Simple recipes for making yogurt in a yogurt maker, slow cooker, thermos and jar at home: yogurts from milk, sourdough and sour cream, sweet yogurts with berries and fruits. Yogurt at home without a yogurt maker

The first mention of yogurt appeared more than 6 thousand years ago. According to one of the legends, it was invented by the ancient Turks, according to another version, the fermented dairy product began to be served at the table in ancient Greece and Rome. In Europe, yogurt became popular as early as the beginning of the 16th century, after the king of France was healed of a stomach ailment. In the 20th century, mass production of this product began, which was made possible thanks to Danone. But even today, homemade yogurt is considered healthier and tastier than its store counterpart.

Homemade Yogurt: Uses and Benefits

On the shelves of stores there is a wide range of yoghurts, both natural and with various fillers. Manufacturers claim that they are useful, help to improve the functioning of the intestines, normalize metabolism and improve well-being. But still, homemade yogurts are considered better. The benefits of this fermented milk product for the body are invaluable.

  • Thanks to bacteria such as thermophilic streptococcus, with regular use of yogurt, it is possible to normalize the intestinal microflora.
  • Gently eliminates the problem of constipation and intestinal disorders.
  • Effectively fights the manifestation of allergic reactions on the skin, improves its condition.
  • Strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria.
  • Homemade yogurt does not contain sugar, which means it is approved for use by people with diabetes.
  • Helps in the fight against excess weight.

Homemade yogurt has a number of significant advantages over store-bought products. It contains only milk and sourdough containing beneficial bacteria, without preservatives and stabilizers. Only homemade yogurt is really healthy.

Options for making homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker

Everyone can prepare homemade yogurt, and it is not necessary to have a special device for this - a yogurt maker. It is quite possible to do with other improvised means.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which (and not one) is presented below, involves several cooking options:

Each of the recipes has its own advantages and disadvantages. But yogurt prepared at home using one of the proposed methods turns out no worse than from a yogurt maker.

Delicious Recipe without a yogurt maker in a thermos

A thermos is great for making homemade yogurt. This type of dishes has good thermal insulation properties and maintains the desired temperature of the liquid poured into it for several hours. And this is just one of the prerequisites for making the right and healthy homemade yogurt.

A recipe without a yogurt maker (in a thermos) consists of the following sequence of actions:

This is how yogurt is prepared at home. The recipe without a yogurt maker, presented above, is easy to perform. It requires a minimum of effort, and the result is a very tasty and healthy fermented milk product.

at home

Greek yogurt has a special texture. It resembles soft and tender cream cheese in its structure and taste. It is eaten in its pure form or used to make cream for cakes and pastries.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which is known to many, differs from the previous one in that milk with sourdough is not poured into a thermos, but wrapped in a blanket in a sterile jar or pan. In this way, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature regime necessary for the fermentation process. After 6-8 hours, ready-made homemade yogurt is transferred directly from the pan into a colander lined with several layers of gauze. After a few hours, the excess whey will drain off and you will have about 400 grams of thick, creamy Greek yogurt.

Natural yogurt at home. Recipe without sourdough yogurt maker

To prepare yogurt according to this recipe, you need 1 liter of milk and dry sourdough. You can buy it in a pharmacy and in some large supermarkets. The basis for fermenting milk is prepared similarly to the previous recipes, but the sourdough is used dry, not store-bought yogurt. Otherwise, the sequence of actions is similar.

Without sourdough yogurt) is prepared from boiled or It is completely processed, that is, it is cleared of any bacteria, therefore it does not need to be boiled. A small amount of milk is mixed with dry sourdough, and then combined with the rest in a sterile container. After that, the base for yogurt should be wrapped in a blanket or poured into a thermos.

By providing the necessary temperature conditions, you can get healthy homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker. A recipe with a photo will make the cooking process easier. Daily use of natural homemade yogurt will forever forget about constipation and intestinal disorders.

Homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

Those who don't have a yogurt maker but have a slow cooker will love the following homemade yogurt recipe. The basis for this fermented milk product is prepared from milk and sourdough. Next, you need to sterilize glass jars, so many that they all fit in the multicooker bowl.

After that, milk with sourdough should be poured into jars. At the bottom of the multicooker bowl, you need to lay a cloth napkin, pour water and put the container (as for sterilization during canning). Turn on the "Yogurt" mode. If this cooking method is not provided in the multicooker, select the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes. After an hour, turn on the heating of the cans again for the same time. Repeat the above steps for the third time. After 3 hours, homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker (recipe in a slow cooker) can be put in the refrigerator. Enjoy your meal!

Natural yogurt without yogurt maker in the oven

This recipe, according to the cooking technology, resembles the option with a slow cooker. But instead of this modern appliance, which not every housewife has available, an oven is used.

Homemade yogurt without a yogurt maker, the recipe of which is presented below, is made from milk and sourdough. It can be immediately poured into portioned jars or cooked in a saucepan. In the first and second cases, foil will serve as a lid for the container, which must be well fixed.

We send jars to the oven heated to 50 degrees. After 5 minutes, turn off the device. We repeat the procedure every hour for another 6-7 times. In modern ovens, where you can set any temperature for heating, you should adhere to the value of 40-42 degrees.

Homemade yogurt with sour cream

To prepare a healthy fermented milk product, it is not necessary to use sourdough. You can make homemade yogurt without sour cream yogurt maker. Its ripening time will be longer, about 12 hours, but the result is excellent.

In boiled cooled milk, add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, heated to a temperature of 38 degrees. Carefully combine the ingredients with a whisk. We put the yogurt in a warm place to ripen. For this, any favorite way of fermenting milk is suitable. After 12 hours, homemade sour cream yogurt will be ready. Now it can be sent to the refrigerator, and after 4 hours you can try a delicious natural fermented milk product.

Despite the incredible usefulness and excellent taste of such a product as yogurt, you don’t always want to buy it in a store, especially for a child. After all, the vast majority of industrial yoghurts are crammed with dyes, preservatives and other "usefulness". At the same time, one can argue about the presence of live bacteria in them, because the expiration date stamped on the package often exceeds 2 weeks, or even reaches a month. Way out - make dairy products yourself. The Eco-Life website offers to make yogurt at home without a yogurt maker: a recipe with sourdough or the addition of a natural product.

If you are not too lazy and make such a product at home, you will get a lot of pleasure not only due to its taste, but also the moral satisfaction from using it. environmentally friendly and absolutely healthy food product.

Homemade yogurt: a recipe without a yogurt maker

To prepare such a healthy lactic acid product, let's take one or two liters of whole milk and yogurt starter (this can be a special dry starter, usually sold in pharmacies, or ordinary store-bought live yogurt with a shelf life of no more than 7 days).

  • Milk must be brought to a boil and boiled for at least 15 minutes.

And if you evaporate the milk well (up to half initial volume)- the product will turn out to be thicker, denser and more uniform. But it will be less ;)

  • Then we cool the milk. It should acquire a temperature of no more than 39-43 degrees ("favorite temperature of bacteria"). You can determine by dipping your finger into milk: if you can hold your finger without burning yourself for a long time, the temperature is normal.
  • Pour a little cooled milk into a cup and add the leaven. After mixing thoroughly, pour into the rest of the milk and mix again.
  • Now we cover the vessel with milk with a lid, wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place, for example, by the battery, for 4-8 hours. Milk should stand motionless, its temperature should be constantly warm.

Of course, if you have such a miracle of modern technology as a yogurt maker, you will only need to pour milk with sourdough into jars, put it in a yogurt maker and turn it on. The cooking process itself is no different.

We ALWAYS put the finished product in the refrigerator to stop the growth of bacteria. Otherwise, your homemade yogurt will go sour.

Such a product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week, ideally - 4-5 days.

Do not forget to leave the starter each time for the preparation of the next batch (about 100-150 g per liter and a half of milk).

Benefits of homemade yogurt

  • It is full of living bifidus and lactobacilli, which inhabit the intestinal microflora, having a beneficial effect on the digestive system and immunity in general.
  • It has an anti-allergic effect, helps the body cope with dysbacteriosis.

With dysbacteriosis, it is often prescribed to drink type probiotics. However, it is not at all necessary to drink capsules - it is quite possible to make a homemade lactic acid product from their contents 🙂 One capsule for about 200 grams of milk.

  • Its use is possible for people with lactase deficiency and with an allergy to milk.
  • In addition to using directly homemade yogurt, it can be added to cereal dishes, fruit and vegetable salads, sprouted wheat, and even in. Well, the kids will love it with fresh berries and fruits!

As you can see, making yogurt at home without a yogurt maker is very simple. Moreover, it can be done in a more “advanced” way - in a yogurt maker, in, in a thermos. As a starter, you can use both pharmacy dry starters and purchased natural yogurt like activia, only with a minimum shelf life.

The maximum information about yogurt makers, yogurt, as well as a variety of yogurt recipes at home without or with a yogurt maker can be found on a specialized website Here you can ask questions of interest and even buy your favorite yogurt maker, using the offers of online stores.

You can prepare delicious and healthy yogurt at home with or without a yogurt maker. Despite the abundance of fermented milk products in supermarkets, most people prefer natural products prepared at home. They can be given to children, adding various berries and fruits, used for dressing salads. Natural yogurt contains a huge amount of microelements and beneficial bacteria that are indispensable for the normal functioning of the digestive system. This dietary product is an ideal breakfast option for the whole family.

How to make homemade yogurt

You don't have to be a great cook to make yogurt at home. A small set of products is enough, a little free time and a wonderful salad dressing, a delicious dessert or a light snack will be ready. There are no preservatives, dyes, substances harmful to the body in homemade yogurt. It can be stored in the refrigerator for at least a week, so you can immediately prepare it for future use for a long time.

Basic principles of product preparation:

  1. Ingredients. The main component for the preparation of yogurt is natural milk - cow's or goat's. The second most important is sourdough, which can be ready-made or cooked at home.
  2. Correct heating of milk. In order for the product to turn out, milk should be heated no higher than 42 degrees. If there is no confidence in the quality of the product, you can boil it (reduce the benefits) and cool it to the desired temperature.
  3. Adding starter. Sourdough is added to milk according to the instructions or in the right proportions. For example, if store-bought yogurt is used as a starter, then it is introduced into the cow product in a ratio of 1/10.
  4. Creating favorable conditions for beneficial microorganisms. In order for the bacteria to begin to act actively, they need to create favorable conditions, namely, to maintain heat for as long as possible. For this, a container with warm milk and the introduced sourdough is wrapped for several hours (from 4 to 9).

Add other ingredients to yogurt after it has been prepared, otherwise it may not turn out. From the finished product, you can select a couple of tablespoons of the resulting mass, place in a container and freeze, using next time as a starter.

It has long been known that yogurt is not only good for the body, but also a delicious and nutritious fermented milk product. You can easily buy it at any store or cook it yourself at home using a variety of technologies. Even a novice cook can make yogurt.

Features of making homemade yogurt

Today, healthy and proper nutrition is becoming more and more popular. In this regard, a wide range of recipes for healthy dishes has appeared. Among them is homemade yogurt. Someone will ask why make an effort if you can buy this fermented milk product in the store? It's simple: natural live yogurt does not contain dyes, flavor enhancers and other harmful additives. In addition, the home version strengthens the immune system, improves bowel function, blocks the development of pathogenic microorganisms, promotes the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

Before making yogurt at home, you should learn a few interesting nuances:

  1. You need to choose the right milk. It is better to use a homemade rustic product or pasteurized. Homemade milk must be boiled, and pasteurized milk must be heated to 90 degrees. To make yogurt tasty, lactic acid bacteria must actively multiply, for this, fermentation products are placed in milk at a temperature of 40-45 ° C.
  2. It is advisable to heat or boil in a bowl with a thick stainless steel bottom, you can also take a ceramic container for this purpose. It is better to ferment milk in glassware (for example, in half-liter jars).
  3. The sourdough must also be chosen wisely. Often used dry sourdough in small bottles. It is always available for sale. The contents of the bottle are diluted in a small amount of milk, mixed well, and then combined with the rest of the liquid.
  4. Various additives (fruits, berries, sugar) are recommended to be placed in a ready-made fermented milk product so as not to interrupt the fermentation procedure.
  5. To enjoy real delicious yogurt at home, or, for example, to prepare kefir using a similar technology, they should be placed in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Starter for yogurt

Yogurt starter is sold in pharmacies, specialized stores or supermarkets. Often, the following products are used to make yogurt:

  1. Bacterial Ukrainian sourdough Vivo is known among lovers of healthy and delicious food. With its help, yoghurts are often prepared with their own hands.
  2. Bulgarian products of the Genesis trademark are very high-quality, time-tested products that are ideal for homemade sour milk.
  3. Sourdough from Armenia called "Narine" is produced in dry and liquid form. Both options make it possible to make delicious, thick and appetizing yogurt for the whole family.
  4. Italian lactic acid bacteria "Good Food" (Good Food) has recently appeared on the market, but is already gaining popularity and positive feedback among consumers. They help to quickly prepare a healthy meal for a child for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

How to make natural yogurt at home - recipes

For quick, convenient, proper preparation of a fermented milk dessert, several options are used. For example, it can be made using special household appliances - a yogurt maker. Even for these purposes, use a slow cooker, double boiler, thermos or conventional oven. Here are some detailed recipes for healthy, wholesome fermented milk foods for adults and children.

In a yogurt maker

The yoghurt maker prepares delicious meals. This process takes a little time, the result is very tasty and uniform in texture. It is recommended to use units from companies such as Tefal (Tefal) or Moulinex (Mulineks). To make yogurt, you need to take the following products:

  • medium fat milk - 1 liter;
  • liquid sourdough "Narine" (or any other).


  1. First, we make a mixture for fermentation. We heat a small amount of milk (100-150 g) to 40 ° C, mix it with the starter.
  2. The resulting liquid is kept in a yogurt maker for 10-12 hours, put in the refrigerator for another couple of hours.
  3. After that, you can start making yogurt. We heat the milk, mix it thoroughly with 2 tablespoons of the starter culture, pour it into special containers that the yogurt maker is equipped with. We start the device for 6 hours.
  4. Then the jars are closed with lids, put in the refrigerator for several hours.

In a slow cooker

If it is not possible to purchase a yogurt maker, then you can easily make yogurt in a slow cooker. Ingredients needed to make this treat:

  • homemade milk (or pasteurized) - liter;
  • dry sourdough - 1 bottle or sachet.


  1. First you need to prepare containers for yogurt. Glass liter jars, which must be sterilized, are perfect.
  2. Pour the starter into the milk, mix.
  3. We pour the liquid into jars, put them in a slow cooker.
  4. Fill the containers with water (to the brim), set the “Heating” program for 6 hours.
  5. After turning off the unit, the yogurt should not be removed, let it brew a little.
  6. To stop fermentation, close the jars with lids, put in the refrigerator.
  7. Fermented milk homemade product is eaten separately or with cottage cheese, salads, added to other dishes.

in a thermos

Another easy and fun option to make yogurt at home is a thermos. This vessel, which is available in almost every home, is perfect for such purposes. Thanks to the following recipe, you can get a healthy and tasty sour-milk dessert for a child or an adult. Cooking requires:

  • liter thermos;
  • milk - 1-1.5 liters;
  • starter cultures in powder.

The yogurt recipe looks like this:

  1. Home-type milk must be boiled, cooled to about 40 degrees. The pasteurized product can simply be heated to the desired temperature.
  2. We take 3 tablespoons of milk, mix with sourdough, pour the resulting “cocktail” into the rest of the liquid.
  3. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. We place the future yogurt in a thermos, tightly twist, leave for 7-9 hours.

In the oven

There is a chance to make yogurt at home using a classic oven. Ingredients for the sour milk dish:

  • any dry sourdough - 1 bottle;
  • milk - one liter.


  1. Milk, boil or heat, as in previous recipes.
  2. Mix the fermentation powder with milk, pour the mixture into glass jars.
  3. Heat the oven to 50°C, turn off. It is desirable that it be equipped with a good thermostat. We put inside the container with the future delicacy, cover with a piece of cloth.
  4. Periodically, you will need to preheat the oven to maintain the temperature, because yogurt is cooked for 7-8 hours.
  5. Put the finished product in the cold for several hours.

how to make greek yogurt with fruit

In taste and consistency, Greek sour-milk usefulness is similar to curdled milk or matsoni. Compared to classic yogurt, this option is thicker, more concentrated. This does not reduce its taste, rather the opposite. To make a Greek dessert, you will need the following products:

  • not very fat homemade milk - 1-2 liters;
  • any sourdough (dry or liquid);
  • fruit.


  1. Bring the milk to a boil, remove from heat after a minute.
  2. We cool it to 38-40 degrees, add the leaven.
  3. Dishes with future yogurt (for example, a pot or a jar) are well wrapped, kept for 6 hours. After this period, the contents of the dishes are transferred to gauze, we wait until all the whey has drained.
  4. If you want to make thicker yogurt, then you need to add sour cream, cream or even cottage cheese to it.
  5. Drinkable yogurt made from homemade milk

Make yogurt at home without special kitchen appliances, it is much more difficult than cheese or cottage cheese, but still real. After all, not all housewives have a kitchen filled with household appliances for all sorts of different functions. But how to cook delicious homemade yogurt without having a yogurt maker and a multicooker? In the preparation of this product, two mandatory conditions must be observed:

1. In starter for yogurt live cultures should be contained, or rather, the Bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus.

2. During the preparation of this dairy product, the temperature must be maintained between forty and forty-five degrees, naturally above zero.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the right starter is hard to find, and therefore we decided to use store-bought yogurt. In this case, too, everything was not going smoothly, as I had to try a lot of products from different manufacturers. As it turned out, one of them still turned out to be alive, thanks to the manufacturer. In general, if you choose the basis for the sourdough, you should know that the yogurt must meet the following listed requirements:

1. The name on the package must be exactly "Yogurt" and not a dairy or yoghurt product.

2. The expiration date must not exceed one calendar month.

3. The packaging should not indicate that the product was amenable to heat treatment.

4. Should only be stored in the refrigerator

5. Should not contain dyes, fillers, preservatives, stabilizers, and taste sweet. The composition should contain only sourdough and milk.

Now let's talk about temperature. making yogurt at home because this is a very important point. If you do not follow this rule, then yogurt will not work. So, you must maintain a constant temperature of forty degrees, this can be done in the following ways:

The easiest is to use a yogurt maker;

Cooking a dairy product in a thermos;

In the oven;

In a saucepan wrapped in a terry towel or blanket, and placed under the battery;

Cooking in a water bath is the most difficult method, as it is very difficult to constantly control the temperature.

Today we will share with you recipe for homemade yogurt not made in a yogurt maker, and in an ordinary saucepan wrapped in a warm towel.

How to make homemade natural yogurt. Cooking instructions, or the usual word: "Recipe"


1. Milk - 1 l

2. Sugar - 2 tablespoons

3. Spices - to your taste

4. Sourdough - 4 tablespoons

1. Cooking technology yogurt at home very simple. First you need to boil the milk. This is done because lactic acid bacteria live in it, and in the process of transforming into yogurt, they will suppress the vital activity of the bacteria necessary to create such a delicacy. So pour the milk into a saucepan and put it on a quiet fire, stir and add two tablespoons of sugar.

2. Cool the boiled milk to a temperature slightly below forty-five, but above forty degrees. Since if it is hot, then the bacteria will simply die, and if it is lower, they will not multiply. You can check with a thermometer or by touch: if you dip your finger into the liquid, it will be just hot, but not scalding.

3. Add four to five tablespoons of milk to the starter and mix gently but thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Pour the diluted starter into the rest of the milk and mix again.

4. Quickly wrap the pan in a large, warm, terry towel and place it on the radiator or in another warm place. For example, in an oven preheated to forty degrees. Leave it like this for six hours. During this period of time yogurt You can neither shake nor mix, much less open. After a specified amount of time, you can open and admire the result. If it has thickened, then you can eat, and if it is still too liquid, then wrap it up again and leave it for another one to three hours. Know the longer fermented yogurt the sourer it will taste.

5. Important: If you miss the moment and overexpose the yogurt, then the bacteria will begin to multiply more actively and later you will get yogurt, and not the dairy product that you originally planned.

6. Supply ready homemade yogurt in the refrigerator for three to four hours to complete the fermentation process.

Properly prepared yogurt should be a homogeneous, dense mass, which, when the container is tilted, will fall out in pieces, and not pour out. The taste should be gentle, neutral, with a subtle hint of sourness. Before direct use, you can add pieces of fruit, honey, nuts, dried fruits, berries and other additives to your taste and desire. The most widespread are fruit yoghurts.

A few tablespoons, three is enough, set aside in a clean glass container with a lid in order to use as a starter next time.

Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to eight days.

We hope our article was useful for you, cook natural yogurt, please yourself, kids and loved ones. Enjoy your meal.