Cornmeal how to make from corn grits. Corn flour pies

House flour? Few people in our time decide to make their own, homemade flour. And why do it at home if there are shops with ready-made flour? If you are used to cooking from refined wheat flour, then you will probably never need to grind flour at home. But if you decide to start eating healthy food and replace refined flour with whole grain, then here you can’t do without homemade flour. Not always the flour you need is on sale. In the surrounding shops, usually, the choice is not so big and boils down to best case to whole wheat flour. And about, for example, spelled flour is out of the question at all. In addition, whole grain flour has a very short shelf life, and not everyone will be able to use a kilogram. whole grain flour for 1-2 months.

It happens that the need for homemade flour is forced - recently, cases of gluten allergy have become more frequent and people are forced to follow a gluten-free diet. You can hardly find any gluten-free bread or cookies on sale, and you can only dream of gluten-free pies, dumplings or bread. This problem is usually solved by gluten-free flour, which for some reason is not sold.

Flour at home can be made from almost any grain, as well as from nuts. You can make either a strictly defined amount of flour and not worry that the remaining flour will disappear. And you can grind for future use if you cook often. And most importantly - fresh and useful product you will always have at hand.

Equipment for making flour at home

The ideal option for grinding flour at home, of course, is a home grain mill. Or a special mixer attachment. I will talk about attachments below. With home mill homemade flour done quickly and without problems. However, this is not the cheapest thing and takes up a lot of space in our already non-rubber kitchen. I think not everyone is ready for such a purchase. If you just want to give it a try, then chances are you have a piece of equipment in your kitchen that can help you grind your own flour. It will not be so convenient, it will take a little more time than with a special mill, but you will get flour. …

Flour can be made from any grain. About the features of a particular grain, as well as grinding, see below.

Gluten-Free Cereals and Seeds:

If you are interested in gluten-free baking, then sooner or later you will decide to cook something with rice flour. The most suitable rice flour for baking is sweet rice flour. This rice is also called glutinous rice. The grains of this rice are short and…

By far the easiest way to grind corn into a reasonably high quality flour is to take it to the mill. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, especially if it is necessary to recycle Not a large number of raw materials, especially since there is nothing overly complicated in how to make cornmeal at home. In total, there are several ways to make corn flour, and all of them directly depend on which grinding option was chosen. So, the easiest way to grind grains into flour is with the help of a professional electric coffee grinder with a large capacity to load, especially since in this case finished products it turns out very small, light and airy and is not much different from the one that is sold in bags in stores in a ready-made form. A manual coffee grinder will not bring such a result and with its help you can only get second-grade flour or maximum, first-grade, but not the highest grade.

Besides, this way suggests that the owner will have to exert physical effort, and not everyone will like this. However, the finished product turns out to be quite good and on its basis you can easily cook Moldavian hominy, Mexican tortillas and even curly homemade pasta for sauce or ravioli. There is another method of how to make cornmeal from grits at home and it consists in manual grinding with a heavy mortar and pestle. However, in this case, you cannot grind a lot of flour, as you will have to sweat hard, and the result will leave much to be desired, because it is impossible to grind dry corn grain without millstones or electric knives. Therefore, the best option is still a coffee grinder, ideally an electric one. As for the cooking process itself, first of all it involves proper training raw materials (in this case corn kernels).

And the most common mistake is their soaking, because the grain should not be moistened, but, on the contrary, all excess moisture should be drawn out of it. It is enough just to wash it in several waters (twice in warm and once in cold running water) and carefully lay it out in one layer on cardboard in a dry place with an air temperature of 20-5 degrees Celsius. Ideally, dry the grain in an open space, because in order for it not to get steamy from the inside, it is necessary to ensure intensive air circulation. Properly dried grain becomes slightly wrinkled and very hard to the touch. After grinding it in a coffee grinder, the resulting flour should also be dried for at least two to three days, otherwise it can also become damp and moldy. To do this, again you need a thick cardboard that will hold its shape or wooden / metal shields / trays, on which flour should be poured and leveled with a thin layer.

During the drying period, it is recommended to constantly stir the flour in order to prevent the formation of mold in it, because it will no longer be possible to dry such products in the open air for obvious reasons (wind). The final stage involves double sifting flour through the finest sieve and packing it into paper bags or bags. flour before using own cooking it is also necessary to sift, as it tends to be very caked and form numerous lumps. It is much easier to cook corn grits from which quite tasty sweet cereals and unsweetened side dishes are obtained. In this case, the raw material is prepared in the manner described above and quickly ground in a manual coffee grinder to end up with a larger fraction.

    You can make your own cornmeal at home. The main thing in this whole process is that the corn kernels are dry, otherwise nothing will work. So, for the preparation of corn flour you will need: dry corn grains and a coffee grinder that can successfully grind them. That's all. You can also try with a blender.

    From corn grits- cut with a coffee grinder. Only a coffee grinder needs a burr with adjustable grinding degree. This will cost you at least 2-2.5 thousand Russian rubles.

    P.S. I used to do this task with a 1990 Veduga mixer with a special nozzle, but it died at the age of 15, and modern ones, due to the abundance of plastic in the joints, even with the declared high power, cannot do this ...

    Volodya, in my opinion, the answer is very simple. Have to take corn kernels a sufficient degree of maturity. Those. the grain should already be hard. If the grain is still on the cob of corn, then it must be shelled. And then grind the grains to a state of flour. What to grind? You can try it in a coffee grinder. Of course, the yield of flour will be small. But after all, it is needed not in industrial quantities, but for itself, i.e. not so much.

    Perhaps one of the men will offer a different method of grinding, but I outlined the main idea.

    Cornmeal can be made from corn grits using a coffee grinder.

    The only thing is that until the end this corn flour will not be complete, but with pieces of corn grits.

    Such cornmeal can only be used for breading, and then the remains of not very milled cereals will come across.

    since no modern coffee grinder can grind corn as it is done in an industrial way.

    Of course, you can still take a sieve and sift the resulting flour well.

    All the same, it is better to buy ready-made corn flour, since the coffee grinder grinds coffee grains well, but corn grains are much stronger.

    Now everyone is trying to go to healthy eating and do not trust store-bought bread - they bake themselves. Flour, they say, is also bad now, like, wheat is treated with chemicals, GMOs, etc. Therefore, many and flour different kind began to make at home. To do this, they buy or make home mills themselves, which can grind a large or small amount, according to need, of various grains. For example, such.

    Make cornmeal you can do it yourself.

    Corn flour much more useful than wheat, barley and rye flour.

    After all, the store already has ready-made corn grits.

    All you have to do is take a coffee grinder and corn grits and grind yourself right amount flour.

    Believe me, it's very easy and fast.

    I tried to make it from corn grits. That is, not from whole grains, but from cereals - already crushed grains.

    I have a modern, but Russian, Mikma coffee grinder. I grind everything in it. But she grinded corn grits with difficulty, and did not grind it to fine, very fine flour. Still, there was still a small amount of graininess. Probably, it would be possible to finish grinding if you try longer, but it turned out for a very long time, and it still didn’t work out with real flour without grains. So I can say it's a problem.

    Only now we have begun to sell cornmeal, before it was not. Quite good. So do not bother to grind yourself.

    If you don’t have the opportunity to buy ready-made cornmeal now, you can order it online.

    Flax seed has a very dense shell. But I also successfully crushed it in a powerful coffee grinder from an old German food processor. Turned out to be the real one flax flour. The same can be done with corn grits . It’s just that the volume of the coffee grinder is not large, so you have to make several passes to get a sufficient amount of flour. Although, for pancakes or as an addition to some flour dish cornmeal not much is needed.

    Yes, it seems to be very simple, if there is corn grits and some kind of thresher, blender or coffee grinder. Pour in the corn grits and thresh until flour. From corn grains, do not try to try, it will not work, there you must first dry the grains correctly.

Flour is a universally recognized food product. It is obtained by grinding grains. Consumers associate flour with the processing of wheat and rye. But it's not right. This product is obtained from various cereals. Each plant has certain properties. It can be beneficial or harmful. Corn is no exception. What are the benefits and harms of cornmeal?

How and what is cornmeal made from?

The grains are removed from the plant and dried. Dried grains are ground in impact or grinding machines. When grinding whole grains, a wholemeal flour is obtained, which contains various fractions. Its properties have been used in bakery products. Fine grinding requires separation of fractions to obtain uniform consistency. Its properties are indispensable in the confectionery industry.

Chemical composition of cornmeal

The plant contains more than twenty useful substances. It includes vital organic compounds:

  • retinol (A);
  • carotenes;
  • a number of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • choline is a vitamin-like formation;
  • ascorbic acid (C);
  • tocopherol (E);
  • vitamins of groups K;
  • nicotinic acid (PP).

Nutritional value and calorie content of cornmeal

Corn flour is high in calories. Its calorie content per 100 grams of the product is 331 kcal. It is 56.3% carbohydrates. 22% are dietary fiber. The share of beks is 8.78%. 2.31% is fat. And only 0.55% is water.

Benefits of cornmeal

The beneficial properties of cornmeal have been known for a long time. Due to its lower calorie content, corn flour is healthier than wheat flour. It improves bowel function, reduces fermentation. Strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic. Counteracts the accumulation of cholesterol. Strengthens immune system. Iron stimulates the reproduction of blood cells and the delivery of oxygen to them. The fluorine contained in the plant strengthens the bones. Teeth become stronger. Magnesium improves memory. Vitamins rejuvenate skin cells. Protein maintains muscle tone.

Advice! Despite the variety of composition, no single product can contain all the useful substances. Food should be varied.

For adults

Corn flour - healthy food for people involved in sports. The benefit of this diet is muscle growth. One of the properties of cereal is the removal of harmful substances from the body. Benefits for women in slowing down aging, improving skin condition, stimulating hair growth.

For the elderly

The cereal is good for the health of the elderly. It stimulates digestion. Some trace elements prevent the manifestations of dementia - senile dementia.

For children

The property of cornmeal to strengthen bones is known. Children who love corn have healthy and strong teeth. Magnesium contributes to the proper development of the psyche. IN baby food corn feed plays a big role. He is appointed from six months. The porridge is soft. Feeding it is possible even in the absence of teeth.

Attention! Cereal does not contain gluten. It is hypoallergenic and good for toddlers.

For pregnant and lactating women

It is better to eat yesterday's cakes. Freshly cooked more moisture, which contributes to the swelling of the product and swelling of the intestines.

For nursing mothers, the benefits of cereal in increasing the volume of milk. The product enhances lactation.

The benefits and harms of cornmeal for weight loss

Grains contain anthocyanins. These substances have the ability to destroy fat cells. Corn flour when losing weight stabilizes the metabolism. It is used for prevention excess weight. The plant normalizes stool and digestion, reduces sugar. Fiber fills the stomach and makes you feel full. By suppressing hunger, cereal eliminates the need to eat other foods. It has a lot of starch. This carbohydrate is digested in the large intestine, so it is not stored as fat.

For people with poor blood clotting problems, the plant will be harmful. The properties of cereal can be harmful in some pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Daily intake of cornmeal

There is no rule regulating the consumption of corn dishes. You can eat them as much as you like.

Attention! Products should be distributed in equal portions for several meals.

Is cornmeal good for diabetes and pancreatitis?

For digesting rough dietary fiber need enzymes that are absent in diseases of the pancreas. Assimilation of starch creates an extra burden, so food from corn is harmful. Allowed between attacks gruel from corn cooked in water.

Cornmeal for diabetes is a healthy food. She provides low calorie diet and coarse fiber, which controls the increase in sugar. Fiber curbs the feeling of hunger, preventing overeating. For diabetic patients, this property is very useful.

Medicines based on cornmeal

The benefits of cornmeal for the body are great. Cooking recipes of it are present in the cuisines of various nations. Useful properties of cereal are widely used in folk healing.

From high blood pressure

Many people suffer from hypertension. It leads to constant stress, physical inactivity, excesses in nutrition. Early signs of a rise blood pressure do not attract attention. Fatigue is a natural state towards the end of the day. Heaviness in the head is correlated with changes in weather conditions. "Flies" in the eyes are explained by a lack of oxygen. When these symptoms are found, pressure cornmeal is a good remedy. With its constant intake for 2-3 months, all negative phenomena disappear without a trace.

Attention! If at least the first degree of hypertension is diagnosed, then folk remedies not enough for treatment.

Traditional medicine has a preventive and auxiliary direction. Taking medications prescribed by a therapist is mandatory.

From sand in the kidneys

The benefits of cornmeal for kidney diseases are great. It is most relevant for the accumulation of sand in the urinary organs. Its use prevents the crystallization of sand and the formation of stones. Possessing a diuretic effect, the product cleanses the kidneys, removes sand, relieves inflammation.

Inflammation of the liver and gallbladder

Choleretic effect and anti-inflammatory effect - for a long time known properties of this cereal, which have found application in medicine. The use of cornmeal products stimulates digestion, relieves inflammation, and improves the outflow of bile. You can take it like this:

  • pour 1 tbsp. l. product 200 ml hot water;
  • stir the contents well;
  • cool for breakfast instead of eating.

After 30 days, the condition will improve significantly.

With inflammation of the bladder

Corn flour is a healthy food for cystitis. Its use is based on a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The grains of the plant promote blood clotting. Food with its addition is harmful to people suffering from this disease.

The use of cornmeal in cosmetology

The properties of cornmeal are known for their benefits in cosmetology. Milled grains are used in the form of masks for hair and face. Masks nourish the skin, make it soft and smooth. In terms of effect, they are superior to industrial cosmetic preparations. This is not surprising - they do not contain preservatives, dyes, flavors.

Attention! Homemade cosmetical tools are not stored. They should be used immediately after preparation.

Rejuvenating face mask

Beat the white of one egg with 2 tbsp. l. plant seed powder. Add 10 drops of lemon juice. Apply the mixture on a washed and steamed face. Keep until dry. Rinse warm boiled water. The result will be smoothing, freshness and velvety of the face.

Moisturizing face and neck mask

Mix 5 grams of honey with 10 drops olive oil. Warm up the mixture a little. Add one egg yolk to the composition and beat with a mixer, gradually adding 10 drops of lime juice. In the resulting mass add 1 tsp. l. corn powder. Bring the composition to the state homogeneous mass and spread evenly on a clean face. Do not rinse for half an hour. Remove with boiled water. The skin will become clean. The feeling of tightness will disappear.

Acne cornmeal mask

This mask removes comedones and unclogs pores.

Mix 15 g of flour and the same amount of cosmetic blue clay thoroughly. Prepare a decoction of 15 g of lemon balm and 100 grams of boiling water. Pour the broth over the clay with flour and mix. Apply to a clean face. Wash off after 20 minutes.

Corn mask for oily hair

The simplest remedy for oily hair is a mask with lemon juice. Heat a glass of lemon juice and stir with the same amount of flour. Using a comb, evenly apply the resulting mixture to freshly washed curls, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a warm towel. Keep for half an hour, then rinse. Lemon juice degreases curls. Vitamins restore their structure.

How to make cornmeal at home

You can get flour at home. Scroll the dried corn kernels in a powerful coffee grinder. You will get a wonderful homemade product.

What can be made from cornmeal

Different peoples of the world have long been preparing dishes from corn. In Moldova, they love hominy. Italians love polenta. Prepared in Russia corn pancakes, pancakes, cakes. Meat, vegetables, fish are baked in corn dough. The result is very original dishes. Corn cookies are crumbly and tender, and waffles are crispy.

Benefits of baking with cornmeal

Bread is made from cornmeal. The goods are rare in stores. It has a sweet taste and bright yellow color. cornbread It's good and bad at the same time. It all depends on the characteristics of a particular organism. Benefit:

  • few calories;
  • many useful substances;
  • positive effect on digestion;
  • regulation of metabolism.

Cornbread is bad for underweight people. It will harm in case of exacerbation of gastritis, cholecystitis, intestinal ulcer. This harmful product with liver failure. It stimulates strong bile secretion.

Corn biscuits - delicious dessert. It is soft and crumbly. The benefits of corn cookies are low in calories. It is recommended for those with a sweet tooth who want to lose weight.

Harm of cornmeal and contraindications

Corn flour - severe harm in diseases associated with increased blood clotting. It will make it thicker even more. It is unacceptable to use this product with exacerbation of diseases of the intestines and stomach. If the disease is in an acute period, then it is necessary to exclude food with corn from the diet.


The benefits and harms of cornmeal are determined only by the state of a particular organism. Healthy people only benefit from corn. For some health problems, such products are harmful.

Fans of corn and dishes from this cereal should focus on their health. This is the main criterion useful properties and possible harm.

Cornmeal has been known for its health benefits since ancient times. Nowadays, most housewives underestimate its nutritional qualities and rarely use it for cooking. It is possible to cook a lot of delicacies from it: pancakes and muffins, pancakes and tortillas, casseroles and muffins. Dishes cooked with this flour are light and fluffy. The following are selected recipes made from cornmeal.

This is a tender, tasty, airy, low-fat and very healthy dish.


  • egg - 1 large;
  • corn flour - 90 g;
  • sweetener - 2 teaspoons;
  • kefir - 180 ml;
  • soda - half a teaspoon.


  1. Heat up kefir. The main thing is not to overheat, otherwise it will curl up.
  2. Pour soda, leave to complete the process.
  3. Pour in the egg.
  4. Add sweetener.
  5. Sprinkle flour.
  6. Bake in a non-stick frying pan without the use of oil.

bread recipe

Bread from this flour is crumbly, friable. It bakes well. Products do not get stale for a long time, while maintaining taste.


  • warm water for dough - 125 ml;
  • wheat flour for dough - 130 g;
  • wheat flour for dough - 80 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh yeast - 15 g;
  • warm water for dough - 125 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • corn flour - 180 g;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Mix yeast with sugar. Salt.
  2. Pour in water for steaming. Rub with a spoon until you get a liquid slurry.
  3. Pour the norm of flour for dough.
  4. Leave for half an hour.
  5. When the mass grows - the dough is ready.
  6. Separately, mix the water for the dough and cornmeal.
  7. Pour in the steam. Pour oil.
  8. Pour wheat flour, knead the dough.
  9. Knead for a long time, slowly adding flour. After eight minutes, the dough will become more pliable and pleasant to the touch.
  10. Place in a pre-oiled mold.
  11. Cover with a package.
  12. Set aside for an hour.
  13. When the volume doubles, you can send to hot oven(200 deg.)
  14. Cook for about half an hour.

How to cook pancakes?

Pancakes made from cornmeal are tasty and very healthy, because it contains a large amount of vitamins. The dough is well baked, remaining soft and melting in the middle with a crispy golden crust on the edge.


  • eggs - 2 large;
  • wheat flour - 130 g;
  • corn flour - 400 g;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • carbonated water - 250 ml;
  • corn oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 270 ml.


  1. Mix flour.
  2. Pour in the milk, it should be at room temperature.
  3. Break the eggs. Salt.
  4. Pour in carbonated water. Whisk.
  5. Leave for half an hour.
  6. Grease a hot skillet with corn oil.
  7. Scoop up the mass with a ladle. Tilt the pan, pour in the batter. Tilt in different directions to distribute over the entire surface.
  8. Turn over after a minute and a half.

corn biscuits

Corn flour cookies are crumbly and satisfying with a bright yellow color.


  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • eggs - 2 large;
  • baking powder - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 130 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 180 g;
  • orange peel - 1 pc.;
  • corn flour - 250 g.


  1. Beat sugar with egg and vanilla sugar.
  2. Put softened butter.
  3. Mix.
  4. Place the zest.
  5. Pour in cornmeal. Stir, then wheat.
  6. Put in a bag and place in the freezer for half an hour.
  7. Roll. Cut out shapes.
  8. Lay out on a baking sheet. Bake for a quarter of an hour.
  9. Temperature 180 deg.

mexican tortilla

Recipes for cornmeal cakes are different. This lean version without adding oil. It is recommended to add a little wheat flour for a bunch to make the dough elastic. Most often, thin cakes are baked, but in fact, you can make any thickness as you like.


  • oil for lubricating hands;
  • corn flour - 150 g;
  • salt;
  • wheat flour - 75 g;
  • boiling water - 250 ml.


  1. Mix flour.
  2. Add salt.
  3. Pour in water.
  4. Stir.
  5. The dough should become elastic and dense. If too dry, add more water. If watery, add cornmeal. To make the dough more convenient to knead, hands must be constantly lubricated with sunflower oil.
  6. Cut into eight pieces. Cover with a package.
  7. Roll up the balls. Roll.
  8. Heat up the pan.
  9. Lay out the cake. You don't need to add oil.
  10. Fry a minute. Flip. You can’t keep it for a long time, otherwise it will dry out.

Corn flour pies

A healthy, nutritious treat that the whole family will appreciate.


  • selected eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 70 g;
  • corn flour - 200 g;
  • warm water - 150 ml;
  • spices;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • bulb;
  • high-speed dry yeast - 6 g;
  • white cabbage - 170 g.


  1. Mix sugar with water, add yeast.
  2. After swelling of the yeast, pour in the egg and salt.
  3. Pour in wheat flour and a little corn flour. Knead.
  4. Gradually add the remaining cornmeal. The dough should not stick.
  5. Cover with foil.
  6. Leave for an hour and a half. It should at least double in size.
  7. Shred the cabbage.
  8. Pour oil into the pan. Place cabbage. Salt. Add spices.
  9. Fry.
  10. Clean the bulb. Cut. Add to cabbage.
  11. Darken six minutes.
  12. Boil eggs, cool, peel, cut into cubes.
  13. Mix with cabbage.
  14. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  15. Turn on the oven (180 degrees).
  16. Roll the dough into a sausage.
  17. Cut into equal pieces.
  18. Spin the ball. Flatten in your hands to form a circle.
  19. Put the filling.
  20. Pinch the edges.
  21. Lay out on a baking sheet. Bake for half an hour.

Mamaliga - step by step recipe

Exquisite, delicious-tasting porridge made from cornmeal - hominy. It's quick and easy to make and requires a minimum of ingredients.


  • corn flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1000 ml;
  • salt;
  • butter - 75 g.


  1. Boil water in a cauldron, adding salt.
  2. After boiling, add flour. It should be added in small portions. Boil two minutes.
  3. Mix so that there are no lumps.
  4. Add oil.
  5. Smooth out with a spoon.
  6. Set fire to minimum. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  7. Turn the cauldron onto a wooden board. The correct hominy will fall out, retaining its shape.

Corn flour: benefits and harms

Many people buying this product think about the benefits and harms of cornmeal. Most importantly, food made from flour is low in calories, but at the same time nutritious. This a good option to unload the body after a feast, as well as for weight loss. Due to the high content of fiber, dishes prepared from this flour normalize the functioning of the intestines, have a good effect on the functioning of the brain and circulatory system.

If you want to improve the color and texture of the skin, eat foods that include this flour for a long time. Its composition improves the condition of teeth and bones, helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the bladder, normalizes urination and sugar levels, and slows down the aging process.

In addition to useful properties, limitations are known. It should not be eaten after surgery, as it thickens the blood. If a child has a tendency to allergies or diathesis, dishes with cornmeal should not be consumed. If there is a poor appetite and there is a lack of body weight, flour can be harmful, it interferes with weight gain. Contraindicated in exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, if you have a disease of the gallbladder or liver, you should consult a doctor.

How is it different from rye flour?

Dishes made from cornmeal are softer than those made from rye flour. In the second case, the baking comes out very dense.

Is different corn composition beautiful yellow color. Rye flour has a grayish tint and inclusions are present - small particles of grain shells.