How to make pickled apples at home Antonovka. Video: Recipe for soaked apples with rowan

One of the most common and affordable types of fruit on the shelves of domestic stores and markets. They are completely different in taste and size, and the dishes that are prepared from them are worthy of a separate cookbook. After all, a tasty and juicy fruit can not only be eaten raw, but also cook all kinds of jams, pies, bake in the oven, dry and much more. One of the most original recipes preparations of this fruit are pickled apples - interesting dish, the features of which we will consider in this article.

The composition of apples prepared in this way can vary significantly. It depends on many factors such as:

  • Variety and degree of maturity of the fruit.
  • Growing and storage conditions.
  • Storage duration.
  • Cooking method.

But they all have ingredients characteristic of this dish:

  • high sugar content (primarily fructose);
  • organic acids (malic, citric);
  • tannins, nitrogenous and pectin substances;
  • a diverse vitamin complex: A, C, E, PP, P and B vitamins.

Despite such a rich composition, their calorie content is only 47 kcal per 100 g of product. This allows them to be part of various diets.

Did you know? soaked apples became especially popular during the time of Peter I, who established the Garden Office. She was engaged in the import of new varieties of apples and the increase in the volume of cultivation of existing ones.

There are many ways to process fruits and vegetables for long-term storage, and each of them takes away some of the beneficial properties. raw product. But pickled apples are considered one of the most successful ways to harvest this fruit, because in the process they retain a large number of useful qualities fresh fruit and acquire new equally important properties:

  • normalize the intestinal microflora, saturating the body with lactobacilli;
  • enrich the body with calcium, reduce the fragility of bone tissues;
  • improve the condition of hair and teeth;
  • increase the level of tissue elasticity;
  • render positive influence to the work of the hormonal system;
  • the presence of ascorbic acid in the composition (there is more of it in soaked apples than in fresh ones) strengthens the immune system.

It can be said that such winter preparations affect many systems human body, providing a general strengthening effect and saturating the body with energy.

Duration of the soaking process

The soaking process will require some patience, because, on average, it takes 40-50 days in time (not counting the preparatory work). But subject to all the rules, such a delicacy can be stored for a long time, until the new harvest.

On the market and in stores there are a huge variety of varieties of this fruit. But not all of them are suitable for soaking. The most suitable are late varieties (autumn or autumn-winter). The fruits must be ripe and firm. Some gourmets like to take slightly unripened ones, but this is already a matter of taste. best variety counts .

But the following varieties are also suitable:

  • "Slav";
  • "Titovka";
  • "Bottle";

Important! The absence of any defects on the fruit is very important, because one spoiled apple can ruin all the others.

It is better to choose fruits of approximately the same size, so they will be ready at the same time.

The preparatory stage is very important, because the final result directly depends on this stage.

Before soaking, it is advisable for fruits to lie down for 15-20 days (especially if the varieties are harder, for example, Antonovka or Slavyanka). A product made from properly aged fruits is evenly saturated with brine, juicy, soft, has a rich refreshing taste and a golden color. After the fruits have matured, they must be thoroughly washed with running water.

The stalks do not need to be cut off, but it is better to clean the leaves. Leaves, branches, straw and all possible additives must be cleaned of excess debris and washed.

Washing soda cans

When urinating in jars, it is worth remembering that the containers must first be cleaned. Wash with soda. The use of any chemical detergents strictly not recommended. After the jar is thoroughly washed, and there are no traces of soda left on it, it must be sterilized or scalded with boiling water.

Storage conditions

The first stage of storage (immediately after preparation) lasts about 1 week. This time, the soaked fruits should be stored at room temperature.

After harvesting, it is necessary to move to a cool place (preferably a basement or cellar), where they must stand for 30-45 days (depending on the type of fruit). In the same room they should be stored all winter.

Important! It is advisable not to freeze soaked apples. Although it is believed that they do not lose their useful qualities, their structure and appearance deteriorate significantly when frozen.

A very fast and convenient way, since every housewife has jars in her arsenal, and it is convenient to store the finished product, because such dishes do not take up much space in the house.


  • Antonovka apples - 10 kg.
  • Water - 5 liters.
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - Art. spoons.
  • , and cherries.

Cooking method

In order to get a delicious treat, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Rinse the fruit thoroughly under running water or in several different containers.
  • Cut clean fruits into pieces: large ones - into 6-8 parts, and smaller ones can be into 4 parts. If you have chosen a medium-sized variety, then it is quite possible to use whole fruits.
  • Cover pre-prepared glass jars with raspberry, currant and cherry leaves (previously washed thoroughly).
  • Place chopped pulp (or whole fruits) in jars without tamping.
  • Add salt and sugar to the water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from stove and set aside.
  • Pour the contents of the jars with hot brine so that it reaches the neck.
  • Cover the containers with nylon lids and put them in the cold, where they will ferment for 2-3 weeks. You can store, like other blanks, all winter.

Another quick and easy recipe for equally delicious apples.


  • Apples - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Rye flour - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons.
  • and currant leaves.

Cooking method

Cooking is carried out in several stages:

  • Well-washed fruits must be wiped dry.
  • Put half of the mint and currant leaves into glass jars prepared in advance (other favorite herbs can be added). It is also desirable to dry the various leaves with a towel after washing.
  • Tightly, but without squeezing, put the fruit in a jar.
  • Top with remaining herbs.
  • Mix salt, sugar and water rye flour. Stir until everything is dissolved.
  • Pour jars to the top (remaining brine should be kept in the refrigerator).
  • Remove the containers in a warm place for 3-7 days.
  • When the fruit absorbs some of the liquid, add more brine.
  • Move to a cool place where the apples will reach readiness within 30-45 days.

This method will help to make a large number of blanks without much difficulty, without having special dishes, such as barrels.


  • Apples - 1 bucket.
  • Water - 1 bucket.
  • Salt - 9 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 9 tbsp. spoons.
  • Raspberry and currant leaves.

Did you know? Such great gourmets as the French are very fond of national Russian cuisine - the association of farms "Paris Fermière" buys various exotic products for them, including soaked apples.

Cooking method

The cooking technology is very simple:

  • Wash fruits and leaves and lay out to dry on a towel.
  • Lay the bottom of the bucket (previously washed and scalded with boiling water) with raspberry and currant leaves.
  • Firmly pack the fruits with the stalk up (the space between the fruits can also be laid with leaves or your favorite aromatic herbs).
  • Bring water to a boil and dissolve salt and sugar in it.
  • Fill the bucket with brine - it should completely cover the contents.
  • Cover the bucket with gauze or a towel and put it in a cool place. It should stay there for 2-3 weeks.
  • As soon as the pulp is salted (from time to time it is necessary to take it out and try it), the fruits can be laid out in sterilized jars, poured with brine and, covered with lids, stored in the refrigerator. Or leave everything stored in a bucket in a cool and dark place.

Cooking pickled apples in a barrel

This recipe is considered classic and traditional. Its ingredients and cooking technology have been tested by many generations of housewives. It is the wooden container that creates unusual taste, which is difficult to repeat in other dishes.

At any time of the year it is nice to crunch on fresh and juicy apples. Maintaining a large crop for a long time is not so easy. In this case, it is recommended to turn to the best recipes for harvesting pickled apples for the winter. The cooking process will not take much time and effort, provided that the canning technology is fully preserved. They make apples in barrels or glass jars with granulated sugar, horseradish, honey, mustard and other ingredients.

Cooking principles

Peeling apples occurs by converting the fructose contained in them into lactic acid and alcohol. Contribute this process yeast and lactic acid microorganisms. Therefore, when ready, the product acquires a sweet and sour taste.

Not all varieties of apples are used for urination. They must meet the following criteria:

  • take fruits of medium, the same size;
  • dense, hard;
  • sour to taste;
  • plucked from a tree, not picked up from the ground;
  • no red blush.

For fermentation, it is not allowed to use freshly picked apples. They need to lie down a little so that the starch has time to transform into natural sugar.

Easy appetizer option

Making delicious, juicy and fragrant fruits is easy. It is not necessary to add a large amount of seasonings and aromatic herbs. With a small amount of spices, apples are obtained with an original flavor. Consider the recipe for making pickled apples at home.


  • apples - 8.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 0.4 kg;
  • table salt - 50 g;
  • mint casting - 30 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • currant leaves - 35 g.


  1. Rinse the fruit thoroughly, remove the ponytails and leaves. In a sterile jar, in which the appetizer will be prepared, put the washed leaves on the bottom.
  2. Pour liquid into a saucepan, add salt and granulated sugar. After boiling, cook until the crystals are completely dissolved. Remove from stove and leave to cool.
  3. Put the apples tightly in prepared jars, first pour the marinade. If not enough, then add boiled chilled liquid. Place oppression on top and leave in a warm place for a week, regularly adding fresh chilled brine.
  4. After the time has elapsed, take the jars to a cold place and insist there for 45 days.

With lingonberries

You can cook a snack in glass jars, enameled buckets or a large saucepan. The main advantage of the dish is that the components retain all the vitamins and other beneficial substances for the body. Consider the recipe for apples soaked in a bucket.


  • lingonberries - 550 g;
  • apples - 5.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 550 g;
  • grape leaves - 50 g;
  • filtered water - 2.7 liters.

We act like this:

  1. Rinse apples thoroughly. Pre-scald the enameled bucket and check for chips. Place on the bottom grape leaves, which can be safely replaced with currant or cherry. Put the prepared apple fruits with the stalks up, sprinkling with washed berries. Close again with leaves.
  2. Pour the required amount of liquid into a separate pan, add sugar. Boil, wait for the complete dissolution of the bulk ingredient. Remove from stove and refrigerate.
  3. Finished sweet water pour prepared apples with lingonberries. Place a cutting board on top, and on it a 2-liter jar of water. Put the bucket with the contents in a cool place and leave for 10 days. It is important that foam ceases to form on the surface. Cover tightly and store in the refrigerator.

with mustard

It will not be difficult to make pickled apples with mustard in jars for the winter at home. The taste and aroma of the preparation is pleasant.


  • apples - 5.5 kg;
  • filtered water - 11 l;
  • currant leaves;
  • mustard (dry powder) - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 220 g;
  • table salt - 120 g.

Initially, it is recommended to prepare a brine. To do this, pour the liquid into a large saucepan, add salt for canning, mustard, sugar. After boiling, heat on medium heat until completely dissolved. Remove from stove and refrigerate.

In the meantime, thoroughly rinse and sterilize the jars at the bottom, put currant leaves, and then well-washed apples. Fill with cold brine. Put under pressure, and put in a room with a temperature slightly below room temperature for 1 week. Close and store in refrigerator.

How to soak "Antonovka"?

Antonovka is a variety of apples, perfect for soaking. During canning, fruits acquire an unusual taste and aroma. A simple recipe for soaked apples "Antonovka" for the winter diversifies the meager winter menu.


  • mint leaves - 15 g;
  • currant - 20 g;
  • cherry leaves - 20 g;
  • apples - 5 kg;
  • filtered water - 9.5 l;
  • natural honey - 380 g;
  • table salt - 170 g;
  • rye flour - 120 g.

Rinse a large saucepan thoroughly, pour over boiling water. Lay clean leaves on the bottom. Rinse apples, remove twigs and leaves. Put the fruits in a container alternately with aromatic herbs.

Pour warm, boiled liquid into a saucepan, add beekeeping product, table salt and flour. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved.

Fill the container with brine, put a press on top. Clean in a warm place for 45 days, and then take out in the cold.

Soaked apples with cabbage

When soaking, the taste of fruit fruits is not lost, but on the contrary, it becomes more piquant, refined. How to soak apples for long-term storage?


  • apples - 3.5 kg;
  • white cabbage - 4.5 kg;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 60 g;
  • non-iodized salt - 75 g.


  1. Peel the cabbage forks, rinse and chop into thin strips. Rinse apples, remove twigs and leaves, if any. Peel off the skin of carrots with a thin layer and chop into thin strips.
  2. Combine cabbage and carrots in a separate bowl. Pour salt and granulated sugar, mix with crushing movements until the juice begins to stand out.
  3. In the container where the soaking will take place, lay out the apples and cabbage. The final layer should be vegetables.
  4. Tamp tightly and place on top of a 3-liter jar of liquid. Pour vegetable juice, if it is not enough, you must additionally prepare a brine. 25 g of granulated sugar and the same amount are added to 1 glass of water rock salt.
  5. Apples are soaked at room temperature for 1.5 weeks. Then they take it to the cellar for further storage.

Soaked apples with parsnip root

The harvest of apples has been born and you don’t know what to make of them for the winter. We suggest considering another option for pickled apples and how to cook them at home.


  • apples - 11 kg;
  • parsnip root - 0.35 kg;
  • wheat straw - 550 g;
  • filtered water - 5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 350 g;
  • non-iodized salt - 120 g.

You need to do the following:

  1. Rinse apple fruits, remove twigs and leaves, if any. Wash and peel the root, cut into several pieces.
  2. Pour the required amount of liquid into the saucepan, add salt and granulated sugar. Cook until completely dissolved. Remove from stove and refrigerate.
  3. According to the recipe, wash the container where pickled apples will be located with soap and pour over with boiling water. Rinse the straw and scald. Put it on the bottom of the container, then apples and fragrant root alternately in layers.

abundance useful substances and pleasant taste make pickled apples favorites on the table. They can be cooked in different ways by adding different ingredients which makes them even more delicious. How to cook pickled apples is the topic of the article.

Previously, apples were soaked in order to prepare provisions for the winter. Now there is no longer such a need to harvest apples, because they can be purchased in the supermarket all year round, but pickled apples are such a useful product, so their popularity does not decrease at all and almost every housewife tries to harvest them further. And if earlier they only guessed about their benefits, now numerous studies have proven that pickled apples are essential product on our table.

The apple itself is a unique fruit with an ideal ratio of nutrients. No wonder they say that two apples a day eliminate the need to visit a doctor during the year. But in the process of fermentation, the benefits of apples are doubled. This happens as a result of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. As a result of the activity of anaerobic bacteria, a lot of organic acids and vitamin C appear in apples. However, it is important to remember that in addition to useful substances, pickled apples contain about 1.8% alcohol, which makes them somewhat pungent in taste.

Benefits of pickled apples:

  • due to the increased content of lactic acid in pickled apples, vitamins in their composition are absorbed much better;
  • the presence of fiber in apples allows you to improve the work of the digestive tract;
  • lactic acid bacteria in apples normalize the intestinal microflora, which increases immunity and helps the body fight infections and systemic diseases;
  • pickled apples have low calorie(47 kcal / 100 g), so they help to lose weight without compromising health;
  • pickled apples are rich in calcium, therefore they are indicated for osteoporosis and joint pathologies;
  • apples also contain a lot of vitamin K, which supports blood vessels, and vitamin A, which is necessary for vision, hair and skin;
  • soaked apples contain a huge amount of B vitamins, so their use allows you to normalize the function of the nervous and hormonal systems.

It would seem that the absolute benefit is a reason for everyone to use pickled apples. But there are some minor limitations here. This product contains many organic acids, the use of which is contraindicated for people with pathologies such as gastritis and other gastrointestinal lesions with hyperacidity. And the presence of alcohols makes pickled apples unsuitable for consumption by children and pregnant women.

What apples can be wetted, varieties of apples for urination

Suitable for urination apples with high content sugars, which are necessary for full fermentation. In addition, varieties for urination should have a dense peel, and the pulp should be elastic. Based on these requirements, only autumn-winter varieties are used for urination, for example, Welsey, Antonovka, Slavyanka, Babushkino, Orange, Ranet, Melba or Kamenichka.

You can also prepare summer varieties, but they need to be wetted immediately after harvest, at which time they must be fully ripe. If you wet winter apples, after picking they are kept for about 20 days for sufficient saccharification.

When choosing autumn varieties, apples are obtained with a delicate sourness and more juicy pulp, and if winter varieties are prepared, apples will be sweet and sour with a crumbly texture.

How many days to soak apples

The fermentation process that occurs in the process of urinating apples is quite long. On average, they are wetted from 30 to 60 days. Cooking time is determined by many factors: technology, ingredients used, air temperature.

Recipe for pickled apples for the winter

For cooking yourself simple recipe pickled apples you need:

  • a bucket of apples;
  • 0.4 kg of sugar;
  • 3 art. l. rock salt;
  • mint leaves, raspberries, cherries.

How to cook:

  • Discard crushed and rotten apples, wash the fruits and dry with a towel.
  • Put half of the prepared leaves on the bottom of the barrel.
  • Lay the apples on top, cover them with the remaining leaves.
  • Dissolve bulk components in a liter of water, bring the marinade to a boil.
  • After cooling, dilute the marinade with water to a volume of 5 liters.
  • Pour apples completely with marinade, put any weight on top.
  • Gradually pour the marinade into the barrel over the course of a week.
  • Take the barrel to a cold room for 1.5 months.

Easy Pickled Apple Recipe

The primitive way of urinating apples took place in wooden barrels. Now the cooking process has been greatly simplified thanks to the advent of plastic containers. Consider the easiest pickled apple recipe in plastic barrel.


  • Pour boiling water over a plastic container.
  • Put some washed leaves on the bottom.
  • Then lay out the balls of apples and some more leaves on top.
  • Fill the bucket in this order.
  • Mix salt, water and sugar, pour apples with the resulting solution.
  • Press down the apples with a plate, placing a container of water on it.
  • Remove the oppression after 4 days, remove the foam that has appeared from the apples, close the bucket with a lid.
  • For 45-60 days, take the apples to the cellar.
  • After this period, soaked apples can be tasted.

How to make pickled apples for the winter in a 3 liter jar

Try rolling the apples right into the jar. They will remind fresh apples, but have a slight aftertaste of fermentation.


  • 1.1 kg of apples;
  • 3.5 Art. l. vinegar;
  • 50 g of sugar;
  • a couple of leaves of horseradish;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 6 leaves of cherry and currant;
  • 2 cloves;
  • water.


  • Place cloves, leaves, apples in a sterilized jar, pour boiling water over them for 3 minutes.
  • Drain the water and boil it again, add vinegar, as well as salt and sugar.
  • Pour apples with marinade and roll up.

How to cook pickled apples Antonovka

This variety of apples is often prepared according to the classic recipe, but you can change it a little by adding new ingredients - mustard, honey, spices.

  • Prepare a barrel or glass containers, sterilize.
  • Put clean leaves on the bottom, then apples.
  • Dissolve the remaining ingredients in hot water, strain, fill apples with a solution.
  • Cover the fruit container with a lid and wait a couple of days until a characteristic fermentation foam appears. This will happen in about 5 days.
  • Then move the fruits for storage in the cellar for 2 months.

Soaked apples in a bucket recipe, step by step

An interesting snack - pickled apples with pumpkin puree. Pumpkin acts as a must and also gives apples an interesting aroma and sweet taste.

  • Choose a large nutmeg pumpkin, remove the seeds and skin.

  • Cut the pumpkin and boil in water until tender.
  • Puree pumpkin with an immersion blender.

  • Put the leaves, fruit and pumpkin puree in a clean bucket.

  • Be sure to build a cargo for 30 days.

Pickled apples White filling

White filling― an early grade with gentle pulp and fresh taste. And, despite the fact that winter varieties are recommended to wet, White filling can also be deliciously prepared.

  • Apples should not be overripe. They need to be washed and sent along with the leaves to a sterile glass jar.
  • Stir bulk products in water, pour apples with liquid.
  • Then cover the jar with gauze, after 4 days remove the foam and cork the jar with a lid.
  • After 1.5 months, apples can be eaten.

Step-by-step recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

The taste of soaked apples in a wooden barrel cannot be replaced. If you have the opportunity to use the following recipe, be sure to do it. Believe me, you won't regret it!


  • 5 kg of apples;
  • 125 g of honey;
  • 4.5 liters of water;
  • 62 g salt;
  • 55 g cherry leaves;
  • Cinnamon, cloves to taste.


  • Sort the apples, wash them, fill them with a barrel, line the bottom with cherry leaves.
  • Prepare the marinade: honey, salt, spices, add to water, boil, let cool.
  • Pour over the apples, set them under oppression and keep in a cool place.

Soaked apples with mustard

Apples in combination with mustard powder gain refined taste and spicy aroma. Such a dish can be served as a separate and self-sufficient meal. It is advisable to cook such apples in wooden barrels so as not to spoil the expected taste.

  • Dilute malt in 100 ml of water.
  • Stir sugar salt into hot water.
  • Put the leaves and mustard on the bottom.
  • Lay the washed apples, add the marinade.
  • Put oppression on apples for 7 days. Keep a barrel of apples at +20⁰С. Add water to the barrel as needed.
  • Then transfer the barrel to the cellar and start tasting after two months.

Video: pickled apples

You will learn the secrets of harvesting pickled apples from the video:

Soaked apples with rye flour

An ingredient such as rye flour makes pickled apples very unusual dish. Such a recipe belongs to Polish cuisine and deserves to be in your cookbook.

  • Wash the apples and leaves, sterilize the container with the lid.
  • Lay the leaves and fruit in layers.
  • Combine all bulk products, dissolve and pour apples with marinade.
  • Soak the apples under pressure for 3-6 weeks, and then send them to storage.

Pickled apples with straw

Often pickled apples are made using straw. It's pretty interesting method cooking, so consider it in more detail.


  • a bundle of straw;
  • 10 g of salt;
  • 10 kg of Pepin apples;
  • liter of water;
  • 2 tbsp. rye malt;
  • 7 g mustard powder.

How to cook:

  • Since the recipe uses the late Pepin variety, spread the apples on paper in a cool room for 5 days.
  • Then put the washed apples into a barrel, fill them with water to determine required amount liquids: apples should completely "drown". Drain the water into a handy container.
  • Line the bottom of the barrel with straw, place apples on top.
  • Malt, boiling water (use measured water), salt, as well as mustard and flour, stir until smooth.
  • Pour the fruits with the cooled brine, cover the barrel with sterile gauze.
  • Put a wooden circle and oppression on the gauze.
  • Keep fruits 55 days in a cool room. By the end of this time they will be ready.

Recipe for pickled apples with honey

If you are a lover of everything new and extraordinary, cook chopped apples with honey. Sweetish taste with hints of basil and blackcurrant will be a spicy surprise for you and you will definitely like it.

How to cook:

  • Cut the washed apples into quarters.
  • Put a currant leaf, basil, then apples on the bottom of the container.
  • Prepare a solution from honey, salt and boiled water, pour apple slices into it.
  • Set oppression on apples, keep warm for no longer than a week.
  • Close the container with a lid, soak for a month.

Recipe for pickled apples with cabbage

apples with sauerkraut― a great pair of french fries and other side dishes.

How to cook:

  • Grate the carrot and chop the cabbage.
  • Add sugar to the vegetables and remember them with your hands.
  • Put the washed apples in a clean container, cover them with cabbage on top and press it down tightly.
  • Put on top cabbage leaves, leave the container for 14 days.
  • Next, take the apples out to the cold. The product is ready for use in exactly one month.

Soaked apples - delicious product which is easy to prepare. Try new recipes, experiment with apple varieties and delight your loved ones with fireworks of flavors!

Soaked apples - delicious, and most importantly healthy dessert Russian cuisine, like sauerkraut. This traditional preparation should be in every family.

Vitamins are stored in them until spring. Children just love pickled apples. They used to be brewed in oak barrels. Now in the conditions of the city, you can soak apples in any container - in glass 3-liter jars, in large pots and enameled buckets, as well as in plastic barrels for food products, and of course in oak barrel(in the country), if any!

Apples should be whole, without traces of decay and wormholes, better taken directly from the tree, and not carrion.

The classic variety of apples for fermentation (urination) - Antonovka - it is the most delicious and will never let you down!

Soaked apples with honey - a recipe in jars for the winter.

This recipe is very simple and good for any variety of apples, of course, the winter varieties Golden Delicious, Pepinka and the classics of the genre - Antonovka are best suited. But when it is not yet ripe, take the White Filling apples and cook according to our recipe - it turns out very tasty!

Soaked apples are a wonderful way to prepare for the winter. These apples have a peculiar spicy taste In addition, they contain many vitamins and minerals. Beneficial microorganisms found in soaked apples have a beneficial effect on digestion.


  • 5-6 kg apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1 tablespoon with a slide of salt
  • 2-3 table. spoons of honey
  • 5 liters of cold raw water

Preparation of soaked apples in jars with honey

First you need to prepare the jars - wash them well. Sterilization is not required.

Don't rub the apples too hard when you wash them. It is enough to rinse off the dust.

We observe the main conditions for urinating apples - they must be whole, not broken, taken from the tree. For urinating (fermenting) in jars, choose medium-sized apples.

We put apples in jars - larger on the bottom, and smaller on top

Preparing the fill for urinating apples:

For 5 liters of cold raw water, add

1 heaping tablespoon coarse salt

200 g granulated sugar

2-3 table. spoons of honey

Mix everything well until completely dissolved.

Then we fill the jars with apples with this filling to the top.

The apples in the jar should be tightly packed and completely covered with this filling. Keep in mind that apples will actively absorb it during the fermentation process.

We cover with ordinary iron lids.

The rest of the filling (small) is poured into a jar and sent to the refrigerator. We still need it. During fermentation, the apples will absorb the filling and it will need to be poured from this jar from time to time.

We put jars of apples in deep containers - bowls, pans or basins. In the process of fermentation, the jars will “leak” and this liquid will just pour into these cups.

We leave the apples in jars for 5 days at room temperature for fermentation.

Then we remove the metal lids, close them with nylon lids and send them to a cold place - to the cellar for storage and "ripening".

After 1-1.5 months, the apples will be ready!

Surprisingly delicious with delicate aroma honey, soaked apples are obtained. Mmmm, lovely!

Exit finished product 3 l cans - 3 pcs.

Soaked apples "Antonovka" with rye straw in plastic barrels or in a bucket

If you ferment apples in plastic barrels, then be sure to consider the fact that plastic must be food grade and nothing else! This quantity of products is calculated on a plastic barrel of 50 liters.


  • 20 kg of apples (Antonovka)
  • 10 liters of water
  • 750 g sugar
  • 250 g coarse salt
  • 2 table. mustard powder

Remove the apples from the tree, let them lie down for 2-3 days for the “ripening of the characteristic aroma”

Wash them, let the water flow.

Steam the rye straw with boiling water and let it stand for 20-30 minutes (for making sourdough)

Line a plastic barrel with a plastic bag for fermentation (if any). If not, then without it.

Lay in layers, counting from the bottom:

1 layer - steamed straw

2 layer apples to the middle of the barrel

3 layer straw

4 layer apples almost to the top

5 layer of straw.-the topmost.

Preparing the fill:

AT cold water put sugar, salt, mustard powder

Mix everything well until completely dissolved.

Take the barrel to the cellar and pour our filling there. If you lined the bag, then first let the air out of it as much as possible and tie it up, then close the lid. If you just soak the apples in a food plastic plastic barrel, then put a plate or lid on top of a slightly smaller diameter and put oppression on top so that the apples are completely immersed in the brine.

Close the barrel with a lid and leave the apples for a month for fermentation.

In a month and a half soaked Antonovka in a plastic barrel will be ready.

If there is no rye straw, take 200 g of rye flour and dilute it in water along with salt, mustard and sugar.

You can cook according to this recipe in an enameled bucket

Soaked apples (pickled) for the winter a simple recipe in a jar of 3 liters

This is the easiest recipe for pickled apples for the winter, without mustard and rye flour - only sugar and salt!

Thus, it is possible to soak not only apples, but also pears and plums.

For this recipe, we take strong, dense white apples or with a red barrel. Varieties as usual, winter or autumn


  • Apples (autumn or winter varieties)
  • 5 liters of cold water
  • 100 g salt
  • 400 g sugar
  • 3 pcs. – 3 l cans
  • Blackcurrant, cherry or oak leaves


In clean three-liter jars lay the apples, sprinkling them with blackcurrant leaves.

Pour 5 liters of cold water not boiled into the pan. You can simply pass through the filter, or take spring or well water.

Pour water, salt, sugar, stir well, until completely dissolved.

Fill the apples to the top with the resulting brine. If you still have the brine, then pour it into a jar and refrigerate, then pour it into the jar. The apples must be completely submerged in the filling.

We close the jars with ordinary nylon lids and leave them for 4-5 days at room temperature, the fermentation process will begin, so the brine will become cloudy a little. This is normal - don't worry. The brine level in the jar will decrease as apples will actively absorb it.

After 5 days in the room, you need to send them to ripen in a cold place - in the cellar. If the apples are not completely covered with the filling, it is necessary to add water or brine (if any).

We send it to the cellar and in a month and a half the apples will be ready! Delicious, juicy, fragrant pickled apples are obtained according to this recipe.

To everyone who loves these two vitamin blanks for the winter: pickled apples and sauerkraut will love this easy recipe! Be sure to make at least one serving!

In this recipe, unlike all previous recipes for soaked apples, we take not large, but small apples! Apple varieties are again late - traditionally: Antonovka, Pepin, Titovka or Anis.

cabbage too winter varieties- Glory.

it amazing way urinating apples for the winter lets get two useful product rich in vitamin C (ascorbic acid)! In addition, it remains in sauerkraut juice until spring! So it is not only delicious, but also the most useful blank pickled apples for the winter

It is better to ferment apples and cabbage in a large container - in a 10-liter saucepan or in an enameled bucket.

If you do not need such a volume of finished products, then feel free to reduce the amount of products given in the recipe, but do it proportionally - divide everything by 2 or 3, depending on the need.

So the products are:

  • 4 kg white cabbage
  • 3 kg apples of late varieties
  • 3 pcs. carrots
  • 3 table. tablespoons salt (to taste)
  • 2 table. tablespoons sugar (to taste)

Cooking pickled apples with sauerkraut step by step:

Wash all products thoroughly

Peel and grate carrots coarse grater

Select apples whole, not broken, not wormy, small in size.

Chop cabbage with a knife or shredder - as you are used to.

Love thinner - cut thinner or thicker, but still not too large.

Put the cabbage in a deep container, for example, in an enamel basin or on any surface.

Mix with grated carrots, add salt.

Remember a little cabbage, it will become slightly transparent and give juice. Don't overdo it or the cabbage will be soft and not crispy. Sprinkle with sugar and stir

We take a bucket or a deep pan and put apples and cabbage with carrots in it in layers. Fill the space between apples with cabbage and carrots

Compact the layers well with your hands. Spread the apples so that you can pierce the cabbage between them with a wooden stick so that the gases formed during fermentation come out.

And so to the top.

The top layer should be cabbage, rather thick.

Once again, thoroughly tamp the cabbage with apples.

We put a plate or a wooden circle on top, we install oppression on it. The water bottle is just right. The capacity of the jar depends on the number of cabbage and apples. If you are fermenting a whole bucket, you can take a 2 or 3 liter jar as oppression.

Now we put all this structure in some kind of container, because. during fermentation, the juice will "run away" from the bucket.

Leave at room temperature for 4-5-7 days. When a characteristic sour smell appears, everything will be ready. Cabbage is usually sour for 2-3 at room temperature, but we also have whole apples here.

As with sauerkraut, once a day you need to release carbon dioxide, which is formed during fermentation, piercing cabbage with apples to the bottom with a wooden skewer.

Taste and adjust or add sugar if needed.

In the process of fermentation, drain the escaping cabbage juice into a jar and send it to the refrigerator, then add it to the cabbage before sending it to the cellar, when you remove the oppression

Close the container with a lid and put the soaked apples with cabbage in the cellar or in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks for ripening.

Remember that the brine should cover the cabbage completely. If it is not enough, add chilled boiled water.

That's all, pickled apples with sauerkraut are ready! As you can see, everything is very simple!

Enjoy your meal!

Here is a video recipe for pickled apples with sauerkraut, for those who like to watch video recipes:

Soaked apples with rye flour recipe at home

it classic recipe urinating apples. Apples are very tasty, amber-transparent. Perfectly retain taste, color and beneficial features until next summer.

Apples are also classic - Antonovka varieties. Do it for the winter more apples according to this recipe, so that these fabulously tasty and healthy apples are enough for the whole winter!

You can soak apples with rye flour in any container - in a 3 or 5 liter jar, in a deep saucepan, in a bucket or in a barrel.

It is more convenient for a city dweller, of course, in glass jars. Banks are better to take wide-mouthed.

Take apples without dents, signs of spoilage and worminess. For urination in a barrel - take large fruits, and for smaller jars

Products for a 5 liter jar:

  • Antonovka apples (as many as you like)
  • 2.5 liters of water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 100 g rye flour
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of salt
  • currant leaves

Cooking step by step:

Wash apples and currant leaves well.

In a jar with a wide neck, lay out apples and blackcurrant leaves in layers so that the leaves are the first and last layer too.

Now you need to prepare a filling-brine for urinating apples.

It's simple: pour water at room temperature into a saucepan, pour salt, sugar into it, mix

Then pour the rye flour gradually, mixing everything with a whisk or mixer until smooth, so that there are no lumps.

If the lumps do not break in any way, then just strain the brine through cheesecloth.

Pour the brine into a jar of apples to the very brim. The filling should completely cover the apples.

Cover with clean gauze, folded in several layers, and send to a cold place for 1-1.5 months (in the cellar or in the refrigerator). From time to time it is necessary to remove the resulting foam, otherwise the brine will become moldy.

If the apples are small and float up (not tightly packed in the jar), then put oppression on top - a glass bottle of water (so that its bottom crawls into the neck of the jar)

Soaked apples with rye flour will be ready in 1.5 months. It is necessary to remove gauze or oppression and close nylon cover, store in a cold place - in the cellar or in the refrigerator.

The longer apples stand in brine, the tastier they become, they are saturated with brine, they become tasty and translucent. Especially in spring they are good - a storehouse of vitamins for everyone!

Enjoy your meal!

Soaked apples recipe with mustard and malt in a bucket for the winter (video recipe)

This recipe is unusual - we will use mustard, and even malt (or kvass must). If malt is not available, then use rye flour, although malt is available at any grocery store. Apples are delicious.


  • 10 liters of water
  • 100 g salt
  • 400 g sugar
  • 3 tbsp mustard powder
  • 75 g malt (or 200 g rye flour)

All the details of cooking delicious pickled apples in this video:

Here are such cool recipes for making pickled apples for the winter.

Your relatives will be very pleased, praising your pickled apples all winter, because it is not only insanely delicious, but also very healthy!

The best recipes for harvesting apples for the winter:

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Soaking is one of the most simple ways harvesting apples for the winter. Delicious pickled apples cooked at home are a great addition to salads, side dishes, meat, poultry, and fish.

What varieties of apples are suitable for urinating at home?

Whatever method of urinating apples you choose, you can only use late (autumn) varieties of apples that have a sweet and sour taste. Most often these are Antonovka, Anis and Pepin. Only ripened fruits are suitable for urination, therefore, after picking apples, they need to lie down for some time in warmth.

What is the best way to soak apples?

It is best to use barrels for soaking apples, but this method is no longer relevant, as it is very laborious. Housewives usually use large enamel pots or large-capacity glass jars, where you can easily put the right amount of apples.

Tips for making pickled apples at home:

  • a container for urinating apples needs to be prepared: thoroughly clean using baking soda, wash and pour over with boiling water;
  • as a load, you can use a flat plate, on which is placed liter jar with water;
  • you should know that with any method of soaking apples, they actively absorb the brine, so you need to add it periodically, otherwise the upper layers of the apples will simply deteriorate;
  • for 1 bucket of apples, approximately 5-6 liters of filling will be needed.

Soaked apples traditionally had three types of harvesting: regular (classic), sour and sweet. Let's look at each blank in more detail.

Soaked apples: a simple recipe

The soaking recipe is simple: apples are laid out in prepared containers, poured, the fruits are poured, the load is laid, and after a month and a half or two months, you can take a sample.

For 1 kilogram of apples you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of water,
  • 4 tablespoons honey or sugar
  • a handful of currant and cherry leaves,
  • 1.5 teaspoons of salt
  • cinnamon, cloves and mustard seeds (to taste).
  1. Apples must be washed in warm water, and sort out, as only intact fruits are suitable.
  2. The bottom of the container is lined with cherry and currant leaves, ripe apples stacked tail up in tight rows. After two rows, it is necessary to lay a layer of leaves again and repeat the operation until the container is filled with apples almost to the very top.
  3. Filling is better to prepare in advance. To do this, bring water to a boil and put all the ingredients listed above into it. The filling must be cooled to 30-35 degrees and pour apples with it.

Cover with a load so that they are completely covered with water. For several days, dishes with apples must be kept at room temperature to start the fermentation process, after which they must be removed in a cool place. Ready soaked apples can be served at the table in a month and a half or two.

Sour pickled apples with cabbage

There are many recipes for sour pickled apples, but the most original one is with cabbage. The cooking process is no different classic way soaking apples.

For 3 kilograms of apples you will need:

  • 4 kilograms of cabbage;
  • two carrots;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt.
  1. Finely chop the cabbage, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Then mix the cabbage, carrots, salt and sugar until vegetable juice appears.
  2. Next, a layer of cabbage should be laid on the bottom of the prepared container, tamped, a layer of apples, then again cabbage, apples, etc. The top layer is from cabbage. If allocated vegetable juice is not enough, then prepare a brine at the rate of one tablespoon of sugar and salt per 1 liter of water.

From above you need to lay oppression, as in the first recipe. For several days, the container with the workpiece must be kept at room temperature so that the fermentation process begins, after which the sour pickled apples with cabbage must be removed in a cold place for 1 month.

Sweet pickled apples

The recipe for sweet pickled apples differs from the usual (classic) only in that more sugar or honey is added to the brine.

To prepare 10 liters of filling you will need:

  • 300 gr. honey or 400 gr. Sahara,
  • 100 gr. rye flour,
  • 150 gr. salt,
  • currant and cherry leaves.
  1. The container for soaking apples must be thoroughly washed, dried, currant leaves should be laid on the bottom. Place a layer of apples on top.
  2. The next layer is cherry leaves. Next, again, a layer of apples, currant leaves, etc. should be laid. The last layer is cherry leaves.
  3. To prepare the brine in hot water, it is necessary to dissolve all the above ingredients: sugar or honey, salt, rye flour. Cool the solution to room temperature and pour over the apples.
  4. At the end of cooking, the workpiece is covered with a small load, as in previous recipes.

Sweet pickled apples are prepared for at least one and a half months at a temperature of +14 - +17 degrees.

Delicious pickled apples at home: 3 simple recipes

Do you love apples, but don't know how to keep their beneficial properties on long time? Make pickled apples at home.

Soaked Antonovka apples are another way to preserve the harvest of your favorite fruits. A selection of recipes for soaked antonovka apples

Every housewife wants to keep a rich harvest of apples. There are many recipes for how to do this: boil jam, jam, dry, or simply store in the basement. However, in all these cases, fruits lose most of their benefits. Most The best way save Antonovka apples - urination.

Soaked antonovka apples - the basic principles of cooking

Even our distant ancestors soaked apples for the winter. For this, fruits of sour varieties were used: Slavyanka, anise and, of course, Antonovka.

The first step is to prepare the container in which the fruit will be soaked. It is better, of course, if it is a barrel, but if you do not have one, you can use glass jars or enamel pan. The container is washed thoroughly. Then doused with boiling water and dried.

In addition to apples, twigs and leaves of fruit trees or berry bushes, as well as spices, are used for urination.

Choose medium sized apples. Fruit should not have damage and wormholes. The apples are washed and put into a container, shifting them with leaves and spices.

The brine is prepared according to the recipe. It mainly consists of sugar, spices and salt. In some cases, sugar is replaced with honey.

The resulting brine is poured over apples. A wooden circle is laid on top and pressed down with a stone or other load.

Gradually, the brine will be absorbed into the fruit, so you will need to add boiled water after a few days.

The barrel is kept in the cellar for a month. After this time, fruits can be eaten.

Recipe 1. Soaked antonovka apples

filtered water - five liters;

fresh Antonovka apples;

currant and cherry leaves;

1. Apples should be of such a size that they freely enter the jar. Wash glass containers and sterilize over steam. Dry.

2. The right amount Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt. Boil from the moment of boiling for five minutes. After that, remove it from the heat and cool the marinade.

3. Rinse the leaves of fruit trees and berry bushes and put them on the bottom of the prepared container. Fill the jar with apples, starting with the larger ones. Pour chilled marinade over fruits. Cover the throat of the jar with gauze and leave in a dark place.

4. After a couple of days, foam will appear on the surface. It needs to be removed. Add more marinade if necessary. The fruits must be completely covered with liquid.

5. Close the jars with plastic lids and send for a month in a cool place. After this time, apples can already be eaten, but the fruits will fully reach only after a couple of months.

Recipe 2. Soaked antonovka apples with rye flour

ten kg of antonovka apples;

rye flour - 200 g;

cherry and currant leaves;

boiled water - ten liters;

table salt - 150 g.

1. Select ripe, not too large apples without damage and wormholes. Wash them thoroughly and dry them.

2. Rinse currant and cherry leaves. Wash enameled or glass containers and pour over with boiling water. Put the prepared leaves on the bottom. Top with apples, then leaves again. Fill the container with apples, shifting them with cherry and currant leaves. The last layer should be spices and leaves.

3. Pour into a saucepan with warm water salt, rye flour and sugar. Stir until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Cool down.

4. Pour apples with brine. They must be completely immersed in the liquid. Cover with a plate on top and set a small oppression. Leave the apples in a dark place for a week, topping up occasionally. boiled water.

5. After the allotted time, place the container with Antonovka apples in the cellar, and leave it there for a month and a half.

Recipe 3. Soaked Antonovka apples with prunes

filtered water - ten liters;

Antonovka apples - 20 kg;

1. Wash and dry the apples. The fruit must be ripe and free from damage and signs of rot.

2. Pour bran and prunes with a liter of boiling water and mix well so that not a single lump remains.

3. Dissolve salt and honey in nine liters of boiled water. Combine with bran mixture. Stir again.

4. Wash the barrel for apples, pour boiling water over it and dry it. Fill the container with apples and fill them honey marinade so that the fruits completely cover the fruits.

5. Place oppression on top and leave the container in a cool place. Remove the foam from the surface periodically and add the marinade. When the fermentation process stops, cover the container with a lid and put it in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Soaked antonovka apples with cabbage

ten kilograms of late cabbage;

table salt - 600 g;

sugar - ten tablespoons;

six kilograms of Antonovka apples.

1. We free cabbage heads from dried top leaves. We cut them into four parts and cut out the stalk. Shred some of the cabbage into thin strips. Pour 200 g of salt into it and mix, lightly kneading with your hands. Cut the rest of the cabbage into small pieces.

2. Wash and dry apples. The fruits must not show any damage or signs of rot.

3. Wash a barrel or an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and dry it. We put fruits and cabbage mixed in a container. Sprinkle each layer with shredded cabbage.

4. We put a pot with ten liters of water on the fire, pour in the remaining salt and sugar. You can add your favorite spices. As soon as the brine boils, remove it from the heat and cool.

5. Pour the contents of the container with chilled brine. Place cabbage leaves on top. We cover with gauze, cover with a wooden circle and set oppression. Leave for five days at room temperature, periodically adding boiled water. We pierce with a wooden rolling pin and mix lightly. Mold is removed.

6. We transfer the container to storage in a cool place.

Recipe 5. Soaked antonovka apples with mustard

table salt - 100 g;

assorted apple, cherry and currant leaves;

dry mustard - 75 g.

1. We dilute mustard and salt in ten liters of water. Add sugar to taste. Stir and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then remove the brine from the stove and cool.

2. The container in which we will soak the apples is thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried. We put on the bottom assorted leaves of fruit and berries.

3. Wash apples under the tap and dry. We fill the container with fruits, pressing them tightly to each other. Place leaves between layers. Pour brine over apples. The liquid should completely cover the fruit.

4. We cover the contents of the container with a plate or a wooden circle. From above we set oppression, and leave for a week. From time to time add boiled water and remove the foam. Then we place the container in the cellar. You can eat apples after a month and a half.

Recipe 6. Soaked antonovka apples with mint, basil and honey

currant leaves - two handfuls;

drinking water - ten liters;

basil - a large bunch;

flower honey - half a kilogram;

mint - a large bunch;

table salt - 170 grams;

rye flour - 150 grams.

1. Boil and cool the water to a warm state. Add salt, honey and flour to it. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Leave the brine to cool completely.

2. Put currant leaves in one layer on the bottom of a clean glass, wooden or ceramic container.

3. Select small apples. Wash them and dry them. Rinse the basil and mint and place on a paper towel.

4. Place apples in a container, shifting each layer with mint, currant leaves and basil. The last layer should be greens. Cover the fruit with a plate and place a weight on it.

5. Gently pour the contents with brine and soak for a month. If necessary, add boiled water. Foam from the surface must be removed. Then place the container in storage in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Spicy pickled antonovka apples

apples Antonovka - kilogram;

drinking water - one and a half liters;

cherry and currant leaves - 10 pcs.;

five cloves;

table salt - 7 g;

mustard seeds - 4 g.

1. Fruits and leaves are washed and dried.

2. We sterilize clean jars over steam and put apples in them, shifting them with cherry and currant leaves. Sprinkle mustard seeds on top.

3. Dissolve salt in hot water, add cloves and cinnamon. When the brine is warm, add honey and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour apples in jars with the resulting brine and close them with plastic lids.

4. We stand for a week, then we send it to the cellar for storage.

  • Leave freshly picked apples to lie down for a couple of weeks and only then soak.
  • Apples should not be damaged or show signs of rot or wormholes.
  • Do not use fallen apples for urination.
  • Be sure to pour boiling water over the container in which you will soak the apples.
  • Lay apples stalks up. So they are better saturated with marinade and begin to ferment faster.
  • Make sure that apples are always covered with marinade.

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Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova

Recipes for soaked antonovka apples, the secrets of choosing ingredients and

Soaked antonovka apples: recipes from simple to sophisticated, apples with various additions and general principles preparation, selection and combination of products

Antonovka apples. How to wet for the winter?

Prepare adjika with apples - best recipes we have collected for you on the site.

How to wet antonovka apples

For cooking, it is necessary to select winter or autumn varieties with tartaric taste and dense pulp. For urination, choose varieties such as "Ordinary", "Kamenichka", "Anis", "Babushkino". For cooking, use only healthy apples, which, after picking, managed to lie down for 2-3 weeks. Suitable for marinating glass, enamelware or wooden tubs. The latter must be soaked in water for several days to prevent leakage. After that, soak them for 20 minutes soda ash(for a bucket of water 50 g). Pour out the solution, wash the barrels cold water several times, scald the apples with boiling water before laying. Rinse enameled or glassware in the usual way.

Learn and how to cook charlotte with apples. She will become great option desserts for gatherings with your favorite girlfriends.

Now you need to pour the solution. It is made from salt, sugar and malt. For 20 kg of apples, prepare 420 g of granulated sugar, 100 g of malt and 220 g of salt. Prepare the wort from the malt: put 100 g of germinated barley in 100 g of water, heat it up and let it boil for 15 minutes. You can also use rye flour instead of malt. Before cooking, it must be diluted with cool water, which must be taken 2 times more than flour. After that, boil the mass with boiling water. Boil salt and granulated sugar in 10 liters of water, cool, pour fruit. It also does not hurt to add 30 g of mustard powder to the finished solution. Cover the workpiece with a circle of wood, and put a load on it. As a load, as a rule, they take a stone. The fill level should be 3-5 cm higher. Keep the workpiece for a week, adhering to a temperature of 18-20 degrees. This will allow her to wander. During this time, the fruits will absorb a sufficient amount of liquid, so you need to constantly add cold water. After a week, lower the vessel, along with its contents, into the basement or any room with a low temperature. The preparation can be eaten after 2 months. Following the same principle, one can prepare pickled apples antonovka in banks.

Soaked apples: 5 recipes for the winter

Who doesn't love pickled apples? Such people can be counted on the fingers. In order for this yummy to turn out, you do not need to make unrealistic efforts. Preparing pickled apples is very simple, even in ordinary glass jars. If desired, you can use barrels or buckets. In any case, the result will be amazing.

Soaked apples are prepared very simply even in ordinary glass jars.

Soaked apples: a recipe at home for the winter

To prepare such fragrant and juicy fruit no need great amount spices and all kinds of additives. Even with the most minimal composition, apples turn out so tasty that they cause real admiration.

  • 9 kg of apples;
  • 0.45 kg of sugar;
  • 55 gr. Sahara;
  • 75 gr. mint, raspberry, currant leaves.
  1. Rinse the fruit, remove the ponytails and leaves.
  2. Put leaves, apples and all remaining branches into a container for future harvesting.
  3. The next step is to prepare the marinade. Pour a liter of water into the pan, mix it with sugar and salt, boil.
  4. Cool the marinade, add cold water and pour into a container with apples.
  5. Put oppression on top and pour the prepared marinade over the next seven days.
  6. Insist after this for at least one and a half months in a cool place.

Important! It is necessary to choose exclusively sweet varieties of apples, if you plan to long-term storage finished product. In the same case, if long-term storage of the workpiece is not expected, you can use fruits of any variety that are currently available.

How to wet Antonovka for the winter

Antonovka is an ideal variety of apples that not only can, but also need to be soaked. It is these fruits in the process classic workpiece acquire a special taste. Despite such a harsh way of preparing them, they not only do not lose their characteristic features, but also acquire a special flavor note.

  • 4.6 kg Antonovka;
  • 18 gr. currant leaves;
  • 12 gr. mint leaves;
  • 18 gr. cherry leaves;
  • 9 liters of water;
  • 0.35 kg of honey;
  • 0.15 kg of salt;
  • 0.1 kg of rye flour.

Antonovka is an ideal variety of apples that not only can, but also need to be soaked

  1. Put the washed leaves at the bottom of the barrel.
  2. Lay apples on top of them, alternating them with the same leaves.
  3. From above, press everything with oppression.
  4. In warm water, mix honey, salt and flour, cool this liquid completely.
  5. Then pour it into a container with apples.

Insist at least one and a half months in a warm place.

How to make pickled apples in a bucket: a simple recipe

Many hostesses still think that apples can only be harvested in a special barrel. It is for this reason that they are afraid to wet apples on their own. In fact, in the process of their preparation, you can use absolutely any container, even an ordinary bucket. Accordingly, difficulties during harvesting simply cannot arise.

Many hostesses still think that apples can only be harvested in a special barrel.

  1. Mix boiling water with mustard.
  2. Brew rye flour and stir well to avoid lumps.
  3. Add salt, prepared flour and mustard to cold water.
  4. Cover the bucket with straw and lay apples on top, pour the brine and put the load on top.

Leave in a cool place for at least a month.

How to cook pickled apples in jars

The easiest and most convenient way to ferment apples is, of course, in jars. The procurement process is reduced to the most elementary actions. More fast food is simply unimaginable. It is very convenient to store fruits, since it is enough just to rearrange them in the refrigerator after finishing their urination.

The easiest and most convenient way to ferment apples is, of course, in jars.

  1. Fruits must be washed and immediately placed in jars.
  2. Mix water with salt and sugar.
  3. Pour the resulting liquid into jars.
  4. Cover the blanks with nylon lids.
  5. Put the container in a warm place for a month and a half.

Important! You need to harvest only whole, without rot and any other damage to the fruit. If this rule is not followed, then the workpiece will simply deteriorate even before the due date for its proper preparation.

Pickled apples for the winter: the best recipe

Sauerkraut is honored in every home. Cooking her different ways, add all kinds of berries and vegetables to the composition. But few people can even imagine this product in combination with apples. This is despite the fact that pickled apples acquire an unusual, but amazing taste combined with a regular vegetable. You don’t even have to do anything really to make the soaked fruits so tasty and fragrant.

Sauerkraut is honored in every home, and when combined with apples, it becomes many times better.

  1. Cabbage needs to be washed, the spoiled top sheets removed, finely chopped.
  2. Wash the carrots too and immediately peel, chop the root crop on a grater.
  3. Mix the vegetables and crush them a little with your hands, add sugar and salt.
  4. Transfer to a container in which it is planned to ferment food, apples in the future.
  5. Be sure to put cabbage there too, clogging all the free space with this vegetable.
  6. AT a small amount water dilute a spoonful of sugar and salt.
  7. Pour the brine into the container.
  8. Cover everything with whole, but washed cabbage leaves.
  9. Install oppression on top of them.

Keep the workpiece at room temperature for about 14 days, and then move it to a cooler place for the same period of time.

How to cook pickled apples with sea buckthorn in pumpkin juice

apples in this case are much more aromatic than pears. Salting them in this way is not at all difficult. Difficulties may arise only with the preparation pumpkin juice, but in this procedure there are no inexplicable subtleties and tricks. Fruits do not even need additional salt, they absorb everything they need from the components adjacent to them.

  1. All products must be washed and dried.
  2. Put the fruits in a container in which the salted fruits will be stored, sprinkle with sea buckthorn.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, remove all the seeds from it with a spoon, cut into pieces and boil in minimum quantity water.
  4. After softening the pulp, cool the broth and immediately pour into a container with the rest of the products.
  5. Press down the fruits with a heavy load and hold under it for a week.
  6. After that, transfer the container to the cellar.

Soaked apples are a primordially Russian harvest. In this way, fruits were stored until the very cold weather many years ago. Despite the fact that the recipe is already old, to this day the preparation is very popular. Certainly apples can fresh stored in the cellar, but it is soaked that they become even tastier and at the same time remain as useful as possible. Such a preparation will be eaten with pleasure by everyone, young and old, as pleasantly crispy, slightly sour fruits simply cannot leave anyone indifferent.

Soaked apples: a recipe at home for the winter, how to soak antonovka, simple, how to make it in a bucket, cook in jars, pickled

Soaked apples: step by step ways cooking. How to wet Antonovka. Preparation in a bucket, banks. Pickled fruits.