Pancakes without oil in a pan recipe. Chocolate pancake cake with whipped cream

I have been eyeing these pancakes for a long time. I saw a lot of recipes, sometimes zamorochny!
Basically, in recipes, everything starts with semolina. And here, with pain.
The main difference between Moroccan pancakes is the cooking technique! They are fried on one side only and over low heat and without oil.
I liked the pancakes, very supple, weightless, just silk!
Fried in a dry frying pan!
Contains minuscule oils!
At first it seems that they stuck, but as they fry, they are removed from the pan perfectly!
The reverse side is white, it does not fry! She, as the pancake is fried, becomes shiny, nothing sticks to her!
And by themselves, they are quite light, but very pliable!
Tried them with with various fillings jam, with cottage cheese, with vegetables, with meat.

Wheat flour - 150 g
Semolina - 50 g
Sugar - 1/2 tsp
Salt - 1 pinch.
Yeast (dry) - 1/2 tsp
Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
Vegetable oil - 1/2 tsp.
Egg yolk - 1 pc.
Water (hot, but not boiling) - 350 ml

Everything is ready very quickly!
We mix all the dry ingredients - flour, semolina, sugar, salt, yeast and baking powder. Add vegetable oil, yolk and hot water, mix until smooth, without lumps. The dough should be like regular pancakes! Bake immediately in a hot dry frying pan over low heat.

Pour a little dough, the dough is distributed by itself. I poured the batter onto a non-stick frying pan with a ladle. Bake the pancake on one side only.

We take it off and put it to rest.

This is how they turn out!

Pancakes in a pile, while they are hot, it is better not to stack!


Maslenitsa in 2015 comes on February 16th. There is not much time left ... and pancakes will become our regular meal for a week.


1. Grandmothers thin pancakes on milk


3 cups flour
4 glasses of milk
2 eggs
0.5 cup cream
5 tbsp butter
50g sunflower oil
3 tbsp Sahara
0.5 tbsp salt


Flour must be sifted before use. Add eggs, sugar and salt.
Add 2 cups milk and stir until homogeneous mass. IN ready dough there should be no lumps.
Add cream to dough.
We heat the butter in a water bath to a liquid state and introduce it into the dough. Butter must not be hot!
The dough should be the thickness of sour cream so that it spreads beautifully along the bottom of the pan, but not too liquid.
We bake thin pancakes on both sides in a frying pan greased with a few drops of sunflower oil.

2. Velvet pancakes


3 eggs
3 art. milk
1.5 st. flour
3 art. l rast. oils
3 art. l sugar


Beat the eggs in a stable foam, add one glass of milk, salt, sugar. Gradually add flour to the mixture, mix until lumps disappear. Add the remaining milk, mix and add vegetable oil. Beat well and bake in a hot pan (I grease the pan with vegetable oil before baking the first pancake). Grease ready-made pancakes butter!

3. Pancakes "Zebra"


1.5-2 cups flour
0.5 liters of milk
3-4 eggs.
sugar 1 tbsp,
vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
a pinch of salt.


Mix ingredients for pancake dough. Pour some dough (into a measuring cup), add cocoa powder and a little sugar. As soon as the white dough is poured into the pan, pour the dark dough with any pattern on top through the "nose", turn the pancake over and fry. The filling can be any, according to your desire.

4. Super thin pancakes

Pancakes baked according to this recipe are very, very thin, elastic and tasty.


Milk - 500 ml
Flour - 4 heaping tablespoons (~ 150 g)
Starch - 4 tablespoons (~ 100 g)
Eggs - 4 pieces
Vegetable or melted butter - 2 tablespoons
Sugar - 1-2 tablespoons (or to taste)
Salt - 0.5 tsp


To make pancakes without small holes, you need to cook the dough without using a mixer.
To prepare the dough, mix flour, starch, salt and sugar. Add eggs to dry mixture, stir. Gradually pour in, stirring constantly, warm milk.

Knead the dough thoroughly to get rid of lumps. If you are unable to get rid of them completely, strain the mixture through a sieve. Add vegetable or melted butter. Once again, mix everything well. As a result, you should get quite batter. Let it brew for 30 minutes. This will allow the gluten of the flour to swell and your pancakes will be more elastic and will not tear during baking.

Lubricate the pan with oil only for baking the first pancake. All the rest - in a dry frying pan.


- this dough contains starch, which is not soluble in milk or water. This leads to the fact that the dough constantly tends to delaminate and must be stirred. It is advisable to do this before each next set of dough in a ladle.
- the dough for such pancakes is quite liquid. It is more like water than dough. Don't try to make it thicker by adding flour or starch. In this recipe, you do not need to monitor the consistency of the dough, you just need to take just as much as it says in the recipe.

- when frying pancakes, it is very important to choose the right temperature regime. Pancakes should cook fairly quickly. If the pancake is taking too long to cook, turn up the heat on the stove.
- if you do not have enough experience in frying pancakes, start with a smaller diameter frying pan. the larger the diameter of the pan, the more obvious possible problems become.
- the recipe for super thin pancakes is designed for the preparation of thin pancakes. If you pour too much batter into the pan, it will most likely be difficult for you to turn such a pancake without tearing it, and it will take too long to bake. You need to pour enough dough so that it covers the bottom of the pan with a thin layer.
- dough with the addition of starch is less “dense” and easier to tear during baking than plain dough for pancakes, so it is important that the pancake is sufficiently baked on one side and only then turn it over to the other side.
- since pancakes made from dough with starch have a lighter structure and tear more easily when baking, they need to be turned over with more care than pancakes made from regular dough.

5. Pancake cake "Poppy" with custard


egg 2 pcs
sugar 50 gr
salt 1/4 tsp
milk 700 ml
flour 300 gr
vegetable oil 50 ml

milk 400 ml
sugar 4 tbsp
flour 2 tbsp
butter 1 tbsp
egg yolk 3 pcs
poppy seeds 2 tbsp


1. Prepare the dough for pancakes: mix eggs, sugar, salt.
2. Add milk and mix with a whisk. Add the sifted flour and mix well so that there are no lumps.
3. Add vegetable oil and mix well.
4. Bake pancakes and cool.
5. Prepare the cream: mix milk, sugar, flour and yolks. Add butter and put on fire.
6. Bring the cream to a boil, stirring constantly. As soon as the cream thickens, remove it from the heat and add poppy seeds.
7. Mix everything well. Cool the cream. Assemble a cake from pancakes, spread each pancake with cream, 1-2 tablespoons of cream per pancake.
8. Put the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Happy tea!

6. Pancake chocolate cake for breakfast


- Egg - 4 pcs
- Milk - 1.5 cups
- Water - 1 cup
- Flour - 2 cups
- Cocoa powder - 1/2 cup
- Butter - 6 tablespoons
- Sugar - 2 tablespoons
- Vanillin - 2 teaspoons

Whipped cream / Nutella / chocolate mousse or whatever you like


Mix all pancake ingredients in a blender and beat for about 10 seconds. Place the dough in the refrigerator for an hour. Fry thin pancakes in butter in a heated pan.

Transfer to a plate and spread over the pancake layers, alternating the chocolate spread with the whipped cream. Sprinkle cocoa on top, and make hearts with powdered sugar.

7. Custard pancakes on milk


1. Half a liter of milk
2. Whisk 2 eggs
3. Add 1 tsp. enough baking powder and flour to make a dough like a pancake
4. Then pour 1 cup of boiling water, mix.
5. Add 7 tbsp. vegetable oil.
The dough is ready!
6. Fry as usual, in a hot pan, on both sides!

8. Creamy curd pancake cake with cherry jam

For pancakes:
- 375 ml milk
- 200 g. wheat flour
- 1 egg
- 40 g sugar
- 25 ml vegetable oil

For filling:
- 300 g of cottage cheese
- 300 ml cream 35%
- 35 g of powdered sugar
- 200 g. cherry jam
- 100 ml of water
- 1 tsp starch
- 30 g sugar
- ¼ tsp cinnamon
- 30 g almonds


1. Prepare pancakes (you should get 9-10 pieces, you will need 9).
2. Cut off the edges on a plate with a diameter smaller than pancakes by 1-2 cm. Whip the cream with powder into a cream and mix with cottage cheese.
3. Assemble the cake: grease 3 pancakes with cream, 1 with jam, then again grease 3 with cream, 1 with jam and the rest with cream. Sides also smear with cream. Place in refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. Pour boiling water over the almonds and leave for 5 minutes. Peel off the skin and grind lightly in a blender.
5. Boil jelly from water, starch and sugar, adding cinnamon at the end and cool.
6. Pour the cake with jelly and sprinkle with nuts. Place back in the refrigerator for an hour.
9. Delicate pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Flour 1 tbsp.
kefir 1 tbsp.
boiling water 1 tbsp.
egg 2 pcs.
sugar 1.5-2 tbsp.
soda 0.5 tsp
vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
salt 0.5 tsp


Whisk eggs with salt
Add boiling water without stopping beating
Pour in kefir
Mix the sifted flour with soda. Add to our liquid, put sugar, vegetable oil. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.
Leave the dough for 10 minutes.
We bake in a frying pan greased with oil until golden brown.

The pancakes are very tender, which at first turned over badly for me. But then I got used to it and it worked.
10. Chocolate Pancake Cake with Whipped Cream

175 gr flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 4 tbsp cocoa
- 100 gr sugar
- 1/4 tbsp salt
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 350 ml milk
- 230 ml heavy cream
- 30 gr powdered sugar
- 90 gr melted chocolate
- fruits


Mix 175 g flour, 1 tsp baking powder, 4 tbsp cocoa, 100 g sugar and 1/4 tsp salt. 4 tbsp vegetable oil, 2 tsp. vanilla extract, 350 ml milk. Mix well.

Heat a skillet with vegetable oil over medium heat. When the pan is hot, pour the batter into the pan with a ladle. We fry one side.
Using a spatula, carefully flip the pancakes and fry on the second side until cooked through. Repeat until all the dough has been used.
Let the pancakes cool completely.
Whip cream with 4 tbsp. powdered sugar.
Lubricate the pancakes with whipped cream, laying each pancake on top of each other.
Decorate with fruit on top.
Pour in melted chocolate.

11. Pancake pie with curd filling

To make a pancake pie you will need:

Ready thin pancakes - 10-12 pieces;
cottage cheese - 500 g;
sugar - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
egg - 1 pc.;
vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
dried apricots or raisins;
for filling:
eggs - 2 pcs.;
sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
sour cream - 3 tbsp. l.

Bake thin pancakes according to your favorite recipe.

Prepare the filling. To do this, grind the cottage cheese with an egg, sugar, vanilla sugar, add chopped dried apricots, mix.

Put the filling on the pancake, roll it up.

Grease a baking dish with oil. Spread pancakes with filling in a spiral shape.

Prepare filling for pancake pie. To do this, lightly beat the eggs with sugar, add sour cream, mix until smooth.

Whole pancake pie evenly cover with filling, put the form with the pie in the oven preheated to 190 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

12. Thin banana pancakes without butter


A glass of milk
175 g sifted flour
tsp baking powder
ripe banana
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
a pinch of salt
a pinch of cinnamon
rast. oil for frying (not much)

Cooking method:

1. Banana cut and mix in a blender with milk. Grind into a homogeneous liquid mass.
2. Mix flour, baking powder, sugar, salt, cinnamon in one bowl, mix.
3. Pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and beat with a whisk.
4. Heat the pan well, pour a drop of oil before frying the first pancakes.
5. Pour the dough according to Art. l. and give it the shape of a flat circle.
6. On one side, bake pancakes until bubbles appear (on medium heat)

7. Then turn over.
13. Custard pancakes on kefir

2 tbsp. kefir (it is better to take not fatty)
2 tbsp. flour
2 eggs
1/2 tsp soda
2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
salt, sugar to taste


Mix kefir, eggs, flour, salt, sugar, beat lightly with a whisk.
Throw 1/2 tsp into a glass of boiling water. soda, stir quickly and pour into the dough, mix,
let stand 5 min. Add 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, mix and fry pancakes))
Also thin and very perforated pancakes come out) Thanks to Marfusha for the recipe)
Be sure to bake on a very hot frying pan and then there will be much more holes

14. Banana Pancake Cake with Yogurt and Walnut Glaze
Butter - 4 tablespoons
Large ripe banana - 1 piece (about 170 g, or ½ cup puree)
Milk - 235 ml
Flour - 95 g
Egg - 4pcs
Brown sugar - 2 tablespoons
Vanillin - ½ teaspoon
Salt - ¼ teaspoon
Cinnamon - ½ teaspoon
Nutmeg- ¼ teaspoon
A pinch of ground cloves

Cream cheese- 225 g
Plain yogurt (Greek) - 345 g
Sugar - 65 g
Vanillin - ½ teaspoon

Fat whipping cream - 120 ml
Brown sugar - 50 g
Butter - 15 g
Chopped walnuts- 50 g
Vanillin - ½ teaspoon
Salt - to taste


Puree the banana in a blender, add the butter and then the rest of the pancake ingredients and blend until smooth. Pour the dough into a bowl (quite liquid in consistency), close cling film and refrigerate for at least an hour. Beat the chilled dough thoroughly and fry the pancakes on both sides in a hot frying pan until golden brown.

Filling: Beat cream cheese until fluffy, gradually add yogurt, sugar and vanilla. Beat until a homogeneous airy mass.
Spread the filling between each crepe and spread the rest of the cream on top of the cake.

For the frosting, beat the cream, brown sugar and butter with a hand mixer on medium speed in a saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add vanilla, salt and chopped nuts. Immediately pour the icing on top of the cake.

15. Manno-oatmeal pancakes

Delicate pancakes without flour, well, just delicious! They turn out fluffy and melt in your mouth!


1 st. oatmeal
1 st. semolina
500 ml. kefir
3 eggs
2 tbsp. l. Sahara
1/2 tsp soda
1/2 tsp salt
3 art. l. vegetable oil


Mix in a bowl semolina and oatmeal. Pour them with kefir, mix and leave for 2 hours. Beat eggs, add to bowl. Add salt, sugar and soda. Add oil, mix. And fry pancakes.

16. Openwork pancakes

Milk (2.5% fat) - 3 and 1/4 cups
Dry yeast - 10g.
Chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
Premium flour - 500g.
Sugar - 2 tablespoons
Salt - 1 tsp
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

1. Pour dry yeast into a bowl and dilute it with a quarter cup of well-warmed milk, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. We put the yeast in a warm place so that they "come" - they begin to bubble.
2. Sift the flour through a sieve, add salt, sugar, eggs to it, carefully pour in the milk warmed on the stove, stirring constantly and add the “approached” yeast. Now mix the dough until a homogeneous mass is formed. Make sure the dough is free of lumps. Then add vegetable oil to it (melted butter is also suitable) and mix again properly.
3. Now you need to cover the dough with a lid and put it in a warm place so that it “fits” - that is, it increases in size. The dough should rise 3-4 times. Each time after increasing, the dough must be mixed. Make sure that the dough does not “run away”, if the bowl is not enough, pour it into a large container. In general, the dough should “fit” 2-2.5 hours.
4. After the dough is ready, we start baking pancakes. Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan and pour out part of the dough. If the dough is done correctly, it should pour into the pan like froth. When the pancake is cooked, pry it with a spatula and carefully turn it over to the other side.

17. Pancakes from a bottle

We rationalize the preparation of pancakes. Utensils are not needed, we take a plastic bottle from mineral water and a standard pancake set: 2 eggs, 10 heaped tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and 600 grams of milk .
We insert a funnel into the bottle and add flour, sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil and milk, and twist the lid.
And now let's break it all down. It is very convenient to do this in a bottle.
We take a frying pan, drip vegetable oil.
Pour the dough out of the bottle, pour it into the pan and bake pancakes!
And it is not necessary to fry all the dough at once, put the bottle of dough in the refrigerator, and in the morning you can make pancakes for breakfast. In this case, it will be necessary to add warm milk or water to the dough.

18. Pancakes with milk


1 tbsp Sahara
a pinch of salt
1 st. milk
1 st. flour
1 st. l. vegetable oil


Beat eggs well with sugar and salt, pour in milk and add flour, at the very end of mixing add vegetable oil.
If the dough seems thick to you, stir in a little milk or water.
Bake in a very hot skillet.

19. Pancakes

500 ml kefir
1 - 2 eggs (I have one)
4 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cups (400 ml) flour
0.5 tsp soda
1 tsp with a slide of baking powder
2-3 tbsp sugar
a pinch of salt


Mix all dry ingredients. In kefir, stir the egg, add oil. Add the dry mixture to the kefir and mix gently (you don’t need to knead too much so that the pancakes don’t come out rubbery, the flour will disperse anyway). Preheat a small frying pan, grease the first time with oil, then do not lubricate. We spread the dough with a thickness of about 0.5 cm, leveling with a spoon. Fry over medium heat under a lid. When the dough has set a little, turn over and fry without a lid.

20. Pancake tiramisu cake

For pancakes:

Butter - 6 tbsp. l. , milk - 720 ml, egg - 6 pcs., flour - 1.5 cups, sugar - 6 tbsp. l., a pinch of salt, coffee liqueur / Baileys / brandy - 45 ml.

For cream:

Large egg - 3 pcs. (proteins / yolks separately), sugar - 150 g, mascarpone cheese - 240 g, heavy cream - 125 ml, coffee liqueur / Baileys / brandy - 75 ml, dark chocolate- 85 g, a pinch of salt.


1. Melt the butter. In a separate saucepan, heat the milk, remove from heat and cool for about 10 minutes. 2. Combine flour, eggs, sugar, salt and liqueur in a blender and beat until smooth. Pour in the milk and butter and beat the dough again. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 6 hours, preferably overnight. Fry thin pancakes in a pan on both sides and put on a separate plate.

3. Prepare the cream by whipping the yolks with ½ cup of sugar and placing in a water bath. While stirring, bring the yolks to a pale yellow state. Cool down. Wash bowl and dry. In it, beat the whites with a pinch of salt until airy peaks. Add the remaining ¼ cup sugar and beat again.

4. Whip the cream well in a separate bowl. Enter mascarpone and liquor into the yolks, then cream and whites (beat after adding each ingredient separately). Stir, close the cream and refrigerate for 1-2 hours.

5. Apply cream between each layer of pancakes. Place the cake in the refrigerator for an hour. After an hour, apply the remaining cream on top of the cake, grate the chocolate on top and put finished cake in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

You have not cooked such pancakes yet: a recipe for pancakes with beer and millet porridge pancakes

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Pancakes have never worked out for me, and last year they gave me two wonderful links here to recipes for pancakes, which even the most squint-handed people get. One recipe was with water (as far as I remember), the second one was also kind of simple and "error-free". I dragged both recipes into my links, my daughter baked wonderful pancakes according to the recipes, but the trouble is - along with the computer that died in Bose, the links disappeared: (Maybe someone can help? We have 2 more days for pancakes ... Help, kind people...

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Well, we still fry them in oil, but everything else ... I really like pancakes. Since childhood. It would be strange not to love them: they all year round piping hot, with apples and jam. Or squash, in August, with sour cream. Or potato, mushroom sauce. True, in my childhood, potatoes were not cooked. The head culinary specialist in our company, my friend's grandmother, said that she couldn't stand even the sight of them...
...Vegetable pancakes are a wonderful thing. Since besan - chickpea flour - has been on the market, making them has become quite simple. And compared to other pancakes, they still more or less claim the title of dietary. Although they still have to be fried in oil. But here you can’t get anywhere - it seems that the very name “fritters” comes from the Greek “oleum”, oil. Chickpea pancakes are good because they consist of eighty percent of vegetables: you need a little flour, and eggs are completely useless. The most beautiful are obtained from potatoes, carrots and zucchini. For a change, you can add Indian spices: fried...
...Otherwise, the pieces will spread, and it will not be very impressive. By the way, all of the above options will gladly accept cottage cheese, especially soft one. I always put an extra egg in pancakes with cottage cheese, and beat the protein with sugar into a very dense foam. Beauty turns out! Yes, about whipped protein. Just like pancakes, pancakes can be made to rise in several ways: using yeast, soda, baking powder, and egg white. In the latter case, pancakes should be simple, with almost no additives, otherwise no protein will overpower them. Yeast pancakes good with vegetable and fruit purees - they turn out lush and spongy. And you can’t do without yeast when baking lean pancakes from porridge. Porridge can be anything: barley, millet ...

Julia Child's Pancakes and Emperor Franz Joseph's Kaiserschmarrn: Recipes with History

We pinch and begin to gently and very gently roll out the cake. We don't push! Let's not rush! We do not speed up the process! At first, the cake rolls a bit tight, and then, at one fine moment, it suddenly gives in and rolls into a thin pancake three or four millimeters thick. We put the pancake in a pan, fry on one side, turn over, fry on the other. If the pancake puffs up, pierce it with a knife. The second secret: how to cook khychiny Another second secret I call "mom to help you." In fact, I always call my mother so that one of us will ride and the other will bake. Lubricate the finished khychin on both sides with butter, which we do not regret! The third secret: how to serve khychin Well, etc ...

pancakes on boiling water. Litta's blog on

[link-1] Boiled pancakes February 17th, 2015 boiled_pancakes Friends, today is the second day of Shrovetide and I suggest you cook the most delicious pancakes according to the recipe of my confectioner friend Nikandrova Vera. These pancakes are incredibly tender, soft and porous. They supplanted all other pancake recipes and now we cook them regularly and without Shrovetide. They can be eaten with sweet or not. sweet stuffing. But most often we eat them simply oiled, because they are incredibly...

Where there are pancakes, there are pancakes, right? Cooking pancakes is easier, even a child can handle it. And most importantly - in addition to those beloved by many fluffy fritters on kefir, there are many recipes for pancakes. Any filling, suitable seasonings - and quick breakfast ready. In general, if you are not a big fan of Maslenitsa and pancakes, it's time to get into pancakes with the author of the book "Cooking Matrix". How I started cooking ol...
... Realizing that the dough will endure any additives that I can think of, and the dish will only take 5 minutes to cook (after all, the filling has often already been heat-treated), I began to fry pancakes with everything that came to my hand. In short, any product will work for pancakes, although some vegetables and meats are best boiled or fried first. Subsequently, I switched from fish or vegetables with salt, olive oil and lemon for more sophisticated combinations. Some of these inventions can be served as a dessert for 4 in the afternoon. Basic Recipe: Stuffed Pancakes Beat 1 egg, 2 tsp. water or milk and 2 tbsp. l. flour. Stir in ⅓ to 1/2 cup chopped ingredient of your choice; salt and pepper (or add sugar if making sweet pancakes). Pour...

Dough for pancakes in milk and butter. We bake pancakes with bacon

Recipe for pancakes in milk - regular and chocolate. Kurd: frozen berry recipe
...l.) sugar 1/2 tsp. salt 1 egg 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil 250 ml boiling water 250 ml milk For cream: 250 g mascarpone room temperature 200 g cream (from 32%) 100 g white chocolate 10 g powdered sugar 100 g blueberries or blueberries blueberry curd Mix the egg, half the milk, sugar and vegetable oil. Sift flour with salt and mix until smooth. Add milk, stir. Pour all the boiling water into the dough, mix and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. If the dough is thick, add 1-2 tbsp. l. milk. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, you can grease with oil. Fry thin pancakes for 1 minute on each side. For cream...
...Add sugar (and lemon juice if using) and heat until dissolved. Beat with a blender and rub through a sieve. Allow to cool slightly, beat the eggs and add to the berry puree. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat, add butter in chunks and stir. Pour into a jar and refrigerate. Keep refrigerated. Chocolate pancake cake with chocolate mousse and cranberry curd Sometimes you want something chocolate, but not too much. An excellent solution is a chocolate pancake cake with chocolate mousse and a layer of cranberry curd. Dense and full-bodied, it is perfect for ice-cream breakfast...

The long-awaited pancake epic.

I have been waiting for a very long time for this double-sided brazier to finally come to me. I really wanted to fry pancakes, smearing the dough with a stick, like in a coffee shop :) Again, plus - a heavy frying pan (and on cast iron skillet the most delicious pancakes!) do not need to be carried. I got the stick before the brazier, thanks to our Chinese friends for some 35 rubles. And the brazier came to me all spring and all summer :)) In general, here is the first pancake, a little crooked, this is out of habit. You still need to get used to this wand ...

Life hack: cooking without fat. Paclan user blog on

The desire for a healthy lifestyle and harmony encourages many housewives to abandon all sorts of "harmful things". And first on the list are fried foods With high content fat. “Such food upsets the digestion process and disrupts the motor functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The trans fats formed in it contribute to an increase in the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, an increase in the risk of thrombosis and ischemia of the heart muscle, warns Irina Gaidukevich, a gastroenterologist of the highest qualification...

Healthy food. We fry in a pan: how to

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How pancakes are prepared for Maslenitsa in restaurants - and what they serve with
...Oatmeal pancakes Cafe-bakery "Bread shop", Chef Mikhail Simagin For pancakes: Oatmeal flour - 250 g Eggs - 2 pcs. Salt - 3 g Milk - 250 g Butter - 4 g Sugar - 30 g Grind eggs with sugar, add warm milk with butter, salt and gently tighten with flour. Bake pancakes on both sides in butter. For salted caramel: Egg - 1 pc. Sugar - 100 g Salt - 10 g Butter - 15 g Cream 33% - 35 g Melt sugar over low heat until caramelized, carefully pour in the cream, but do not bring to a boil. Take it off the stove, crack an egg into it...

Recipes with photos: thin pancakes with milk, oatmeal cookies and yeast pies

Pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya. dgonke's blog on

Cooking programs with Yulia Vysotskaya are very popular with domestic viewers. This is not surprising, because Julia tries in each issue to present even the most complex recipes in a very accessible way. So today, hostesses prefer to make many familiar dishes according to the recipes of the famous TV presenter. Let's, for example, learn how to cook pancakes from Yulia Vysotskaya. Pancakes [link-1] - this is perhaps one of the most "Russian" dishes, along with cabbage soup, cereals, pies ...

Pancake snack rolls. dgonke's blog on

Pancake rolls - great snack For holiday table especially during Maslenitsa. Such rolls are prepared from any pancake dough to taste, and a variety of products are used as fillings for them, including meat, fish, vegetables, cottage cheese, cheese, herbs, etc. Today I want to share a recipe for pancake rolls that can be served on snack. Pancake rolls are a great choice for any holiday, because they are not only hearty and tasty, but also very beautiful. These rolls can...

Pancake Snack Recipes

Pancakes and various dishes of them are popular throughout the year, but most of all they are prepared, of course, during Pancake Week(Maslenitsa). And if you want to cook pancakes in an original way for Maslenitsa or just want to please your loved ones unusual dish, then pay attention to the recipes for snack bags of pancakes with filling. This is incredibly delicious and very beautiful! Pancake bags are by no means a novelty on domestic tables, but right now ...

Lace pancakes from Malaysia and American banana fritters


I baked lace. A watering can is not needed, you can simply water from any dish. Well, the children asked not to do this anymore - it is inconvenient to eat. With their hands they spread between the fingers, and with a fork - why then lace. :) With holes, they love pancakes. I also baked pale pink ones, added three drops of Easter food coloring.

carnival and enemy banana pancakes??? Is it compatible?

RECEPTS-1 (thin pancakes).

Thin pancakes(I do this, I derived the proportions empirically) Egg-1 pc-2 pcs (from their size) Milk-400 ml Water with gas 100 ml Flour-7 tablespoons with a BIG slide Sugar 1 tablespoon (if you want sweet 2) Salt pinch Vegetable oil 3 tbsp Cooking: 1. Be sure to sift the flour 2 Take a bowl, break the egg, add sugar and salt, beat well, with a whisk or a mixer 3 Pour in milk (not cold, at room temperature or a little warmed up 4 Slowly add and stir ...

Maslenitsa is on the nose, but I'm not ready. I keep looking for the recipe. perfect pancakes. Thin, lacy and without yeast. And learn to bake buckwheat pancakes. They don't work for me. At all. Thanks everyone for the advice.


I bake from buckwheat flour 1:1 with wheat (one buckwheat is not allowed), 1 egg, sugar per eye, milk, flour too, salt, olive. oil. And yesterday I found a lot of recipes for all kinds of pancakes, [link-1] now I experiment every day), it’s been an oil week, my children are happy!

On fresh kefir, give a recipe.

L. finely grated coconut. In a small frying pan, heat up the melted butter. Pour a little dough with a ladle and level it over the entire surface of the pan. Sprinkle with sesame seeds here. Turn over after a minute and fry on the other side. Grease the pancakes ghee and stack it up. Cooking curry. We cut the pork into pieces the size of a woman's fist and cook in salted water with bay leaves and black pepper until tender. We take out the meat from the broth, dry it and cut into thin strips. Finely chop the onion and garlic and fry in vegetable oil. Add spices and mix. We put the pork, fry. Add the pumpkin cut into small cubes, salt and sprinkle with lime juice. Add sugar and bring to a boil, adding bu...

funny pancakes

FUNNY PANCAKES Milk - 500 ml, eggs - 3 pcs, flour - 280 g, sugar - 1-2 tablespoons, salt - 1 teaspoon (without a slide), vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons, butter for lubrication ready-made pancakes Look at Yandex.Fotkah How to cook: Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt and sugar. Stir with a whisk or fork until smooth (do not beat). Look at Yandex.Fotkah Tip. If you cook sweet pancakes - you can add 2-2.5 tablespoons to them ...

How to cook pancakes with holes: a proven recipe
...I always bake pancakes in a cast-iron skillet, but a heavy-bottomed non-stick pan will do. Before baking each pancake, I pour in a little vegetable oil. I turn over with a wide silicone spatula for pancakes, they are produced in XXL size, they are almost half the size of a pancake circle. Herring and Green Apple Filling Fillings for pancakes are almost more important than the pancakes themselves. At least, a lot of people think so. Let's not disappoint anyone. The most common combination is pancakes with fish or pancakes with sweets. Well, vacuum-packed finished fish...

The best recipes for pancakes and pancakes!.

Proven, most delicious recipes pancakes with photos from chefs. Custard pancakes on kefir Ingredients Kefir 1% 800 ml Egg 2 pcs. Flour 350-400 g Boiling water 220 ml Sugar 1.5 tbsp Soda 1 tsp Pinch of salt Vegetable oil 3 tbsp Butter Preparation Break 2 eggs, add granulated sugar and a pinch of salt. Whisk well until smooth. Add kefir and stir again. We add flour. Beat the dough until smooth without lumps. You may think that the dough...

Yummy! Pancake dough. Blog user churochhka on

Classic recipe pancakes Ingredients: a glass of milk a glass of water two to five tablespoons of flour (depending on the desired thickness of the pancake) an egg a pinch of salt oil for frying and one tablespoon of butter in the dough 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder (optional) To make pancakes from classic pancake dough were delicious, you need to cook them properly: Pour milk and water into a saucepan. Add flour mixed with baking powder. Then add the beaten egg. Beat the pancake dough with a whisk, and ...

Norman Apple pie- easy breakfast recipe


yes, still necessarily vanilla and LEMON ZEST!

I'm already ashamed to ask and talk about the next dish that I don't know how to cook :) To be honest, I basically don't know how to cook pancakes. In the heat of these, I have a husband. I cooked all my childhood, I have a grandmother professional chef, but alas, he does not know how to start the dough. Therefore, the recipe was taken from here [link-1]. Just everything is in grams and step by step for the especially gifted, that is, for me :) After 1 pancake, my husband rejected the dough and heavily diluted it with water. Said it was too thick. Basically the result...


my pancake "secrets" are simple and obvious: a well-heated frying pan with a thick bottom, initially smeared with oil with a brush for the first pancake, then I do not oil it during the baking process.
I add butter to the dough before baking.
I like thick yeast, 2-3 eggs per liter of milk. I like to dilute them to liquid and acc. thin pancakes.
I love simple ones in cold milk, I knead by eye, for 1.5 cups of milk 2 eggs and flour go to the state of what subtlety pancakes you want. + 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little salt. Sweet and lacy.
I never put soda and never heard from my old relatives, whose legacy I use :).
On kefir, not very lyu, because of the sour taste.
I somehow diluted simple ones with milk with mineral water, because of it the pancakes turned out to be more brittle at the edges, I coat them with oil, cover them - the brittleness "leaves".
I also believed in the rule of "full hand" :), indeed, the more often you do (try for a glass, only a dozen), the faster mastery comes.

Pancakes. The recipe is local, so to speak, family))).

You need to mix: 10 wooden spoons of white flour with a slide (meaning such a standard wooden spoon, not big, not small. If there is none, then pour 15 tablespoons with a large slide), a full handful of sugar, 2 tsp. salt without a slide, 1 tsp soda, 4 wooden spoons of vegetable oil (or, probably, 6 tablespoons), 3 eggs, 0.75 liters of room milk t. Mix either with a mixer or in a blender. I mix in a blender in 2 steps, because. the volume is large and my blender can not cope ...

What would you think of them? And they did what? I mixed the pancake and they stick like crazy to the pan ... And if you pour oil, it's worse than if it's dry *** The topic was moved from the conference "SP: gatherings"


Have you heard about the "1st pancake lumpy"? This is actually because the pan is not heated to the right temperature.
Well, it very rarely happens if the pan is new and without a Teflon coating, and natural soot (which is actually better than any Teflon and is its prototype) has not yet formed.

SUMMARY - (don't laugh!)
mineral water let me down. Because it’s not good to boast here that with mineral water, everyone turns out right and straight lacy!
For lack of mineral water, I filled up champagne with water in half
Well, it turned out what happened. ABSOLUTELY not lacy, flat like a plate :) And I had to add flour because they were sticky.
Bottom line: don’t show off, bake according to a proven recipe

Girls, does anyone bake pancakes with their homemade today? I wonder if there diet pancakes? I will bake in the evening for my husband and child with an apple and a banana.

Help, who knows :) I bought this paper, wet it, made pancakes - with minced meat, vegetables and spices inside. Then they need to be fried in oil. And they stick to my frying pan and that's it: ((What am I doing wrong? Maybe I need to dry them after wrapping? Maybe roll them in flour? What other filling can I go there? Sweet can I fry only before eating? I'm talking about "taking them to work" ... Somehow I made them many years ago - everything was fine. Maybe I soaked the paper a lot?

1. The pan should be HOT, especially before the 1st pancake.
2. add sunflower. a little oil in the dough (1-2 tablespoons, depending on the volume of the dough)
3. before the 1st pancake, I still drip a little oil into the pan, just in case, so to speak.

Such a pancake is almost impossible to turn over. Take your time, make the fire medium or below medium. Better take two pans and bake slowly. While the bottom of the pancake is frying, the top layer should "grab", almost bake, and after turning over the second side should just fry. Usually pancakes are stacked on a flat plate. So that the pancakes do not stick together too much - grease each with a piece of butter. And in order not to cool down - cover with a tall and wide pan. Stuffing for pancakes That's all the secrets of making pancakes. What else remains to be known? Toppings! Everyone knows about caviar and red fish. You can serve such fillings in different ways - just put it on the table, and everyone will figure it out for themselves, or wrap it in a pancake with a tube, or cut the pancake in half ...
...You can also do it with pâté or soft cheese, chocolate paste, ham, etc. Sour cream, jam, condensed milk are served to the table in a separate bowl. If you prefer to cook in advance, then you can make a lot of toppings for pancakes. Minced meat, poultry, fish, liver, heart, mushrooms, potatoes with fried onions, boiled eggs, rice. Various combinations of these products are possible. It's all about your taste. The main thing is that the filling is not raw, it must be completely ready for use. Pancakes with cottage cheese are very tasty - just do not use soft cottage cheese. When sugar is added, it becomes even more liquid and can leak out of the holes. Take ordinary cottage cheese grains ...

Tell me, please, the exact recipe for pancakes (unleavened), otherwise I don’t remove them from the pan .. :)))) Thank you in advance!


The pan should be warmed up, before pouring the dough, I grease the pan with melted butter with a half of a potato dressed on a fork :)

Flour should not be hydrolyzed.
Kefir should not contain any preservatives, in general, normal pancakes are not obtained from any kefir.

This is how I make the dough. 1 egg, half a half-liter package of kefir, 0.5 tsp. salt, 1 tsp I stir the sugar, then gradually add a glass with a tail of flour, rub it so that there are no lumps, then add the rest of the kefir and stir, if it’s thick, add a little water (if you add milk, the edges of the pancake will be dry and brittle).
IN dessert spoon a little soda warm water and into the dough, then immediately (!) Bake.

I read everything here, probably your frying pan is bad. I DO NOT do anything that they wrote to you (oil in pancakes, ignite the pan), and I still always take it off.
I make 2 eggs like this, kefir by eye, a little sugar, salt, beat, flour to a dough without lumps, then dilute it with unboiled room t water, to the desired condition. I heat the pan, of course, but I don’t really watch it. I dip a piece of cotton wool in melted butter and every time before baking another pancake, I coat the pan. Everything, pancakes began to turn out very tasty))

It's embarrassing to admit, but it doesn't work. Rather, the dough is good tasty, and the bastards do not turn over, tear. I make it on kefir and two parts of milk and add butter and soda and what else is supposed to be there ((Frying pans are also, unfortunately, only Teflon, they are not suitable for this business, but there are no others and will not be (((Tell me, who thinks what on about this, pzl.


But it didn’t work out for me either, on Teflon in general they, as if smoothed with an iron, began to bake on a grandmother’s cast-iron frying pan, when I bake, then half an onion on a fork and oil in a saucer, you chop and smear, nothing burns and the pancakes are just super, and thick and thin, yum.

03/27/2001 02:40:24 PM, Ksyusha.

For the dough, beat the eggs with salt and sugar, pour in the milk and add the sifted flour. I liked the proportion of flour:liquid, as I gave in the recipe (eggs are not included). Therefore, I fixed it for myself in this recipe, and in total it took 6 tablespoons of flour.

Knead the dough and grind well so that there are no lumps. Add water and beat well again. I usually whip with a blender, but this time I decided to do everything manually.
Insidious lumps were disguised as "perfect pancake dough", but I brought them to "clean water" by straining the dough through a colander.

Pour vegetable oil into the dough, mix. Now let's prepare the pan.
So that the "first pancake" is not lumpy, I pour a couple of tablespoons of salt into a heated frying pan, ignite and discard the salt, wipe it clean with a paper towel. Beware, it's hot! Salt collects soot, invisible to the eye, degreases. We get a flat, clean surface, nothing will prevent the dough from falling behind the pan. You need to fry from 2 sides until golden brown.

For the first pancake, I pour a little oil into the pan, fry in a very hot pan over low heat. So the edges don't burn. Then you do not need to pour in the oil, the pancakes will fry themselves. For one pancake we take 50 ml of dough. In general, you need to focus on the size of the pan. I have a small pancake pan.

Pancakes turned out thin, ruddy, porous, do not tear when wrapped.

From the specified amount of products, 16 pancakes were obtained.
There is also enough toppings for all pancakes.

While pancakes are gradually frying, we prepare the filling (we do not weaken our attention to pancakes, we look).
Finely chop the onion, fry.

Add minced meat and mix with onions, fry over medium heat until cooked. I stewed under the lid own juice. Then we put finely chopped greens, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, salt, pepper, we take spices to taste. Mix and ready meat filling!

For each pancake we take 1 tbsp. fillings, wrap in an envelope.

Serve with sour cream, herbs, vegetable salad.

Bon appetit!

Cook with pleasure, I really liked the dough recipe. No doubt you will get great empanadas!