How to make yogurt in a slow cooker. Apple yogurt in a slow cooker in jars. The simplest way to make homemade yogurt using a slow cooker.

Yogurt - healthy drink, which increases immunity, restores beneficial microflora, and provides the nutrition our body needs. How to make yogurt in a slow cooker? We'll tell you about it.

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker?

To prepare yogurt, you usually use a yogurt maker, but a slow cooker can also cope with this task. When preparing a drink, you will have to comply with certain conditions. Remember that the optimal temperature for bacterial growth is 40 degrees. In cool milk, the process either will not begin at all or will proceed extremely slowly, and high temperatures are detrimental to the starter. As a starter, you can use either a dry bacterial culture or ready-made store-bought yogurt (you should choose a product without additives). The starter should be mixed well with the base. The fat content of milk can vary between 3.2-6%.

In what mode should you prepare a healthy drink? A number of multicookers have a Yogurt mode - in this case, just select it and wait for the sound signal about the end of the process. If such a mode is not provided, then you can use the Multicook mode (set the temperature to 40 degrees). IN as a last resort, Heating will do. The cooking process takes about 6 hours. Since the temperature rises above 40 degrees during Heating, it is recommended to turn on the mode for only 15 minutes per hour.

As containers, you should use jars of the same size, closed with lids. The jars must be perfectly clean, otherwise instead of yogurt you will get yogurt - a drink that, although healthy, is not yogurt. Jars should be placed in a bowl filled with warm water– its level should reach the level of the milk poured into the container. If you cannot find jars of the same volume, use containers of different sizes, but fill them to the same level. Do not close the lids tightly - just cover them so that moisture does not get into the dishes. Place the finished yogurt in the refrigerator for several hours. A multicooker yogurt recipe can contain different fillings.

Milk, sugar

This homemade yogurt is considered a classic. For 1 liter of milk, 100 g of sugar and a glass of yogurt or 1 sachet of dry culture are consumed. For reference: a serving packet usually contains 1 g of powder, from which you can make 1-3 liters of yogurt (the more milk you use, the less thick the final product will be). If you don't want to cook sweet yogurt, exclude sugar from the recipe.

Milk, sugar, coffee

From milk (1 l), sugar (100 g), instant coffee(3 tbsp) prepare aromatic drink. Let it cool to 40 degrees and dissolve the starter in it. The rate of starter remains the same (1 jar of yogurt or 1 g of dry starter).

Fruit syrup, milk

Combine sweet syrup (5 tbsp) with warm milk (1 l). Dissolve the starter in the drink and whisk.

Jam, milk

Combine warm milk (1 l) with sourdough. Place sweet jam in each jar and add milk.

Canned fruit, syrup, milk

Cut 4 pieces of canned (you can use peaches or apricots), dilute with sweet syrup (5 tbsp). Combine warm milk with the starter. Place the fruit mixture in jars and add milk.

Milk, fruit

How to make yogurt with fruit? Sweet fruit cut into pieces, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add a little water and cook. Combine warm milk (1 l) with the starter. Add the cooled fruit mixture to the jars and add milk.

Milk, sugar, prunes

Take several berries (according to the number of jars). Wash the prunes, cut them, sprinkle with sugar (100 g), add 50-80 ml of water. Cook the berries for a few minutes. Combine the milk with the starter (the proportions are the same). Pour the syrup with prunes into jars, pour in warm milk mixed with the starter.

Milk, vanillin

For 1 liter of milk you will use 1 g of starter, 100 g of sugar, 2 packets of vanilla sugar.

Chocolate, milk

Melt a chocolate bar, combine with a liter of warm milk and sourdough. You can add sugar or chocolate syrup. Chocolate can be anything - black, milk, white.

Milk, cream, sugar

Combine milk and cream (500 ml of each, cream fat content - 11%). Heat the mixture, dissolve the sugar in it, add the starter.

Low-fat yogurt

When using low-fat milk, you will end up with a fairly runny yogurt. If this does not bother you, prepare the drink according to regular recipe(1 liter of milk/1 bag of dry starter). If you want a thicker product, use. Soak 2 tbsp. gelatin in part of the milk, let it swell, melt in a water bath (temperature should not exceed 80 degrees), pour through a sieve, stirring, into the remaining milk (you can sweeten it, flavor it with vanilla or). When the liquid temperature reaches 40 degrees, add the starter.

Bran, milk

Add starter (yogurt or dry culture) to the milk. Place 0.5 tsp in jars. bran, pour in milk, mix with a clean spoon.

It is better to cook yogurt in a slow cooker without any additives - you can always enrich the taste finished product(this is much more expedient). If you do decide to use fillers, choose ones that will definitely not curdle the milk.

Making yogurt in a slow cooker without jars is easy and simple. But, unfortunately, not all housewives get such a delicacy the first time. In this regard, many of them prefer to purchase milk product in the shop. However, without various additives It is very rare on the shelves. In this regard, we recommend that you use our tips and make your own tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

Yogurt makers are no longer a luxury. Almost every housewife has such a device. However, in most cases it just stands there and is not used for its intended purpose. In this regard, we suggest that you immediately acquire a multicooker. This kitchen gadget will definitely not sit idle. After all, you can cook not only but also other dishes in it.

Before I tell you how to cook without jars, I should tell you a little about the product itself.

Yogurt is sour dairy dish, which is formed as a result of the joint work of some living microorganisms, and more precisely thermophilic streptococci. Such beneficial bacteria live at a temperature of 37-40 °C.

The required amount of starter is gradually introduced into the milk, which has been heated to the specified temperature, and then left completely alone for several hours.

The longer microorganisms multiply, the thicker the yogurt turns out in a slow cooker without jars. However, it should be noted that it is highly not recommended to overexpose such a product in a kitchen appliance. Otherwise, it may peroxidize.

To stop the activity of microorganisms, the finished product is cooled and then placed in a refrigerator.

How to make a quality product?

Questions about how to prepare yogurt in a slow cooker without jars and how to make a quality product are different questions. After all, even an inexperienced cook can make such a dish. But if you do not follow all the rules of the recipe, the yogurt will not be very tasty.

To prepare a quality product, you must use only boiled whole milk without any additives. You should also sterilize all utensils that will somehow come into contact with the raw materials.

Sourdough selection

Before using a multicooker without jars, you need to purchase a suitable starter. Right choice it is this ingredient that is the key to obtaining tasty and healthy homemade fermented milk product.

The highest quality sourdough is dry. You can purchase it at any pharmacy or specialty store. healthy eating.

If you don’t want to bother with dry starters, then it’s better to buy regular yogurt (not drinking yogurt) without fillers and with a short shelf life.

Cooking features

You can prepare yogurt in a multicooker without jars (the recipe will be presented a little later) regardless of whether the device has the appropriate program or not. The process of creating such a product is the same for all kitchen gadgets.

Heat to the desired temperature using heating or some other gentle mode, and then add required amount sourdough, stir and leave for 3-5 hours.

Properly made yogurt in a slow cooker without jars has a shiny and smooth surface. If you want to prepare a drinking product, it should be kept for a shorter amount of time.

You can add absolutely any fillers to homemade yogurt. For example, such a dish turns out very tasty with grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of fruit or berries, jam, natural juices, nuts and dried fruits. It is very important to remember that all of the listed ingredients can only be added to a ready-made product.

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker without jars: recipe

If you have never made homemade yogurt yourself before, you should not experiment. To obtain the most healthy and tasty fermented milk product, we recommend following all the requirements of the recipe. To implement it we will need the following ingredients:

  • cream not very fat (10%) - about 500 ml;
  • whole milk 2.5% fat - approximately 2 l;
  • fine white sugar - 5 large spoons;
  • Activia yogurt without fillers - 1 small jar.

Cooking process

Despite the fact that homemade yogurt is a very finicky product, it is easy and simple to make. Not very prepared for this full fat milk and the cream is poured into the multicooker bowl, and then turn on the “Steam” mode. In this program, the drink is gradually brought to a boil, stirring regularly. After boiling the milk for about 5 minutes, turn off the device. In this case, the product is allowed to cool under a closed lid to a temperature of 40 ° C.

After the described steps, add to warm milk natural yogurt“Activia”, mix the components thoroughly and close them again. Having set the heating mode to 2 hours, leave the kitchen device for 4-6 hours without opening the lid.

After the yogurt in the Redmond multicooker without jars is ready, it is poured into another container (preferably glass) and mixed together with sugar. In this form, the products are covered with a lid and left in the refrigerator for several hours. Only after this can you add various fillers in the form of berries, fruits, nuts, etc. to the yogurt.

Easy homemade yogurt

Once you make homemade yogurt, you will make it again and again. After all, such a product is not only very tasty and nutritious, but also surprisingly healthy.

For cooking plain yogurt we will need the following components:

  • whole milk 3.5% fat - about 1 l;
  • Store-bought yogurt "Actimel" without additives - 1 bottle.

Cooking method

To prepare such yogurt, whole milk is poured into a clean and dry multicooker bowl, and then heated to a temperature of 40 ° C in stewing mode. After this, the store-bought product “Actimel” is added to the drink. After mixing the ingredients, close them tightly and set the heating program. After 25 minutes, the kitchen device is completely turned off and left in this form for 5 hours. In this case, the lid must be closed at all times.

Ready thick yogurt transferred to glass jars and close. Before use, this product is kept in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours. Only after this, various fillings are added to it and served to the table as a tasty and healthy dessert.

Making homemade yogurt from dry starter culture

If you doubt the quality of store-bought yoghurts, then starter culture home product can be purchased at a pharmacy. With dry powder you get a real dairy dish with high nutritional value.

So, to prepare delicious homemade yogurt we need:

  • whole milk of any fat content - about 1 liter;
  • dry starter - 1 sachet.

How to cook?

To make healthy homemade yogurt, whole milk is heated in a slow cooker using steaming, and then cooled to a temperature of 40 ° C. After this, the dry starter is thoroughly stirred in the warm drink. To obtain a quality product this process carried out as follows: pour 1 glass of milk, and then pour dry starter into it and mix well. After this, the resulting liquid is poured into the main part of the drink and mixed thoroughly again. It must be remembered that all utensils used for preparing yogurt must be sterile.

After the milk and dry starter are in the multicooker bowl, close them and turn on the “Warming” mode. After ¼ hour, the device is completely turned off and its contents are kept under the lid for 6 hours. After this time, the finished thick yogurt is placed in glass jars and placed in the refrigerator.

Let's sum it up

As you may have noticed, there is nothing complicated about making yogurt in a slow cooker without jars. It should be noted that the first batch of the product using dry starter turns out a little slimy and very similar to jelly. However, this structure of yogurt does not in any way affect its beneficial and taste qualities. Place a couple of large spoons of this product in a separate bowl and use it later as a starter. Each time, homemade yogurt will turn out tastier and tastier.

Nowadays, in stores there is a huge assortment of yoghurts, both without additives and with various fillings. Beautiful bright jars attract customers. But such yoghurts cannot be called truly natural. A large number of dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, flavors, emulsifiers make yogurt, at least, unhealthy for the human body.

But there is a way out of this situation - making homemade yogurt - yogurt in a slow cooker. Thanks to this miracle device, you can easily and simply make such a dish yourself from natural products. As a result, you will be confident in the quality of the prepared dish and, most importantly, in its usefulness. Another advantage of this homemade dessert will be that its cost will be less than the cost of store-bought yogurt.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: cooking secrets

  1. To make yogurt especially healthy and tasty, it is best to take fresh homemade milk and be sure to boil it before using it.
  2. All utensils and auxiliary equipment used in the cooking process must be doused with boiling water or sterilized.
  3. The starter for future yogurt can be purchased at a pharmacy or health food store. The best is dry sourdough. It should be stored in the refrigerator.
  4. The dessert can be prepared using store-bought yogurt without additives with a short shelf life as a starter. The starter can also be yogurt that you prepared earlier.
  5. Prepare yogurt in a multicooker in the “Yogurt” and “Heating” modes.
  6. At the end of the cooking process, leave the yogurt in the multicooker for 2-3 hours without opening the lid. Then it is allowed to cool down room temperature, and then put it in the refrigerator.
  7. Yogurt that is prepared correctly will have a smooth, shiny surface.
  8. To make the dessert liquid, it should be kept in the slow cooker for a little less time, and vice versa, to make the yogurt thick, the holding time should be increased. The thickness of the yogurt also depends on the size of the jars used to prepare it: the smaller they are, the thicker the dessert will be.
  9. For cooking light dietary For foods, milk should be skimmed or with a low fat content, and for fattier yogurt - with normal or high fat content.
  10. Children will like dessert with high fat content more, because it is much more tastier than dessert, which contains a small amount of fat, and such yogurt will be healthier.
  11. To increase the fat content of milk, add one to three tablespoons of cream.
  12. When preparing yogurt at home, you can add various fillings to it, for example, chocolate, vanilla sugar, fruits, berries, dried apricots, prunes, ground nuts, any preserves and jams. Such additives should be placed in already ready dessert.
  13. Homemade yogurt can be stored for up to three days in a clean glass container in the refrigerator.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: basic recipe

This recipe for making yogurt is the simplest and most straightforward. Any housewife, even a beginner, can handle it. As a result, the dessert turns out excellent: tasty and very healthy. There are only 2 ingredients for this yogurt, but the delight from eating the dish is many times greater. Ready-made yogurt can be used as a salad dressing or as an independent dish.

  • milk – 1 l;
  • dry starter – 1 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into the multicooker bowl.
  2. Turn on the “Warming” program and wait for 5 to 7 minutes.
  3. Pour the milk heated to 35-40 C into a container, add the dry starter and mix thoroughly.
  4. To get a sweeter dessert, you can add 3-4 tbsp to the milk. Sahara.
  5. Prepare jars (5-7 pieces, depending on how many will fit in the multicooker bowl) and a towel.
  6. Pour yogurt into jars and place a towel on the bottom of the multicooker bowl. Instead of a towel, you can use a rubber mat.
  7. Cover the jars (do not screw them on) with lids and place them in the multicooker bowl.
  8. Fill the free space in the bowl with warm water to the level of the milk in the jars.
  9. Turn on the “Yogurt” program in the multicooker.
  10. Set the timer for 8 hours.
  11. At the end of the cooking process, the dessert should be refrigerated for 2 hours. During this time, the yogurt will cool and become thick.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: chocolate

This recipe is for those who love chocolate and all dishes where it is used. This yogurt will not leave anyone indifferent. Delicate and light - you'll just lick your fingers - that's all about it.

To prepare you will need:

  • milk – 1 l.;
  • store-bought yogurt without fillers - 1 jar;
  • bitter dark chocolate – 100 g;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk on the stove.
  2. Add chocolate to milk and continue heating until chocolate is completely dissolved.
  3. Cool the resulting mixture slightly and add yogurt to it, stir until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Pour into pre-sterilized jars.
  5. Place a rubber lining on the bottom of the multicooker container and place jars covered with lids on it.
  6. Fill the space between the jars with warm water to the middle of their height.
  7. Set the multicooker to “Yoghurt” mode.
  8. Set the timer for 8 hours.
  9. Place the finished dessert in the refrigerator to cool for about 2 hours.
  10. Yogurt should be stirred before use.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: with baked milk

Homemade yogurt from baked milk in a slow cooker turns out no worse than in a yogurt maker. This dessert turns out thick, with the taste of baked milk and cream. It won't be difficult to prepare it. As a result, with a minimum of effort, you get maximum benefits. If desired, you can add jam, fruit, jam to the dish: it all depends only on your imagination.

To prepare you will need:

  • milk – 1 l;
  • strawberry yogurt from the store - 1 jar;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. (optional).

Cooking method:

  1. Prepare baked milk in a slow cooker. To do this, pour the milk into the multicooker bowl, cover it with a lid and cook in the “Stew” mode for 6 hours. Then it is cooled to 40-41 C.
  2. Add sugar to the prepared baked milk and mix well.
  3. Pour in strawberry yogurt (you can use any other topping you like) and mix everything thoroughly again.
  4. Fill clean, sterilized jars with the resulting mixture and place them in the multicooker bowl, covered with lids. A silicone mat or paper towel is first laid on the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Pour water into the bowl up to the level of the milk in the jars.
  6. Turn on the “Warming” program.
  7. Set the timer for 15 minutes.
  8. After 15 minutes, turn off the multicooker and leave the yogurt alone for an hour.
  9. After an hour, turn on the “Warming” program again and set the timer again for 15 minutes. Then turn off and let stand in the multicooker for another 1 hour. By this time the yogurt will thicken a little.
  10. Place the jars with the finished dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: with chocolate, marmalade and cookies

Here is a recipe for delicious, thick and moderately sweet yogurt. With a hint of fruit and chocolate aroma, it is especially good for healthy breakfast. The originality of this dessert will not leave anyone indifferent, neither family and friends, nor friends and acquaintances. Once you make it, your family will ask you to make it again and again.

To prepare you will need:

  • milk – 800 g;
  • store-bought yogurt without additives - 1 jar;
  • chocolate – 25 g (walnuts can be used instead of chocolate);
  • marmalade – 100 g;
  • cookies (the most common) – 4 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Sterilize the jars: pour water into the multicooker container and use the “Steam” program to steam the jars for the future yogurt.
  2. Grind the cookies and chocolate until crumbly.
  3. Place a layer of cookies in the jars, then a layer of chocolate and pour marmalade on top. Make sure everything is smooth so that there are no gaps.
  4. Pour milk into the multicooker container.
  5. Turn on the “Warming” mode for approximately 15 minutes.
  6. After time, add yogurt and stir thoroughly.
  7. Pour the mixture of milk and yoghurt obtained as a result of heating into the prepared jars of chocolate, marmalade and cookies.
  8. Clean the multicooker container, place a silicone mat or towel on the bottom and place jars of yogurt.
  9. Pour water into the multicooker up to the level of the milk mixture in the jar.
  10. Cover the jars cling film and close the multicooker lid.
  11. Turn on the “Yogurt” mode.
  12. Set the timer for 8 hours.
  13. After 8 hours, remove the jars with the finished dessert and put them in the refrigerator.

Yogurt in a slow cooker: video recipe

Yogurt is a dairy product that has long gained popularity among the population. It’s delicious, it’s varied - in terms of flavoring additives and fillers, in terms of thickness, because there are drinking yoghurts and those that need to be eaten with a spoon. Yogurts are also used as sauces for various dishes, in particular, salads. Sweet yoghurts are a wonderful dessert. But the main thing here is not even the taste, but the benefits of the product. The abundance of microorganisms necessary for the digestive system makes this product especially valuable and necessary.

The composition of regular yogurt is simple - it is milk fermented with special bacteria. Having the necessary starter, you can prepare such a product at home. And the multicooker makes this process simple and enjoyable. It complies with the requirements necessary for the ripening process. temperature regime. The most convenient way to prepare yogurt is in a multicooker in jars.

Basic principles of making yogurt in a multicooker in jars

The program for preparing yogurt in a multicooker is called Yogurt. It can be replaced by the Heating or Multicook programs; you just need to set the temperature to 40 degrees.

It is advisable to pour boiling water over the dishes - jars.

Often a little water is poured into the bottom of the bowl to prevent the jars from scratching the multicooker. You can place a silicone mat.

The main thing is to choose a high-quality starter - it is sold in powder form in stores and pharmacies.

Ready-made yogurt is also suitable as a starter - only for a short shelf life, such as Activia. And of course, it can be homemade yogurt.

It's best to take homemade milk, but store-bought will also do. If it is not pasteurized, the milk must be boiled and cooled.

Fruits, berries, dried fruits, sugar, honey, bran, and cream are used as additives to yoghurts.

Classic recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

This is simple yogurt - moderately sweet, moderately sour, suitable for both children and adults. If you remove the sugar, it makes a great salad dressing. Once you learn how to do it, you can try more complex options.


A liter of milk, preferably homemade or store-bought, with a fat content of at least 2.5%

Standard package of sourdough starter 1 gram

A glass of sugar.

Cooking method

Boil milk, cool.

Add the starter, stir well in a large bowl, add sugar.

Pour boiling water over the jars and let the water drain.

Pour the liquid into the jars, almost topping up.

Place in a slow cooker, set to Yogurt mode, time - about 7 hours.

It is advisable to place the finished product in the refrigerator for an hour.

Yogurt can be stored in special jars for two to three days.

Apple yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

You can make apple syrup or take apple slices and add them to the milk before fermenting for an easy way to make apple yogurt. However, the proposed option will be much tastier and more aromatic, although there are essentially two dishes being prepared here. But you can involve your baby at the stage of mixing plain yogurt and apple-honey-cinnamon dressing so that he himself can participate in preparing the treat.


Liter of milk

Sachet of sourdough

A couple of apples of any variety

Vanilla bean or vanillin to taste

Two tablespoons of honey - can be completely or partially replaced with sugar

A pinch of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

Boil milk with vanilla bean, cool, strain.

Combine with sourdough and stir.

Prepare the jars, fill the mixture “up to the shoulders” - so that there is room for the filler and put it in the slow cooker to prepare.

Peel the apples and chop finely.

Heat with honey and a couple of tablespoons of water in a frying pan until everything is dissolved.

Add cinnamon and simmer over low heat for several minutes.

The apples should almost turn into puree.

Cool the resulting jam.

Before serving, add a spoonful of apple mixture to each jar and mix.

Can be served separately, each person can add their own required quantity apples

Healthy yogurt with dried fruits in multicooker cups

Dried fruits - source useful substances. Together with the bacteria from yogurt, they will make a wonderful duo of benefits and taste. Dried fruits can be chosen to taste.


Liter of milk

Sourdough starter pack

Glass of sugar

About seven dried apricots and prunes each

A handful of seedless raisins.

Cooking method

Soak dried fruits in warm water for an hour.

Sort through the raisins, dried apricots and prunes, cut into pieces.

Place dried fruits in a saucepan, sprinkle with sugar, add a couple of tablespoons of water and bring to a boil.

Mix the milk, boiled and cooled, with the starter.

Pour a couple of spoons into each jar fruit syrup with pieces of dried fruit, fill to the top with milk.

Place in the multicooker on the Yogurt or other suitable mode.

Yogurt in a slow cooker in jars with bran and prunes

A useful component of some yoghurts is bran from various grains. This can be prepared at home in a slow cooker. Prunes will add both benefits and taste. This yogurt improves digestion. And you can use a ready-made live store product as a basis.


Milk - one liter with a fat content of 3.5% or more

Bottle of Activia yogurt

A glass of bran - the amount can be adjusted as desired

spoon of sugar

Ten pitted prunes.

Cooking method

Boil the milk and cool to about 40 degrees.

Keep the prunes in boiling water for ten minutes, dry, and cut into cubes.

Add sugar and bran, stir until sugar dissolves. You can increase its quantity; with one spoon, the yogurt will sweeten just a little.

Pour in Activia and stir.

Pour boiling water over the jars or sterilize them, or in the microwave.

Pour the milk mixture into jars and add pieces of prunes to each.

Place the jars into the multicooker bowl.

Set the mode for yogurt and wait until the end of the cooking time.

Strawberry-banana yogurt in a slow cooker from jars

A traditional sweet and fruity combination is banana and strawberry. This taste is perfect for various dairy products: smoothies, ice cream, yogurt. It’s very easy to prepare a delicacy with a multicooker.


Liter of high fat milk

Glass of sugar

Vanillin on the tip of a knife

Bottle of Activia or packet of yogurt starter

One banana

A glass of strawberries.

Cooking method

Boil the milk, if it is not pasteurized, cool until warm.

Banana and strawberries can be whipped with a blender, or chopped into pieces - as desired, as you like.

Add sugar and vanillin to the milk, add the starter, mix.

Add fruit to a common bowl or later, when the yogurt is already in jars - this way you can adjust the quantity and combination of fruit.

Place the jars in the multicooker bowl and prepare Yogurt.

Delicate creamy apricot yogurt in a multicooker in jars

Cream will add thickness and tenderness to the yogurt. They can be added to any yogurt, but they go especially well with fruits such as peach and apricot.


800 ml milk

Glasses of fresh cream

5-7 apricots

Glass of sugar

Dry sourdough packet

Vanillin optional.

Cooking method

Stir boiled, cooled milk with the starter.

Add sugar, add vanillin and cream, mix again.

Wash the apricots and remove the skin if it is too hard. Remove the pit and cut into cubes.

Place a portion of apricots in each jar.

Pour in the milk mixture and place in the slow cooker.

When finished, keep in the refrigerator for an hour.

Orange yogurt in a slow cooker in jars

A slight taste of exoticism in a healthy way milk dessert gives a combination of orange, spices and yogurt.


    Liter of milk

    Glass of sugar

    One orange - you can take a tangerine

    A pair of carnations

    A slice of unground cinnamon

    One or two peas of allspice

    A bottle of Activia.

Cooking method

Boil milk with cloves, cinnamon, pepper. Strain and cool.

Wash the orange, peel it, take slices according to the number of jars.

The peel can be thrown into still hot, unstrained milk to release the aromas.

Peel the orange slices from skins and seeds and, dividing them into parts, heat them to a boil over a fire.

Then put the pieces into jars.

Mix milk with Activia and sugar until dissolved.

Pour the mixture over the oranges in the jars.

Cook in a multicooker in the Yogurt or multicooker mode.

After aging in the refrigerator, serve with a slice of orange.

  • Tricks and tips for making yogurt in a multicooker in jars
  • If there are no special jars that come with the multicooker, you can cook in ordinary small jars. baby food, adjika, mustard and other products. They must be thoroughly washed and sterilized.

    If the yogurt comes out liquid with the proper amount of starter, you need to use fattier milk or take a different starter.

    Whey on yogurt is not something unacceptable; it can be drained or simply mixed with the main mass.

    It’s a good idea to cover the jars with lids, just don’t screw them on. This will protect the yogurt from condensation.

    A natural product with live bacteria is stored in the refrigerator for five days, the optimal period is three days.

    The preparation time for yogurt is 6-8 hours, so it would be great to put it in the evening and have a healthy, tasty treat for breakfast in the morning.

    If the multicooker does not have the Multicook and Yogurt modes, the Warming mode will do. You just need to use it in a special way. Heating to 40 degrees is turned on for 15 minutes. Then the milk just sits in the slow cooker for an hour. Then - a new switch on for 15 minutes. You need to repeat switching on and waiting five times. This will maintain the required temperature in the multicooker. With the Yogurt mode, all this is done automatically, but without it you will have to regulate the heating yourself.

March 08, 2016 4306

Today, more and more often, every housewife thinks about how healthy the food we buy in stores is. This is especially true for dairy products.

After all, it will be much healthier for the whole family to eat those products that are created at home without adding any preservatives or other excipients.

This question is also relevant regarding yoghurts, which children love so much. After all, if you have a multicooker, preparing yogurt becomes a fairly simple process, and as a result you get useful product no preservatives.

What to look for when choosing milk and sourdough?

The first question that needs to be resolved when preparing yogurt at home is what kind of milk and starter to use as a base?

If you are considering milk, here are some things to know:

  1. Not all homemade milk is healthier than store-bought milk. In fact, if you have your own cow (which is quite difficult to do in the modern world) and you feed it, care for it, etc., then yes, such milk will be healthier than store-bought milk. But if you buy milk from aunts at the market, you should understand that you have absolutely no idea what this cow ate and whether the milk was diluted with anything. In this case, it is better to pay attention to store products, which have undergone processing and control;
  2. When choosing milk in the store, pay attention to super-pasteurized milk. Its positive side is that it has been processed and is sterile. This is what will create optimal conditions for fermenting yogurt. In other cases, you will have to boil the milk before using it;
  3. The fat content of the milk is up to you to decide. If you're cooking for kids, look for 2.5-3.2%. For those who want to lose a little weight and make low-fat yoghurts, 0.5-2.5% is suitable.

You should also know what to look for when choosing a sourdough starter. Now this spectrum is represented quite widely on the market by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

At the same time, prices in relatively equal categories are confusing. To choose the right starter, pay attention to:

  • Composition of sourdough bacteria: the more various types bacteria, the healthier the yogurt will be;
  • If you are preparing yoghurts for babies, you should not use those starter cultures where the bacterial composition is not indicated. After all, not all bacteria are suitable for small children, so if you do not see a clear list on the package, it is better to move on to choosing another product.

The simplest way to make homemade yogurt using a slow cooker

The fundamental or basic set of products for creating yogurt are the following:

  • Sugar – 140-160 g;
  • Sourdough (dry);
  • Milk – 1 l (average fat content 2.5-3.2%);
  • Additional components in the form of fruits or berries are taken to taste.

To begin with, we turn on our device and set the “Extinguishing” program. Pour milk into the bowl and heat it to about 40ºC.

The next step is to add the remaining main components: sourdough and sugar. They need to be well dissolved in milk. If desired, it is also possible to add small quantity cream. That's basically all: the mixture for the future yogurt is almost ready.

After 8 hours you can enjoy yogurt. It is also allowed to add favorite jam, fresh fruits or nuts. However, it should be remembered that such a product can be stored for no more than 5 days in the refrigerator.

Multicooker Polaris: secrets of creating live yogurt

The main difficulty in creating delicate dessert in a slow cooker there is a wide variety of them. And each manufacturer has different cooking programs for a particular dish.

One of the most popular brands of multicookers is Polaris. To cook in it unsweetened yogurt with live bacteria you need to follow the following plan.

Preparing the necessary ingredients:

  • Milk – 2 l;
  • Dry starter – 1 pc.

Cooking with your participation takes a minimum of time. You just need to do the following steps:

  1. Prepare the multicooker, turn it on and pour milk into the bowl;
  2. Wait until the milk boils, cool it and pour the starter into it;
  3. Pour the liquid into containers and turn on a suitable cooking program (cooking time 6 hours);
  4. After the allotted time, take out the finished yogurt and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Multicooker Redmond: fruit fantasies

Fruit yoghurts are the most delicate delicacy, which neither adults nor children will neglect. Especially if it's lovingly homemade from fresh ingredients.

You should take:

  • Milk – 1 l (suitable fat content 3.2%);
  • Natural yoghurt – 250 ml;
  • Fruits: apricots or others to your taste - about 200-300 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon.

From the utensils we will need a whisk, a small bowl or bowl (capacity 2 liters), containers for yogurt.

Take a prepared bowl or bowl, put yogurt in it and add powder. Mix the mixture with a whisk and gradually add milk. However, you shouldn’t be too zealous: we don’t beat the mass, but stir it.

The selected fruits must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Dry it a little and cut it into small cubes.

Now you can take on the yogurt containers. First we put fruit in each, then fill it with the resulting mixture of milk, yogurt and powdered sugar. Stir the mixture a little in each so that the fruit and liquid are evenly distributed throughout the jar.

We prepare the Redmond multicooker: you need to lay either a napkin or a silicone mat on the bottom of the bowl. After this, arrange the jars and cover them with lids. Next, we proceed to setting up the programs: select “multi-cook”, set the temperature to 40º and set the time period to 10 hours.

After the allotted time, we take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for another half a day.

Panasonic multicooker: vanilla perfection

Vanilla yogurt is a real must have for any housewife. Tender and aromatic, you can happily eat this for breakfast or enjoy it during the working day.

In order to make this masterpiece, you will need:

  • Milk – 0.6 l;
  • Sugar (you can take powdered sugar) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet (2 g);
  • Liquid starter – 3 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, if you took non-super-pasteurized milk, you should boil it. After that, add sugar and vanilla to it and stir thoroughly so that the bulk components are completely dissolved.

The next step is to add the starter and mix well again. And that’s all – all the rest of the work is done with the multicooker.

Pour the resulting mixture into jars and place in a bowl. Select the “Yoghurt” mode on the screen and let Panasonic continue to work. After 8 hours, you can get the finished dessert, which needs to be cooled and you can enjoy the vanilla taste.

When serving, you can add fresh fruits and berries, jams, coconut flakes and ground nuts - whatever your heart desires.

Dairy products are healthy and tasty, so take note, the recipe for which is easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Do you know how to cook it properly? batter on kefir for pie? Read.

Take note of the royal cheesecake with cottage cheese and sour cream and prepare it this coming weekend.

Making yogurt is not so difficult process. Its only drawback is its duration.

Depending on the model, it can cook from 6 to 10 hours. But we can say with confidence that the resulting dessert is worth it.

In addition, if you follow some tips, you can make the process easier:

  • If you are preparing yoghurts for yourself with the goal of losing a few pounds, get tested by a nutritionist and he will be able to give recommendations on what bacteria you need. Also try to choose milk with the lowest fat content;
  • It is optimal to cook yogurt in a slow cooker at night. In the evening, you can prepare everything and put everything in the bowl and press “Start” and go to bed with a clear conscience. In the morning you will have delicious fresh yogurt;
  • Do not place containers of yogurt directly into the multicooker bowl. If there is no special form, then put several napkins on the bottom.

Yogurt with healthy bacteria, homemade with love in a slow cooker, can become your children's favorite dish. In addition, he not only has good taste qualities, but also much healthier than those sold in stores and supermarkets.