Is tea harmful or beneficial to health? Why is black tea harmful? Benefits of milk tea

Health and longevity are not given to anyone just like that; you need to fight for them and start as early as possible. The main tool in the fight for your health is the right lifestyle. This concept includes physical activity, a positive attitude and, of course, proper nutrition, which provides the body with all the necessary substances. For a modern person who gets food from the supermarket, the last condition is almost impossible, but there is one wonderful product that will help replenish the missing substances - tea. We will tell you exactly what the benefits of tea are.

Speaking about the benefits of tea, it should be borne in mind that only high-quality, that is, a natural and fresh product that has undergone minimal and gentle processing and properly brewed, has beneficial features. Unfortunately, most of the tea on store shelves does not always meet these requirements; truly healthy tea should be looked for in specialized stores.

Perhaps no product has been studied as closely as tea. Tea leaves have been used by humanity for 3,000 years as a cure for many diseases, and only recently has tea become an everyday drink. In the homeland of tea, China, this drink is still treated with respect and drunk for the treatment and prevention of diseases, to strengthen the immune system, for vigor, for inspiration, and for relaxation. In solving almost any problem, the first step is tea. In traditional Chinese medicine, good tea is believed to have the following healing effects:

Reduces drowsiness,
Calms nerves, helps to concentrate,
Makes your eyes sharper
Clarifies consciousness, makes the mind sharp,
Strengthens memory
Cools, relieves fever,
Saves in heat and drought,
Neutralizes the effects of poisons,
Promotes digestion, helps digest heavy foods,
Prevents the formation of stones,
Sobering up
Treats headaches
Frees from excess fat, promotes weight loss,
Calms breathing, makes it deep,
Maintains water balance in the body,
Activates sluggish intestines
Removes phlegm and mucus, cleanses mucous membranes,
Removes gases
Strengthens teeth and bones,
Treats heart diseases,
Treats gout
Treats internal inflammations,
Treats skin diseases,
Causes appetite
Removes boredom and languor
Strengthens qi - life force,
Extends life.

Modern research does not conflict with this ancient knowledge. Japanese, Chinese and Korean scientists have repeatedly proven that good tea is indeed very beneficial for all systems and organs of the human body. It is interesting that most studies conducted in Europe and the USA did not find a strong healing effect of tea, because scientists used ordinary bagged tea, and if they bothered to find whole-leaf and fresh tea, they brewed it using the European method, which negates the benefits of tea. (On how to brew tea with maximum benefit, we will tell you later.)

Tea and heart

Zhushan University studied the effects of tea on the circulatory system and found that tea (in in this case Puerh) causes relaxation of the veins, temporarily lowers blood pressure, reduces heart rate and regulates cerebral circulation. Regular consumption of high-quality tea helps strengthen blood vessels, stop inflammatory processes, and prevent blood clotting. Tea is especially useful for older people suffering from high blood pressure, coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis.

Tea and tumors

In Japan, long-term research is being conducted on the effect of tea on the formation and development of tumors. Dozens of independent studies have shown that when tea is added to the water of experimental animals, their tumors stop growing. Scientists explained this effect by saying that “polyphenols contained in tea have a high antimutagenic effect and inhibit the development of cancer metastases, blocking pathogenic components in the circulatory system.” Tea also reduces lung tumors caused by tobacco carcinogens and helps cure the early stages of skin cancer.

Tea and stress

British researchers have found that regular consumption of black tea helps to cope with stress with the least harm to the body. Tea helps reduce the stress hormone cortisol and helps you relax faster and more completely after worries. For depression, tea, on the contrary, invigorates and arouses interest in life. Considering that tea also reduces the level of platelets and cholesterol in the blood, we can say that this drink literally saves people from heart attacks and strokes due to nervousness.

Tea and tooth decay

High content of polyphenols and fluorides makes tea effective means to strengthen teeth. Polyphenols reduce plaque formation by binding bacteria before they settle on teeth, and fluoride is essential for strengthening tooth enamel. American and Chinese scientists independently found that several cups of tea a day reduce the likelihood of dental caries. Tea drinkers in general are much less likely to complain about dental problems.

Tea and excess weight

The ability of tea to fight excess weight was proven back in 1990. The French association ARMA observed obese people for 3 months who drank tea (pu-erh) 3 times a day and lost 4 to 10 kg. Moreover muscle mass These people were not affected, as is the case with most diets, the amount of body fat decreased, and muscle tone increased due to the activation of oxygen metabolism. Scientists from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris have found that tea fights excess weight by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood. The effect of tea is comparable to the effect of statins - drugs for lowering cholesterol levels. In addition to lowering the level of so-called “bad” cholesterol, the antioxidants contained in tea prevent free radical damage to cells and slow down the aging process. Therefore, those who lose weight with the help of tea have smooth skin and shiny hair.

Thanks to tea, heavy food is easier to digest, and after eating you feel not drowsy, but cheerful. With regular consumption of tea, a taste for natural food awakens, the desire to indulge in fast food and sweets becomes less and less frequent, a person feels a surge of strength, he no longer wants to lie on the couch, but wants to move, create, and communicate. The habit of drinking good tea can completely change your lifestyle, habits, interests and social circle, and excess weight will go away by itself and will not return.

Tea composition

The chemical composition of tea leaves is very complex and varied depending on the variety and place of growth. The main benefits of tea are polyphenols - a general name for flavonoids, catechins, anthocyanidins, a total of about 20 compounds. It is polyphenols that are responsible for the antioxidant, antibacterial, antitumor and other properties of tea. These substances are colorless, tart in taste, with an astringent aftertaste. Their maximum amount was found in green and white tea, as well as in shen pu-erh.

When oxidized, polyphenols are converted into taeflavins, thearubigins and theabrovines - substances responsible for the color and taste of tea. They form vitamin P and have a beneficial effect on blood vessels, liver, lungs and brain. Fermented teas - black, oolong and puerh - are rich in these substances.

The invigorating effect of tea is due to alkaloids - theine, theobromine, theophylline. Unlike caffeine, they have a gentle effect on the brain without causing overstimulation. Theine activates oxygen metabolism, increases muscle tone without increasing heart rate.

Black tea and shu puerh contain pectin, which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and helps normalize weight. Tea polysaccharides reduce blood sugar levels and protect against radiation.

Any fresh tea rich in vitamins: carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, vitamins C, E and P. About 30 minerals are included in the tea leaf, including potassium, zinc, manganese, fluorine, chromium.

In 2003, the Beijing Institute of Biological Products discovered statins in aged shen pu-erh - substances that lower blood cholesterol and prevent stroke.

Without a doubt, good tea is a real natural pharmacy in a cup. However, to take advantage of all the benefits of tea, you need to brew and drink it correctly.

How to brew tea for maximum benefit

It is not enough to find quality tea, you also need to prepare it correctly, otherwise healthy drink it will turn into poison. The basic rule for preparing tea is not to over-brew or leave for later. Too strong tea, especially if it was brewed yesterday, will only do harm instead of benefit. The Chinese say this: yesterday's tea is like snake venom. For a long time in Russia there was just such a harmful way of drinking tea: they prepared a very strong brew for several days and diluted it with boiling water when they sat down to drink tea. With this method, all the aromatic, flavoring and beneficial substances of the tea are destroyed, and resins and other not the best components of the tea leaf are released into the infusion. So let’s make it a rule to drink only freshly prepared tea of ​​the correct strength and not dilute the brew with boiling water.

Properly prepared, and therefore healthy, tea can be easily identified by its color, aroma and taste. The infusion is transparent, pleasant in color, with a light aroma and sweet-tart taste. Bitterness and cloudiness indicate that the tea is overbrewed - too many tea leaves were used or the brewing took too long.

To always prepare tasty and healthy tea, it is recommended to use a small container - a teapot or gaiwan with a volume of 150-200 ml. For this volume, 5-10 g of dry tea is enough. If the tea is tightly compressed, it is approximately the volume of the phalanx of the thumb. For light teas made from whole leaves, this weight will be about 2 tablespoons of tea.

Before putting tea into the brewing container, warm it with boiling water, as well as the cups and the draining container (chahai). It is convenient to pour boiled water into a thermos to record the temperature. We brew tea for the first time and immediately drain the water through a sieve into the chahai. If it is pu-erh or oolong, you do not need to drink the first brew, this is a rinse. In the case of white, green and red teas, the first brew is the most aromatic - pour it into cups and drink a little.

The second and third brews are as fast as the first - add hot water and immediately drain. On the fourth, you can increase the tea infusion time by a few seconds. On the next infusions, we gradually increase the time, and on the tenth infusion, if the tea still has a taste, you can leave it in the water for a few minutes.

There is an easier way to prepare healthy tea - boiling, or rather simmering. You can prepare pu-erh or red teas this way. To brew tea, put water on the fire in a Turk or metal kettle, measure out the tea depending on the volume of water (5-10 g per 100 ml), rinse it cold water, if it is pressed pu-erh, throw it into the water and wait for it to boil. As soon as the water boils, turn off the heat, leave the tea to brew for 2-3 minutes, pour into cups and drink immediately.

What to drink tea with for maximum benefits

High-quality and properly prepared tea does not need sugar; it already has a pleasant sweetish taste. If you wish, you can supplement the tea with herbs and spices to enhance its effect. For example, tea with sage, lemon and honey helps with colds, and adding ginger helps to better absorb heavy fatty foods.

In China and South Asia, weak green tea is consumed with meals. Everyone is familiar with the wise custom of serving Uzbek pilaf with tea - hot tea will help you digest difficult lamb fat, and fat is necessary for the absorption of vitamin E from tea. It is not recommended to drink black tea at the same time as the main meal; it is better to wait 30-40 minutes.

Under no circumstances should you drink tea on an empty stomach, as this can lead to digestive problems. Morning tea must be accompanied by porridge, sandwiches, and cookies. The healthiest mid-day tea snacks are nuts, chocolate, dried fruits and fresh fruits and berries. Ideal for tea in the evening homemade baking. For evening tea drinking, it is recommended to make tea weaker than in the morning and drink no more than 1-2 cups. It is very important that there is enough time between drinking tea and falling asleep - 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep, and the benefits of tea will be neutralized by lack of sleep.

Important note: after drinking tea, you should never drink cold water, no matter how thirsty you are. Better have a drink warm water or wait 10-15 minutes.

Drink only high-quality, properly brewed tea, and you will certainly feel its benefits.

Black tea is a drink familiar to each of us. In many families, it is the logical conclusion of every evening, both festive and ordinary. But few people know that it can also be used as medicine.

There are several varieties of black tea: Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Ceylon. With proper brewing, you can make this drink an excellent cure for high cholesterol.

Tea is a truly international drink; it is loved and actively consumed in all countries of the world. Some peoples prefer green tea, some black tea, and some groups drink only fruit varieties. It is consumed at different times of the day: in the morning, at lunchtime and late in the evening. Each person perceives a cup of regular black tea differently. Some people use it to quench their thirst, while others get a boost of missing energy. Well-brewed tea can improve your mood and add vigor and strength.

About the healing properties of black tea

This drink has a unique effect on human body. Scientists have proven that with its help it is possible to normalize the functional activity of the entire cardiovascular system. Black tea restores normal blood circulation in our body. Compared to green, it, of course, has less antioxidant properties, but the elements it contains effectively increase the level of resistance of the human body to various cold-related ailments.

The immune system is strengthened, and it resists viral and infectious attacks with great effect. It’s not for nothing that there is a belief that a cup of black tea adds vigor, strength and energy. Those substances that are in this drink saturate vital forces every cell of our body.

Doctors have concluded that moderate consumption of black tea is a good preventive measure. various diseases oncology group. The regular presence of a real high-quality drink on the menu significantly reduces the likelihood of developing stomach, intestinal and breast cancer. This is explained by the fact that tea contains a special substance TF2, which stops the formation of cancer cells in the body.

Black tea also helps to get rid of extra pounds; it should be drunk without sugar, but not exceeding the recommended amount. daily dose. Regular consumption of this drink will speed up the weight loss process.

Black tea will benefit those people who have experienced food poisoning. With its help, you can neutralize the harmful effects of various pathogens, thereby reducing the total amount of toxins in the body. Drinking just one cup of tea can reduce pain from diarrhea, cystitis and stomach upsets. Consuming this drink will be beneficial for pneumonia, as it destroys germs and bacteria that cause this disease. Various skin ailments that occur during puberty are highly treatable with black tea. This product also has a mild diuretic effect.

The popularity of black tea is largely due to the fact that it contains a lot of caffeine. This substance can have a positive healing effect on our body, but only if consumed correctly and in moderation. Tea has a stimulating effect on our nervous system, increasing physical endurance and improving mental activity. In the morning, this drink has an excellent tonic effect. It not only quenches strong thirst, but also relieves headaches, as it has a vasodilating property.

Safe dosage and contraindications

Doctors say that you can drink no more than five cups of black tea per day. Excessive quantity can harm the heart and impair its functioning.
This drink is contraindicated for those people who have an individual intolerance to caffeine. In addition, it is not recommended for hypertension, high body temperature, kidney disease in the acute stage, during pregnancy, glaucoma, psychasthenia and exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease.

Black tea should not be given to young children, as their bodies are especially sensitive to such a drink. Until the age of ten or twelve, it is better to pour only water slightly tinted with tea leaves for children.

Proper preparation

In some countries, the process of brewing tea is a real tradition; for example, in Japan they observe real rituals, going to the table only in special clothes. Fortunately, in our country such preparations are not necessary - you can simply boil water and prepare a drink.

To brew tea, you will need a special teapot, you will need to pour tea leaves into it. They can be both large and small, depending on the variety.

Before brewing, you need to thoroughly wash the dishes and scald them with boiling water. Experts assure that you should put a little sugar in the teapot, as it is needed for the formation of special substances - catechins, which make up the value of the drink. It should be borne in mind that freshly brewed tea is the most beneficial.

Usually one teaspoon of tea is put on each person, adding to this amount another spoon “for the teapot”. Brewing time is three to five minutes. IN ready drink You can add various flavorings - milk, jam, natural honey, lemon.

Most people cannot imagine life without a cup of tea. The choice varies depending on the type of product. As practice shows, there are more black tea lovers. It doesn’t end there; the product has many types that cannot leave even gourmets indifferent. Let's consider in order what the value and harm of black tea are.

Chemical composition

A high-quality product contains an impressive amount of beneficial microelements for the human body. Some varieties of black tea are quite capable of relieving a number of ailments. Let's look at the main components included in the composition.

  1. Caffeine. Almost everyone knows the benefits of the enzyme if you drink tea in moderation. The substance stimulates the work of the heart muscle and nervous system.
  2. Tannins. They have a beneficial effect on the blood. Tannins neutralize the effect of heavy minerals on the body. Enzymes have an anti-inflammatory effect, restore blood, and promote its viscosity.
  3. Amino acids. They stabilize metabolic processes in the body, rejuvenate tissues at the cellular level, thereby slowing down aging.
  4. Ascorbic acid. It is present in small volumes because it is destroyed in large quantities during the preparation of raw materials.
  5. Carotene. Stimulates the endocrine system, improves hair and epidermis at the cellular level.
  6. Riboflavin. Raises vitality, converts sugar into hemoglobin, strengthens the mucous membranes of organs.
  7. Thiamine. Mainly involved in maintaining all body functions.
  8. A nicotinic acid. Saves energy, actively breaks down fats.
  9. Fluorine. Strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  10. Pantothenic acid. Participates in the formation of good cholesterol.
  11. Rutin. It has a positive effect on vision, improves blood composition and the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.
  12. Potassium. Resists the formation of all types of spasms, normalizes the functioning of muscle fibers.
  13. Phylloquinol. Improves blood clotting, calms the nervous system, and heals bone tissue.

benefits and harms of lemon balm tea for the body

Benefits of black tea

  1. The benefits of black tea have been identified since ancient times. The product actively prevented many ailments. Tea traditions were first observed in ancient China. The high content of antioxidants in the drink protects the body from many infectious diseases.
  2. Chinese sages found out that regular use black tea good quality prevents the early development of atherosclerosis. Due to the presence of tannin in the drink, the body's protective functions against infections are increased. Fluoride heals gums and strengthens tooth enamel.
  3. Many people love good tea for its ability to calm the nervous system. A high-quality variety actively resists seasonal depression. This drink has a beneficial effect on existing mental disorders and neuroses.
  4. Regular consumption of high-quality drugs will help in the fight against overwork and chronic fatigue. In addition, the drink increases blood pressure, which is good for hypotensive people. It has been scientifically proven that black tea can quickly rid the body of harmful substances and toxins.
  5. If you do not abuse the drink, it perfectly eliminates interruptions in work genitourinary system. Tea affects brain activity and promotes the rapid absorption of information. In addition, experts have proven the positive effect of the drink on the cardiovascular system. Tea prevents strokes.
  6. The drink brings undoubted benefits to a person; it suppresses the causes of migraines by dilating the capillaries of the brain. If you brew a strong potion, its effect on the body can be compared to a coffee drink. Quality teas contain a similar caffeine presence.
  7. British scientists have found that systematic consumption of tea significantly shortens the recovery period after severe stressful situations. An important fact remains that the drink is good at preventing the development of cataracts. Also, black tea tones the body and invigorates no worse than coffee.
  8. Long-standing studies have shown that the tart drink normalizes the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. For such a simple reason, tea can resist many diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high content of rutin in the drink, the composition significantly improves blood circulation in the smallest capillaries of the body.
  9. Tea is actively involved in the formation of a thin layer of vascular cells (endothelium). They are the ones that line up in the form of a blood network. The tea also contains a rather rare enzyme, quercetin, which prevents the rapid occurrence of dangerous blood clots.
  10. If you add it all up positive traits black tea, we can say with confidence that the drink is an excellent remedy against many pathogens. The product copes well with bad breath. Tea rinsing is highly recommended for smokers.
  11. From ancient Chinese beliefs it is known that black tea is considered an excellent means of longevity. Currently in folk medicine and cosmetology, the drink is actively used as the main ingredient. Black tea is quite widely used as a compress for the eyes. The product is excellent for relieving irritation and swelling after a hard day of work in front of the computer.

benefits and harms of chamomile tea

Benefits of black tea with milk

  1. High-quality tea, along with homemade milk, generally has a positive effect on human health. The drink significantly increases brain activity and enriches the body with essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Tea with milk is recommended for those individuals who are unable to drink animal products in their pure form. The combined drink is easily absorbed by the body and does not cause a feeling of discomfort or heaviness in the stomach.
  3. Milk, together with tart tea, neutralizes some of the caffeine contained in the leaf product. The drink is especially recommended for people suffering from depression, nervous disorders, and constant stress.
  4. Experts strongly recommend drinking milk tea when the body’s protective functions are reduced. The rich fortified composition of the drink will have a beneficial effect on the kidneys and strengthen immune system generally.
  5. In addition, it is recommended to include milk tea in your daily diet. The composition will have a general tonic effect on the body and also neutralize harmful influence alkaloids and high caffeine content.

benefits and harms of green tea

Black tea: harmful to the body

Like any product, black tea can cause significant harm to the body only if you do not comply with the daily allowance of the drink. Excessive pampering initially affects your well-being.

  1. Problems related to the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may appear. Excessive amounts of black tea irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive organs. In addition, strong drink, when abused, has a detrimental effect on cardiac activity.
  2. The negative effect of black tea on the body is due to the fact that the product produces a strong tonic effect. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug before bed, otherwise you are guaranteed insomnia.
  3. Women during lactation should refrain from consuming black tea. The presence of a large accumulation of caffeine in the drink reaches the child along with the milk. This can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of sleep disturbances in the baby.
  4. People who have problems with the thyroid gland should not drink strong tea. Otherwise, arrhythmia and uncontrollable tremors of the limbs may occur. Also, an overdose of tea will cause severe cramps in the intestines.
  5. With uncontrolled consumption of strong drink, in some cases the development of varicose veins, regular insomnia, severe constipation, tinnitus, poor digestion and fatigue were observed.
  6. Do not drink tea after more than 2 hours have passed since the last brew. Otherwise, the raw materials begin to release enzymes harmful to humans. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to brew only fresh leaves tea.
  7. People who suffer from glaucoma should not drink black tea; the drink increases the pressure in the eyeball. Individuals with excessive sensitivity to caffeine or dependence on it should not take the drug.

benefits and harms of tea with milk

Subtleties of choosing black tea

It is worth remembering that only a high-quality variety of black leaf tea can bring benefits to the body. Therefore, you should take the choice of such a product seriously.

  1. Be sure to pay attention to the color of the raw materials. Quality tea has black uniform leaves. If you see a different shade, for example, gray, know that such a product was subject to improper storage. If the raw material is brown, this fact indicates the low quality of the product.
  2. Next you should pay attention to brewing. After treating the tea with boiling water, the straightened leaves should be approximately the same size. IN good product there are no foreign impurities, flavors, twigs, stems or other similar debris. Such indicators are unacceptable for good grade raw materials.
  3. An important factor remains that the tea leaves should be curled as much as possible. In this case, the product retains the highest benefits and taste. In addition, this indicator indicates that the product is suitable for long-term storage.
  4. A certain moisture content of the raw material corresponds to the type of tea. The leaves should not resemble crumpled grass that is unable to return to its original state. Good tea not overdried and brittle. A high-quality product does not have the characteristic smell of burning or dampness.
  5. High-grade black tea should be moderately elastic and have a pleasant aroma inherent in such a product. Do not ignore the packing date of the leaves. The tea in the package should not be older than six months. After this time, the product loses its characteristic properties.

The main condition remains that in the recommended amount, black tea will bring more benefit to the body than harm. The only exceptions are those ailments for which the drink is contraindicated. It is worth limiting the consumption of black tea to representatives of the fair sex who are pregnant.

benefits and harms of white tea

Video: how to brew black tea correctly

Tea is an aromatic drink with many beneficial properties. With a cup of hot, tart-tasting liquid, you can quench your thirst in the summer and warm up in the cold season.

There is an opinion that consuming this product has a bad effect on health. So what do we get with a sip of our favorite drink: benefit or harm? To answer the question, you need to know the main components of black tea and their significance for the human body.

The benefits and harms of black tea for men

The vigor drink contains:

  • Essential oils;
  • Microelements;
  • Vitamins;
  • Amino acids;
  • Tannids,
  • Alkaloids,
  • Macroelements.

Tannides, of which the most famous is tannin, have strong bactericidal and astringent properties. Black tea is the first home remedy for various poisonings and diarrhea.

The presence of essential oils gives the drink a unique feature: it can tone and soothe in equal measure.

A cup of fresh drink in the morning will lift your spirits and invigorate you for the whole day. Before coffee occupied a leading position among tonic drinks. Modern research by scientists has proven that tea caffeine is absorbed by the body more slowly and provides a longer lasting effect.

The benefits of black tea for men

A properly brewed drink will benefit the body. Let's look at the main elements that make up tea:

  1. Microelements are one of the main components of black tea and are necessary for the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems of men.
  2. Potassium - takes part in the regulation of acid-base balance, controls the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  3. Tea contains a high percentage of vitamin P.

Rutin (vitamin “P”) affects biological processes as follows:

  • Reduces blood pressure;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Normalizes metabolism.

The aromatic drink is also a diuretic and diaphoretic. Its use helps reduce fever, promotes the elimination of toxins, and has a positive effect on kidney function.

Harm of black tea for men

Tea lovers should also remember the negative properties of the drink. Its abuse can cause harm.

Drinking too strong black tea has a negative effect on the functioning of the reproductive system. In order to avoid negative consequences, men need to follow the rules of brewing and choosing a quality product (below in the text).

The benefits and harms of black tea for women

Girls need to pay attention to the amount and strength of tea they drink per day. Light brewing calms and improves sleep quality. Rich tea, on the contrary, increases concentration and invigorates. The fact is that it contains theophylline, which can accelerate metabolic processes. Due to this property, it is used for weight loss. The calorie content of the drink is minimal and can be ignored.

Expectant mothers and nursing mothers should be careful when using this product. The benefit is minimal and there is a risk of harm to the baby. Pregnant women are allowed to drink no more than two servings of black tea per day. Exceeding the norm is dangerous for the development of the child.

Women during lactation should remember that tea caffeine enters the baby's body with mother's milk. As a result, the baby becomes restless and sleeps poorly.

The concentrated liquid washes away female body magnesium and calcium. With a lack of calcium, bone tissue and teeth suffer. Magnesium deficiency can cause:

  • Convulsions;
  • Mood swings;
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.

Tea contains fluoride. An excess of this chemical element in the body is the main cause of kidney problems and worsens the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Tea increases intraocular pressure, and people with ophthalmic problems should be careful when drinking it.

Representatives of the fair sex who want to maintain youthful skin, a good complexion and delay the appearance of wrinkles for as long as possible should not get carried away with a strong brewed drink. High concentrations of caffeine interfere with absorption useful substances from food, dehydrates the body and as a result:

  • Dry skin;
  • Gray complexion;
  • Circles under the eyes;
  • Early wrinkles.

To reap the benefits and reduce the harm from drinking the drink, when choosing black tea, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • Dryness of the product. Mold, which is dangerous to the body, appears on wet leaves.
  • Black color of tea leaves. The presence of other colors means the product is of low quality.
  • Purity. The presence of twigs and debris among the tea components is not allowed.
  • Smell. Quality black tea has a floral or sweet aroma.

Properly brewed tea with moderate consumption will help strengthen the body and improve health.


What is black tea?

Tea has existed for more than 2000 years and is perceived as more than just a tasty, pleasant drink. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times. Therefore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is impossible to imagine without drinking tea. Mate, hibiscus, White tea- traditional oriental drinks - are also firmly established in everyday life. And there is nothing to say about black tea.

Black tea undergoes complete fermentation during the production process. This gives the brew a characteristic dark color and resinous aroma. Fresh tea leaves are first dried for 12–16 hours, causing them to lose a significant amount of moisture and become soft. After this, they are twisted tightly, as if rolling into a tube. At the same time, the veins break, the leaves become wrinkled, juice and oils are released.

This is why the aroma of the infusion is so bright compared to other types of tea. After rolling, the raw materials are laid out in damp, cool, dark rooms for fermentation. As a result of oxidation, the color of the tea leaves darkens and the characteristic aroma of black tea appears. The leaves are then dried in special ovens in a stream of hot air.

The highest quality black tea is large leaf. It is grown in 2 regions of India - Darjeeling and Assam. This is what we can primarily recommend to true lovers. Granulated and powdered black teas are also in quite high demand. They are the strongest and most tart, but lose a significant part of the nutrients and vitamins.

What is black tea, the benefits and harms of black tea for human health, is of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in traditional methods treatment. So we will try to answer questions that interest this category of people.

Beneficial features:

The healing properties of tea have been studied for many centuries; scientists have been working on discovering its chemical composition for more than 100 years. However, even now, some tea chemicals remain undiscovered or have only been studied in a very general way.

Even at the end of the 19th century, scientists believed that tea consisted of only 4-5 main substances. Currently, the drink already contains dozens of large groups of substances, each of which includes many simple and complex elements. Their total number is not yet known. To date, scientists have discovered about 300 substances, of which 260 have been identified, that is, their formula has been revealed. Thus, tea is the most complex and rich in chemical composition plant.

Black tea improves immunity, improves nervous system function, tones and is a good antioxidant. With regular consumption of black tea, the body is cleansed of bad cholesterol. Black tea can reduce headaches and relieve fatigue.

Black tea is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, essential oils and caffeine. Unlike caffeine, which is found in coffee, the caffeine in black tea is more beneficial for the body and acts gently and gradually. The caffeine contained in black tea increases concentration, improves heart function and digestive system. Tannin, which is also found in black tea, protects the body from negative external influences because it is a strong antioxidant.

It is said that if you drink about five cups of black tea every day, you can reduce the risk of stroke by up to 70%. Black tea also shows a positive effect on blood pressure levels.

Black tea promotes the secretion of gastric juice. If you have high acidity, it is recommended to drink tea before meals, and for those with high acidity, after.

Black tea has also been proven to be good for teeth and gums. Fluorine and tannin contained in tea strengthen gums and protect teeth from caries.

A cup of black tea with sugar can temporarily satisfy hunger and improve performance. And in the hot season, black tea will quench your thirst and add strength.


Black tea should not be drunk by people who do not tolerate caffeine well, as black tea contains quite a lot of it. Therefore, after drinking a cup of tea, irritability, short temper and nervousness may appear, in some cases, headache and rapid heartbeat.

Don't drink tea medications, since they can interact with tannins contained in the drink, and thus reduce the effect of the drugs or even cause harm.

Never drink black tea that was brewed yesterday; it will not only not be beneficial, but can also be harmful to the body.

Black tea has a bad effect on teeth and, in particular, on tooth enamel, so after drinking a cup of black tea, dentists recommend brushing your teeth to avoid darkening of the enamel.

Black tea with:


Black tea with milk is very beneficial for the body and has a beneficial effect on it, since tea and milk reduce each other’s negative properties. So, thanks to milk, the amount of caffeine in tea is reduced, and milk is more easily absorbed with tea, which has a very beneficial effect on digestion.

People who drink black tea are less susceptible to cardiovascular diseases. And thanks to the calcium contained in milk, bones are strengthened, which is especially important in old age. Also, tea with milk has a beneficial effect on hair, nails and teeth.

It should be noted that this tea improves mood and has a very good effect on the nervous system.

Calorie content of black tea with milk (without sugar) – 15.98 kcal per 100 g.

Calorie content of black tea with milk (with sugar) is 43 kcal per 100 g.

We can take an example of brewing black tea with milk from the British, true connoisseurs this tea.


  • Black tea
  • milk

First of all, you need to brew black tea, for this we use your favorite type of tea and hot water from 90 to 100 degrees, brew for 4-7 minutes. Pour milk into a cup (about a quarter cup) and only then pour the already brewed black tea into it.


Tea with thyme has a unique aroma and taste. This tea increases the body's vigor and efficiency.

Thyme contains a substance called polyphenol, which protects the genetic material of the cell. This also includes gum, organic acids, carotene, vitamins B and C, resins and many others.

Black tea with thyme restores strength and invigorates

Thyme tea is best consumed hot or warm. Hot tea with thyme gives warmth in cold weather and coolness in hot weather, this is its uniqueness. Tea with thyme also prevents allergies.

The calorie content of black tea with thyme is 2 kcal per 100 g.


  • 1 teaspoon thyme (not a full spoon)
  • 1 teaspoon of black tea (a full heaped spoon)
  • water – 800 ml.

Pour the prepared ingredients into teapot. Let the water boil. Fill the kettle with boiling water, cover with a lid, and leave to steep (5 minutes). If you like it stronger, let it steep longer (7-8 minutes). Enjoy your tea!


Typically, bergamot tea is made from Indian and Ceylon teas by adding bergamot peel oil.

Bergamot is a plant from the citrus family, somewhat similar to lemon. Oil is extracted from its peel, which is subsequently used to flavor tea.

Bergamot has calming properties, improves digestion, and is a good antiseptic.

Black tea with bergamot will help you cheer up, forget about fatigue, give clarity of thought and help you concentrate. Also, tea with bergamot is very beneficial for the skin. With regular use of this tea, age spots and freckles disappear.

Calorie content of black tea with bergamot is 2 kcal per 100 g.

Black tea with bergamot and chamomile.


  • Black tea with bergamot - 4 teaspoons
  • Dried chamomile flowers - 1 teaspoon
  • Sugar

Pour boiling water over the teapot, add tea and chamomile, pour boiling water to 1/4 of the volume, leave for 5 minutes.

Add boiling water to the kettle, leave for 3 minutes, strain, pour into cups, add sugar to each.


Ginger root is a very popular and healthy spice.

Ginger contains vitamin A, B vitamins and amino acids, as well as minerals (iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesium). Ginger tea is beneficial for its effect on the cardiovascular system of the body, it thins the blood, strengthens the heart muscle and blood vessels. It is also very useful for digestion, eliminates excess gases, removes toxins, cleanses the liver, stimulates brain activity and enhances potency. Ginger tea contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is why it is popularly used to treat colds and flu. Drinking tea with ginger is also recommended for the prevention of colds.

Also indispensable ginger tea for weight loss, because essential oils, contained in ginger, accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

The calorie content of black tea with ginger is about 10.8 kcal per 100 g.

Warming ginger tea.


  • water – 1 l
  • fresh grated ginger – 1.5-2 teaspoons
  • black tea – 2-3 teaspoons
  • cloves 2-3 pcs.
  • ground cardamom 0.5 teaspoon
  • lemon, honey to taste

Pour water into enamel dishes and put it on the stove. Immediately throw in the tea and ginger. When the water boils, add cloves, cardamom and honey. Let it boil again and remove from the stove. Strain, pour into cups, add lemon and drink. Enjoy your tea.


Peppermint tea is a very good helper for colds, makes breathing easier, and is effective for migraines. Menthol, extracts of which are made from mint leaves, has this effect on the body. Tea with mint is also useful for people with cardiovascular diseases, it normalizes blood pressure and promotes normal heart function.

Mint tea counts women's tea and many men do not like it, because it tends to reduce the level of male hormones in the body. This reduces hair growth in women in unwanted places. It also helps with women's problems, mint helps relieve pain, regulates the menstrual cycle, and improves the condition during menopause.

Calorie content of black tea with mint is 8.38 kcal per 100 g.


  • Black tea

To brew black mint tea, it is advisable to use porcelain or glass.

Take black tea (one part) and mint leaves, fresh or dry (one part). Chop mint leaves and add to tea. Fill in boiled water approximately 90 degrees. Let it brew.

What are the benefits of black tea for the eyes?

Indian scientists have conducted studies, the results of which show that by regularly drinking black tea, you can prevent the risk of cataracts. Rinsing the eyes with tea leaves or applying tea-soaked tampons to the eyes eliminates redness of the eyeball. Black tea is extremely useful for curing pustular eye disease - stye.

To treat eyes that tend to become inflamed and react to dust, you will need black tea, cotton wool or sponges, and a cup.

You can relieve inflammation in the following way: brew strong tea in a bowl, let it brew and cool until warm. Soak a cotton swab generously in the tea solution. Use a separate cotton swab for each eye.

Before rinsing your eyes with tea, wrap your neck in cellophane or a towel, as drops of tea will get on your clothes and stain them brown. Bend over the washbasin and swipe cotton wool soaked in tea from the outer to the inner corner of the eye. Take a new cotton wool and repeat the manipulation several more times. To ensure that the tea solution reaches the inflamed area of ​​the eyeball, tilt your head to the side. After rinsing, gently pat the delicate skin around the eyes with a paper napkin to remove any remaining solution and the smell of tea. This home method rinsing can also be done for conjunctivitis and eye inflammation in infants.

Another method of washing the eyes with tea occurs when a foreign body gets into the eyes painfully. If you get sand, eyelashes or dust in your eyes, fill a container with freshly brewed, strained tea, bring it to your eye and blink it in the tea solution. The irritating factor will be washed away.

Does black tea raise or lower blood pressure?

Black tea contains alkaloids or, in other words, the simplest caffeine with various components. Thus, after you drink a cup of tea, caffeine begins to take effect. It gives a slight stimulating effect and increases heart rate. The components of caffeine, such as theobromine, xanthine, nofilin, paraxanthine and hypoxanthine, also begin to affect the body, which leads to increased blood pressure. This ends the first stage of the action of black tea.

The second stage of the action of black tea is its ability to maintain pressure for a sufficiently long period. This is due to the fact that in addition to the listed components, black tea also contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins, and the method of making black tea is fermentation.

Thus, black tea is excellent for people suffering from hypotension, since by “holding” the pressure it maintains normal well-being. But for people with unstable blood pressure, excessive consumption of black tea can be fraught with hypertension.

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More on the same topic:

We have been accustomed to this drink since childhood. Most people cannot go a day without it; they consume it in the morning, afternoon, and evening. And what’s nice is that the quantity can’t be limited to a couple of cups. You can drink 5-6 servings of an invigorating drink. Probably everyone understood that we were talking about tea - banal green and black. Let's study in detail - what are the benefits and harms of tea, can pregnant women and children drink it. How beneficial is green tonic and black invigorating tea for men?

Legends about the drink

According to the oldest Japanese legend, tea bushes grew from the eyelashes of the mythological prince of the Daruma dynasty, which he cut and poured onto the ground. He did this during long meditations, and the hairs became the key to the growth of bushes, giving a tonic and invigorating drink that helped fight fatigue. The prince's students were the first to try the drug.

Chinese legend says that the bush was created at the moment of the creation of the Earth and Heaven by the Ruler of the Sun, Yan-di. There is also an opinion that tea petals fell into a cup of boiling water during the walk of Emperor Chen Nung Ye, who reigned in the third millennium. The nobleman liked the drink so much that it was decided to cultivate the crop nationwide.

Our favorite infusion, which can be drunk both cold and hot, has many advantages. At what times was it included in our diet, when did our ancestors first taste the aromatic and tonic drink? As it turns out, tea has a rich and rich history.

Taking second place after ordinary pure water, it is familiar in every corner of the planet; it is brewed differently, but is valued for the same beneficial properties.

Real story

It is unknown whether the legends retold above actually took place, but history interprets everything a little differently. Researchers know for certain that the drink was mentioned already in the 200s BC, that is, during the period of the Three Kingdoms. The plant began to be cultivated in 350 BC. From this it turns out that the drink has been present in people’s lives for many thousands of years. But we must pay tribute to history - tea was indeed originally used only by the inhabitants of the East of the planet.

At first, the drug was available to the wealthy class; it was consumed to treat hearing, vision, joint diseases, to strengthen the body’s strength, vigor and elevate mood. Externally, tea was applied to sore spots, included in solutions and ointments from other medicinal plants to treat wounds and burns. The drink was offered for colds and infectious diseases, and nobles gave it to those served as an incentive gift for high merit. It was not until the 10th century AD that tea became available to the poorer classes and began to gain popularity in other countries through trade.

Dry leaves of the drink began to arrive in Europe via trade routes around the 16th-18th centuries thanks to Dutch and Portuguese merchants. Residents of the Netherlands began to include the drink in their lunch meal. The English began to rely on the tonic infusion in the second half of the 17th century after their king was given a bag of tea as a gift.

Many are sure that the drink we are describing is originally Russian. Unfortunately, this is not true. Tonic leaves for infusion were brought to Russian territory in the sixteenth century, and until then our ancestors drank kvass, honey, herbal and berry infusions, and sbiten. For the first time, tea was tasted in our country by the inhabitants of Siberia, and even earlier by the inhabitants of Europe, since they were neighboring Mongolia, where the drink had been used for thousands of years. After a while, a bag of tea was donated to the royal chambers by the merchant Perfilyev, who worked as an ambassador to the Celestial Empire. This is how the drink began to spread throughout our country and finally became the main drink in every family.

Useful composition of an invigorating drink

Experts say that tea consists of more than three hundred elements beneficial to the body. But this volume directly depends on the growth conditions of tea shoots, where they are grown, production conditions and preparation methods. For example, if the leaves are plucked from a tea tree, then they contain at least 80% water, but if they are dried, only 5% remains.

  1. The chemical composition can be divided into two subgroups - a number of insoluble (carbohydrates, enzyme and pectin components), soluble (alkaloids, a number of vitamins, tanning particles, essential oils, pigment elements, proteins and amino acids).
  2. Enzymes. There are more than 10 types of these particles in the drink and they represent an effective catalyst for metabolic processes.
  3. Carbohydrates. This substance is represented by insoluble starch and cellulose, as well as soluble maltose, valuable glucose for the body. The list also includes fructose and sucrose.
  4. Pectins. The substances preserve the valuable qualities of the drink and prevent it from deteriorating for a long time.

List of soluble tea ingredients

Essential oils. There is not much of this component in the drink, only 0.0006%, but you can immediately feel it at the first rise of steamy clouds. This smell is unique, fresh and inviting. Their presence in the drink allows you to effectively fight infectious diseases, colds, the development of cancer pathologies, ailments of the cardiovascular system, etc.

  1. Pigments. They are reflected in the drink as a coloring material and are presented in the form of thearubigens, theaflavins, xanthophyll, red carotene and chlorophyll.

    Important: the largest amount of pigment substances is contained in the red variety of tea - oolong.

  2. Alkaloids are components that stimulate the human nervous system. These include diuretin, adenine, caffeine, theobromine and lecithin.

    Interesting fact: tea contains many times more caffeine than the coffee and cocoa we are used to, but it has a milder effect on the body, including blood vessels and heart function. The reason for this is the formation of theine, a substance that stimulates brain function, increases productivity, and activates the functioning of the genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract.

  3. Amino acids occupy 2% of the total number of useful substances. Thanks to them, the body recovers from heavy physical and mental stress, stress and depression.
  4. Proteins combined with amino acids occupy a quarter of the total composition.
  5. Tanning particles. Tea contains about 30% of this component, formed by combining polyphenols and their derivatives.

The substances have unique properties:

  • destroy free radicals and prevent cancer from developing;
  • regulate blood pressure - low - increase, high - decrease;
  • have a detrimental effect on putrefactive microflora, destroy fungi;
  • cleanse the intestines of pathogenic microorganisms, disinfect the oral cavity;
  • prevent cell aging and stimulate cell renewal.

Important: the largest amount of tanning components is in green and white tea.

Vitamin component of the drink

Tea contains almost the entire group B, the properties of which include:

  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • improvement of the condition of skin, nails, hair;
  • calming nerves, eliminating attacks of aggression, anger and depression.
  1. Ascorbic acid – has antimicrobial, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties.

    Important: vitamin C in hot tea is not destroyed, as it is associated with tannin.

  2. Rutin (vitamin P) strengthens the walls of blood vessels and small capillaries. For this reason, it is necessary for people with atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory tract. Tea is also a preventative food for these ailments.
  3. Nicotinic acid - vitamin PP has a powerful anti-allergic property, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract function, hair and nail growth, and improves skin quality.
  4. Retinol – vitamin A – is a component without which normal development of the human body is impossible. The substance is responsible for cell regeneration, supplies oxygen to the smallest vessels, and stimulates the growth of new cells.
  5. Vitamin D is the sun vitamin. Takes an active part in all processes, including helping to absorb calcium and other elements.
  6. Vitamin E - tocopherol is a barrier to the proliferation of free radicals, prevents premature aging of the body, stimulates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and activates the genitourinary organs.
  7. Vitamin K is an important component involved in normal human blood clotting.
  8. The drink also contains a number of microelements - potassium, copper, sulfur, iron, zinc, iodine, fluorine and others.

Useful properties of the drink

Each component of the tea is an amazing remedy for various conditions.

  1. Gastrointestinal tract. Both black and green teas have a beneficial effect on the digestive process.
  2. Cleansing. Components like a soft brush cleanse the body, remove toxins and heavy metals. Doctors strongly recommend including this drink in your diet during a strict diet.
  3. With radiation. A green drink is one of the key components for patients with radiation sickness. The substances neutralize the harmful effects of household appliances, including monitors and television screens.
  4. Prevention of cancer. The action is associated with the powerful property of purifying the blood composition.
  5. For diabetes mellitus. The components of the drink control the level of sugar in a person’s blood during this disease. The reason for this is the presence of saccharides that inhibit the body's absorption of glucose.

Important: saccharides are contained only in black tea; green tea contains much less of them.

  1. Healing properties for blood vessels. Theophylline is an important element that reduces the level of bad cholesterol and dilates thin blood vessels, which helps improve blood flow. Antioxidants cleanse the walls of blood vessels and get rid of accumulated plaques, which is an excellent prevention and treatment of heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks. Tannins have strengthening properties.
  2. Teeth. Each type - black, green or red tea contains fluoride, which strengthens tooth enamel and prevents the development of caries, inflammatory and infectious processes in the cavity - stomatitis, periodontitis, etc.
  3. Conjunctivitis. With this disease, you need to regularly rinse your eyes with fresh and strong tea– green or black.

Important: each eye needs to be wiped with different cotton pads, and only once for each of them.

Can pregnant women drink tea?

During the period of bearing a child, a woman is like a crystal vessel - she needs special attention, care and careful attitude. Any food or drink should be handled with extreme caution. As for drinks, they are no exception. Let's talk about the benefits and harms of tea in an interesting “situation”.

First of all, we note that drinking green or black tea during pregnancy is not only possible, but necessary. Considering the antioxidant, cleansing and strengthening properties of the drink, it is useful both hot and cold. Doctors recommend giving preference to green drinks, which are richest in vitamins, microelements, enzymes, pigments, etc.

  1. The drink improves the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, making them elastic, which helps cope with attacks of high blood pressure.
  2. Due to its property of strengthening enamel, tea should be consumed every day, since pregnant women primarily experience problems with dental ailments. In this case, you should not get carried away with a strongly brewed product; a weak one and mixed with milk is better.
  3. In order not to overdo it with caffeine, you can consume white, very useful variety drink This tea will strengthen the immune system and prevent the formation and growth of cancer tumors.

    It's no secret that most pregnant women suffer from toxicosis. It turns out that if you chew a few leaves of green tea, you can get rid of the feeling of discomfort.

  4. The diuretic effect of the drink will help get rid of edema, regulate kidney function and get rid of nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, etc.

Despite the above advantages, green tea can also cause problems in pregnant women. For example, excessive consumption prevents the absorption of folic acid, an important element in the formation of the baby's nervous system.

Important: it is necessary to consult a gynecologist about the portions and strength of the drink consumed by a pregnant woman.

Is it possible to give tea to children?

It is impossible to give the baby only milk and water. Caring mothers strive to include compotes and jelly in the diet of their beloved child. What about tea? Is it possible to give this drink to a baby?

According to doctors' recommendations, the drink we describe can be given to children, but only after they are six months old. Until this age only breast milk, V as a last resort, high-quality baby food as a substitute. Then start with special varieties of children's tea, which manufacturers have prudently removed tanning components and caffeine. These varieties help the small body calm down, digestion is normalized, and appetite is stimulated.

You can also introduce little by little herbal drinks, but before that you need to consult a pediatrician. Some of the most useful include:

Mint and lemon balm - calm the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate anxiety and anxiety in the baby. Give something to drink a small amount 1-2 hours before bedtime.

Fennel – has antispasmodic and antiseptic properties; the components of the drink enhance the work of the glands in digestion and stimulate peristalsis.

With the onset of one year of age, berry and fruit teas can be introduced. They improve the child’s appetite, strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, improve memory, vision and hearing.

Doctors recommend giving black or white tea in small portions from the age of 5 years. Avoid green from 11-12 years of age.

Benefits of tea for men

Here you need to remember the beneficial properties of the product. Antioxidants, pigments, tannins and vitamins allow the male body to strengthen, cleanse itself of toxins, plaques and toxins. Tea reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis and Alzheimer's disease in men.

Increasingly, the male half of humanity suffers from vascular diseases. Death from heart attacks, strokes and thrombosis affects not only the elderly, but also very young people. Regular consumption of tea will help cleanse blood vessels and lose extra pounds.

Important: you must drink tea without sugar and sweet pastries. Moreover, the green variety of the drink is more useful.

Harmful properties of tea

Like any other food product, tea also has negative properties.

  1. In case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases - gastritis, ulcers, green tea should not be consumed, as additional irritation of the mucous membrane occurs.
  2. Strong tea is not recommended for high blood pressure.
  3. The content of theobromine, caffeine and theophylline can negatively affect the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Theophylline can also cause disruption of thermoregulation and an increase in body temperature. This fact is negative in case of fever in a cold or infected person.
  5. Tea can constrict blood vessels, which causes blood clots to form.
  6. Polyphenols in black tea are loaded and create problems with performance. It is important not to overdo it with its consumption.
  7. Excessive consumption of green and even black cold drinks contributes to the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and urinary canals.
  8. Caffeine, one of the main components of tea, removes substances from us - potassium, magnesium, and valuable calcium.
  9. Too much tea has a negative effect on bones and joints. Calcium is washed out and hollow fragments are formed, which is a symptom of osteochondrosis.
  10. The drink contains purines, the breakdown of which forms uric acid, increased level which leads to gout and the formation of conglomerates (stones).
  11. Frequent consumption of green tea worsens the course of ailments such as arthritis and arthrosis.

Losing weight with tea - tea diet

In this case, green tea will bring invaluable benefits. Substances in the product act as a regulator of the level of norepinephrine, which is involved in the formation of the fat layer. To get rid of extra and unpleasant pounds for a long time, you need to drink tea several times a day without sugar.

Important: when dieting, you must avoid fatty, smoked, sweet foods, baked goods and preserves.

How to choose and prepare tea

Before you start preparing the recipe correctly, you need to consider the selection criteria.

  1. High-quality tea is loose leaf, consisting of large leaves. They should be soft, with smooth edges and green in color.

    Important: old tea is a hard and dull mass.

  2. The shelf life of the product should not exceed 2 years.
  3. Good tea must be grown in the Celestial Empire, the Land of the Rising Sun; Indian and Chinese supplies are of lower quality and useful.
  4. A good product should be presented for sale in foil or parchment paper. Tea in a plastic bag is of low grade.
  5. Type of packaging – the product cannot be stored in cellophane bags.

Learning to brew tea correctly

To truly enjoy delicious drink, you need to pour half a teaspoon of leaves into a glass of water. Place on the fire and heat until the boiling process begins and immediately remove from the stove. Pour the drink into a teapot, cool slightly, then:

  • pour a third of the volume of water into it;
  • after a couple of minutes, add water to half the volume of the container;
  • wait a couple of minutes and add water again so that it takes 2/3 and continue to steep for 8-10 minutes. Now you can pour into cups and enjoy. Sugar is not recommended, it is better to use honey.

We made several recommendations and pointed out the beneficial properties of tea, and also pointed out the negative aspects. Fortunately, there are very few of the latter. For this reason, tea is considered the best drink and takes a worthy second place after water. Prepare a drink, enjoy its taste and aroma, nourish the body with healing substances. We should not forget that drinking tea is beneficial not only physically, but also morally. How nice it is to gather around a large teapot with quality tea, discuss business, laugh at jokes and spend time in a pleasant and warm company.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Many people know and deservedly love regular black tea, and this is quite understandable, because the leaves of this drink really have a lot of interesting qualities. Brewed black tea leaves can simultaneously give complete calmness and even eliminate nervousness. However, at the same time, this drink can have a significant stimulating effect on a person, increasing his mood and performance.

It should be noted that the benefits, as well as the harm, of drinking black tea, the effect of this drink on the human body, directly depend on the amount drunk. It is no secret that the caffeine contained in black tea drink, in turn, has a powerful tonic effect on humans. This means that this drink can give us the strength to get through quite strenuous activities during the day.

But at the same time, the presence of the mentioned component can cause addiction in a person (and quite quickly), thereby generating a strong dependence on its use.

How to properly prepare black tea?

In order to truly enjoy a wonderful tea drink, you will need not only high-quality black tea leaves, you will also need soft, purified water that does not have any foreign odors. An important point: to brew black tea (as well as any other tea), it is not advisable to bring the water to the boiling point. It is believed that too hot, only boiling water can completely destroy the taste, aroma and even the beneficial properties of the tea itself.

Culinary experts say that the ideal water temperature for brewing black teas is 85-90°C, and for brewing green tea this figure should be even lower. It is also important that when preparing proper black tea, the total infusion time should be no more than three minutes.

  1. You definitely shouldn’t drink stale tea. For example, if black tea is brewed for more than half an hour, it will become saturated, which means that the drink will become dangerous to human health.
  2. Note that repeated brewing of black tea is also unlikely to bring you pleasure and benefit. Experts believe that the first brewed infusion can extract about 50% of the available nutrients from tea, but the second infusion can extract no more than 30%. Unfortunately, the third time of brewing black tea will give only 10% of the nutrients, nothing more. But the fourth brew will not bring any benefit to the person at all.
  3. It is necessary to note that diluting black tea with water practically negates all the beneficial properties present in this drink. Likewise, adding sugar does not add any beneficial properties to tea; one can even say that sugar allows you to equate tea to ordinary compote, which in principle is not bad, but is completely devoid of any meaning, especially if you chose expensive and high-quality tea.

Benefits of drinking black tea

The benefits of drinking black tea to prevent the development of numerous viral infections have long been known. Antioxidants constantly present in black tea drink can perfectly protect the human body from colds.

In addition, the use of this drink, according to doctors, prevents the early development of atherosclerosis. Tannin, which is part of black tea, is also useful, which can significantly increase our immunity. A little-known fact - but the presence of fluoride in black tea allows a person to strengthen teeth enamel and normalize gum health.

Undoubtedly, the benefits of drinking black tea can also be found in its excellent calming effect on our nervous system. High-quality black tea can also protect a person from the development of seasonal depression; this drink allows you to smooth out the course of already formed neuroses or psychopathies. The rather pleasant quality of black tea to slightly increase blood pressure will be appreciated by those people who experience fatigue and severe fatigue.

No less important feature This tea drink is considered to have the ability to quickly rid the human body of numerous harmful substances. In addition, drinking black tea in reasonable quantities, this drink will eliminate problems with the human genitourinary system. And of course, this drink helps our brain absorb information faster and even stimulates its activity.

Today, another opinion has emerged among doctors - namely, with regular use of a black tea drink, the latter can be an excellent prevention of the development of strokes. Undoubted benefit Simple black tea also has the ability to promptly relieve a person from migraines by dilating the blood vessels in the brain.

Let us remember that the effect of black tea (especially strongly brewed) is similar to the effect of a drink such as coffee on a person. This drink also contains quite a lot of caffeine. And that means this drink can invigorate and tone you up.

According to the latest data from British researchers, moderate but regular consumption of regular black tea can shorten the recovery period of a person who has suffered a severe stressful situation. Some doctors say that drinking black tea can be an excellent way to prevent the development of cataracts.

It has long been proven that black tea can normalize the human intestinal microflora, which means it can be useful for a variety of diseases directly related to the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its high content of vitamin P, black tea drink improves blood circulation directly in the smallest vessels. This is probably why our grandmothers washed their children’s sore eyes with this drink.

Black tea actively stimulates the renewal and development of the endothelium - the so-called thin layer of vascular cells that line our blood vessels. In addition, high-quality black teas usually contain a substance called quercetin, which can prevent the rapid formation of dangerous blood clots.

Without a doubt, black tea drink is a powerful destroyer of various inherently pathogenic bacteria, as well as the unpleasant odor that can be heard from the mouth. This is actually why many people recommend using tea rinses for people who have just smoked a cigarette.

As you know, black tea is deservedly considered a drink that gives longevity. This is probably why our grandmothers often used it in cosmetology. So, for example, compresses from a pre-brewed black tea drink on the eyes (especially after a long period of hard work, say at the computer or simply due to lack of sleep) can relieve swelling and irritation. Moreover, the effectiveness of such tea compresses significantly exceeds many specialized cosmetics intended for use on the skin around the eyes.

However, I would like to return to the fact that any medal has two sides. Black tea, for all its advantages, undoubtedly has a number of disadvantages, which we will discuss later.

Harm from drinking black tea

  • As a rule, harm from this drink is always associated with its excessive consumption. For example, too frequent (and even in large quantities) consumption of such a tea drink can have the most unfavorable effect on a person’s well-being. In this case, it is quite possible that regular black tea will cause harm directly to the esophagus, since such tea can irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus.
  • Drinking excessively strong brewed black tea will negatively affect the functioning of the human heart. The main harm of drinking black tea may arise due to its powerful tonic effect. This means that doctors do not recommend drinking strong black tea at night. Also, women who are breastfeeding should not take strong black tea, since when the substances in this drink get into breast milk, they will cause sleep disturbances in the baby.
  • Black tea can be harmful if consumed in an excessively thick form. This drink is guaranteed not to be drunk by people suffering from thyroid dysfunction. It is believed that excessive intake of this drink can cause arrhythmia and severe tremors in the limbs. For some people, a banal overdose of black tea can cause cutting pain in the stomach, as well as severe intestinal spasms.
  • As sad as it may sound, a black tea drink can, in certain cases, provoke the development of varicose veins, a sharp deterioration in digestion, tinnitus, often insomnia, fairly rapid fatigue and even severe constipation. In addition, brewing black tea leaves with specially fluoridated water may well be dangerous to human health.
  • Let us also recall that black tea will be quite harmful to humans within two hours after its initial brewing. And once again we repeat - both the benefits and harms of taking black tea completely depend on the amount of its consumption and, of course, on the diseases a particular person has.
  • What is certain is that the benefits of moderate intake of high-quality and properly brewed black tea are much greater than the harm. And of course, we must not forget about specific medical contraindications for taking this drink.
  • For example, black tea may be completely contraindicated for people with excessive sensitivity to caffeine or with dependence on the same caffeine. This drink is also contraindicated for people suffering from glaucoma, as it can increase intraocular pressure.
  • It is definitely recommended for pregnant women to somewhat limit the consumption of black tea (as well as any other) to one or a maximum of two cups per day. Otherwise, almost everyone is allowed to drink this drink, but again in moderate doses.

Tea is the only drink that accompanies each of us from morning to evening, and in the evenings it can become the center of the company of loved ones. It so happens that we prefer black tea, the benefits and harms of which should be carefully studied. Green tea has become popular among us quite recently, and black tea has become an indispensable product in our diet since very ancient times. However, many are biased towards this drink.

Brewing green tea

To enjoy green tea, you need soft water without any foreign odors. Under no circumstances should you bring water to a boil, even when brewing black tea. Green tea is much finer than black tea, and too hot water will destroy its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. 80-85C is the ideal water temperature for green teas.

The only thing to remember when preparing green tea is that its infusion time should not exceed 10 seconds. (Of course, you can follow the package directions and brew for 3-4 minutes, but who likes the results?) Many green teas become bitter even when steeped for 3-4 seconds. Diluting tea with water negates its beneficial properties. Adding sugar equates tea to compote, which in itself is not bad, but makes no sense, especially if the tea is expensive. High-quality teas can withstand up to 15 repeated brews. This is why the teapot should be small.

Black tea according to recipes is infused for 5 minutes

Do not drink stale tea. If tea is brewed for more than 30 minutes, the oxidation process begins and it becomes hazardous to health. Repeated brewing will not bring pleasure and benefit. If the first infusion extracts up to 50% of the beneficial substances from tea, the second - up to 30%, then the third - only 10%. The fourth brew can only add 1-2%.

What is the difference between green tea and black tea

  • black - with the greatest oxidative transformations;
  • green - at the lowest;
  • red and yellow - for medium-degree oxidative transformations.

What often gets confused is the fact that black tea is made from the same tea leaves as green tea, but undergoes additional processing, which makes it less beneficial.

Therefore, green tea, in terms of its final chemical composition, pharmacological and physiological effects, is the most valuable and healing product. When brewed, green tea retains much more minerals than black tea. In particular, green tea contains large amounts of zinc, which is necessary for the functioning of many body systems. In addition, green tea contains in abundance:

Pros and cons of tea


  • Sadly, black tea can cause varicose veins, poor digestion, palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, fatigue and constipation.
  • Brewing black tea with fluoridated water may pose health risks
  • Black tea is harmful within an hour after it has been brewed. If you observed, then a dark coating from the tea remains on the mug, and so this coating is a kind of slag.

There are other reasons, but I don't remember. Green can be brewed several times and it will be useful.


  • The effect of strong black tea is similar to that of coffee. It also contains a large amount of caffeine.
  • Tea also contains substances that tone the nervous system, increase urination, and have a strong stimulating effect on the heart.
  • According to British researchers, regular consumption of black tea shortens the recovery period after a stressful situation.
  • Improves mental activity, increases the ability to process and assimilate information.
  • Relieves fatigue, stimulates metabolism, normalizes the activity of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Effectively prevents caries, especially in children.
  • An excellent means of preventing cataracts.
  • Tea contains a lot of tannins, which remove radionuclides and heavy metal salts from the body. Tannins also have an antimicrobial effect.
  • Normalizes intestinal microflora, useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tea is also a champion among drinks in terms of the content of bioflavonoids - substances that strengthen the immune system.
  • Thanks to the vitamin P content, tea improves blood circulation in small vessels. Therefore, it is useful to wash sore eyes with the drink.
  • Stimulates the renewal of the endothelium - a thin layer of cells lining blood vessels.
  • Relieves nausea, calms the stomach. Reduces the permeability and fragility of blood vessels.
  • Medium strength tea reduces the heat a little. But too strong (both green and black), on the contrary, increases the temperature!
  • A weak infusion of tea lowers blood pressure, while a strong infusion (especially with sugar), on the contrary, increases it.
  • Black varieties contain a substance - quercetin - which prevents the formation of blood clots.
  • Strong tea can cause tachycardia - increased heart rate and irregular heartbeat.
  • Stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, respiration, blood flow, brain, appetite (reduces in large doses)
  • The caffeine in tea increases the body's production of insulin. As a result, the content of the hormone serotonin, the “substance of joy,” increases in the brain.

The benefits and harms of green tea


Too much green tea can cause liver and kidney disease. But it is not harmful if you drink tea in moderation - ten small cups a day or two regular ones. With more intensive use in the body, the amount of polyphenols increases, causing negative changes in the liver. You can drink other types of tea in large quantities, but you should not get carried away too much.


Who Shouldn't Drink Green and Black Tea

  • Pregnant women should reduce their tea consumption or avoid it altogether.
  • People suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension should not drink strong tea, and during periods of exacerbation they can and should give up tea altogether, especially black tea.
  • If you have insomnia, you should not drink tea after 6 pm.
  • Hot tea is contraindicated for patients with high fever.


Do not drink too hot scalding tea. Due to strong stimulation of the throat, esophagus and stomach, painful changes in these organs can occur.

Do not take medications with tea, as it renders them completely useless.

Tea with milk- a good preventive measure. This drink is especially useful for diseases of the kidneys and heart, and also as a tonic for dystrophy and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Tea with lemon- this is a purely Russian invention. In combination with lemon, tea enhances the nutritional and healing properties of the drink: it better restores lost strength and quenches thirst. However, the opinion that lemon tea becomes “weak” is not true. The tea only brightens, its color decreases, but the strength does not change.

Tea with sugar- too much sugar worsens the taste of the drink and drowns out its specific aroma. In addition, sugar absorbs vitamin B1 (this vitamin is vital for the proper functioning of the nervous system). Therefore, it is better to get used to drinking tea with raisins or honey.

And also, details about the tea...

  • Green tea prolongs life, reduces mortality and improves heart health.
  • Just a few cups a day - and the risk of developing any cardiovascular disease is sharply reduced.
  • Oddly enough, the drink does not protect against cancer at all, as was expected after a number of previous animal studies.
  • According to the authors, the healing effect of green tea is associated with polyphenols - plant substances that act as antioxidants. But no one has yet understood exactly how polyphenols act. Perhaps they trigger the body's natural antioxidant mechanisms or reduce the activity of free radicals in the body that destroy cells. And according to one version, they even prevent inflammatory processes in blood vessels.
  • The study was conducted since 1994 in northeastern Japan, an area where 80% of the population drinks green tea and more than 50% drink three cups or more daily. The study included people aged 40 to 79 years with no history of strokes, cancer or heart disease.
  • Those who drank five (0.5 liters) or more cups of green tea every day died less often than those who did not like tea so much and drank up to a cup a day. Death rates, especially from heart disease, among green tea drinkers were 16% lower over 11 years. Moreover, in the first 7 years this figure was even higher - 26%.
  • The cardiac effect is more pronounced in women. Apparently, because men are more likely to smoke, the authors say. Overall, the number of study participants who died from cardiovascular disease during the reporting period was generally extremely small: less than 1% in each tea consumption category. No association was found between other types of tea - primarily black and oolong - and mortality.