Electric coffee grinder. How to choose a coffee grinder: recommendations

Real coffee lovers know that the taste of a precious drink largely depends not only on the type of coffee, but also on its grinding. In order not to be disappointed in choosing a coffee grinder, we advise you to find out in advance what you should pay attention to in the first place, and which models are better to bypass.

What is the best coffee grinder to buy?

According to coffee connoisseurs, a good coffee grinder requires:

  • Grind evenly so that the ground coffee particles are the same size,
  • Minimal heating of coffee. When the beans are heated during grinding, essential oils are released, which should get into the drink, and not remain in the coffee grinder.
  • Have the ability to adjust the grind. Different coffee recipes require different degrees of grinding - from very fine (for espresso coffee) to coarse (for brewing in a French press).

The most popular coffee grinders with grinders - knives (rotary) and millstones, in which coffee is ground using steel or ceramic millstones. Choosing a good coffee grinder depends on your preferences.

Rotary grinders (with blades)


  • low price (from 500 rubles),
  • besides coffee, you can grind any other products - powdered sugar, nuts, etc. By its design, this is a small blender.


  • uneven grind. You can grind the grains evenly only very finely by turning on the coffee grinder for a long time - but the coffee is very hot at the same time, and this will badly affect the taste of the drink.

Burr grinders


  • uniform quality grinding,
  • the possibility of adjusting the grind,
  • does not heat grains.

The perfect unit for coffee connoisseurs! But there is also flaw- the price for them is higher (from 1500-2000 rubles).

Manual burr grinders


  • grind grains evenly, grinding can be adjusted;
  • are relatively inexpensive - from 1000 rubles;
  • decorate any kitchen.


  • it takes time and considerable effort to grind the grains.

Therefore, when choosing a coffee grinder, consider the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device. And check out these additional features:

  • The pulse mode of operation of the coffee grinder will be necessary if you need to grind especially hard products. The engine runs with short pauses.
  • The manually adjustable dispenser helps to grind a certain amount of coffee.
  • Additional functions, such as tamper or auto-blocking of turning on when the cover is removed, are not essential functions, but will facilitate the use of the device.

Negative rating, or what is better not to take

If, when buying a coffee grinder, you have not yet finally decided on the choice, then first you need to find out which devices are less practical:

  • Discard products made of plastic, their service life is much shorter than that of stainless steel counterparts.
  • It is better not to purchase a coffee grinder without an additional bowl for ground coffee, which is usually the case with rotary grinders. Getting the finished product out from under sharp knives is not only problematic, but also dangerous. Remember that caring for such a device is also difficult.
  • In a small kitchen, you should not purchase an apparatus where there is no cord winder, otherwise it will be inconvenient to store it. However, this aspect is not decisive.
  • Do not purchase the device without rubber "feet", they provide the coffee grinder with good stability in operating mode.

Surely in every family there is a coffee lover who loves this strong, invigorating and aromatic drink. Coffee can be prepared instant from a bag or expensive, which you bought immediately ground. But real coffee lovers like to grind beans with their own hands, to feel a pleasant aroma. It was for such gourmets that special devices were invented. In this article, we will answer the question: “How to choose the right coffee grinder for home?”.


You can grind coffee beans using special coffee grinders. They are manual as well as electric. Before choosing the right one, you need to study the features of their work, as well as technical characteristics. Coffee grinders that use electricity for their work, as a rule, are divided into several types:

  • knife or rotary;
  • millstones.

To begin with, consider a rotary coffee grinder: we will find out the necessary parameters, what you need to study when choosing a device, and also indicate the points that you need to pay special attention to when buying.

Knife rotary coffee grinder - “cut” grains with knives


This coffee grinder is electric. How to choose it correctly? To answer the question, you need to study the device in detail.

A device of this type for grinding grains uses knives that are mounted on a special rod. They can grind any coffee beans at high speed. The body of the device is usually made of plastic, but there are also metal models. A powerful motor is placed inside the case, and the upper part has a special bowl into which raw materials are poured.

The rotary knife is made in the form of a two-blade propeller. The material of manufacture in most cases is stainless steel. The knife is located at the very bottom of the grinder and is connected to the motor. The upper part of the body is covered with a transparent cover, which is very easy to remove. After the beans are completely ground, the removable lid must be put back, and all the coffee should be poured out of the container into the container.

The capacity of such equipment is not more than 120 grams. In rotary models, an ordinary power button is always installed, but, unfortunately, there are no more specific functions. For example, the device is not equipped with a mechanism that allows you to control the degree of grinding. This degree mainly depends on the duration of the knives. The more time they rotate, the finer the grinding becomes.



The knife rotates at high speed, and therefore grinds absolutely all the grains quite well. The quality of grinding will depend on the rotation time of the knives. The speed at which the knife rotates is in direct proportion to the power of the device - it can be 80 or even 270 watts. 180 watts is considered optimal. If the grinding speed is set too high on the grinder (which, of course, will increase the power), the beans will burn, and the coffee will acquire a very unpleasant and bitter taste. Therefore, do not get too carried away with speed and purchase the most powerful machines.

Each coffee grinder has in its design a special bowl where coffee is poured. It holds from 30 to 100 grams of coffee. These data must be taken into account, since on average 6 or 7 grams of powder are consumed per cup of coffee. It is not recommended to immediately make a large supply and put off freshly ground coffee, because this way the drink will lose its taste, quality and indescribable aroma. To roughly navigate how many grains you need to fill up, you need to remember that 30 grams of powder is enough for about 3 cups of a good drink.

Positive and negative sides

The positive features of knife models include:

  • acceptable cost;
  • compactness;
  • ease of use.
  • no control over grinding;
  • grain unevenness.

Coffee of this grinding can be brewed in an ordinary Turk. But if you want to buy a coffee grinder that has a better grind, then it is better to focus on choosing a burr model.

Burr grinders for home with removable bowl


The millstone design differs from the traditional model in that a different method of grinding is used here - with the help of millstones. The degree of grinding here will increase significantly compared to the first model, and the powder will be much more uniform. Such coffee can be used in pressurized coffee machines.


Models are made of plastic. The device contains:

  • A transparent bowl into which coffee beans will pour.
  • A transparent container that will receive ready-ground coffee.
  • An opaque compartment that houses an electric motor. All parts of the structure are securely closed, and also sealed with special rings that separate them from each other.

Principle of operation

The device works very simply:

  1. When the power button is pressed, which is located on a special control panel, the millstones begin to grind grains at high speed.
  2. Ground particles enter a special compartment, from where it is already possible to pour them into a cup.
  3. The cutting mechanism of such a device consists of two discs that grind grains. The grinding quality in this case is very good (in addition, it can be adjusted by hand).
  4. The grinding depends on the distance between these two discs.


Ground coffee that has been prepared using a burr grinder can be used in any coffee maker as well as coffee machines. This model has a larger capacity than a knife model - up to 300 grams of grains. The device has about 15 grinding modes - as a result, the coffee is very homogeneous.


Positive aspects of the device:

  1. A special program has been installed that allows you to control the size of the grind.
  2. The cost of the device is higher than that of the previous model, but it compensates for its price with additional features.
  3. The burr coffee grinder has a very high power (from 100 and even up to 1000 watts). The optimal power is 250 or 300 watts. It is not necessary to purchase more powerful models.


Rotary coffee grinders use steel blades. In millstone installations, the choice of materials is somewhat wider.

  1. Metal millstones, which are made of stainless steel, are very cheap and durable. In addition, they are covered with a layer of titanium, which increases the service life.
  2. Knives are made of cast iron, which is more reliable and durable. But he has one drawback - such knives grind much faster, and also absorb different odors.
  3. Ceramic knives provide excellent grinding, and they also have a very long service life. Of course, they need proper care. The downside is that they are very fragile, and therefore can easily break if dropped.
  4. Stone millstones are an alloy of corundum with ceramics. Such a device is very strong and also durable, provides a very good grinding. But you need to handle such knives very carefully, because if they fall, they can easily break.


If, when choosing a coffee grinder, the choice fell on an apparatus with millstones, then you need to keep in mind that it contains two containers: for grains, as well as for ground coffee. The device is better to choose with a large container for grains.

All containers are absolutely hermetic, so if a large number of grains are poured into them, then you can use a special function. It will set the required amount of ground coffee to be obtained. And the remaining grains will be stored inside the machine, retaining their aroma and quality.

Additional features of electric coffee grinders

Many manufacturers, in order to make their product more popular, equip coffee grinders with some additional features. These include:

  • double knives that increase the speed of crushing grains;
  • a special slope is made for the container with grain, which ensures uniform grinding, as well as greater mixing intensity;
  • there is protection against overheating of the equipment;
  • there is a function of blocking the device, that is, the device does not turn on with the lid open;
  • special devices are installed that wind the cord;
  • models are produced that have the function of turning off the device in the event that it becomes clogged;
  • good sound insulation provided for quieter operation;
  • rubber feet, which are available in some models, provide a strong grip on the working surface of the table;
  • Some devices have an off timer.

Manual coffee grinders


There is absolutely no need to buy an electric bean grinder to brew a cup of coffee. There are also simpler options. These are manual coffee grinders. Their work is also based on grinding with the help of millstones, which set the degree of grinding of grains. Such a device is also called a mill. It is a very simple device with a mechanism that is located in a square box and is also equipped with a rotating handle.

The mill is equipped with a special regulator, with which the degree of grinding is set. It will depend on the size of the gap set between the millstones. Grinding discs are made of metal or ceramic. Ceramic is more preferable, because after it the coffee is much tastier.

Buyers usually choose such devices from Peterhof PH-12721, as well as Gipfel K. S. 833 B. P.

Manufacturer rating

Usually, the same companies that produce various home appliances are engaged in the manufacture of coffee grinders. Manufacturers such as Scarlett, Saturn, Binatone are distinguished by low prices, as well as good quality products. You can buy equipment from a well-known brand so as not to worry about quality. In such cases, it is better to opt for the following companies:

  • Philips;
  • Bosch;
  • Kenwood;
  • Moulinex.


All models of these manufacturers are of very good quality. They will differ not only in cost, but also in functionality. But most of all the companies that were presented above produce rotary machines. If you want to buy a burr grinder, then you can stop at Gaggia and Saeco. These models are verified by users and are very popular.

Those people who decide to opt for manual coffee grinders need to pay attention to such companies:

  • scarlett;
  • becker;
  • Bosch.

How to choose and which is better

How to choose? To make a choice, you need to answer some questions for yourself:

  1. What will the coffee be brewed in? If an ordinary Turk is used, then you can purchase a rotary electric machine, as well as an ordinary manual one, if there is no need to rush and you want to fully enjoy the cooking process.
  2. Do I need to control the degree of grain grinding? If the answer is yes, then it is better to purchase a millstone electric model.

Here are all the necessary parameters that you need to know in order to choose the model that is right for you. Good luck with your choice.

The coffee grinder is a special kitchen unit that lovers of freshly brewed coffee will appreciate. If the beans have just been ground, the coffee will have a pleasant taste and aroma. There are quite a few varieties of coffee grinders - they are mechanical, but they are being replaced by electrical products.

At first glance, it may seem that choosing a coffee grinder is as easy as shelling pears - just go to the hardware store and purchase a product that is affordable and has a beautiful appearance. Some housewives use blenders instead of such an apparatus, but it is better not to do this, since the grains can greatly dull the blades, and besides, it is unlikely that you will be able to get fine grinding.

Today, it’s impossible to say exactly which company produces the best coffee grinders in the world, since many enterprises manufacture high-quality devices. There are a lot of criteria for choosing a coffee grinder:

  • Equipment power;
  • Number of operating modes;
  • Availability of security systems;
  • The material from which the working container is made, the body of the structure, and so on;
  • No extra odors.

We analyzed a lot of customer opinions, on the basis of which we compiled this rating of the best top 10 coffee grinders. We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to make your choice much easier and faster and purchase the most suitable coffee grinder that will serve faithfully for a long time.

List of the best coffee grinder models of 2019

This model opens our rating of the best coffee grinders for the home. It is not too expensive, but it has excellent workmanship. The design has a special rotary knife, sharply sharpened. Literally in a matter of moments it grinds about 50 grams of grains. Some user reviews say that they were able to process up to 70 grams of grains at most.

The power of the device is 150 W - this indicator is enough to grind the maximum volume for three to four minutes. The coffee grinder does not have a system for lack of adjustment of the degree of grinding. It has a good protection system - with the lid open, the device will not start. The case is made of high-quality stainless steel, which has a positive effect on the strength of the device and gives it an even more attractive appearance.


  • Simple design, the probability of breakage is minimal;
  • Very convenient to use;
  • Weighs little;
  • Takes up minimal space.


  • No grinding degree adjustment;
  • It works noisily.

This is a very convenient design, which is characterized by small overall dimensions. The case has a special niche for storing the power cord. The case is made of high-quality food-grade plastic, the assembly is reliable - even after several years of operation, there are no backlashes and extraneous squeaks. It is better to clean the device with a soft damp cloth, do not use abrasives, and it is also not recommended to wash in the dishwasher. The products fully comply with all international safety and hygiene standards.

The engine power is 130 W, which is quite enough for home use. The knife is made of high-quality self-sharpening steel, which does not have an odor and does not create an aftertaste. The maximum capacity of the bowl is 70 grams - enough to make coffee for a family of 3-4 people. It works quite quietly, but there is no power regulator. Many users talk about the inconvenient location of the power button, but they manage to get used to it pretty quickly.


  • Grinds beans very evenly
  • Reliable self-sharpening knife;
  • A niche for storing the power cable.


  • It will not work to get too fine grinding;
  • The ground coffee is stuffed under the latch of the roof, from where it will not be too easy to get it;
  • Plastic case, which can break if dropped.

It has an attractive and rather stylish design, the design is equipped with a transparent cover associated with an anti-trauma system. If it is not installed in its place, then a protective interlock will work, which will prevent the motor from starting. The power of the coffee grinder is 170 W - this indicator is quite enough even for very large coffee beans. In order for the device to grind them faster, it has a pulsed mode.

The coffee grinder holds up to 50 grams. The case is made of high-quality food-grade plastic, painted in a dark pleasant color. Practically does not make noise in the course of work, does not vibrate. The container is small in size, with a full load, the grinding speed is about thirty seconds.


  • Functional buttons are conveniently located;
  • High grinding speed;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Can be used not only for grains, but also for spices, nuts, sugar and so on;
  • Very convenient to use.


  • Grinding is not done too evenly, so that it turns out to be relatively the same, the coffee grinder has to be shaken periodically;
  • The bowl is non-removable - it cannot be washed, so you only need to wipe it with dry or damp wipes.

This is a universal design with a grinding tank made of stainless steel. The shape of the bowl is round, due to which a more uniform grinding is achieved. As a result of one load, you can get coffee for 12 cups. The product is distinguished by a reliable security system: the start button is equipped with a special fuse that will not allow you to press it if the product cover is not completely closed.

The volume of the bowl is 56 ml - enough for a small family. At the bottom of the structure there is a compartment for laying the supply wire. The self-sharpening knife, made of stainless steel, can be used to grind not only coffee, but also other products - turn sugar into powder, chop walnuts, and so on. If desired, the knife and bowl can be removed, which facilitates the process of cleaning food residues, but they should not be washed in the dishwasher anyway.


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • High quality of grinding not only coffee, but also other products;
  • Reliable system of protection against accidental start.


  • Small length of the power cord;
  • Grinding adjustment system is not provided;
  • Small bowl volume.

The power of this coffee grinder is 150W with a maximum bowl capacity of 70 grams. The design provides a pulse mode, which allows for fine grinding. The security system is represented by a start limiter, which does not allow the motor to turn on when the lid is open.

The product has an attractive appearance, painted in silver color. The case is made of high-quality food stainless steel. Grinding is carried out by a rotary knife, also made of stainless steel.


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Sturdy and high-quality assembled metal case;
  • Good security system.


  • The lid sticks intermittently;
  • It is not very convenient to pour out the finished product;
  • Stickers that spoil the appearance, besides, it is quite problematic to remove them.

It is a design in a plastic case of high-quality assembly. During operation, it makes almost no noise, it can be used both for coffee beans and for other products - cereals, seeds, sugar, and so on. It works on a rotary principle, the knife is made of food-grade stainless steel, sharpened directly during operation.

The capacity of the bowl is small - only 30 grams, due to which the motor is not too powerful: 115 watts. The cover is transparent, made of plastic, fragile, so it should be handled very carefully. Through it, you can quickly assess how fine the grinding turned out - usually 35-40 seconds of continuous operation of the device is enough for high-quality grinding. The bowl is non-removable, therefore it is forbidden to use water when cleaning it, it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth.


  • Quietly works;
  • Simply arranged;
  • It doesn't cost too much.


  • There is no protection against overheating;
  • There is no niche for storing the power cord.

This is the first burr-type design featured in our roundup of the best coffee grinders. With its help, you can grind a significant amount of grains. It has a beautiful appearance, which organically combines metal elements, black and translucent plastic, has a backlit device power button.

The device is controlled by two mechanical regulators and one button. The maximum capacity is 120 g, the power cable is 0.6 m long.

The lid and container are easily removed, so they can be easily washed under running water without fear that it will get on electrical components and cause a short circuit. Mechanical rotary knobs allow you to select the portion, as well as the grinding level. The maximum continuous operation of the device is 60 seconds, which is enough to make coffee for 12 cups.


  • Ease of use;
  • A large number of grinding options;
  • Pleasant appearance;
  • Acceptable price


  • Difficult to clean;
  • Ground coffee often wakes up

This is a rather original device, which turned out to be in third place in our ranking of the best coffee grinders, largely due to the presence of two bowls at once. Each of them has a capacity of 70 grams, the engine is powerful enough for a coffee grinder - 200 watts. There is a reliable protection against overheating and accidental start. For more efficient operation, there is a pulse mode. The design uses a system of stainless steel knives of a self-sharpening type.

The bowls are removable, which makes them quite easy to wash, but it is strongly not recommended to load them into the dishwasher. The case is of high quality, non-staining, fingerprints will not be visible on it. It is made of high-quality plastic with stainless steel inserts, there are no backlashes, cracks, and squeaks do not appear over time.


  • Excellent value for money;
  • The presence of protection against overheating;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • She practically does not make noise.


  • Short power cord.

This is a semi-professional model that is well suited for both home and small cafes. It is equipped with reliable millstones that perfectly grind even serious volumes of coffee. The design is made of high-quality non-staining plastic, on which fingerprints will not be noticeable.

The device has two capacious bowls - one for grains, and the second for the finished product. If desired, it can be used not only for grinding coffee, but also for other products. There are several knobs that allow you to adjust the degree of grinding for different types of coffee. The motor power is 200W.


  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Ease of use;
  • High-quality assembly, there are no backlashes and extraneous squeaks during use.


  • The automatic shutdown system works after one minute.

Coffee connoisseurs say that a real invigorating drink can only come from freshly ground beans. The shorter the time between grinding and brewing, the richer the flavor of the coffee. It turns out that a real coffee lover can not do without his own coffee grinder. It remains to decide whether the coffee grinder is manual or electric. What to choose? For those who prefer the second option, this article will be useful.

Before going to the store

Electric coffee grinder. How to choose a device? There is no perfect coffee grinder that suits absolutely everyone. To choose the device that best suits your needs, you must first determine which tasks you need to perform.

Before you go shopping, you should clearly understand the main parameters of the coffee grinder. What kind of coffee are you going to brew? For different types of drink, powder of different grinding is needed. How often do you drink coffee? This depends on the size of the bowl. Do you want to use your coffee grinder to grind other foods? Finally, how much are you willing to spend?

What are electric coffee grinders? How to choose? The price of the device is of no small importance. Depending on the type, capacity, power and other indicators, it can vary from 600 to 3500 rubles.

Types of coffee grinders

How to choose an electric coffee grinder for your home that is right for you? You need to know what types and types they are, how they differ from each other. By design, electric coffee grinders can be divided into several types: rotary, millstone and roller. As a result, they produce a product with different properties.

The third type of coffee grinders are the so-called roller grinders. Coffee in such devices is ground using moving rollers. These devices are designed to process large volumes of raw materials and are used in factories, so we will not consider them.

Rotary electric coffee grinder

How to choose a rotary or, as it is also called, a knife grinder? From the name you can understand that rotating knives grind coffee in this device. The principle of operation of this coffee grinder resembles a blender. You may have noticed that some blenders have this feature.

The rotary coffee grinder consists of two parts. At the bottom is the engine, and at the top - the knives and the coffee cup itself. The product is poured into the bowl and crushed by rotating the knives. The disadvantage of a rotary coffee grinder is that coffee is not ground into a homogeneous powder, but is crushed into small pieces of different sizes.

It is impossible to achieve homogeneity of the finished product, which makes it unsuitable for use in some types of coffee makers. If you are brewing coffee in a Turk or a drip-type device, then this disadvantage does not matter. You can adjust the grinding by increasing the processing time: the longer the device works, the finer the finished product will be.

The advantages of this type of electric coffee grinders are that they are simple in design and inexpensive. To date, knife coffee grinders are the most popular.

Electric burr grinder

How to choose a good coffee grinder? What is a burr coffee grinder? The name speaks for itself. A burr grinder is a miniature grinder. Devices of this type have millstones. Grains come between them, millstones move, crushing them.

The main advantage of this type of coffee grinders is that coffee literally turns into powder. The distance between the millstones can be changed, thanks to which the device produces particles of an adjustable size. As mentioned above, for some types of coffee makers, grind uniformity is very important.

A burr grinder can literally grind coffee to dust. If you are using an expensive device that requires uniformity of the incoming ground product, then you cannot do without a burr grinder.

Coffee grinder volume

You have decided what type your coffee grinder will be. How to choose the right volume? After all, for ease of use, you need to choose a bowl of the right size. For one serving of the drink you will need 6-7 grams of the ground product. Do you drink coffee from a large mug, that is, a double serving, then you need 12-15 grams. Thus, to prepare two large servings of coffee in the morning, you need about 25 grams.

Today on the market are rotary coffee grinders with a bowl volume of 30 to 120 grams. Millstones usually have a volume of 200-300 grams. Let us explain why there is such a big difference in volumes. Rotary coffee grinders can grind only the entire volume at a time, while burrs can grind only part of the product.

When choosing a rotary coffee grinder for a family of two or three people, it is better to buy a model with a capacity of 40-60 grams. Larger appliances are only suitable for an office or a large family. A burr grinder can be selected for 200-300 grams.

Approach the choice of volume responsibly. The fact is that a large-capacity rotary coffee grinder will not be able to qualitatively grind a small amount of grains. The quality of grinding will decrease significantly. And grinding a large volume for the future does not make sense, because we buy a coffee grinder just for the sake of the freshest grinding.

Coffee grinder power

How powerful should an electric coffee grinder be? How to choose a device with suitable parameters? Of particular importance is the power for rotary coffee grinders. Some manufacturers increase the rotation speed of the knife mechanism due to power. But as a result of too high a speed of rotation of the knives, the temperature rises, and the grains heat up. This is unacceptable at the grinding stage, since such grains significantly lose their taste.

The coffee grinders on the market have a power of 80 to 270 watts. This is just the case when you should not chase the most powerful device. Choose the golden mean - 150-170 watts. Depends on power and volume. For a small fifty-gram coffee grinder, a power of 100 watts is quite appropriate. The grinding process will last longer, but no overheating! First of all, you need to pay attention to power when choosing models from unknown manufacturers.

As for burr coffee grinders, their power is always quite high - 200-300 W, but the rotation speed is low. The beans in the burr grinder do not overheat. The efficiency of devices of this type is increased by increasing the area of ​​the millstones.


Most often, plastic is the main material of the coffee grinder body. Quality is of great importance in rotary coffee grinders, because the beans hit it hard when grinding. Also, rotary devices vibrate during operation, which can also lead to cracks.

Knives in rotary coffee grinders must be sharp and durable. It is best if they are made of stainless steel. As for burr grinders, ideally the burrs should be titanium coated.


When buying a rotary coffee grinder, you need to pay attention to the presence of protection elements and check their operation. Under no circumstances should the grinder be switched on with the lid open. Also, the lid should be well attached to the body and not open during operation. Pay attention to the protective antennae: if they are made of thin plastic, they will break easily. A device with broken antennae will not turn on.

Additional functions

Both types of coffee grinders can be equipped with various additional features. As mentioned above, it is better for owners of drip coffee makers to choose rotary coffee grinders. But for coffee makers with pressure, a millstone is suitable. In devices of this type there is an adjustment of the degree of grinding. To feel the shades of taste of grains of different varieties, choose at least 6 degrees of grinding.

The burr grinder can be equipped with a function to set the amount of coffee. The exact amount of ground coffee can be obtained by simply switching the dispenser. Some devices can boast of having a tamper, but when choosing a device with a similar function, you need to pay attention to the size of the resulting “pill”, they are different.

In rotary coffee grinders, the speed and quality of grinding can be adjusted using the pulse mode. In this mode, the knives do not rotate evenly, but jerkily. A knife grinder can be equipped with overheating protection, which is very useful if the device has a large power or volume.

Almost every family prepares and drinks coffee. This invigorating aromatic drink can be prepared using instant or store-bought ground coffee. But true coffee lovers like to grind beans on their own before they are brewed. You can grind them in manual or electric coffee grinders. Before choosing a coffee grinder for your home, it is recommended to study the features of its operation and technical characteristics.

Electric coffee grinders are usually of two types:

Consider what an electric rotary coffee grinder is, how to choose the right one and what to look for.

In such coffee grinders, raw materials are ground with knives, mounted on a rod, which break coffee beans at high speed. The body of the instruments is made of plastic (metal models are also produced). Inside the case is a motor, and in the upper part - a container for coffee beans. The rotary knife is made in the form of a two-bladed propeller, as a rule, it is made of stainless steel. It is located at the very bottom of the tank and is connected to the motor. From above the case is covered with a transparent cover of removable type. When the beans are ground, the lid is opened and the coffee is poured out of the container. The capacity of knife grinders is usually no more than 120 g.

In rotary models, there is a power button, but there is no mechanism for controlling the degree of grinding. Usually it depends on the duration of the action of the rotary knives (the longer their rotation, the finer the grinding, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve a uniform degree of grinding here).


When rotating at high speed, the knife grinds grains, the quality of grinding directly depends on the time of its rotation. And the rotation speed is directly dependent on the power of the motor in the coffee grinder, which can be from 80 to 270 watts. In this case, the optimal power is 180 W.

If the bean grinding speed is too high (respectively, at high power), the beans may be charred, and the coffee will acquire a bitter taste.

Pros and cons

Coffee grinders are equipped with containers for filling coffee, with a volume of 30 to 100 g. This must be taken into account, since on average 6-7 g of ground coffee is consumed per cup of drink. It is not recommended to make a large supply, as coffee quickly loses its taste and smell. For example, 30 g is enough for 3 cups of aromatic drink.

The advantages of knife coffee grinders include:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Compactness.
  • Ease of operation.

The disadvantages include:

  • Lack of grinding degree control.
  • Uneven grinding of coffee beans.

Coffee of this grinding can also be brewed in a Turk. But if you are thinking about which coffee grinder is better to buy for the subsequent preparation of a drink in a coffee maker, it is better to opt for millstone models.

Unlike knife or rotary models, burr grinders use a different grinding method, namely burrs. The degree of grinding is quite homogeneous, it is good to use such coffee for preparation in coffee machines under pressure. The body of the grinders is also made of plastic. It contains:

  • Transparent container for filling coffee beans.
  • Transparent container for finished ground coffee.
  • Opaque compartment with electric motor.

All parts of the coffee grinder are closed with sealed caps and separated from each other.

The device works simply:

  1. When you press the power button located on the control panel, the millstones begin to grind grains at high speed.
  2. Ground particles enter the lower compartment intended for them, from where they can be collected into a cup.

The mechanism of burr electric coffee grinders consists from two discs(millstones) used to grind coffee beans. The grinding quality can be adjusted independently, and it depends on the distance between these two discs.

Ground coffee prepared in a burr grinder can be brewed in any coffee maker and coffee machine.

These models have more capacity than knife ones - up to 300 g coffee beans. Devices have about 15 modes for grinding grains, i.e. the ground coffee comes out quite homogeneous.

Benefits of grinders:

  1. Using a special program, you can dose the amount of grinding.
  2. Of course, their cost is higher, but it is offset by the presence of additional useful functions.


The power of this type of device is laid in the range from 100 to 1000 watts. Moreover, the most optimal power is an indicator of 250-300 watts.

Manufacturing materials

The knife in rotary coffee grinders is usually made of steel. In millstone models, the choice of material is somewhat wider:

  1. metal millstones stainless steel (inexpensive, durable and lightweight products, sometimes coated with titanium to increase the service life) or cast iron (reliable, durable and inexpensive millstones, but quickly grind and absorb various odors).

  2. Ceramic burrs, which are excellent at grinding any degree of grinding, have a long service life with proper care, but are quite fragile and can break if dropped.

  3. stone millstones, which are a kind of alloy of corundum with ceramics. This alloy is strong, durable, provides the best degree of grinding (especially suitable for making espresso). They must be handled with care, as if they fall, the millstones can break.

When purchasing a coffee grinder with burrs, you need to keep in mind what it has two containers at once- one for beans, the other for ground coffee. It is better to choose a device with a large bean container. These containers are airtight, filling them with grain coffee, you can, if necessary, set only the volume of ground coffee received. The remaining grains can be stored in them for quite a long time, retaining their aroma and good taste.

Additional features of electric coffee grinders

Some manufacturers of these devices, in order to make their models more popular, equip them with various additional functions, for example:

  1. Double blades, to increase the speed of grinding grains.
  2. Make a special slope of the container with grains for uniform grinding and better mixing intensity.
  3. "Overheat protection", the function of automatic shutdown when the motor overheats or when the owners forget.
  4. Blocking function - protection against turning on the device when the lid is open.
  5. A special device for winding the cord, for the convenience and compactness of the device.
  6. Some models have a function to turn off the device in case of clogging, i.e. falling into the millstones of a pebble or piece of wood.
  7. Reinforced sound insulation, for quieter operation of the device (for example, in the morning, when the rest of the family is still sleeping).
  8. Comfortable rubber feet, which, unlike plastic ones, provide better grip on the working surface of the table.
  9. The timer comes in two different versions - to set the grinding time in seconds and the number of cups for which coffee is ground.

Advice. It is easier to use the timer to set the number of cups, and the device itself will measure the required number of grains for them.

Manual coffee grinders

In addition to electrical appliances of a rotary or burr type, there are also conventional manual coffee grinders. Their work is also based on millstones, with the help of which they set the degree of grinding coffee beans. Ground coffee is poured into a special container designed for it.

Manual coffee grinder, also called mill, is a fairly simple device with a millstone mechanism inside a square box equipped with a revolving handle. The device is equipped with a regulator for setting the degree of grinding, which depends on the size of the gap between the two millstones. Millstone discs in them are made of metal or ceramics. The latter option is preferable, it makes coffee tastier. When deciding how to choose a manual coffee grinder, it is better to listen to customer reviews, which for the most part prefer the Peterhof PH-12721 and Gipfel KS 833 BP models.

It will take 15-20 minutes to grind coffee by hand. This device is now rarely used. But on the other hand, they are often bought to give to loved ones or used as souvenirs on various occasions.

Notable Manufacturers

Coffee grinders are manufactured mainly by the same companies that produce various household appliances for the home. Electric models from Scarlett, Saturn, Binatone are low cost with good quality. If you want to purchase a device from a well-known brand, you can opt for the following products:

  • Philips.
  • Bosch.

  • Kenwood.
  • Moulinex.

All models from the above manufacturers are different from each other not only in cost, but also in functionality. However, most of these models are of the rotary type.

Those who are interested in burr grinders can opt for products from Gaggia and Saeco, which are popular and trusted by users.

Fans of manual coffee grinders can turn their attention to brands such as:

  • scarlett.

  • becker.

  • Bosch.


To decide how to choose a coffee grinder for your home, it is recommended to determine for yourself the following points:

  1. If coffee will be brewed in a Turk, it is enough to purchase a rotary electric coffee grinder or even a manual one, if you don’t need to rush anywhere, and you want to enjoy the process of making the drink itself.
  2. When brewing coffee in a coffee maker, it is better to buy a burr grinder so that you can control the degree of grinding in the purchased device.

It is also worth looking at the power of the device, the volume of the container for coffee beans (30-50 g is suitable for two adults). The best option for lovers of a fragrant drink would be a burr coffee grinder with ceramic millstones(which coffee grinder to choose, manual or electric - everyone decides for himself). The optimal power can be no more than 180 watts. If you follow all the recommendations, then with the new purchased coffee grinder you will be able to prepare an excellent aromatic drink that everyone at home will enjoy.