Picnic with family in nature. Simple and affordable salads and picnic snacks

The most pleasant and affordable pastime that will help you escape from the bustle of the city is going out into nature. The smell of shish kebab and the warm sun are associated by most with a trip to the forest, to the river or with relaxation in the city park and beckons to go on a picnic with family or friends. Such a trip is always accompanied by delicious food and a pleasant company, and a non-standard menu will leave a pleasant impression of the rest. By carefully preparing in advance and determining for yourself what to take with you on a picnic from food, you can not only stock up on delicious dishes in sufficient quantities, but also insure against food poisoning caused by perishable products.

Catering in nature

Before deciding what dish will be prepared, you need to determine the format of the picnic and where it will take place. You should take cutlery, utensils and other equipment based on the situation. Unintentionally forgotten at home coals for barbecue or lack of necessary appliances can turn a comfortable trip into a real disappointment. Knowing what to bring to a picnic from equipment can greatly simplify the process of organizing a picnic.

  1. Campfire equipment. There is nothing more romantic than spending time around a campfire, talking, singing and telling stories - true or made up. To make a fire you will need: matches (lighter), coals, paper or firewood if cutting down trees is prohibited at the picnic area. To stock up on dead wood and chop wood in a wild holiday, you can take both an ax and a band saw. The latter option is suitable for those who have limited space in the car and who cannot take too much with them.
  2. Appliances for cooking. If it was decided to cook food in nature, you should take a barbecue with skewers or a gas burner with you. From the appliances you should take a few knives, a cutting board, a corkscrew. Garbage bags are among the must-haves to take with you on a picnic.
  3. Tableware. On a picnic, you will definitely need plates, glasses, forks and spoons, as well as bowls for salads. Disposable tableware will be very relevant at a picnic, as it does not need to be washed, and, accordingly, waste time and water.

Products you can't do without

Without some products, no vacation will be complete, and when deciding what to take with you on a picnic, you should not forget about them. These, of course, include water in large quantities, salt, spices, butter and bread.

Vegetables and fruits are great snacks, especially for families. They will not bring much trouble during cooking: vegetables can be cut large pieces or make a salad out of them, and just wash the fruit.

In addition, drinks, juices and, if desired, alcohol will come in handy.

Potatoes baked in smoldering coals give a special charm to a picnic, which is one of the most popular foods that you can take with you on a picnic.

A variety of smoked meats and cheeses will be and great option for a snack and addition to the main meal. Also, do not forget about the meat for barbecue.

Picnic food you can make at home

It is not always possible to cook food in the field. The reasons can be completely different, ranging from the lack of the necessary equipment and ending with a ban on making a fire in a picnic area.

If it was decided that you need to take ready-made food with you to a picnic, you can let your imagination run wild and choose dishes that best suit the preferences of vacationers. From meat dishes at home, you can cook a baked bird, wrap it in foil and cool. When deciding what to take with you on a picnic from food, in the summer you should not forget about home baking, which will be a great snack in nature. delicious cookies or fluffy buns will please everyone and are unlikely to return home. Desserts type homemade pie will also be very popular, and when choosing what to take with you on a picnic, you should not refuse them.

Cheese homemade buns

When planning what to take on a picnic, don't forget about homemade buns. They will be a great snack before the main meal in nature and will not let you die of hunger on the road.

In flour intended for cheese buns, add salt, soda and turmeric and grind the resulting mixture with vegetable oil. Kefir and chopped parmesan are also added here. Now the dough is thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to turn on the oven. Then the dough is molded (it should not be thicker than 1.5 cm) and, if desired, sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake the buns in the oven for up to 40 minutes.

Spicy sweet wings

There are situations when it is not possible to make a fire in a place of rest, and there is simply no barbecue. In this case, it is better to cook such a meat dish at home that will be tasty even when it is cold.

Wings should be washed and dried with a paper towel before cooking, or left to dry on their own while the sauce is prepared for them. Ginger is rubbed, which is mixed with honey, salt, a pinch of ground chili pepper and teriyaki sauce. Sauce can be substituted soy sauce With rice vinegar. The mixture is boiled for about 10 minutes over low heat. Next, half the sauce is mixed with wings and baked in an oven preheated to 200 0 C.

The wings are cooked for 15 minutes, after which the second half of the sauce is added to them and baked for another 15 minutes.

Dishes prepared outdoors

Food cooked or baked in nature has a special taste, and the process of preparing it brings more joy than standing in four walls at the stove. There are many delicious recipes what you can take with you on a picnic and easily cook on the grill, fire or burner outside the city. All treats prepared in nature will come in handy, as fresh air very easy to get hungry.

Chicken shish kebab with honey

The barbecue has already become traditional dish for trips out of town. It looks like it was made for a picnic. From the huge variety of cooking methods, eyes are already starting to run up. Today kebabs are made from pork, poultry, lamb and fish.

Marinade for chicken skewers should be done in advance. You can use the most regular recipe, but with the addition of honey, which will be approximately a third of the total composition. Before the chicken is marinated, part of the mixture should be poured to soften the kebab during the cooking process. Marinated chicken should be in the refrigerator for about two hours.

Thus, marinated chicken, some of the marinade and vegetables are all you can take on a picnic. Next, chicken shish kebab with honey is made in the same way as a regular shish kebab: the products are alternately pierced on skewers, left on the grill or over the coals of a fire, often turned over and fried until the juice becomes clear.

Bacon-wrapped prunes rolls

Prunes in bacon will be an excellent substitute for the usual barbecue. The recipe for its preparation is very simple and quick, but you can’t do without a barbecue.

In this case, what to take with you on a picnic include prunes, chopped bacon, sauce and toothpicks. Prunes soaked in sauce are wrapped in bacon and secured with a toothpick. The sauce must palatability Suitable for both bacon and prunes. The rolls are grilled for 2-4 minutes, then turned over. A juicy tasty dish of prunes will go well with potatoes and lettuce.

Grilled Mackerel

Fresh mackerel, cooked outdoors, will not just wonderful dish but also a very useful addition to the daily diet. Fresh fish is cleaned, the insides are taken out and left to marinate. Then marinated mackerel stuffed with basil leaves and lemon is placed on the grill and fried for 15 minutes on each side. The grate must be oiled before use. The metamorphosis that occurs with the fish during this half hour is noticeable, so it is always clear when the fish is ready. Serve it ruddy and fragrant dish with vegetables. Instead of basil and lemon, you can use oranges and ginger, which will make the mackerel more spicy and unusual.

Tomato and avocado salad

A juicy salad will be indispensable in hot summer weather. For a salad of tomatoes and avocados, you will need tomatoes, olive oil and butter walnut, avocado, mozzarella cheese, chopped herbs, lemon juice. Sliced ​​avocado is sprinkled with juice and mixed with washed and chopped tomatoes, mozzarella and herbs. All this is seasoned with oils and served on the table. This salad goes well with croutons. It will be a great addition to meat dishes.

Grilled eggplant

It's popular italian dish very easy to prepare, but goes well with grilled meats and various cheeses. Sliced ​​eggplant is fried on both sides. After cooking, the dish is salted, poured olive oil and a small amount vinegar. Minced garlic and mint are added here. The dish turns out tasty and pleasant even in very hot weather.

Each family, each company has its own taste preferences and decides for itself what to take with them on a picnic. Recipes and menus can be as varied as your imagination allows.

What do you need for a successful picnic? Of course collect good company. And then you can start organizing.

1. Determine the day

We study the weather forecast and choose the warmest and sunniest day. The ideal picnic cannot be held in the rain and with a cold wind. If you do not believe in forecasts, then it is better to immediately buy several raincoats.

We agree on a date with friends. Is everything confirmed? Then we continue.

2. Find a good place

We are looking for a cozy green place with a beautiful view. You can go to the lake, take a walk to a picturesque clearing in the forest, or go to the nearest park. Or maybe there are mountains near your city?

3. Cook food

Now we are planning a picnic menu. It's best to cook a few different snacks and take more fruit. It is desirable that the products are not perishable, otherwise you will have to take a cooler bag. Grab buns, cookies, light cakes, and hams - anything simple and tasty. Or make snacks according to our recipes.

  • Picnic Turkey Rolls

Cooking method: brush thin pita bread or cream cheese tortilla. Lay on toplettuce, turkey, tomato, egg, onion and avocado. Add a piece of bacon, gently roll into a tube and cut in half.

  • Tomatoes stuffed with mushrooms

Method of preparation: cut off the top of the tomato and carefully cut out the pulp. Drain the juice, finely chop the pulp. Fry chopped mushrooms and onions in a pan. Grate cheese, add tomatoes, onions, mushrooms to it. Season with pepper, add two tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream, mix. Divide the resulting mixture into tomatoes.

  • Mini sandwiches with curd cheese

Cooking method: cut Borodino bread into small pieces, spread tomato on it cottage cheese. Roll up a slice raw smoked sausage and put on a sandwich. Decorate with greenery.

However, no one forbids you to have a belly feast and cook a lot of original dishes!

4. Think about drinks

Everything is suitable for a picnic: from refreshing citrus. From alcoholic drinks we offer light - apple cider or fruit sangria.

  • Lemon Cucumber Lemonade with Basil

Cooking method: grate the cucumber coarse grater, squeeze juice. Cut the lemon into two parts and squeeze the juice. Another cucumber and lemon cut into rings. Put cucumber and lemon rings in a jug or jar, pour in lemon-cucumber juice, sweeten to taste with sugar, honey or syrup, add basil leaves. Pour in water and let steep.

Lemonade is best transported in a large glass jar or a plastic jug with a tight lid.

  • classic sangria

Cooking method: cut apple, orange and lemon into small pieces. Mix wine with water in a 1:1 ratio, add sugar - 3 tablespoons per 1 liter of wine. Put fruit in the drink. It is best to keep sangria in the refrigerator before serving. In our case, a cooler bag will do.

However, the bottle good wine Or regular juice will work too. It is only important to know in advance the preferences of all your friends. Food and drinks are ready - let's go!

5. Take tablecloths or a blanket

Now let's decide what will be our table. We need two tablecloths. The first is an ordinary film that we lay on the ground. The second is a beautiful fabric or a thin blanket, put on top of the film. It is the tablecloth that will set the tone for the entire picnic.

6. Decide where you will sit

There is a table, but what about the chairs? Soft pillows! Ask each guest to take a small cushion so that seating is not an issue at the picnic.

An option for those who love comfort is folding picnic furniture. The table and four stools fold up to the size of a diplomat, they can easily fit even in the trunk of a small car.

And in order not to be afraid of the evening coolness, take some warm and soft microfiber blankets with you - these can be found in the bedding salon.

Plaid from the salon, price: from 2,160 rubles.

7. Decide on the dishes

What kind of dishes to take - regular or disposable? Let's do without white plastic plates and cups and. Even if the dishes are disposable, then let it be a beautiful paper picnic set. But we insist on bringing the usual dishes with you - at least glasses for wine and several large plates for fruits and sandwiches.

And one more thing: take some wooden boards. What for? We will talk about this a little later.

Perhaps it makes sense to buy a special basket in which it is convenient to store and transport everything you need for a picnic.

8. Come up with entertainment

What will you do in nature? Grab badminton rackets, a Frisbee and don't forget a few board games like Imaginarium or Elias.

If you take children on a picnic, take care of their leisure time. Suitable, for example, board games-walkers.

Fun competitive game "Moana. Call of the Ocean" will captivate both children and adults. The task of the game is to cross the ocean, get to the mysterious island as quickly as possible and return the stolen heart of the goddess Te Fiti. Many other games for all ages can be found in the store.

"Moana. Call of the ocean”, price: from 132 rubles.

Do not neglect active rest! One of the fashionable entertainments is riding a hoverboard. Powerful and protected, it is great for off-road and rough terrain.

If you're having a picnic on the beach, bring bathing toys with you. By the way, air mattresses can replace seats if you spread your tablecloth on the sand.

Cool if you have a kite. You can also buy some sky lanterns and launch them after dark.

9. Consider serving

What will make your picnic truly cozy and festive? Original serving details. Use simple wooden boards for this: lay bread, meat and cheese slices, biscuits, fruits.

And, of course, we cannot do without a beautiful wicker basket, which is associated with a perfect picnic. You can not only put a lot of goodies in it, but also make it the center of the table. In addition, cute napkins and a pretty vase in which we will put fresh flowers will come in handy.

10. Collect bags

Stayed finishing touches. The snacks are ready, the dishes are already in the car. What else to take?

  • Medicines. Collect a minimal first aid kit with painkillers, poisoning drugs and antiseptics.
  • Insect protection. Believe me, mosquitoes will also want to arrange a delicious dinner for themselves!
  • Water. Both drinking and technical.
  • Sunscreen. We don't want to spoil our skin under the sun, do we?
  • Wet wipes to dry your hands after greasy food.
  • Garbage bags. After you, not a single jar or piece of paper should remain in nature!

Camping - great way to abstract from pressing matters and problems. Fresh air, gentle sun, cheerful company, campfire gatherings, active games and entertainment - what else do you need for a pleasant pastime? However, in order for the rest to be a success, it is important to pay close attention to the process of collecting the necessary things. After all, in addition to products, travelers may need a lot of accessories designed to ensure comfort, safety and interesting leisure. In this article, we will talk about what to take with you on a picnic.

Food and drink

Let's start with fruits and vegetables. They should be washed in advance so as not to waste time in nature and save clean water. By the way, it must be taken with a margin. After all, water in nature can be useful for a wide variety of purposes, from washing hands to cooking. When choosing fruits, do not get carried away exotic fruits: the consequences of their use are sometimes the most unpredictable. As for vegetables, there is a standard picnic set, which usually includes tomatoes, cucumbers, onion, potatoes and greens. Some vacationers also prefer to add to salads bell pepper. It is worth noting that potatoes, if they are not intended for baking on a fire, it is advisable to pre-boil them at home.

Sandwiches will be an excellent snack for vacationers, which will help restore strength after an exhausting road. In order to save your own time for their preparation, it is better to take vacuum-packed products. Ham, cheese, fish, already sliced portioned pieces, can be immediately placed on bread. If vacationers plan to fry fish on a grill, fillets should be preferred. This is especially true if there will be kids at the picnic, because sharp bones can be especially dangerous for them. And, of course, caring parents should take with them children food: all kinds of purees, instant cereals, cookies, juices and sweet treats.

It is recommended to buy meat for barbecue at the rate of 0.5 kg per person. It is advisable to marinate the product in advance according to your favorite recipe, after placing it in a container convenient for transportation. By the way, chicken skewers cook much faster than other types of meat. Also on a picnic, salt, sugar, black ground pepper and various sauces. To prepare hot drinks, you should take a thermos with boiling water, tea bags and instant coffee. Mineral water, juices and fruit drinks will also not be superfluous. Alcoholic drinks must be purchased in moderation, otherwise a picnic in nature risks developing into a mass party.

Do not take with you to nature various perishable products: salads dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, pates, raw eggs, yogurts, etc. Pickled meat and other ready meals are recommended to be transported in a car refrigerator or thermal bag. In the absence of the latter, you can make its likeness with your own hands. To do this, you need to cover the bottom of an ordinary bag with newspapers and overlay the products placed in it with bottles of ice water. Arriving at your destination, it is worth shifting food supplies into a small hole dug in a shady piece of land.

Medicines and hygiene products

On vacation, no one is immune from injuries and unforeseen situations, so travelers should take care of having a portable first aid kit. In addition to cotton wool, plaster, bandage and iodine, painkillers, creams for cuts and bruises should be placed in it, Activated carbon, remedy for indigestion. When going on a picnic in hot, sunny weather, you need to take care of protecting your skin from ultraviolet radiation. For this purpose, various means with various protection factors have been developed. Special gentle creams and sprays will help protect delicate baby skin from sunburn. It is also important to stock up on insect bite remedies according to the age of the holidaymakers.

Wet wipes are useful for maintaining hygiene, toilet paper and soap. In addition, it is worth grabbing a few pairs of disposable gloves. They are the best suited for collecting firewood, washing greasy dishes and cleaning the area from debris. As an alternative to gloves, ordinary dense plastic bags.

Clothes, utensils and items of equipment

If you plan to get to your destination by car, you should take a small folding table and camping chairs with you. V last resort, you can sit right on the grass, placing an oilcloth tablecloth in the center and laying a few bedspreads around the edges. Especially popular among travelers today are the so-called awnings-tents, designed to shelter vacationers from the rays of the scorching sun and precipitation. Elements of such structures, made of mesh materials, do not interfere with the free circulation of air and protect tourists from attacks of annoying insects. Such an accessory will become an indispensable thing in nature (photo).

The list of necessary items for a picnic also includes disposable tableware. The advantage of using such glasses, plates and cutlery is quite obvious: they take up very little space in the bag and are thrown away immediately after use. Since plastic releases harmful substances when in contact with hot objects, it is better to opt for paper utensils. For transporting meat, salads and other products, food containers are best suited, the lids of which can be useful in the process of serving a camping table. You should also take with you a couple of the safest folding knives to transport. In addition, cutting boards, a grater, a can key and a corkscrew can come in handy from the dishes.

Since the king of the table in nature is traditional barbecue, it is important to stock up on everything you need to prepare it. In addition to meat, vacationers will need a barbecue, skewers and a grill, ready-made coals for frying or pre-stocked firewood. It is unlikely that any of the travelers will want to wander through the forest in search of dry branches and logs. However, if there are still such daredevils, you should give them a small camping hatchet. It would be appropriate to grab newspapers and lighter fluid, which will turn the organization of a fire into a simple and easy process. So that the barbecue does not burn and turns out to be quite juicy, it is necessary to prepare water with vinegar in advance for irrigation. Choose good meat, as well as reliable skewers and barbecue for cooking delicious dish Readers will benefit from watching the video.

Now let's move on to the question of what to take on a picnic from clothes. If there is a body of water near the place, bathing suits and towels will come in handy for vacationers. Headwear is also a must: caps, panama hats, hats, etc. Sunglasses help protect your eyes from UV rays. In case of cold weather in the evening, travelers should take care of the presence of warm clothes and closed shoes. If the picnic is in summer time year, you can limit yourself to a tracksuit and sneakers. It would be useful to stock up on a couple of warm blankets, in which you can wrap chilled children, as well as throw them over the shoulders of adults sitting by the fire.

Leisure items

Having eaten enough and soaked up the sun, travelers will want to have some fun. It is quite obvious that in nature it is worth giving preference to active types of leisure, whether it be various relay races or outdoor games. Badminton, football, volleyball, frisbee - all these entertainment options are especially popular at a picnic. When going to nature, you need to take a ball and other accessories for games (racquets, shuttlecocks, etc.) with you. Both little mischievous people and their parents will be interested in participating in the so-called fun starts and relay races. You can arrange a treasure hunt, a competition for the best bouquet or barbecue competitions.

If there is a reservoir in the recreation area, you should grab circles and mattresses for swimming, as well as vests and armlets for children. In order not to worry about the kids once again, you can create a separate bathing area for them in an inflatable pool. It is necessary to stock up on all kinds of accessories for entertaining the little ones: buckets, molds, floating clockwork toys, books, albums and felt-tip pens. As for adults, they will sing songs with a guitar with great pleasure, sitting by the fire in the evening. A radio or radio receiver will help to cheer up vacationers in the daytime. To capture the pleasant moments of a collective holiday, travelers will need a camera and a video camera.

A list of what to take for a picnic from food should be compiled in advance, having thought through the number of products well. This task most often falls on the shoulders of women. Tasty food- a pledge of mood at a picnic. It is not necessary to bring a lot of food with you or ready meals The main thing is that it was tasty and in season. For example, in summer, in the heat, it is better to buy more fruits and juicy vegetables than sweets or smoked meats.

How to choose food for a picnic

  1. It is worth considering the preferences of the members of the company. If there are men, be sure to buy meat and sausages. Girls often prefer lighter food: low fat cheese, vegetables, chicken fillet.

  1. Fruit slices are an indispensable component of outdoor recreation. In summer, the choice of fruits is very wide: from citrus fruits to watermelons and peaches.

  1. Sandwiches. They are easy to prepare using simple recipes. Sandwiches can be made from both fresh and toasted bread. It is especially delicious if you toast the bread over a fire.
  2. Products must be compatible with each other. For example, if you take herring for a picnic, then sweet fruits will be out of place, it is better to replace them with vegetables.
  3. If you are on a diet, you should not starve when everyone around you will eat deliciously. You can take lean bread with you and use it to make sandwiches with vegetables and cheese. A couple of pieces of meat will also not harm the figure.

How to organize a picnic in the city?

Many cannot afford outdoor recreation by the fire, so they are content with evening gatherings on a bedspread in the city strip. This is also a great alternative to relaxing at the computer.

Such a picnic does not require special preparation, just go to the store on the way to the place of rest and buy an approximate list of products:

  1. Bread black or white for sandwiches;
  2. Ham or meatloaf;

  1. Fresh cucumber and tomato, onion feathers optional;

  1. Light ready salad(you can cook it yourself at home);
  2. Pies with your favorite filling;
  3. Juice or fruit drink.

Drinking alcohol is prohibited in public places, so you should not take strong drinks with you.

In the open air comes a stronger appetite than at home in the kitchen, so you can afford more high-calorie food. Grilled chicken, pizza, rolls can also become attributes of such a mini picnic. The range of products depends only on your preferences.

What food to take on a picnic in the forest

A picnic in the forest implies a fire, so the first thing you need to take care of is the barbecue.


In order for the meat to be juicy and soft, it must be marinated a day before eating. Recipe for barbecue: per 1 kg pork meat prepare a marinade from 250 g of fat mayonnaise (small pack), 3 tablespoons of table 9% vinegar, half a tablespoon of sugar, salt to taste, a pinch of black ground pepper.

Instead of barbecue, you can give preference to fresh lard or simple sausages, if you have a grill grate, it is possible to cook grilled sausages on charcoal.

As a side dish

As a side dish for barbecue or grilled sausages, you can take:

  1. Salad from fresh tomatoes and cucumbers seasoned with olive or sunflower oil; or cook sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh vegetables;

  1. Fruits, especially citrus fruits, also go well with kebabs;
  2. Jacket-boiled potatoes.

Sauce for meat

Sauce for grilled meat can be bought ready-made or prepared by mixing equal parts low-fat mayonnaise and spicy tomato ketchup. For an amateur option with soy sauce and lemon juice.

What to take in cold weather?

List of foods for a picnic in cool weather:

  • Hot tea or coffee in a thermos;

  • Hearty salads such as Olivier, Caesar, royal;

  • Smoked sausage, pork ham or lard;

  • Hot grilled chicken;
  • Meat lasagna, hearty pizza;

  • Hot pastries with various fillings;
  • Warming drinks (mulled wine, cognac, wine).

In cold weather, in order to warm up faster, you need to use the most high-calorie foods. Hot drinks will also make you feel cozier.

Alcohol on a picnic

Drinking alcohol at a picnic is everyone's choice. However, it should be understood that alcohol should be a good snack. For these purposes, the best meat dishes and oily fish.

Fish is a real delicacy.

A delicacy dish at a picnic is pink salmon baked in foil over smoke. Before baking, red fish should be marinated according to the following recipe: a tablespoon lemon juice, seasoning mix for fish dishes, which can be bought at any store, low-calorie mayonnaise.

Many people prefer to drink alcohol, but for this it is advisable to choose natural drinks, such as fruit drink, from cranberries or currants; natural juice(optimally birch); chilled sweet tea.

The list of products for a picnic is an individual concept for each company, taking into account taste preferences and competently combining products, outdoor recreation will leave only pleasant impressions.

Video on the topic of the article:

Outdoor recreation is necessary for every inhabitant of the metropolis. In order to make it as comfortable as possible, you should think in advance what things you should take with you on a hike or trip.

What to take to nature with an overnight stay from things:

  • Sleeping bag and tent. If you are not extreme, then of course you will need a warm shelter from the night coolness and rain.
  • Warm blankets and warm clothes.
  • phone with gps.
  • Waterproof shoes.
  • Mosquito repellent, sunscreen. If the picnic takes place at the end of May, beginning of June, it is worth taking a remedy for ticks, since at this time there are especially many of them in the forest.
  • Knives. It is worth taking not one, but several.
  • opener. If you plan to drink wine, you will also need a corkscrew.
  • Cutting board. Well, if it is light, plastic. You can even take a few, then cooking will go much faster.
  • Tableware. For a picnic, disposable is best, you can take a plastic one, but keep in mind that you will also have to wash it later. Do not forget cups, forks, spoons, bowls for salads, kebabs, etc., they can be either plastic or iron. If you plan to cook fish soup or porridge, you should also take a bowler hat.
  • Iron tongs, fork, spatula. You will need them if you will cook vegetables or meat on the grill or wire rack.
  • Brazier. Better if it is foldable. If you have a brazier, you do not have to look for some frying devices on the spot. It is convenient to place both grids and skewers on it, so you can easily cook any dishes on the coals.
  • Nets, skewers.
  • Lighters, matches, fire starter, fire starter paper.
  • Firewood or coal. Take them only if you will be resting in an area where it is difficult to find dry branches or it has rained heavily the other day (then you simply cannot find dry firewood).
  • Hatchet. It is needed for chopping wood. If you take coal, you will not need this tool.
  • Bedspreads, rugs.
  • Disposable tablecloths.
  • Towels, napkins.
  • Folding furniture. Of course, you can do without folding chairs and a table, but if you have them and have the opportunity to take them with you, be sure to take them. With such furniture your rest will be as comfortable as possible.
  • technical water. It is worth taking more, especially if there is no reservoir nearby.
  • Wet wipes, toilet paper, soap, girls will not interfere with a mirror and a comb.
  • Beach towel. It will be needed if you plan to rest near the water.
  • Swimwear, swimming trunks. They can be useful not only for relaxing by the water, but also for sunbathing, for example, in a forest clearing.
  • Things for entertainment. In order for a summer picnic in nature to be as interesting and fun as possible, you should take care of entertainment. For this, a ball, cards, rackets, a guitar, a battery-powered radio or tape recorder, fishing rods, a camera, an air mattress, etc. can come in handy.
  • Toys for kids. So that the children do not get bored and do not ask to go home, it is worth thinking about their leisure time. For them, you can take a kite, jump ropes, hoops, bubble, buckets, shovels, molds, inflatable circles, coloring books, board games, etc.
  • Warm clothes. Outside the city, it can be quite chilly in the evening.
  • Garbage bags.

Such things must be taken with the calculation of the number of people who are going to get out into nature all together. It would also be useful if the company takes another supply of equipment for an overnight stay. Perhaps one of the friends wants to join the company unscheduled.

List of what to take to nature with an overnight stay from food

  • Drinking water, drinks. It can be mineral water, juices, compotes. It is very good to freeze such drinks and shift the products with them, this will keep them fresh for as long as possible. You can also take a thermos with boiling water and tea or coffee bags in stickers.
  • Salt, sauces, spices, vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar. Salt is necessary in any case, sauces and spices will be required for barbecue, vegetables, meat, salads, etc. Vinegar and oil are useful for dressing salads and cooking vegetables, sugar for tea.
  • Vegetables, greens. They can be eaten fresh, used in salads and sandwiches, and grilled over charcoal.
  • Fruit. They make a great dessert or light snack.
  • Bread, lavash, cakes. For dessert, cookies.
  • Meat, poultry, fish. They can be taken marinated and cooked on the spot, or if you don't plan to make a fire, cooked, fried or baked.
  • Cheeses, sausages, sausages, smoked meats. Sausages and sausages are great for cooking on coals, cheeses and sausages for sandwiches.
  • Products for sandwiches. It can be different cuts (salmon, boiled pork, etc.), sprats, cheese paste, butter, etc.
  • Salads and sandwiches, it is recommended to cook directly in nature, but at home you can make blanks for them.

It is best to transport food in a basket, it will not only look more aesthetic than an abundance of packages, but it will also protect your food from damage. A thermal bag is good for transporting food, it will protect it from spoilage.

To prepare salads, you should take blanks. It will be possible to cut and mix them into a single whole already directly on the spot. If you make salads in advance, dressing them with mayonnaise or sour cream sauce and taking them with you in nature, they may leak on the road, as a result of which they will become tasteless. They can also disappear if the road to the place of deployment is long.

The list of what to take on nature with an overnight stay may vary depending on the preferences of vacationers and their number. Each of them has the right to make changes to the top things necessary for a comfortable pastime outside the home.

Doctors about what you need to take to nature with an overnight stay (video):

What to take to nature with an overnight stay, if you have to get to the place of deployment on foot?

If you have to get to nature on foot, you will have to take a limited set of things with you, since a large number of all the utensils necessary for relaxation cannot be physically carried away with you.

Plus, if such a walk is planned, all things necessary for rest should be divided among the whole company. Naturally, each participant in the outing will have to take a sleeping bag and a blanket separately.