How to calculate body fat. Fish oil will stop the development of cancer. Your trainer… in nutrition

A few years ago, health status was determined using body mass index (BMI). Today indicator appearance and general well-being is the percentage of body fat - the amount of fat in % of the total body weight of a person.

Those who follow the figure and strive to always have a slim and toned body should know that the ideal ratio of body fat in the body cannot be calculated. Normal body fat percentage varies markedly between people and is due to factors such as genetics, body type, age, individual activity level, dietary habits, etc.

BMI and body fat percentage are not the same

Many people often confuse concepts such as body mass index and body fat content, but these are two completely different indicators.

BMI stands for a numeric expression that is the ratio of a person's weight to their height. Everyone can calculate their BMI by dividing their weight in kilograms by their height in meters, this can be done either independently or using an online calculator. You can also determine BMI in another more popular way: measure your height in centimeters and subtract one hundred from this number. For instance:

Height - 180 cm - 100 \u003d 80 and another - 10 \u003d 70 - the ideal BMI for women in kilograms.

And the percentage of fat in the body - this means the total weight of a person minus the weight of fat in his body.

For example, with a weight of 68 kg, and 6.8 kg of body fat, the percentage of fat in it is 10% (6.8/68).

This figure may vary when a person is gaining or losing fat. This percentage can also change when a person builds muscle or loses muscle mass.

Proper nutrition and strength training to increase weight, for example, from 68 to 78 kg, usually results in an additional 2.2 kg of fat. In this case, the percentage of fat will already be about 12% (9/78).

As you can see, the percentage of body fat can vary depending on the changes that occur with the human constitution.

Another important difference between BMI and body fat percentage is the fact that body mass index is useful and effective for analyzing large populations, while body fat percentage is better suited for assessing the physical development of each individual individually.

Normal body fat

There are many opinions about the normal amount of fat that should be contained in the body of non-athletic people. For women, the content of 16-20% and 20-21% of body fat is considered acceptable (taking into account the age category), and for men - 8-14% and 10-14% (see table 1). The presence of such indicators provides a lean physique. How it looks visually is shown in the picture below the table.

For excellent health 10-15% fat - great option for the strong half of humanity, which is worth striving for. However, men who want to highlight six pack abs should control their fat content within 10-11%, the abdominal region is the very place where body fat “loves” to accumulate.

Women aiming for a six-pack abs may need to drop their body fat percentage to around 14-16. It should be noted that for some of the fair sex, this figure may be too low. And the lack of fat in the body is fraught with adverse consequences for women's health.

How to determine the percentage of body fat?

To determine the amount of fat in the body, there are several methods: simple ones that you can do yourself, and complex ones that require special devices.

So, you can set the percentage of subcutaneous fat using a regular ruler, caliper or caliper, an instrument that measures the thickness of the skin fold.

To take measurements, you need to stand up straight, pinch a section of skin 10 cm to the right of the navel with your fingers, capturing fat deposits, and set the thickness of the resulting fold with one of the tools (caliper, ruler, caliper).

Then the age and the resulting figure (in mm) must be compared with the table on which the levels of fat are indicated.

Body fat percentage can also be estimated using measuring tape: first measure the circumference of the body, and then, using special formulas, calculate the content of body fat.

Scales with a fat analyzer will help you determine the percentage of body fat. Before getting on the scales, the user must enter their data: gender, height, age. Then stand barefoot on the device. An electrical signal passes through the feet, measuring the resistance of the body. User data and resistance level allow the device to calculate body fat percentage.

The Internet has great amount sites providing online calculators. By entering your parameters, you can easily set the fat content in your body. Here's what it looks like

True, the body fat percentage calculator does not always determine accurately. Such a device of each site is based on its own formulas and calculation options, so the obtained data on fat may not match.

No less accurate, but more time-consuming method, used exclusively in specialized clinics - it is hydrostatic weighing. Due to its low density, fat does not sink in water, having positive buoyancy. A person sits in a special chair, where he is fixed with straps and immersed headlong into the water, where they are weighed. Reception is performed several times for the most accurate result. Next, calculate the weight of fat according to the formula.

This technique is considered one of the most accurate with an error of about +/- 3%, but such a service is quite rare.

Another method for determining the percentage of fat is bioimpedansometry.- determination of the composition of the human body by means of a special device that passes a weak current through the body. The amount of fat affects the speed of signal transmission: the more it is, the less it is.

The device will help determine not only the percentage of fat in the body, but also "tell" a lot of interesting things about your body. He will set the body mass index, analyze the personal basal metabolism, indicate the rate of calories, determine the ratio of sodium and potassium in the body.

This method is considered the most accurate of all of the above, its error is only 1.5−2%.

Watch your figure and be always healthy and beautiful!

Many athletes, if they are trying to lose weight or gain muscle mass, evaluate the results of physical training only by changing their weight. In addition, some of them consider the ideal formula for correct weight: height minus weight in centimeters. But the resulting figure misleads them, because it is not able to show how much fat is in the body. It will be more correct to monitor its level and periodically measure the body.

Norms of subcutaneous fat content in men and women

For women:

  • The average level of fat is 25 - 31%.
  • Good physical shape - 21 - 24%.
  • 14 - 17% is already an athletic physique.
  • Numbers above 32% indicate that you are obese.

For men:

  • 18 - 25% - the average level of fat.
  • 14 - 17% - good physical shape, but there is a little fat in problem areas.
  • 6 - 3% fat is a relief abs and an athlete's physique.
  • Above 25% - excess fat (obesity).

infrared irradiation

Due to the fact that the tissues human body have different densities and refract light differently, the fat content is measured by infrared irradiation. Sensors with sources of infrared rays are attached to different points of the body, the data is sent to a computer and processed there in a matter of seconds.

The method is not particularly accurate, but it is absolutely harmless, and the examination is very fast.

Method for measuring bioelectrical resistance (BES)

This method is based on the fact that fat tissues are different from muscles and do not conduct current. To find out the level of fat, electrodes are fixed on the legs and arms and a weak current is passed through. The slower it goes through our body, the more fat it contains. The resulting results are inserted into formulas that take into account gender, weight and age. This is how the volume of body fat in the human body is calculated.

Now devices resembling scales have become widespread. They use the BES method. You need to stand on an object resembling a floor scale, and in a minute you will see a report on the mass of fat, water content in the body, muscles, and even your weight. Fitness centers often have such scales in the locker rooms, so it is possible to try to weigh yourself on them.

Since the current gets stuck in the depths of the body and passes through the limbs rather quickly, there is a considerable error in determining the percentage of fat in the body.

The subject sits in a special chair suspended from the scales, exhales, and then plunges into a tank of water. For several seconds, while the underwater weighing is carried out, the person should not breathe. This procedure is repeated up to 3 times. The average value is displayed for the highest results. With the help of several complex formulas, based on the data obtained, the percentage of fat is calculated.

This inconvenient and time-consuming method is carried out only for research purposes. When women are weighed, it gives errors, since there are large differences in the density of their bones and muscles.

Determination of body fat content using ultrasound

The study is performed on equipment similar to the one in the ultrasound room. Scanning with ultrasonic waves is carried out not in one, but in several places. Ultrasonic waves, penetrating deeply, show the thickness of the fat layer on the measuring scale. The resulting data is needed in order to calculate the total part of the fat. This method is controversial: adipose tissue sometimes has a density that is close to muscle, and the machine cannot detect this difference.

To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the waist, the most convex part of the chest and the widest part of the hips. Then divide the data obtained: waist circumference by hip circumference and waist circumference by chest circumference. Normally, these figures should be - 0.9 for men and 0.8 for women. If you have too much fat, that is, a waist larger than your chest or hips, you need to get rid of it urgently. Scientists believe that if the waist is at least 50 mm larger than the circumference of the chest, this is fraught with the appearance of many diseases.

Measurement of fat folds with a caliper, a device that looks like a caliper, is a fairly simple method. In the abdomen, a fold is pinched with this instrument and its size is recognized on its scale. The data that is obtained is substituted into the formulas and, as a result, the percentage of fat is obtained.

The latest technologies, such as computed tomography, determine the percentage of adipose tissue much more accurately, because on the tomograph we see a clear image of tissues and the accuracy of computed tomography is an order of magnitude higher than the measurement with a caliper. However, the high cost of this method makes it of little use in sports.

The accuracy of measuring the skin fold depends on the experience of the person performing the procedure. Yes, and measurements should be carried out by one person. If everything is done correctly, you will only have to compare the results of measurements to see progress in getting rid of fat.

Hydrostatic weighing

You can check your fat content in fresh water. To do this, lie on your back and spread your legs and arms. Take a deep breath, hold your breath and count. If you quickly go to the bottom, without counting up to 30 - the fat is not enough, less than 13%. If even after a minute you do not go down, then the fat is more than normal (more than 25%). If you started to dive into the water at the expense of 30 to 40, then you have about 20% fat.

American scientists have developed a special table by which you can determine the fat content. To do this, in the third column you need to determine your height, and in the first - the largest hip circumference in centimeters. By drawing a straight line between these points, you will get a figure for your body fat percentage.

Skin fold pinch

Pinch a skin fold with your fingers. A very simple method. With your thumb and forefinger, pinch a fold of skin slightly above the armpit (on the shoulder). Then release it without spreading your fingers. If the distance between them is more than 2.5 centimeters, then you have excess fat.

Bod Pod system

This study is almost from the realm of fantasy. When you enter a special room, the sensors analyze how much air you have displaced. Based on this, in a couple of moments you will get a breakdown of the bones, water, muscles and fat in your body. Such a technical miracle is very expensive even in the West.

You need to know that a low level of fat in the body disrupts the proper functioning of the endocrine organs. Reproductive organs and kidneys suffer.

Too much a large percentage fat increases the risk of developing diseases of the heart and blood vessels, metabolic diseases. If fat is deposited in the waist area ( abdominal obesity) is very dangerous for both women and men. The risk of developing cardiovascular disease increases five times. If the waist circumference in women is more than 88 cm, and in men - than 102 cm - this is a real cause for alarm.

With the help of the above methods, you can easily monitor the percentage of body fat and, if necessary, permanently get rid of it.

This detailed instructions explains how to determine your body fat percentage and how to monitor your progress with a caliper, a device that measures skinfold thickness. This method is the most accurate way to measure body fat.

This guide should help you learn how to determine your body fat percentage using a caliper. It includes detailed tables and charts. You can ask any questions you have in the comments to the article.

Caliper is a device designed to measure the thickness of the skin fold. After taking measurements in key locations, you can quite accurately determine the total percentage of fat in the body, as well as estimate the percentage of subcutaneous fat.

The figures show the locations where measurements are to be taken. You will need to turn to someone for help, as you will not be able to reach all the points indicated on your own. It is very important to take measurements as close as possible to the place indicated in the figure.

How to take measurements correctly

If you are right-handed, with your left hand, gently squeeze the skin-fat fold at the measurement site. Place the caliper tips with your right hand as shown in the figure below. The tips should be located at a distance of 7.5 millimeters from the fingers of the left hand, with which you continue to compress the skin-fat fold. Release the caliper lever so that the levers compress the skinfold. Hold the skin-fat fold with your left hand throughout all measurements.

It is important to hold the skin fold with your hands so that the caliper only measures the thickness of the skin fold. You may notice that immediately after pinching, the caliper may “crawl”, after a couple of seconds the “crawl” will slow down, then it is necessary to fix the measurement. Before releasing the caliper, it is necessary to fix the measurement on the scale.

Data collection and body fat percentage calculation

Take measurements at all four points depicted in the pictures below, and record the obtained data on the caliper scale. No matter in what order, add up all four values ​​obtained. You can determine the percentage of body fat from the table located at the end of the instructions. Please note that the data for women and men are different, so do not confuse.

You may also have noticed that the percentages are not for every millimeter. This is due to the fact that in this case the table will be too large. To get the exact value, you need to interpolate neighboring values. For example, the sum of measurements for a woman in the 16-29 age group was 29 millimeters. This is between 28 and 30 millimeters in the table. The percentage of fat at 29 mm -18.6%, at 30 - 19.5%. Thus, for 29 mm, the percentage will be 19.0%. Another example, a 40-year-old man, the total sum of measurements is 42 mm. The table shows the values ​​for the fold size 40 and 45 mm. 42 is 2/5 between 40 and 45. The percentage of fat for 40 is 20.3%, for 45 it is 21.8%. 2/5 between 20.3 and 21.8 is approximately 20.9%.

Where to take measurements

Triceps (back of the shoulder):

The point is exactly in the middle between the shoulder and elbow joints. The fold is taken in a vertical direction directly in the center of the back of the shoulder.

Biceps (anterior part shoulder):

It is measured in exactly the same way as triceps, only in this case the crease is taken at the front of the shoulder.

shoulder blade:

Just below the shoulder blade. The fold is taken at an angle of 45 degrees, as shown in the figure.


Just above the ilium, and the pelvic bone. The fold is taken almost horizontally, as shown in the figure.

Table for calculating the percentage of fat mass

Now it remains to determine the percentage of body fat according to the tables.

For men:

Amount in mm Age 16-29 Age 30-49 Age 50+
20 8.1 12.1 12.5
22 9.2 13.2 13.9
24 10.2 14.2 15.1
26 11.2 15.2 16.3
28 12.1 16.1 17.4
30 12.9 16.9 18.5
35 14.7 18.7 20.8
40 16.3 20.3 22.8
45 17.7 21.8 24.7
50 19.0 23.0 26.3
55 20.2 24.2 27.8
60 21.2 25.3 29.1
65 22.2 26.3 30.4
70 23.2 27.2 31.5
75 24.0 28.0 32.6
80 24.8 28.8 33.7
85 25.6 29.6 34.6
90 26.3 30.3 35.5
95 27.0 31.0 36.5
100 27.6 31.7 37.3
110 28.8 32.9 38.8
120 29.9 34.0 40.2
130 31.0 35.0 41.5
140 31.9 36.0 42.8
150 32.8 36.8 43.9
160 33.6 37.7 45.0
170 34.4 38.5 46.0
180 35.2 39.2 47.0
190 35.9 39.9 47.9
200 36.5 40.6 48.8

For women:

% of fat from the sum of measurements in all 4 points
Amount in mm Age 16-29 Age 30-49 Age 50+
14 9.4 14.1 17.0
16 11.2 15.7 18.6
18 12.7 17.1 20.1
20 14.1 18.4 21.4
22 15.4 19.5 22.6
24 16.5 20.6 23.7
26 17.6 21.5 24.8
28 18.6 22.4 25.7
30 19.5 23.3 26.6
35 21.6 25.2 28.6
40 23.4 26.8 30.3
45 25.0 28.3 31.9
50 26.5 29.6 33.2
55 27.8 30.8 34.6
60 29.1 31.9 35.7
65 30.2 32.9 36.7
70 31.2 33.9 37.7
75 32.2 34.7 38.6
80 33.1 35.6 39.5
85 34.0 36.3 40.4
90 34.8 37.1 41.1
95 35.6 37.8 41.9
100 36.3 38.5 42.6
110 37.7 39.7 43.9
120 39.0 40.8 45.1
130 40.2 41.9 46.2
140 41.3 42.9 47.3
150 42.3 43.8 48.2
160 43.2 44.7 49.1
170 44.6 45.5 50.0
180 45.0 46.2 50.8
190 45.8 46.9 51.6
200 46.6 47.6 52.3

What is the normal or ideal body fat percentage?

What is the normal or ideal body fat percentage? This is probably the most complex issue. Each person has their own ideal percentage. It depends on age, gender and heredity. In addition, the desired percentage of subcutaneous fat for athletes varies depending on the sport. For example, swimmers perform better at a higher body fat percentage than runners. But there are still some generalized data that are true for each person.

For men:
For men under the age of 30, the normal proportion of fat is 9-15%, between the ages of 30 and 50 - 11-17%, over 50 - 12-19%. Must stay within or below the upper limit.

For women:
For women under the age of 30, the normal proportion of fat is 14-21%, aged 30 to 50 - 15-23%, over 50 - 16-25%. Must stay within or below the upper limit.

It should be noted that the presented ranges are not averages, but desirable indicators for residents of the US and the UK. The current average body fat level is much higher than normal, as the number of overweight people has increased significantly in recent years.

How to identify muscle loss or gain

Measuring muscle loss or gain is one of the most important areas where body fat data can be used. Knowing the percentage of fat content and weight, you can easily determine the weight of "lean body mass". Since muscle tissue is a component of muscle mass, a change in "lean mass" is often caused by a change in muscle mass.

In order to determine lean mass, it is necessary to accurately measure body fat and body weight. After a diet or training, measurements must be repeated. Any change in muscle mass reflects how much muscle you have lost or gained.

Example for men:
For example, a man weighing 95 kilograms, the percentage of body fat is 30%. We multiply 95 kg by 30%, we get 28.5 kg - the weight of fat contained in the body. Subtract 28.5 from 95 and get 66.5 - lean mass. After a month of regular training and proper nutrition his weight dropped to 88 kilograms, and the percentage of fat to 25% (22 kg). Thus, now his lean mass is 66, that is, in a month he lost 500 grams of muscle and 6.5 kilograms of fat. An excellent result, indicating that he chose the right training and nutrition program.

Fat mass = 30% and Body weight = 95 kg.
95 x 0.30 = 28.5 kg. 95 - 28.5 = 66.5 kg. lean mass

Fat Mass = 25% and Body Weight = 88 lbs
88 x 0.25 = 22 kg. 88 - 22 = 66 kg. lean mass

66.5 - 66 = 0.5 kg. loss of muscle mass
28.5 - 22 = 6.5 kg. fat loss

Example for women:

Woman weighing 68 kilograms, body fat percentage 30%. Fat mass will be 20.4 kg. We subtract the resulting number from her 68 kilogram weight and get 47.6 kg of lean mass. After a month of a low-calorie diet, she lost 10 kilograms and now her weight is 58, and her body fat percentage is 27% (15.6 kg.). Lean weight - 42.4 kg. Thus, the loss of muscle mass was 5.2 kg, and fat - 4.8 kg. It follows that she lost almost equal amount muscle tissue and fat, which indicates an incorrectly chosen weight loss program.

In the form of formulas, all calculations will look like this:

Fat mass = 30% and Body weight = 68 kg.
68 x 0.30 = 20.4 kg. 68 - 20.4 \u003d 47.6 kg. lean mass

Fat mass = 27% and Body weight = 58 kg.
58 x 0.27 = 15.6 kg. 58 - 15.6 \u003d 42.4 kg. lean mass

47.6 - 42.4 \u003d 5.2 kg. loss of muscle mass
20.4 - 15.6 \u003d 4.8 kg. fat loss

People who have lost a lot of muscle and gained a lot of fat due to low activity can actually regain lost muscle and burn fat at the same time. For example, a man, 68 years old, weight 70 kg. The sum of measurements taken with the caliper indicates 28% fat. This is 19.6 kilograms of fat and 50.4 kg of lean mass. For 4 months of active strength training and correct month his weight dropped to 68 kg, and the percentage of fat to 18%. Thus, the fat mass was 12.2 kg, and the lean mass was 55.8 kg. That is, in 4 months he threw off 7.4 kg of fat and gained 5.4 kg of muscle.


Fat mass = 28% and Body weight = 70 kg.
70 x 0.28 = 19.6 kg. 70 - 19.6 = 50.4 kg. lean mass

Fat mass = 18% and Body weight = 68 kg.
68 x, 18 = 12.2 kg. 68 - 12.2 = 55.8 kg. lean mass

55.8 - 50.4 \u003d 5.4 kg. a set of muscle mass
19.6 - 12.2 \u003d 7.4 kg. fat loss

How to determine the weight at a certain percentage of fat

If you know your current weight and body fat percentage, then you can determine how much weight you will have at a particular percentage of body fat. This is pretty easy to calculate. First, subtract your current body fat percentage from 100 and divide that by 100 minus your desired body fat percentage. Multiply the resulting number by your current weight, and you will find out your weight at a certain percentage of body fat. For example, a woman is 66 kg, the percentage of body fat is 32%. Her goal is 21% body fat and she wants to know what her weight will be. Subtract 32 from 100 and get 68. 21 from 100 equals 79. Divide 68 by 79, we get 0.86. Multiply 66 by 0.86 and get the desired weight - 56.8 kg.

Thus, she learned that in order for the body fat to be 21%, she needs to lose about 10 kg. But this formula works provided that a person does not lose muscle mass. This can be avoided with proper training and diet. If weight loss occurs due to a low-calorie diet, then it will also decrease and muscle mass and the weight for a certain percentage of fat will be even lower.


Body fat percentage = 32% ~ Desired body fat percentage = 21% ~ Current weight = 66 kg.
100 – 32 = 68
100 – 21 = 79
68 ÷ 79 = 0.86
Possible weight = 66 x 0.86 = 56.8 kg.

Another example, a person involved in strength sports, current weight 91 kg, body fat percentage 21%, desired body fat percentage 5%. How much does he need to weigh to achieve this goal?

Body fat percentage = 21% ~ Desired body fat percentage = 5% ~ Current weight 91 kg.
100 – 21 = 79
100 – 5 = 95
79 ÷ 95 = 0.83
91 x 0.83 = 75.5
91– 75.5= 15.5 kg.

Thus, to have a body fat percentage of 5%, he needs to get rid of 15.5 kg of fat, and lean mass should be 75.5 kg. Checking the content of subcutaneous fat will allow him to check whether the loss of hard-gained muscle mass is on the way to his goal or not.

This concludes the information on how to measure and control the percentage of fat and lean mass ends. If you want to discuss one of the points presented or disagree with something, then we are waiting for your questions and comments in the comments.

In the struggle for harmony, it is always important to know how effectively the process of losing weight is going.

You can measure your waist with a centimeter, you can pull on your old favorite jeans - everyone has their own methods.

However, it is always important to know which component - adipose tissue or muscle - causes a decrease in volume and a decrease in body weight.

Some fitness centers offer an additional charge percentage of adipose tissue in the body with the help of high-tech devices. They give pretty accurate results. But approximate values ​​\u200b\u200bcan be obtained at home, and completely free of charge.

How to measure?

Stand up straight, straighten your back. Grab the skin-fat fold just below the navel horizontally - thumb on top, index finger below.

Place the ruler horizontally, resting its end against the stomach, and measure the thickness of the fold in millimeters. Then find the resulting value in the table below, taking into account your age.

18-29 years old30-39 years old40-49 years old50 years or more
15 10,5
20 14,1 17 19,8 21,4
25 16,8 19,4 22,2 24
30 19,5 21,8 24,5 26,6
35 21,5 23,7 26,4 28,5
40 23,4 25,5 26,2 30,3
45 25 26,9 29,6 31,9
50 26,5 28,2 31 33,4
55 27,8 29,4 32,1 34,6
60 29,1 30,6 33,2 35,7
65 30,2 31,6 34,1 36,7
70 31,2 32,5 35 37,7
75 32,2 33,4 35,9 38,7
80 33,1 34,3 36,7 39,6
85 34 35,1 37,5 40,4
90 34,6 35,8 38,1 41,2
95 35,6 36,5 39 41,9
100 36,4 37,2 39,7 42,6
105 37,1 37,9 40,4 43,3
110 37,8 38,6 41 43,9
115 38,4 39,1 41,5 44,5
120 39 39,6 42 45,1
125 39,6 40,1 42,5 45,7
130 40,2 40,6 43 46,2
135 40,8 41,1 43,5 46,7
140 41,3 41,6 44 47,2
145 41,8 42,1 44,5 47,7
150 42,3 42,6 45 48,2
155 42,8 43,1 45,4 48,7
160 43,3 43,6 45,8 49,2
165 43,7 44 46,2 49,6
170 44,1 44,4 46,6 50
175 44,4 44,8 47 50,4
180 44,7 45,2 47,4 50,8
185 45 45,6 47,8 51,2
190 45,3 45,9 48,2 51,6
195 45,5 46,2 48,5 52
200 45,5 46,5 48,8 52,4
205 45,8 46,8 49,1 52,7
210 46 47,1 49,4 53
The content of adipose tissue in the body of men (in percent)
Subcutaneous fat fold, mm18-29 years old30-39 years old40-49 years old50 years or more
15 4,8
20 8,1 12,2 12,2 12,6
25 10,5 14,2 15 15,6
30 12,9 16,2 17,7 18,6
35 14,7 17,7 19,6 20,8
40 16,4 19,2 21,4 22,9
45 17,7 20,4 23 24,7
50 19 21,5 24,6 26,5
55 20,1 22,5 25,9 27,9
60 21,2 23,5 27,1 29,2
65 22,2 24,3 28,2 30,4
70 23,1 25,1 29,3 31,6
75 24 25,9 30,3 32,7
80 24,8 26,6 31,2 33,8
85 25,5 27,2 32,1 34,8
90 26,2 27,8 33 35,8
95 26,9 28,4 33,7 36,6
100 27,6 29 34,4 37,4
105 28,2 29,6 35,1 38,2
110 28,8 30,1 35,8 39
115 29,4 30,6 36,4 39,7
120 30 31,1 37 40,4
125 30,5 31,5 37,6 41,1
130 31 31,9 38,2 41,8
135 31,5 32,3 38,7 42,4
140 32 32,7 39,2 43
145 32,5 33,1 39,7 43,6
150 32,9 33,5 40,2 44,1
155 33,3 33,9 40,7 44,6
160 33,7 34,3 41,2 45,1
165 33,7 34,6 41,6 45,6
170 34,5 34,8 42 46,1
175 34,9 35 42,4 46,5
180 35 35,2 42,8 46,9
185 35,6 35,4 43 47,3
190 35,9 35,6 43,3 47,7

How accurate is the method?

“This table has drawbacks,” says Alexei Korochkin, researcher at the Department of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine of the Russian State Medical University. - Firstly, tabular values ​​​​after all averaged, and they can vary greatly among people of the same age and gender. Secondly, it is not very easy to accurately measure the thickness of the fat fold at home.

When is the method useful?

Usually, healthy weight frames are usually calculated using the formula body mass index(BMI). But the resulting value does not always reflect the real picture.

An increased BMI can be observed in people with developed muscles, and a normal one in an unathletic person with a fragile physique and decent fat reserves.

For more exact definition better assess your condition two indicators at once– BMI and body fat percentage.

For example, if with a decrease in BMI, the percentage of fat remains unchanged, weight loss is due to a decrease in muscle mass, which can be called exhaustion of the body. If BMI rises, a change in the percentage of fat will show, due to which the weight increases - muscle mass grows, or fat reserves are deposited.

According to Korochkin, this method of calculation is suitable for those who exercise regularly to lose weight. In this situation, it is important not to know the exact weight, BMI and percentage of body fat, but changing these values ​​in dynamics.

“Even if there is an error in the table or your measurements,” Korochkin notes, “the dynamics of the change in values ​​will show whether you are moving in the right direction.”

How to estimate body fat percentage

The relative content of adipose tissue in the body of women (in percent)

The relative content of adipose tissue in the body of men (in percent)

If there is too little fat?

Reduced body fat is not a reason for pride, but for revising the diet.

Lack of adipose tissue in the body disrupts the endocrine system. Women can then stop menstruating and develop early signs of osteoporosis, a disease in which bones lose calcium and become very brittle.

In addition, if the fat layer in the region of the lower back and hips completely disappears, the kidneys and organs of the reproductive system lose their protection from the cold. With hypothermia, a woman runs the risk of acquiring inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

If there is too much fat?

A too high percentage of body fat indicates an increased risk of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, such as hypertension and type 2 diabetes.

Especially dangerous for both men and women is the so-called abdominal obesity - the deposition of fat reserves in the waist area. It increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by five times.

The real cause for alarm appears when the waist circumference in men exceeds 102, and in women - 88 centimeters.

The most important

Relative body fat measurement is also possible at home. It is not very accurate, but it allows you to track in dynamics how and due to what weight loss occurs. But do not get carried away with the loss of fat mass - it is important for the normal functioning of the body.

Nature has created man as an example of the ideal distribution of all the functions and capabilities of the body. But a decrease in the amount of physical labor, the use of unnatural food, a sedentary lifestyle destroy this harmonious mechanism. An example of this is the increase in body fat content. Too thin fat layer is no less harmful. You will learn more about what is the normal percentage of fat and how to stabilize it in case of deviations.

Minimum percentage of body fat

The amount of fat in the human body is of great importance because fat performs a number of important functions. This:

  • protection of body organs;
  • maintaining a normal temperature;
  • preservation of nutrients;
  • softening of the joints;
  • energy storage.

To maintain good health and lead a fulfilling life in female body should be at least 13-15% fat, and for men - at least 5-9%. There are no clear boundaries and requirements for the amount of fat, but below this threshold, processes of dysfunction of organs and tissues can begin in the body.

If a woman's weight is in this range, then she feels and looks good, and her reproductive organs are functioning normally.

Fat in the female body contributes to the synthesis of female hormones, normal functioning reproductive organs, the correct menstrual cycle, bearing and giving birth to children.

The amount of fat for various reasons can increase with age. But the main reason is a decrease in physical activity.

There is no exact figure for the amount of fat in the body. There is a range within which each individual has its own value. It all depends on the characteristics of the organism. One person may have a higher body fat percentage than another of the same age and gender, but still feel more energetic and healthier.

It is important to ensure that this amount does not exceed the upper limit of normal.

With weight loss within these limits, some women experience cycle irregularities. This means that the weight has fallen below the limits of the individual norm for this woman.

Age norms:

It is important to ensure that the amount of fat does not fall below normal. Strong weight loss harms not only women, but also men.

With a normal physique, fat in the female body is located in the hips, waist, sides, chest. If fat accumulates in the shoulders, arms, patella and shins, then this indicates a metabolic disorder, malfunctions of the hormonal system, and a tendency to edema. Therefore, this is an occasion to consult a doctor.

In men, fat levels are also important. The work of many systems of the male body, including reproductive and digestive systems, depends on this. Men have other duties and functions: a worker, a breadwinner, a protector. They have a more active life and a faster lipid metabolism. Therefore, it is much easier for them to lose weight.

Fat in men is normally evenly distributed throughout the body. Its accumulation in the abdomen indicates disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. Fat in the sides, chest, hips indicates a metabolic disorder, elevated content female hormones and unhealthy diet.

Why is visceral fat dangerous?

There are two types of fat stored in the body:

  • subcutaneous (visible);
  • visceral (internal).

Subcutaneous fat is located close to the surface of the body. It can be seen and felt.

All organs and cavities in the body are covered with a special film, the functions of which are varied. Visceral fat grows inside this shell, covering all organs. It is impossible to see him. Its presence can be determined by the violation of the proportions of the body.

First of all, the person's stomach begins to protrude forward. Other parts of the body may not change.
The causes of visceral fat inside the body can be:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • lack of movement and physical activity;
  • bad habits.

Visceral fat is not an age-related feature of the body. In recent decades, young people and even children have all the signs of excess internal fat. And this leads to big health problems.

The complete absence of visceral fat is also dangerous for the body, because it shelters internal organs from external influences and injuries. But it should not be more than 15% of total body fat.

A sure sign that the amount of visceral fat is increasing, and it is time to take action, is an increase in the size of the abdomen. This type of fat causes serious problems:

  • varicose veins of the lower extremities;
  • the change hormonal balance and metabolism;
  • heart failure, heart attacks;
  • diabetes mellitus type 2.

Fat in the liver is processed and converted into cholesterol, which goes into the blood vessels and is deposited on their walls. A person develops atherosclerosis.

Exceeding the norm of visceral fat can be determined by measuring the waist circumference. If the waist in women is more than 80 cm, and in men - 90-95 cm, then it's time to sound the alarm.

How to measure body fat percentage

In clinics and health centers, you can measure the amount of fat using special devices and techniques. At home, there are several methods:

  • Visual. Having undressed to underwear, you need to examine your body in the mirror. Usually everyone who is overweight knows this very well. Therefore, this method will help if a person decides to improve his body. In the mirror, you can identify areas and areas that need to be worked on.
  • Cloth. By trying on clothes, you can see if a person has lost weight or gained weight.

These methods will not help determine the percentage of body fat. If you need exact numbers, then you should purchase a small device called a caliper. It is sold in a pharmacy and is quite cheap.

With the help of a caliper, the thickness of the body folds is measured in different areas. How to take measurements? You need a helper because you can't do it alone.

The principle of operation of the caliper is the same as that of the caliper. Therefore, you can take measurements using one of these tools and a centimeter tape.

There are usually no problems with these devices. It is necessary to determine at what points measurements should be taken.

  • Triceps. The back of the arm between the elbow and shoulder. Vertical pleat in the center.
  • Biceps. Exactly the same fold as in the previous case, but in the front of the arm.
  • Blade area. Grab the crease just below one shoulder blade from the spine down to the side of the body at an angle of 45 degrees.
  • The area below the waist is slightly above the protrusion of the pelvic bone at a slight angle.

Data must be recorded in millimeters on the caliper scale. Add all 4 values ​​\u200b\u200band find the percentage of fat in the table.

How to reduce the percentage of fat in the body?

If you want to lose weight, you need to reduce not the weight, but the amount of fat. Do not starve and reduce the amount of food consumed. In this case, the body will eat muscle, and leave fat in reserve.
Strict diets and hunger strikes injure the psyche. And they end with a breakdown, overeating and a decrease in self-esteem.
Therefore, it is necessary not to reduce the quantity of food, but to change its quality. In this case, a shake-up of metabolism occurs: the body learns to burn more calories. Keeping the number of calories at the same level, it is necessary to gradually change the "bad" calories to useful ones.

In an ordinary person, the diet usually suffers from a lack of proteins, and fats and carbohydrates in excess. What should be done?

  • Increase the amount of proteins in the diet, because they are the main material for muscles.
  • Reduce the amount of "bad" carbohydrates: bakery products, sweets, sugar. Instead of them - cereals and pasta.
  • Refuse sausage products and semi-finished products with a high content of chemical additives and trans fats. Instead of them - poultry, beef, fish.
  • Dress salads only with vegetable oil.
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Divide the entire diet into 5 doses. This contributes to better digestion of food and accelerates metabolism.
  • Drink more water.
  • Make up for the lack of sweets with dried fruits.

After two weeks of such nutrition, the first results should appear. If there are no results, or they are not as desirable, then you need to again reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates without touching the proteins. Change fatty foods to low fat foods. There are only egg whites, red meat is replaced with white. And gradually reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed: gradually 10-15 g per day.

Physical exercise

You can join the gym and do strength exercises under the guidance of a trainer.

Do your own cardio workouts. Any physical activity is meant to strengthen the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

You can train yourself both in nature and at home. The treadmill and exercise bike are very popular. Or just various exercises recorded on discs.

You need to buy a heart rate monitor and monitor your heart rate during workouts. There is a maximum heart rate. For men it is 220 minus age, for women it is 214 minus age.

During training, you must ensure that the pulse is not higher than this number, otherwise heart problems begin.

There are some very effective exercises:

Pylometric push-ups

  1. Take an emphasis lying, as with ordinary push-ups.
  2. Lower the body to the floor, then sharply raise it.
  3. In this case, the hands come off the floor and make a clap.
  4. You need to have time to land on the palm of your hands.


  1. The starting position is the same.
  2. The weight is transferred to the elbows.
  3. Straighten your lower back, crawl back, pushing only with your hands.


  1. Lie down on your forearms.
  2. Maintain this position for 20-60 seconds.


  1. Squat down with your hands on the floor.
  2. Quickly go to the lying position and return to the starting position.

Walking on hands

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Crawl forward on your toes.
  3. Then back.
  4. The body does not bend.

Walking up the stairs helps a lot. It can be supplemented with simultaneous hand exercises with dumbbells.


The most acceptable way to lose weight is walking. It does not require any special conditions or long training. You can start with small walks, gradually increasing their duration.

Another convenience: the way to work or part of the way can be walked. Some people even manage to work while walking: thinking about new projects, writing articles, making phone calls and making deals.

You can talk to your parents and friends on the phone. After all, most people in the bustle do not have enough time for this. Can walk the dog

You can also learn about the norms of fat in the following video:

Body fat is both friend and foe. You need to be able to determine when it turns into a problem for the body. Having learned to determine the percentage of fat in the body, it is not difficult to find ways to bring it back to normal.

Well balanced diet with physical activity are the first and main steps on this path.

Do not run yourself and your body. This is not only an aesthetic problem. Excess weight causes serious damage to the body.

But there is no need to go to the other extreme either. Because a lack of body fat can also be dangerous.

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