How to remove pits from frozen cherries. An interesting method for removing pits from cherries. Cherry puree as a means to separate the pulp

Cherry - healthy and tasty dietary product. It increases appetite and improves the digestion process. Cherry - great dessert, how in fresh, and processed (cherries make incredible delicious compotes, jam, jellies and mousses). Cakes and ice cream are decorated with this berry.

To prepare compote or cherry jam, which is planned to be stored for several years, it is necessary to remove the seeds from the berries, since cherry pits contain amygdalin (poisonous substance). There are four effective ways quickly remove the pits from the cherries: with your hands, improvised means, a pit separator from cherries and a special machine.

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Manual pitting

In order to remove the seeds from the berries without the use of improvised means, you must:

  • Prepare three deep dishes: one for whole cherries, the second for seeds, the third for processed berries;
  • Wash up required amount cherries and put them on the first plate;
  • Take one berry with three fingers (thumb, index and middle);
  • Pry off the pit of the cherry and push it out with your thumb through the hole where the stalk was attached;
  • Treat all berries the same way.

improvised means

To remove pits from cherries, you can use improvised means, such as:

  • Clip. Expand the paper clip so that two loops are obtained, which are used to extract seeds from cherries of different diameters;
  • Two matches. Immerse the matches in the berry and pull out the bone, squeezing them tightly together;
  • Pin or hairpin. Insert the “tail” of a pin or hairpin into the hole from the stem, pry off the bone and pull it out.

Cherry pit separator

You can use special device to remove pits from cherries. When using a cherry pit separator, you will need:

  • Choose a pit separator from cherries of a convenient configuration;
  • Place a clean cherry in a special fixture with a hole;
  • Push out the bone by pressing on the separator piston;
  • Remove the processed cherries and put a new one in the pit separator.

The use of a special mechanical device for removing pits from cherries greatly speeds up and facilitates the process. Main disadvantage this method- the cherry is pierced through, so the loss of juice is greater than when removing the seeds using improvised means.

Stone removal machine

When to process a large number of cherries, it is better to use a special machine to remove the pits of cherries. For this you need:

  • Buy a machine for removing pits of cherries (the price ranges from 300 to 600 rubles);
  • Wash the required amount of berries;
  • Put a batch of cherries in a special compartment of the device;
  • Substitute a plate for processed berries under the groove of the machine (if the device does not have a special container) and press on the piston;
  • Clean the device from the seeds remaining inside and lay a new batch of cherries.

The main advantage of using a cherry pitting machine is a clean work surface and minimal loss of juice. But some berries can get stuck in the groove, so they have to be transferred to the plate manually. As with a pit remover, cherries are pierced through and worsen their condition.

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A stone squeezer, or cherry peeler, is a useful kitchen gadget that allows the hostess to quickly remove the stones from cherries and prepare a large number of berries for processing.

The pulp separated with the help of a machine can be further added to baking, canned, or jam, dried, frozen. The device is suitable not only for cherries, but also for sweet cherries, olives, cherry plums.

The forerunners of pitting machines were simple tools that looked like a corkscrew or garlic press. Modern devices are more complicated, but working with them is easier and more comfortable. They are made of safe food-grade plastic, lightweight and compact, and work without being connected to the mains.

A cherry peeler is a hermetically sealed container consisting of a lid and a container for stones. Top part the device has a hole where the cherry is thrown, and a small tray in the form of a gutter, along which the berry (already pitted) rolls down. The piston with a metal tip and a spring pushes the bone out.

It's important to know: so that the device does not slip on the table during operation, it must be equipped with special suction cups.

How to use the machine

The cherry peeler is so safe and easy to use that even a child can remove the pits with it.

For this you need:

  1. Wash the cherries well and separate from the stalks (if the cherries are frozen, thaw them first).
  2. Assemble and install the machine on the table, fix the piston.
  3. Substitute a bowl for peeled cherries under the tray of the appliance.
  4. Pour some berries into the recess on the lid.
  5. When the cherry is in the area of ​​​​the hole, push the piston with a push.

After all the berries have been processed, the remover must be disassembled, pitted, washed and dried.

The best stone separators

To date, the most popular cherry peelers include:

  • model Handy 643630 from Tescoma (Czech Republic) - a device for working with cherries. Differs in small weight (only 580 g), compactness and high price;
  • model Cherrymat 37200 of the German company Lifeheit is a device that allows you to pull out the bones from 12 kg of fresh, fresh-frozen or canned berries. When assembled, its height (excluding the piston) is 15 cm. Average price category;
  • model KN-1260 from Kaiserhoff (Germany) is an inexpensive practical machine, produced in red and blue. It has a lining for secure fixation on the surface, a spare silicone insert for separating the stones.

Thus, German-made devices differ in the optimal combination of price and quality.

Good to know: household pitting machines are not suitable for processing cherries in industrial scale(70–90 kg per hour). To do this, there are professional electric devices: they are, as a rule, metal, overall, powerful.

). On the other hand, the cherry peeler, like any other technique, is imperfect.

After it, through holes remain, which noticeably spoils appearance cherries.

But the main thing is that it is impossible to remove the seeds from all the berries in this way.

Hostess advice: immediately before using the cherries, check the already processed berries for the presence of stones and, if any, remove them manually.

How else can you remove the seeds from cherries, see this video:

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Among the hostesses, questions are beginning to be discussed on how to correctly and quickly remove the bones from. This is a painstaking and long occupation, with which everyone wants to finish quickly.

All your favorite dishes and drinks: dumplings, or with cherries are not prepared without pre-treatment berries. Agree, it’s not the most pleasant sight to eat cake and spit berries from berries at the table.

Attention! Cherry pits contain a toxic substance - hydrocyanic acid. Its use in excess of the norm causes acute food poisoning.

How to remove cherry pits?

The most popular way to remove pits of cherries is by hand. Here you can call on the help of household members so that the process goes quickly and fun.

So, let's take a closer look:

  • Put your index finger in the place where the twig is attached to the berry and gently push out the bone.
  • Probably the most affordable way. Just cut the berry in half and take out the pit.

Important! All methods of manual pitting are to a certain extent combined with the loss of juice and pulp of the berry. And it’s hard to wash your hands after such work.

To make the process more aesthetic, you can use improvised means:

  • With the help of a hairpin. It is placed in the place where the twig is attached to the berry, a bone is attached to the base in a circular motion and pulled out. This method significantly speeds up the processing of fragrant berries.

Attention! Before removing pits from cherries at home with improvised means, you should make sure that the item you have chosen has a loop at the end.

  • With a pin. The same method of extracting the bone, as with the hairpin. You can also use a paperclip. You need to use the back of the fastener part of the safety pin.
  • With the help of a tube. The place of attachment of the stalk is pressed with a cocktail tube, it pierces the berry through and through and the bone flies out. It is advisable to carry out the process over a container so that the berries and juice do not fly in all directions. A match or a wooden stick is also suitable for pushing out.
  • With a garlic press. In the recess located on the handle of the press, a cherry is placed with the stalk up. With pressure, the pin on the other handle connects and pushes the bone out. A simple model will do for this method.
  • With a vegetable peeler. The potato eye blade breaks the integrity of the cherry, but it is suitable for making jams or fillings for pastries.

Curious! Craftsmen are known, they wield eyebrow tongs to pierce the berry and remove the stone. You need to grab it with tweezers and rotate it, pull it out. As they say, all methods are good.

How to remove bones with a separator?

This device looks like a garlic press. Consists of bowl and lever. The principle of its operation is to place each cherry separately in a special chute.

Extrusion is carried out due to mechanical action.

The separator speeds up the work process, and you don’t need to catch the bones, as is the case with a pin or hairpin. They will be removed. But your hands will still get dirty with juice. And the appearance of the berries worsens due to a through puncture.

On a note! The smaller the size of the device, the worse its performance and the greater the consumption of cherries.

How to remove bones with an automated machine?

If cherries are your favorite fruit, and jam from their fruits should always be on the dinner table, then you should consider purchasing a pitting machine.

It is suitable for processing a significant amount of berries. Made from food grade plastic. Equipped with a tray for falling asleep berries and a container for the extracted seeds. The machine has a rubberized base, which allows you to firmly install it on the countertop. This is the difference from other methods, where all actions were carried out on weight.

The machine method is the most efficient and rational:

  • Clean hands;
  • A slight percentage loss of cherry juice;
  • Minimum area of ​​contamination;
  • Elementary way of working.

But the automated machine is not perfect. Cherries are still pierced through and 15% of the berries remain with the seeds.

For large industries, various restaurants, bakeries, there are industrial devices. Advanced devices can process up to 100 kg of berries in one hour.

On a note! On sale there are devices not only for removing seeds from berries, but also for large fruits - apricot, plum.

All of these methods are good in their own way. Each hostess chooses the one that she likes more.

By the way, it is believed that the bones can not be removed if the period of cherry jam or other product does not exceed six months.

There are many ways to remove pits from cherries. I like the one that I saw in my preschool childhood and tried it with my grandmother in the city of Globino (Ukraine), when my mother brought us, four children, to visit my grandmother.

With this method, the cherry is less injured, loses less juice and pulp. The work is much cleaner and more accurate than simply squeezing the bone with your hands or knocking it out with a special device through and through.

Unfortunately, I can not film the process in my hands, since both hands are busy. I'll try to explain with photos and descriptions.

Take three containers and put them in a row, placing them from left to right:

1. container with whole cherry,

2. container for peeled cherries,

3. container for bones.

In the right hand we take a pin, in the left - a cherry. Turn the cherry so that the hole in it, in which the stalk of the berry was, looked to the right side, towards the hand with the pin.

Squeeze the cherry with the fingers of your left hand, only not very strongly (so that it does not crush), but at the same time not weakly, to help the right hand remove the stone.

Insert the pin into the hole below the cherry, then, moving your hand towards you, pick up the bone with a round curl of the pin and pull it out of the hole by pulling it to the right.

Throw the peeled cherries into the middle container, and shake the stone from the pin into the right container ...

Fast to do, but long to write. While writing, I could peel a dozen cherries. When the hands are dexterous, it will go very quickly without thinking.

Continue to pit the cherries, admiring your work and imagining what tasty pie You will bake or cook excellent jam.

Please note: the pits have already been removed from six cherries, and the plate is almost clean...