How to cook cakes in the oven. Uzbek flatbread - how to cook at home

Making homemade flour cakes - how to make, recipe and photo

I learned a long time ago about cooking Indian flatbread in a pan, baking an Arabic pita with a pocket inside, and read, and watched the video how they do it. Always wanted to try. Recently, I often baked pies and sometimes there was a piece of dough that no longer fit on a baking sheet, and I baked cakes from it. And on the stove (in a cast-iron pan), and in the oven (on a baking sheet or in the same pan).

And then, when the bread ran out at home, I tried to make the dough exactly on the cakes (without any pies and buns), so that it turned out 3 pieces (and it worked out repeatedly!). The cakes were liked by everyone who tried them. They are tender, soft (compared to home-made ones, store-bought Uzbek ones are much tougher and drier, apparently, they are stored differently).

What kind of dough is suitable for cakes

I tried baking cakes from different yeast dough on water, and lean, and ordinary (with eggs), with oil (vegetable). The taste is slightly different. Of course, with eggs, cakes are even tastier, but without them, from a simple lean test looks great too homebaked bread.

Of course, you can make cakes from dough on milk, cream, kefir, yogurt, whey, sour cream - that is, on any dairy and sour-milk products with which you usually do your homemade dough. This will be delicious too. But not everyone drinks milk and dairy products they are not always available. And I hope everyone has water at all times. Simple, accessible and inexpensive. And don't overload simple food some frills and excesses, its task is to have its own natural, and therefore excellent taste.

Instead of vegetable oil you can take creamy, the aroma will be wonderful. Then the butter must first be softened (keep warm). I am against margarine made from unknown vegetable (possibly palm) raw materials, so I suggest you use vegetable oil (and butter for a change).

Proportions when adding eggs

If you want to add an egg, add more flour. As much as you need so that, when forming balls into cakes, the dough does not stick to your hands.

Everything can be easily calculated. Pour the egg into a glass, stir it until smooth. See how much liquid you have. That is, the total volume of liquid in the dough is increased by this amount. In proportion to this, you need to add flour. But since flour comes in varying degrees of moisture (dryness), it is impossible to specify the exact amount for your test. Determine by the stickiness of the dough. Kneaded and no longer sticky, everything is fine. Does not stick - add a little more.

Or you can reduce the amount of water by the amount (volume) of egg liquid. Then the rest of the proportions will remain unchanged.

The amount of sugar, salt and oil with a slight increase in the norm of liquid and flour (for example, by adding 1 egg) can not be changed.

About salt

Such cakes should be salty, otherwise the simple dough for pies is felt in this case as rather bland (for my taste). But, fearing to oversalt the dough and, thereby, slow down the fermentation, I added salt to the cakes during baking (the upper part was still raw). Maybe, right amount salt will not interfere with the fermentation of the dough, until I checked. I'll tell you later.

If the tortilla is not salty enough for your taste, just salt it on top, that's okay.

Recipe for cakes

Dough Ingredients

for 3 pieces with a diameter of 18-20 cm, a thickness of about 2 cm

  • Warm water - 3/5 cup (150 ml);
  • Yeast - 1.5 teaspoons of dry French (or about 10 g of live pressed);
  • Sugar - 0.5-1 tablespoons (I took 0.5, someone likes it sweeter);
  • Flour - 2 cups (320 g). Or a little more, depending on how dry it is;
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 0.5 teaspoon (or add more salt to taste).

How to cook in a pan on the stove

  • Make the dough: stir the yeast in warm water (38-40 C) with sugar. As the foam goes, add flour and salt. Knead. Add oil, knead the dough again. Cover and put in a warm, windless place for an hour or more (we are waiting for an increase of 2 times).
  • Divide the dough into 3 parts: Knead the risen dough well. If it sticks, add some flour. Divide into 3 parts, roll balls out of them (sprinkle them a little with flour so as not to get stale).
  • Very very heat up the pan- clean, without oil (I did it on cast iron, because it is convenient. It absorbs and retains a lot of heat, giving it well later to the dough. Yes, and Teflon empty ones cannot be heated so much, harmful substances will be released).
  • Make cakes: Flatten the ball evenly and make a not very thin cake out of it (diameter = bottom of the pan). Or roll out with a rolling pin (sprinkle it and the rolling table with flour). I haven’t rolled out lately so as not to stain the surface of the table (I was lazy). She flattened the balls into cakes right on the palms. It turns out delicious when rolling with a rolling pin, and when flattening the dough in your hands.
  • Bake: Immediately put the resulting cake on hot pan and bake on a fairly high heat (slightly less than the maximum) - you can immediately salt the top of the cake, if necessary. Your stove may differ in properties, try and adapt.
  • Baking and Readiness: As soon as you see that the edges of the cake have turned white and picked up, and it has become a more even matte color, it's worth a look (pry it with a spatula). If light or moderate brownish spots (with a redhead) have already appeared there, immediately turn over to the second side and bake until cooked (the same spots). Watch the cake. Everything happens quickly, 3 minutes on each side.
  • How to fold: Quickly bake all the tortillas. Put each ready on a plate (one on top of the other, like pancakes) and cover with a towel. As soon as the third cake is ready, put them in a plastic bag and tie it up (or let them cool slightly under a towel, but not longer than 5 minutes, otherwise they will dry out).

Homemade flatbread baked in a pan

The balls of dough for 3 cakes are parted while the pan is warming up. The edges of the cake have already begun to dry out, soon turn over.
Ready cake. She just lies in a thin frying pan, and I baked on a thick, cast-iron cake Back side of the cake Ready-made tasty and soft homemade cake
Baked flatbread (oven) This is a baked flatbread Lenten flatbread (oven)

Cakes baked in the oven

Flatbread storage

I kept the cakes in a sealed bag for 2 days at room temperature. And then on the third day, which they did not have time to eat, she placed it in a bag in the refrigerator (remembering that purchased Uzbek cakes and Armenian lavash at long-term storage mold quickly). It tasted drier after being refrigerated.

Delicious homemade cakes (bread)

Perhaps the cakes can be stored longer. But, sorry, they are eaten up so quickly that this storage experiment of mine was pure coincidence.

As soon as the cake is ready, still hot, homemade immediately tear it into pieces ... and there is nothing more to store ...)))

The taste is quite delicate, they are soft, bend. Chilled - delicious too. We eat instead of bread.

If after the cake there are burnt spots in the pan

Watch carefully. If, after some successfully baked cake, something sticks to the pan, you must definitely clean off this sticking with a wooden spatula. Otherwise, these places will then burn and spoil the taste of the next cake (they will stain it with black burners, and the taste will be bitter in this place).

Watch the pan. Before laying out the cake, it should be smooth and clean. You don’t need to lubricate anything (only when you take a brand new frying pan, grease it all over with oil before heating, not much, lightly).

Option for cooking cakes in the oven

Very tasty, tender, hot cake that everyone can bake at home

You need to do the same, only you need to heat up not the pan, but the oven (up to a maximum, 280-300 degrees C, approximately).

If you are baking on a baking sheet, you need to sprinkle it lightly with flour and lay out the cake. Bake quickly for a very hot oven. As the smell went (it's almost a couple of minutes with a well-heated oven), immediately - see how things are going and take them out.

If you bake in the same pan, but in the oven (not on the stove), it is better to heat the pan together with the oven and quickly put the formed cake on its hot bottom.

No need to flip.

Enjoy your meal!

Recipes for tortillas can be found in almost every cuisine in the world. Tortillas are a fried or oven-baked round layer of dough. For cooking, wheat, rice, corn and other types of flour, butter, eggs, water and other ingredients are used. Sometimes, some recipes for tortillas lack ingredients of plant and animal origin. In this case, the cake is cooked only on flour, water and salt, but it turns out no less tasty and appetizing. Cakes can be baked with fillings or simply served with any dishes. Cakes can often be replaced with regular bread. To give a piquant taste and aroma, various seasonings, spices, herbs and spices are added to the dough.

Recipes for cakes can be very different: fresh, rich, cheese, rye, baked in a tandoor and other cakes. Hot cakes can be spread with butter, garnished with sesame seeds or herbs. Depending on the type of dough, pastries can be served with salmon, mushrooms, vegetables, ham, bacon, buttercream, etc.

Tortillas - preparing food and utensils

To make the tortillas, you will need a non-stick or cast iron skillet, a baking sheet (for the oven), a sieve, a bowl, a measuring cup, and a rolling pin.

The flour must first be sifted, the butter softened, water or milk heated. You should also measure the right amount of bulk products in advance.

Cake recipes:

Recipe 1: Cheese cakes (option 1)

Such cheese cakes will appeal to all cheese lovers, but just to those who like simple, unpretentious pastries.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a glass of flour;
  • 4-5 g of soda;
  • Salt;
  • Half a glass grated cheese;
  • Half a glass of kefir;
  • Allspice;
  • 60 ml of butter;
  • A bunch of greens (dill, onion, etc.).

Cooking method:

Mix butter with flour, add soda, salt and pepper. Grind the greens and add to the dough along with the grated cheese. Knead the mixture and pour in kefir, mix the components. Grease the mold with oil and spoon out large cakes. Bake for about 15-16 minutes in an oven preheated to 200 degrees.

Recipe 2: Flatbread with cheese (option 2) in a pan

Among all the recipes for cheese cakes, this one remains one of the most popular. Cakes are very rich and tasty, good both hot and cold.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 30 ml of fat sour cream;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Salt;
  • Greens;
  • 3 art. l. flour.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs a little, spread sour cream and flour to them. Mix the components thoroughly. Grind the greens and spread in a mass. Grated cheese is also added to the dough. Stir the mass with a spoon so that the cheese is evenly distributed. Lightly heat the oil and spread the dough in an even layer on the pan. You can make not one large, but several small cakes. Fry the cake for 5-8 minutes on both sides. So that when turning the cake does not fall apart, you can cut it and turn each part carefully with a spatula.

Recipe 3: Cakes with cheese (option 3) "Air"

A very simple recipe for cheese cakes, baked with a minimum of ingredients and is great for any filling.

Required Ingredients:

Cooking method:

Beat whites and yolks separately. Combine the yolks with cheese and flour, mix thoroughly and lay out the whites to them. Season the mass with pepper and salt to taste. Divide the dough into the pan and bake for 10 minutes. This cake is very tasty served with salmon and other salty fillings.

Recipe 4: Cheese cakes in 5 minutes (option 4)

Such a recipe for cakes will help out in a situation where there is absolutely no time to prepare treats. They require a minimum of ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of kefir;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt, soda and sugar;
  • A glass of grated cheese;
  • A glass of chopped ham, sausages or sausages;
  • 2 cups of flour.

Cooking method:

Mix kefir with sugar, add soda and salt. Put grated cheese and flour into a bowl with kefir. Knead the dough, cut into pieces and roll out cakes. Put a little filling in the cakes and fasten the edges. Fry the cakes in vegetable oil on both sides under the lid.

Recipe 5: Pancakes in a pan

Very simple and quick recipe cakes in a pan. For cooking, the most affordable ingredients are used, including flour, herbs, an egg and sugar with salt. Spicy taste add spices and spices.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour - 3.8 cups;
  • Water - 195 ml;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar - 2 tsp;
  • Egg - 1 pc.;
  • Sunflower or olive oil - 30-35 ml;
  • Greens (assorted) - 1 bunch;
  • Seasonings: paprika, turmeric, red pepper.

Cooking method:

Pour sugar and salt into the eggs, beat lightly. Pour water and vegetable oil, add chopped herbs and mix well. Pour flour into the mixture and knead the dough. We make balls from the dough, then roll it out. Fry each cake until cooked in a pan.

Recipe 6: Corn Cakes

There are many recipes corn tortillas among which this is one of the most popular. Flatbreads are prepared very quickly, they can be served for breakfast with bacon, cheese, ham and other toppings.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn flour - 2 cups;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • Butter (butter) - 3.5 tablespoons;
  • Boiled water - 30 ml;
  • A cup of milk.

Cooking method:

Combine flour with salt and soft butter. Add milk and water, knead the dough. We spread the cakes with a spoon in the pan and fry on both sides.

Recipe 7: Kefir Cakes

Cakes on kefir are very rich, fluffy and fragrant. Prepared from flour, kefir, eggs and butter.

Required Ingredients:

  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • Half a kilo of flour;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 55 g butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Coarse salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

Mix kefir with soda, sunflower oil and egg. Pour flour into kefir, knead a non-sticky dough and leave for 10-14 minutes. Cut the dough into pieces. Roll each part into a cake and sprinkle with flour. Leave for 10-12 minutes. Fry in oil on both sides until done. Grease the cakes with oil and sprinkle with salt. Fold in a pile and cover with a napkin.

Recipe 8: Uzbek flatbread

Uzbek flatbread recipes are great for serving with pilaf, cheese, vegetables, soups and other dishes. It is very tasty to eat such cakes with ordinary or green tea.

Required Ingredients:

  • 610 g flour;
  • 370-390 g of water;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • A teaspoon of instant yeast;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

Combine yeast with warm water, add flour, stir and salt. Add butter to the dough and knead. Cover the bowl and leave for 60-90 minutes. Knead the dough once during the approach. Pour flour on a flat surface and put the dough, divide into 2 parts and fashion cakes. Cover the cakes and leave for at least half an hour. Prick the cakes with a fork and bake at 220-230 degrees for 20 minutes. Sprinkle finished cakes with black sesame seeds.

Recipe 9: Cakes in the oven

According to this recipe for cakes, you can bake a very tasty treat in the oven. The cakes are fresh, but a little garlic is added for spiciness. The dough is ideal for various kinds of fillings.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 185 ml cow's milk;
  • Garlic - 2 teeth;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • Red pepper;
  • Black pepper;
  • Dill and parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into the flour and mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps. You can salt the dough a little so that the cakes do not turn out too bland. We mix all the components, cover the container with the dough with a film and leave for half an hour. We rub the cheese, chop the herbs and garlic. Mix cheese with herbs and garlic. Divide the dough into balls and roll out cakes. In the middle of each lay out the filling, wrap the edges. Cooking in preheated oven full cooking. Oil is not required.

Recipe 10: Mexican Flatbread

Recipes for tortillas can often be found in Mexican cuisine. They are called "tortilla". Such cakes are prepared from any kind of flour (wheat, corn, etc.).

Required Ingredients:

  • A glass of flour;
  • 101-105 ml of water;
  • 25-28 g of oil;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;

Cooking method:

Mix flour with butter and salt. Pour in small amounts of water and knead the dough. Leave for 15 minutes. Cut the dough into several lumps and roll out the layers. Bake cakes in a pan (without oil). Mexican tortillas are prepared very quickly.

Recipe 11: Stuffed Flatbreads

This recipe for tortillas invites you to prepare a delicious treat with potato stuffing. The dish is perfect for breakfast, dinner and fast days.

Required Ingredients:

  • Half a glass of water;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 70-80 ml of oil (vegetable);
  • 3 pinch of salt;
  • Black pepper - a couple of pinches;
  • head of onion;
  • Potatoes - a few pieces;
  • Fresh parsley - to taste.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion, peel the potatoes, cut and boil. Chop the parsley, fry the onion. Crush hot boiled potatoes, add greens, pepper, onion, salt everything. Mix flour with water, 60 ml of vegetable oil and a small amount salt. Wrap the bowl with the dough in a plastic bag and leave for half an hour. Cut the dough into several balls and roll out. Fry the cakes for 1.5-2 minutes on both sides. Stuff hot cakes and fold in half.

Recipe 12: Flatbread with herbs and onions

Highly delicious recipe tortillas with onions and herbs. Baking has a pleasant refreshing taste and appetizing aroma.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2.5-3 cups of flour;
  • 190-205 ml of water;
  • Salt;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Sorrel;
  • Dill, parsley;
  • Green onion.

Cooking method:

Mix water with flour, salt and add butter. Knead the dough and remove for 25-30 minutes. Rinse greens, chop and mix. Divide the dough pieces and roll out. Add greens to each cake and wrap the dough with a roll. Fry in a dry frying pan until golden brown.

Recipe 13: Rye Cakes

The recipe for rye flour cakes is great for those who love tasty and healthy food and not only. getting ready rye cakes easy and fast. They can replace regular bread.

Required Ingredients:

  • 225 g rye flour;
  • Yogurt - 190-200 ml;
  • 4-6 g of sugar, salt and soda;
  • 15 ml vegetable oil;
  • Spices;
  • Sesame.

Cooking method:

Combine flour with sugar, soda and salt, mix. natural yogurt mix with oil. Combine wet ingredients with dry ingredients and knead into a dough. Leave for 20 minutes. Surface sprinkle rye flour, roll out the dough and cut rounds. Prick with a fork. Sprinkle tortillas herbs and sesame. Bake in the oven for 16-18 minutes.

Recipe 14: Unleavened cakes

A very simple and delicious recipe for unleavened cakes. Great for any filling, can also be used with soups and other dishes.

Required Ingredients:

  • Glass of water;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • A teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Sift flour, mix with water, salt. Knead the dough properly, set aside for 18-25 minutes. Sprinkle the surface with flour and divide the dough into several parts. Roll each on flour, then shake off the flour and fry in a pan without oil. Spread the cakes on top of each other, sprinkling with water.

Recipe 15: Cakes on the water

A very inexpensive and delicious recipe for cakes on the water. If you run out of bread, you don’t have to rush to the store - you can make such quick and delicious cakes from the most affordable ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Soda - 3 g;
  • Flour - "by eye";
  • Some water;
  • Salt and sugar - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Mix about 400-500 g of flour with 190-200 ml of water, add salt, soda and sugar. Mix everything, remove the dough for half an hour - 40 minutes. Divide the dough into several parts and roll out. Fry in a pan on both sides with vegetable oil.

Recipe 16: Cakes without yeast

Yeast-free cakes are rich and tasty, and they cook very quickly.

Required Ingredients:

  • Flour - kilogram;
  • 2 tsp. salt and baking powder;
  • 210 g margarine or butter;
  • 0.5 liters of milk;
  • Sesame - for sprinkling;
  • 1 yolk.

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt, add baking powder. Combine flour with softened butter and milk. Knead the dough, cut into 2 equal parts and brush with oil. Leave for 14-20 minutes. Roll each part into a cake, make indentations in the middle so that the edges become thicker. Make pricks with a fork, grease with yolk. Maybe with a little sesame. Bake in preheated oven for 18-20 minutes.

Recipe 17: Honey Cake

Honey cake is often used in folk medicine. Baking helps the body cope with a cold. It is very easy to prepare and does not require complicated ingredients. Honey cakes can be given to children.

Required Ingredients:

2. A little vegetable oil;

3. Flour - "by eye";

4. 2-3 tbsp. l. honey;

5. Sugar - to taste.

Cooking method:

Mix the egg with butter and honey, add flour and sugar. The dough should not be too hard or liquid. Bake the cake on a greased baking sheet until done.

Recipe 18: Tortilla Flatbread

Highly popular recipe tortilla used in Mexican cuisine. Flatbreads are easy to prepare, you can put stuffing in them: chicken, cheese, vegetables with beans, etc.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 tsp. salt and baking powder;
  • Flour - 2 cups;
  • Half a glass of water;
  • 15 ml soft butter.

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt, add baking powder, knead butter and add water. Knead the dough and leave for 17-20 minutes. Cut the dough into balls and roll into large thin cakes. Fry in a pan until brown spots appear.

Recipe 20: Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are prepared quite simply, but they turn out very tasty. Suitable for any dishes and toppings.

Required Ingredients:

  • 2.5 glasses rice flour;
  • 1 egg;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • 10 ml of vegetable oil;
  • Half a teaspoon of salt;
  • 45-50 g butter.

Cooking method:

Mix flour with sugar in a deep bowl., add salt. Whisk the egg in a glass of water and pour into the flour. Knead the dough, cut into lumps, each of which roll out on a surface sprinkled with flour. Fry rice cakes in a pan without oil. hot tortillas butter.

Recipe 21: Tacos

To make Mexican tacos, you only need a few ingredients: flour, an egg, and water. Great for any topping.

Required Ingredients:

  • Corn flour- half a glass;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Egg;
  • A little salt;
  • Butter.

Cooking method:

Mix flour with soft butter, egg, salt and water. It should have a slightly runny consistency. Bake cakes in a preheated pan until golden.

Recipe 22: Milk Cakes

A very popular recipe for cakes with milk. Cakes are soft, tasty and tender.

Required Ingredients:

  • Salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Flour - half a glass;
  • 45 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 1 egg.

Cooking method:

Sift flour, add salt, milk, mix everything thoroughly. Beat in the egg and add the oil. Mix all the ingredients, beat the lump of dough several times on the table, leave for 19-25 minutes. Cut the dough into small balls and roll out into wide flat cakes. Lubricate the cakes with oil and fry in a pan. Fold the finished cakes in a pile and cover with a napkin.

Recipe 23: Indian Flatbreads

traditional recipe Indian flatbread can be used if you need to cook thin and delicious tortillas For filling. For cooking, you need a minimum set of ingredients.

Required Ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • Cup whole grain flour;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 30 ml olive oil;
  • 160 ml hot water.

Cooking method:

Mix two types of flour, salt a little. Gradually add oil and hot water while continuously stirring the ingredients. Knead the dough. It should come out elastic, but non-sticky. Cut the dough into pieces and leave for 25-30 minutes. To warm cast iron pan With butter. Roll out the balls on the flour into cakes. Fry for 25-30 seconds on both sides.

- The dough for cakes must be kneaded only with your hands;

- To make the cakes soft and appetizing, you can coat them with butter.

Bread is not only the head of everything, but also the most versatile product on the planet: these are lush white yeast loaves at a Ukrainian wedding, and the famous Lithuanian black custard bread, which can generally be eaten as independent dish. This and thin lavash, which in Armenia is baked together and for the future, bending over the fire-breathing vents of tandoors. And tortillas in Mexico and Central America, and hollow Italian ciabatta bread, and even sweet steamed rice cakes that are a little strange for bread in China.

This diversity is natural - we need energy, for this we need carbohydrates, and the easiest way is to get them from bread during the working day.

Today we will also cook interesting bread- cakes from a simple yeast dough on the water.


  • flour - 2 tbsp.
  • water - 400 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 g
  • salt - 1/2 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • poppy - 1 tsp

The total cooking time is 40 minutes. The number of servings is 6 pieces.


1. For the dough, it is better to take a deep bowl, it is most convenient to knead it in it. First, measure out 2 cups of water and pour them into a bowl. Please note that the water must be slightly heated to a temperature of 40 - 50 C.

2. We measure 10 grams of yeast and pour them into water. We mix the ingredients, as the yeast should come into contact with warm water.

3. Sift the flour and gradually introduce it into the dough. Mix all ingredients until uniform consistency and leave for 1 hour. The bowl must be covered and sent to a dark, warm place.

4. Under the influence of doge, the dough will rise and become beautiful and porous.

What difficulties and unforeseen circumstances may arise?
What is important to know to get a good result?
What are the features of the traditional tandoor and how to create similar baking conditions in a conventional oven?

In Uzbekistan, cakes are similar to each other in much the same way as the people who bake them are similar to each other. With apparent external similarity, each has its own distinctive features, its character and appearance.
But in kneading yeast dough, there are general rules, which do not depend on geography, but on the conditions necessary for the development of yeast. For example, sifting flour before kneading dough is an absolutely necessary action, because the flour is saturated with air - after all, without oxygen, yeast does not develop.

Favorable temperature for yeast is different from normal room temperature. Therefore, water or milk for the dough is heated. A spoonful of salt for about two kilograms of flour is enough.

And dry yeast is only half a bag, calculated per kilogram of flour, that is, four times less than the norm offered by yeast manufacturers.

Stir the yeast granules, rub between the fingers.

Knead the dough as usual.

There is less yeast than usual, more salt, so the dough is suitable for about a couple of hours until it increases in volume by about 2.5-3 times.

To divide the dough into parts, it is better to stretch it into a sausage.

Three cakes will be obtained from this amount of dough.

The dough is tucked to the bottom, as if pulling the top and forming a ball.

Now the ball is on its side and roll it, pressing it against the table with your right hand to form a tight tourniquet - the future bottom of the cake. With the left hand, the dough is only held, but they try not to squeeze the future top.

The dough should come up again. It is better to cover it with a linen towel so that it does not wind.

Press down the middle of the approaching ball with your fist.

Many bakers are convinced that a rolling pin and yeast dough are incompatible things.
But with a rolling pin of a special shape, it is precisely the middle that is rolled out - that part of the cake, which is supposed to be hard and crispy.

But the same can be done with the pads of your fingers - first walk around the rim and further, closer to the center.

So that the middle does not rise, it is pricked with a special stamp, which is called a checkik.

Chekichi have a variety of patterns. The pattern combination is sometimes used as a signature by professional bakers.
But most often a pattern is used, which in the east has been a symbol of the sun and infinity since ancient times.

The surface of the cake can be greased with milk.

Sedona or, as it is also called nigella, nigella - traditional seasoning for cakes. People believe that sedona improves heart function and has a positive effect on digestion.

In fact, any product, any spice is a medicine. But the main medicine is the appetite and good mood of the eater. That sesame makes the cake more appetizing. Why not add sesame?

The bottom of the cakes is moistened with salted water and baked in a tandoor.
What is a tandoor? A thick-walled earthenware jug that is used as a furnace. Firewood is laid through the neck, and smoke comes out through the neck. Through the same neck, the baker places the cakes, but not on the bottom, but on the hot walls.
From well-heated thick and heat-intensive walls, the bottom of the cake is baked and becomes dry and crispy. The top of the cake is baked under the action of hot air, which in a closed tandoor is practically motionless and in the infrared rays of coals smoldering at the bottom of the tandoor.
Of course, the conditions in conventional ovens very different from those in the tandoor. Standard metal baking sheets are relatively thin, they accumulate so much heat that you can only burn your finger. When almost a kilogram of dough is placed on a baking sheet room temperature, it rapidly cools, taking the temperature of the dough, which has a much higher heat capacity. Further, the top of the cake is baked even faster than the bottom, but it should be exactly the opposite.

A red-hot stone for pizza - it seems that this is the salvation. It is made of real stone or modern ceramics, which is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, it is not very important. Its heat capacity is important. Will the heat accumulated during the preheating be enough to bake the bottom of the cake or not?

I have two of these stones.

The second one has a domed lid and is collectively referred to as a "bread oven". Well, not an oven, of course, but a baking dish - that's how it would be more correct.
Before baking, the dish must be heated in the oven. I heated up to a temperature of 210C, because I know that most bakers put flatbread in the tandoor at this temperature of its walls. Bakers, of course, do not measure the temperature, but I did - I was interested. At a lower temperature, the cake sticks tightly and does not want to peel off the wall later. With a larger one, on the contrary, the bottom dries out very quickly and the cake falls off the wall or dome of the tandoor.

The cake, as soon as it is in the oven, begins to rise rapidly, the rim grows especially well.
But the thickness of the pizza stone and the tray from the bread baking dish is still less than the wall thickness of the tandoor. Therefore, they should continue to be heated, maintain the required temperature. The oven is now 210C, but heating is due to forced convection of hot air flows.

I have already said that the air in the tandoor is practically motionless, the heat from the heated and rarefied air is very slowly transferred to the surface of the cake. More often it blushes due to infrared radiation, which the baker easily controls - he can cover the coals with ashes or even a small sheet of iron for a while, he can inflate the coals, he can cover the neck of the tandoor and vice versa - open and ventilate, but not in order to cool there is air in it, but in order to ensure the flow of oxygen to the coals and increase the intensity of their combustion.
In an oven that is heated by convection, it is not possible to control the rate at which the surface of the cake is cooked. As a result, it happened too quickly, in just 8-10 minutes, and the middle of the cake inflated, rose, like a Middle Eastern pita inflates. In fact, this is a marriage, albeit an edible one.

During the same time, the surface of the cake under the heated bell had just begun to turn yellow. The middle did not even think to swell, like a cake baked on a pizza stone. Now you can remove the cap and brown the top - it will take 6-8 minutes.

As a result, the cake has an absolutely correct surface color and is baked as it should.

Look - and the bottom is the same color as the top.

You know, even if you don’t bake cakes in such a device or don’t bake them in the oven at all, you can still benefit from the article you read. Look, on the left - a cake that was baked on a pizza stone. Her bottom was left underbaked, almost white. And on the right - a cake, which was baked under a ceramic cap. Her bottom has the same color as the surface.
But it's not just about color! This bottom crunches as it should, the cake has a smell very similar to the smell of cakes from a real tandoor.
We should try to bake an ordinary loaf in this device!

But what about the third cake? It was baked on a regular stainless steel baking sheet. Here is the result.
Of course, now there are baking sheets with both non-stick and silicone coatings. Silicone mats are sold separately, but you can use ordinary baking paper and prevent sticking. Only the bottom of the cake will not bake better from all this, it will remain half-baked.

Probably, the cake that was baked on the pizza stone could have been baked better. For example, at the first stage it would be possible to cover its surface with foil. But the one that was baked under the lid came out just perfect! I am very pleased with the result. In fact, this vessel with a domed lid is, as it were, a mini-tandoor. What difference does it make whether the walls of the tandoor are heated from the inside or are they heated from the outside - even if by the same hot air currents? After all, first of all, the conditions that are created for baking bread or other products are important: air temperature and humidity, the rate of heat supply to the contact surfaces and the ability to regulate the process.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

We have a very respectful attitude towards bread in the family, which is passed down from generation to generation. My mother often recalls how her grandmother, having gone through hard times of hunger, tried to feed her children as best as possible. That is why the house always had a lot of goodies and homemade cakes, despite the fact that the bakery was on the ground floor.
And my father's grandmother lived in a village where bread was brought only a couple of times a week, so in order to feed the family, grandmother, like all other women, baked homemade bread in the oven. It was enough for several days, and then a whole bowl of dough was kneaded again, and fragrant bread was baked. Moreover, there was no yeast then, and bread was kneaded on bread sourdough, which was prepared on hop cones.
And when grandmother Anastasia moved to the city, she could not get used to sitting idle and constantly found work for herself. And since there was no special need for baking bread, and there were no opportunities either, the grandmother began to bake cakes from unleavened yeast dough in the oven. I well remember this aroma that filled the whole apartment when the cakes were browned in the oven. And then we ate them with pleasure, spreading them with butter, jam or honey. See how fast you can cook.
Now I do this sometimes too. unleavened cakes in the oven, the recipe is like a grandmother’s, and my household loves them very much, and my husband even makes a sandwich out of them, shifting the cakes with sausage or fish.
From the specified recipe comes out 8 pcs.

- wheat flour c. s - 410 gr.,
- yeast (dry, active) - 12 gr.,
- water (whey) - 270 ml.,
- olive oil - 1 tablespoon,
- finely ground kitchen salt - 1 tsp,
- white sugar - 1 tsp

How to cook with a photo step by step

At the first stage, we mix unleavened dough. This can be done both by hand and in a combine. It's only important to stick to correct proportions, which are indicated in the recipe and let the yeast show activity. To do this, we dissolve them in warm water and as soon as a small foam appears on the surface, you can mix the yeast with other ingredients and knead the dough.
Add salt and sugar.

Then gradually add flour and knead.

Then we transfer the ball from the dough into a bowl, which we first coat with oil, cover with a towel on top and give for about an hour for the dough to grow. You can also cook these in the oven.

Then knead again and then cut the dough into several pieces.

We again cover the pieces of dough and let them lie down for another 15 minutes.
Next, roll out each piece with a rolling pin into a thin layer, cover it with a towel so that it does not dry out, and leave it again for 10 minutes.

We turn on the oven at 250 degrees about 15 minutes before we bake cakes.
We spread a thin cake on a hot baking sheet and bake for 5-7 minutes on each side. The baking sheet can be lightly greased with vegetable oil.

At the same time, we do not look into the oven once again. While one cake is baking, roll out the other.

Thus, we bake all the unleavened cakes in the oven, the recipe is like that of a grandmother, and as soon as they cool down a bit, we serve them to the table. And in a frying pan you can cook these