Soaked Antonovka apples in a bucket. Raw materials and containers for urination

soaked apples are now quite a popular treat. This method of harvesting fruit has been known since ancient times, when our ancestors were not yet familiar with sterilization. Even the famous writer Vladimir Soloukhin dedicated a story of the same name to this dish.

With a calorie content of the product of only 40-60 kcal per 100 g, all beneficial features, therefore, such apples are a storehouse of vitamins, and the soaking process itself is not difficult.

Described below simple recipes with a photo they will tell you step by step how to make pickled apples different ways at home.

The benefits and harms of soaked apples

Such a delicacy is not only very tasty, but also different low content fats. When urinating, apples retain vitamins of group B, as well as A, E, D. The composition also contains many minerals.

Thanks to vegetable fibers and fiber product renders beneficial effect on the digestive system and helps to get rid of constipation, and bactericidal properties normalize the overall intestinal microflora. There is also a restoration of normal metabolism.

The increased presence of ascorbic acid promotes stimulation immune system and strengthening the body's defenses.

But this dish can also be harmful if abused. Use is contraindicated in hyperacidity gastric juice, as well as in diseases digestive system such as gastritis, stomach or intestinal ulcers.

Before you start cooking pickled apples, pay attention to the following:

  • It is best to use winter or hard late varieties of apples. Suitable pepin, antonovka, anise, titovka. The fruits must be whole, without dents and rot;
  • Only ripe fruits are suitable for urination, so after picking they should be allowed to lie in a dry, warm place for a couple of weeks;
  • Carefully choose and buy products from trusted summer residents or gardeners, as imported apples can be sprayed with chemicals that will release toxins during the soaking process;
  • Before harvesting, all fruits must be thoroughly washed;
  • For the first time, stock up on cold boiled water, because at first the fruits will intensively absorb the liquid.

The easiest recipe for pickled apples


  • Sugar - 300-400 g;
  • Fruits of an autumn or autumn-winter variety - one bucket;
  • Branches with leaves of raspberries, cherries, currants, lemon balm.

Pre-prepare the fruits:

  1. Rinse them under running water, remove the leaves and stalks;
  2. Put branches with leaves on the bottom of the dishes - exactly half;
  3. We put fruits on them (it is undesirable to crush and tamp);
  4. Cover with the remaining branches so that the fruits are completely covered. You can use 2-3 sprigs of mint, it will have a wonderful aroma.

Marinade preparation:

  1. Boil 1 liter of water, add salt and sugar, stir quickly until they are completely dissolved;
  2. Let cool and dilute with boiled cold water until required amount. A bucket of fruit needs about five liters of liquid;
  3. Pour the contents completely with the marinade to the brim;
  4. On top we put a round flat board, which is called oppression. Installing the load. The marinade should be added little by little over the next seven days. After this period, we take the container to a cool place and leave it for 40-45 days.

Homemade pickled apples are easy to make yourself. It won't take much time and effort.

Soaked apples White filling

Many are wondering if it is possible to preserve White filling to banks. Although this variety is not exactly suitable for soaking, the end result of this recipe is apples that taste and look like soaked.

Ingredients (for a two-liter jar):

  • Sugar - two large spoons;
  • Apples "white filling" - 1 kg;
  • Salt - one large spoon;
  • Horseradish leaf;
  • Carnation - two buds;
  • Table vinegar - three tablespoons;
  • Cherry leaves - 3-4 pieces;
  • Water.
Let's consider how to prepare soaked apples in jars for the winter from the tender and delicate "white filling" variety, which is one of the first to grow in summer.

Cooking scheme:

  1. First, wash, sterilize, dry the jars. Boil the lids;
  2. Sort the fruits, set aside the damaged and wormy, wash and dry;
  3. Down in a two-liter jar, put the cloves and cherry leaves, then the horseradish leaf. You can also add some blackcurrant leaves;
  4. Put the fruits in a dense layer in a jar, and pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid and leave to stand for a few minutes;
  5. Remove the lid and carefully set it aside, it is necessary to roll up the jar. Pour boiling water into a container and bring it to a boiling state;
  6. Pour salt and sugar into the jar, pour in the vinegar. Again, pour boiling water to the top and roll up.

Amazing recipe with rowan

Cooking according to this instruction will help to achieve interesting and original taste the usual soaked apples.

The recipe for pickled apples includes the following ingredients:

  • Rowan berry - 3 kg;
  • Apples - 20 kg;
  • Sugar - 500 g;
  • Water - 10 liters;
  • Salt - 50 g.

Cooking steps:

  1. Boil water and cool slightly, dissolve salt and sugar in it;
  2. Put fruits, previously sprinkled with mountain ash, in a large container;
  3. Top with marinade so that it completely covers the fruit;
  4. Set the oppression and put the load (brick, dishes with water). The brine should completely cover the oppression;
  5. After 5-7 days, take the container to the cold. Within seven days, you can add the marinade as needed, if the oppression is not under a layer of brine;
  6. After 30 days, our product will be ready for use.

Apples in pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn

When cooked, they turn out to be golden in color, sweet and very healthy.

Cooking scheme:

  1. Rinse sea buckthorn berries and apples under running water, dry. Take 100 g of berries for 4 kg of fruit;
  2. Place the fruits in a container, sprinkle with sea buckthorn;
  3. Pour pumpkin juice. To prepare it, take ripe pumpkin, peel, cut into pieces and boil with a little water. Mash the prepared pulp in the broth, cool and pour the fruit with this mass;
  4. Press down with a load for 7 days, then the blanks must be lowered into the cellar.

How to wet Antonovka for the winter

Antonovka is considered an ideal variety of apples that can and should be soaked. Thanks to the process classic workpiece these fruits acquire special flavor notes.


  • Mint leaves - 12 g;
  • Antonovka - 4.6 kg;
  • Cherry leaves and currant leaves - 18 g each;
  • Honey - 0.35 kg;
  • Water - 9 l;
  • Rye flour - 0.1 kg;
  • Salt - 0.15 kg.

Now for the step by step recipe:

  1. Put washed leaves on the bottom of the barrel;
  2. Lay fruits on them, cover them with the same leaves;
  3. Press down with oppression;
  4. Mix flour, honey and salt in warm water, cool this mass completely;
  5. Next, pour it into a barrel of fruit;
  6. Insist in a warm place for at least 1.5 months.

As you can see, you can make homemade pickled apples in jars or any other convenient container. You just need to carefully prepare it. You can experiment with the number of components and adjust their quantity at your discretion.

Video: Recipe for soaked apples with rowan

Antonovka apples are not quite the apple variety. They can rather be called their "variety type". It has a large number of varieties - ordinary, gray, "Golden Monk", steppe, flat, etc. With the help of it, new apple varieties were bred - "Moscow", "Imbrus", "Bogatyr" and many others.

Variety of apples Antonovka"Ordinary" is a fruit of national selection. The tree is quite tall. In height, it can reach about 5-6 meters. Its crown is rounded, irregular in shape. The plant begins to bear fruit only for 7-8 years. However, the crops immediately turn out to be rich. The tree needs cross-pollination in order to form large and medium-sized fruits. Basically, the fruits are tied on the central flowers and have a glass or flat-round shape. They have a greenish color, and during storage it can change to straw yellow. The pulp is fruity, aromatic, granular, yellowish, juicy. For storage, fruits are removed at the end of September.

Soaked apples are tasty and healthy foods. Due to special technological processing, the mass is preserved in the composition beneficial vitamins and minerals. Experienced housewives by trial and error deduced own recipes fruit soaking.

Soaked apples: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - 330 gr.
  • apples of the Antonovka variety - 10 kg.
  • salt - 60 gr.
  • cherry leaves- 40 gr.
  • cherry leaves - 30 gr.
  • currant leaves - 40 gr.
  1. Prepare wide-bottomed enameled dishes. Mix all types of leaves, divide the volume into 2 parts. Lay out one section on the bottom.
  2. Rinse and dry the apples, send them on top of the sheet substrate. Cover with the second part. Prepare a marinade from water, sugar and salt, melt the crystals on the stove, cool the solution.
  3. Pour it into a bowl with apples. Prepare the marinade so that it covers the entire surface of the apples. Install oppression, it can be made from a three-liter jar filled with water and a flat plate.
  4. Leave the apples for 5-8 days, during which time they will soak. Periodically add the marinade, as the fruit will absorb it.
  5. After the specified period, send the dishes with fruit to the refrigerator, start eating after 1.5 months.

Soaked apples with rowan

  • apples - 17-18 kg.
  • granulated sugar - 480 gr.
  • drinking water - 10 l.
  • salt - 45 gr.
  • rowan berries - 2 kg.
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, send to the stove and boil. Let the liquid cool, then add salt and granulated sugar. Dissolve the granules.
  2. Pour rowan into another bowl, rinse the berries, transfer to a colander. The liquid must drain.
  3. Now wash the apples. Put them on the bottom of an enameled bucket in one layer, sprinkle with a small amount of mountain ash. Fill the bowl until all ingredients are used up.
  4. Pour the composition with a cooled marinade, place a load on top of the mass. To do this, put a flat dish, put on it three-liter jar with water.
  5. The fruits will absorb the solution, so the marinade must be topped up. After one week, the apples should be moved to a cool place. Start tasting after 25-30 days.

Soaked apples with honey and lemon balm

  • drinking water - 9-10 liters.
  • salt - 130 gr.
  • lime honey - 250 gr.
  • rye or wheat flour - 90 gr.
  • apple (any variety) - 16 kg.
  • currant leaf - 70 gr.
  • dried melissa - 30 gr.
  • cherry leaves - 30 gr.
  1. Rinse the apples. Prepare an enameled bucket, line it with 1/3 of the total volume of leaves (currants and cherries). Next, lay out the fruits in 3 rows, place a piece of dried lemon balm on top of them.
  2. Continue alternating until all ingredients are used up. Start preparing the brine. To do this, boil water with honey, salt and flour, cool, pour the contents of the bucket with the marinade.
  3. Then set oppression on the apples. It is easy to build it from an ordinary flat dish and a three-liter jar filled with plain water. Soak apples for 3 weeks at a temperature of 14-17 degrees.

  • rye flour - 145 gr.
  • water (passed through the filter) - 9 l.
  • fresh basil - 40 gr.
  • fresh mint - 35 gr.
  • currant leaves - 45 gr.
  • rock salt - 155 gr.
  • lime honey - 460 gr.
  1. Before proceeding with the main manipulations, make a soaking solution. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, add honey. Bring to a boil, if bubbles appear, reduce power to a minimum.
  2. Pour the sifted flour, knead, wait for the granules to dissolve. Prepare a tub or bucket of enamel in which apples will urinate. line the bottom currant leaf, place 3 rows of apples on top.
  3. Arrange the fruit with fresh basil and mint, then make a few more rows. Continue packing, alternating fruits with herbs. When the ingredients run out, fill the contents with a solution (it must be cooled down).
  4. Build a oppression from a three-liter jar of water and a flat dish, suitable in diameter for the size of the soaking container. Keep apples for 10 days at a temperature of 15 degrees, then put in the cold for another 3 weeks.

Soaked apples with sea buckthorn

  • sea ​​buckthorn - 120 gr.
  • apples "Antonovka" - 4.5 kg.
  • pumpkin - 1 pc.
  • water - 5 l.
  1. Prepare a ripe pumpkin for further manipulations. Chop it, remove the seeds, chop it into cubes 3 * 3 cm in size. Send it to a saucepan or slow cooker, add water.
  2. Cook the mixture over low heat until the composition turns into porridge. Stir well with a spoon so that the pumpkin breaks up into small grains.
  3. Next, turn off the stove, mash the pulp to get thick juice. The solution for soaking is ready, let's move on. Rinse sea buckthorn and apples, dry on towels.
  4. Alternately lay the fruits in layers in an enameled bucket. When the components run out, pour over the apples and sea buckthorn with cooled pumpkin juice.
  5. Prepare the load by filling a three-liter jar with water. Cover the apples with a flat plate of a suitable diameter, press the dish with a container. Keep 1 week at room temperature, then take it to the cold.

Soaked apples with carrots and cabbage

  • cumin - 30 gr.
  • white cabbage - 8 kg.
  • carrot - 850 gr.
  • filtered water - 4.5 liters.
  • salt - 245 gr.
  • green apple - 4.6 kg.
  1. Before the main procedure, prepare suitable dishes for soaking. Suitable wooden barrel, enameled bucket or basin. Chop small heads of cabbage, rinse and wipe the carrots.
  2. Connect the vegetables together, add cumin, salt. Put a small part on the bottom, tamp with your palms. Place some washed apples on top, alternate layers.
  3. Now start preparing the brine. Pour the water into enamelware, add salt. Some housewives add sugar, it all depends on personal preferences.
  4. Boil the marinade until the grains dissolve. Let it cool, then pour into a saucepan with carrots, apples, cabbage. Set oppression, take it to a cool place (12-14 degrees). Start tasting after 3 weeks.

  • apples "Antonovka" - 9 kg.
  • drinking water - 5 l.
  • viscous honey - 400 gr.
  • table salt - 55 gr.
  • Melissa leaves - 60 gr.
  • mustard powder- 35 gr.
  • cherry leaves - 40 gr.
  • sheets blackcurrant- 45 gr.
  1. Pour drinking water into a suitably sized pot. Send the liquid to the stove, add salt. Bring the composition to a boil, wait for it to cool.
  2. Add mustard powder and honey to the warm mixture, mix thoroughly. Place in pre-sterilized container a small amount of fresh leaves and apples, try to alternate layers.
  3. The last row should consist of leaves. Pour the brine to the top, set oppression. Place the container in a cool place. The preparation process can take up to 1.5 months.

Soaked apples with mustard powder

  • salt - 90 gr.
  • drinking water - 9 l.
  • granulated sugar - 240 gr.
  • cherry leaves - 60 gr.
  • mustard powder - 80 gr.
  • apples - 18 kg.
  1. Pour water into a saucepan, put on high heat and bring to a boil. Pour mustard powder, stir to eliminate lumps. Add salt and sugar.
  2. Boil the marinade until the grains are completely dissolved. After that, turn off the brine, cool it to a temperature of 25-30 degrees.
  3. Lay the cherry leaves on the bottom of the soaking dish. Tamp pre-washed and dried apples on top. Pour the marinade over the contents of the dishes. Build oppression, wait 3 weeks.

Soaked apples in kefir

  • kefir - 300 ml.
  • filtered water - 8 l.
  • dry mustard - 70 gr.
  • ripe apples -15 kg.
  1. Rinse apples thoroughly, get rid of fruits with various defects in the form of rot or mechanical damage. Next, send the fruit to a large enameled container.
  2. Separately, combine the remaining ingredients together, mix well. Pour the brine over the apples. Place the press on the container with the product, wait for the preparation.

Take a closer look at classical technology soaked apples, vary the main recipe as you wish. Add any dense berries, for example, sea buckthorn, lingonberries, mountain ash. Pour mustard powder, honey, currant or cherry leaves. Prepare a gourmet appetizer with shredded cabbage or carrots.

Video: recipe for soaked apples with red rowan

Soaked apples - incredibly tasty and useful product!

In addition, it is very cheap if you cook in season and on your own.

Once upon a time, our ancestors put fruit in huge barrels, filled it with well water and enjoyed soaked apples until spring.

No barrel? No problem! You can even soak apples in glass jars!

Soaked apples at home - general principles of preparation

The ideal variety of apples for urination is Antonovka. But other late varieties are also suitable. It is important to choose clean, undamaged and rotten fruits, preferably small. Large apples cook for a long time, do not lie down tightly, it is better to use them for other purposes.

What can be added to apples:

different leaves and greens (horseradish, currants, cherries, raspberries, dill, mint);

Vegetables (mainly cabbage, carrots);

Berries (grapes, lingonberries, mountain ash).

Urination is sour, sweet, salty. But most often, salt and sugar are simply added to the filling, making a mixed version. Be sure to use clean water, preferably spring or well. You can find recipes with boiled pickles.

Soaked apples at home in a barrel with malt

The traditional way harvesting pickled apples at home in barrels. You can use flasks or other utensils. You will need some malt for the brine.


10 kg of apples;

80 g of salt;

200 g of sugar;

300 g of straw;

60 g of rye malt;

5 liters of water.


1. Rinse and dry the apples by laying them out on a clean cloth.

2. The barrel must be scalded with boiling water, rinsed with water baking soda and rinse thoroughly. There should not be any foreign smells in the container, otherwise they will all switch to apples. If necessary, the container must be ventilated for several days.

3. At the bottom of the barrel you need to pour a little straw and lay out a layer of apples. Then again some straw and apples, finish with the rest of the straw, just pour on top, the amount does not matter.

4. Mix malt with half a liter of water, boil for a quarter of an hour, strain.

5. For the brine, mix the rest of the water with sugar and salt, add the strained malt.

6. Pour the prepared apples with cool brine.

7. Close the barrel, store in a warm and cool place. Every 2 weeks it is recommended to remove the foam that forms mold. Soaked apples will be ready no earlier than in two months.

Soaked apples in a jar with rye flour

A simplified way to prepare pickled apples in a jar. Glass containers do not need such painstaking processing as barrels. This is the amount of products for one can of 3 liters.


2 kg of apples;

30 g flour;

1.5 liters of water;

0.3 tablespoons of salt.


1. Boil some water, about 300 ml, pour in the flour, stir quickly, rub all the lumps. Cool down.

2. Strain rye water, squeeze through cheesecloth, add the remaining liquid and salt.

3. Put washed, dried apples in a jar. It is advisable to use the smallest.

4. Pour the prepared brine with rye flour.

5. Now you need to come up with oppression for the bank. A small bottle of water will fit into the neck. We install.

6. Leave the workpiece in a cool place. Apples will become soaked in 1.5 months.

Soaked apples at home in a barrel with mustard

Mustard is a wonderful ingredient that prevents soaked apples from molding at home. According to this recipe, you can make a blank, both in barrels and in large jars.


Currant or cherry leaves;

7-8 kg of apples;

10 liters of water;

4 spoons with a mountain of mustard;

100 g of salt;

200 g sugar.


1. According to this recipe, you need to cook boiled brine. Therefore, any water can be used. Pour the liquid into a convenient bowl, boil with salt and sugar.

2. Let the brine cool down. It should be at room temperature or colder.

3. Wash the apples, dry them, do the same with the leaves, there should be a lot of them.

4. Put a layer of leaves on the bottom of a clean barrel.

5. Alternate apples and leaves until you run out of fruit.

6. Add mustard to the cooled brine, stir.

7. Pour the apples with the prepared mixture, put oppression and cover with a cloth on top, you can throw a piece of lenok so that the midges do not start.

8. It is advisable to keep the barrel at room temperature or just warm for a week, then lower it into the basement for a month.

Soaked apples in a jar with cabbage

Many people's favorite recipe for pickled apples in a jar of cabbage, you can use a bucket or a saucepan. The advantage is that no straw or leaves are needed to shift the fruit.


4 kg of cabbage;

3 pcs. carrots;

3 tablespoons of salt;

2.5-3 kg of small apples;

2 spoons of sugar.


1. Chop the cabbage with a knife or rub it into strips using a special grater. Place in a large basin.

2. Grate carrots, better to use Korean grater to make a straw, it will be much more beautiful.

3. Add salt, sugar to the cabbage and carrots, rub well with your hands so that the juice comes out. Fold in a bucket or in a saucepan, put oppression, cover with a cloth and leave warm for a day.

4. After a day, stir to release carbon dioxide from below. Leave for one more day.

5. Wash, dry apples.

6. Take clean and dry jars. Put a layer of cabbage on the bottom, then a few apples, cover with cabbage, then more fruit. Alternate to the end, press.

7. Pour cabbage pickle, which will remain in a common vessel.

8. If the brine is not enough, then you can dilute a little brine. Add a spoonful of salt and sugar to a glass of purified water, dissolve and pour into the cabbage.

9. Top with whole leaves of cabbage, put small oppressions, for example, a bottle of water.

10. Leave the cabbage with apples to ferment for 2 weeks in the warmth, then you need to transfer to the basement or put in the refrigerator.

Soaked apples at home in a barrel with honey

A variant of amazing soaked apples with honey, which are also prepared in a barrel or in any other bulk container. You will also need a mixture of cherry leaves, currants and a few sprigs of mint.


10 liters of water;

150 g of salt;

300 g of honey;

100 g of malt.


1. Boil malt in a liter of water, boil for 20 minutes, cool and strain.

2. Add the rest of the water and salt, boil the brine, cool.

3. Apples need to be washed, dried, use as many fruits as the brine will cover.

4. Narvit leaves of cherry, currant, 3-4 sprigs of mint, wash and dry too.

5. Put leaves and mint on the bottom of the barrel.

6. Fold the apples, alternating each layer with currant and cherry leaves.

7. Add honey to the cooled or slightly warm brine, stir until completely dissolved.

8. Add honey filling, put oppression.

9. Keep apples at a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples in a jar with rowan

A recipe for sour pickled apples in jars that are stored under a nylon lid and do not require oppression. You will need a little rowan, a small handful is enough. Similarly, you can use viburnum.


5 liters of water;

60 g of salt;

60 g sugar;

Rowan and apples.


1. Boil the brine with sugar, water and salt, be sure to cool well.

2. Fold the apples into clean and dry jars, pour in a little rowan or viburnum. Berries should also be dry.

3. Fill jars with cooled brine.

4. close nylon caps, keep warm for three days, then you can take it out to the cellar.

Soaked apples at home in a barrel with horseradish

This recipe uses horseradish leaves, you will need a lot of them. Make sure they are fresh and green. If horseradish is not enough, then you can add a little currant, grape, cherry or raspberry leaves.


5 liters of water;

8-10 kg of apples;

250 g sugar;

2 tablespoons of salt;

Horseradish leaves.


1. Add salt and sugar to purified water, stir until dissolved.

2. Line the bottom of the barrel with horseradish leaves, which must be washed and dried in advance.

3. Now a row of clean apples, again leaves.

4. Fill the barrel to the top or until the products run out.

5. Be sure to put clean leaves on top.

6. Pour in chilled brine, it is important that all the grains in it disperse.

7. It remains only to put oppression on the barrel and wait for the apples. On average, this will take about a month.

Soaked apples at home - tips and tricks

To make the apples cook faster, you can pierce the fruit in several places with a toothpick. If the preparation is done in jars, then part of the fruit can be prepared in this way, let the rest urinate longer.

You can shift apples in barrels not only with straw or currant leaves, but also with horseradish. Sometimes dill branches are laid out at the bottom of the barrel.

If the barrel has bad smell, then before use, the container must be thoroughly washed with a solution of vinegar, then ventilated. Also, to neutralize unpleasant odors, you can use a decoction of citrus peels.

Is there mold in the barrel? Be sure to remove it along with the top leaves. You can add new leaves, but they must be clean and dry. Mustard powder also helps prevent mold. You need to powder the top layer of apples.

Want to get apples faster? Keep the workpiece warm longer. If, on the contrary, you plan to enjoy soaked fruits closer to spring, then keep the apples warm for a couple of days to start the process, and then lower them into a cool room with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees.

Soaked apples - traditional Russian dish, known since ancient times as one of the ways to preserve the apple harvest. When urinating, the fruits remain juicy, crispy, retain useful substances and almost the entire composition of vitamins contained in fresh apple, taste slightly carbonated. The recipe is not complicated, it would be a desire to cook. You can serve an appetizer on its own and as an addition to salads, side dishes, meat and fish dishes.

The content of the article:
1. What fruits are suitable?

What fruits are suitable?

It is recommended to use for conservation only late - winter or autumn varieties of apples - Semerinko, Korey, Anis, Antonovka or Pepin. These fruits have a sweet-sour taste that is more beneficial when urinating. Before pickling, apples must ripen; for this, it is recommended to keep the plucked fruits warm for about a week.

We select containers

For soaked apple fruit volumetric containers are required - 10-liter tubs or wooden barrels. Instead, it is permissible to take glass cylinders of the same volume with a hermetically sealed lid. In a city apartment, where there is no space for storing volumetric containers, 3-liter cylinders can be used.

Peeing apples in a tub

First you need to prepare the barrel. Water is poured into it and left for a day, then washed and rinsed well. It is recommended to scald a wooden container with boiling water, this will destroy microorganisms that can interfere with the long-term storage of the product. At the bottom of the container is placed straw spilled with boiling water - rye or wheat. She improves appearance apples and the aroma of the final product.

Apples in glass jars

The easiest way to prepare pickled apple fruits is to marinate them in glass jars. The choice of container volume is at the discretion. For improvement palatability, and also to add a crunch, plant leaves are placed in the marinade - currant, cherry or mint. To apple product cooked faster, you can use powder for kvass. Apples according to this recipe are served with sauerkraut, cucumbers go lingonberries.

You can simplify the preparation of snacks using simple tips:

  • instead of wooden barrel or glass containers allowed to use enamel pots large volume or 5-liter plastic buckets;
  • any selected container should be well cleaned with soda solution and doused with boiling water;
  • for cargo, a small container of water is used, which is placed on a flat dish laid on top of the fruit;
  • fruits gradually absorb the brine and its quantity must be constantly replenished, otherwise the upper layer of apples will be dry and unusable. Or just add more water;
  • you need to lay the fruits upside down, so they are better fed with brine, and the fermentation process will accelerate;
  • for urinating 1 bucket of apple fruits, at least 6 liters of marinade is taken.

Soaked apples recipes

Here you can choose the option of harvesting apples to your liking. Choose additional ingredients and options for brines for pouring.

Soaked apples with rowan

To prepare delicacies using this method, you will need red rowan fruits, which will give a light dish bitterness and pleasant color and aroma. The components are taken in the following proportions:

  • 6 kg. apples of a suitable variety;
  • 0.8 kg. ripe rowan fruits;
  • 2 handfuls of fresh currant leaves;
  • 50 g of granulated sugar or honey for every liter of water;
  • 10 g of iodized (or regular) salt.

Urine Method:

  1. Arrange apples in layers in the prepared container, pour rowan fruits between the fruits.
  2. For the marinade, boil water, put salt and sugar (honey). Stir until loose components are dissolved.
  3. Pour the fruits with a sweet-salty liquid to the very top so that it covers the apples.
  4. Cover the container with gauze or a breathable cloth and leave until fermentation begins.
  5. After 2-3 days, remove the fabric and collect the resulting foam.
  6. Cover the container with an airtight lid and keep cool for at least 1.5 months.

Pickled apples with mustard

This is one of the easiest appetizers to make at home. Products are required in the following ratio:

  • 2500 apples (Semerinko or Antonovka);
  • 5 l. water;
  • currant leaves to taste;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of mustard;
  • 0.5 cups of crystal sugar;
  • 50 g. iodized (or regular table) salt.

To make pickled apples, you need:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, sugar and put mustard. Boil the ingredients. Cool down.
  2. Put currant leaves on the bottom of the container prepared for pickling apples.
  3. Arrange apples on top.
  4. Pour the contents with the cooled marinade.
  5. Keep apples for the first week at a temperature of +20 to +25 degrees.
  6. The product must spend the next 14 days in a room with a temperature of up to +18 degrees.
  7. After that, cover the container with an airtight lid and put it in storage.

Barrel apples with cabbage

When urinating, the natural taste of apples is not lost, trace elements and nutrients are preserved. For this recipe, prepare the necessary products:

  • 6 kg. apple varieties Semerinko, Antonovka or others;
  • 8 medium carrots;
  • 4 tbsp. l. crystalline sugar;
  • 8 kg. fresh cabbage;
  • 6 tbsp salt.

The preservation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Rinse cabbage, finely chop.
  2. Grate prepared carrots.
  3. Mix vegetables, salt and sugar. In order for the cabbage to become soft and let the juice flow, it must be kneaded well with your hands.
  4. Wash the apples, put them in a pickling container, fill the gaps between the fruits with chopped vegetables.
  5. Cover fruit and vegetables with a thick layer of cabbage leaves (up to 5 cm).
  6. Pour cabbage juice into a container with a blank, if it does not cover the apples, then it is permissible to pour a few glasses cold water with salt and sugar previously dissolved in it (1 tablespoon of each bulk component per glass of water).
  7. On the cabbage leaves put a dish with a flat bottom and press it down with oppression (you can use a pot or a jar filled with water).
  8. Within 14 days, apples should be in a warm room. Then, for the same period, the products are sent to a cool place.

Soaked apples with honey and fresh mint

Sweetish in taste and with a pleasant mint aroma, apples are obtained according to this recipe. A snack should not be neglected even for those who follow the figure. For dessert, prepare the following ingredients:

  • 2-2.5 kg. apples (depending on size);
  • 5 l. drinking water;
  • 150 g honey;
  • 75 g of table salt;
  • cherry, currant, mint leaves;
  • 50 g of malt (can be replaced with rye flour).

Method for preparing apples:

  1. Spread the currant leaves on the bottom in the prepared container.
  2. Arrange apples on top in 2 rows.
  3. "Cover" apples with cherry leaves.
  4. Put two more layers of fruit and cover them with peppermint leaves.
  5. Repeat the procedure for 2 layers of apples, alternating leafy cover between them.
  6. Lay out the 6th apple layer. On top, all the remaining leaves are currant, cherry and mint sprigs.
  7. Cover the container with a flat dish and put under oppression.
  8. For brine, take water, boil it, dissolve honey, salt and add malt (or flour). Cool down.
  9. Pour marinade in a thin stream into a container with apples. In this case, the pressure does not need to be removed. The liquid must necessarily cover the load with which the fruits are covered.
  10. Apples are soaked for about 6 weeks at temperature regime 16-18 degrees of heat.

Soaked apple with lingonberries

Fruits prepared according to this recipe are a storehouse useful substances. This is because they are marinated fresh, without additional heat treatment. To prepare a "vitamin" snack you need:

  • 2.5 kg. apples
  • 250 g lingonberry berries;
  • 250 g of crystal sugar;
  • grape leaves;
  • 1.25 l. drinking water (if necessary, it is permissible to increase).

Snack preparation algorithm:

  1. Prepare the fruits - wash, put in a container.
  2. When used as a container for urinating apples, a wooden tub is poured over with boiling water, and the bottom is lined with leaves - currant, grape or cherry. You can put straw as bedding.
  3. Put the apples in layers, sprinkling each layer with lingonberries (and plant leaves if desired).
  4. Cover the last apple layer with grape leaves.
  5. Prepare marinade. To do this, dissolve sugar in boiling water. Cool the mixture.
  6. When the brine has cooled, pour it into a container with apples.
  7. Top with a wooden circle or a flat dish with oppression.
  8. A barrel of apples is put immediately in place long-term storage. If apples urinate in a small container, then it is first placed in a room with a temperature not higher than +18 degrees.
  9. The first 10 days will be the process of active fermentation, causing the appearance of foam. After this period, the container with apples and lingonberries can be clogged.

Soaked apples in pumpkin juice with sea buckthorn berries

This non-standard recipe differs from others only in the filling used. Instead of sweet-salty brine, fresh pumpkin juice is used here. Vegetable filling does not allow apples to change color and turn black for a long time after being removed from the storage container. So, the necessary components:

  • 2 kg. "autumn" apple fruits;
  • 75 g sea buckthorn berries;
  • water;
  • 450 g pumpkins.

To prepare a treat, you must perform the following steps:

  1. First you need to do the preparation of pumpkin juice. To do this, peel the mature pumpkin, remove the seeds.
  2. Cut the pulp into medium pieces of any shape.
  3. Put in a saucepan and pour water so that it covers the surface of the vegetable by about 0.5-1 cm.
  4. Put the container on the stove and cook over medium heat until tender (the vegetable should become soft).
  5. boiled pumpkin in vegetable broth crush or crush. Cool down.
  6. Put the fruits of the apple tree in a prepared container, sprinkling each layer with sea buckthorn berries.
  7. Pour the contents of the container with pumpkin juice, place the load on top and leave in a cool place.

Soaked apples: benefits and contraindications

If everyone knows about the benefits of fresh apple fruits, then soaked apples do not seem to everyone to be such a useful delicacy. However, they contain not only vitamins, the product has a positive effect on the body:

  • on intestinal peristalsis due to high content fiber and dietary fiber;
  • preventive action in the fight against osteoporosis due to a large number calcium;
  • increased immunity is associated with a high percentage of ascorbic acid in the product;
  • improves bowel function by affecting the microflora.

So healthy treat may not be used by everyone. Refuse soaked apples should be people suffering from gastritis and stomach ulcers. Increased content acids in the snack can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Soaked apples delicious and healthy video recipe