How long to cook corn grits. What is useful corn porridge? Corn dish with meat.

It is energetically valuable, low-calorie, gluten-free, rich in slow carbohydrates and minerals. Corn dishes go well with various vegetables, cheeses, cilantro, basil and other herbs. Children's porridge can be seasoned with yogurt, served with dried fruits, canned peach slices, jam. In Italy, polenta is cooked from this product, in the countries of Eastern Europe - mamalyga. We will tell you how to cook corn porridge correctly, and how long it takes.

Some of America's finest hunters and warriors rely on this food when they go on their long hunting trips or on fast marches far more exhausting and long than the average soldier can carry. So did Lewis and Clark on their remarkable expedition to the unknown West. Today's travelers who plan expeditions and gather their equipment in big cities and think they will have to drive a small army of carriers and fighters through the wilderness will do well if they read the notes for this journey if they want to understand what a real first pass is. .

Subtleties of cooking

Corn is native to Central America. In the Middle Ages, the nucleoli were ground roughly, so the porridge was cooked for a long time. Now the cooking process has noticeably accelerated, as they are turned into small grains. Before cooking, the crushed plant is poured into a sieve and washed. If the porridge is cooked in a saucepan, use dishes with a thick bottom. How much water do you need? To get a thick dish, take three glasses of liquid, liquid - four.

However, it is understood that dried and ground cornmeal was used mainly or only as a reserve when no meat or other food was available. Typically, hunters during their time away from populated areas or commercial posts experienced a mostly "meat diet" that varied from nuts, roots, wild lettuces and strawberries. This is what Boone did for much of his first expedition to Kentucky, and traders from the far west during Jim Bridger and Kit Carson.

Chopped, dried corn kernels used by local travelers in Latin America and occasionally by seasoned climbers "our modern ancestors" in the Apalachians. In parts of the South and West, roasted and ground corn is referred to as "carbon meal". In Mexico it is known as phenols. It's the only form you can wear with a balanced weight and nutrient profile to help you survive weeks and even months without any stomach or intestinal issues.

Recipe on water

To prepare a side dish for 6 people, take a glass of cereal, 600 ml of water, 30 ml of vegetable (preferably olive) oil, a pinch of salt. A porridge created by traditional recipe, can be served with herbs, stewed vegetables, mushroom sauce. The whole process of cooking in water takes 40 minutes.

Cooking method:

  • A pot of water is put on fire. The boiled liquid is salted, corn is thrown into the dishes.
  • The fire is kept to a minimum. Porridge, stirring occasionally, is boiled in water under a lid.
  • After a third of an hour, the fire is turned off. Pour in the oil and mix everything.
  • For another 10 minutes, the pan is kept closed so that the side dish “reaches”.
  • Porridge is laid out on plates and served hot.

A dish according to this recipe can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in the oven. For this, corn is placed portionwise in ceramic pots with salted liquid. The dishes are covered with lids and placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. An hour later, the dish is taken out. Fill it with oil, sprinkle with herbs. How many minutes do they keep corn in the microwave? In the microwave oven, porridge is cooked at maximum power for 7 minutes. Then they take it out, mix it and put it back in the microwave for another 5 minutes.

Its principle is quite simple: if you eat with nothing but a bunch of cornmeal and keep going hard, you will feel hungry in an hour or two while your stomach is swollen with pain. But if instead of blooming so much food by burning it at the stake, you just mix it with cold water and drink it, you will do triple the amount in ten times less time. You won't feel the difference on your belt, but you will feel it very strongly at your feet, especially if you're carrying a heavy pack on your back.

There is something similar to the effect of dried apples, but much better. No danger of "bursting": food puffs up as much as required, not so suddenly. Instead of plain cornmeal, you've made breakfast not only drinkable, but definitely better.

Classic polenta recipe

Polenta, according to the old Italian recipe, prepared from coarse corn in thick-walled cast-iron cauldrons. However, it is good to prepare a traditional dish you can use it in a regular pot. For a glass of cereal, you need to take a liter of water and 150 ml of liquid. Other ingredients will be required: a tablespoon of flour, 100 ml of olive oil, paprika, salt.

You can easily prepare this food by roasting on light brown beans and baking them to a size that the water mixture is drinkable without mixing the consistency of puree like you would with flour. good wheat as good as corn, maybe even better, as the mixture becomes very good. Plain crushed oats baked in coffee in the oven and passed through a coffee grinder or spice are just as good and easy to prepare as others. Ten percent cornmeal added to it will make it taste better so your kids will steal it and run away with it if you didn't hide it!

Cooking method:

  • Boil liquid in a saucepan. Add corn and simmer over low heat.
  • Stir regularly. After half an hour, remove from the stove. Whip the porridge boiled in water with a whisk.
  • lay the tray cling film. Put the corn mixture on top.
  • Form a layer from porridge. When the mass hardens, pour sauce over it and cut into portions.

How is gravy prepared? Oil is heated in a frying pan. While stirring, add flour. Next, the mixture is simmered over low heat. Salt, sprinkle with paprika. Polenta can also be served in a different way: lightly fry the pieces of polenta in olive oil. corn porridge, season them with garlic and tomatoes.

You can also add some natural chocolate on the palate, which in turn pairs beautifully with pop-up corn. Remember that there is "a lot of toppings for your price", and make it easier with it until you find your "dose". Now for the app: A Mexican desert bumper ties a little pouch to his saddle toes and sets off for a few days. This is one of the most simple products in the most convenient form, dustproof and sandy, inaccessible to flies and bugs, and for anything else.

Two generous spoons can make a regular "soup" and if you don't have anything else, you can do this several times a day. With a handful of raisins or a piece of sweet chocolate or maple sugar, you can have a complete meal. But what are the real nutritional qualities of this Indian invention? According to the USDA Corn and Maize Nutrition Fact Sheet, this is what it looks like.

Recipe in a slow cooker

A slow cooker allows you to significantly facilitate the process of cooking porridge. How long it takes to cook depends on the model of the unit. In some slow cookers, crushed corn is boiled in water for less than an hour. In others, the “porridge” mode is designed for 2 hours. It is advisable to adhere to the deadlines indicated in the instructions, since several stages of processing the nuclei are replaced during the recommended cycle in the multicooker. As a result, the dish is soft and crumbly. Grains can be cooked faster if the multicooker has a multicooker function. First, the porridge is steamed in the "croup" mode. After a third of an hour, the “multi-cook” function is used, setting the temperature to 150 degrees. After 10 minutes, the dish is ready.

Shredded toasted corn owes its energy strength not only to its relatively high nutritional value, as shown in the table, but also by the fact that when it is drunk with water instead of being boiled, it swells in the stomach and gives a comforting feeling of fullness. And it's not deceptive, as is the case with some other low energy foods!

And as a final note, here's a recipe from me that you can easily make at home. Place cornmeal in a large bowl on the stovetop and cook over moderate heat until it turns brown. Stir well all the time so as not to burn. Then you put it in another container and let it cool down. Add sugar and cinnamon and mix well. Ideas on how to use it can be found in the text above.

The original recipe for children - porridge "Sun" in a slow cooker. To prepare a dish on the water you will need: a glass of cornmeal, 300 g of diced pumpkin pulp. 2 glasses coconut milk, glass of water, salt and sugar. Put the bowl with all the ingredients in the slow cooker. Cook the dish for half an hour in the "milk porridge" mode. After the signal, give the porridge a quarter of an hour to “reach”. If desired, this recipe in a slow cooker can be modified. Sugar, for example, can be replaced with honey or dried fruits.

Come and get acquainted with products that you have not yet known and used, but are healthy, tasty and even inexpensive. Each part will be dedicated specifically to one of them. We want to make it easy for you to find and advice on how to cook and prepare delicious food. Martin Shkaba. They contain a large number of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the proper functioning of the intestines.

Among other things, this complex carbohydrate, so that it is slowly released into the body, the energy lasts a long time and has a minimal tendency to store it in subcutaneous fat, the expert adds. What else? Milk is rich in zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium, which are usually deficient in the diet, adds Nikola Khanishova, nutrition and mobility consultant. "They have a low glycemic index so they are also good for diabetics.” The price of 500 g of prisons is about 35 crowns.

Porridges occupy a special place in the diet of every person, as they are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Porridge can act as a full breakfast, lunch or dinner, as well as a side dish, and it occupies a special place in baby food. All cereals are divided into crumbly, viscous and liquid, depending on the cereals used. However, very often novice cooks are faced with such a problem as ignorance of the basics of cooking cereals. For example, few people know how to cook corn grits. To properly prepare the second dish of cereals, you just need to follow a few simple tips.

Raw materials for 1 person: 60 g of jelly, 10 pieces of nuts, a couple of raisins, ground cinnamon, cocoa or agave syrup, banana slice, apple or dried fruit, 3 tablespoons of white yogurt. Meat pulp will work well in the morning: it heats up and heats up. Procedure: Prepare the muesli according to the instructions, i.e. about 20-30 minutes. Exaggerate and add some almonds, cashews, nuts and ground flaxseeds, as well as some dried or fresh fruits, raisins and cinnamon. Pour all yogurt and flavor with agave syrup or authentic cocoa.

This mush will keep you warm in the morning and will make your stomach feel good. Raw materials for 2 people: 200 g of jelly, oil, herbs, pepper, salt, soy sauce, cornmeal. Jelly hamburgers - an alternative to the plant-based option for classic meat. Procedure: First dry the dry mist in a frying pan, clean the skin and then soften after cooking. Then boil them in water until they are completely softened. Stir in cornmeal, stir and dip soy sauce. Add herbs, preferably fresh, and make small dips in the dough.

Consider what it is and how it is prepared.

It should be noted that corn grits contain a large amount of silicon, which helps strengthen teeth, and few calories. It promotes the removal of fats and toxins from the body, improves activity of cardio-vascular system. Cereals are widely spread in Moldova and Romania, here they are cooked regularly. But how to cook corn grits?

Who wants to fry them for 10 minutes in oil in a pan that stores calories, put them on a 180 degree baking oven and bake for at least 20 minutes. Peas with warm vegetables for dinner. Ingredients for 1 person: 60 g of jelly, frozen vegetable mixture or other favorites or zucchini or eggplant, 1 onion, spices to taste, grated cheese, 2 tomatoes.

Procedure: Boil the jars and meanwhile cook the vegetables - in a saucepan, squeeze it over the onion, season with spices, then mix the prepared muesli. Add cheese or fresh tomatoes. Are you trying to cook and taste these dishes? In the next work, enjoy Bulgarian recipes.

First you need to put salt, sugar and the cereal itself (at a ratio of 1: 2) into boiling water or milk and simmer for five minutes, then cover the pan with a lid and cook for another fifteen minutes. This is the most common way to prepare corn porridge.

Very often, ready-made porridge is diluted with milk, yogurt or fruit puree. They also use fried tomatoes, onions and peppers as an additive to porridge, and after cooking, cheese cut into small pieces is added to the pan. Also served with cream, cheese or pumpkin.

Cooking time: 40 minutes Baking time: 25 minutes Number of servings: 5. In a deeper frying pan, heat olive oil and sprinkle with finely chopped onions, carrots and celery, simmer for about 10 minutes. Add chopped garlic and chopped tomatoes and juice. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15 minutes. Finally, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs. Pour the polenta into 0.75 liters of boiling water, stir and cook for 3 minutes.

Prepare a baking dish and remove it from olive oil. Bottom of the bottom of the bowl pour the vegetable mixture. Again, add herbal mixture, the remaining polenta and the rest of the vegetables. Finally, sprinkle with cheese and let stand. Soak mushrooms for 15 minutes in water. Add milk and bring to a boil. Then stir in the polenta and simmer stirring over low heat for 4 minutes.

Let's consider another recipe, like cereals, if a sufficiently large cut is used.

It is necessary to pour cereals into boiling water (at a ratio of 1: 1) and cook over low heat for ten minutes, after which milk is poured into the pan, sugar is added, and everything continues to cook for another twenty minutes. After all, the pan is removed from the stove and placed in the oven for half an hour.

Finally, add 1 cup of cheese and Dozolo to taste. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a saucepan and honeycomb on it, soaked out of the water is squeezed out. Beat enough water until half cooked and simmer for about 20 minutes. Finally, add salt, pepper, crushed garlic, herbs and lemon juice. Baked polenta with mushroom mixture and garnish serve as a main course.

Finely chopped onion fry in oil, then add thin squares of celery and tempeh. At the same time cut into small cubes of toasted bread, which are then mixed in tempeh with celery and chopped herb services. Mix well and season with salt, pepper, minced garlic, marjoram and parsley. Let the rest for a while and at the same time prepare the instant polenta, which we mix perfectly together.

Thus, now every cook knows not only how much to cook corn grits but also how it is properly prepared.

You need to know a few cooking rules viscous cereals, which includes corn. Such cereals are cooked in milk or water, and all grains must be boiled. Ready meal Drizzle with butter and sprinkle with sugar.

To 1 liter of boiling water with melted vegetable broth gradually pours slowly stirred instantaneous semolina corn. The resulting thick slurry mix with the rest of the ingredients. After baking, serve, cut into thick slices, for example, vegetable salad with seedlings.

Spinach hominy with cheese and mushrooms

Preparation: 45 minutes Servings: 4. Wash the spinach leaves, drain and finely chop while the onion. cook large saucepan and half a chopped onion in pen olive oil, add spinach leaves. Clean mushrooms, cut into thin slices, salt and steam for a wider pan to soften the remaining onion and olive oil.

You can also make a casserole out of corn grits. Let us consider in detail how and how much to cook corn grits in this case.

This will require half a kilogram of cereal, two liters of water, one yolk, grated cheese, two glasses of milk, butter and salt.

Groats are poured into a pot of cold water, salted and boiled. Ready porridge it is necessary to put it on a greased baking sheet, grease with yolk, sprinkle with cheese and pour over the next. oil. The dish is baked in the oven and served with hot milk.

The movement is constant so you don't create clumps. Be careful when boiling high sizzle polenta! After 3 minutes, hominy is ready. Mix grated cheese and butter. Stir until polenta is completely dissolved. Then park the polenta and prepare the final garlic.

Cut it into thin slices and quickly flicked fry in olive oil. Cooked spinach and mushrooms, possibly late in the season with tamari soy sauce and pepper. Serve the polenta still warm and liquid, put the trash spinach, mushrooms on it and finally fried garlic slices with olive oil, which perfectly complements the overall flavor of the dish. Serve fresh vegetables in winter, add sauerkraut.

It should be noted that corn grits are a source of protein, lysine and tryptophan, carbohydrates that normalize blood sugar levels. In addition, carbohydrates help strengthen nerve cells, which positively affects the entire nervous system a person, so corn porridge is recommended for elderly people. At the same time, regardless of how to cook corn grits, it will still benefit the body, excluding the possibility of lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, promoting the removal of fats from the body and preventing its aging. So regular use porridge from corn helps to improve complexion, cleanse the skin and even prevent the development of oncology.