Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu for weight loss. Purple tea "Chang-Shu": reviews from doctors

For several years now, there has been a lot of talk on TV screens and on the Internet about amazing properties Tibetan purple tea "Chang Shu". Reviews from doctors note its health benefits, and ordinary consumers mainly talk about its ability to reduce body weight. This drink, made from a plant growing on the slopes of Tibet, has long been popular in Asian countries. But they use it there to improve digestion and general health. And having become popular in European countries, this tea is considered the best way to improve metabolic processes. Distributors advertise it as a means of losing weight. But the homogeneous composition of the drink does not inspire confidence in it. Therefore, many people doubt whether to buy Chang Shu tea. Is this a scam or can you really lose weight just by drinking this drink?

Why is it called that?

In Asian countries Chinese tea"Chang Shu" has been popular for a long time. Due to the fact that the plant from which it is made, Clitoria trifoliata, is found in abundance on the slopes of Tibet, monks have long used it to maintain health. Clitoria is also found in Nepal and Thailand. Local residents drink this drink to quench their thirst or to improve their health. And now this tea is often served in any cafe and hotel in China or Thailand. It is popular there as a refreshing drink and people like to drink it over ice.

This drink has recently become known in European countries. It is known there as purple tea "Chang Shu". Although, if brewed correctly, it acquires a rich, beautiful blue color. In Asian countries they call it “blue tea”. Thanks to its unusual color, this drink is so popular. Blue tea gives a special atmosphere to tea drinking. And it began to be called purple because Europeans prefer to drink it with lemon juice. After all, clitoris tea has almost no taste. And when you add just 2 drops of lemon juice to the drink, it acquires an amazing purple, even purple color.

General characteristics of tea

In Asia, the drink made from the trifolium clitoris is known as "blue tea", "blue clitoris" or "anchan". After all, it is made from the flowers of the Anchan plant, or trifoliate clitoris. Sometimes it is also called butterfly peas or moth orchid. In the wild, this plant is found in the mountains of Tibet, Nepal and Thailand at an altitude of about 3 thousand meters. But recently, local residents have begun to plant Clitoria trifoliata near their houses. After all, this plant can form a beautiful hedge with attractive blue flowers.

Clitoria trifoliate is considered a medicinal plant, so it is not only used in the form of a decoction, but also added to cosmetical tools. To prepare tea, only the flowers of the plant are used, so the drink has a delicate, pleasant aroma and an almost imperceptible taste. Flowers are collected and processed by hand. And despite the fact that the clitoria harvest can be harvested twice a year, raw materials are supplied to Europe in small quantities. This is why the price of Chang Shu tea seems high to many. But this cost is compensated by its numerous beneficial properties.

What does it contain?

Chang Shu Flower Purple Tea is the unground dried flowers of Clitoris Trifolium. When brewed, all its beneficial substances are transferred into the drink. And the healing properties of this plant are explained by the fact that the flowers have a rich composition. The large amount of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids makes it so beneficial. Chang Shu tea contains trace elements contained in clitoris flowers. During the study, the following were found in the drink:

  • one of the derivatives of glutamic acid is theanine, thanks to which the drink is able to lower blood pressure and strengthen the immune system;
  • caffeine gives tea tonic and psychostimulating properties;
  • catechins improve heart function, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and the immune system;
  • tannins protect against infections and inflammation, improve intestinal function;
  • bioflavonoids strengthen capillary walls, cleanse the blood;
  • L-carnitine is able to burn fat cells, as it actively participates in lipid metabolism;
  • chromium normalizes appetite, reduces cravings for sweets;
  • methylxanthines participate in fat metabolism and improve blood circulation;
  • dopamine normalizes a person’s psycho-emotional state and helps resist stress;
  • lutein has a beneficial effect on the organ of vision, protecting against cataracts, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Beneficial features

Thanks to such a rich composition, the trifoliate clitoris is one of the most common medicinal plants. Because of this, Chang Shu tea is very popular in Asian countries. Reviews from doctors show that this drink has many beneficial properties. Although they do not appear immediately, but with regular use. Chang Shu is useful because it:

  • strengthens capillary walls;
  • cleanses blood vessels, prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • improves fat breakdown;
  • promotes proper absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • has a slight laxative effect, improving intestinal function;
  • removes excess fluid from the body, reducing swelling;
  • strengthens hair, accelerates its growth, stops hair loss;
  • strengthens nails;
  • makes the skin smoother and more elastic;
  • lowers arterial pressure;
  • calms down nervous system;
  • tones the body;
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases visual acuity.

In addition, the drink from the trifoliate clitoris has a rejuvenating effect. Daily use of this tea prevents the appearance of gray hair, reduces the number of wrinkles, and increases skin elasticity. A positive effect on the female reproductive system helps delay the onset of menopause and improves a woman’s condition during this period. There is even evidence that this drink helps with infertility.

Who should drink this tea?

In Thailand and China, a drink made from anchan, or trifoliate clitoris, is drunk quite often. Tourists are served it in hotels with ice to quench their thirst. And local residents use it for viral infections, as well as for poisoning. This drink speeds up recovery and gives strength. Trifoliate clitoris tea is well tolerated even with long-term use and very rarely causes side effects in the form of an allergic reaction or abdominal pain.

Clitoria trifoliata is added to many cosmetic products, because it stops hair loss, strengthens nails, and improves the condition of the skin. The effectiveness of using a decoction of this plant internally and externally is comparable to hair transplantation, since dormant bulbs are awakened, the hair becomes strong, shiny and thick. With regular use of the clitoris drink, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and many dermatological problems disappear.

The use of Chang Shu tea is useful for gastritis, atherosclerosis, and venous insufficiency. The drink lowers blood pressure well in case of hypertension and normalizes blood glucose levels in case of diabetes mellitus. The decoction is also used for insect bites; it quickly relieves pain and swelling. Daily use Clitoria decoction prevents the development of coronary thrombosis, Alzheimer's disease, heart attack and stroke, as well as the appearance of cancerous tumors.

In Asian countries, it is believed that clitoris trifolium tea can improve brain function. Studies have shown that this drink improves memory, enhances learning abilities, eliminates insomnia and helps cope with stress. Due to the fact that clitoris contains many essential microelements, it strengthens the immune system and helps prevent the development of vitamin deficiency. The presence of lutein makes clitoris tea effective means to improve visual acuity, improve the condition of various ophthalmological diseases and to prevent the development of cataracts and glaucoma.

Is it possible to lose weight with this drink?

Tea from the trifolium came to Europe as an effective fat-burning remedy. It is so actively advertised that many people have the impression that Chang Shu tea is a scam and completely useless. But in fact, its healing properties help reduce weight, but only with a complex effect. You can't lose weight just by drinking tea. If someone expects to eat cake, lie on the couch and drink this drink, and excess fat will leave, he will be disappointed. That is why, along with positive reviews, there are often negative ones.

In fact, Chang Shu tea is quite effective for weight loss. It is best used in a comprehensive approach to weight loss. It will enhance the effectiveness of diets and exercise. After all, this drink has the following properties:

  • speeds up metabolism;
  • improves lipid metabolism;
  • cleanses the body of waste and toxins;
  • promotes the rapid conversion of carbohydrates into energy;
  • tones the body.

But losing weight with Chang Shu tea cannot be quick. It is recommended to consume it regularly, morning and evening, for 3 months if it does not cause any side effects. Only then will it be noticeable that your appetite has returned to normal and you no longer want to eat sweets. All nutrients will be absorbed better, and the intestines will work actively. Therefore, there will be a decrease in body fat and weight loss. This type of weight loss works especially well in combination with exercise or dietary restrictions. But you can drink the drink from the clitoris on your own without changing your lifestyle. Moreover, after completing the course of using tea, the weight does not return, as metabolic processes are established.

How to brew this tea

To make it really healthy drink from the trifoliate clitoris, you need to get acquainted with some rules for its preparation. Not everyone who decides to drink it knows how to brew Chang Shu tea correctly. This is why negative reviews appear, since the drink loses all its healing properties and does not turn blue. To make it really useful and amazing in color, the brewing water should not be very hot. No more than 80-90 degrees, as when preparing green tea. Sometimes it is recommended to take even less hot water.

It is enough to put 4-7 flowers on a glass - they are usually sold whole in packaging. After steeping for 10 minutes, the drink acquires a rich blue color. This tea has a faint floral aroma and almost no taste. Therefore, many people prefer to drink it with honey and lemon. And after adding a few drops lemon juice the tea turns a beautiful purple color. It is for this quality that it received its name. Many people like purple tea due to its unusual color - drinking tea with it becomes amazing.

How to drink tea correctly

It is recommended to drink the decoction of clitoris trifoliate almost immediately after brewing while warm. You should not use it too strong and in large quantities, leave the decoction for later. This cannot improve your health and speed up weight loss. An overdose can only cause an allergic reaction or abdominal pain. Therefore, you need to know how to drink Chang Shu tea correctly.

Sometimes for weight loss it is recommended to drink the drink for 3 months, 2 cups a day. But doctors do not advise drinking this tea for so long. It is best to use it in courses. You can drink it 3 times a day for a week, then take a break for a week and repeat the course. Or use it for a month, 2 cups - morning and evening. It all depends on individual characteristics.

Contraindications for use

But not everyone can drink Chang Shu tea. There are contraindications to its use, although they are few. Therefore, you should consult your doctor before starting to drink the drink. First of all, this should be done by those who have an allergic reaction to certain foods. It is not advisable to drink this tea for pregnant and lactating women, with anemia and kidney disease. In addition, some people with gastrointestinal disorders may experience abdominal pain with prolonged use of tea.

The ability of clitoris to thin the blood makes it impossible to use it together with Aspirin, Warfarin and other drugs that reduce blood clotting. For the same reason, it is not recommended to drink a lot of liquid while using tea. You especially need to pay attention to herbal decoctions, which can cause side effects in combination with trifoliate clitoris.

It is not advisable to drink Chang Shu purple tea before an important business meeting or before driving a car. This drink has a strong calming effect and can lower blood pressure. Therefore, a slower reaction and decreased concentration may occur. And because of this, people with hypotension are advised to drink this tea with caution, preferably in the evening.

Tea "Chang Shu": reviews from doctors

This drink is recommended to be consumed by oriental medicine specialists who are familiar with healing properties clitoris trifoliate. Many doctors themselves love this amazing blue tea. And they advise patients to reduce blood pressure, normalize digestion, and improve vascular function.

Some cosmetologists also use clitoris decoctions in their work. It is added to masks and creams, and is especially often used for hair. Clitoria can not only improve their condition, but also stop hair loss. It is recommended to take blue tea internally to slow down the aging process, reduce the number of wrinkles and prevent the appearance of gray hair.

But most of all doctors' reviews are about Chang Shu tea for weight loss. Now many nutritionists have paid attention to such remedies. They note the safety of tea and its mild effect. And their observations show that people who correctly use clitoris decoction actually lose weight, albeit slowly. Many nutritionists are against rapid weight loss through dieting, noting that it has a negative impact on health. And drinking blue tea only causes positive effects.

Tea "Chang-Shu": reviews

Real opinions of people who drank this drink note that it really has healing properties. Many people write that it reduces blood pressure well, and without unpleasant consequences. Regular use drink helps get rid of gray hair, make hair thicker and stronger. Positive reviews They note about tea that weight loss with it occurs, although slowly, but the effect remains for a long time. After all, the drink improves all processes in the body.

Many people like this unusual drink because of its unearthly, amazing color. This makes drinking tea amazing and improves your mood. But some people like the faint smell and taste of tea, others don’t. But in this case you just need to add honey or sugar, as well as lemon.

Can also be found real reviews about Chang Shu tea in a negative way. People who hoped to lose weight quickly with its help describe their experience of drinking this drink mostly negatively. So they write that this tea is a scam, a scam and does not work at all. But in fact, “Chang Shu” is not intended for weight loss. Reducing fat deposits is the result of cleansing the body, accelerating metabolic processes and removing excess fluid. Digestion improves and the absorption of nutrients is normalized, which leads to weight loss.

And negative reviews are written by those who wanted to drink tea and lose weight without any effort. Although it is written everywhere that this is just an auxiliary remedy, effective while maintaining a diet and increasing physical activity. Blue tea will make it easier to cope with dietary restrictions, as it reduces appetite and improves the absorption of nutrients. This drink also makes it easier to cope with an increase in physical activity, as it tones the body and improves mood.

Negative reviews may be due to the fact that it is impossible to buy Chang Shu tea in a pharmacy; it is distributed only via the Internet. And many people don’t like the price. But such a high cost is associated with the peculiarities of growing and collecting raw materials for tea. In addition, some people use this drink without taking into account the contraindications for its use. This can lead to unpleasant consequences. Improper brewing of clitoris can destroy all its healing properties.

Using Chang Shu tea will not only help you lose weight, as its manufacturers advertise. This drink will improve your health, slow down aging and prevent many diseases. Blue clitoris tea, often called purple tea, is beneficial for people of all ages.

A lot of people are now talking about Chang Shu tea, which is grown high in the Tibetan mountains. The drink has big amount useful properties, moreover, it can save you from such problems as excess weight. Let's look at how effectively it can help with obesity and how it will affect the body.

The information in this article is based on the manufacturers' statements, since there is no general consensus among Internet users about this drink yet. We will be glad to see your objective reviews about Chang Shu tea.

You need to know that Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu is not a tea made from tea tree leaves, but a flower tea, i.e. It is not the collection of stems and leaves that takes place, but rather the flowers. As we have already said, tea grows high in the mountains, approximately 2-3 kilometers above the sea. At this level, the oxygen content in the air is very low, which is why purple Chang Shu tea has a special taste and aroma. Tea is harvested twice a year, so it is expensive, but nevertheless popular.

What are the benefits of Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu?

According to the manufacturers, Chang Shu tea is rich in vitamins and amino acids. They are very necessary for the body to be healthy and strong. It is noteworthy that a flower is a new life, and nature gives new life the maximum “bouquet” of useful elements. It is they who are in Tibetan purple tea chang shu. Since, as we already said, tea grows high in the mountains, it contains much more useful substances than tea grown on the plains. This proves that high mountain air has a positive effect on the human body.

“Chang-Shu” consists of the following components:

  1. Theanine improves physical and mental activity. The component has a tonic effect.
  2. Strong antioxidants, for example, catechins. Thanks to them, fat is broken down, glucose and cholesterol levels are reduced.
  3. Fat burner – L-carnitine.
  4. Naringin is a plant-type flavonoid that is used in food additives for athletes and for weight loss. It is this that limits the supply of unnecessary fat to the intestines.
  5. Tannins are a group of phenol compounds, also of plant origin, that can protect the gastrointestinal mucosa. They, like carnitine, burn fat, stimulate exercise and add strength and stability to the body.
  6. Chromium picolinate. It reduces appetite and eliminates the desire to eat unhealthy foods. Promotes growth muscle mass and reduction of fiber in the subcutaneous fat segment. No depression will be scary for you.
  7. Methylxanthines. They are moderate fat burners.
  8. Synephrine is a substance that is very similar to the hormone adrenaline and is used to burn fat.
  9. Is a neurotransmitter. It helps brain cells transmit signals to activate the fat burning system, as well as the pleasure center. Helps get rid of bad mood and improve the feeling of satiety after eating.
  10. Bioflavonoids. Helps prevent the aging process and the development of gray hair. Stop hair loss, improve skin, strengthen blood vessels.
  11. Luteinov. They improve vision and its sharpness, reduce chromatic aberrations. Lutein is able to protect the eyes from negative radiation and helps people who often work at the computer cope with fatigue.

Tibetan purple tea Chang Shu - contraindications

This tea must be taken according to specific instructions provided by the manufacturer. If you ignore the instructions, you may end up feeling unwell.

You should not take Chang Shu very often, because drinking it multiple times a day is very harmful, and you definitely won’t get a stronger weight loss effect. The main thing in this matter is the regularity of administration. As doctors say, even if you drink a lot of tea in a day, it will not bring any additional effect.

Chang Shu tea is a decoction of the dried flowers of Clitoris trifoliata, a plant native to South Asia. The drink has long been known to local residents and is used by them in medicinal purposes. Chang-shu has a diverse therapeutic effect on the body, including promoting weight loss.

The health drink arouses interest among consumers due to its unusual appearance. Clitoria flowers turn it blue. Therefore, the product is called blue or purple tea, or Butterfly Blue Pea Tea.

Clitoria trifoliate - the basis of tea

Clitoria trifoliate flower

The starting material for the production of Chang Shu tea is the evergreen climbing plant Clitoria ternatea. In the wild, the liana grows in South and Southeast Asia. Its thin long stem reaches a height of 3.5 m. The leaves on long petioles have a complex structure and consist of 3–5 small leaves. The flowers are of the moth type, characteristic of legumes. The corolla is large, up to 5 cm in diameter. The color of the petals differs depending on the variety: from blue to purple. The central inner part of the sepals is yellow. After pollination, fruits are formed in the form of long beans (4–13 cm).

The appearance of the flowers resembles an intimate part of the female body, for which the plant received its Latin name. Popular names for the vine include shameful flower, pigeon wings, and butterfly peas.

The flowering period lasts all summer (May - September). At this time, the flowers are picked by hand and dried in two stages. First, they are dried in the sun for 10 hours, and then dried in special units. As a result, the flowers curl up in the form of curls, but inside they retain their freshness and elasticity. The labor intensity of the procurement process determines the high price of the final product.

Clitoria trifoliata is a heat-loving southern plant. It cannot withstand temperatures below +10 C. Its distribution area covers tropical regions: South and Central America, Australia, Africa. In temperate climates, the vine can be grown indoors.

Composition and properties

The effect of Chang Shu tea on the human body

Chang-shu purple tea contains a complex of useful substances:

  • catechins;
  • synephrine;
  • dopamine;
  • methylxanthine;
  • fatty acid;
  • glycosides;
  • flavonoids;
  • steroids;
  • saponins;
  • vitamins B, C, E, K;
  • microelements (iron, phosphorus, etc.).

Found in flowers a large number of natural dyes - anthocyanins, which give the drink a unique colorful color. Catechins prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and help fight overweight. Caffeine is the main tonic element and stimulates the activity of the central nervous system. Bioflavonoids have an antiviral effect. Methylxanthine has an antispasmodic effect. Synephrine accelerates metabolism in the body and serves as a natural “fat burner”. High content Phosphorus and magnesium in the drink have a positive effect on blood supply to the brain and improve its functioning.

Chang Shu blue tea has a wide range of positive properties:

  • antimicrobial;
  • antipyretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • diuretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • local anesthetic.

Consumers primarily pay attention to the drink’s ability to quickly break down lipids, carbohydrates and fats. Thanks to this, a significant reduction in body weight is achieved in a short time. Therefore, blue tea has become very popular, especially among women.

In addition, the natural components of the clitoris are characterized by beneficial properties in the field of cosmetology. Their presence has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails:

  • skin color is refreshed;
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • skin elasticity increases;
  • the nail plate is strengthened;
  • prevents the appearance of gray hair.


Clitoris tea is famous for its amazing hue, pleasant taste And delicate aroma. It is drunk as a refreshing drink with the addition of lemon or lime juice. For sweetness, add honey or sugar to the broth. Sometimes mint or lemon balm leaves are added to the liquid for taste.

The recipe for making chang shu is simple:

  • 1 glass of water;
  • 5–7 dried flowers.

Plants are brewed with hot, but not boiling water. The liquid is immediately drained and new one is poured. The decoction is infused for 10 minutes. Drink the whole portion of tea warm at once. The chilled drink is popular in Southeast Asian countries. It helps you withstand the heat better.

The cult of slimness continues to spread across the planet. In pursuit of skinny bodies, women are trying more and more new products, and the modern market is rushing to satisfy the undying demand. One such offering was a purple tea called Chang Shu. Suppliers talk about its magical effects on health and weight loss, and reviews from doctors and consumers are divided.

What is Chang Shu purple tea?

In the high mountains of Asian countries, the evergreen tea tree of the myrtle family grows. Its leaves are very small in size. The flowers of this plant are white or with a yellowish tint, fluffy. From these unusual flowers they create a product called Chang-Shu tea.

To produce this tea, flowers are collected at a dizzying height of 3 thousand meters, strictly twice a year and exclusively by hand. Depending on the place where purple tea was produced, it is called:

  • Tibetan;
  • Chinese;
  • Nepalese;
  • Cambodian.

Features and composition of Chang Shu tea

The special conditions and appearance of the plants from which the drink is produced make it beneficial for the body. Flowers ripen in thin high mountain air with low content oxygen, and small leaves do not shade them at all. Under such conditions, the plant releases a huge amount of useful substances, comparing favorably with plain plants. Therefore, the drink has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • “Chang-Shu” is pleasant to drink - it has a sweetish taste and bright aroma;
  • it contains theanines, which invigorate and activate the body physically, but at the same time calm the nervous system;
  • the drink is pure product of natural origin, not including foreign impurities and additives;
  • contains bioflavonoids that have a beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • The tea contains luteins, which are beneficial for the vision of people who spend a lot of time working in front of monitors;
  • Theotanins in the drink remove toxins from the body, heal blood vessels and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Application of Chang Shu tea

Due to the peculiarities of cultivation, collection and its components, purple tea has found wide use in the recipes of traditional healers. A variety of traditional medicines are produced from the leaves and flowers of this plant.

IN in kind Chang-Shu flowers are brewed and drunk as a product for internal healing of the body and for external beauty. Reviews from people who have been using this drink for several months confirm the changes. appearance for the better:

  • hair becomes stronger and looks healthier;
  • nails peel and break less;
  • the skin takes on a young and well-groomed appearance.

And, of course, the product is most often mentioned among doctors as a means of losing weight.

Chang-Shu for weight loss

The drink contains components that directly affect the weight loss process.

  • Tannins: accelerate the burning of fat deposits.
  • Catechins: fight lipid deposits.
  • Chromium: reduces appetite and stimulates the growth of muscle mass, which is several times smaller in volume than hated fat deposits.
  • Dopamines: This is a good mood substance that reduces appetite, fights the desire to snack on sweets and activates the process of weight loss in the brain.

Not a bad start, but if you add to your regular intake of purple tea, you will get a balanced diet without much excess and minimal physical activity, then you can achieve excellent results without harm to the body.

How does purple tea work?

The peculiarity of Chang Shu tea is explained as follows: it makes you active, tones and invigorates, while intensively breaking down fat deposits. The tea components transform the energy released after burning fat into your energy, you are cheerful and physically active, and so on in a circle.

The absolute naturalness of the components of this weight loss product allows you to be calm about addiction and side effects. They should not appear when correct use product.

The drink speeds up the work of the stomach and breaks down lipid cells. Thanks to the absorbent properties of theotanin, even harmful smoked meats and heavy fried foods are easily digested.
The components of purple tea restore the natural metabolism and water-salt balance of the body, which is also necessary for safe long-term weight loss.

With all this complex blow to the hated kilograms, the natural remedy “Chang-Shu” allows you to absorb all the necessary minerals and vitamins, while itself being a storehouse of useful substances.

Reviews of the results of losing weight with Chang-Shu

The main consumer of tea for weight loss is women. Most consumers recommend the tea to others. Reviews claim that over a period of several months you can lose 20–25 kilograms. At the same time, the condition of the skin and hair improves, which is important.

When using any diet, you somehow deprive your body of the microelements it needs and this affects your appearance. With purple tea, this problem is solved in a positive way, because it itself is a good remedy for improving the condition of skin, hair and nails.

There are also negative reviews. "Chang-Shu" is not a panacea for everyone. Some consumers did not notice the effect of the drink, and for some it brought additional problems. You can find situations online where a woman gained weight because she drank tea with a lot of sugar, otherwise it didn’t taste good to her. There are reviews that talk about the property of “Chang-Shu” to cause severe thirst, its abundant quenching and swelling as a result.

Please remember that people with chronic health problems should consult a healthcare professional before using any drug or supplement. Any product has contraindications.

Herbal drinks are very beneficial for the body and have a huge amount positive properties. Among them is Tibetan tea Chang Shu. Judging by the reviews, this drink is a source of beauty, youth and health, which, among other things, helps you lose weight. Read what effects it has, how it is brewed and consumed.

Properties of Chang Shu purple tea

Healing drink prepared from a high-mountain plant native to Nepal and Tibet. Flowers for tea leaves are collected twice a year by hand, but the leaves are not used. The color of the drink is purple, with a slight tint of blue. All good properties Chang Shu tea is difficult to even list, their list is so large. There are no negative reviews from doctors regarding it. Benefits of drinking purple tea:

  • slows down the aging process;
  • affects the condition of the skin, makes it elastic, tones;
  • Chang Shu calms and relaxes;
  • wrinkles are smoothed out and has a rejuvenating effect;
  • helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system;
  • Purple tea is good for hair, it strengthens it and prevents the appearance of gray hair;
  • strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic;
  • improves vision;
  • strengthens nails;
  • has a beneficial effect on the heart;
  • reduces the risk of gynecological problems;
  • has a fat-burning effect, accelerates metabolism;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • has a positive effect on the reproductive system;
  • for the prevention of stroke, heart attack.

Most women take purple tea to lose weight while enjoying other beneficial effects. It contains components that promote the proper absorption of substances entering the body from food. The best results can be achieved by balancing your diet and exercising. The components of the drink remove excess fluid and make the skin elastic, so that after the extra pounds are gone, it will not sag.

Composition of Chang Shu tea

The Tibetan drink contains a huge number of biologically active substances and amino acids. Chang Shu purple tea contains:

  1. Bioflavonoid. Strengthens the walls of blood vessels, removes cholesterol accumulation.
  2. Dopamine. A component that helps brain cells transmit signals. Improves mood, strengthens memory. Promotes faster saturation.
  3. Vitamins. Strengthen the immune system.
  4. Synephrine. Burns fat, both internal and subcutaneous.
  5. Catechins. Antioxidants that promote weight loss. They have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. Break down fat deposits.
  6. Chromium compounds. Suppress appetite, strengthen muscles and nervous system. Helps in the fight against depression.
  7. Methylxanthine. Has a fat burning effect.
  8. Thiamine. An amino acid that opens up the body's reserves. Indispensable for people experiencing stress. Tones.
  9. Luteins. Good for vision.
  10. Tannins. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, preventing gastritis and ulcers.
  11. Caffeine. Tones the body, makes it more resilient, burns fat.

How to brew purple Chang Shu tea

The drink must be made in portions. It is recommended to brew Chang Shu tea according to the following instructions:

  1. Place 4-7 flowers of the plant in a cup.
  2. Pour 200-250 ml hot water. It is strictly forbidden to use boiling water, it will kill beneficial features.
  3. Infuse purple tea for 10 minutes. It will take on a blue tint.
  4. Chang Shu is very fragrant. You can add honey and lemon to purple tea.
  5. The entire cup should be taken at one time.

How to drink purple tea for weight loss

The drink must be taken in courses. Chang Shu slimming tea should be drunk three cups per day in the first week. This is followed by a seven-day break, then use resumes. Anchan medicinal blue tea for weight loss is not recommended to be taken for more than three months. Do not make the drink too strong, follow the dosage. In addition, you should not combine it with other weight loss teas. The cumulative effect can negatively affect health.

Contraindications for Chang Shu purple tea

There are no products that are equally suitable for all people. Contraindications for Chang Shu tea.