Main ingredients of crab sticks. Crab sticks - composition

When in the 90s of the twentieth century the domestic market was simply attacked by various foreign goods, almost every citizen singled out for himself a separate and refined (at that time) product - crab sticks. Their composition, of course, does not contain crabs at all, but at that time such an imitation of elite meat became the basis for many holiday dishes. Let's talk in more detail about this product, its composition, history and production process further.

Over time, sticks began to be produced in our country, which significantly reduced their cost. The popularity has subsided after various reports about the dangers of crab sticks, and many have simply become bored with them. So what is the product actually, are crab sticks so harmful?

The first written mention of surimi was noted in the 12th century in Japan. That's what the first works were called there culinary arts, familiar and familiar to us today like crab sticks.

“Surimi” translates as “ground washed fish,” which describes the entire manufacturing process. In those days, the composition of crab sticks was exclusively natural and was based on minced ocean fish (always with white meat). After thoroughly grinding it, it was washed so that the smell and taste practically disappeared, and then squeezed out. Products of various shapes were formed from the resulting mass. The sticks familiar to us were then called “kamaboko” and over time (to give them a new taste) herbs and dyes began to be added to the composition. Industrial production Surimi began only 50 years ago.

Composition of surimi

What are crab sticks made from today? Their composition has changed greatly thanks to modern technologies and many chemical additives. A natural product should not contain carbohydrates at all, but due to additional components, modern crab sticks contain about 15 g of them. The composition also contains fish protein, the amount of which may vary depending on the production technology of the product and the brand’s recipe. The calorie content of surimi is only 80-100 Kcal per 100 g of product.

In order to purchase a quality product and not fall for a counterfeit, you should remember that the basis for imitation crab meat should be minced fish - surimi. Various manufacturers use starch as additional components, egg white, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, possibly water and nutritional supplements. Many of them are prohibited in EU countries, and in our country they are widely used by unscrupulous manufacturers, so special attention should be paid to them. By the way, the composition does not contain such additives, since the brand’s products are imported to various countries around the world and meet their quality standards.

What are chopsticks made of?

Despite the popularity of the product, many on domestic tables still do not understand what surimi is. It is a concentrated product that does not have enzymes, fats or cholesterol, has high elasticity and gelling properties. Such minced meat simply has no color or smell, and fish for its production is suitable only with white meat. Most often, crab sticks contain cod fish - hake, pollock or blue whiting, but tropical species can also be used.

Sardines, giant squid, mackerel and other species are also considered suitable, but the minced meat from them is dark, so this product is classified as second-class.

Production technology

Now it’s clear what crab sticks are made of. By the way, their composition always contains only raw fish, which allows you to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients in the final product.

The production itself is carried out directly on board fishing vessels, where freshly caught fish are immediately processed into fillets, from which minced meat is immediately made. The crushed fish meat is thoroughly washed, squeezed and pressed into blocks of chilled surimi.

Fish waste here is processed into feed meal or simply thrown into the sea, but this is prohibited, so many are silent about this procedure.

On the shore, the already familiar crab sticks are made from minced meat, adding flavors, dyes and other additional components to surimi.

The production is actually not very complicated, and is based on the processing of fresh and whole fish, and not its waste (as many believe).

Product benefits

Different composition crab sticks cause benefits and harm to the body in different ways, so it is difficult to generalize the indicators for all products. The benefit of surimi lies in the high content of fish protein, which is quickly absorbed and does not “load” the body, but this is only if it contains real minced fish.

Additionally, vegetable oils, starch and water should be highlighted, which are also easily digestible and have their own beneficial substances. Many manufacturers additionally enrich their products with amino acids, vitamins and minerals, which have a positive effect on the body.

Harm of crab sticks

Surimi is harmful solely in the form of its chemical additives, many of which are hazardous to health and are prohibited in a number of countries. The composition of Vichi crab sticks does not have them, but the price of this product is appropriate, since you always have to pay for quality. To obtain a good product, you should not buy the cheapest crab sticks, sold by weight and distributed under the supermarket brand. You should also beware of surimi, which after defrosting and unrolling breaks or the paint on them bleeds through several layers of the roll.

Harm to the body is also based on the habit of adding crab sticks to salads with mayonnaise.

The high calorie content of such dishes completely covers up all the benefits of surimi itself, even the highest quality. Just look at the composition of the salad with crab sticks and corn, of which there are already great amount. You can choose a set of ingredients for every taste, but all of them must be seasoned with mayonnaise, and some even contain red caviar and butter, so oh low calorie dish out of the question.

Benefits for weight loss

According to nutritionists, it is advisable to use such low calorie product in diets. The reason is the high content of easily digestible protein, which allows you to quickly restore strength without consuming many calories. Calculating the latter is very simple, because their content is always indicated on the packaging. As perfect dish can be prepared for diet light salad from fresh tomatoes, tofu cheese and crab sticks. You can season it with any vegetable oil, but it is better to use olive oil.

You can also cook boiled rice, sprinkling it on top with herbs, boiled eggs and chopped crab sticks. Melted butter is suitable as a dressing.

How to buy the best product

To get only benefits from crab sticks and minimize harm to the body, you should not purchase the cheapest options, especially those sold in bulk. A quality product should be stored in vacuum packaging, refrigerated or frozen. There should be no excess liquid or ice inside the package to indicate refreezing.

Surimi packaging must contain all the necessary information about the manufacturer, the composition of the product, the period and conditions of its storage. The first ingredient listed should be minced fish - surimi. The color of the sticks should be white, and only one side should be painted.

After opening the package, good crab sticks can be easily unrolled into a ribbon; they do not crumble or break. Their color is uniform and their consistency is elastic.

This product should be stored in the refrigerator and never re-frozen. This significantly degrades the taste and quality of the sticks, so if you need to use not all of the packaging, the leftovers should be immediately placed in the freezer.

Also in Soviet time, from the moment of its appearance, crab sticks, which were made from white meat fish were considered one of the delicacies of that era. They were even equated with black caviar in their value. Now this affordable and popular product is an ingredient in many salads. Let's try to understand in more detail what crab sticks are, the composition of which continues to be a secret for many admirers of the product.

general information

Real crab sticks are prepared from processed minced meat of ocean fish - surimi. Despite the name, you will not find crab meat in their composition. In Europe, this product began to be used in the middle of the last century; it came to Russia in the 80s. For some reason, many people believe that fish waste is used to prepare it, but they are wrong. Only fresh fish fillets are used, caught 6-10 hours before processing. For this reason, factories for the production of sticks are located on the shores of seas and oceans.

Consumers are only right about one thing. For the production of surimi, not the most best views fish: cod, hake, haddock, pollock, horse mackerel, blue whiting. Due to the fact that the resulting product has neither odor nor special taste, a number of ingredients are usually added to it: sugar, starch, egg and vegetable proteins, salt, stabilizers, vegetable oil, various flavorings and flavor enhancers. As a result, the final product contains 45% minced fish. The norm is 25%. A little further we will tell you in more detail what crab sticks are made of.

What kind of crab sticks should they be?

Now let's figure out what they should be, let's talk about texture and appearance. They are usually rectangular and oblong in shape and have a yellow-red or red tint. They are puff-shaped, separating these layers is as easy as unwinding them. The taste is slightly salty, the texture is similar to rubber. The color and shape of the sticks vaguely resemble crab claws and its meat.

A high-quality product is easy to distinguish from a low-quality one. So when purchasing, you will always understand whether you made a mistake or not with your choice. After all, if you buy crab sticks whose composition does not meet the standard, they can be dry and crumbly due to a lack of fish and an oversaturation with starch and soy. This will also affect the appearance and taste qualities. The product should not break when folded, but should unfold easily, be juicy and have an even color. Always pay attention to the ingredients. In the case when surimi is not in first place, in front of you are sticks with less minced fish than normal.

Crab sticks: composition, benefits and harm

In principle, there is no particular benefit from this food. But this is not surprising. What could be the benefit of a not entirely natural product? In addition, during heat treatment even what was lost is lost: fats, vitamins and minerals. There will be one fish protein left. It promotes wound healing, prevents fatty liver and normalizes fat metabolism, helps synthesize nucleic acids and some hormones. But since surimi makes up only about 25% of the total composition, there is little protein in the product.

It turns out that if you buy only a high-quality product and not every day, there will be no harm. On the contrary, there will only be benefits (if necessary, have an urgent snack). By the way, everything harmful in the sticks is described on their packaging. We are talking about all sorts of stabilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings and thickeners. They will not have the best effect on your health, as they can, among other things, provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases or cause allergies. In many European countries, these harmful substances are prohibited. In conclusion, it should be noted that it is recommended to buy sticks in vacuum packaging; loose ones can be contaminated through microbiological lines.

Detailed composition of crab sticks

This issue has been discussed a bit above. Now let's look at it in more detail. The main requirement for the components is to maintain the original structure and quality even during heat treatment and deep freezing. Let's talk a little about the purpose of the various ingredients from which crab sticks are formed. Let us reveal the composition, which has always been a secret, a little. Starch is a connecting link for fish protein elements. Thanks to it, the sticks retain their elasticity after processing.

Vegetable oil and water are required components. The first must be highly purified and contain vitamins E and A. The second must be mechanically purified, softened, treated with ultraviolet light and ozonized. The purpose of the E160 dye is to give the product an appetizing color of crab meat. Monosodium glutamate (E621) is a flavor enhancer. Carrageenans E410 and E407 are useful natural thickeners from seaweed, removing heavy metals from the body and having anti-ulcer and antiviral biological activity.

Calorie content of crab sticks

For what reason can you snack on this dish when you are hungry? The answer is very simple - it is low-calorie, so there is no need to worry about your weight after eating one package. There are only 100 kcal per 100 grams of this product. A the nutritional value is as follows: proteins - approximately 6 grams, carbohydrates - approximately 10 grams. So, when considering crab sticks for nutrition, composition, calorie content, pay more attention to the composition. The last characteristic is not an important element. Perhaps for those who often go on a diet, and this product is indicated for use.

Crab sticks on a diet

If you are preparing any holiday dish, for example, Olivier, conduct an experiment: replace the sausage with chopsticks. It will immediately become more healthy and less caloric. Many people who have tried our product in the composition various dishes, we saw that crab sticks are a real dietary food.

Why? They are distinguished by a very high content of selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and low content saturated fats. When dieting, you need to remember a couple of disadvantages. It is high in sugar and sodium. But useful minerals, such as zinc, chlorine, fluorine, chromium, nickel and molybdenum, vitamin PP all outweigh. And the most important thing is that when studying crab sticks, their composition, the carbohydrates in them, note that the last component is almost absent, that is, they are quite suitable for dietary use.

The best producers of crab sticks

Now on store shelves you can find many different frozen seafood products that are in great demand. Nevertheless, the product we are considering continues to be in demand. This is also due to its low cost. This market has long been divided between manufacturers; no changes in the balance of power are expected in the near future. So, we wanted to buy crab sticks. Manufacturers of only three companies are the main players in the Russian market. About 40% of our market is occupied by the Viciunai State Enterprise, a company from Lithuania, which is represented by the well-known VICI brand. Its main facilities are located in Kaliningrad.

The second company is (with a 20% share) the Karelian Combine, and the third is ROK-1, also with a 20% share. There are three more manufacturers who share the remaining 20%. These are “Albatross”, “Meridian” and “Santa Bremor”. So if you want to be sure of the ingredients of the product and know what the crab sticks are made of, buy them from one of these companies. Although, of course, it's up to you.


Despite the fact that crab sticks (composition) are far from what they were at the beginning of production, they are still in great demand among housewives and remain a frequent guest on our table. In the event that you want to receive from them maximum benefit, it is not recommended to perform any heat treatment. And then they will add their taste and aroma to all the dishes they are added to. Not to mention using it as a separate food. Bon appetit.

Crab sticks In many countries they went on sale in the early 90s. The times were quite difficult, so housewives immediately fell in love with the tasty and inexpensive product. Crab sticks helped diversify the menu of holiday tables, as they began to be added to various salads and snacks.

We owe the appearance of crab sticks to the Japanese, who tried to establish the production of crab meat. However, this turned out to be labor-intensive and economically unprofitable. It was much easier to make a variety of products from surimi - minced oceanic white fish. When adding some flavorings and food additives managed to achieve a taste similar to the taste of crab meat.

Composition of crab sticks

The main ingredients of crab sticks are: minced surimi fish, starch, egg white, water, vegetable oil, salt and. Various food additives are added to improve the taste. However, to further reduce the cost of the product, some manufacturers make crab sticks from soy protein.

When purchasing crab sticks, you must carefully study the composition of the product. Minced surimi should come first. In this case, you can be sure that the product contains fish.

The chemical composition of crab sticks makes dubious benefit this product is for health. The most commonly used food additives are:

  1. E160 – food coloring. There are two types: synthetic and natural. Natural dye does not pose any threat to the body.
  2. E171 – dye-bleach. The vapors of this substance are toxic, but as an additive to foods it is not dangerous to the body. Although research on this supplement is still ongoing.
  3. E420 – used as a sweetener and humectant. The supplement is safe in small doses, but may cause stomach upset when consumed in large quantities.
  4. E450 - designed to improve the structure and color of the product, increases shelf life. When consumed in large quantities, it causes stomach upset and impairs calcium absorption.

Although these additives are approved for use in Food Industry, their use does not provide any benefit to the body. And consuming a large amount of crab sticks with this composition can cause the development of diseases.

Nutritional value of crab sticks

Since the main component of crab sticks is fish meat, the product is rich in easily digestible protein. The composition of the product helps you understand how much protein is in crab sticks. Most often, proteins make up 17.5% of the weight of the product, fats – 2%, and there are no carbohydrates in crab sticks. 70% of the product is water.

Crab sticks contain no a large number of minerals and vitamins: vitamin PP, zinc, chlorine, sulfur, chromium, fluorine, nickel, molybdenum. So small quantity useful substances due to the fact that they are washed out at the stage primary processing raw materials. Subsequently, the remaining beneficial substances are destroyed during heat treatment, which is designed to rid the product of pathogenic microorganisms.

However, this composition of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in crab sticks is typical only for a product made from. Therefore, you can find out exactly how many carbohydrates are in crab sticks and other ingredients by reading the composition on the package. For this reason, you should not buy crab sticks by weight. A higher quality product is sold in packages that indicate not only the composition, but also the date of manufacture and expiration date. It is worth paying attention that the product must be hermetically packaged in multilayer film.

Crab sticks are a product that appeared on the shelves of our stores in the early 90s. Since then, a lot of recipes using them have been invented. A famous person will certainly be present on the festive table. crab salad, and among the admirers of the delicious seafood there are both adults and children. Despite the fact that the product does not contain crab meat, it does not lose its popularity. The article discusses the benefits and harms of crab sticks and answers the questions: can they be consumed by children, how to select and store them.

What are crab sticks made from?

The main component of seafood is surimi, as it was called in Japan healthy minced meat from ocean fish. Among the ingredients of surimi are mackerel, hake, blue whiting and other fish with white meat. The procedure for its preparation consists of washing the pieces of fish fillet, chopping it and mixing it in homogeneous mass. The mixture is then placed in a centrifuge to remove excess liquid. The result is a soft mass with pleasant taste and the aroma of fish. Due to its unique beneficial properties, surimi is used in the preparation of many dishes that imitate seafood, including crab sticks.

Such stuffing is recognized useful ingredient, containing many minerals and vitamins and not harmful to health. But after its processing, their quantity and, as a result, their benefits are significantly reduced. In addition, there are manufacturers who add by-products to surimi, which reduces the quality of the minced meat and changes its smell, taste, color, and numerous flavoring additives cause significant harm to the body.

In order to save money, seafood is added soy protein. As you know, soy is the result of genetic modification; its harm and benefits are ambiguous. Therefore, products labeled “non-GMO” are preferred. In addition, egg powder, vegetable oil, starch, salt and sugar are added. To obtain the necessary taste, they do not spare a lot of chemical additives, which are not beneficial, but harmful to humans.

Chemical composition and calorie content of crab sticks

The calorie content of seafood is only 88 kcal per 100 grams. Therefore, they can be usefully used by people who watch their weight.

In addition, the semi-finished product contains useful vitamins PP, H, E.


  • sulfur;
  • chlorine.


  • molybdenum;
  • nickel;
  • fluorine;
  • chromium;
  • zinc.

Useful properties of crab sticks

It makes sense to talk about the benefits of crab sticks for the body only when they are made from surimi, which has a mass beneficial properties. Only in such a situation will they be able to reveal their beneficial properties and transfer valuable components to the body: proteins, minerals and vitamins - and bring benefits.

Important! To obtain benefits and not harm, you should purchase a product made from surimi.

If the semi-finished product is contained as an ingredient in salads, then it is necessary to analyze the properties of the remaining components.

It is better to give them to the child in minimal quantities and of the highest quality. Only in this case there will be no harm from their use. In addition, they may contain microelements that have beneficial properties for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Are crab sticks good for you on a diet?

The semi-finished product contains relatively few calories and practically no fat, this property makes it convenient to eat as a light snack. However, if we take into account the small amount of useful substances, the content of dyes and preservatives and a fairly large number of artificial additives, we can conclude that the product is more likely to cause harm than benefit.

Thus, despite their low calorie content, you should not overuse them; nevertheless, their beneficial properties are small. You can occasionally include them in your diet as an addition to some dishes.

Can crab sticks be consumed by pregnant and lactating women?

The chemical components of this semi-finished product will be in breast milk, which may adversely affect the health of the newborn. Allergic reactions, adverse events from the digestive system, or even the development of the disease will be provoked.

Because women during the period breastfeeding It is not recommended to eat them in the same quantities as they were consumed before pregnancy. It is allowed to add them only occasionally, for example, to salads, provided there are no allergies.

Important! You can use crab sticks during breastfeeding with your doctor's permission.

At the same time, it is important not to forget that when consuming seafood for the first time during lactation, only minimal amount this product. This way the mother will be able to assess the child’s body’s reaction to new food. If the child does not have allergic reactions, the amount of the product can be increased. However, they cannot be abused: the daily presence of semi-finished products in the diet of a nursing woman is not allowed. Thus, there is no benefit from crab sticks for women during lactation.

Crab sticks for children

Crab sticks are an unnatural product that contains a large amount various additives. The semi-finished product contains a minimal amount of beneficial properties, but can cause harm in the form of an allergic reaction or even poisoning. Therefore, it is better not to give this product to children under 3–4 years of age. At such a tender age digestive system The child is very sensitive to additives.

Moderate consumption of such products will reduce the risk of harm to health to a minimum. Experts recommend eating no more than 2 pieces at a time. Permitted for use in pure form, and as an ingredient in various salads.

Crab sticks for gastritis and pancreatitis

Experts confidently state that crab sticks should not be present in the diet of patients with gastritis and pancreatitis. This is explained by the fact that in their production a huge number of different food coloring, flavorings, preservatives. For persons with diseases of the digestive system, this is strictly prohibited.

For example, in people with gastritis and increased acidity the use of such products can cause severe irritation of the stomach walls, which can result in an exacerbation and worsening of the condition. Therefore, additives and preservatives make sticks a product that should not be present in the diet of people with digestive problems.

Advice! Better to buy low-fat varieties fish, it will be useful and safe.

Crab sticks for diabetes

Almost all useful elements, vitamins and minerals are destroyed during the manufacture of the semi-finished product, leaving only vegetable protein in the composition, so there is no question of benefits for diabetics. This is a low-calorie product, so it can be consumed, but only occasionally.
It is important to understand that products are harmful to patients diabetes mellitus and is not useful for another reason high content preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. Such components tend to provoke allergies, exacerbation of chronic diseases and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Important! For diseases of the pancreas, crab sticks are contraindicated and will not bring any benefit.

Use of crab sticks in cooking

Imitation crab meat is used in many preparations different dishes, they have the property of fitting quite harmoniously into culinary masterpieces. Among them are salads, snacks, and it happens that they are even used in hot dishes. Most of all, sticks are used in combination with canned corn, this is a holiday table classic.

Harm of crab sticks and contraindications

The semi-finished product contains additives such as E-450, E-420 and E-160, which tend to provoke allergic reactions. People prone to allergies should be careful when consuming them so as not to harm their health. It is recommended to consume no more than 100 grams at a time.

Since the semi-finished product is not subjected to heat treatment, there is a risk of contamination by microorganisms. It is better to purchase the product in vacuum packaging, it will protect the product from the penetration of dirt and germs.

The composition may contain soy protein, which can provoke an exacerbation of chronic kidney and liver diseases. It is better for people with such diseases not to include these products in their diet.

How to select and store crab sticks

In order to get beneficial properties from crab sticks and not harm, it is extremely important to choose the right product.

  • Package . It is better to prefer seafood in a vacuum; it tends to protect the contents from the penetration of bacteria and microorganisms.
  • Composition and expiration date. Useful product must contain at least 40% minced fish. Surimi should be in first place in the lineup.
  • Food additives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers. The amount of such ingredients should be kept to a minimum. You should not purchase products containing E-450 pyrophosphates, E-420 sorbitols, E-171 dyes and E-160 carotenes. Such components provoke allergic reactions.

In addition, they must:

  • have a neat appearance;
  • be evenly colored, without smudges or stains;
  • be elastic and not fall apart when touched.


The conclusion about the benefits and harms of crab sticks is obvious. Such a product has almost no beneficial properties, but, on the contrary, can be harmful to health, and it is better to minimize its use. This is especially true for people with gastrointestinal problems and children. The health benefits and harms of crab sticks should be taken into account when creating a family menu. No matter how attractive this delicacy may be, it is better to replace it with natural fish dishes.

Crab sticks appeared in Japan in 1973 due to a shortage of crab meat - required ingredient for Japanese cuisine.

Despite the name of the sticks, they do not contain crab meat. The sticks are called crab sticks because they look like crab claw meat.

Energy value of the product per 100 g. from 80 to 95 kcal.

Crab sticks are made from minced meat fish meat– surimi. The meat of oceanic fish species: horse mackerel and herring is processed into minced meat.

  • processed fish meat;
  • purified water;
  • natural egg white;
  • corn or potato starch;
  • vegetable fats;
  • sugar and salt.

During production, minced fish is passed through a centrifuge to obtain a purified product.

Crab sticks contain enhancers, flavor stabilizers and natural dyes. These ingredients are needed to give “similarity” to crab meat by color, taste and smell. They are added to small quantity– from 3 to 8% of the total weight of the product, therefore they do not harm the human body.

Useful properties of crab sticks

The benefits of crab sticks explained big amount protein and low fat. As a percentage per 100 g:

  • proteins – 80%;
  • fats – 20%;
  • carbohydrates – 0%.

For weight loss

Crab sticks are good for people losing weight. They can be used as dietary dish. The crab diet lasts four days. There are only two products in the diet: 200 gr. crab sticks and 1 l. low-fat kefir. Divide foods into five servings and eat throughout the day. It is recommended to consult your doctor before following the diet.

For the heart and blood vessels

In 100 gr. product contains:

  • 13 mg. calcium;
  • 43 mg. magnesium

Calcium and magnesium are needed to maintain normal blood vessels, nervous system and hearts.

The norm of crab sticks per day is 200 g. But if consumed in excess of the norm, allergic reactions are possible.

Thus, the benefits and harms of crab sticks depend on the amount of the product consumed.

Harm and contraindications of crab sticks

Food additives E-450, E-420, E-171 and E-160 in the product cause allergies. Allergy sufferers should exercise caution when consuming crab sticks. You should not eat more than 100 grams. at a time.

Since the product is not heat treated, contamination by microorganisms is possible. Buy the product in vacuum packaging, which protects against germs and dirt.

The product may contain soy protein, which may cause chronic diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended to use crab sticks for liver and kidney diseases.

With moderate consumption of a quality product, crab sticks will not harm the body.

Contraindications for crab sticks:

  • allergy;
  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • individual intolerance.

How to choose the right crab sticks

To avoid a low-quality product, you need to choose the right crab sticks. When choosing crab sticks, pay attention to:

  1. Packaging. Vacuum packaging protects the product from bacteria and microorganisms.
  2. Composition and expiration date. Natural product contains more than 40% minced fish. Surimi should be at the beginning of the list of ingredients. If there is no surimi, then the crab sticks are unnatural and contain soy and starch.
  3. Food additives and flavor stabilizers. Their number should be minimal. In the composition of sticks, avoid pyrophosphates E-450, sorbitol E-420, dye E-171 and carotene E-160. They cause allergies.

Signs of quality crab sticks

  1. Neat appearance.
  2. Uniform color, without smudges or stains.
  3. Elastic and do not fall apart when touched.

Crab sticks - finished product, which is suitable for a quick snack.