best to fry the liver like this:

  • the liver soaked in milk or marinade in advance must be fried until red meat juice appears on its surface, turned over, fried and waiting for the juice again. Everything is soft and soft liver ready.

Most simple meals from the liver are the most fragrant and tasty, and they are prepared very quickly.

How to cook pork liver

  • Pork liver has a red-brown or dark brown color, has the most bright taste and a distinct aroma that may not appeal to everyone.
  • Before cooking pork liver soak gently. Pates and fillings are prepared from pork liver, it can be fried and stewed, used to make liver pancakes and more.
  • Pork liver is just as useful as other types of liver, however, in terms of the content of nutrients, it is still slightly inferior to beef liver.

How to cook beef liver

  • Beef liver is dark reddish-brown in color and has a rather pronounced liver flavor (which is why it is often soaked in milk before cooking).
  • Prepared from beef liver liver cake, liver chops, saute, hot dishes, fried beef liver or stew is good. beef liver it should be properly fried, pre-coated with mustard and served with spicy sauces.
  • The benefit of this type of offal is high content vitamins A and group B, vital microelements, the liver is recommended for use in case of overwork and during the recovery period after an illness.

How to cook veal liver

  • Veal liver has a light brown color with red, as well as a tender and loose texture, it is much more tender than beef liver and it can not be soaked.
  • Prepared from veal liver delicious dishes: incredibly tasty fried veal liver a la naturel, you can cook veal liver in sour cream, fried veal liver with onions is good, it makes delicious kebabs, as well as dishes haute cuisine. Veal liver can be baked whole in the oven or in a deep frying pan, then the baking time is measured at the rate of 15 minutes per 0.5 kg of liver.
  • The benefits of veal liver in the vitamins A and B contained in it, dishes prepared from veal liver are very useful - they contribute to the regeneration of hemoglobin and help improve immunity.

How to cook chicken liver

  • Chicken liver is an affordable delicacy product with a wonderful taste.
  • Chicken liver can be fried with onions, used as a component for kebabs with bacon and vegetables, as an ingredient in minced meat and liver pates, chicken liver is good in salads.
  • Benefit chicken liver in a high content of vitamin B12, which is involved in the formation of red blood cells, selenium, which affects the work thyroid gland, chicken liver is a valuable nutritious product.

How to cook duck, goose liver

  • duck and goose liver- found in the form of foie gras libor in the markets from ordinary ducks and geese, the second option is less fat and not so expensive, but still very tender and tasty.
  • Duck and goose liver in the form of pate or roast will decorate the most festive table. You just need to know the liver of ducks and geese is never cooked in sour cream, they are already fatty. The liver of birds is ideally combined with fruits - both sweet, and sour, and sweet and sour - apples, raspberries, raw or lightly poached in oil, will give the dish an exotic festive look and taste.
  • Goose and duck liver is very fatty, but extremely useful, especially for female body, as it contains a large amount of iron, as well as all of the above vitamins and minerals.

How to choose a liver

  • Whatever liver you buy, the color of the liver should be even, without spots, the surface is shiny, smooth, elastic, without dried spots.
  • When pressing on the liver, the fossa does not form at all or is quickly restored. Otherwise, the liver is stale.
  • The liver from young animals is lighter, the darker the liver, the older the animal.
  • Look at the blood: scarlet - fresh liver, brown - old and such a liver should not be taken.
  • The smell of the liver is pleasant, sweetish, by no means sour.
  • Fresh steamed liver is usually not bought for the future, so they take 100-125 grams per serving and cook it within a day.

How to store the liver

The liver is perfectly stored frozen for up to six months. For this, it is not necessary to buy an already frozen product. You can freeze the steamed liver yourself. You can store the liver like this:

  • cut the liver into slices, dry it with a napkin, wrap each slice in cling film, put in a separate bag, which you put in the freezer, otherwise the smell of the liver will be transferred to other products.

The liver is good because it can be cooked without defrosting, fried in a pan and grilled. But real grocery stores are still advised to defrost by putting it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for several hours.

Recipes - how to cook delicious liver

  • beef liver - 500 g
  • sour cream - 300 g
  • onion - 2 heads
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • sunflower oil - for frying
  1. To cook the Stroganoff liver, you need a minimum of ingredients.
  2. First, prepare the liver - peel, soak in milk, blot and cut into cubes.
  3. Pour a little oil into a frying pan and fry the finely chopped onion in it until light golden brown.
  4. Put the liver cubes in the pan and fry them on all sides.
  5. Add sour cream and simmer for 1520 minutes.
  6. Easy to serve with liver dishes vegetable side dishes or gentle mashed potatoes.

Recipe - Fried Chicken Liver

  • chicken liver - 1 kg
  • onion - 250 g
  • adjika - half a teaspoon (or a pinch of ground red pepper)
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • parsley or cilantro - 1 bunch
  • vegetable oil
  1. Rinse the chicken liver and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. Fry in sunflower oil chopped onion. Put the boiled chicken liver in the onion in the pan and fry together, stirring occasionally.
  3. Sprinkle with coriander and add adjika or ground red pepper. At the end, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs.

Recipe - Chicken liver fritters

  • chicken liver 500 g
  • onion 1 head
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • sour cream 400 g
  • fresh dill 5-15 g
  • garlic (optional) 2-3 cloves
  • frying oil
  • pepper
  1. Peel and chop the onion, peel and chop the carrots on a grater. Saute onions and carrots a small amount oil, refrigerate.
  2. Pass the prepared liver through a meat grinder along with stewed vegetables. Add salt, pepper and mix.
  3. Put in the form of pancakes on a well-heated pan with oil. Fry on both sides until done. The degree of readiness depends on your taste.
  4. Grind garlic and dill, combine with sour cream, mix well.
    Put the finished pancakes on a plate, put 1 tablespoon of sour cream on the pancakes.

Recipe - Veal Liver with Oranges

  • veal liver - 0.5 kg
  • mustard
  • vegetable oil
  • ground black pepper
  • ground ginger
  • ½ glass of water
  • 2 tbsp. butter spoons
  • 2 oranges
  • ½ cup dry red wine
  1. Rinse the liver, peel and cut into a thickness of about 1 cm. Lubricate each slice with mustard and roll in flour. Fry on all sides in hot vegetable oil within 8 minutes.
  2. Salt, pepper and add ginger to taste. Fry for another 3-5 minutes on low heat. Transfer the cooked liver to another bowl.
  3. In the pan in which the liver was fried, add ½ cup of water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of butter, let it boil, then strain. Peel and cut one orange into thin slices, squeeze the juice from the second. Mix frying liquid with orange juice and ½ cup of dry red wine, warm over low heat without boiling.
  4. Put the fried liver on a dish, pour over orange sauce and garnish with orange slices.

Pork liver is a unique and quite affordable product. In that the most valuable product contains many high-grade proteins, iron and copper. Moreover, all substances have an easily digestible form. Iron is a very important element in our body. It is for this reason that the liver should be included in your menu quite often. Among other things, the liver contains vitamins B, A and C, amino acids. I note that vitamin A is a unique component that is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and kidneys. In addition to all of the above, I note that vitamin A is the basis for the beauty of hair and skin, as well as strong teeth. Therefore, I cook the liver quite often. The best option- boiled liver, but it is not as tasty as fried. Many housewives claim that it is very difficult to make a fried liver soft, I will offer you a recipe that will help you cook an incredibly tasty and soft liver without the hassle and worries.

  • Chilled pork liver - 0.5 kg.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Pepper - a pinch.
  • Vegetable oil - 20 grams.

Before cooking, I always send the liver to the refrigerator for half an hour so that it cools. After such cooling, it is easier to cut, and excess blood drains. Once the liver has cooled, I take it out and cut it into equal parts. In fact, cutting pork liver into equal parts is very difficult, but still, I try.

The next stage is the beating of the liver. In order not to splatter the whole kitchen with liver particles, I pack 5 pieces in a regular plastic bag, after which, I beat off with an ordinary rolling pin. Beat not too hard, but still carefully.

Now I'm going to start making the batter. I usually use two eggs per 0.5 kg of liver. Beat the eggs thoroughly with the addition of salt. I note that if you do not add salt to the eggs, you will have to beat for a long time. Also at this stage, I add a small amount of pepper, as I cook the liver for the child, she loves spicy, but in moderation. If you are cooking for yourself, you can add more pepper.

In the resulting mixture, I add a spoonful of flour and begin to mix thoroughly. Small lumps form immediately. You need to stir the mixture until these lumps dissolve. You should get a batter of a homogeneous consistency. In principle, whipping the mixture with a fork takes me about 3 minutes. While I do all this, I put a frying pan on the stove and pour oil.

Now I completely immerse the liver in batter so that it is, as it were, “enveloped”. Most often, I dip a few pieces into the batter at once, and wait for a minute, after which I just start frying. Note that your mixture must be homogeneous, and the pieces must be dipped in it on both sides, otherwise nothing.

I spread the liver exclusively on a hot frying pan. The bottom immediately turns golden and I immediately turn the pieces over. It is very important that they are fried on both sides, then you can cover the pan with a lid. I have gas stove, therefore, I spend the first stage of frying on a significant fire, under the lid - on a very slow one. Fry the liver under the lid for no more than 4-5 minutes.

That's all. Your dish is ready. The liver looks very appetizing, and it tastes incredibly soft and juicy. So, without much hassle and difficulties, I prepared a delicious and at the same time healthy food. Bon Appetit everyone.

The liver is a product rich in protein and vitamins.

At proper preparation pork liver turns out to be very tasty, and together with vegetables, tender and hearty meal.

Moreover, the preparation does not require large time or material costs.

One of the options cooking- frying.

Basic principles of cooking fried pork liver with onions and carrots

It is necessary to choose a fresh liver.

Before cutting, it is advisable to freeze the product a little, you will get neat pieces.

Films and bile ducts will add unnecessary rigidity to the dish, so they must be carefully removed.

They fry the liver on pork fat, lard, various types vegetable oils.

Good seasonings for this product are black and allspice, Bay leaf, suneli hops, garlic.

In combination with sour cream, milk, cream, the liver turns out to be especially tender.

When cooking it with onions, carrots, you need to take a lot of vegetables, especially onions.

Simple and fast: pork liver fried with onions

Basic Recipe fried pork liver with onions. Requires a minimum of products, and provides maximum benefits and taste. The main condition is a high-quality liver and its proper preparation.


Half a kilo of pork liver

Two or three large onions - depends on desire

Salt, black ground pepper

Refined or pork oil melted fat for frying - 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method

Pork liver is best taken chilled, but not frozen. Cut it into small pieces.

Melt fat or butter in a frying pan, heat it up harder and put the liver.

Stir fry. Meanwhile, peel and chop the onion.

After ten minutes of frying, add onion to the pan and salt the dish.

Stir, hold until the onion begins to blush. Pepper and cover with a lid for a couple more minutes. Turn off the fire.

Such a liver is good with any side dish, as well as just with fresh vegetables.

This is a classic: a recipe for fried pork liver with onions and sour cream

Just fried liver with onions - the dish is somewhat dry. Especially if used with mashed potatoes, buckwheat, where some kind of sauce is desirable, and not just fried pieces. Sour cream can act as a sauce. Interacting with onions and flour, it gives the desired consistency, and also emphasizes palatability main components.


400 g pork liver

200 g onion

A couple of spoonfuls of flour

Packing sour cream in 500 ml - you can take less, but the more sour cream, the tastier the sauce.

bay leaf

Ground black pepper or other spices as desired

A little oil or fat for frying.

Cooking method

Remove veins, films from the liver, cut to your taste - cubes or thin long slices.

Heat up a frying pan with oil, fat and send the liver there.

Stir so that all the pieces are in oil.

Peel the onion and chop as small as possible.

Immediately add the onion to the liver, salt a little and fry over a good fire.

After ten minutes of constant stirring, when a blush appears, put a bay leaf and sprinkle with pepper.

Mix again, put sour cream, cover the container, reduce the heat.

Five minutes is enough for sour cream to form delicious sauce to fried liver with onion.

Remove the laurel, turn off the stove, let stand for a couple of minutes and serve.

Such a dish can be consumed without a side dish - with fresh soft white bread.

Double tenderness: how to fry pork liver with onions and carrots to make it soft, not greasy and very beautiful

This dish is useful both for every day and for the festive table. If filed big dish fragrant liver with tender sautéed vegetables and herbs as a main course or cold appetizer guests will be pleasantly surprised. And thanks to the combination of fried liver, onions and carrots, the recipe gets additional flavor nuances. To make it tasty and tender, you need to follow some cooking rules.


600 g pork liver

400 g onion or more

2 large carrots

A glass of milk

Bread flour

A little vegetable oil

1/2 teaspoon seasoning A mixture of peppers or freshly ground black pepper

Salt to taste.

Cooking method

Remove films, veins from the liver, rinse.

Cut the liver into plastics, if they are very large - cut into pieces. You should get flat pieces less than a centimeter thick and one or two matchboxes in area.

Lightly beat off the pieces, covering them with polyethylene so that there is no splashing.

Place the liver in a container with milk and leave for an hour. This will add tenderness to the dish.

Drain the milk, let the liver drain well, dry with a napkin.

Sprinkle with salt, half a serving of pepper and mix.

Pour flour into a plate. Warm up the oil.

Take pieces of liver, roll in flour and put in hot pan. Fry on both sides until browned.

When piercing the liver, the finished liver should not release red juice. If this happens, you need to fry it. In order not to burn, regulate the fire.

When all the pieces are fried and laid out on a platter, it's time for vegetables.

Finely chop the peeled onion and send to the pan.

While it is fried, peel and chop the carrots. You can circles, bars, you can curly cutting.

When the onion becomes soft and transparent, it's time for carrots. Throw it into the pan, add a little salt and pour the rest of the pepper. Stir, let the main moisture evaporate and cover with a lid.

Hold for 5-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. The onion should become ruddy, but not fried, and the carrots should be soft.

Spread the vegetables evenly on top of the liver, making sure that each piece has a serving of onions and carrots.

For a hot meal suitable side dish from potatoes, rice, and when cold, it can be supplemented with a sauce such as mayonnaise or sour cream and used for a sandwich.

Unusually and unusually tasty - fried liver with mushrooms, onions and pumpkin

An unusual set of products gives quite a pleasant result: pork liver with onions go well with mushrooms and even pumpkin. The main thing is to properly prepare all the ingredients of this dish so that they are neither too dry nor greasy.


400 g pork liver

200 g of mushrooms - fresh or frozen mushrooms are perfect, you can use champignons

200 g pumpkin

1 medium onion

Half a glass of cream

A little sunflower oil for frying

Salt, ground black pepper.

Cooking method

We start cooking with onions. Peel, cut into medium cubes and send to a frying pan with oil.

When the onion begins to turn from transparent to golden, add mushrooms to it. If they are large, pre-cut. Small mushrooms will go whole.

After 10 minutes, put the diced pumpkin pulp and continue to fry for another 10 minutes.

Remove vegetables from skillet. In the same oil, quickly fry the liver cut into pieces until golden brown, adding a little salt.

Put vegetables to the liver, add right amount salt, pepper, pour in the cream, heat for a couple of minutes until boiling.

Serve with a side dish or on its own with chopped parsley, dill.

Pork liver roast with vegetables

onions, carrots, sweet pepper- great neighbors fried liver. A dish with vegetables comes out light and pleasant. The satiety of the main product - pork liver - with onions, carrots and peppers is complemented by bright taste sensations. Can be used without garnish. This dish goes well cold as well.


200 g pork liver

2-3 bulbs

Pair bell peppers

large carrot

Mixture of ground peppers

Tablespoon of starch

Refined oil for frying.

Cooking method

Wash the liver, clean from films, ducts, cut into large, but not thick.

Mix the starch with the egg, salt, pepper, put the liver in this mass and leave for an hour. In case of force majeure - at least for half an hour.

At this time, you can cook vegetables. Peel onions and sweet peppers, chop into rings. Peeled carrots cut into thin sticks.

Fry in oil over high heat. It is necessary that the vegetables are ruddy, but not overcooked.

We remove the vegetables and put the liver in the pan. We spread one piece in a kind of batter from eggs and starch. You need to fry quickly, be sure to check the readiness.

great way Serving: With a special mold, make a disk of rice or mashed potatoes on a plate. Put the fried liver on top, on it the vegetable component.

Dish based on Jiz-byz - fried pork liver with onions, potatoes and a heart

Jiz-byz - Azerbaijani dish, for which lamb liver and vegetables are used. Lamb is not to everyone's taste, and it is not always possible to find the insides of a lamb, even if desired. Therefore, the Russified version of this dish is a set of pig hearts, liver fried with onions and potatoes.


600 g pork liver and heart equal proportion

Two tablespoons of pork fat

butter spoon

2 medium onions

3-4 potatoes

Seasoning Khmeli-suneli

Cooking method

In order not to be distracted from the frying process, it is better to prepare the ingredients in advance. To do this, clean the vegetables. Cut the potatoes into cubes, chop the onion coarsely, but thinly.

Cut the washed offal into cubes, like potatoes.

You will need a large deep frying pan.

Oil and pork lard warm up and send the heart there first. Fry for five minutes or more over high heat.

Add liver pieces to the heart. Also quickly fry, stirring constantly.

The next turn is potatoes. It must not only be fried for about five minutes, but also covered with a lid and held over medium heat along with offal.

After 5 minutes, open the pan, put the onion, salt and mix everything. Fry again covered.

A few minutes before readiness, you need to add seasoning and, stirring again, bring the dish to the softness of the potatoes.

After turning off, hold for a couple of minutes under the lid, and then serve, sprinkled with herbs.

Fried pork liver with onions and carrots in sour cream

Fry the liver and then stew a little with a delicious mixture of vegetables and sour cream - what could be better? fried delicious pieces soaked nice sauce and become soft and fragrant. Fried pork liver with onions and carrots in sour cream is prepared quite simply, but if desired, it will take its place on festive table as a hot dish with a side dish of potatoes or rice.


600 g pork liver

2 pieces of onions and carrots

A couple of cloves of garlic

2 tablespoons of sour cream and milk

Odorless oil

Any seasoning as desired.

Cooking method

Soak the liver without a film, cut into slices half a centimeter thick, in water or milk. After an hour or more, drain and pat dry.

Chop the onion into cubes. Coarsely grate the carrot. Cut the garlic into plastics.

Heat a large frying pan with oil, spread the liver pieces.

When the bottom is fried, quickly turn over and spread the vegetables on top, salting it all.

Mix sour cream and milk, add spices, pour the contents of the pan.

Leave the fried liver with onions and carrots to languish for 15-20 minutes, until all components are fully cooked.

Secrets and tricks of cooking fried pork liver with onions and carrots

With any recipe, soaking the liver in milk will only benefit the dish.

Soaking helps get rid of some of the bitterness that the liver may have.

Liver in boiling oil splashes. Do not forget about this and protect your face and hands. Rolling in flour reduces the chance of splashing.

Thin plates of pork liver can fall apart when frying. Therefore, you need to turn them over carefully, but it is better to make pieces thicker, about a centimeter.

So that the liver does not dry out, you need to fry on high heat until golden brown.

The leftover fried liver with onions and carrots can be quickly turned into a pate using a blender and a piece of melted butter.

Enjoy your meal!

A lot of people are very unflattering about this product. Say, no matter how much you cook the liver, it still turns out to be dry and tough, and the bitterness inherent in it can completely ruin the dish. Or maybe they just don’t know how to cook liver deliciously?

Among gourmets, veal liver is especially appreciated, the color of which varies from light brown to red, it is the most delicious and tender. Calf's liver is especially tasty in a fried or baked form, but it must be stewed with care - after a long stew, it becomes tough. The largest liver is beef, reaching 5 kg, dark in color with a bitter and even slightly harsh taste. You can improve the taste of beef liver only by soaking it for a couple of hours in milk. This process will not only relieve the liver of bitterness, but also make it softer and softer. Pork liver differs from the liver of other animals in the presence of porosity when cut. Weighing up to 2.5 kg, color from dark red to dark brown. It is not as tender as veal, but it does not have such a rough film as beef. However, before cooking, it also requires soaking in milk to remove bitterness and give tenderness and softness.

Some housewives go the other way and choose the bird's liver. Turkey liver is less caloric and significantly inferior to chicken liver in terms of vitamin content, but it is no less healthy and tasty. Fresh and high-quality poultry liver has a brown color, a shiny and smooth surface.

Whichever liver you choose, try to buy a fresh rather than a frozen product. The smell of fresh liver is sweetish, sourness is a sign of spoilage of the product. The surface of the liver you choose should be smooth, elastic, free of stains, damage and scratches. Remove cling film immediately before cooking. First, rinse the liver in cold running water, then place in warm water for a few minutes. After removing from the water, cut a part of the liver on one side and carefully separate the film. To get rid of the film on the pork liver, also rinse it, then place it in boiling water for 20 minutes. Be sure to remove large veins and vessels.

In order to cook the liver deliciously, cut it into portioned pieces, soak in cold milk for 40 minutes, then remove it and dry it with a regular paper towel. No milk? Take advantage of the usual baking soda. Sprinkle each piece with it and leave for 1 hour, then rinse in cold running water. It is better to salt liver dishes at the end of cooking.

By following these simple rules and armed with our recipes, you will learn how to cook liver deliciously, and this useful product will appear on your table more often.

Pork liver stewed in sour cream

400 g pork liver,
1 onion
1 garlic clove
200 g sour cream
1 tsp mustard,
1 tsp flour,
100 g milk
vegetable oil, parsley, salt, spices - to taste.

Soak the liver in milk for 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the liver and squeeze out the excess milk. Pour 2 tbsp into a heated pan. vegetable oil, put finely chopped onion and prepared liver there. Fry for 10 minutes. Separately, in a cup or glass, mix flour, mustard and sour cream, add this mixture to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes. Add the garlic passed through the press, chopped parsley, spices to the total mass and simmer until tender. At the end of cooking, add salt to taste.

Liver Stroganoff

500 g veal liver,
2-3 bulbs
300 g sour cream
flour for dusting,

Rinse the liver, cut into small pieces and soak for 30 minutes in milk, then dry with a paper towel. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Then remove the onion from the pan and fry the liver in the same vegetable oil, after rolling it in flour, no more than 5 minutes on each side. Add sour cream and onion to the liver, mix, let it boil a little without a lid to evaporate the liquid, and simmer for 15 minutes, already under the lid. At the very end of cooking, add salt and black pepper to taste.

Schnitzel from the liver

200 g beef liver,
200 g crackers,
100 g flour
vegetable oil - for frying.
For batter:
2 eggs,
1 pinch of salt
20 ml cream
1 tbsp (no slide) flour.
For white sauce:
100 ml cream
2 cloves of garlic
salt - to taste.

Prepare the liver, cut it into portions, salt, pepper and let stand. To prepare the batter, take the eggs, separate the yolks from the whites. Salt the yolks, add cream, flour and gently fold the whites whipped into foam into the mass. Prepare separate containers for flour and breadcrumbs. Roll the liver pieces in flour, dip in batter and roll in breadcrumbs. Put the prepared pieces in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry over low heat for 5-7 minutes on each side. To prepare the sauce, pour the cream into a hot pan, add chopped garlic, salt and bring to a boil. Pour the finished schnitzels with white sauce.

Liver in a potato-cheese "coat"

300 g liver,
150 ml dry red wine
2 potatoes
1 egg
100 g hard cheese,
vegetable oil, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Peel the liver and soak in wine for 1 hour. Grate potatoes and cheese coarse grater, mix, add the egg and mix well. Dry the liver, rub with salt and pepper and cut into slices. Next, take some potato mixture, flatten it on the palm of your hand, put a slice of liver on the mixture and cover with the mixture. Squeeze the resulting pie a little and put it in a frying pan in heated vegetable oil. Fry the liver "under the coat" over moderate heat so that both the potatoes and the liver are well fried on both sides.

Liver baked in pots

500 g liver,
8 potatoes
2 bulbs
1 carrot
1-2 tomatoes
4 tbsp butter,
salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic, herbs - to taste.

Cut the prepared liver into pieces, fry in oil and put in ceramic pots. Add sliced ​​potatoes, tomatoes, onions, carrots, salt, pepper, bay leaf, pour hot broth or water. Cover the pots with liver and vegetables with lids, put in the oven and simmer at 180°C for 20-30 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the liver in pots with chopped garlic and herbs.

Hot snack liver with mushrooms

400 g liver,
200 g fresh mushrooms,
1 onion
butter, sour cream sauce and cheese - to taste.

Cut the prepared liver into strips. Rinse and boil the mushrooms, put them in a colander and also cut into strips. Chop the onion and lightly fry it for butter. Fry the liver and mushrooms, add the onion, put the ingredients in a baking dish, pour over sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 30 minutes.

Liver pate

1 kg of liver
200 g butter,
2 bulbs
salt, bay leaf, ground black pepper - to taste.

Boil the prepared liver in salted water until soft, add bay leaf and pepper. Pass the finished liver through a meat grinder, mix with melted butter. If desired, add chopped fried onions to the finished liver pate.

Turkey liver in cheese sauce

500 g turkey liver,
100 g hard cheese,
75 g butter,
2 tbsp vegetable oil,
150 ml 30% cream,
150 ml milk
50 ml dry white wine
2 tbsp flour,
2 sprigs of dill and parsley,

Rinse the liver, dry with napkins and cut into pieces. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the liver in it until golden brown. Salt, pepper, pour wine over and continue to fry until the wine has completely evaporated. Then put the liver on a plate. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the flour in it. Add the cream diluted with milk to the pan, mix well so that there are no lumps, salt and pepper to taste. Then add the grated cheese to the pan and stir until the cheese is completely dissolved. Put the liver in the pan and heat it together with the cheese for 1 minute. sprinkle ready meal chopped herbs and serve.

Pancakes from the liver "Gentle"

500 g of any liver,
1 carrot
1 onion
3 eggs,
100 ml milk
2 tbsp flour,
2 tbsp starch,
1 tbsp mayonnaise,
10 g greens
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Peel and finely chop the onion, fry it in hot vegetable oil until lightly browned. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry together with the onions for 2 minutes. Transfer the vegetables to a bowl or blender bowl. Wash the liver well and clean from the bile ducts and film. Place the liver in a bowl with vegetables, add eggs, salt and pepper to taste, add spices and herbs if desired. Then add flour and starch, pour in milk, add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and mayonnaise and grind everything with a blender. Ready dough The consistency should be like thick sour cream. Bake pancakes in a preheated pan with vegetable oil on both sides.

Meatballs from the liver

200 g veal liver,
1 egg
30 g fat
60 g crackers,
20 g flour
10 g parsley,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Pass the raw liver through a meat grinder, add the egg, butter, breadcrumbs, salt, pepper, chopped parsley and mix thoroughly. Form small balls, roll them in flour and boil in salted water. Serve meatballs from the liver to the broth, fried cabbage or sham.

Hepatic saltison

700 g liver,
300 g fat,
1 onion
2 eggs,
2 heads of garlic
1 stack semolina,
salt, pepper - to taste.

Scroll the raw liver in a meat grinder. Finely chop the onion and fry it in butter. Mix the liver with eggs, chopped garlic and semolina and leave for 20-30 minutes to make the semolina swell. Add finely chopped bacon, spices, onions, mix well and put the resulting mass in a plastic bag (or better 2-3 more, so as not to burst), dip in warm water and cook for 2.5-3 hours. You can use intestines instead of a bag and bake liver saltison in the oven.

Liver pies "Lakomka"

600 g liver,
8 potatoes
4 eggs,
3 bulbs
2 tbsp ground crackers,
butter or margarine, salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

Scroll the liver through a meat grinder. Boil potatoes, remember them, or also pass them through a meat grinder. Fry finely chopped onion in oil until golden brown. Mix the resulting mashed potatoes with the liver, add the eggs and fried onions, mix, salt and pepper. Form pies from the resulting mass, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry over low heat until cooked.

Liver cutlets

500 g chicken liver,
½ stack boiled rice,
1 onion
1 egg
1 tbsp starch,
milk, nutmeg, salt, pepper - to taste.

Cut the liver into small pieces and soak in milk for 2 hours. Then twist the liver with onions through a meat grinder, add rice, egg, starch, spices to the resulting mass. Spread the mass with a tablespoon on a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry the cutlets on both sides over high heat. Put the fried cutlets in a deep frying pan, add a couple of tablespoons of water, cover and simmer for a few more minutes.

Liver rolls with apples

500 g liver,
1 onion
300 g apples
200 g smoked bacon,
1 tbsp butter,
2 tbsp sour cream
flour, bay leaf, salt, pepper - to taste.

Remove the film from the liver, cut it into slices, lightly beat off, put a piece of apple on each, roll it into a roll, wrap it with a thin strip of bacon and tie it with a thread. Fry the finished rolls in hot oil, transfer to a stew pan, add broth or hot water, as well as chopped and fried onions, and simmer the dish under a closed lid. After 20 minutes, add salt, spices and continue to simmer until tender. Remove the finished rolls from the broth to a separate dish, remove the threads, and add sour cream mixed with flour to the broth. Serve the rolls with sauce.

Warm chicken liver salad

200 g chicken liver,
1 carrot
1 onion
1 Bell pepper,
salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Rinse the liver, dry and finely chop, cut the onion into half rings, carrots into strips, sweet peppers into rings or half rings. In vegetable oil heated in a frying pan, fry the liver for 3-5 minutes, add chopped vegetables, salt, pepper and fry until tender, stirring occasionally, 8-10 minutes.

Now you know the secrets of how to cook liver deliciously. Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina