Butter. How much oil should be eaten per day so that there are no health problems

Buying butter in the store is simply indecent. Residents of the village of Pozharishche in the Vologda Region are absolutely sure of this. Well, as proof, they offer everyone who wants to taste the medley - that's what they call in these parts homemade butter.

Reporting by Andrey Kuznetsov.

Neighbors Galina Klyzhenko and Anna Klementieva are now making a "mash" - this is how homemade butter is called in the village of Pozharishche. The recipe is simple: thicker sour cream, deeper cast iron, and more patience.

Galina Klyzhenko: “If the sour cream is fresh, it will take more time.

Before making butter, housewives skimmed cream for a whole week and collected sour cream in a large cast iron. What happened was stored in a cold cellar for several days. Only then they poured it into "nosniks" - that's what they call a special clay pot for oil - and began to churn.

Real rustic butter is made either from heavy cream, or from sour cream. If you stir continuously for half an hour, the yellow thick oil remains at the bottom, the liquid - buttermilk - can be drained.

Pozharishchensky old-timers say that they used to make their own oil here in every house. Anna Pavlovna recalls how her parents went to work, and her, five-year-old girl, was left at home to shoot down the "mash".

Anna Klementyeva: “The little one still did, they did a lot in such big “rozlevs”. They will leave me to interfere, it doesn’t interfere with me, it doesn’t interfere - everything is liquid, I’ll take it and pour out the piglet, and I’ll go to the river to swim. so you don't want it anymore."

In order for liquid sour cream to churn faster, a little ready-made oil is added to it. Washed and cooled "mash" at least now serve on the table. To keep the oil longer, it can be steamed in a Russian oven, and on "shangi" - as they call it here fluffy pancakes, yes with melted mash - it’s not a shame to invite guests.

Butter is also prepared in the house next door. But not for a treat, but as a medicine. Appolinaria Fedorovna noticed a long time ago - a good "mess" from any ailments helps.

Appolinaria Klementieva: "It is both tasty and healthy, and it is very good for the human body. Both from the liver and from the lungs."

Instead of potions and pills, she has homemade oil mixed with honey and aloe. And no costs - after all, everything is their own, rustic. And why, the pensioner wonders, do young people go to the store to buy butter?

Oleg Konshin: “They make less butter now, because there are fewer cows. We now have 15 cows, and if there were more, I think they would do everything. Of course, there is no comparison with purchased butter.”

The Vologda Museum has been collecting the secrets of village oil for several decades. So he was shot down in small farms. Industrial model - Oak barrel mechanical drive - such devices were only in large oil-pressing artels.

Nadezhda Ostretsova, Head of the Department of Milk and Dairy Products Technology at the Vologda Dairy Academy: "We needed 40 liters of cream - that's 400-500 liters of milk."

In the Conflagration, the tool is simpler, and even exact recipe there is no oil - only stories that are passed down from generation to generation, and the "mix" still turns out delicious. How else, say the villagers, because while cows are grazing in the meadow, their oil will not be transferred here.

Presenter: You can’t spoil porridge with butter. We all know this proverb from childhood. However, as nutritionists assure, it is better not to overdo it with this product. So how much oil should be eaten per day so that there are no problems with the heart and blood vessels. And in what cases is it better to completely exclude it from the diet. Rimma Moisenko, a nutritionist, will tell us about this. Hello, Rimma Vasilievna.

Guest: Hello.

Presenter: Some nutritionists advise to completely exclude butter from the diet, and some advise to eat at least 50 grams per day. So what do you think?

Guest: Well, I immediately about 50 grams. This is, of course, a very large number. We must not forget that most often we eat hidden fats, that is, saturated fatty acids, and real animal fat, which is found in fish, meat, and poultry. We simply do not see it with our own eyes, and it seems to us that we do not consume these fats. Although we use them in sufficient quantities. And if we add butter to these fats, then, having calculated the total amount, we need to understand that perhaps this will already be too much.

Guest: It must be a real cow, made from cream. And, if it says that 82.5% of cow's milk, butter is made from cream, then this is real butter. If it is an oil that has a different percentage of fat, then it is no longer a fake oil.

Presenter: But it is believed that vegetable oil is very useful. What exactly?

Guest: Unsaturated fatty acids are rich in vitamin E, which is the strongest antioxidant and removes free radicals and toxic substances from our body by processing various foods. And people who do not consume vegetable oil, their gastrointestinal tract may not work well, they may have a bad skin color.

Presenter: But can you somehow divide which oil is the most useful of vegetable oils?

Guest: The main acids necessary for our body are, first of all, linoleic acid - this is omega-3, known to everyone, and alphalenoleic acid - omega-6. And in the largest amount of these unsaturated fatty acids are found primarily in olive oil.

Presenter: But it also differs. There is a first spin, a second, cold. How, too, to understand this abundance?

Guest: We know what is hot way cooking and cold. If this oil is cold pressed by pressing, in a cold way, then this is a real oil that does not lose its value. And in general, I would never advise exposing oil, any, vegetable or animal, heat treatment. Because it loses, first of all, nutritional value, and then the so-called trans fats are formed, which, firstly, are not digested, they are not absorbed, as a building material for our cellular elements. They are deposited in the subcutaneous adipose tissue. They do not contribute to lowering the level of cholesterol in the blood, but, on the contrary, contribute to the accumulation on the walls of the endothelium, in the form of cholesterol.

Presenter: Well, how about frying food?

Guest: Is there a need to fry food in oil? If we heat treat, say, vegetables, then special dishes with a non-stick coating are ideal. Here you can cook in this pan. The steamer is the perfect way to cook. And if we add vegetable oil to an almost cooked product, one or two minutes before it is ready, then it will be ideal.

Host: Thank you, Rimma Vasilievna. In some cases, oil can cure many ailments, and when, on the contrary, it is detrimental to our body, nutritionist Rimma Moisenko told us about this. Well, now, let's sum up our conversation.

If you have heart problems or high blood cholesterol levels, nutritionists advise you to completely abandon butter. After all, animal fats will enter your body anyway - for example, with meat, fish or cheese dishes.

As for vegetable oil, an adult needs to consume at least 50 grams of this product per day. The trace elements contained in it are necessary for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and help maintain youthful skin.

By the way, nutritionists consider olive oil to be one of the most useful among vegetable oils. At the same time, it is better to buy what is prepared by cold pressing.

And remember: fry meat or fish, for example, on olive or sunflower oil nutritionists categorically do not advise. With this combination, extremely dangerous carcinogens can form in the dish.

And one more important point: you need to store open vegetable oil in a dark, cool place. Under the influence of light, this product begins to lose vitamins.

Good day, my dear readers! To make butter, all you need is cream, and nothing else. In the 19th century, butter was very expensive, it was considered the same delicacy as oysters, black caviar and champagne.

This product was not available to ordinary people, only the know could afford it. There were no refrigerators back then, and oil quickly deteriorates in heat.

Not to mention the fact that the cream had to be whipped by hand, this process is quite lengthy and laborious: in order for the rich French to have buttered buns for breakfast, the milkmen had to work all night.

Academician Fleishman, famous in those days, who devoted his life to the study of dairy products, wrote: “Butter will never become a national food product ...” However, the scientist was mistaken. Those times have come.

Butter or margarine: how to determine?

To find out what exactly is in front of you, study the list of ingredients. If you find hydrogenated (that is, converted from liquid to solid) vegetable fats in the composition, alas, this is not butter, but real margarine.

It is better to buy butter produced in summer. It is tastier and healthier, since cows eat fresh grass at this time of the year, and not hay and mixed fodder, and therefore produce better milk.

By the way, beta-carotene dye, absolutely harmless and permitted by GOST, is sometimes added to winter oil. Without such tinting, a product made in the cold season turns out to be too pale.

What is useful butter for women?

vitamins and useful substances in butter much less than in cheese, yogurt or milk, but more calories and cholesterol. Why eat it then?

For skin beauty

This product contains vitamin E, which slows down the aging of the skin, and fatty acids, they help make it more elastic.

For a whiter smile and thicker hair

Butter contains vitamins A, D, K, PP, without which there will be neither healthy teeth, nor strong bones, nor beautiful hair. “But these vitamins are also found in less high-calorie foods!" - You object. This is true, but they are best absorbed in combination with fat (it is no coincidence that they are called fat-soluble), which is the oil.

For fast thinking

Fat is responsible for the speed of information exchange between different parts of the brain. So, if you have serious mental work to do, it is useful to eat a sandwich or porridge with butter for breakfast.

For a slim figure

Although traditionally butter is not classified as a dietary products, it is less caloric than vegetable (72-82% fat versus 100%). And in addition to not the most useful saturated fats, it contains very necessary unsaturated fatty acids, however, in small quantities.

How much butter can you eat per day?

Butter types

There are several types of butter. They differ primarily in the percentage of fat:

  • 99% - ghee, from which milk protein and other impurities were removed by melting, leaving almost pure fat. Ghee has 30% more vitamin A than traditional butter. It is resistant to high temperatures - does not burn or smoke when roasted. Minus - high calorie content (about 900 kcal per 100 g).
  • 82.5% - traditional. Great for sandwiches, pastries or cream cake. But frying in this oil is not worth it. It boils at a temperature slightly above 100`C (usually food is fried at 120-180`C), after which it begins to release carcinogens. Cooking with butter every day will lead to heartburn and stomach problems.
  • 80% - amateur. In him more water than in the traditional one (20% versus 16%). Keep in mind that the more moisture in the oil, the faster it deteriorates.
  • 72.5% - peasant. His main feature– high moisture content (up to 25%). But instead of water, buttermilk is usually added to peasant butter, which gives it a more delicate taste.
  • 61% - sandwich and 50% - tea. The only two types where, according to GOST, emulsifiers, stabilizers and preservatives can be added.

How to check the quality of butter

Butter- one of those products that are pleasant to buy on the market. These light yellow bars or even balls, picturesquely laid out on the counter, look painfully appetizing.

But how to determine the quality of the oil without a label? If the color is not uniform, and the edges of the bars are crumbling, do not take it. If everything is in order with this, buy a hundred grams for a sample and conduct an experiment at home.

Experiment 1

Press down on the piece of butter with your finger. A poor-quality product will immediately begin to crumble.

Experiment 2

Dip in hot water. Butter made exclusively from cream will dissolve evenly, while butter containing vegetable fats will break up into small particles. If there is a dye in the composition, yellow spots will float on the surface.

Experiment 3

Try it. Real butter will melt in your mouth quickly, leaving a delicate sweet milk flavor on your tongue. Product with vegetable fats or made from low-quality ingredients will dissolve slowly, and the aftertaste will be unpleasant.


Butter: what are they?

Sweet, sour, salty… Butter can have almost any taste except bitter.

Sweet cream - most popular. It is made from fresh cream. First, they are heated (pasteurized) to 80-90 degrees to destroy bacteria, then they are placed in a special apparatus (butter maker, or oil converter), where they turn into butter.

Sour milk. Lactic acid starter is added to the cream. The result is oil delicate taste natural yogurt.

Salty - added to sweet butter table salt. It is rarely used for baking, but sandwiches with it are excellent.

Chocolate, Fruit, Berry. This is a mixture of sweet cream butter with various fillers - cocoa, honey, jam, jam. You can drink tea with this oil or use it as a cream for a cake. But keep in mind that artificial preservatives, colors, stabilizers, and emulsifiers are often added to "sweet" butter, making it less healthy.


How to store butter?

FROM butter is a delicate product not only in texture, but also in its essence. To keep it from spoiling, handle it with care.

  • The oil very quickly absorbs surrounding odors, so you need to store it either in a package or in a tightly closed container.
  • In stores there are oilers with a transparent lid, but you should not buy them. In the light, the oil deteriorates much faster than in the dark.
  • In the refrigerator, the oil lives a maximum of 5-7 days, in freezer 3-4 months. What to do if the electricity suddenly turned off in the country? Wrap the butter first in foil or parchment, then in plastic bag. Put in a saucepan with cold water and cover with a lid. So the oil can be stored for 3-4 days.
  • If the oil is bitter, it is better to throw it away. Most likely, it has already deteriorated.

How to make butter at home?

You can make your own butter if you like. To do this, you only need heavy cream and mixer. Whip the cream with a mixer until buttermilk (similar to low-fat milk) separates from it.

In contact with

When it comes to the most common and familiar foods, oil is among the first to be remembered. Since ancient times, butter has been the basis and holiday table and daily meals. It is not without reason that sayings about delicious food – « good pancakes oil”, “you can’t spoil porridge with oil”, etc. Even the brightest of the pagan Slavic holidays bears the name of this product - Maslenitsa. Not having a large assortment of dishes, our ancestors with the help of oil were able to give a festive “color” even to a quick millet porridge or empty potatoes.

Controversy about the dangers of oil

At the beginning of the 20th century, butter fell out of favor with physiologists, who began to suspect that the use of fat-saturated butter leads to coronary heart disease and vascular problems. And it was from that time that the persecution of cholesterol and products containing it began. Nutritionists around the world have advised removing butter from your diet. Huge funds were directed to experiments that were supposed to confirm the harm of butter and its "responsibility" for heart disease. However, this has not been definitively proven. And lately, more and more voices have been heard in defense of butter.

Useful properties of oil

In the heat of the fight against cholesterol-containing products were forgotten, of course, beneficial features butter. Butter contains fatty acids, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D, E, PP, B vitamins, iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, manganese, zinc. Vitamin E is necessary for the beauty and health of hair and nails, the strength of our muscles; vitamin A maintains normal vision, is responsible for the health of the skin and mucous membranes. Butter, helps to regulate hormonal balance increases human performance and reduces fatigue. The oil contains a large number of vitamin D, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium, which is so necessary for bones. All these vitamins are fat-soluble, and the body absorbs them best with the help of animal fats. Linoleic acid increases human immunity and blocks the development of metastases. Another acid contained in the oil - lauric - helps the body resist fungal diseases, in particular, it is used in the treatment of thrush.

Consumption rate and composition of butter

The minimum daily allowance for a healthy person is 10 g, but you can consume up to 30 g. For children, natural butter is more useful than substitutes such as spreads. Milk fat, necessary for growth and development, is absorbed by the child's body more easily than vegetable fat. Without fatty acids with which butter is rich, normal synthesis of sex hormones is impossible; fats are a source of energy that our body needs for daily activities and work. Fat-soluble vitamins are found primarily in butter and other animal products, while those found in plants and herbs cannot be absorbed without fat. There is as much vitamin A in butter as there is in no vegetable oil, and it is necessary not only for vision and skin, but also for the functioning of the immune system.

How to choose butter

Only a product that is derived from natural cream and has a fat content of 82.5% or more can be called butter. Product with lower fat content large quantity of various nutritional supplements that replace the natural base is not butter - it is a spread, margarine or other ersatz product, and it should be cheaper. Don't buy butter wrapped in parchment paper- in the light it loses many vitamins and oxidizes. Take the oil in foil - it retains much more useful.

If you do buy an oil that has been exposed to light, do not use its top layer, which is yellowed and dull - remove it and throw it away.
Store the oil in the refrigerator or in a dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 12°C. The oil can be stored for a short time room temperature, but so that no light enters. You can not use glass oilers - in them, the oil loses all its useful properties in just a day; choose ceramic, plastic, porcelain oilers - in general, the material should be opaque.

Butter has the ability to absorb various odors, so do not keep strong-smelling foods or things in the kitchen.

You can only benefit from fresh, natural butter.

It does not need to be overcooked, but it is better to add it to dishes after they are ready.

What is the real harm of oil?

Recently, a number of scientists have shown that daily use butter does not affect the increase or decrease in cholesterol. On the other hand, of course, the high calorie content of this product leads to weight gain, and this, in turn, entails many diseases. But in this, as in other matters of rational nutrition, it is necessary to appeal to an adequate concept of proportion so as not to suffer the consequences of overeating the saturated fats contained in butter.

Ecology of health and beauty: Butter is present in the daily diet of most people. This is a nutritious and healthy product. In Russia, he gained fame back in the 19th century, and since that time he has been perceived precisely as food. However, butter can also be used for other purposes, for example, for the preparation of medicinal and cosmetics at home.


Butter is present in the daily diet of most people. This is a nutritious and healthy product. In Russia, he gained fame back in the 19th century, and since that time he has been perceived precisely as food. However, butter can also be used for other purposes, for example, for the preparation of medicinal and cosmetic products at home.

Chemical composition

Butter is a concentrate of milk fat. It consists entirely of dairy products, and it can be obtained by separating or whipping cream. It should not contain any other additives, especially preservatives. Sometimes salt can be found in the composition. Butter is rich in oleic acid, which is a useful monounsaturated acid, as well as other fatty acids, including linolenic, arachidonic and linoleic. The total amount of fatty acids reaches 150. There are those without human body cannot function properly. Butter contains vitamins, minerals and a small amount of water.

Table: the content of nutrients in butter

composition element

Content per 100 g of product

Vitamin A

1.0 mg

Vitamin E

2.2 mg

Vitamin D

0.2 µg

Vitamin B2

0.1 mg

Vitamin B3

0.05 mg

Vitamin PP

0.05 mg


12.0 mg


15.0 mg


0.4 mg


19.0 mg


2.0 mcg


7.0 mg


0.2 mg


100.0 mcg


2.5 mcg

Valuable product properties

Butter can be very useful for a sick stomach. It has an enveloping effect, and the complex of vitamins contained in butter contributes to the rapid healing of the walls of the stomach. However, it should be remembered that in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the product may be harmful. Therefore, before using it, it is better to consult a doctor.

Points of view about what fat content butter should be (72.5% or 82.5%) differ. There is an opinion that oil below 82% fat should not be consumed. This statement is incorrect. The difference between products with different fat content is only in the production technology.

Butter has the following valuable properties:

1. It is a prevention of oncology and prevents the formation of metastases in an already existing disease.

2. Saturates the body with energy, increases endurance and ability to work.

3. Promotes cellular regeneration of organs and tissues of the body.

4. Increases immunity.

5. Improves the condition of the skin, hair, teeth and nails.

6. It has a positive effect on vision.

7. Has a slight antifungal effect. In particular, the lauric acid present in the composition is able to cope with the Candida fungus. Of course, from the mere use of butter, the diseases caused by this fungus will not go away, but as an additional factor, this product contributes to recovery.

8. Improves brain function.

9. Promotes the production of serotonin.

Thanks to certain rules for choosing butter, you can avoid buying a spread

Please note: in the warm season, if the storage conditions are not observed, the oil may deteriorate and subsequently cause food poisoning, which manifests itself 1-2 hours after the use of the product. As a rule, it is not dangerous and is treated with gastric lavage and the intake of adsorbents.

Benefits for Women

Butter has a positive effect on the hormonal system of the body, including women. For the normal process of producing steroid hormones, which include female sex hormones, the intake of fatty acids is necessary. Cholesterol found in butter, in moderate doses, can also be helpful. Despite the fact that it is now customary to talk about the dangers of cholesterol, for normal functioning the female reproductive system must be maintained at a certain level. This explains the hormonal imbalances that can be observed in women suffering from malnutrition or excessive dieting.

Benefits for men

Androgens, male sex hormones, are also steroidal. Therefore, butter has no less effect on men. positive influence than on women. First of all, the use of butter has a positive effect on reproductive function and sexual activity, which, with insufficient production of male hormones, can significantly decrease.

Natural butter contains fatty acids necessary for the body.

Benefits for children

It is extremely important for children to get from food required amount fatty acids. This is necessary for the healthy physical and mental development of the child. Brain cells cannot be normally formed in conditions of deficiency of the components that make up the butter. therefore children's menu must include the inclusion of oil in the diet. All children's institutions use this product for preparing hot meals and sandwiches, which are on the menu kindergarten predominantly offered for breakfast.

Is it good for breakfast

Nutritionists are inclined to believe that it is the first meal of the day that is most favorable for the use of butter. contained in it useful material absorbed much better than later meals. But the calories that enter the body during breakfast are mainly spent on maintaining the energy tone of the body, and are not deposited on the sides.

Video: butter - how to distinguish a healthy product from a spread


In spite of obvious benefit, butter also has contraindications for use:

    allergic reactions;

    milk protein intolerance;

    high level blood cholesterol;

    problems with the heart and blood vessels;


    prone to acne - improper functioning of the sebaceous glands can be aggravated by the use of fatty foods. They need to be reduced as much as possible.

Basically everything Negative consequences associated with the feature of the product to increase the level of cholesterol in the blood. But you need to remember that people who do not have contraindications from the above list, only natural butter that does not contain additives in the form of trans fats is useful. The product that contains additional components is not butter and has many more contraindications.

Butter can lead to an increase in cholesterol levels only if consumed excessively. Compliance with the norm of consumption (and the absence of contraindications) eliminates the harmful effects of this product.

Individual reactions to the product should also be taken into account. . For some people, butter causes heartburn. This happens with certain types of gastritis or cholecystitis and is due to the fact that the bile produced to break down fats, instead of the duodenum, where it should go, enters the stomach, causing acid reactions.

Features of the use of butter

adult healthy person should eat 30 g of butter per day. In winter, this rate can be doubled, since at this time of the year there is a shortage of nutrients in the body, and additional feeding is also required for heating.

Children under the age of ten, oils are allowed to be consumed much less. Them the norm does not exceed 10 g.

Care should be taken to include butter in the diet of people suffering from cardiovascular diseases. as well as stomach ailments. Their norm is equal to the child's and is 10 g per day.

Some people, fearful of the saturated fat found in butter, prefer to substitute margarine instead. This is unlikely to be beneficial, since the latter is created from vegetable oil by hydrogenation, which leads to the formation of trans fats that negatively affect the body.

Butter is beneficial for various categories of people.

During pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, butter is an indispensable product, as it nourishes the body and, in particular, the female organs responsible for bearing the fetus. During this period, it is also useful for the prevention of varicose veins, because thanks to it, the walls of blood vessels remain elastic. Vitamin D contained in butter promotes good absorption of calcium, which is very important both for the woman herself and for the formation of the child's body.

It is allowed during pregnancy to slightly exceed the consumption of butter. It can reach 50 g. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor weight and cholesterol levels. If any of the above exceeds the norm, then oil consumption will have to be reduced to a minimum.

Butter is not dangerous for the child's body, but its excessive use by a nursing mother can provoke digestive problems or allergic reactions in the baby. The latter, however, is extremely rare. The norm for a woman during lactation is no more than 20 g per day.

At what age can children be given

By general rule babies start giving butter at 6-8 months. Until this time, fatty foods are excluded for the child, as they can provoke problems with the digestive tract. It is better to introduce oil into the diet starting with sunflower or olive, and only then, when the body adapts to fat, you can try butter.

Portions of a child up to one year must be very small and do not exceed 5 g per day. You should pay attention to the composition, taste, price and fat content of the product, so as not to accidentally confuse the oil with the spread and other oil-containing products that include trans fats. Such food is strictly forbidden to the child.

The famous pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky claims that butter should not be given to children before 8 months, since animal fats are not recommended before this age. He advises introducing oil into the diet only when the child is already well assimilating cottage cheese, kefir and cereals.

When introducing butter into a child’s diet, first you need to add a small amount of the product to the porridge

Butter for various diseases

Since butter has a small number of contraindications, it is approved for use in many diseases. Moreover, it can be used as a medicine.

It is important to know: after operations (which do not require subsequent adherence to a special diet) and caesarean section, it is allowed to use butter on the fourth day.


The use of butter for gastritis can affect the condition of the stomach in different ways.. As a rule, it is well tolerated and even acts favorably on the walls of the digestive tract, promoting healing. However, in rare cases it can cause heartburn. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to well-being after its use. The norm for a person suffering from this disease is 25 g per day.

stomach ulcer

Unlike other animal products, butter is allowed for this disease. There are even recipes traditional medicine, the main ingredient of which is butter.

To prepare a medicine for stomach ulcers, you will need the following ingredients:

    0.5 tablespoon of honey;

    50 g of alcohol (drinking, not more than 50%).

Melt butter and honey in a water bath, then cool slightly, mix with alcohol and take the entire resulting volume of the mixture at a time. This should be done in the morning, on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast. Every day you need to prepare the mixture again, you can not store it. The duration of treatment is 30 days. Then a two-week break and, if necessary, repeat the course again.


During an exacerbation of the disease, fatty foods, including butter, are prohibited. In the chronic course of the disease, it is allowed to consume up to 20 g of oil per day. It is desirable if it is used as a dressing for side dishes, and not for making sandwiches. In the latter case, it will be cold, and therefore more difficult to digest.


In any form of diabetes, it is necessary to follow a diet, including limiting fat-containing foods, as they can negatively affect blood sugar levels. Also, diabetics should refrain from foods that increase cholesterol. The vessels of such people are already very fragile, they cannot be endangered by the occurrence of cholesterol plaques. Therefore, the maximum daily norm of butter for a diabetic is 15 g.

From hemorrhoids

Butter is very effective for this ailment. It can relieve inflammation and even stop bleeding. Can be made from oil candles.

You will need:

    250 g butter;

    1 tablespoon of honey;

    10 g of wax.

It is necessary to melt the wax and oil separately in a water bath. Next, mix all three ingredients before the wax hardens, and make a candle out of the resulting mass. They should be used at night as needed without restrictions on the duration of the course. Keep refrigerated. Wax hardens very quickly, so it's best to do a few pieces rather than large batches.

For constipation

Recommended for use. However, do not expect an immediate effect. It is necessary to take butter regularly, preferably not exceeding daily allowance for an adult (30 g). Of these, it is desirable to eat 10-15 g in the morning, on an empty stomach, 20 minutes before breakfast.

Milk with cough oil during pregnancy

Can be used during pregnancy useful recipe that does not harm the body, unlike medications. The recipe is used for dry cough.

    1 glass of milk;

    1 tablespoon of oil;

    ¼ teaspoon of soda;

    1.5 teaspoons of honey.

Milk should be boiled and then cooled slightly. Then add all other ingredients to it. You can drink up to three times a day. Preferably no more than 3-4 days, as the drink is quite high-calorie and contains a lot of fat. This remedy is used when a moderate cough occurs. If the disease develops, you should consult a doctor.

Hot drink with milk, butter and honey - excellent tool against cough


Gout is a serious metabolic disease, so it is impossible to cure it with butter alone. However, it can be used to prepare an ointment that will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Have to take medical alcohol and butter at a ratio of 1: 1 and cook a mixture of these ingredients over low heat until the alcohol has completely evaporated. The remaining substance is used for rubbing diseased growths that occur with gout, 2 times a day. You can use it constantly, without interruption.

From sinusitis

The following recipe is found in the journal "Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle" for 2007. It is necessary to put a piece of butter the size of a pea in one nostril at night. Before going to bed the next day, do the same, only put the oil in the other nostril. So alternate until the effect is achieved. It is believed that as a result, pus should come out of the sinuses.

Painful joints

For the treatment of joints, you can prepare a special ointment. You will need:

Place the egg in vinegar essence (so that it is completely immersed) for 3 days. After that take it out. By this time it should be soft. It needs to be turned into homogeneous mass without peeling, and mix with butter. The resulting ointment is rubbed into diseased joints daily for 4 days. After use every other day until relief occurs. Keep refrigerated.

From a heel spur

This recipe is similar to the previous one, but has its own characteristics. Have to take:

The egg must be mixed with the essence. Add the shells and oil crushed in a coffee grinder there. Insist 5 days. The resulting ointment is applied to the spurs with a thick layer. Next, a compress is made: from above, the sore spot is covered with gauze and cellophane, fixed with a plaster.

Regular compresses with butter, vinegar, and egg help relieve heel spur pain in the foot.

The same mixture can remove warts. In this case, it is better not to do compresses, because the ointment can get on healthy skin around the neoplasm and cause a burn. It is necessary to carefully apply the mixture on the wart and leave until completely absorbed, trying not to accidentally erase it. Repeat daily until you get results.

For immunity

Have to take:

    50 ml of aloe juice;

    100 g of ground viburnum;

    150 g walnuts;

    150 g of honey;

    150 g butter.

All ingredients must be mixed and taken 1 teaspoon 2 times a day after meals. The duration of the course is at least 2 months. Store the mixture in the refrigerator in a tightly closed container.

From varicose veins

It is necessary to mix chopped garlic and butter in a ratio of 1: 2. With this mixture, treat locally affected areas of the veins. After applying, wrap with parchment, and on top with a bandage. It is necessary to walk with such a bandage for 12 hours, then remove and rinse the areas treated with ointment with cool water. You can do it 2 times a week for 3 months. Then take a break for 1 month.

Butter for losing weight people and athletes

People who are trying to lose excess weight fat-containing foods should be consumed with great care. Butter contains 745 calories and 82% milk fat, so it does not apply to dietary products. However, daily consumption of at least 10 g of butter per day is recommended to maintain health and, first of all, the hormonal system of the body, which has a heavy load during the diet.

People involved in sports should consume butter in the amount prescribed as the norm for a healthy adult, that is, 30 g per day. Although in general saturated fat are quite harmful for athletes, so if possible, butter can be partially replaced with olive oil.

beauty recipes

Butter can be used not only for food, but also to make various face and hair masks based on it.

Hair Growth Mask

    1 tablespoon of grated horseradish root;

    1 tablespoon of butter;

    1 yolk.

The ingredients are mixed and applied to the scalp for 40 minutes. Top with cellophane and a towel. The mask is washed off warm water with shampoo. You can do it once a week.

By mixing butter with other healthy ingredients, you can prepare products for the face or hair

Moisturizing face mask

    boiled potatoes - 1 pc.;

    butter - 15 g;


Mash potatoes and mix with butter. Add a little kefir, 0.5 - 1 teaspoon. Apply the mixture on your face for 30 minutes. You can do 2 times a week for 3 months. Then a month break.

For the skin around the eyes

    cottage cheese 9% fat - 1 tablespoon;

    butter - 1 teaspoon;

    warm milk - 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything well until uniform consistency and apply to the area around the eyes for 30 minutes. Can be done 2 times a week. After 2 months, take a two-week break.

For acne

    1 teaspoon of butter;

    0.5 teaspoon of raspberry leaf juice.

Make a cream from the ingredients and apply it pointwise to problem areas. It is advisable to do the procedure at night, and wash your face in the morning as usual.

Butter has been accused of raising cholesterol levels. There is an opinion that it is generally better to abandon it in favor of oil substitutes (spreads). This opinion is fundamentally wrong. Butter will not harm your health if you follow the recommended consumption rate.. At the same time, even a small amount of it contributes to the maintenance of normal functioning of the body. published

Cholesterol is the enemy! Animal fats kill! Butter is poison! Similar phrases often flash on portals and forums dedicated to a healthy lifestyle. So what is butter, is it good or bad? Can I eat it while losing weight? We'll figure out.

In terms of chemistry

Butter is a water-in-fat emulsion. It is formed when whipping cream, when drops of milk fat connect with each other, repelling excess plasma - “discarding whey”. The resulting product contains almost no protein (0.5 g per 100 g) and carbohydrates (0.8 g), but it contains 82.5 g of fat (or 72.5 g, in "peasant" oil). Therefore, it can be safely used by people who are allergic to cow's milk proteins, and with lactase deficiency.

The calorie content of butter is 748 kcal per 100 g, and therefore at times when the nutritional value of any product was determined primarily by the number of calories, it was considered very useful product. Then the compass needle turned in the opposite direction, calories became the enemy, cholesterol was declared the cause of all cardiovascular ills, in the end useful and delicious product acquired a bad reputation for a long time.

Fortunately, medicine is constantly evolving, and the value of butter is not determined by calories alone.

From a medical point of view

Butter contains:

  • Vitamin A

Participates in the antioxidant defense of the body, preventing cell damage by peroxides and free radicals that are formed during metabolism. Structural component of cell membranes. The main component of rhodopsin is a retinal pigment that provides normal vision at dusk. Participates in the synthesis of sex hormones, hyaluronic acid, interferons, immunoglobulins (antibodies). Provides sensitivity of receptors to vitamin D.

  • Vitamin D

Provides a normal exchange of calcium in the body: its absorption in the intestines, the construction of bone tissue. Prevents breast cancer, depression, cardiovascular disease.

  • Vitamin B12

Only found in animal products. Participates in the synthesis of red blood cells and myelin sheaths of nerve cells.

  • Vitamin K2

Or menaquinone. By participating in calcium metabolism, it protects against osteoporosis and improves dental health. There is evidence that vitamin K2 reduces the likelihood of developing liver cancer, cardiovascular disease.

  • Cholesterol

Forms cell membranes, ensuring their stability. The basis for the synthesis of sex hormones, bile acids.

  • Fatty acid

Butter has the richest range of fatty acids in its composition - more than 400 varieties. Of these, 11% are short-chain, mainly butyric acid, the main source of energy for intestinal cells. Butyric acid reduces the activity of inflammatory processes in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract, there are even special drugs based on it (by the way, very expensive). It creates an optimal environment for the development of normal intestinal microflora, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

In addition - and this is important for those who want to lose weight - short-chain fatty acids activate the so-called "free fatty acid receptors" in the intestines, which cause satiety, reduce appetite and fat accumulation.

  • Trans fatty acids

Unlike those trans fats that are formed during heat treatment, or during the production of margarine, natural, or "ruminant" (created by the body of ruminants), trans fatty acids are not only safe for health, but also reduce the likelihood of developing cardiovascular diseases. diseases, regulate the immune response, protect against cancer and reduce fat mass. Conjugated linoleic acid - one of the representatives of "ruminant" fatty acids - is even produced in the USA as food supplement promoting weight loss. But why buy expensive what you can get naturally?

Thus, butter when losing weight is not only possible, but also necessary. Moreover, other oils can be no less useful:,.

The earlier notion that eating saturated fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease has been refuted by numerous studies.

From a culinary point of view

The consumption rate of butter is 10-30 grams per day.

In order for butter to retain all its beneficial properties, it should not be subjected to heat treatment, heating above 140 degrees. That is, you can melt the product, but using it in dough or for frying, from the point of view of health benefits, is completely pointless.

Those who want exotic can try a very popular drink in America: coffee with butter. They replace breakfast with those who want to lose weight. The inventor of the drink, traveling in Tibet, tried the traditional Tibetan tea with buffalo oil, and decided to transfer it to western soil. Caffeine gives energy and speeds up metabolism, while oil saturates with energy.

To prepare a drink for weight loss, pour 1-2 tablespoons (15-30 grams) of butter with freshly brewed (by no means instant!) Coffee. Beat well until smooth.

Fans of this drink claim that its calorie content is only 122 kcal, and there is enough energy and a feeling of satiety until lunch. Reviews about the taste are contradictory - from "the most tasty coffee of all that I managed to try in my whole life "to" creepy stuff. Those who wish can check: the drink will definitely not bring harm, and, as you know, they don’t argue about tastes.

Despite the bad reputation of butter, it is a very healthy and tasty product that not only does not harm health, but also contains many important ingredients. The notion that its use provokes atherosclerosis and increases the likelihood of death from cardiovascular pathologies has been refuted. Butter can be helpful in losing weight by supplying the body with the essential fatty acids it needs to function properly.