How to pickle cucumbers in a cold way in jars. How to salt cucumbers quickly. What water is better to fill jars.

There are many recipes for pickling cucumbers, but they are all very similar and differ only in the amount of salt and the composition of herbs and spices. Lightly salted, heavily salted, medium-salted cucumbers - they are all unusually good both on a winter day and in summer in a pickle or refrigerator.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter is done in two ways: cold and hot. At the same time, a variety of containers are used: cans, barrels, buckets, etc. Having tried different recipes, you will stop at your favorite. You have enough time: the pickling season lasts until August.

What you need to know to successfully pickle cucumbers for the winter

1. It is advisable to pickle cucumbers on the day of harvest.
2. Sort the cucumbers by size and salt each one separately. Damaged, soft and discolored are not suitable for salting.
3. Do not use chlorinated water for salting.
4. Pre-soak cucumbers for 6-8 hours in cold water, changing it every hour. This will remove any bitterness from the cucumbers.
5. Wash and sterilize the jars well if you use salt in them.
6. The best varieties cucumbers for pickling - "Nezhinsky" and "Spring".
7. best set spices for salting - a leaf of oak, cherry and currant. With them, cucumbers will taste like barrel ones. Can add grape leaves or green grapes that protect cucumbers from the formation of voids.
8. Store pickles at temperatures around freezing.

Spices for pickling cucumbers in a three-liter jar

Bay leaf - 2 pcs.
Blackcurrant leaf - 2-3 pcs.
Cherry leaf - 2-3 pcs.
Horseradish root - 5-6 cm.
Grape leaf - 1 pc.
Oak leaf - 2-3 pcs.
Umbrella dill - 2 pcs.
Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
Hot pepper - 0.5 pcs.
Garlic - 5-6 cloves.
You can also add tarragon, basil, mint, savory.

Hot way to pickle cucumbers in jars


Lay the leaves used as spices on the bottom of the jars, then fold the cucumbers very tightly into it. It is better to put them vertically, and you can tamp the top layer horizontally. You can also put leaves in the gaps.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers, cover with sterilized lids. Wrap something (for example, a towel), wait about three minutes. Then you need to drain the water. You can use ironed gauze or a special lid with holes.

Repeat the operation, this time soaking the cucumbers in boiling water for about five minutes. Drain the water and immediately pour boiling brine (30-35 g of salt per liter of water). Roll up jars, turn over and refrigerate. Cool down quickly.

A hot way to pickle cucumbers for the winter, the second way

Fill the jars as in the previous recipe. Pour boiling brine and leave at a temperature of 25-30 degrees for a maximum of a day. Then put them for about 8 days in a room with a temperature of 10 degrees - for example, in the basement. Periodically try cucumbers, check readiness. When they become tasty and crispy, pour the brine into a saucepan, wash and sterilize the jars. Lay cucumbers again with new spices, fill to the brim with boiling drained brine. Seal with lids, turn over and refrigerate as quickly as possible.

The brine from pickling cucumbers can be used both as a cure for a hangover, and for the preparation of hodgepodges, pickles. It is very useful, contains many minerals.

A cold way to pickle cucumbers for the winter


Put cucumbers and leaves in jars, fill to the brim with cold brine - 50-60 g of salt per liter of water. The brine is prepared as follows: dissolve the salt in a small amount hot water and then add ice water. You can sprinkle cucumbers if you like. mustard powder. We cover the jars with gauze and set to ferment for a day or two at a temperature of 25-30 degrees. Then we put them in a cool place (preferably with a temperature of 1-5 degrees) for 10-12 days. Or at least at a temperature of 17 degrees for 8 days.

If you keep cucumbers in a warmer place, voids will form in them. In a cool room, fermentation occurs slowly, the gases released do not tear the cucumber tissue.

Check readiness periodically. When the fermentation is over, add the brine, if it is not enough, cork the jars hermetically without sterilization. These cucumbers should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 4 degrees.

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel


Traditionally, cucumbers are salted in oak barrels giving them a unique aroma and taste. But now more often use plastic barrels. It doesn't matter, the situation will be corrected by oak leaves in brine. The barrel is first rubbed with garlic, and then cucumbers and spices are laid in layers and poured with brine. Brine proportions: 900 g of salt per 10 liters of water.

Brine is poured into a closed barrel with a double bottom through a tongue-and-groove hole. When salting open way cucumbers in a barrel are covered with a cloth, a lid is placed on top and pressed down with a load. For several hours (less than a day), the barrel is left in a room with a temperature of 20 degrees, and then it is taken to a cold place with a temperature of 1 degree. Cucumbers are ready in about a month.

From mold barrel cucumbers save mustard powder or sugar beets. Mold must be removed from the surface of the brine.

A popular cold way of pickling cucumbers for the winter


You will need:
Cucumbers - 2 kg,
Dill - 2 umbrellas,
Blackcurrant leaves - 5 pcs.,
Cherry leaves - 5 pcs.,
Garlic - 1 clove,
Horseradish, root or leaves - 20 g,
Black pepper - 8 peas,
Salt - 75 g,
Vodka - 50 g,
Water - 1.5 liters.

How to salt:
Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, soak in very cold water with ice for 2-3 hours.
Then pack tightly into a three-liter jar, shifting with washed leaves, dill, garlic and black pepper. Pour cold brine (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Add 2 tablespoons of vodka, tightly close the jar with a plastic lid.
Immediately take the cucumbers to the basement or refrigerate. Such cucumbers retain their natural color and are stored for a long time.

Video recipe for salting cucumbers for the winter

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Lightly salted cucumbers - the first recipe

Cucumbers can be eaten raw, as well as pickled for the winter, salted and even stewed, especially since there are a huge number of recipes on special culinary sites. The most popular are salted cucumbers, which will become great snack For holiday table and vitamin supplement of the daily menu. For their preparation you will need: cucumbers, garlic, fragrant herbs, salt and water.

The first thing to do is to select vegetables for pickling. It is recommended to choose those that are approximately the same size, are dense and dark green in color. Pickled cucumbers, as well as tomato blanks for the winter, should always be stored in glass jars or in enameled containers with intact enamel, as well as in any other container that does not oxidize. It is strictly forbidden to preserve salted cucumbers in an aluminum pan for the winter, as the acid will destroy the aluminum oxide film, and unsafe substances will partially transfer to the product.

  • How to properly water cucumbers
  • Cellar under the house
  • Canned Peppers in Tomato Juice

At the bottom of the prepared container we put a few peas of pepper, both allspice and black, add garlic and herbs to them. You can also add cherry, oak, and horseradish leaves to help keep your pickles crunchy and flavorful. We take out the cucumbers from the water, carefully cut off the tips, you can pierce the fruits with a needle to speed up the pickling process. Then we put them in a container, without ramming at the same time, otherwise the fruits will lose their crunchiness.

Next, we prepare the brine - for this, water is poured into the pan and salt is added, at the rate of 2 tbsp. spoons with a tubercle per 1 liter of water. The brine does not need to be boiled, but only brought to this state. Then put some of the spices in a jar and pour the hot liquid over the cucumbers. Lay the remaining greens on top and put oppression. To do this, a clean plate is placed in the container according to the diameter of the pan and a load (a jar or a bottle of water) is placed on top.

That, in principle, is the whole secret of cooking, thanks to which pickles will delight you all winter. Preserving according to this method, you will not spend much time, and your family will be able to enjoy pickles and crispy cucumbers on the second day. If you would like to receive more sour vegetables then you need to leave them to ferment in brine for a few more days indoors. Otherwise, you need to remove the container with pickles to where the temperature is slightly above 0 degrees - in the refrigerator or in the cellar under the house.

Recipe number 2 - quick and tasty

For this recipe, you will need cucumbers of small sizes, with a thin peel. Ideally, these are greenhouse vegetables, more tender. For cooking, we take a plastic food container or a glass jar, in which the lid can be tightly closed. Chopped greens, a few cloves of garlic, which need to be lightly crushed with a knife, as well as black peas and a few pieces of allspice should be laid at the bottom.

We cut the cucumbers lengthwise and put them as tightly as possible in a jar, sprinkling well with salt. We tightly close the container, and then we begin to shake it strongly so that the contents beat against the walls of the container. After a few minutes, the cucumbers will start up the juice and will be almost completely immersed in the brine.

For an hour, you need to periodically shake the jar, after which you can already feast on salted cucumbers. It remains only to wash off the cucumbers extra salt and serve them on the table, laying out beautifully on a dish. This recipe allows you to prepare pickles in minutes. Of course, in order to preserve them for the winter, this method is not suitable, but for lunch in the country it would be quite appropriate.

Pickled cucumbers in tomato juice

This recipe for pickling cucumbers in a tomato is suitable for those who have a large cellar or refrigerator for storing preservation in a cool place. Juice is desirable to use fresh, squeezed from tomatoes.

For one three-liter jar you will need:

  • 1.5 liters of tomato juice;
  • the same number of cucumbers;
  • salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 10 gr. tarragon;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • bunch of dill.

Rinse vegetables and herbs well under running water. We put dill, chopped garlic on the bottom of the glass container and, according to the recipe, we place cucumbers vertically on top. Boil freshly squeezed juice and add salt to it. After that, cool the juice, pour the cucumbers and cover with a plastic lid.

The container must be placed in a place where there will be no access to sunlight. After 7-8 days, you can enjoy crispy pickles in tomato sauce. Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe can be stored all winter. There are also options for pickling vegetables in tomato paste, but use Fresh Juice still better.

Cucumbers on mineral water

Given that pickle recipes will be in demand throughout the summer, another option worth considering is the use of mineral water. Components:

  • 1 kg of fresh cucumbers, it is desirable that they be small fruits, about the same size;
  • 3 tablespoons (table) salt;
  • beam fresh dill;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 1 liter of mineral water, highly carbonated.

For proper salting Here are some tips for winter:

  • it is better to take cucumbers with pimples, just picked, but twisted fruits are not suitable for conservation.
  • mineral water must be of good quality.
  • salt is desirable to take the usual, without iodine.

To pickle cucumbers according to this recipe, you will need a glass container, for example, three-liter jars. The main thing is to be able to tightly close the cucumbers.

The fruits should be washed before salting, and dill and garlic should be prepared. The dill should be divided into 2 parts, and the covering scales should be removed from the garlic and cut into plates. Half the greens, garlic and cucumbers are laid out in the container. All this is poured with brine (mineral water with salt dissolved in it), the rest of the dill is added. Then we cover the dishes with a lid and put them in a dark, cool place. After 7–8 days, cucumbers salted with mineral water can be put on the table.

Salting vegetables in a barrel

According to the oldest and traditional recipes for winter use, cucumbers are salted in oak barrels, thanks to which the vegetables acquire a special aroma and taste. Leaves of oak, horseradish and dill are placed in such containers, and the walls are rubbed with garlic, and only then cucumbers are laid.

The workpiece is poured with brine, after which a clean linen cloth is spread on top, then a lid and a load. For several hours (but not more than 15), the barrel remains in a room where the temperature is maintained at about +20 degrees. After that, the cucumbers are taken out to a place where the temperature is no more than +1 degree. After about a month, you can try pickles. To barrel salting To save from mold, ingredients such as sugar beets or dry mustard should be used.

Pickled cucumbers with mustard

Pickled cucumbers with mustard or in tomato are also enough appetizing snack, which in its own way piquant taste in no way inferior to traditional salted vegetables. This method preservation from the whole variety of recipes is also very different delicious brine, which can then be used in baking or for making pickle.

To get 10 one-liter jars of pickled cucumbers in mustard, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kg of gherkins (small cucumbers);
  • 10 cloves of garlic;
  • 30 peppercorns;
  • 10 pieces of dill umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaves to keep pickled cucumbers crispy;
  • water - two liters or a little more, depending on how the jars are filled;
  • 45-50 grams of salt;
  • mustard seeds - 10 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • allspice - 30 peas;
  • vinegar 9% - 150 grams.

The recipe for preserving pickled cucumbers consists of several stages. It will be right if, before salting, the prepared vegetables will be in very cold water for several hours. Put greens, peppers, garlic, mustard seeds and cucumbers in sterilized jars. While the cucumbers are urinating in water, you need to prepare a brine consisting of water and salt with the addition of sugar. The prepared ingredients should be put on fire, but not boiled, but only brought to a boiling point, then, removing from the stove, add vinegar to the brine.

The resulting marinade must be filled with jars filled with spices and cucumbers and put them on sterilization. To properly carry out the sterilization process, 5 minutes will be enough. Banks must be rolled up with iron lids and put to cool, turning them upside down, but do not cover with anything. In this case, pickled cucumbers will be tasty and crispy.

Useful tips for hostesses

So that the pickling process does not take much time, and pickled or pickled cucumbers are tasty, beautiful and crispy, you should use some tips:

  • For uniform salting, fruits should be chosen of the same size, preferably of the same variety. In addition, cucumbers should be salted immediately after picking, if they are slightly wilted, then you need to cut off the tips on both sides and soak the vegetables in cold water, changing the water several times.
  • Cucumbers should have a tender skin, a small seed chamber.
  • To prepare a brine according to any of the recipes, it is advisable to take raw, spring water or ordinary water from the water supply, only filtered.
  • The set of spices should include oak bark. This will not only preserve the beautiful color of the vegetables, but also add extra crunchiness to them.

Many are sure that Russia is the birthplace of the cucumber, but in fact this vegetable, often found on our table in pickled or salted form, comes from the Indian tropics, where it has been growing for six thousand years. Despite their centuries-old age, cucumbers are still in demand today, they are an obligatory crop grown in every summer cottage. Therefore, the question of how to pickle salted cucumbers is very relevant for every housewife. By preparing them according to one of the described recipes, you can delight your loved ones with crispy and fragrant snack all winter.

Pickled cucumbers, crispy for the winter without vinegar

Every hostess is sure that her recipes for pickles are the most delicious, as they have been betrayed from generation to generation. It's true - there is nothing better than the method tried over the years, which allows you to prepare crispy pickles for the winter without vinegar, but using salt and spicy greens. I want to share some of my "crown" recipes for the perfect cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers under a capron lid

The brine will require:

  • 1 liter of water passed through the filter;
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of salt.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • medium sized cucumbers;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.


Put cucumbers in cold water at 5 o'clock. Pull out. Rinse under running water ice water. The ends of the cucumbers do not need to be trimmed. On the bottom, in pre-washed jars, put the chopped garlic, greens and pour the brine made. We close the jars with plastic lids and leave at room temperature (no more than 18 °). When you see that the lid is swollen, this means your cucumbers have fermented. Open the lid so that excess air comes out (due to this, the cucumbers will have an elastic texture), after 12 hours close the lid again and refrigerate. Such cucumbers will last the whole winter perfectly and will crunch until spring.

Pickled cucumbers, crispy spicy salting without vinegar

The taste of pickles depends on what seasonings you put in the jar. Marjoram, tarragon, oregano, celery, mint and basil add spice to cucumbers. You can lay these spices separately, or you can make fragrant compositions from them.



For 5 liters of water - 300 g of salt.

Tip: if you want your cucumbers to pickle faster, add sugar to the brine - 1% of the total weight of the ingredients.


Cucumbers are shifted with spices, dividing them into three equal parts. The first layer of spices is placed on the bottom, the second in the middle, and the last one on top of the cucumbers. Boil water, add salt and cool the brine. Skip the brine through several layers of gauze. Pour the container so that the cucumbers are covered with water and put oppression.

How to make oppression?

If this is a barrel, then you need a special wooden circle, and if it is a bucket or a saucepan, then you can take a smaller lid or plate, turn it over and put something heavy on it (a stone, a jar of water). All this should be done in the place where the cucumbers will be salted.

Tip: for uniform pickling of cucumbers, they should not be laid out in bulk, but placed vertically.

How larger cucumbers the more salt you need to add.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars: miracle recipes

If you are content with the recipe according to which our grandmothers salted cucumbers, then you can not visit the Internet and enjoy habitual taste time-tested pickles. But we live in the modern world, and it would be real blasphemy not to learn how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars in alternative ways.

Love little ones? Then this recipe will come in handy: Pickled cucumbers fast food in a bag and in a bowl

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter to be crispy

Pickled crispy cucumbers are an essential attribute of any feast. There are many recipes for pickling greens for the winter: cucumbers spicy salting, with mustard seeds, with mustard powder, gooseberries. However, not every housewife manages to get a pickle with a well-known taste, aroma and, most importantly, crunch. For all the seeming simplicity of the process of pickling cucumbers, there are many subtleties that allow you to achieve the desired result. To get crispy, elastic cucumbers, you need to select vegetables for pickling.

How to choose the right cucumbers for harvesting for the winter

When choosing cucumbers for pickling, remember one thing important condition- the fruits should be freshly harvested, juicy, strong. A sluggish and soft cucumber will not crunch after salting. Not all varieties are suitable for storage. Not every novice hostess knows that cucumbers can be:

  • salting;
  • salad;
  • universal purpose.

As the names suggest, salad fruits are meant to be eaten in fresh. They have a thick skin, which does not pass the marinade well. Universal cucumbers are used for making pickles and salads from fresh vegetables. Pickling varieties have a thin skin, which contributes to the rapid penetration of the brine. But the thin skin also becomes the reason that such fruits quickly wither. The best old pickling variety is Nezhinsky cucumber.

Salad fruits differ from pickling fruits in appearance. salad cucumber- a long greenhouse vegetable with light spikes, while in universal and pickling they are dark. In cucumbers for pickling, the skin is easily peeled off even under the pressure of a nail. For canning, take even, oblong fruits without yellow spots, thickenings, mechanical damage. Cucumbers are also distinguished by size:

  • the smallest are pickles (3-5 cm);
  • medium - gherkins (5-9 cm);
  • large - Zelentsy (9-14 cm).

For each pickling method, cucumbers of the appropriate size are used. Classic canning in the marinade involves the use of fruits from 7 to 12 centimeters. Larger specimens of cucumbers for pickling will not work, but they are recommended for making salads in cut form. Pickles and gherkins are good for canning under iron lids.

What utensils do you need

Before salting, you need to decide on containers for storing cucumbers. For salting without spinning, you will need three-liter glass jars, enameled 10-liter buckets or pans, wooden tubs or barrels. For pickling cucumbers, liter and three-liter glass jars are used, less often 700 grams. For salads, they take smaller glass jars - 0.5-0.7 liters, sometimes 350 grams or liter ones are used.

Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to salt in plastic dishes? Containers and barrels made of such material come to the rescue when there is no suitable container. plastic barrels successfully replaced oak. They are not so expensive, and the cucumbers in them are no worse. You will also need an enamel or plastic cup for soaking and washing vegetables, enamelware for the preparation of marinades, a small saucepan for sterilization of jars, a meat grinder, a grater, a circle-nozzle on the pan for sterilization.

The best step-by-step recipes for crispy cucumbers with photos

Each hostess has her own signature method of salting. But how to pickle cucumbers for the winter to save them best qualities and vitamins? Here are some top secrets:

  • Cucumbers will turn out crispy if you fill them with water before pickling.
  • To preserve the bright color, after the cucumbers have been doused with boiling water, they are doused with cold water.
  • To prevent cucumbers from exploding, pickle them on a new moon. Fruits preserved during the full moon do not last long.

Most vitamins are stored in cold-salted cucumbers. The most crispy fruits are obtained only when pickled. When using the first method, cucumbers are not subjected to heat treatment, and in the second, the pickling process is based on the use of sterilization, the preparation of a boiling marinade. Based on each of these methods, great amount cooking recipes.

Cold pickling recipe with mustard and aspirin in a bag

The fastest in time is the salting method in a bag of aspirin. Cucumbers will be ready in 8-10 hours. However, as a result, you will get slightly salted fruits, they are not stored for a long time and are not suitable for winter use. The advantage of this method is that cucumbers are suitable for it, which are considered to be large, ranging in size from 10 to 14 cm. To pickle cucumbers in a cold way with mustard and acetylsalicylic acid, you will need:

how to pickle cucumbers (for the winter) in liter jars?

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Sasha Yakumas

Sergei Kutuzov

take cucumbers, wash, cut off the ends, put in jars. Add dill, garlic slices 3-4 per jar, tarragon. Pour it all hot water for 10-15 minutes. at this time, prepare a brine 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar per 1.3 liters. water. Drain after 10-15 minutes hot water and pour in the brine. Roll up and cover with a jacket to warm up at night. They will stay in a warm place.


Wash the cucumbers with a brush, prepare the greens - horseradish leaves, blackcurrant, dill umbrellas, cherry leaves. Put the greens in a saucepan (jar), tamp the cucumbers on top. Fill with brine - 1 liter boiled water take 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Put under pressure. It takes 3 days, it will start to give foam - remove the foam. Then drain the brine, transfer the cucumbers and herbs to sterilized jars. Strain the brine, boil, adding 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Pour jars, wait 10 minutes, drain, boil again, add 1-2 table. tablespoons of dry mustard. Pour cucumbers, roll up. Leave to cool on the lids, on the table. Do not wrap!

Natalya Korneeva


1 kg pickled cucumbers,
30 g fresh dill (or 10 g dry dill or cumin seeds),
5 g green tarragon,
2 cloves of garlic
5 g horseradish root,
1 g black pepper
1 g red hot pepper,
5 g mustard seeds,
0.5 g of allspice.

Fill composition:
for 1 liter of brine, in which cucumbers were salted,
60 ml table vinegar.

Thoroughly wash hard pickles and place in jars along with fresh seasonings (dill, garlic, horseradish, tarragon, pepper). Strain the brine in which the cucumbers were salted, bring to a boil, add black and allspice, mustard, vinegar and pour over the cucumbers in jars.

Pasteurize at 90 ° C: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.



10 kg cucumbers,
150 g onion
100 g garlic
5 g black pepper
5 g sugar
100 g dill inflorescences and stems, 150 g parsley leaves, 4-5 g bay leaf, 100 g celery leaves, 400 g salt.

Filling composition: for 1 liter of table vinegar - 40 g of salt.

Wash cucumbers, rub with salt and leave overnight in a cold place. The next day, wipe the cucumbers and put them in the prepared dishes: a number of cucumbers, a number of seasonings. Pour vinegar with salt and put on fermentation.
2 way: Products:

10 kg cucumbers,
300 g horseradish root,
150 g of inflorescences and dill stalks.
10 g black pepper
500 g salt
2.5 liters of table vinegar,
300 g of vegetable oil.

Wash cucumbers, pour 3% salt solution. The next day, put the cucumbers in jars with spices, pour vinegar and leave overnight. Then drain the vinegar, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers. Pour on top vegetable oil. After 12-14 days, cucumbers are ready to eat.



Brine composition:

for 10 liters of water - 600 g of salt,
1 glass of table vinegar,
1 glass of vodka.

Put cucumbers in a barrel, pour hot brine. The next day, top up the barrel with brine, score and put in the cellar. These cucumbers have a special, very pleasant taste and persist for a very long time.



550-600 g cucumbers,
450-400 ml of brine.

Rinse pickled cucumbers with boiled cooled water, put in jars. Strain the brine, boil for 5 minutes and pour over the cucumbers. Sterilize at 100 °C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 min, 1 l - 15 min, 2 l - 18 min, 3 l - 20 min.
2 way: Products:

550-600 g cucumbers.
10 g spicy greens,
1 clove of garlic, 20 g carrots,
white root, pepper,
380-330 ml of brine.

Sort pickles by size, rinse with boiled cooled water. Prepare spicy greens (dill, parsley, celery) in the same way as for "canned whole cucumbers", rinse carrots and white roots, dip in boiling water for 4-10 minutes, cool, peel, rinse, cut into slices. red sweet Bell pepper rinse, cut into strips (without removing the testis). Put garlic and spicy greens on the bottom of the jar, then vertically, as tightly as possible, lay the cucumbers, shifting them with strips of blanched vegetables.

Pour filled jars with boiling brine (30 g of salt, 1 g of citric or tartaric acid per 970 ml of water). Sterilization modes are the same as in the first case.



10 kg cucumbers,
320 g dill greens,
200-300 g of tarragon greens, cherry leaves, black currant,
730-840 g of salt.

Wash overgrown, yellow, ugly cucumbers thoroughly, chop finely and mix with salt. Put a thick layer of chopped cucumbers on the bottom of the barrel, then lay a row of selected cucumbers upright, cover with herbs. In the same way, fill the entire barrel. There should be a layer of crushed cucumbers on top. Put a circle and oppression on top. Crushed cucumbers will soon release juice, which will replace the brine. Salt in the usual way.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter, housewives knew in ancient Rome. But over time, the recipes for preparing this vegetable have become much more diverse and interesting, while the taste of cucumbers in each recipe also changes.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter requires compliance with certain technologies and rules that make it possible to get an excellent product that complements any table.

Simple rules for salting cucumbers for the winter

In order for pickles for the winter to turn out tasty and stored for a long time, it is important to know some simple rules:

. It is important to choose the right fruits, they should not be too large, fit in glass container for salting. The selected fruits should not have a void inside, you should opt for strong, hard vegetables, there should be pimples on the skin. Before salting cucumbers for the winter in jars, be sure to soak them in icy water for several hours. In order for salting to be successful, it is recommended to cut off the tips of the fruit and make holes with a toothpick or other sharp stick.

. Water quality matters. It is recommended to use well water for this procedure. If it is not possible to preserve with the help of well water, it is better to filter the liquid from the tap or purchase ready-made cleaned in eggplants. The purity of this ingredient affects final result salting.

3. Pickling cucumbers for the winter should be carried out only in perfectly clean, sterilized dishes. For these purposes, the dishes are thoroughly washed, scalded with boiling water or calcined in the oven. Covers for seaming should also be sterilized or boiled, wiped.

4. Salt is an important ingredient in any recipe. To make pickles for the winter in jars successful, use simple rock salt. It is ideal for canning. Other varieties should not be used for these purposes. The recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars involves a certain amount, often this ingredient will require no more than 60 grams.

5. Herbs and spices are also important in pickling. In this case, black pepper granules, mustard seeds, cloves granules or umbrellas are used. The standard set of spices is peppercorns, dill sprigs, any part of horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. Some housewives experiment by adding green basil feathers, cumin, garlic, small oak leaves or a small piece of bark to pickles for the winter. Seasonings should be placed at the bottom of the dishes, plant leaves are placed on top. Cucumbers will be more crispy if you put a small piece of oak bark in a container.

Cold pickling option

This simple method allows you to get crispy and tasty pickles in the winter. Dishes are pre-prepared, sterilized. Spices, leaves are placed at the bottom, then cucumbers are compactly compacted.

Next, you need to dip the salt into the water, pour the resulting mixture into the fruits, close with nylon lids. After 30 days, you will get wonderful pickles for the winter in jars, they are stored in a dark, cool place. You can not put such a product in a hot room, it will deteriorate.

Popular cooking option

The main ingredients are:

1. 2 kg of vegetables.

2. Dill sprigs.

3. Currant leaves.

4. Cherry leaves.

5. Garlic - a few cloves.

6. Horseradish leaves.

7. Peppercorns 8 pcs.

8. Salt - Art. spoon.

9. Alcohol - 50 gr.

10. liquid - 1.5 l.

Rinse the selected small cucumbers well, pour over with boiling water, and then put them in an ice-cold liquid. Wait a few hours. Put vegetables in bottles, shift with seasonings and herbs. poured ready mix salt pre-dissolved in the liquid, pour alcohol, close. Put such a product in a dark cool winter hut. This option of pickling allows vegetables to acquire an unusual flavor, to preserve the natural color.

Pickles Recipe for Large Tanks

Main components:

1. Cucumbers - 10 kg.

3. A few cloves of garlic.

4. Any part of horseradish.

5. Black currant leaves.

To prepare the brine, you need 60 g of salt per liter of water.

The bottom of the enameled container is put greens, then vegetables. Cucumbers of large sizes are stacked in inner layers, small ones - on top. The ends must be cut off, the vegetable should be pierced along the entire length with a fork or a sharp stick.

The tank is filled the day before with prepared brine, a load is placed on top of the tank. Then you need to stand for several days at room conditions, after which they leave it for storage in a refrigerator or cellar. If the temperature is high, the pickles may go bad, causing the brine to become cloudy. At proper preparation cucumbers will be crispy and dense.

If mold appears in the container or the brine becomes cloudy, the fruits are removed, washed and sprinkled with seasonings and herbs again. To prevent such problems, it is important to properly preserve the cooked product - they put any piece of horseradish, black peppercorns into it.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers "Emerald"

To prepare crispy pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars, you will need:

1. Vegetables - 2 kg.

2. Salt - 1 tbsp.

3. Sugar - 1 tbsp.

4. Citric acid.

5. Water -1.5 l.

6. Garlic.

7. Peppercorns.

8. Greens.

Wash the fruits, scald, dip in cool water. Place in jars, layer with spices and herbs. Make a saline solution, boil it, pour jars, drain after 5 minutes. Boil the brine, pour it back into the dishes, roll up with metal lids.

Recipe for pickled cucumbers for three-liter jars

For this recipe you will need the following ingredients:

2. Horseradish leaves.

3. Hot pepper.

4. Garlic cloves.

5. Currant leaves.

6. Cherry leaves.

You should prepare a solution that includes cold water and salt. Prepared based on one bucket of 0.5 l cans of salt. The solution is poured over the fruits, left for several days to ferment. Then the brine is drained, brought to a boil, poured again, the container is tightly sealed and sent for storage.

Sterilization of cucumbers in jars

Pickling cucumbers for the winter and recipes suggest such an option as fruit sterilization in jars. The main ingredients for this recipe are:

· Cucumbers - 1 kg;

· Dill seeds;

Tarragon greens;

· Garlic;

· Mustard seeds.

This method of salting involves storing the product in three-liter bottles. Before salting cucumbers for the winter in jars, they should be washed well, dried, placed in containers, while pouring the prepared brine.

After that, you need to put the containers in boiling water and sterilize for about 20 minutes. Roll up. Before sterilization, spices and herbs are laid.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter, Hungarian recipe

The main components are:

1.5 kg of fruits;

2 bunches of dill;

A few cloves of garlic;

Water - 2 liters;

Salt - 4 tablespoons;

A small piece of banana.

Wash and dry fruits. Trim the ponytails. Rinse greens, dry. Wash the garlic and cut into small pieces. Sterilize or simply wash three-liter glass containers well, greens are placed on the bottom of them. Next, the vegetables are laid tightly, garlic is placed on top. Prepare saline solution, bring to a boil. Bread or loaf is toasted until golden brown, put on top of cucumbers.

Next, pour saline into the jar, cover it with a piece of clean cloth or gauze. Put in a warm room, without direct sunlight. Wait a few days, shaking occasionally. The finished product is taken out, transferred to another bowl, poured with a salt mixture.

Recipe with oak bark

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars are also prepared with such an unusual ingredient as oak bark. In addition to this component, you will need currant leaves, black pepper, dill or fennel stalks, cherry and horseradish leaves, garlic, salt.

Glassware is prepared, greens, peppers, leaves, dill and garlic are laid below. Next, add one teaspoon of chopped oak bark, put vegetables on top and cover with herbs. Salt solution is prepared - 1 tablespoon of salt is required for 1 liter of liquid. It is dissolved in hot water and, after cooling, is poured into a bowl. Cover with nylon lids, store ready-made pickles in a cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe "Fragrant"

Main components:

1. Fruits - 2 kg.

2. Dill - a few branches.

3. Bay leaf.

4. Garlic.

5. Horseradish - root and leaves.

6. Cherry and currant leaves.

7. Celery greens, parsley and tarragon.

8. Black pepper - a few granules.

9. Water - 1 liter.

10. Salt - a tablespoon.

Vegetables of the same size are chosen, soaked for several hours, washed. Seasonings, herbs, fruits are placed at the bottom of the dish, dill greens are placed on top. Next, you should prepare the brine, fill the containers to the top, cover with a clean cloth, wait a few days.

After a white coating appears on top, the brine is drained, brought to a boil, and poured again. They roll up the lids, turn the dishes upside down, wrap them well until they cool completely, and then lower them into the cellar or basement.

Recipe "Rustic"

Pickled cucumbers for the winter crispy in jars will turn out tasty and juicy, subject to all the rules of preparation. Key Components rustic recipe are: fruits of the same size, garlic cloves, horseradish leaves, dill, coarse salt. To prepare, soak the vegetables for several hours. Thoroughly wash the glass container, put all the components, pour purified water. Top with a sheet of horseradish.

Next, put salt in a clean rag or a piece of folded bandage and tie it. Put the resulting knot in all containers. The liquid should cover the salt. A plate should be placed on top of the container. The product will ferment for several days. Next, the components are removed, washed well, the brine is drained and brought to a boil. The dishes are closed with nylon lids, stored finished product in a dark, cool place. If a white film forms on the bottom of the jars, do not worry about this.

mustard recipe

For cooking, you need thoroughly washed gherkins, herbs, salt and mustard powder. Greens, dill, parsley, cherry, currant, horseradish leaves are laid out in an enameled basin, vegetables are tightly packed on top. Pour saline into the mixture (one liter - 2 tablespoons). On top you need to put a large wooden circle or a thick plate, prepared in this way, keep oppression for at least three days. From time to time it is recommended to remove the resulting foam or white coating.

After a set time, the liquid must be drained, the gherkins and other ingredients are laid out in glass bottles, the brine is filtered, brought to a boil, adding boiling liquid and salt. Pour into a bowl, drain again, boil, add two tablespoons of mustard powder, pour into containers and roll up. Put the dishes upside down, without wrapping. Store refrigerated.

hot pepper recipe

You will need the following ingredients:

1. Cucumbers of the same size - 5 kg.

2. Dill stalks.

3. 7-8 cloves of garlic.

4. Leaves of horseradish, currant, bay leaf.

5. Black peppercorns.

6. Red hot pepper.

Vegetables of the same size are chosen, cut off the tails, rammed into an enameled basin or other container, the rest of the ingredients are put in it, poured saline solution. A wooden circle or dense heavy dishes are placed on top. Wait two days. At the end of time, the seasonings are removed, the liquid is filtered, the fruits are washed, placed in a sterilized glass container, bay leaves and hot peppers are added. Boil the brine, pour into jars, roll up pre-boiled metal lids. Delicious and spicy cucumbers ready for the winter. The amount of hot pepper depends on the taste preferences of the owners. If prefer more spicy product, pepper put more than two rings on one jar.

One of the favorite traditions of Russians is to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars with vinegar, citric acid, aspirin and other methods. Crispy cucumbers become excellent in taste and very healthy snack loved by children and adults.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars with vinegar

More often experienced housewives it is recommended to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars of vinegar, because this makes the vegetables especially tasty and crispy. At the same time, this method of preparation is quite simple. For one 3-liter jar you will need:

  • 1-2 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • 3 art. spoons of 9% vinegar;
  • 5-7 black peppercorns;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 3-5 garlic cloves;
  • 3 art. spoons of salt;
  • 3 art. tablespoons of sugar (optional)
  • 1-3 sprigs of dill;
  • cherry or black currant leaves;
  • 2-3 sheets of horseradish.

Wash the jars thoroughly and boil the lids. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 3-5 hours and rinse well. Put greens, garlic and spices on the bottom of the jars, lay cucumbers tightly on top. Boil the kettle and fill the jars with boiling water to the top. Cover with a lid and let steep for a few minutes.

Drain the water into a saucepan. Add salt and sugar to it, then boil for 10 minutes. Pour boiling water over the cucumbers again from the pan. Add vinegar and roll up the lid, checking its tightness (otherwise, an unpleasant sediment and spoiled taste cannot be avoided). Turn the jars upside down and leave to cool, wrapping well.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars with citric acid

You can also pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars of citric acid or aspirin. This cooking method will appeal to those who like softer, fragrant and not spicy cucumbers. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 kg of fresh cucumbers;
  • teaspoon citric acid or 2 aspirin effervescent tablets;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • carrot;
  • dill umbrella;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • half a green pepper
  • 3 art. spoons of salt;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of sugar;
  • 6-7 black peppercorns

Rinse cucumbers and soak for several hours in cold water. Peel and cut carrots, garlic and place in a sterilized jar. Add dill, horseradish and pepper - these spices will make the appetizer fragrant and tasty. Place the cucumbers tightly in the jar so that they are larger on the bottom and smaller on top, fill them with boiling water and leave for half an hour.

Drain the water into a saucepan, add granulated sugar and salt, then boil again. Fill the jar of cucumbers with the resulting marinade. Add citric acid or aspirin and immediately screw on the metal cap. Turn over, wrap with a blanket and leave to cool completely. It is best to store cucumbers in jars in a cool place.

Pickled cucumbers, crispy for the winter without vinegar

Every hostess is sure that her recipes for pickles are the most delicious, as they have been betrayed from generation to generation. It's true - there is nothing better than the method tried over the years, which allows you to prepare crispy pickles for the winter without vinegar, but using salt and spicy greens. I want to share some of my "crown" recipes for the perfect cucumbers.

Pickled cucumbers under a capron lid

The brine will require:

  • 1 liter of water passed through the filter;
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of salt.

For a 3 liter jar:

  • medium sized cucumbers;
  • currant leaves - 3 pcs.


Put cucumbers in cold water for 5 hours. Pull out. Rinse under running, ice water. The ends of the cucumbers do not need to be trimmed. On the bottom, in pre-washed jars, put the chopped garlic, greens and pour the brine made. We close the jars with plastic lids and leave at room temperature (no more than 18 °). When you see that the lid is swollen, this means your cucumbers have fermented. Open the lid so that excess air comes out (due to this, the cucumbers will have an elastic texture), after 12 hours close the lid again and refrigerate. Such cucumbers will last the whole winter perfectly and will crunch until spring.

Pickled cucumbers, crispy spicy salting without vinegar

The taste of pickles depends on what seasonings you put in the jar. Marjoram, tarragon, oregano, celery, mint and basil add spice to cucumbers. You can lay these spices separately, or you can make fragrant compositions from them.



For 5 liters of water - 300 g of salt.

Tip: if you want your cucumbers to pickle faster, add sugar to the brine - 1% of the total weight of the ingredients.


Cucumbers are shifted with spices, dividing them into three equal parts. The first layer of spices is placed on the bottom, the second in the middle, and the last one on top of the cucumbers. Boil water, add salt and cool the brine. Skip the brine through several layers of gauze. Pour the container so that the cucumbers are covered with water and put oppression.

How to make oppression?

If this is a barrel, then you need a special wooden circle, and if it is a bucket or a saucepan, then you can take a smaller lid or plate, turn it over and put something heavy on it (a stone, a jar of water). All this should be done in the place where the cucumbers will be salted.

Tip: for uniform pickling of cucumbers, they should not be laid out in bulk, but placed vertically.

The larger the cucumbers, the more salt you need to put.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars: miracle recipes

If you are content with the recipe according to which our grandmothers salted cucumbers, then you can not visit the Internet and enjoy the familiar taste of time-tested pickles. But we live in the modern world, and it would be real blasphemy not to learn how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars in alternative ways.

Love little ones? Then this recipe will come in handy: Quick pickled cucumbers in a bag and in a saucepan

Pickling cucumbers for the winter

Pickling cucumbers for the winter can be produced different ways: cold and hot salting, as well as salting in jars, buckets, barrels, etc. There are many pickled cucumber recipes, but they all differ from each other only in the composition of herbs, spices, the amount of salt, vegetables as a result are either lightly salted or strongly salted. Recipes with photographs.

Cucumber pickle brine (see recipe below) can also be used (not only as a cure for a hangover), but also for the preparation of pickles, saltworts, it contains a large number of minerals. Such cucumber pickle recipe is done with a single fill, but there are also double and triple.

Here are a few subtleties of the correct pickling of cucumbers.

  • Salt cucumbers should be, if possible, on the day of their collection.
  • In one container, it is better to pickle cucumbers of the same size.
  • Use non-chlorinated water to prepare the brine, the best choice well deep water.
  • Before pickling, cucumbers should be soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water.
  • If you are going to pickle cucumbers in jars, then the latter should be thoroughly washed with baking soda and sterilize with steam.
  • The best varieties of cucumbers for pickling are Nezhinsky and Rodnichok.
  • In a set of spices for salting must be Oak Leaf, cherry, and currant - this gives a taste reminiscent of barrel pickles.
  • It is best to store ready-made pickles in a cool place in the temperature range from -1°C to +1°C.
  • Cucumbers should be carefully sorted, put cucumbers of approximately the same size in each jar. Put spice jars on the bottom, (cover the bottom with them). Then, as tightly as possible, lay the cucumbers "standing". In the top row, cucumbers can also “lie down”. You can sprinkle cucumbers with some spices. And cork the cucumbers tightly under the nylon cover.

How to pickle cucumbers in jars for the winter

This is a special pickling of cucumbers in jars, as it does not contain vinegar. Pickled cucumbers acquire a special smell, lightly salted, slightly spicy taste and beautiful green.

For a three-liter jar, this will require:

  • fresh cucumbers;
  • Garlic (on the bottom, in the middle and on top of the jar) - 3 cloves;
  • Leaves black currant- 2-3 pcs.;
  • Dill - sprigs or inflorescences in a jar;
  • Black pepper - 8-10 peas;
  • Cherries - 3-4 leaves (if possible);
  • Red hot pepper - sprinkle a little on top;
  • Salt - 3 tablespoons with a slide;

Soak cucumbers for 2 hours first. Put leaves, spices and cucumbers in a jar, if large, they can be cut. In 1/2 cup of cold water, dissolve all the salt and pour into a jar of cucumbers, top with cold water. close nylon cover. Done! If you decide to store ready cucumbers, they should be put in a cold place. And if you eat now, leave at room temperature and after three days - you can try. You can pickle cucumbers for the winter. In canning jars, in this case, pour the brine brought to a boil. To do this, drain it, boil, pour cucumbers 5-6 times with boiled brine. After filling, sterilize the jars and immediately roll them up under iron lids . Tip: It’s better to roll cucumbers with vinegar under iron lids, i.e. marinate.

Cold pickling cucumbers

The cold way of pickling cucumbers is a very common recipe. How to cook: Fresh green cucumbers rinse thoroughly, pour boiling water over and immediately dip into very cold water, preferably with ice. Soak for 2-3 hours. Then put the cucumbers tightly in a three-liter jar, shift with washed leaves, dill, garlic and black sweet peas. Pour the prepared cold saline solution (50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Add 2 tablespoons of vodka and tightly close the jar with a plastic lid. Cucumbers prepared in this way should be left immediately in a cold place (in the refrigerator, cellar, etc.). Cucumbers with this method retain their natural color, acquire a specific taste and are good stored. Ingredients: cucumbers - 2 kg, dill, 2 umbrellas. blackcurrant leaves - 5 pcs., cherry leaves - 5 pcs., garlic - 1 clove, horseradish, you can root or leaves - 20g, black peppercorns - 8 peas, salt - 75g, vodka - 50g, water - 1.5l

Hot pickling of cucumbers.

How to pickle cucumbers: Sort freshly picked cucumbers, rinse, pour boiling water over, put in jars, pour boiling water over, let stand for 15 minutes. Drain the water, put garlic, onion, ½ teaspoon of citric acid, pepper in a jar and pour boiling brine. pickle recipe: 1 l. water add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, bring to a boil, put dill, parsley, cherry leaves, peppercorns and boil for 5-7 minutes, then strain. Bring the strained brine to a boil again and pour over the cucumbers, quickly cork, check for leaks, turn over and let cool.

Pickled cucumbers in a bag

How to make salted cucumbers in a bag in five minutes. original and simple and fast way pickles. Rinse the cucumbers in running water and be sure to cut off the tips. Place in a large plastic bag. Then sprinkle with salt and mix on top. Divide the head of garlic into individual cloves, peel. on cucumbers. Sprinkle everything with finely chopped green dill. Tie up and shake well intensively with a bag several times. Then leave the cucumbers for pickling in a bag at room temperature. After 3-4 hours, lightly salted cucumbers are ready for use. Remove the finished cucumbers from the bag, remove excess salt with a paper towel and you can serve. Leftover cucumbers should be stored in the refrigerator. Cucumbers pickled in this way are not stored for a long time. salting salted cucumbers in the package is very fast method pickles salted cucumbers, but if you want to speed up the process of fermentation and salting even more, cucumbers must be cut into circles or slices. Such salting allows you to eat them in almost 5 minutes.

Pickled cucumbers in a barrel

Older people remember how delicious crispy, first lightly salted, and then normally salted “barrel cucumbers” could be bought at “collective farm markets”. This method of pickling cucumbers at home is now very rarely used. As a rule, at least 100 kilograms of vegetables are salted in barrels. For those who decide to pickle cucumbers in a barrel, we recall the recipe. ( In more detail how to pickle cucumbers in barrels, pickling recipes can be viewed Here.)

Moreover, small barrels are now being made for homemade pickles, which can be placed directly in the kitchen or on the balcony. Put a third of the spices prepared for salting on the bottom of the barrel or tub, pour cucumbers up to half the barrel, put the next third of the spices on them, fill the barrel to the top with cucumbers. Put the last portion of spices and pour cold brine. If salting is done in a tub, put a wooden circle on top, oppression on it so that the cucumbers are always in brine. leave in a cold place - best of all in the cellar, you can on the balcony (while creating storage conditions. Cucumbers are of high quality, which are stored at temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius. At a higher temperature, cucumbers acquire hyperacidity, and their quality is reduced. For pickling 100 kilograms of cucumbers, spices are required: peeled coarsely chopped garlic 300 grams, dill 3 kg. (umbrellas or seeds), horseradish 0.5 kg. (root, cut into slices), black currant leaves 1 kg., salt for small cucumbers 800 gr., for large 1 kg. 40 gr. on a bucket of water (12 liters). For pickling cucumbers, it is better to use boiled chilled water. Green tomatoes are salted in the same way. Before salting the tubs, you need to check that they do not flow, seal them along the outer bottom, and adjust the wooden circles in diameter. And now you can do salting mushrooms for the winter.

1. In order to “put in order” a dried-up barrel, in the village they did this: a clean barrel (approximately 100 liters), filled with water (2-3 buckets), heated a massive piece of iron to “redness”, (for example, a piece of rail, like this my grandmother did) they threw it into a barrel, wrapped it in matting and left it to cool naturally.

2. Whatever on the surface cucumber pickle mold did not form, it is enough to sprinkle the surface of the brine with mustard powder a little, and there will be no mold.

how to pickle cucumbers (for the winter) in liter jars?

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Sasha Yakumas

Sergei Kutuzov

take cucumbers, wash, cut off the ends, put in jars. Add dill, garlic slices 3-4 per jar, tarragon. Pour all this with hot water for 10-15 minutes. at this time, prepare a brine 2.5 tbsp. tablespoons coarse salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar per 1.3 liters. water. After 10-15 minutes, drain the hot water and pour the brine. Roll up and cover with a jacket to warm up at night. They will stay in a warm place.


Wash the cucumbers with a brush, prepare the greens - horseradish leaves, blackcurrant, dill umbrellas, cherry leaves. Put the greens in a saucepan (jar), tamp the cucumbers on top. Pour brine - for 1 liter of boiled water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Put under pressure. It takes 3 days, it will start to give foam - remove the foam. Then drain the brine, transfer the cucumbers and herbs to sterilized jars. Strain the brine, boil, adding 1 liter of boiling water and 2 tbsp. l. salt. Pour jars, wait 10 minutes, drain, boil again, add 1-2 table. tablespoons of dry mustard. Pour cucumbers, roll up. Leave to cool on the lids, on the table. Do not wrap!

Natalya Korneeva


1 kg pickled cucumbers,
30 g fresh dill (or 10 g dry dill or cumin seeds),
5 g green tarragon,
2 cloves of garlic
5 g horseradish root,
1 g black pepper
1 g red hot pepper,
5 g mustard seeds,
0.5 g of allspice.

Fill composition:
for 1 liter of brine, in which cucumbers were salted,
60 ml table vinegar.

Thoroughly wash hard pickles and place in jars along with fresh seasonings (dill, garlic, horseradish, tarragon, pepper). Strain the brine in which the cucumbers were salted, bring to a boil, add black and allspice, mustard, vinegar and pour over the cucumbers in jars.

Pasteurize at 90 ° C: half-liter jars - 10 minutes, liter - 15 minutes.



10 kg cucumbers,
150 g onion
100 g garlic
5 g black pepper
5 g sugar
100 g of dill inflorescences and stems, 150 g of parsley leaves, 4-5 g of bay leaves, 100 g of celery leaves, 400 g of salt.

Filling composition: for 1 liter of table vinegar - 40 g of salt.

Wash cucumbers, rub with salt and leave overnight in a cold place. The next day, wipe the cucumbers and put them in the prepared dishes: a number of cucumbers, a number of seasonings. Pour vinegar with salt and put on fermentation.
2 way: Products:

10 kg cucumbers,
300 g horseradish root,
150 g of inflorescences and dill stalks.
10 g black pepper
500 g salt
2.5 liters of table vinegar,
300 g of vegetable oil.

Wash cucumbers, pour 3% salt solution. The next day, put the cucumbers in jars with spices, pour vinegar and leave overnight. Then drain the vinegar, bring to a boil and pour over the cucumbers. Top with vegetable oil. After 12-14 days, cucumbers are ready to eat.



Brine composition:

for 10 liters of water - 600 g of salt,
1 glass of table vinegar,
1 glass of vodka.

Put cucumbers in a barrel, pour hot brine. The next day, top up the barrel with brine, score and put in the cellar. These cucumbers have a special, very pleasant taste and are stored for a very long time.



550-600 g cucumbers,
450-400 ml of brine.

Rinse pickled cucumbers with boiled cooled water, put in jars. Strain the brine, boil for 5 minutes and pour over the cucumbers. Sterilize at 100 °C: jars with a capacity of 0.5 l - 10 min, 1 l - 15 min, 2 l - 18 min, 3 l - 20 min.
2 way: Products:

550-600 g cucumbers.
10 g spicy greens,
1 clove of garlic, 20 g carrots,
white root, pepper,
380-330 ml of brine.

Sort pickles by size, rinse with boiled cooled water. Prepare spicy greens (dill, parsley, celery) in the same way as for “canned whole cucumbers”, rinse carrots and white roots, dip in boiling water for 4-10 minutes, cool, peel, rinse, cut into slices. Rinse red sweet peppers, cut into strips (without removing the testis). Put garlic and spicy greens on the bottom of the jar, then vertically, as tightly as possible, lay the cucumbers, shifting them with strips of blanched vegetables.

Pour filled jars with boiling brine (30 g of salt, 1 g of citric or tartaric acid per 970 ml of water). Sterilization modes are the same as in the first case.



10 kg cucumbers,
320 g dill greens,
200-300 g of tarragon greens, cherry leaves, black currant,
730-840 g of salt.

Wash overgrown, yellow, ugly cucumbers thoroughly, chop finely and mix with salt. Put a thick layer of chopped cucumbers on the bottom of the barrel, then lay a row of selected cucumbers upright, cover with herbs. In the same way, fill the entire barrel. There should be a layer of crushed cucumbers on top. Put a circle and oppression on top. Crushed cucumbers will soon release juice, which will replace the brine. Salt in the usual way.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter to be crispy

Pickled crispy cucumbers are an essential attribute of any feast. There are many recipes for pickling greens for the winter: pickled cucumbers, with mustard seeds, with mustard powder, gooseberries. However, not every housewife manages to get a pickle with a well-known taste, aroma and, most importantly, crunch. For all the seeming simplicity of the process of pickling cucumbers, there are many subtleties that allow you to achieve the desired result. To get crispy, elastic cucumbers, you need to select vegetables for pickling.

How to choose the right cucumbers for harvesting for the winter

When choosing cucumbers for pickling, remember one important condition - the fruits must be freshly picked, juicy, strong. A sluggish and soft cucumber will not crunch after salting. Not all varieties are suitable for storage. Not every novice hostess knows that cucumbers can be:

  • salting;
  • salad;
  • universal purpose.

As the names suggest, salad fruits are meant to be eaten fresh. They have a thick skin, which does not pass the marinade well. Universal cucumbers are used to prepare pickles and salads from fresh vegetables. Pickling varieties have a thin skin, which contributes to the rapid penetration of the brine. But the thin skin also becomes the reason that such fruits quickly wither. The best old pickling variety is Nezhinsky cucumber.

Salad fruits differ from pickling fruits in appearance. Salad cucumber is a long greenhouse vegetable with light spikes, while those of universal and pickled ones are dark. In cucumbers for pickling, the skin is easily peeled off even under the pressure of a nail. For canning, take even, oblong fruits without yellow spots, thickenings, mechanical damage. Cucumbers are also distinguished by size:

  • the smallest are pickles (3-5 cm);
  • medium - gherkins (5-9 cm);
  • large - Zelentsy (9-14 cm).

For each pickling method, cucumbers of the appropriate size are used. Classic canning in a marinade involves the use of fruits from 7 to 12 centimeters. Larger specimens of cucumbers for pickling will not work, but they are recommended for making salads in cut form. Pickles and gherkins are good for canning under iron lids.

What utensils do you need

Before salting, you need to decide on containers for storing cucumbers. For salting without spinning, you will need three-liter glass jars, enameled 10-liter buckets or pans, wooden tubs or barrels. For pickling cucumbers, liter and three-liter glass jars are used, less often 700 grams. For salads, they take smaller glass jars - 0.5-0.7 liters, sometimes 350 grams or liter ones are used.

Many housewives are interested in whether it is possible to salt in plastic dishes? Containers and barrels made of such material come to the rescue when there is no suitable container at hand. Plastic barrels have successfully replaced oak ones. They are not so expensive, and the cucumbers in them are no worse. You will also need an enameled or plastic cup for soaking and washing vegetables, enameled utensils for preparing marinades, a small saucepan for sterilizing jars, a meat grinder, a grater, a nozzle circle for sterilization.

The best step-by-step recipes for crispy cucumbers with photos

Each hostess has her own signature method of salting. But how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in order to preserve their best qualities and vitamins? Here are some top secrets:

  • Cucumbers will turn out crispy if you fill them with water before pickling.
  • To preserve the bright color, after the cucumbers have been doused with boiling water, they are doused with cold water.
  • To prevent cucumbers from exploding, pickle them on a new moon. Fruits preserved during the full moon do not last long.

Most vitamins are stored in cold-salted cucumbers. The most crispy fruits are obtained only when pickled. When using the first method, cucumbers are not subjected to heat treatment, and in the second, the pickling process is based on the use of sterilization, the preparation of a boiling marinade. Based on each of these methods, a huge number of cooking recipes have been created.

Cold pickling recipe with mustard and aspirin in a bag

The fastest in time is the salting method in a bag of aspirin. Cucumbers will be ready in 8-10 hours. However, as a result, you will get slightly salted fruits, they are not stored for a long time and are not suitable for winter use. The advantage of this method is that cucumbers are suitable for it, which are considered to be large, ranging in size from 10 to 14 cm. To pickle cucumbers in a cold way with mustard and acetylsalicylic acid, it will be required.

Fresh cucumbers - famous and available in summer time vegetable. But I really want to pamper relatives and guests during the period winter cold pickles and delicious dishes, in which the main ingredient is timely harvested pickles for the winter. Buying pickles in the store is an unprofitable option due to the high cost, the abundance of industrial preservatives and the minimum volume of the product, which has the properties to end quickly.

Don't reinvent the wheel. Better to opt for home salting. Every hostess has a proven recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars in her arsenal. Any of the options below are simple and have an accessible list of ingredients. Knowing the secrets of successful conservation, which consists in the selection the right varieties, healthy and having the same average size of fruits, and careful preparation of all components for canning, the salting process will always please you with excellent taste.


Cucumbers "Malachite"

The ingredients needed to get "malachite" pickles for the winter in jars are as follows:

For a couple of kilograms of fresh vegetables, it is taken according to:

  • 75 grams rock salt and sugar
  • 10 grams of citric acid
  • one and a half liters of water.


In accordance with taste preferences are added: garlic, various greenery and peppercorns.

The process of implementing the "malachite" recipe requires washing the fruits well, scalding them, and dipping them for a while in pre-chilled water. Place spices of your choice in prepared containers. Then pack the vegetables tightly. Fill the workpiece with boiling liquid. The secret of conservation lies in following the recommendations for keeping the fruit in boiling water several times for 5 minutes. Timely drained liquid must be removed from the fire at the moment of boiling. For the third time, the fruits filled with boiled brine roll up.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter in large-capacity jars

Recipes for pickling cucumbers for the winter are distinguished by their variety. Worthy of attention is the option of salting in jars with a volume of three liters. For salting in one container of the indicated container, greens or dill inflorescences, fresh or dried leaves of horseradish, blackcurrant and cherry, hot pepper, can be in a pod, a few cloves of garlic are prepared.

The saline solution is prepared first: 70 g of salt and unboiled cold water are used for a three-liter container. Brine is poured over vegetables that are stacked close to each other and left for several days (no more than three) to start the fermentation process. After the expiration of the period, the liquid is poured, heated and the workpiece is poured with boiling liquid. for storage closed banks sent to the cold. If a pantry is used to store pickles, then the liquid is subjected to heat treatment twice, the first bay drains in about twenty minutes.

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars without sterilization

To make pickled cucumbers crispy in jars for the winter, you should use one of the many classic recipes pickles. The gold standard is the option of using two tablespoons of salt with a small slide for the volume of a three-liter jar of cucumbers, or, if without a slide, then 3. Do not disregard the recommendations regarding the need to soak vegetables for several hours before preservation in cold water and the mandatory use of horseradish leaves . Thanks to the observance of simple tricks, you can achieve a unique taste and "fresh" crunch.

The recipe for pickles without sterilization is based on the use of the following ingredients. For one three-liter container, you need to take one and a half kilograms of gherkins, 3 cloves of garlic, six black peppercorns, one bay leaf, cherry or currant to choose from.

Green or dried dill, horseradish leaves, 1 hot pepper, edible salt in the amount of two tablespoons with a slide, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1.5 tsp. vinegar essence.

Answering the question of how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars without sterilization, many housewives recommend following the points of the following recipe.

The fruits must be washed, dipped in cold water for 4 hours, removed after the time has elapsed and blotted from excess liquid. Banks subjected to sterilization. Put herbs, spices into containers prepared for canning and place gherkins. Pour the boiled liquid over the vegetables and leave for 15 minutes, remembering to cover the container. Pour the liquid into a saucepan set on fire. Add salt and sugar to it. Boil. Send the resulting mixture to a container, where it is necessary to add the required amount of essence. Roll up the container, turn it over and place it in a warm place inaccessible to light until it cools completely.

Attention! The above components are calculated directly on one three-liter container filled with gherkins. For reinsurance, you can fill in not once, but two or three times. The essence is added to the brine just before rolling. Fruits do not need sterilization in a similar variant of pickling.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter with sterilization

The following recipe suggests the possibility of storing cucumbers already salted in capacious tanks. If there is nowhere to store them in urban conditions, then there is an option for convenient storage of pickles in jars.

  • 7 grams of mustard,
  • tarragon or tarragon
  • a few cloves of garlic
  • 10 grams of dry dill or cumin seeds.
  • If there is a shortage of brine, it is recommended to take 60 g of salt per liter of water.


Preservation consists in the need to place the salted fruits under running water and clean them from the remnants of the previous salting, free them from excess liquid, and distribute them in containers. The brine must first be filtered and poured into jars. Sterilization is carried out in boiling water. The volume of containers chosen for conservation affects the time of the procedure.

For three-liter jars, it takes up to 20 minutes. Containers of 1-2 liters are sterilized for 15 minutes, and half-liter - 10. The capping process must be done without delay.

Attention! Before putting the container for sterilization, you can add fresh or dried greens and spices to the saline solution.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter using cold salting?

The recipe for preparing pickles without sterilization has already been given above. This conservation option has its own characteristics. Pickled cucumbers for the winter in jars will be characterized by an attractive natural color, unique taste, and an impressive shelf life, if you use the following recommendations.

For salting, you need to take two kilograms of fruits, 5 leaves from a currant bush and cherries, two dill umbrellas, 8 black peppercorns, garlic cloves and horseradish. In this recipe, you can use not only foliage, but also the root of the plant. In addition, you need vodka in the amount of 50 grams, 75 grams edible salt. The listed components are calculated on the volume of one and a half liters of water.

The pickled cucumber recipe used calls for harvesting freshly picked young fruits, which are thoroughly rinsed, scalded and immediately sent to a container of very chilled water. Time of "cooling" - 3 hours. Distribution of vegetables by three-liter jars involves not only packing density, but the formation of a layer between the layers of cucumbers, consisting of washed greens, garlic and pepper. The prepared ingredients are poured with a chilled salt solution, for the preparation of which 50 grams are taken per liter of water. food product. Vodka in a volume of 2 tbsp is added directly to the specified solution directly into the container. spoons. The container is sealed with a polyethylene lid. The pickle is stored in the cold.

Cucumbers "Crispy" for the winter

A variation of crispy pickles can be a recipe for which the following components are taken:

  • Fresh vegetables - 5 kg.;
  • Dill umbrellas or stalk - 5 pcs.;
  • Garlic cloves - 10 pcs.;
  • Horseradish leaves - 8 pcs.;
  • Currant leaves - 20 pcs;
  • food salt;
  • Laurel leaf - 8 pcs.;
  • Red hot pepper;
  • Black peppercorns.


Freshly picked washed fruits are freed from the “buttocks”, moved to the dishes, where the infusion process will take place. The above ingredients are added there without laurel and peppercorns. Everything is poured with saline, prepared at the rate of a couple of tablespoons of the food product per liter of cold liquid. The workpiece is placed under oppression and left for 48 hours. Preservation requires the preparation and sterilization of containers. Vegetables are washed and sent to containers with new spices, to which a bay leaf and peppercorns are added. The liquid in which the fruits were salted is freed from spices, filtered, and heated, but not boiled. The contents of the container are filled with boiling liquid. The pickle is used chilled if desired.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars without using vinegar or essence?

To do this, pay attention to the recipe with such ingredients as: gherkins or larger versions of the vegetable, sweet pepper, bay leaf, allspice and black peppercorns, carrots, garlic cloves, dill inflorescences or greens, horseradish. The recipe is designed for a capacity of 3 liters.

For salting use:

  • A couple of tablespoons. food salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • A teaspoon of citric acid;
  • Half an aspirin.


If you want to use vinegar, you should take 3 tablespoons of rock salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar without a slide. Vinegar is taken in a volume of 60 grams per three-liter container.

To prepare pickles, you need to prepare containers that are sterilized along with lids, and vegetables. Peeled bell pepper must be cut into several parts. Pepper mixes. If desired, no more than 4 cloves or coriander buds can be added to the mixture. Pickles for the winter will definitely turn out appetizing if you put a tablespoon of a mixture of peppers, dill, a couple of bay leaves, 6 cloves of garlic in a container. Pickling cucumbers for the winter will not only be tasty, but also attractively bright if the products are not laid randomly, but with a creative approach that involves the use bell pepper and carrots.

The workpiece is poured with boiling water, left to cool. The resulting infusion is returned separately from each container to the saucepan, a tablespoon of sugar and two salts, a teaspoon of citric acid and half an aspirin tablet are also sent there. The liquid should boil. Vegetables are poured with the resulting boiling water, the container is sealed and left to cool completely in a warm, dark place.

Have you tried mineral water?

When choosing recipes for pickles for the winter, it is worth trying not only long-known and time-tested ones. The experiment has not been cancelled. interest in this case, is the engine of progress. And as an experimental ingredient, it is worth using mineral water. And although the proposed pickle option does not imply long-term storage nevertheless it is worth a try.

Those who have previously tried such salting claim that you can eat pickles after 8 hours. The method allows you to preserve the natural color of vegetables, give them lightness and originality of taste, and the crunch so beloved by everyone.

In jars, pickled cucumbers for the winter will be crispy if you follow the recipe. In this case, it is designed for the capacity of a liter container. It is recommended to purchase or use gherkins fresh and undamaged. In addition to 500 grams of appetizing fruits, it is worth taking a tablespoon of salt, a bunch of fresh dill, 5 currant sheets and garlic cloves. A liter container requires 330 ml. carbonated mineral water.

Gherkins are washed under running water and freed from ponytails. Peeled garlic, other spices and products are placed in the container. Fruits require dense packing, the addition of a portion of food salt and mineral water. Salting requires a minimum of time and room temperature, and for storage it is worth sending the container to the refrigerator.