How refined corn oil is made. Recipes with corn oil for beauty

Corn is the oldest of grain crops; it began to be grown 12 thousand years ago in South and Central America, where it is called maize. Conducted archaeological excavations confirm the fact of the use of grains of this vegetable already in our civilization. can be safely called the main basis for the development of the ancient peoples of America: the Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs.

This three-meter-tall cereal could feed huge, fast-growing tribes and provided people with the necessary source of energy and a number of useful macro- and microelements. The largest number of interesting finds confirming the processing and cultivation of this crop was found in Mexico.

Only the interestingly found maize cobs were several times smaller than modern ones. Through constant crossing, a larger hybrid of corn was developed, close to the modern variety. Selection lasted for several centuries and still does not stop. For this purpose, the best varieties are selected and new hybrids are developed.

Corn is widely used in industrial scale. It is used to make flour, cereals and excellent corn oil, which in its composition is not inferior to either vegetable or sunflower. It's inexpensive and very useful product Suitable for everyday use.

The color of the oil can be red-brown and light yellow, according to appearance it is very similar to the only thing that distinguishes it is its special aroma and taste qualities. But for some reason it is less popular in Russia than in Europe, although it brings quite a lot of benefits to our body. In this article we will talk in detail about all the beneficial and healing properties of corn oil.

Corn oil: benefits and its composition

Unrefined oil contains approximately 85% unsaturated and corn oil is twice as high as olive and sunflower oil in vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant and prevents premature aging. Vitamin E also affects the proper functioning of the sex glands and fights free radicals. In addition, the oil is rich in F, PP, provitamin A and lecithin.

Systematic consumption of this dietary product helps to normalize the activity of metabolic processes, liver, gall bladder and intestines. The oil has special substances that help reduce cholesterol levels in human blood, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots and atherosclerosis.

Thanks to vitamin K, corn oil is recommended for people with heart disease. In addition, this product has general strengthening properties, therefore it is widely used in alternative medicine. It is especially useful for pregnant, lactating women and young children. present in the oil perfectly fights various diseases such as: peeling skin, migraine,

It is actively used in cosmetology. To give your hair shine and health, you need to rub corn oil into the roots. This method will perfectly strengthen your curls and make them thicker.

Corn oil: harm and contraindications

Undoubtedly, corn is a very valuable and healthy product, but it also has its disadvantages and contraindications. The cereal itself, like corn oil, should not be consumed by people suffering from thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting and thrombosis.

It is not recommended to abuse it for those who have poor appetite and low weight. In case of exacerbations of the duodenum and stomach ulcers, it is better to limit the amount of corn and refrain from such healthy oil, which can only aggravate the situation.

If you decide to use corn to treat any medical condition, please consult with a qualified healthcare professional first.

Corn is a cereal crop. From this it already follows that it is rich in protein and B vitamins. Corn, now known to everyone, is considered the most ancient cereal, which was eaten several thousand years ago by the obsolete generations of modern Mexico.

Corn is reputed to be an ancient grain plant, ranking third in distribution in the world after wheat and rice.

Neither children nor adults can do without corn, because it not only gives a feeling of pleasant satiety, but also nourishes the body with its most valuable properties, many of which remain when oil is extracted from corn. What corn oil is, its benefits and harms, how to take it – we’ll look at everything in our article.

What is the raw material for corn oil?

Oil is pressed from the germs of corn seeds, which look like seed kernels and make up only 10% of the weight of the grain itself. The main part of the grain is a mealy-protein substance - endosperm, which is closed in a bright-colored shell. This substance is ideal for flour, glucose, molasses, starch, popcorn, whole corn kernels are delicious in salads, boiled, canned, in the form of corn sticks and flakes, and they also make alcohol from corn and brew beer.

But so that corn flour is not bitter, the grains are separated from the kernels-embryos, from which corn oil is pressed. The embryos are filled with fats - about 80%, minerals - 74% and about 20% proteins. During the production of popular corn products, it is these fat-oil compounds that are oxidized and hydrolyzed, which leads to a severe deterioration in taste and quality.

The germs are separated from the grain using wet and dry methods. This complex processes, as a result of which you can already start producing the oil itself.

Wet separation of corn germ from grain

In order to isolate the embryo from a corn grain, the only previous method was used: the corn was soaked and treated hydrothermally so that the grain shell was saturated with maximum moisture. The grain then passed through a sieve and was crushed. But the purity of processing was very low - the germs ended up in waste and cereals. Therefore, they developed a new method by tearing the grain from the inside and passing the resulting mass through drying, sorting and cleaning devices. This method increased the quality of the resulting cereal with a minimal germ content.

After such isolation of the embryos from the main mass, the endosperm, which is separated in large parts, is produced corn sticks and cereal. Heavy endosperm particles are used to produce cereal.

Dry separation of corn germ from grain

With this method, the grain is dry ground and the germ, endosperm and shell, which is used for bran, are separated using sieve devices. The result of this method is corn grits, flour and feed product. But, unfortunately, none of the technologies produces 100% purified germs. And the issue of improving the separation of germs from the endosperm of corn is still relevant, because the higher the percentage of germ purification, the higher the physiological value of the oil that is obtained from them.

What kind of oil is obtained from corn?

Oil obtained from corn germ is divided into several types, depending on the method of its extraction.

  • Unrefined.
  • Refined, non-deodorized.
  • Refined deodorized grade D - for the production of children's diet.
  • Refined deodorized grade P - for a wide retail chain and catering establishments.

Methods for obtaining corn oil

There are two main ways to obtain oil - pressing and extraction.

Squeezing and squeezing through a press - cold-pressed oil is more useful, since it retains all the microelements that are useful in the germ, of which there are a lot. But it is opaque and has sediment, so it must be cleaned, filtered - it is organic and the most useful. Hot pressed oil, in which the seeds are preheated, is dark in color.

The oil, which is pressed from the germs using the wet extraction method, is suitable for cooking only after refining and deodorization.

The oil, obtained by cold pressing from dry-extracted corn germ, does not require refining or deodorization, has a light golden color, a pleasant smell and delicate taste, characteristic of young “dairy” corn. It is this type of corn oil that is valuable big amount unsaturated fatty acids that have a regulating effect on lipid metabolism and cholesterol, preventing the deposition of its excess on the walls of blood vessels.

Unrefined corn oil - benefits and harms

Unrefined corn oil has a higher status than refined corn oil, due to the abundance in its composition of essential and non-essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, including biologically active components that effectively regulate the body's metabolic processes.

Heating unrefined oil above 200 °C leads to the destruction of the most valuable vitamin A and phosphatides, consisting of phosphoric acid and beneficial fatty acids, and to some loss of polyunsaturated fatty acids. But the most unpleasant thing is where the harm of corn oil lies - heating leads to the decomposition of fat, as a result of which a number of liquid and gaseous substances are formed that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract and have a carcinogenic effect.

Unrefined oil requires special storage conditions to avoid the formation of a bitter taste, clouding of color and the appearance unpleasant odor. Such oil must be stored in a glass container, in a cool, dark place, out of direct sunlight, so that corn oil does good and not harm.

What is rich in refined corn oil?

Oil refining - purification from mechanical impurities, discoloration, neutralization of oil, as a result of which the oil remains practically odorless and is intended for wide network sales. The color of refined corn oil is very similar to refined sunflower oil, just like sunflower oil, it does not create smoke or foam when frying.

The benefits and harms of refined corn oil differ little from those of unrefined oil. During the refining process, the oil acquires a light yellowish tint and a faint odor. There are also positive effects of refining, due to which residual pesticides and toxic impurities are removed from the oil. But at the same time, most of the microelements and nutrients necessary for the body are removed. That is why it is considered the most enriched with useful substances. unrefined oil from corn.

Refined oil, unlike unrefined oil, does not lose its properties when exposed to light and heat; it can be long time stored in plastic containers, and neither its characteristics nor its quality will be affected.

Refined deodorized corn oil. Benefits and harms

This type of oil is characterized by the fact that it has gone through all stages of refining and deodorization. Refined deodorized no longer has such pronounced hypocholesterolemic properties. This is precisely its big drawback.

Refined deodorized corn oil, which is obtained using traditional technology, does not have such a strong physiological effect on the body as simply refined corn oil, including the absence of hypocholesterolemic properties. This is explained by the specifics of the technology, which uses harsh regimes, which lead to the destruction of active beneficial substances - sterols, carotenoids, tocopherols with the loss of their natural biologically active properties.

Corn oil for weight loss

Corn oil is saturated with phospholipids - biologically active components that are part of the structure of cell membranes and regulate brain function. Unrefined corn oil is useful to consume in the daily diet for people suffering from obesity, liver disease, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, patients with lipid metabolism disorders or a combination of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism disorders.

The benefits and harms of corn oil for weight loss should be considered in each case separately, after consulting with a specialist. But there are general recommendations that can be applied by people who want to reset excess weight, for which corn oil is ideal. Especially unrefined, since it is the unrefined corn oil that brings benefits and not harm, and contains a maximum of healing substances for the whole body.

Of course, corn oil is not a panacea for weight loss. It is advisable to add it to salads, dough, and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Not a large number of. The benefits and harms of corn oil for the body are undeniable. Corn oil has a laxative effect, gently stimulating intestinal motility, which undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

The healing properties of corn oil

In our area corn oil is not as popular as, for example, or. However, it is very valuable and nutritious product, which is much healthier than the oils we are used to using. Corn oil can be used for salad dressings and frying, and its rich beneficial features allowed it to be used in folk medicine and cosmetology.

Oil made from seeds is classified as the best varieties vegetable oils. Not many people know about the benefits and harms of corn oil, so it’s worth talking about this product in more detail and, perhaps, you will find it more appropriate to replace sunflower oil with it.

  • When heated, it does not form carcinogens, does not burn or foam. Therefore, corn oil is much more ideal for frying, deep-frying or stewing.
  • Neutralizes the risks of blood clots and atherosclerosis. This is possible due to the fact that corn oil contains lecithin, which consists of unsaturated fatty acids that reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood and prevent atherosclerosis. In addition, unsaturated fatty acid help resist the effects of infectious viruses.
  • This is a dietary product that is easily absorbed by our body.. Due to its many beneficial properties, corn oil is an important ingredient used in baking, sauces and even baby food and various dietary products. This vegetable oil improves metabolic processes in the body, stimulates the functioning of the intestines and liver and has a good choleretic effect.
  • Improves skin and hair condition. Corn oil contains large quantities of vitamins A, E, F, unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic acid and lecithin, which are excellent for cosmetics. Each of these components performs its own cosmetic functions, such as skin regeneration, nourishment, moisturizing and softening, improving complexion, and strengthening hair. Among other things, corn seed oil helps relieve irritation and roughness of the skin.
  • Slows down the aging process of the body and improves women’s ability to conceive. Rich in vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant, consuming corn oil helps prevent free radical damage to cells. In addition, vitamin E improves the condition of the gonads, helps women reproduce and bear a healthy fetus - which is why corn oil is recommended for expectant mothers. Corn oil contains 2 times more vitamin E than and.

Harm of corn oil

Corn oil does not cause any colossal harm to human health. In rare cases, individual intolerance to herbal products or corn kernels. However, corn oil can also be harmful if consumed incorrectly.

  • Corn oil contains a very high amount of Omega-6, which increases blood viscosity and clotting, and a small amount of Omega-3. Due to an excess of Omega-6, a person runs the risk of developing blood clots, which ultimately leads to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Excessive consumption of corn oil with a lack of Omega-3 is harmful immune system . This leads to allergic reactions and inflammation. Therefore, corn oil should be consumed in moderation, and along with it, take foods that are rich in Omega-3.

The benefits of corn oil are very great - this product is much better than that the same sunflower oil that we are all so accustomed to. In addition, corn oil causes virtually no harm. The most important thing is his correct usage, and then you will significantly improve your health by adding this particular oil to your food.

Corn oil is one of the most popular products, and this is not surprising. It is often preferred to sunflower because the latter releases harmful carcinogens during the frying process. Today we’ll talk about whether corn oil is good or bad.

Chemical composition

The oil contains a large amount of fatty acids, which are necessary for the human body to function properly. Among these substances, palmitic, stearic, linoleic, arachidonic, and oleic acids are considered the most popular.

The oil is also rich in calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, chromium, zinc, manganese, potassium and other macro- and microelements. The product contains nicotinic acid, retinol, vitamin F, tocopherol, thiamine.

Doctors prefer to classify corn oil as dietary compositions, because all valuable substances are easily absorbed by the body and do not accumulate in the waist as fat.

Arachidonic acid in combination with linoleic acid accelerates metabolic processes and blood circulation. The substances remove “harmful” cholesterol from the body, which has not yet had time to be deposited in the form of plaques.

The oil has antimutagenic properties. In view of this, the reproductive function of men and women is improved, and the ability to conceive increases. Also, oil must be included in the diet of pregnant and breastfeeding girls.

Description of corn oil

The cultivation of corn began more than 10,000 years ago in what is now Mexico. As for the most ancient cobs, they appeared in the 4th millennium BC.

An interesting fact remains that in ancient times corn had a size that was 9-12 times smaller than today’s cobs. At that time, the length of the raw material did not exceed 4 cm.

Today, corn is cultivated in the United States of America, China, Russia, Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico. It is these countries that have favorable climatic conditions for growing. After planting, the plants ripen in due time.

The largest share of corn grown is recorded in the United States. This country accounts for about 40% of the total turnover grown in the leading countries. China is allocated 20%.

Manufacturing process, characteristics

Corn oil is a fatty and high-calorie compound; it is obtained from the seeds of the crop. For 100 gr. cobs account for more than 880 Kcal. Among its competitors, corn oil is considered one of the healthiest.

For the preparation of raw materials, 2 technologies are used - press and extraction. The product is obtained from the germ, and not from the grains themselves. Germs refer to impurities of by-products (molasses, starch, cereals, feed, flour, etc.).

The inclusion of germs in the raw materials for the preparation of the composition is undesirable, because the oil included in their composition quickly undergoes hydrolysis and oxidation. This affects the quality of the manufactured raw materials. The color, aroma and taste of corn oil depends on the production option.

Oil can have the following classification:

Brand P - subjected to refining and deodorization. Used in enterprises Catering and is supplied to large retail chains.

Brand D - infant formula and nutrition are prepared on the basis of oil, dietary dishes. The final product is also refined and deodorized.

Unrefined composition - the oil has a dark shade and a peculiar smell, retains the maximum amount of valuable elements.

Refined composition - the product is not deodorized, therefore it retains its characteristic aroma. Has a light shade.

The refining process involves the complete removal of pesticides and impurities from raw materials. Therefore, the oil becomes light and non-aromatic, it is devoid of most of the beneficial enzymes.

The refined product is used for frying because the oil does not burn, does not emit carcinogens or unpleasant odors, does not smoke, and does not foam.

The unrefined composition, in turn, accumulates a full list of valuable elements, which is why it smells so good. However, such a product often contains pesticides that are used when growing corn.

If the oil has not been purified, it must be kept only in the refrigerator. In this case, the composition must be placed in a dark glass container. Exposure to light or temperature changes provoke oxidation, bitterness and turbidity.

Thiamine - the element means vitamin B1, which is responsible for oxygen metabolism. Thiamine saturates tissues with oxygen, accelerates blood circulation in the lymph, controls the balance of fats and carbohydrates, and removes excess salts from urine. Vitamin B1 removes swelling of the limbs and internal organs, reduces sugar levels, which is very valuable for patients with diabetes.

Tocopherol - an element considered a natural antioxidant that rejuvenates the body in all aspects. Vitamin E normalizes the functioning of the sex glands in women and men. The element is responsible for the beauty and tone of the skin, and heals the hair.

Nicotinic acid is a substance that occupies a leading position among all elements aimed at protecting the central nervous system. Vitamin PP tones a person’s mental state, calms, relaxes, and fights the consequences of negative emotions. Nicotinic acid can eliminate insomnia.

Vitamin F - slows down premature aging body, fights senile dementia. Vitamin F is effective for chronic constipation and digestive system disorders. The element thins the blood and accelerates its circulation, which is especially appreciated by people with varicose veins.

Lecithin - prevents the formation of blood clots in blood channels, increases metabolic processes, regenerates tissue at the cellular level, and relieves inflammation. Corn oil heals wounds and fights dermatological problems.

Effect of corn oil

  • maintains skin elasticity;
  • makes hair shiny and strong;
  • fights dermatological diseases;
  • prevents tissue mutation;
  • blocks blood access to cancerous tumors;
  • increases the body's protective functions;
  • fills voids in the liver, cleanses internal organ from toxins;
  • treats cholelithiasis;
  • maintains glucose at the desired level in diabetes;
  • eliminates intestinal obstruction;
  • helps digestive system work harmoniously;
  • cleanses blood vessels, accelerates blood flow;
  • controls heart rate and blood pressure;
  • relieves the nail plate from delamination;
  • heals large abrasions and microcracks;
  • fights vitamin deficiency between seasons;
  • prevents blood clots from forming on the walls of blood channels.

Daily norm

To reap the full benefits, you should not consume more than the recommended amount of oil. daily norm.

An adult should take 100 ml per day. product. At the same time, the oil can be added to salads, baked goods, sauces, and other dishes.

As for children, a child under 1 year of age should be introduced to the oil gradually. Start with 1 drop, mixing it with your usual food.

The older generation (preschool age) is recommended to consume 25 ml. oils per day. 30 ml is enough for schoolchildren, 60-75 ml for teenagers.

Harm of corn oil

  1. The oil should not be taken by people who naturally have low appetite and are underweight for their age.
  2. It is recommended to refuse the composition for categories of citizens with high blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.
  3. People with gastrointestinal diseases, individual intolerance to corn, or allergies to the product should exclude oil from the diet.

Corn oil resists well heat treatment, therefore suitable for preparing various dishes. It is often taken orally to saturate the body with the necessary enzymes. To get the full benefit, you must first eliminate possible contraindications.

Video: Can diabetics have corn oil?

Widely distributed in America. It was there that corn oil was first produced at the end of the 19th century, and debates about its benefits and harms have not subsided since then.

Most scientists believe that eating the product has a positive effect on the body, and its use in cosmetology greatly improves the condition of hair and skin.

What kind of oil is there?

In terms of its properties, corn oil is one of the best representatives of such products. It is produced by extraction or pressing method from corn germs.

There are several types of goods that can be seen for sale.

  • An unrefined dark product in which all useful material and smell. This type of oil is called unrefined.
  • Refined oil that retains a slight pleasant smell.
  • Refined deodorized product, marked with the letter “D”. It is used to prepare food for small children.
  • Refined oil marked in the form of the letter “P”. It is added to various dishes and is used for frying.

Our stores most often sell refined products that have gone through all stages of purification, because they are stored longer, have no odor and do not foam when heated in a frying pan.

Unrefined oil is a rarity. Corn is often grown with fertilizers, so untreated corn retains pesticides and can be harmful. You can buy unrefined corn oil if you are sure that it is environmentally friendly.

If you are lucky enough to purchase one unrefined product, immediately pour it into glass containers and store in the refrigerator. Otherwise, the oil will quickly become cloudy and acquire a bitter taste. Best before date open bottle– about 2 weeks.


If you study the composition of corn oil, it becomes clear that it is a unique vegetable fat that is easily digestible. It contains a high concentration of acids and other useful elements necessary for humans.

  1. The natural antioxidant lecithin cleanses the blood and removes harmful cholesterol from it.
  2. Iron, magnesium and potassium provide the body with the necessary microelements.
  3. Vitamin B1 promotes carbohydrate-fat metabolism and oxygen saturation of cells.
  4. With the help of vitamin F, wounds heal, blood thins, cell regeneration and metabolism improve.
  5. Vitamin PP has a positive effect on nervous system and normalizes digestion.

Separately, it is worth highlighting vitamin E, which is a huge number found in corn oil. Vegetable fat is an ideal environment for it, so it is fully absorbed by humans. The vitamin is indispensable for normal functioning and rejuvenation of the body. With its help, the functioning of the gonads improves, and the cells are protected from genetic mutations. Vitamin E provides women with Good work reproductive system, and during pregnancy protects the fetus from possible threats.

Corn oil, like any other oil, has a lot of calories, so it should be consumed little by little, especially for people who control their weight. 100 g of product contains 899.1 kcal.

Product benefits

Having carefully studied the composition of corn oil, nutritionists strongly recommend it to people suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system. and polyunsaturated fatty acids regulate fat metabolism, as a result of which cholesterol levels are normalized. This reduces the risk of blood clots and plaques in blood vessels and reduces the threat of heart attack and stroke.

Corn oil is also necessary to improve the functioning of the gallbladder. To enhance its contractile function, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp daily before breakfast and lunch. l. product. 2 hours after administration, the tone of the bladder decreases, and fresh bile begins to flow. In addition, it provides a mild laxative effect and normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Polyunsaturated acids protect the body from viruses and bacteria, reducing the frequency of colds.

Doctors have proven the benefits of oil in the presence of the following diseases:

  • migraines;
  • asthma;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hay fever;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • intestinal disorders.

The unique properties of the product obtained from corn are varied. To avoid harm to health, it should be included in the diet in moderation. Nutritionists recommend eating 75 g per day, adding oil to salads and using it to stew vegetables.

In cosmetology

The properties of corn oil are actively used in cosmetic procedures and dermatology. With its help, the condition of the nail plates, skin on the hands and face significantly improves.

After a course of face masks with the addition of this product, the skin tone evens out and disappears. acne, inflammation and fine wrinkles. The advantage of the oil is that it does not clog pores, but gently cleanses and moisturizes the epidermis, allowing cells to breathe normally.

To tighten the oval of the face, it is enough for women to apply a therapeutic mask once a week for 2 months.

  1. Place 2 tsp in a ceramic container. honey and melt them by placing the bowl in a pan of hot water.
  2. Combine honey with the same amount of corn oil and stir.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolk and gently fold into the mixture.
  4. Apply a homogeneous composition to cleansed skin of the face, neck and décolleté.
  5. After a quarter of an hour, rinse the ingredients with chamomile decoction.

To get rid of acne in whipped foam egg white put 1 tbsp. l. blue clay and a little corn oil. Stir, lubricate the skin, wait until the composition dries, and cleanse your face with warm water.

The treatment procedure helps strengthen nails and soften hands. In 1 tbsp. l. oil add 5 drops of iodine. Rub the mixture into your nails and skin, leave for 15 minutes and rinse.

Using corn oil, you can restore damaged, dry hair and restore its elasticity, shine and softness. To do this, it is enough to rub it into the hair follicles 3 times a week and distribute along the length of the strands. The procedure should be done 2 hours before washing your hair.

Use in folk medicine

A product obtained from corn is present in many folk treatment recipes.

  • For dermatitis and headaches, healers advise taking 1 tsp. oils 2 times a day before meals.
  • It helps in treating burns. Warm the product slightly, soak a piece of gauze in it, fold it several times and apply it to the sore spot. Cover the compress with plastic and secure with a bandage. The gauze must be replaced with a new one every hour.
  • Many people are bothered by cracked heels, but not everyone knows that they can be easily cured with corn oil. To do this, steam your feet, soak a cloth in warm oil, place it on your heel, and put on woolen socks. Do the procedure before bed for a week, and the soles of your feet will become soft, healthy, and the cracks will heal.

You can calm your nerves and normalize your sleep if you take 1 tbsp orally before dinner. l. corn oil. In addition, it should be gently rubbed into the temples and the hollow at the back of the head in the evenings. Positive dynamics will be noticeable in a week.

Oil for children

Many pediatricians, for example the famous Dr. E. Komarovsky, say that corn oil is useful in children’s diets. When heated, it practically does not lose its properties and is easily digestible. It contains a lot of phytosterols, which lower cholesterol and have anti-carcinogenic properties. Included in children's diets, the product helps absorb vitamin A from vegetables and other beneficial substances.

Corn oil can be added to baby cereals starting at 6 months. You need to introduce the product to your baby gradually, starting with one drop per day, gradually increasing the amount.

The total daily dosage of any vegetable oil is this:

  • before the child turns one year old, 5-10 g is enough;
  • after one year to 3 years, the norm of consumption per day is 15 g;
  • from 3 to 6 years - about 20 g.

It is useful to combine in the diet of children different types vegetable fats. Therefore, along with corn oil, you should include flaxseed and olive oil in your diet.

Are there any contraindications?

Numerous studies of the product have proven its enormous benefits for the body. To date, no serious reasons have been found to prohibit the consumption of corn oil.

In rare cases, individual intolerance to the components is observed. Therefore, an unfamiliar product should be introduced into the diet gradually. If after taking a small spoon no negative symptoms appear during the day, you can safely include the daily norm in your diet.

To ensure that the product brings only benefits, purchase it in good stores and do not forget to study the composition and check the expiration date. When the container or label is in doubt, refuse to purchase so as not to purchase a low-quality product.

If you adhere to the daily intake recommended by nutritionists, corn oil will have a positive effect on the body, improving the functioning of many organs. Be sure to enrich your diet with it. It will help prolong youth, cleanse blood vessels, strengthen the nervous system and improve sleep.