The best vegetable oil for frying. Ghee Butter

We explain in an accessible way why food should be fried in olive or rapeseed oil. Or, if you really want, then on creamy.

Yes, yes, of course, the grill is much better. But pancakes are not pancakes without butter, syrniki are not syrniki when baked, but cabbage schnitzel without frying - also no cabbage schnitzel. Well, everyone has their favorite list of what they want to fry. Question: on what?

I've come across a lot of dietary opinions. And that we fry the animal on the animal, and the vegetable on the vegetable. And that any vegetable is more useful than an animal. And that frying in general, in principle, is impossible on anything, except in a dry frying pan. I am for common sense. One of the valuable and authoritative opinions for me both as a mother and as a specialist is the opinion of a doctor, company nutritionist. And, of course, I do not forget about the results of independent studies. I'm telling.

Olga Pashkova, nutritionist: “I am in favor of adding any oil to the finished dish. Especially if you are cooking for kids. But if you still want to fry food a little, then use olive oil. It contains fewer polyunsaturated fatty acids so it oxidizes less. On olive oil you can fry fish, vegetables, some dough products, less often meat. You can also saute vegetables and add a little oil to dishes when stewing. If you fry pancakes or cheesecakes - something dessert - you can use coconut.

In other vegetable oils, when exposed to high temperature, especially for a long time, valuable fatty acids, vitamin E are destroyed, accumulate harmful products oxidation. Therefore, linseed oil, oil grape seeds, sesame, mustard, oil walnut, sunflower oil is best used without heat treatment - in salads, vinaigrettes.

Question chemistry

When we talk about oil, we talk about fats -polyunsaturated, monounsaturated(vegetable oils) andrich(dairy products, animal fat).

When we fry or bake with oil - that is, we heat it above 180 degrees - the molecular structures of the oils change. It interacts with oxygen to form And In a word, oxidation occurs. That is, oxidation is the rancidity of the oil. The aldehydes produced are dangerous - if we consume them or even inhale them, this increases the risk of developing heart disease and cancer.

Research results

In July 2015 published the results of a study conducted by a group of scientists(University de Montfort). They heated sunflower, corn, sesame, coconut, cold pressed rapeseed oil, olive oil, butter, lard and goose fat. The goal is to identify the most innocuous oil for frying by measuring the level of aldehydes produced.

Head of the research group, professor Martin Grootveld: “We found that oils rich in polyunsaturated fats are corn oil and sunflower oil produced very high levels of aldehydes. […] Sunflower or corn oil can only be used if you don't heat it up like frying or boiling. It's a simple chemical fact that something that is considered good for us turns into something not at all useful at standard frying temperatures."

The lowest scores areolive, coconut, rapeseed And creamyoils. And goose fat. Conclusion: use oil for frying, boiling or bakingwith the lowest polyunsaturated fats.

  • Use olive, butter or canola oil for frying.
  • Do not fry at high temperatures.
  • Do not pour oil into the pan - grease it.
  • Do not fry for a long time - wait for the crust, and remove from heat - bring to readiness in the oven (cutlets, cheesecakes), after removing the remaining oil from the food.
  • Do not fry twice in the same oil - change and wash the pan, add a new portion of oil.
  • Remove oil from cheesecakes, pancakes, cutlets and vegetables with a paper towel before eating.
  • Don't fry in oil every day - make frying part of the "holiday".
  • Make cooking without cooking oil the basis of your daily menu.

Recipes delicious dishes cooked with the addition of oil already in the finished dish - in our section.

12:04 23.04.2014

The answer to the question: "What oil is better to fry?" sounds something like "What are you going to do this for?". Strange? If a person considers frying as the only acceptable way of cooking, eats fried food regularly and with pleasure, he should ask on a culinary forum. They will tell you what does not stick to which pan, what gives best taste dishes and other valuable gourmet information.

But doctors all over the world agree that fried food should be in the diet not in the main role, but in episodes. And the less often it appears on the table, the less the risk of atherosclerosis, diseases of the heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

What oil is better to fry a supporter of a healthy diet

This whole affair with low-fat cooking sprays and white ceramic pan coatings has nothing to do with the dangers of fats. In fact, dietary lipids are exceptionally beneficial for:

Health of the nervous system, including the central nervous system;

reproductive health. The point is not in the statement “fat is a hormonal organ”, but in the fact that with a low-fat diet, the secretion of sex hormones decreases, which, for obvious reasons, does not improve the quality of human life;

Health of the heart and blood vessels. Useful omega-three fatty acids - a recognized product for the prevention of atherosclerosis and the normalization of the level of "bad" cholesterol;

Such an elusive and individual factor as "the pleasure of the diet." Whatever low-fat propagandists say, food tastes better when it's buttered.

That's just when heated, that is, in the process of frying, the properties of oils change. And fried olive or sunflower oil is no longer such a wonderful product for a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. Radical supporters of "clean" food do not fry food from the word "absolutely". They use a grill, a steamer, poach vegetables in water, and add high-quality cold butter to an already prepared dish.

In general, the rule is simple - the more unsaturated fatty acids in the oil, the more likely it is not to survive heat treatment. Don't believe? Try heating some flaxseed oil (almost the richest source of unsaturated fatty acids) in a frying pan, and when you see black smoke, you will understand what I'm talking about.
Periodically, publications appear proving that unsaturated oils, when heated, turn from useful into extremely harmful, in some works the carcinogenic effect of such oils is even proved.

What do Western healthy people fry on

Do you know why coconut oil has such a good reputation and sells so well on all sorts of health food websites? Not at all because of the taste of the Bounty, or rather, not at all because of it. Among vegetable oils, this product contains the highest amount of saturated fats (about 91%), and is the least destroyed during cooking.
True, frying in coconut oil requires manual dexterity and a very good frying pan / crepe maker. Take a pan with a fairly thick bottom, and reduce the heat so that the oil does not start to smoke. The challenge is to quickly flip what you're frying. Constantly and quickly, until it is ready. And do not heat the oil until smoke appears. By the way, lazy Americans came up with an electric pancake maker with a given temperature, in which even protein powder pancakes are normally fried.

"Number two" among saturated fats is ghee or ghee, or nothing but the good old melted butter, which you picked out in childhood from porridge carefully prepared by your grandmother. Due to its "already melted" origin, ghee almost does not burn at normal heating temperatures, and is suitable for cooking almost all vegetable dishes.
Number three is olive oil. It is rich in olein, and does not break down as much when heated as regular sunflower.
Well, thoughts about the fact that refined oil is more useful for frying than “oil with a smell” are more likely to be under the heading “note to the hostess”, and not to the achievements of dietology. Even if the oil does not smell of anything during cooking, this, unfortunately, does not mean at all that it will be extremely beneficial for your health.

What oil is best for frying and how to do it

There should be the words "if you really need it." Fried food is harmful a priori. More or less "nothing" only dishes such as stir-fry, where micro-pieces of meat and vegetables come into contact with oil for a fraction of a second.

Here are some simple tricks to make fried foods healthier:

Brush the skillet with olive oil using a cotton swab and sauté your vegetables quickly. If it is vegetables, 30 seconds on each side is enough for the taste to become "fried". Then throw them into a baking dish, and bring them to readiness in the oven. By the way, non-aesthetes can immediately try to spread the notorious potato slices on parchment and bake at a temperature of 200 degrees. Well, sprinkle with oil from a spray bottle, about 2 minutes before turning off the oven;

If "it" is a bird or fish, use the same method, but bring the dish to readiness by turning on the grill or convector. Manipulation allows you to "kill two birds with one stone" - you will not heat food in oil for too long, which will reduce the risk of its destruction, and you will reduce calorie content ready meal, since the oil will not be actively absorbed into the "cooking".

Manipulations allow you to "kill two birds with one stone" - you will not heat food in oil for too long, which will reduce the risk of its destruction, and you will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, since the oil will not be actively absorbed into the "cooking".
In general, fried food does not fit into the healthy eating, and like other "exception dishes" should take an honorable "top" place in your food pyramid, along with candy cookies. Conventionally, you can eat 2-3 free meals a week, regardless of the goals that you set for yourself (lose weight, maintain health, improve health, etc.). These two or three servings, by the way, include sweets and fried “on par”. So what specific choice you make is up to you. The only thing, nutritionists still advise to refrain from cookies such as "brushwood" and other simultaneously sweet and fried foods. A combination of macronutrients like these has been proven to cause overeating in almost anyone.

Fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

1) Frying is generally harmful in principle, since during strong heat treatment, fats turn into trans fats. If you don't know what it is, you can google it, but in short - they lead to cancer. Also, if you are frying, then you are using a lot of oil and adding it to the fats that you already eat, that is, there is too much fat, and you are unlikely to be skinny.

2) Butter in any form worse than butter vegetable, because these are saturated animal fats, and they are more harmful. They contain a lot of cholesterol, and cholesterol, if abused heavily and for a long time, leads to serious problems with the heart and blood vessels. Now they will begin to actively argue with me, so I will immediately explain: I'm not talking about the instant harm of cholesterol, I'm talking about its accumulation over the years. At 20, no matter what you eat, you are unlikely to have a heart attack, but at 50 it is already common in terrible quantities. On this occasion, I advise you to look at the statistics of countries on the level of CVD and reflect on how diet is related to this level (hint: countries where traditionally less animal fats and dairy products are traditionally on the table will be far below in this rating).

Therefore, for me, “fry” and “butter” are incompatible concepts (and I treat them separately with caution). If you need to fry, do it in vegetable oil (sunflower or olive, for example). It is very important that the oil refined(Never fry in oil that says Extra Virgin). I advise against frying and generally abusing palm and coconut oils (these are the only two vegetable oils that contain saturated (as in meat) fats). Good luck and stay healthy!

Vegetable oils turn into trans fats when frying (these are the only unhealthy fats). Animal products also contain trans fats in small amounts, but they are few and they are essentially different (there is even a positive effect on health) and they should not be feared.
There is no association between heart disease and saturated fat intake. Cholesterol-rich foods do not increase cholesterol levels, but regulate cholesterol. With age, everyone increases cholesterol due to the aging of the body, its need for the body increases. Sunflower oil is the worst choice for frying. unsaturated fats there great amount, which means there will be a lot of trans fats.
Heart problems are basically related to lifestyle (eg physical activity, vitamins), cooking method and preference to buy foods containing trans fats (eg margarine and other foods with unsaturated vegetable oils processed at high temperatures). Not observing the above tips, the amount of bad (oxidized) cholesterol increases, and the vessels are also disturbed, in which cholesterol then accumulates. But cholesterol itself is not something bad, on the contrary, you can’t do without it.

Supermarket counters offer such a wide selection of vegetable oils that they literally discourage modern housewives: it is difficult to choose which oil to fry in.

Maybe cook with avocado seed oil? Does meat fried in sesame oil taste better? Almond, flaxseed, coconut, soy, grapeseed ... Just a dizzying variety!

What oil to fry: advice from chefs from different countries

Let's turn to the advice of chefs from different countries to decide which oil is best for frying.

Italian chefs, along with Spanish and Greek, most often use for cooking olive oil. This is mainly due to the fact that in the Mediterranean is growing a large number of olive trees.

However, olive oil is really useful and dietary product. It contains monounsaturated fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, which, according to scientists, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol.

But you should not assume that olive oil is the most valuable vegetable oil: it is inferior to flaxseed oil in terms of the content of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, and sunflower oil in terms of vitamin E content.

Most often, olive oil is used for dressing salads, making sauces. However, it is quite possible to fry in olive oil, unlike, for example, from linseed oil, which is recommended to be used only cold - add to cereals, salads.

When frying in any oil, you should take into account the so-called “smoke point”, which each oil has its own. Olive oil has a relatively high smoke point (about 190°C), so it is quite suitable for frying.

Top tip from chefs- do not wait until the oil begins to smoke: firstly, the oil loses its properties when heated, and secondly, it is dangerous for the cook who inhales the fumes.

What kind of oil is fried in Asia

Soybean oil is the most popular in Asian cuisine. It has a high smoke point, therefore, it is excellent for frying and high temperatures, it contains 50-60% polyunsaturated fatty acids. In addition, the use of this type of oil has a positive effect on nervous system person.

Soybean oil used for frying vegetables, shrimp, fish and even meat, it gives dishes an interesting delicate taste.

In China, stir-frying is also popular - when a cook fries food in hot oil very quickly, stirring constantly. For this roasting technique, Asian chefs most often use peanut butter. Peanut butter is convenient in that it is consumed four times less for frying.

When choosing which oil to fry in, pay attention to peanut butter. Peanut butter has a high smoke point, so it is suitable even for deep frying and almost does not burn out. But do not forget that peanut butter has a pronounced smell and taste and can be a strong allergen.

France is a trendsetter not only in clothes, but also in the kitchen. High french cuisine are the escalopes duck breasts, Sauteed Chicken With Vegetables. So popular French dishes usually cooked over high heat or deep-fried. Therefore, French chefs use oils with a very high smoke point for cooking.

Corn oil used for frying in a pan, olive oil - for cooking delicate sautéed dishes and stir-fry dishes, on rapeseed oil it is better to fry the fish, and sunflower, corn or even grape seed oil used for deep frying.

  1. When frying, heterocyclic amines are formed, which adversely affect cordially- vascular system. Do not overheat oil and products to minimize the absorption of harmful substances.
  2. If the oil smokes heavily in the pan, it is better not to use it and replace it with new one.
  3. Sunflower oil is quite versatile, but for cold dishes it is better to use unrefined oil with a more distinct aroma of seeds.
  4. In order to increase the shelf life of vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, linseed), you can add grape seed oil to them - it is resistant to oxidation.
  5. Olive oil easily absorbs all kitchen odors, so it should be stored in a cool, airtight container.
  6. Sesame oil is widely used for cooking exotic dishes oriental and asian cuisine. It is better to fry in light oil, and dark oil should be used cold.
  7. Use oil in reasonable doses, because the most important advice chefs - food should be not only tasty, but also healthy!

refined vegetable oil

The cheapest oil that is in every store. It has a relatively high smoke point, it lacks saturated fat, it is practically devoid of its own taste and aroma and, it would seem, is ideal for frying.

But there is one caveat. This is not too advertised, but as one of the stages in the extraction of vegetable oils, which are then subjected to purification, a chemical method is often used - the seeds are treated with chemicals in order to extract the maximum oil from them.
Cleaning and deodorizing oil is also not a mechanical, but a chemical process, so the oil that is squeezed from seeds and the one that is on the supermarket shelf do not have much in common. In general, this oil can be used for any frying, but if there is such an opportunity, I would advise you not to get carried away with it.

When to fry in refined vegetable oil:
when it is necessary to avoid the appearance of foreign flavors;
when you are deep-frying or at a high temperature.

Can you fry in olive oil?

When asked if it is possible to fry in olive oil, the answer is unequivocal: yes. Olive oil is one of the best for frying - it can be heated to very high temperatures (170-180 degrees) without splitting and losing its valuable properties.
In order for food fried in such oil to benefit the body, you should understand all the intricacies of the process.

Olive oil is high in calories, does this mean that foods will become more caloric during frying?

Olive oil contains about 900 kcal per 100 ml. But at the same time, it almost entirely consists of unsaturated fatty acids.

Unlike saturated ones, they are well absorbed by the body. It is believed that the main component of olive oil - oleic acid - helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol and increases the level of "good". In addition, it improves digestion and metabolism.

Due to its high heating temperature, olive oil allows you to cook food faster, which means more nutrients are retained. The protective layer formed on the surface of the proteins does not allow a large amount of olive oil to penetrate inside.

As a result, the products do not become more fatty, and vitamins and minerals are preserved. Thus, the calorie content of the dish does not increase, but the benefits remain.

Which oil is better to fry, extra virgin or refined

Extra virgin olive oil of the highest class (first pressing) retains a maximum of useful properties. It is best to add it to salads as a dressing.

The heating temperature of this oil allows you to fry foods with a high water content, such as vegetables, without harm. They are cooked at 130ºС-140ºС. Products cut into pieces, or fast food such as egg dishes, potatoes, meatballs, convenience foods, battered or breadcrumbs, fried at a temperature of 160ºС-180ºС. They can also be fried in this oil.

Refined olive oil is more suitable for frying food at high temperatures (up to 230ºС-240ºС). Remember that dishes cooked with a crispy crust are no longer healthy. Besides frying, there are other ways heat treatment such as braising, roasting or steaming. They are more suitable for a healthy lifestyle.

Whatever oil you choose, make sure it doesn't burn in the pan. In this case, it forms harmful substances with carcinogenic properties.

Is it possible to fry in olive oil mixed with sunflower

Perhaps such a product will cost you less, after all, natural olive extra oil virgin costs quite decent money in our country. But frying on such a hybrid of oils is impossible.

This is all due to the difference in combustion temperature - sunflower oil has a lower temperature, and it will begin to smoke when the olive oil is just warmed up. Consequently, we will again receive substances that are toxic to the body.

Olive oil frying secrets

Culinary experts recommend using dishes with a small diameter and high walls for frying in olive oil. This will allow you to use more oil in a smaller area, as it expands when heated.

Products should be laid out gradually, in order to avoid a sharp drop in oil temperature. They must be dry so that the oil does not splatter. In addition, you can pre-marinate meat in it, including for cooking on charcoal. So it will become more juicy and tasty.

Reuse of oil in a pan is acceptable if it has not been heated above 190ºС.

Keep frying oil in the refrigerator

It is known that over time, oils lose their properties and deteriorate. It is best to use them within the first year after manufacture. If you put olive oil in the refrigerator, a natural sediment appears in it. This is not harmful - the precipitate completely disappears when heated.
A dry, dark and cool place without extraneous odors is more suitable for storing oil.


There is a misconception in our country that extra virgin olive oil cannot be heated to the temperature required for frying, although the maximum heating temperature for olive oil is 210°C, which is much higher than the required 177°C for frying. Frying with olive oil has been widespread in the Mediterranean for centuries.

Frying with unrefined olive oil when brought to a boil does not harm and does not significantly change the chemical composition of the oil at the maximum heating temperature, and is still useful due to the content of polyphenols and high level oleic acid, which remains stable and does not oxidize so easily.

Alternatives such as canola, soybean and corn oil are less stable, contain almost no polyphenols, and at high temperatures can break down into dangerous, toxic by-products due to accelerated oxidation. Olive, coconut and Palm oil are the most stable fats when frying.

So: The maximum heating temperature of real olive oil is 210°C, which is much higher than 177-191°C, which is necessary for most types of heat treatment. If the acidity of the olive oil is high and/or contains impurities (which is often an indication inferior from most oil manufacturers), the maximum heating temperature can be reduced to about 10°C. However, you should fry foods using high quality olive oil and avoid mixing with other types of oils.

When to fry in olive oil:

when you need to give the product a pleasant aroma of olive oil;
when the roasting temperature can be high.

Can you fry in butter?

Often in recipes we are recommended to fry this or that product in butter. Sometimes this is dictated by the future taste of the whole dish, and sometimes by concern for our health. After all, it is known that mixing butter and vegetable oil during frying is harmful for the stomach, and for the liver, and for blood vessels.
Therefore, if the recipe, for example, provides for the addition of sour cream or cream, then it is safer to use butter when frying.

However, many housewives claim that it burns in a frying pan, and when they meet such recommendations in the recipe, without hesitation, they use margarine. This is the worst thing you can do! Although it is more convenient to fry on it, margarine is much more harmful than if you mix animals and vegetable fats.
It is he who increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, is deposited on the body in the form extra pounds and contributes to the development of cancer.

In addition, the taste of a dish prepared using margarine is strikingly different from when natural butter is used. Therefore, if it is written: “fry on butter”, then you need to do just that.

Butter is about 80% fat, the rest is made up of various impurities such as milk protein and water. It is rich in vitamin A, but also in saturated fats, which make up about 50% of the total oil. When butter is heated, the same impurities begin to burn in it rather quickly, and the butter begins to darken and emit a nutty aroma.
Frying on butter is very convenient if you want to quickly get a golden crust, and if you do not allow the butter to overheat, the products fried on it acquire a pleasant taste.

At the same time, let's not forget that everything said above refers to real butter: alas, some manufacturers add low-quality vegetable fats to it, which is immediately visible if you dissolve a piece of such butter in a pan.

When to fry in butter:

when you need to slowly simmer foods in oil;

when the roasting temperature is not too high.

How to fry in butter so that it does not burn?

1. First of all, if the cooking time is short, then it will not have time to do it. For example, if you cook scrambled eggs.

2. If we fry longer, then we should not heat the pan too much. The algorithm is this: put the pan on the fire; wait until it warms up well; put a piece of butter; when melted, put desired product; then reduce the heat and continue cooking, not allowing the oil to burn.

Here is a very popular advice on the net (I myself used it several times):

3. But what to do if the dish has to be cooked for quite a long time? Here you have to work a little.
Let's make melted butter. We will prepare it only once, but we will be able to use the fruits of our labor for a very long time.

Look, I deliberately threw 2 pieces of butter on a hot frying pan, and took a picture. In the photo: on the left - the usual from the store, on the right - melted. The usual starts to burn very quickly, the ghee melts without burning.

How to melt butter properly?
This can be done in an ordinary thick or ceramic frying pan over low heat, and in a stainless (but not aluminum!) saucepan with a thick bottom, if you intend to heat a lot of oil at once in reserve.

I do it differently. I put a piece of dense fabric folded in half in a saucepan on the bottom, pour water and put it on fire. I put the butter cut into pieces in a glass jar and put the jar on the cloth.
That is, I cook ghee in a water bath.
About 450 grams of the original product fit into a half-liter jar.

After the water boils, I reduce the heat to the smallest, so that the boil is barely noticeable.
If this is not possible on your stove, then I recommend another way to glass jar didn't burst. You can use two pots of different sizes so that one of them is a few centimeters smaller than the other in diameter.
IN large saucepan pour water, put the smaller one inside, so that it rests on the sides of the large one with its handles, and is immersed in water.
This is another version of the water bath.

The oil melts pretty quickly, but this is not the product that we want to get, and therefore we are waiting for the foam to appear on top. It is not worth removing it immediately, since for some time under the influence of temperature the milk protein will still be separated.

After about half an hour (or more), carefully remove the foam, turn off the heat and let the oil cool slightly.

We cover a fine sieve with gauze or a wide bandage folded 4 or 8 times, and carefully pour the oil into another bowl.
Make sure that a white mass does not go from the bottom, otherwise it will be necessary to strain again.

Strained product can be stored in the refrigerator to use if necessary. What remains unstrained, put in the refrigerator and wait for it to harden.
You will see that a thick layer of oil has formed on top, and on the bottom regular milk. This oil can also be used, but do not store it for a long time.

We still have foam. In order not to fool my head, I immediately spread it on bread and eat it with pleasure. No foam - no problem.

It should also be mentioned that the longer the oil is heated, the longer it can be stored without a refrigerator.

Ghee can be used in baked goods, sandwiches, cereals, pasta, and other dishes where you would normally put butter.
And most importantly, you can fry in such oil. The taste of ghee is different, however, many people like it even more than usual.
In addition, it does not contain milk proteins, and therefore everything that is cooked with it can be safely eaten by people with lactose intolerance.

And, of course, ghee (or ghee) - you can buy. Such oil can be stored for a long time and is actively used in Indian cuisine and other cuisines of Southeast Asia, as well as in traditional medicine. Like regular butter, ghee contains a high amount of saturated fat, but unlike its cousin, it has a high smoke point of about 250 degrees, which makes it suitable for deep frying.
In general, it can be a good idea to keep a small jar of ghee in the fridge for occasional frying - like butter, it works great for sautéing or simmering vegetables, but won't burn if you accidentally overheat the pan.

When to fry in clarified butter (ghee):
when you need to quickly get a golden crust;
when you need to slowly simmer foods in oil;
when you need to give the product a pleasant nutty flavor;

According to,,,

"Oil". Film from the cycle "Food alive and dead"
The next issue of Sergey Malozyomov's documentary series "Food alive and dead" is dedicated to butter. Which one to choose - fashionable olive or traditional sunflower?
When should you be afraid of the words "palm oil" on labels? The authors of the program visited the place where they make this frightening product for many.
What are trans fats? Why are they so far feared differently in Russia than in Europe and America? What diseases do they lead to and why can ordinary pastries be fatal?
And also - the rehabilitation of butter. Why did scientists put it back on the list of healthy foods?

Interesting fact:

Scientists do not recommend cooking with sunflower oil
Cooking with vegetable oils releases hazardous chemicals that cause cancer. This conclusion was made by British researchers from Oxford University.

Such popular vegetable oils for cooking among many millions of housewives, such as sunflower and corn, when strongly heated, release carcinogens that can lead to the appearance of tumors and other dangerous diseases. British scientists recommend that people fry food in olive, coconut, butter or just pork fat.
A series of experiments disproved the popular notion that vegetable oils containing polyunsaturated fats, including sunflower oil or corn oil, which are very popular in Russia, are healthier than saturated fats, which are rich in animal products. Scientists have found that heating vegetable oils leads to a higher concentration of aldehydes, which are associated with cancer, heart disease and dementia.

The researchers found that the content of toxic carcinogens in the traditional English dish Fish and Chips (fish and chips), fried in vegetable oil, is 100-200 times higher than the daily limit set by the World Health Organization and considered safe for humans. In contrast, frying with butter, olive oil, or lard produces significantly lower levels of aldehydes. The lowest level is released when cooking in coconut oil as experiments have shown.

And one more thing: many people know that you can’t heat food in a pan in which something with oil has already been fried. Scientists from the University of the Basque Country conducted experiments that proved that the danger reuse oils - not only in impact on the liver.

The Basques burned vegetable oils of three types - sunflower, olive and linseed (they heated sunflower and olive oil for 8 hours a day, and flaxseed for 20) and then analyzed them chemical composition food fried in this oil.

It turned out that food contains aldehydes that have come from vegetable oils, resulting from the decomposition of fatty acids. Some of them came out with the steam, but a significant part still remained in the food. Meanwhile, these aldehydes cause malignant tumors, as well as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Be careful! Don't fry twice with the same oil.

Milk fat is often used to prepare most various dishes. It not only has excellent taste, but also contains many vitamins and elements necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. But the answer to the question of whether it is possible to fry in butter is still uncertain. There are facts proving the negative impact of milk fat, but they come into force mainly when this product is used incorrectly. Before making a choice in favor of butter or other oil, it is recommended to understand how it is right and what can be fried on it.

Butter choice ghee or butter?

Fat from milk in solid form contains vitamins of groups A, K, E, D, various macro- and microelements, as well as phospholipids, sterols and other important substances. Therefore, natural animal oil is often used for cooking different dishes, both in finished form and during heat treatment. But such useful product It also contains bad cholesterol, which is formed after the melting process. Some housewives simply do not know how to fry properly, using given ingredient, and how to choose natural ready-made milk fat, which brings not only benefits, but also the desired taste qualities.

A creamy treat differs from a ghee treat by having a lower smoke point, which is important for long frying. Ghee product, also gives the dish a nutty flavor and creates a golden crust on the surface. The use of such ingredients will depend on their quality and the impurities included in the composition.

Is it possible to fry minced meat or cook whole meat in butter, and also, is it not harmful to eat such a dish? Use milk solid fat as lard, for cooking meat snacks You can if you follow certain rules.

Advice! It is not necessary to melt the product too much, otherwise it will not only lose its beneficial features, but it will also start to smoke, “shoot” and cause burning.

It is also necessary to take into account the opinion and experience of culinary experiments, which urge not to bake with ingredients of animal origin that require a long toasting time.

What foods can be fried

Is it possible to fry several eggs in butter to enjoy a tasty and healthy scrambled egg, where the eggs will not be burnt, but will acquire a crispy crust? Preparing such a breakfast will be quite simple and easy, and the result will please with its attractive aroma only if you use a good solid product without harmful inclusions. When natural milk fat was not found in your kitchen, it is better not to use spreads or margarine, as they contain a lot of low-quality vegetable oils.

Experienced housewives assure that it is possible to fry pancakes in butter until golden brown, and give them a special taste that distinguishes fried pancakes on a different type of fat, you need not only to responsibly choose the ingredient, but also to observe a low level of heating of the pan. Natural butter loses its usefulness when overheated, and also spoils the taste and smell of the finished dish.

Is it possible to fry pasta or vermicelli so that they turn out to be fried with a crust if cooked in creamy fragrant oil? Any pasta can be fried in a pan using melted or butter fat. They contribute to the appearance of the crust and give a special taste. The main thing is to observe the cooking time, choose pasta hard varieties and oils of natural origin.

You can bake with milk fat different snacks, but those that do not require high temperature and a long time to cook are best.

Oil application

For a long time it was believed that the use of an oil ingredient of animal origin in the diet of most people is extremely harmful. Nutritionists talked about it negative impact on the vascular system and cholesterol levels. But in daily dose(30 grams), there is not much of such a substance. Cholesterol is needed by the human body in moderation, as it performs many important functions, such as protecting against pathogenic microbes.

Ready-made animal fat is useful even for children, but it is better to use it in its natural state. The dairy ingredient well envelops and soothes the mucous membranes, so it is used for sore throats.

Any oil has positive and negative indicators, but to minimize harmful effect, you need to know how to properly apply each of them and in what form it is better to use.

What are the oils

Oils are of vegetable and animal origin, with each category subdivided into types.

The most common vegetable oils are:

  • sunflower;
  • olive;
  • soy;
  • mustard;
  • linen;
  • corn.

The most famous are sunflower and olive. Sunflower - is used more often than others, as it has a pleasant taste, is suitable for long cooking and is budget option. Olive - has a higher cost and is recommended mainly for vegetable salads and fish snacks.

Vegetable ingredients for roasting should be chosen with a low amount of fat and a high burning point.

Animal fats are absolutely natural and hypoallergenic. An example is creamy, which is well absorbed in human body, saturating it with useful substances.

Milk fat is widely used in the preparation of many dishes around the world. He is helpful and delicious product, how in in kind, and as an addition to other ingredients. To fry in butter, you need to be able not only to choose it, but also to apply it correctly, observing the heating temperature.