Why does the pancake stick to the pan? Incorrect dough consistency

The first pancake is lumpy - not such a rare occurrence. True, often the first is followed by a second, a third... They stick together, tear, stick, burn... Both a novice housewife and an experienced one can encounter such a problem, because this problem does not have one single cause. If pancakes stick to the pan, it is important to know all the reasons in order to understand exactly how to act in each case.

So, there is far more than one reason here. What could it be? That:

  • the dough has an inappropriate consistency;
  • pancakes were made according to a recipe with incorrect proportions of ingredients;
  • the housewife took a new frying pan;
  • the frying pan has a damaged coating;
  • the pan is not heated properly;
  • not enough oil.

Most often, the problem arises when the dough is prepared “by eye”, trusting your experience. This should not be done, because the consequence of using such a recipe is often the most unpleasant: the pancakes do not come off the pan.

Problems with the recipe

What points in the pancake recipe can be violated?

  • The amount of flour (it is what is responsible for the consistency).
  • Soda.
  • Eggs.
  • Sugar.
  • Oil.

So, flour. Its quantity and quality make the dough thicker or thinner. Too thick will result in thick, rough pancakes that can burn and stick as they cook through their entire thickness. If the mass turns out to be liquid, the pancakes come out too thin, so they tear when you try to turn them over or remove them.

Why does this sometimes happen, even if the recipe is followed exactly? Because they take a different type of flour. It has a different percentage of gluten, so with the same amount of liquid it can produce a thicker or thinner mixture.

How to fix it? In the first case, you need to add the liquid with which the dough was kneaded. It can be milk or water, kefir or mineral water. In the second, add flour and beat the dough with a whisk to break up any lumps that have formed. Ideally, you should end up with a mass whose thickness is approximately between kefir and sour cream.

Soda. If there is too much of it, the pancakes become so loose that they simply fall apart when you try to turn them over. If the pancakes “puff up”, gathering in folds, it means there is definitely a lot of soda. To reduce its concentration, you will have to increase the total volume of the test. That is, dilute another portion, just do not add soda to it, and mix it with the first.

Eggs. Their lack in the test affects not only appearance pancakes - they look pale and unappetizing. The eggs are tied and the ingredients are glued together. When the viscosity is sufficient, the dough particles “stick to each other” during baking, so they lag behind the pan. Otherwise, the pan attracts them with a stronger force than the one they are connected to. As a result, they stick to the pan so much that it is not always possible to clean them off without effort. If adding an egg to the mixture saved the situation, it means that the dough lacked viscosity.

Sugar. As you know, sugar begins to caramelize at high temperatures. And the greater its concentration in the dough, the stronger the pancake sticks during frying - it’s as if it’s melted to the pan by burning sugar. Therefore, you need to put it in the mixture for baking pancakes minimal amount or not at all, but serve honey, jam or other sweets as an addition to them.

Oil. If this ingredient is missing from the pancake recipe, there is a high risk that they will stick and burn to the pan, since it is the oil that creates a natural layer between the dough layer and the metal, eliminating their direct contact.

During cooking, the frying pan also needs to be greased with oil. At least for the first pancake.

Lubricate not only the bottom, but also the side surfaces of the frying pan, because dough is often poured onto them too. The pancake may not come off precisely because it is stuck to the side.

Why do pancakes made with kefir and milk stick?

Kefir makes pancakes unusually tender and thin. But that is why they are often difficult to remove. For baking to go smoothly, you need to cook them in a thoroughly washed and dry frying pan, turn them over with the thinnest spatula, and be sure to add vegetable oil to the baking mixture.

Pancakes made with milk can stick for two reasons: either the milk is too thick, or it was not very fresh and during the cooking process it began to sour right in the dough. In the first option, you need to dilute the milk with water in a 1:1 ratio (or add ready dough water). In the second, neutralize the formed acid. To do this, add a little soda and flour to the mass, and also slightly dilute it with boiling water.

Always cook your pancakes fresh milk to avoid such trouble. Then you won't have to fix anything.

Recipe for pancakes that don't stick to the pan

To make perfect pancakes you will need:

  • first or highest grade flour - 2 cups;
  • granulated sugar – 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • chicken eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • medium fat milk – 1 glass;
  • sparkling mineral water – 2 glasses;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon.

Warm milk is poured into a bowl, mineral water is added. Gradually add the sifted flour and stir to break up the lumps. Then add the remaining ingredients and beat with a mixer. Now the dough should “walk” for about 15 minutes. After this, you need to stir it again with a whisk - and you can bake.

What's wrong with the frying pan?

Quite a lot depends on the frying pan. If everything is in order with the dough, but the pancakes still stick, then it’s the problem.

Problems may include:

  • a new, just purchased frying pan was used;
  • the housewife simply exchanged one household frying pan for another;
  • used utensils with a damaged coating: scratches, chips, soot, unevenness;
  • The dough was not poured onto a surface heated to the required temperature.

When the pancake batter hits the warm pan, it clumps and sticks together. The surface temperature must be very high. What should I do for this? Place the bowl on the fire while kneading the dough. Let it warm up properly without oil. And then you can lubricate it and pour pancakes.

How to clean a frying pan to prevent pancakes from sticking?

After purchasing the frying pan, you must at least rinse it to remove any remaining dust and debris that inevitably appears during transportation. You can use liquid for this detergents for dishes (but never use abrasive powders!) or soda solution. And if you bake pancakes on it, to ensure that they do not stick, it is better to heat the purchase with salt for an hour, stirring from time to time (the method is suitable for a frying pan without a non-stick coating).

If another dish was cooked in a frying pan before pancakes, it could leave its traces - tiny particles of food, fat, which will begin to burn during cooking and “stick” the pancake dough to itself. Since there is a need to cook in this particular frying pan, it also needs to be heated first.

Well, if scratches or other damage appears on the working surface, any food will inevitably stick to them, not just pancakes. If this is why they stick, you need to take another pan.

Set aside a separate pan for baking pancakes. Then there will be no particles of other food left on it.

So, the reasons for sticking pancake dough a lot to the frying pan. But eliminating them is not so difficult. And you can prevent it by using good recipe, the right dishes And quality ingredients, preheating the pan before baking. Then pancakes, pancakes and pancakes will delight all household members every time with rosy sides and wonderful taste.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan, despite all your efforts, and how to stop it? Change the pan? Find another recipe? Or maybe you should come to terms with the fact that pancakes are not your thing and, as in the joke, continue to bake lumps? Calmly! There is a solution for every problem, and even more so for culinary ones. You have on your side the centuries-old experience of housewives who have been making rosy round “suns” in Rus' since time immemorial. They really knew what to do!

The first damn is not lumpy

Why do pancakes stick? Most likely, you made a mistake in one of five points:

  • We didn’t make the right choice with the frying pan;
  • they didn’t warm it up well;
  • improperly lubricated;
  • got mixed up with the recipe;
  • We forgot to be patient. Also, by the way, an important thing when baking pancakes!

Let's start working on the mistakes?

Subtleties of choosing a pancake pan

In the old days, every self-respecting housewife kept an old great-great-great-grandmother's cast iron pan for pancakes. It was never washed, wiping it clean with a piece of paper or a cloth, and under no circumstances was it used for preparing other dishes. And there were reasons for this.

  1. A pan for baking pancakes should heat up quickly and evenly, and also retain heat reliably. And cast iron meets these requirements 100%.
  2. It is desirable that it be made of porous metal that can absorb and accumulate oil during the frying process, which reduces the likelihood of the dough burning. And again, cast iron has no competition here.
  3. Over time, an invisible oil film forms on the bottom of the dish, which makes her work easier and prevents the cast iron from rusting. This is why frying pans, which have been in the family from generation to generation, are especially respected by true cooks, and for the same reason they try not to wash them too much. But pancakes are one thing, scrambled eggs and potatoes are another. Here you can’t do without Fairy and a hard brush, which means goodbye protective film.

What can you do to prevent pancakes from sticking to a new frying pan if your mother and grandmother did not save a cast-iron rarity for you? Thickly cover the bottom of your purchase with salt, bake it over medium heat until the grains acquire a dark creamy hue, carefully shake the salt into the sink with a napkin and start baking - the metal will be perfectly calcined and ready to show its best.

In addition to cast iron, which has no competitors in the baking business, the following are recognized by chefs:

  • titanium– in terms of properties, it is the “twin brother” of cast iron;
  • aluminum, the only disadvantage of which is fragility;
  • Teflon coated steel, comfortable, but requiring delicate handling;
  • ceramics, environmentally friendly, although poorly resistant to temperature changes;
  • marble- almost ideal material, if not for the sky-high cost.

Why do pancakes stick to the frying pan, although you took the choice of it very seriously and were not too lazy to heat the bowl with salt? Perhaps the problem is the high side, which prevents you from freely using the spatula. In a professional pancake pan it does not exceed 2, and sometimes even 0.5 cm.

Give it a spark

Why does the first pancake often come out lumpy? Because inexperienced housewives start baking it in a frying pan that is not warmed up, while true craftswomen determine with a sixth sense when it’s time to tip the first ladle of dough onto the hot bottom.

Place a couple of drops of water on the bottom and see how they behave. If they sizzle and evaporate, it’s time to move on to step two and grease the pan with oil. As soon as the characteristic transparent “smoke” begins to rise from it, it’s time to take the ladle. Well, if you use lard instead of butter, wait until the piece that touches the hot metal begins to heat up from the heat and get down to business.

A nuance: you should wait for smoke, not smoke, so don’t try to make the fire bigger. Medium flame is more than enough.

Oil oil

If, frightened by talk about carcinogens, you diligently save on oil, do not wonder why pancakes stick to the pan and tear.

  • Firstly, vegetable oil must be included in the recipe good pancakes. And if it’s not included, without a shadow of a doubt, add it yourself - 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Secondly, you need to grease the frying pan with oil. At least before baking the first pancake, and more often before every 3-4. It is recommended to lubricate even the Teflon coating - to be sure and more good taste ready-made food.
  • Thirdly, immediately forget about butter and margarine, they are not helpful to you. The only alternative to vegetable oil can only be lard.
  • Fourthly, don’t be lazy to coat the sides of the pan. They are often forgotten, and yet the dough can stick to the sides no worse than to the bottom, thereby ruining your entire baked goods.
  • Fifthly, know when to stop. Pancakes floating in a boiling oil puddle turn out little better than those tried to cook in a dry frying pan.

Rely on the recipe, but don’t make a mistake yourself

But what if the pancakes stick to the pan not because of its material or lack of oil - what to do in this case?

  • Check the thickness of the dough. It should resemble liquid sour cream or cream, otherwise burning cannot be avoided. And don’t look at the recipe, where the ratio of all products is written in black and white! You and its author could use different types flour, which is why there was a slight error. If the dough turns out thick and viscous, add water or milk to it; if it is too liquid, thicken with flour.
  • Don't overdo it with sugar. It will settle to the bottom, brown and firmly stick to the metal.
  • Measure the soda accurately. Its excess reduces the stickiness of the flour, which is why the pancakes begin to fall apart right on the spatula.
  • But don’t skimp on the eggs. They will serve as a connecting link and make the baked goods stronger.
  • If you knead the dough with kefir or milk, be prepared for additional difficulties, since such a delicacy turns out to be very tender and is difficult to turn over. You can help the cause by replacing some of the dairy products with water, adding another egg to the dough and armed with a thin and wide spatula. Plump silicone ones, of course, won’t scratch Teflon, but they’re more difficult to pry off a pancake with.

If you hurry, you will make people laugh

You will need patience at least three times. The first time you assemble ingredients for pancakes: you need to leave them on the table and let them warm up until room temperature. It is not advisable to knead dough from cold milk and eggs.

The second time you will have to lose 15-30 minutes to give ready-made dough“rest” on the table under a towel. During this time, the gluten will swell, and the pancakes will become fluffier and will not tear during baking.

The third time you will need patience to wait for the pan to get hot. But we have already talked about this.

If all the rules are followed, the chances of enjoying rich and golden brown pancakes will increase significantly.

Video: 7 secrets of pancakes are not lumpy

It seems that we forgot to mention the main condition for baking the right pancakes: a good mood of the hostess. Get into a fighting mood and get down to business with a smile, without this both the cast iron frying pan and the oil will be powerless.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and burn? This question is asked by inexperienced and sometimes experienced housewives. In fact, there may not be many reasons. Some of them relate to the dough, while others relate to the frying pan and its heating temperature. Let's consider everything possible options correct the situation. What should you add to the dough to prevent the pancakes from burning?

Reason #1 - incorrect dough consistency

It often happens like this: the hostess took new recipe and decided to try it. She observed all the proportions, measured everything with spoons, kneaded the dough, heated the frying pan and greased it. But why do pancakes burn and stubbornly refuse to turn over to the other side?

It's all about lack of experience and errors in the recipe. Some housewives claim that different flours requires different quantities liquids.

The dough can be very thin or very thick. For thin pancakes you need a composition similar to liquid sour cream.


The error can be fixed simply:

  • If the dough is thick, dilute it with the liquid with which it was kneaded (milk, kefir, water). It is better if the liquid is at room temperature or lukewarm.
  • If the dough is liquid, then add flour without fear and mix thoroughly.

Reason No. 2 - non-compliance with the recipe

Housewives who love to cook everything according to taste and by eye often encounter this problem. Thus, an excess of soda causes the pancakes to stick to the pan and tear immediately after trying to turn them over. Eggs are an important element in the dough, binding all the ingredients together. The lack of this product makes the pancakes pale and doughy.


What to do if pancakes stick to the pan for this very reason?

  • Try adding one egg and frying one pancake. If history repeats itself, we can add more.
  • No result again? So it's all about the soda. Correcting this situation will be more difficult. You need to knead another portion of the dough without soda and add it to the main part of the batch.

Reason #3 - a new frying pan

Let's say the housewife has extensive experience in preparing pancakes according to her favorite recipe. He prepares them, always following the recipe, and knows exactly what consistency the dough should have. But her beloved husband gave her a new cast-iron frying pan, and then problems began (her husband too). The wife’s mood was ruined, and at the same time half of the dough went down the drain. But why do pancakes stick to the new one? cast iron frying pan, and how to deal with it?


The simplest solution is not to use a new frying pan when baking pancakes. But if the old frying pan has gone to waste, then you can heat the new dishes. In fact, cast iron is recommended for use for pancakes. After all, the temperature is distributed evenly over the surface of such a frying pan.

A cast iron or aluminum frying pan is calcined as follows:

  1. Pour a layer of salt onto a cold frying pan so that the bottom is not visible.
  2. Add a tablespoon of soda.
  3. Stir and place the frying pan on heat
  4. As soon as the salt becomes creamy, turn off the heat and pour out the contents.
  5. Rinse the dishes with water and always wash them without any cleaning agents or rough scourers.

Before baking, be sure to grease the pan with fat, preferably a piece of lard.

Reason No. 4 - insufficient heating of the pan

This problem occurs due to impatience or inexperience. Hence the proverb about the first pancake. This is what happens, the first pancake is fried in an insufficiently hot frying pan and therefore comes out lumpy. And the subsequent ones flour products They are already easily removed from the pan and do not stick.


Start heating the pan at the same time as kneading the dough. First, heat it without lubricant. Then coat with a thin layer of fat or oil and leave on the fire until the first smoke appears.

Reason #5 - insufficient oil

You shouldn't skimp on oil for a dish like pancakes. Recipes that do not include a clause about adding oil are either erroneous or given to the hostess by an envious friend.

It often happens that there is more dough than stated in the recipe. For example, if the cook achieved the desired consistency and added certain products every now and then. In this case, it must be taken into account that vegetable oil you need to pour more into the dough. The rule here is: it is better to overfill than not to overfill.

  • Ungreased frying pan

Of course, you don’t have to lubricate Teflon and non-stick surfaces, but this will not affect the taste of the pancakes for the better. But cast iron and other frying pans need to be greased with fat or vegetable oil.

Sometimes it is enough to grease the pan every three or four pancakes. But if the frying pan is new, then this must be done every time before pouring the dough again.

  • Incorrectly selected and low-quality grease for lubrication

Our ancestors had no problems with pancakes sticking because they only used animal fat for frying. Grandmothers in the villages continue the tradition and grease the dishes with lard. To do this, they prick a piece of this fat on a fork and coat the hot frying pan before each pancake. By the way, this is how you can check the degree of heating of the pan. Lard will not heat if the surface is not hot enough.

Why do pancakes made with kefir stick?

made with kefir are always tasty and tender, but a common problem for them is sticking and burning.

  • Firstly, this is due to the tenderness of the flour product. It's worth equipping yourself with a good turning spatula. You need to act carefully so as not to tear the pancake.
  • Secondly, the problem may lie in the cleanliness of the frying pan, or rather, in its absence. You need to wash the surface well and wipe dry with a cloth. You can use the old advice and also rub the pan with salt.

Sometimes you can solve the problem by simply adding another egg to this dough. Must be included kefir dough should be vegetable oil.

Why do pancakes still burn, and how to quickly fix it

Why do pancakes burn when everything has been tried and nothing helps? Below are a few more tips that will help the housewife bake thin, even pancakes without sticking.

What to do if pancakes stick - video

Recipe for potato pancakes that never stick



  1. Cut the peeled potatoes into four parts. Add water and cook in salted water until tender. Cool slightly and place in a blender bowl with water. Grind the potatoes to a paste.
  2. Add garlic, pressed through a press, eggs, flour, cow's milk. Add vegetable oil (three tablespoons) and salt. Mix everything well and let stand for 20 minutes.
  3. Grease a hot frying pan with a small amount of oil and bake thin flour products over medium heat. The size should not be large, otherwise the pancakes will be difficult to flip. Serve with herbs or sour cream.

Baking pancakes at home, sometimes, turns out to be not an easy task; baking in your hands can be too capricious, sometimes even experienced housewives. For example, “why do pancakes burn” - not everyone will answer this question, however, without knowing the true causes and ways to solve the problem - delicious baked goods You definitely won't do it. Read more about cooking secrets in the article, because proven recommendations will help prevent culinary failures.

Burn in a frying pan: 5 main reasons

If you are going to cook your favorite homemade pancakes in a frying pan for the first time or have already done it, but it didn’t work out, then the first thing you need to do is find out the reasons why the unwanted burning occurred.

There are not many significant reasons, but every housewife should know them.

The dough does not have the right consistency

Very often, pancakes burn when the batter is too liquid, but burning can also occur when the pancake batter is thick.

Pancakes made with thick batter not only burn, but also turn out quite tough.

Unleavened dough

Wrong pan chosen for baking pancakes

A baking pan must be made of a certain material. A cast iron or aluminum frying pan with a thick bottom is best suited for preparing delicate, thin pancakes. Read more about how to choose the right cookware in the next article.

The frying pan is not hot enough. A poorly heated pan will not produce good pancakes; they will begin to stick, burn and tear.

Poorly greased frying pan

Not lubricated or in insufficient quantities oiled frying pan. A dry pan that is poorly moistened with vegetable oil will cause the pancakes to brown too much.

To avoid pancakes burning in a frying pan, you need to have in your culinary arsenal effective tips that can help at any stage of cooking.

Pancakes burn: what to do and how to fix it

Having considered the possible reasons why pancakes burn, it’s time to move on to ways to eliminate this problem.

If you don't know what to do to prevent pancakes from burning, here are a few for you: simple recommendations, which can be considered instructions for action for any housewife.

Adjusting the consistency of the dough

We make the pancake dough of the desired consistency (about the same as good thick sour cream home production). If you didn’t make the dough correctly, don’t be upset, try to adjust it a little.

  • IN batter– add flour (determine the quantity depending on the consistency of the resulting mass).
  • Add a little liquid to the thick mixture (it all depends on what you use to cook the pancakes: milk, water, whey, etc.).

Vegetable oil for dough

Add odorless vegetable oil to the dough. Determine the amount of oil according to the cooking recipe you are using, but do not overdo it.

When you add butter to the dough, do not forget to mix it.

Do the same when frying pancakes: periodically, until you have used up all the dough, stir it so that the oil that accumulates on the surface is evenly distributed throughout the entire dough mass.

Heat of the frying pan

We bake pancakes at home only on a well-heated, greased frying pan. Read more about the temperature for frying pancakes in the next article.

  • Heat the frying pan until the first “smoke”, only after that grease it with oil and start baking pancakes.
  • Do not pour oil into the pan, do not allow the baked goods to float in it.
  • It is enough to grease the bottom and sides of the heated pan so that the pancakes can bake and brown well.

Do not cook pancakes in a new frying pan, do not bake them on a “dry” bottom, completely without oil, and do not use Chinese-made pans. Only aluminum and cast iron, in as a last resort, enameled or non-stick coated.

  • Melt a piece in a frying pan lard. If you use this method, you no longer need to grease the pan with oil before each new portion of dough. Non-stick effect in this case Lard will serve as lard, and lubricate the bottom with it after each pancake.
  • Rub the bottom of the pan with half onions, then heat the vessel, then grease it with fat/vegetable oil.
  • Fry the salt in a frying pan. This method is very effective in preventing homemade pancakes from burning.

As you can see, there are not many reasons why pancakes burn, so every housewife can fix the problem. A little experience and practical advice at hand - and your baked goods will always turn out to be a feast for the eyes.

Bon appetit!

How to cook pancakes with milk without sticking recipe - Full description preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

How to cook thin pancakes with milk - detailed recipe, video

Each nation has its own rich ancient traditions. They are present everywhere: in clothing, everyday life, language, songs, food, etc. Ukrainian traditions in the preparation of various national dishes. Thus, for every major holiday, Ukrainians have a list of required dishes. Is it possible to imagine Christmas without kuti, and Easter without Easter cake?

Pancakes are considered the same traditional Ukrainian food. There are many recipes for making pancakes, but the same ingredients remain:

Different flours can be used to prepare them. The filling can be just as varied. Here everything depends on the ingenuity of the hostess. Perhaps no one would refuse to enjoy pancakes with honey, apples, soft cheese, condensed milk, mushrooms, meat, etc.

When preparing pancakes, housewives often face problems: how to bake thin and durable pancakes, or, conversely, fluffy and fluffy ones.

Let's tell you a few secrets

  1. Wheat flour is best suited for making pancakes. But if you prefer loose pancakes, then you can use oatmeal or buckwheat flour.
  2. To avoid the appearance of lumps, add flour in small portions, stirring constantly.
  3. In order for the pancakes to be very tender, the flour should be sifted 2-3 times.
  4. Water is the basis for thin and durable pancakes, but pancakes cooked with milk are much tastier. Mix milk and water - the results will be strong and tasty.
  5. If you bake pancakes with kefir, they will turn out fluffy. You will get the same effect if you make pancakes from yeast dough.
  6. It is advisable to have a separate pan for baking pancakes.

Several recipes for making pancakes with milk

They will certainly come in handy, because these pancake recipes have been tested by more than one housewife, and the ingredients are indicated in exact proportions, which guarantees a wonderful, delicate taste.

  • Milk 2.6% 1 l
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Flour 500 g
  • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 1.5 tbsp. l.
  • Salt 0.5 tsp.

In a large bowl, beat eggs and sugar.
Heat some of the milk, add salt and mix thoroughly with beaten eggs and sugar.
Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
Add a little soda, salt and oil. Mix.
Add the rest of the milk and beat. The dough should be moderately liquid.
Heat the frying pan.
Fry the pancake on both sides until golden brown.

Thin pancakes with milk - what you can cook for breakfast

  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk 0.7 l
  • Flour 300 g
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vegetable oil 50 g


In a deep bowl, beat eggs with sugar and salt.
Add milk and beat again until smooth.
Add flour in small portions, stirring constantly. Then add vegetable oil and stir thoroughly.
Bake pancakes in a preheated frying pan for 1-2 minutes on both sides.

Traditions of Slavic cuisine: pancakes with milk (step by step). How to cook pancakes with milk: step-by-step recipes with and without yeast

Even during the times of Slavic paganism, round, rosy cakes were baked in honor of the sun god Yaril, saying goodbye to winter and welcoming spring. An example of how seriously the people took pancakes is the fact that they could not be cut under any circumstances, and those who dared to disobey the instructions were beaten to death with sticks. Even with the advent of Christianity, the tradition of baking pancakes on Maslenitsa week could not be eradicated, and the church legalized the celebration of the arrival of spring.

Pancakes are not just a famous dish, but a ritual. Cooking recipes were passed down from generation to generation and kept in the strictest confidence. Pancakes are considered an original Russian dish, although they are prepared in every national cuisine the world, in one form or another: American pancakes, French crepes, German pfannkuchen, Italian kjaquere and many others. They all have their own cooking characteristics.

Today, pancakes still hold their own in relation to other dishes, and the number of ways to prepare them is simply limitless. Here we will present only some recipes that are loved by both adults and children.

Basic technological principles for preparing pancakes with milk

Russian cuisine includes pancakes and pancakes, although both products are made from poured dough. For pancakes it is thicker; for pancakes, a smaller amount of flour is added so that when baking the dough spreads freely over the surface of the pan.

There are many varieties of preparing bulk (pancake) dough. A lot depends on the flour here. Wheat flour is often used for pancakes. The best option– first grade flour and fine grinding, since other varieties make pancakes a little thicker and fluffier. Except wheat flour, pancake dough is kneaded from buckwheat and oatmeal.

Since ancient times, pancakes have been baked with yeast, increasing their size two to three times. Now, to make them more porous and fluffy, add a little soda or baking powder to the dough.

Ready-made pancakes are served with jam, sour cream, honey, butter creams or wrapped in them different fillings. They can be sweet and served as dessert; Meat, fish, cheese and other fillings are wrapped in pancakes, and then they are served as a main course or appetizer.

An interesting way of cooking is pancakes with baked goods. To bake them, you can use onions, spices, fish, boiled eggs, etc. The peculiarity of this method is that the filling is first scattered onto the frying pan, and then the dough is poured on top.

When preparing pancakes, you should adhere to some principles that will make them even tastier:

Milk and eggs should first be removed from the refrigerator and warmed to room temperature so that the dough can set better.

If you coat every ready pancake butter, they will become softer and more elastic.

Adding no large quantity adding water to the dough will also be beneficial - it will make them juicier and softer. That is, you still need to pour a little water into pancakes with milk, in a ratio of 1:4.

It is very important that there are no lumps in the dough. To do this, you must first mix all the bulk ingredients, and then add a little liquid - beaten eggs, milk, water.

To avoid having to grease the pan with oil during baking, add oil to the dough: 100 ml per 1 liter of dough. Unrefined oil will give the pancakes a specific taste and smell, and, in addition, the pancakes will burn - always use refined oil for frying.

If you like sweets, add more sugar to the filling. Excess sugar in the dough will make the products dry and tough. Take this nuance into account.

The rest is freedom of action.

Step-by-step recipe for milk pancakes with cottage cheese and cherries

Milk, whole (3.2%) 500 ml

Purified water 280 ml

Wheat flour (1 grade) 400 g

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and tear?

Almost every housewife knows how to bake delicious and beautiful pancakes, but sooner or later each of us is faced with pancake force majeure. And today we will try to give all the answers to the pressing questions of pancake makers: why pancakes stick to a cast iron frying pan, fall apart and tear, and what to do in such situations. Having completed our course as a young kitchen “fighter”, we will surely all be able to find and correct the hidden cause of failures and failures in the culinary field.

The history of pancakes has an incredible number of recipes. Someone likes it fluffy flatbreads, while others prefer the finest lace glowing in the sun. Surely every family has its own successful and most tasty option batch for pancakes, just like on our website.

But be that as it may, even recipes that have been tested over the years can periodically play a cruel joke on us - when frying, pancakes stick to the pan, and when turned over they tear. Common situation? Let's reveal the secret of the unruliness of these flatbreads and pans.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan?

There are quite a lot of reasons that provoke pancake failures. Basically, if the pancakes stick to the pan and tear, then the whole problem may be hidden in the following:

  • in the wrong container,
  • incorrect baking method
  • or there is something missing in the test,
  • or, on the contrary, there is an excess of some components.

As a result, in order to get the most delicious and most beautiful dessert cakes at home, you need to separately and in more detail review all possible negative factors in pancake cooking and correct them.

The pancakes stick to the pan and tear! What to do?

The main reason for pancake chaos turns out to be unwanted utensils.

What's the catch here?

The thing is that in frying pans made of these materials, during the heating process, a thin film of fat is formed, invisible to our eyes, which protects the pancake from sticking.

You've probably noticed that a heated cast iron doesn't even have to be greased with oil, and pancakes made on such a pan come out golden brown and very tasty.

More details in the article of the same name.

How to choose a pan for baking pancakes

However, even with such baked goods, sometimes unpleasant situations occur - pancakes stick, do not turn over and tear. The whole problem here is in the improper handling of the dishes.

If the pan was washed with an iron brush before baking pancakes, the protective fat layer was also erased.

You can return this layer as follows. Place a dry frying pan on the fire and heat until smoke begins to emanate from its surface.

Another common problem for pancake makers is when using a new, never-used frying pan for baking pancakes. This cannot be done, since the “virgin” vessel needs to undergo a preliminary “break-in” to begin uninterrupted operation.

Well, fry at least scrambled eggs on it first, and only then you can bake pancakes on it, and they won’t stick.

Also, in culinary failures when frying pancakes, the dough itself plays a special role, because the quality of the finished product depends on compliance with all recipe standards.

Pancakes are bursting! What to add?

So, we chose the right frying pan, heated it, prepared it for frying pancakes, but the pancakes still stick. In this situation, the fault may not be the right recipe, or non-compliance.

How to dilute the dough for pancakes so that they do not stick, and what should be added if the unruly dough is already mixed.

In an effort to bake delicate, delicate pancakes, some housewives often knead excessively thin dough, hoping “at random.” This is the primary reason for the unsuccessful dessert.

On hot frying pan Moisture evaporates very quickly from such a thin layer of dough, which deprives the cake of even the slightest elasticity and firmness. As a result, the pancake turns out to be fragile, it tears and tries to stick to the hot surface of the cast iron.

In this case, you need to add a little more flour to the dough and mix everything again until smooth.

Another popular reason why pancake batter sticks to the pan is being in a hurry. Having mixed the dough, we just want to start baking as soon as possible, which is fundamentally wrong.

The pancake mix likes to sit for half an hour, then it becomes more “accommodating.” The thing is that during this time the flour releases maximum gluten, which will ultimately make the pancake denser and more elastic.

Undoubtedly, there are pancake recipes in the database and Lenten options, however, it is the lack of eggs in the dough that can negatively affect the quality of the finished desserts.

Eggs are a kind of culinary “cement” - an emulsifier that holds all the binding components of the pancake mix together.

Definitely, 1 egg will not be enough for 1 liter of liquid, but 2-4 eggs will already be very effective.

You can save an unruly dough by adding a couple of eggs to it and thoroughly beating the mixture until smooth. In addition, it is thanks to the eggs that the pancakes acquire a beautiful ruddy color and bake faster.

Also thin pancakes will not tear if you add to the dough more eggs, then the lack of flour will be invisible in this light.

The absence of eggs or a small quantity of them leads to some other problems in baking; we proposed a solution to them in the following articles.

If adding flour and eggs to the pancake mix, the pancakes continue to behave poorly, then adding 5-7 tbsp. vegetable can save the day.

This measure will help soften the dough, create an additional fat barrier between the pan and the flatbread and give the finished pancakes a special flavor effect.

In addition, such pancakes will no longer be dry and will turn over without any problems.

If your recipe requires the use of soda, then you should add exactly as much white powder as shown in the description.

Excess soda can not only spoil the taste of pancakes, give them an unnatural yellow tint, but also destroy the stickiness of the dough. Here, even without sticking, the pancakes will fall apart when turned over.

Who would have thought, but if you add too much sugar to the pancake dough, then such cakes will tend to stick and burn - a caramel effect.

That is why those with a sweet tooth should sweeten pancakes already prepared using powder, condensed milk, jam or honey. And in the batch itself, granulated sugar should be poured to a minimum.

You can flavor the dough with cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom and other spices, but be careful, since excessive use of such flavorings will lead to depressing consequences.

The strength of the dough decreases and the integrity of the cake is compromised. There must be moderation in everything.

How to fry pancakes without sticking?

It would seem that pancakes are the simplest and most favorite breakfast option for many. However, some cooks are so unfriendly to these flatbreads that stick to the pan that even such an innocent childhood request as making pancakes for breakfast turns into a real nightmare for the housewife.

It seems like I’ve already gotten the hang of handling the dough, but it’s also important to know how to fry them correctly and how to grease the frying pan so that the pancakes don’t stick.

The first rule says that to prevent the pancakes from coming out “lumpy”, you should pour a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil into the frying pan and heat the pan until the first smoke, and only then pour in the dough.

These ingredients contain water, which when heated begins to boil away, which leads to the dough sticking to the pan and the pancakes burning.
You can read about how to treat a frying pan in a detailed article on this topic.

How to grease a pancake pan

  • The best lubricant for a frying pan is a piece of lard skewered on a fork.
  • You should grease the bottom of the cast iron only once, before the first pancake, and it is recommended to bake the rest in a dry frying pan. However, if necessary, you can slightly lubricate the surface with a latex brush dipped in oil or a piece of lard.
  • To bake thin and medium pancakes, you should choose a medium or slightly higher temperature. For yeast, lush, and also for openwork pancakes– average or slightly less than average temperature.
    Read more here...

What fire to fry pancakes on

Why do liver pancakes fall apart?

It's not just dessert pancakes that need special attention. A very popular eatery liver cake also requires the preparation of liver pancakes as crusts.

This dish is very tasty, but the pancakes themselves, when fried, can skillfully fray the nerves of the housewives, because liver pancakes almost always fall apart when turned over, if there is no proven recipe in your arsenal.

Typically, liver cake layers fall apart if the composition is too liquid.

For 0.5 kg of twisted liver, ½ glass of milk will be more than enough.

You can save the situation by adding flour to the dough, which will make it denser and more elastic.

What to do if you need thin pancakes for a snack? You just need to take more chicken for kneading fresh eggs, then at the end we will get soft and thin cakes. For half a kilo of liver you will need at least 3 eggs.

  • Starch will also help add strength to the dough. Just 1 tbsp. This powder can save a dish from complete failure.
  • Another common problem with liver pancakes is, oddly enough, the liver, or rather its excess in the dough. The liver completely deprives the dough of its adhesive ability, which is why you should not neglect the recipe instructions.
  • To prevent liver pancakes from sticking and falling apart, you need to bake them in a hot cast-iron frying pan, greased with fat or oil.

Conclusion: what to do if pancakes stick and tear

So we have looked at all aspects of pancake failures. They also suggested methods for solving them.

To summarize, let us remind you that to prevent pancakes from sticking to the pan, you need to:

  1. Follow the recipe and knead the dough exactly following the recipe instructions.
  2. Knead the dough until it has a uniform consistency and even color.
  3. To get rid of lumps, mix the eggs, flour and a little liquid until a thick, uniform mass is achieved, and then add the rest of the liquid to the desired consistency.
  4. Heat the pan before baking and grease it with vegetable oil or fat.
  5. Bake pancakes over moderate medium heat.
  6. Turn the pancake baked on one side, first lifting the edges of the cake in a circle with a knife or spatula.

By following these rules, you will always get perfect pancakes, and the question of why pancakes stick to the pan and tear will never arise on your culinary journey.

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Housewives have an ambiguous attitude towards pancakes, or rather, towards baking them. Some people think that baking pancakes is as easy as shelling pears. Others don't even take on this troublesome task.
And all because pancakes are an unpredictable dish, and sometimes they tend to tear. Moreover, not only the first pancake turns out “lumpy”, but also the subsequent ones.

In fact, even a novice housewife can learn how to bake pancakes. The main thing is to remember only a few simple rules preparing this dish, and also get acquainted with the reasons why pancakes don’t work out. For example, they tear when turned over.

Why pancakes tear: the amount of flour is incorrectly calculated

The taste of pancakes depends on the ingredients added to the dough. Pancakes are made with milk and kefir. They come with yeast or soda. Sometimes instead of water, kefir or milk they add mineral water, beer or even pickle juice.

But in each of these recipes, the main place is given to flour. The thickness of the pancakes and their strength depend on it.

If you put a lot of flour, the dough will turn out thick. This means that it will not be able to quickly spread over the pan, and the pancake will come out thick. Such a pancake will end up heavy and possibly undercooked. It can be easily turned over to the other side and removed from the pan. But when folded, it will most likely tear.

If you put little flour in the dough, then when baking it does not set, it remains liquid, and such pancakes cannot be turned over or removed from the pan without consequences.

Therefore, you need to strictly adhere to the recipe, adding as much flour as indicated.

But most often, the housewife does not rely on the recipe, but mixes the dough for pancakes from the ingredients that are available.

In this case, you first need to combine the eggs with sugar and salt, add half the liquid, and mix well. While stirring, gradually add flour. Then dilute the thick dough with the remaining liquid to the desired consistency. It should turn out so that it flows viscously from the ladle, but the stream should not be thick.

Why pancakes tear: bad ratio of ingredients

It is believed that pancakes tear due to the small number of eggs in the dough. But this is not an entirely correct conclusion. There are many recipes that contain only 2 eggs, but the pancakes turn out perfect.

It all depends on the stickiness of the flour and thorough mixing of all ingredients.

And in some recipes eggs are completely absent. Eggs do not need to be added to the kefir dough. But in this case, it is recommended to brew the dough with boiling water. It becomes elastic, and the pancakes do not tear when turned over.

Pancake batter made with kefir is slightly thicker than with milk or water. Because you need to take into account the thickness of kefir. To prevent such pancakes from being dense, soda or another baking powder must be added to the dough.

Soda should be mixed with flour, and not quenched in a spoon, as many housewives do. If you quench soda with vinegar separately from flour, then all the gas bubbles that make the dough airy will evaporate even before combining with flour. And then soda will be of little use.

If the pancakes tear when turning over, you can add 1-2 eggs to the dough. But you need to remember that due to the large number of eggs, the pancakes turn out tough.

Particular attention should be paid to preparing pancakes from yeast dough.

The foam makes it difficult to determine the thickness of the dough. If little flour is added to such a dough, then the pancakes from it will tear.

IN yeast dough Eggs must be added, and they are thoroughly beaten and only then combined with a dough prepared from half the amount of liquid and the full amount of flour. The dough is kneaded until the lumps disappear completely.

The rest of the liquid is added at the very end of the kneading. These pancakes are baked only after the dough has risen well. Do not stir it before baking so as not to destroy air bubbles.

Sometimes pancakes tear due to too much sugar. The bottom side of a pancake made from this dough quickly begins to fry, but the top remains raw. It is very difficult to flip such a pancake entirely.

But you shouldn’t give up sugar completely, as pancakes without it turn out pale. Therefore, it is enough to put 1-2 tbsp. l. sugar so that the pancakes are moderately sweet, but not burnt.

To make the pancakes easily turn over and remove from the pan, vegetable oil is poured into the dough.

Sometimes housewives believe: the more oil you pour into the dough, the easier the pancakes will be removed from the pan. But it has the opposite effect. When baking pancakes, the oil begins to boil, the dough bubbles, its integrity is compromised, and eventually the pancakes tear.

Therefore, it is enough to pour no more than 40–50 g of oil into the dough - just enough so that the pancakes turn out to be moderately fatty and do not stick to the pan.

The quality of pancakes depends on the right pan.

The ideal option for baking is a pancake pan. It has low sides, heats up well and cools quickly. You just need to lightly coat it with butter first, and then calmly bake the pancakes.

If you don’t have such a frying pan, you need to take a cast iron or old “grandmother’s” frying pan with a thick bottom. No wonder grandmothers make perfect pancakes.

To prevent the pancakes from tearing when turning over, before each new portion of dough, grease the pan with a piece of lard pinned on a fork, or with vegetable oil using a brush.

It is not recommended to pour oil into a frying pan from a bottle, because then the dough does not stick to the surface of the frying pan, but rather “flows” to one edge. At the same time, the oil begins to bubble, liquefies the dough, and the pancake breaks when you try to turn it over.

  • In order for the pancakes to turn out perfect, a personal frying pan must be allocated for them.
  • Before pouring the first portion of dough, the oiled frying pan must be heated to a barely noticeable smoke, then removed from the stove for 5-6 seconds. And only after that pour the dough. Bake pancakes over medium heat.
  • Don't be upset if the first pancake turns out to be lumpy. Usually it is used to judge how much dough needs to be poured into the pan. If necessary, add more flour or, conversely, make the dough thinner. By the way, you cannot add flour to the entire dough, as it will be difficult to get rid of lumps. You need to pour a little dough into another bowl, mix thoroughly with flour and only then combine with the rest of the dough.

And one last thing. After scraping the stuck pancake from the pan, it is not enough to just wipe it. It needs to be washed well, calcined, and then oiled again. And, most importantly, believe that everything will work out!

Why do pancakes stick to the pan and what can I do to prevent them from tearing?

A popular proverb says: “The first pancake is always lumpy.” But as practice shows, subsequent pancakes do not always turn out as they should. Today we will find out why pancakes stick to the pan and tear, and what ways to fix it.

Why do pancakes stick to the pan?

Not every housewife knows how to skillfully bake pancakes. But this does not mean that you should give up all attempts. There are a lot of reasons why pancakes stick.

"Wrong" pancake batter

At least 70% of success in baking depends on pancake batter. Incorrect proportions, ingredients, etc. Let's look at what mistakes we make when preparing pancake base.

Flour is the basis for preparing any dough, especially pancake dough. First of all, you need to choose high-grade flour. Peeled flour is not suitable for cooking batter due to the low degree of purification and uneven grinding. Proportions are also important. If you add little flour, the dough will be liquid. Hence, thin pancakes They stick strongly to the pan, and it will be difficult to turn them over. Too much flour in the batter will turn the pancakes into pancakes.

Even if you like sweet pancakes, you shouldn't get carried away with adding sugar to the dough. Sugar molasses thins the dough, disrupting its density. In addition, due to the copious amount of sugar, the pancakes burn and stick to the surface of the pan.

You can't get the perfect pancake batter without chicken eggs, but it is important not to overdo it with their quantity. Eggs give the dough elasticity and density, but the abundant protein content turns the finished pancake into a crispy waffle that tastes like an omelette.

Lack of oil in the dough worsens the taste of pancakes. For the same reason, they begin to stick to the pan and turn over with difficulty. We recommend adding a few tablespoons of oil to the dough, as well as greasing the bottom of the dish with oil or any other cooking oil. But you should not pour copious amounts of vegetable oil into the frying pan, as excess fat can deep fry and dry the edge of the pancake.

if you use the right recipe and baking technique, the pancakes will turn out thin, tasty and will not stick to the pan

Why do pancakes stick to a frying pan with kefir?

Don't be surprised if the kefir-based pancakes stick to the pan and are very torn. The reason lies in the composition fermented milk product. When combined with sugar and protein, it reacts. The disadvantage of this recipe is that the pancakes, while turning out to be very soft and tender, easily stick to the dishes or even tear when you try to turn them over with a spatula. To reduce the risk of spoiled pancakes, it is recommended to dilute kefir with water in a 2/1 ratio.

Why do pancakes stick to a frying pan in milk?

High fat content of milk

Do you bake pancakes with milk, following all the rules and recipe, but they still stick to the pan? The reason may lie in the high fat content of milk. This problem can be solved by adding water and baking soda on the tip of the knife. After the manipulations, you should carefully knead the dough and let it stand for 10-20 minutes. Water will reduce the amount of fat, soda will add fluffiness to the pancakes.

Low milk temperature can also be a reason for failed pancakes. Usually, milk product from the refrigerator is not able to dissolve the remaining ingredients. For example, undissolved sugar and salt will melt directly in the pan, causing the pancakes to burn and stick. It is better to use milk at room temperature, or warm it up a little. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the egg whites will curdle at high temperatures.

Poor quality dishes

The quality of the cookware plays a significant role when baking pancakes. In ancient times, people used exclusively cast iron pans for pancakes. The thick bottom ensured uniform heating of the pan, frying the product evenly. Cast iron does not release substances when heated and is absolutely safe for our body. But thin pancakes stick to a cast iron frying pan, so in general, pans made from this material are more suitable for pancakes and pancakes. In our time modern technologies made it easier for housewives to lift heavy and inconvenient frying pans by replacing cast iron with induction pancake makers.

Induction frying pan

Induction pans for pancakes are easy to use due to their light weight and non-stick Teflon coating. The absolute advantage of such cookware is that you can bake pancakes with minimal addition of oil. Important: a frying pan with a Teflon layer should be intended exclusively for baking pancakes; it is not recommended to cook on it constantly.

How to fry pancakes without them sticking?

There are little tricks for skillfully preparing pancake dough. Let's find out the secret perfect pancakes that do not tear or stick to the pan.

When kneading the pancake mixture, you need to achieve homogeneous consistency. We recommend that you first add flour to a small amount of liquid, gradually adding. This way you will avoid lumps and achieve the perfect texture. After kneading the dough, it is recommended to let it stand for 10-15 minutes so that the flour forms stickiness.

Ingredient temperature

It is better to take all ingredients for pancake dough at room temperature. When recipe for pancakes sour milk It is permissible to heat the starter up to 30 degrees to form ruddy bubbles under the influence of lactic acid and sugar. In addition, this dough is easier to knead, since the flour does not clump.

How to pour pancake batter into a frying pan?

First you need to heat a dry frying pan over medium heat. Then, after greasing the bottom of the pan with oil, pour a small amount of dough in the center and quickly, using rotational movements, distribute it over the entire surface of the pan. In this way we will achieve uniform frying and thickness of the pancakes.

We found out how to prepare the dough correctly and what is missing if the pancakes stick to the pan. Remember that the speed and quality of any baking depends not only on following the recipe, but also on experience. And, as you know, it arises by trial and error.

My pancakes stick if it doesn't turn out well good dough: I added too much sugar or added more eggs than called for in the recipe. Sometimes pancakes start sticking to the pan if I haven't preheated it, but more often it affects the first two pancakes, and then everything goes as it should.

  • Pancakes stick to the pan for various reasons: not enough flour in the dough, too much sugar, or the pan is not warm enough. If you follow the recipe and correct process baking, then usually there are no problems and the pancakes turn out simply amazing. Any business requires skill and experience, and it’s never too late to learn.

  • Pancakes stick to the pan for various reasons: not enough flour in the dough, too much sugar, or the pan is not warm enough. If you follow the recipe and the correct baking process, then usually there are no problems and the pancakes turn out simply amazing. Any business requires skill and experience, and it’s never too late to learn.

    Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe