How to cook custard pancakes on kefir. Thin custard pancakes on kefir with holes.

For 2-2.5 dozen pancakes:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Kefir - 2 cups (400 ml);
  • Boiling water - 2 cups (400 ml);
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • Flour - 2 cups (260 g);
  • Sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons.
These pancakes turn out amazingly tender on a regular wheat flour, well, this time I decided to make them from spelled flour - amazingly tasty and healthy bunches of spelled, spelled, farro - wild wheat! It has a delicate beige shade and pleasant taste with a hint of walnut. Try it :)

Cooking method:

We put a ladle of water on the fire, let it boil, and in the meantime, beat the eggs (in a larger container!) With a mixer at low speed for 2 minutes.

Then - attention! - Without stopping whisking, pour boiling water into the whipped mass in a thin stream. Here it becomes even more magnificent, increasing 3-4 times compared to the original volume. Now it’s clear why we need a big bowl! Don't worry, the eggs won't curdle. The main thing is to pour evenly, but in a thin stream, and whisk all the time.

Pour kefir into a fluffy mass and mix or beat a little.

Then add sugar and make a couple more wedges with a mixer.

Now sift the flour mixed with soda into the dough, salt, stir first with a spoon, and then beat a little more with a mixer until the lumps disappear.

Pour into dough sunflower oil odorless and mix well.

Custard pancake dough ready! It's time to bake pancakes. The pan should be dry and clean, preferably with a special coating or cast iron. Lubricate it with a thin but even layer vegetable oil and set on fire. Lubricate only before the first pancake.

Pour a scoop of dough into a well-heated frying pan, shake it, distribute it and bake over medium-high heat until browned from below.

Gently prying with a thin spatula, turn the pancake over and fry on the other side - another 20-30 seconds.

Ready pancakes are removed on a dish.

They are so tender that you can not even smear with butter.

Delicious Shrovetide to you! :)


Custard pancakes- until recently, this phrase scared me pretty much. But today I boldly set to work - once you have to start. It turned out a variation on the theme of the recipe for pancakes on kefir and boiling water, but with my comments and step by step photos. You never know what you can do till you try! In less than forty minutes, my custard pancakes on kefir appeared on the table in a neat pile in all their glory.

- is one of my favorites. I also love to bake. But, kefir and boiling water in the same recipe have not yet met me. Quite recently, my faithful friend Verochka Ramazova introduced me to this kind of “alliance”. For which she is eternally grateful! Now custard pancakes have taken pride of place in the piggy bank of my favorite recipes. In addition, I am an aesthetist person, I received a lot of pleasure from contemplating the birth of perforated circles of the Pancake week miracle into the light of God ...

Custard pancakes on kefir and boiling water

Oh, the passion for accuracy in me is indestructible! I decided to translate the "authentic" recipe, where the measure is a glass, into grams and milliliters. That's what I did:

Ingredients for pancake batter

  • 130 g flour (1 cup with a volume of 220 ml).
  • 250 ml of kefir (1 stack).
  • 220 ml of boiling water (1 glass).
  • 2 large eggs.
  • 40 g sugar (2 tablespoons without top).
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil (2 tablespoons).
  • 30 g butter. (or as much as your conscience allows).
  • 5 g of soda (incomplete teaspoon).
  • A pinch of salt.

If you are more accustomed to glasses and tablespoons, then please use the numbers in brackets. I was warned in advance that it was necessary to stock up on tall dishes for beating eggs, which I advise you to do too.

We measure or weigh the ingredients necessary for making pancakes. Here is a glass of flour and a glass of kefir before weighing.

My remarks

  • My first pancake turned out to be lumpy, I had to add another 20 grams (tablespoon without top) of flour.
  • I made 12 pancakes with a diameter of about 23 cm.
  • For making pancakes, I took olive oil, since there was simply no sunflower.
  • Next time I'll try to cook custards - we have it more often than kefir (we take homemade milk and ferment it).
  • soda in original recipe It was only ½ teaspoon. But, I started the dough on a rather “old” four-day kefir and it seemed to me that I needed to take more soda so that the pancakes did not turn out too sour.
  • I measured the water for brewing the dough with a small (3 ml) margin for boiling.
  • Cold pancakes stick to each other very strongly, they should be heated all together for a couple or in the microwave.
  • I specifically weighed the eggs without the shell, for orientation. It turned out 108 grams. Small eggs may have to take 3 pieces.

Custard openwork pancakes on kefir and milk


  • 0.5 l of kefir.
  • 220-250 ml of milk.
  • 200 g flour.
  • 1 large egg.
  • 50 g butter or vegetable oil.
  • 1 teaspoon l. soda.
  • 1 st. l. Sahara.
  • A pinch of salt.

How to cook

  1. Heat the yogurt, it should become very warm, but not hot. Well, if you have a cooking thermometer - the temperature should be no more than 50 ° C. Be vigilant - otherwise kefir will become cottage cheese and pancakes will not work out of it!
  2. Pour soda into kefir - it will bubble, as it should, then add salt, sugar, eggs.
  3. Pour the flour into the container immediately through a sieve, evenly distributing the bulk product over the surface of the liquid.
  4. Boil milk and butter, pour into the dough in a thin stream, mixing very quickly and thoroughly.
  5. Bake in the usual way in a preheated frying pan, it is necessary to grease only before baking the first pancake.

I tried to roll the pancake with a rosette - the flower turned out to be dubious, but you can still guess with a hint (I really hope).

In the midst of Maslenitsa, it's time to try out new recipes for a traditional Russian delicacy. Pancakes on kefir with boiling water differ from the classic ones in terms of cooking technology, but in terms of taste and nutritional characteristics, they are beyond praise.

How to cook pancakes on kefir with boiling water?

To make custard pancakes with kefir and boiling water, you do not need to have rich culinary experience or any special skills. If you have a list handy suitable recipes and the following basic basic recommendations that accompany each of them, even a beginner can cope with the task:

  1. The eggs included in the composition are always beaten until smooth or in a thick foam, along with sugar and salt.
  2. Depending on the recipe, boiling water is poured into the egg mass or after mixing it with flour.
  3. Kefir can be used with any fat content, and for splendor products, if desired, mix it with soda.
  4. Pancakes are baked on kefir with boiling water on a hot oiled cast iron skillet or a special pancake.

Choux pastry for pancakes on kefir

Properly cooked on kefir with boiling water will be the key to success in preparing such a desirable and tasty dish, from which all tasters will be crazy. sticking to simple rules, which can be found below, getting the perfect taste of food is not difficult:

  1. With classic cooking custard base kefir, boiling water and flour are used in equal proportions.
  2. The required volume of the main components is measured with a glass and, as a rule, two eggs are added per serving.
  3. When brewing the base with boiling water, according to the recipe, it is poured in in small portions or in a thin stream, while intensively stirring the mass.
  4. In order to give products splendor or enrich their taste, baking powder or flavorings (vanillin, vanilla sugar) can be added to the dough.

Thin pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Custard pancakes on kefir, the recipe of which you will learn below, perfectly reveal the advantages of this method of preparing your favorite treat. Even with the use of a minimal set of products, the food is incredibly tasty, tender, soft and ruddy. Captivating and simple execution technological process which will only take 30-40 minutes.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • fat for frying.


  1. To prepare delicious pancakes on kefir with boiling water, beat the eggs with a mixer with the addition of salt and sugar.
  2. Continuing to beat, pour in boiling water, and then kefir.
  3. Then stir in the flour and butter.
  4. Bake on kefir traditional way on an oiled pancake.

Openwork pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Pancakes cooked on kefir with boiling water, according to the following recipe, are more porous and lacy. The effect is achieved by adding soda or baking powder to the dough. Due more eggs, the dough becomes thinner, which also benefits the structure - the products are thinner and more delicate. After spending only 40 minutes, you can feed four people with a delicacy.


  • kefir, boiling water and flour - 1 glass each;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • soda or baking powder - ½ or 1 teaspoon;
  • fat for frying.


  1. Eggs are beaten with sugar and salt, then mixed with kefir and flour.
  2. Soda or baking powder is thrown into boiling water, stirred, poured into the dough and beat a little.
  3. They bake on kefir with boiling water in a hot frying pan, spreading it with fat.

Custard thick pancakes on kefir

Pancakes on kefir with boiling water, the recipe of which is given below, are obtained. Unlike the previous variations, they cannot be filled with stuffing and wrapped in an envelope, but they are the best suited for serving with sour cream, jam, honey, condensed milk and other additives. From the specified number of products, you can make a treat for 6 people.


  • kefir - 2 cups;
  • boiling water - 1 cup;
  • flour - 2.5 cups;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • fat for frying.


  1. Kefir room temperature mixed with beaten eggs with sugar and salt.
  2. Mix in the sifted flour.
  3. Boiling water is poured in, adding soda and oil to it.
  4. Bake products on a hot frying pan, browning on both sides.

Custard pancakes on kefir without eggs

This recipe for custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water is sold without eggs, but this product will not become less tasty and appetizing. Many people like this variation of a delicacy more than usual, since in this version it turns out to be softer and more tender and does not have a characteristic egg flavor. In half an hour you can make a treat for 4 people.


  • kefir - 400 ml;
  • boiling water - 200 ml;
  • flour - 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • fat for frying.


  1. Sugar, salt are dissolved in warm kefir and flour is mixed in.
  2. Pour boiling water with soda and oil.
  3. Pancakes are baked in the traditional way.

Quick pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Even with a quick test, kefir pancakes brewed with boiling water will turn out delicious, airy and porous. AT this case all components except water are placed in a bowl immediately and mixed with a mixer or whisk. It remains only to dilute the resulting substance to the desired density and you can start baking.

Pancakes are a versatile dish. Very often I cook pancakes on Saturday or Sunday mornings. Relatives wake up to the aroma of freshly baked pancakes and rush to eat them.

Custard pancakes on kefir are thin and ruddy, they can be served with jam, condensed milk and honey. Boiling water makes pancake dough more homogeneous. It is a pleasure to bake pancakes with kefir and boiling water, even a child can turn them over, pancakes do not go lumpy, they are easy to bake thin.

Sometimes I cook several servings of pancakes and wrap the stuffing in them, and then send them to the freezer. On days and evenings, when there is no time to cook, such blanks are very helpful. And most importantly - everyone loves pancakes, especially with delicious stuffing and a good portion of sour cream.

If you reduce the amount of sugar in this recipe, then the finished custard pancakes on kefir it will be possible to wrap any filling, from ham and red fish to ready-made salads, thereby turning the dessert into a delicious and original snack.

Cooking time 15 minutes + 30 minutes for frying. Output: 20 pieces.

How to cook custard pancakes on kefir with boiling water

Prepare all ingredients. Put a kettle on the stove, we need boiling water. Be sure to sift the flour, this will enrich it with oxygen and eliminate unnecessary inclusions. Remove milk and eggs from the refrigerator 20 minutes before cooking, it is better if the products are warm, so they will better connect with each other.

Beat eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar, salt and soda. Combine all ingredients with a cooking whisk homogeneous mass. You can use a mixer or food processor.

Enter warm kefir and half the norm of flour into a bowl, mix thoroughly. Leave the mass for 10 minutes until bubbles appear (the soda added at the first stage reacts with kefir).

Little by little add hot water while stirring the dough. It will become liquid before our eyes, similar in consistency to an ordinary pancake, and again covered with bubbles.

Add the remaining flour and pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (I have refined sunflower oil) so that the pancakes can be easily removed from the pan, and also in order not to grease the pan every time. Leave the pancake place to stand and “brew” for 10-15 minutes, then start frying the pancakes.

Fry the custard pancakes in a preheated pancake pan, heavy-bottomed pan, or non-stick pan as usual, pouring a portion of batter into the ladle and spreading it over the pan by rotating it. Before frying, grease the pan with the remaining vegetable oil, you will do this only once so that the first pancake comes off perfectly and is not lumpy.

When the bottom of the pancake is browned, carefully, so as not to damage the coating of the pan, pry the pancake with a spatula, grab it with your fingers and turn it over to fry on the other side. Fry for another minute, then remove to a plate.

The lines are soft, thin, with crispy edges. To prevent the edges from crackling, brush them with butter after frying.

Serve custard pancakes on kefir with condensed milk, walnut or chocolate paste or your favorite jam.

Pancakes have always been universal dish. Kefir pancakes, a thin custard recipe with holes, are suitable for many occasions, it is especially pleasant to cook them on a weekend morning, which will take a minimum of time, because the dough can be prepared in the evening. For relatives, this is already a small family tradition, to meet the morning, under the aroma of fresh, hot pancakes.

Custard pancakes on kefir always turn out thin, airy, and are ideally combined with honey, condensed milk or jam. Thanks to boiling water, the consistency of the dough is homogeneous. And kefir gives a special ease in the cooking process, pancakes do not form in a lump, so they can be made very thin.

You can experiment with a variety of toppings, cook pre-made products, and send to freezer. Which will be very helpful on busy days. Everyone loves pancakes, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

If you reduce the amount of sugar in the dough for custard pancakes on kefir, then you can wrap any filling to your taste in them. This will great snack to the holiday table.

Pancakes based on kefir are not at all related to classic cooking. But every housewife should take note of this cooking method, and thereby expand their skills. Pancakes are porous, the dough is tender and airy. Each housewife will easily master this recipe.

To achieve the perfect result, first, you need to familiarize yourself with some culinary tricks.

  • Product temperature. It is recommended, half an hour before cooking, to prepare the products. Take them out of the refrigerator so that they reach room temperature. In this case, when kneading, the connection will go much better.
  • Dishes size. The consistency of the dough, during cooking, increases greatly, due to the porosity of the dough. Therefore, you should knead everything in a deep bowl.
  • Boiling water. So that boiling water does not cook the ingredients, it should be introduced in a thin stream, slowly. While mixing the dough.
  • Consistency. To make custard pancakes porous, for this it is necessary to make the consistency liquid. When the dough is infused for 20 minutes, the dough will stick together well, and the pancakes will not tear.
  • bottle for convenience. When pouring the dough into a hot frying pan, you can use the usual plastic bottle. When pouring a drop of dough, they will not fall on the stove, which will ensure cleanliness, as well as this way very handy for measuring portions.
  • Possible preparation. The dough can be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. Which makes it possible to prepare the composition in the evening, and in the morning there is time, only to fry pancakes for breakfast.

Recipe for custard thin pancakes on kefir with holes


  • kefir - 1 cup (250 ml.),
  • flour - 2.5 cups (300 ml.),
  • boiling water - 1 cup (250 ml.),
  • eggs - 2 pieces,
  • sugar - half a glass (or to taste),
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. (60 ml.),
  • soda - half tsp,
  • salt - 1 pinch,
  • vanillin - 1 pinch,

Number of pancakes: 10-12

The traditional preparation of thin, kefir pancakes is quite simple. And it won't take many minutes.

Test preparation:

Step 1. Beat 2 eggs well in a lush foam, about 3-5 minutes, on a medium mixer mode.

Step 2 We prepare water, bring a glass of water to a boil.

Step 3 The main point when preparing choux pastry. Slowly in a thin stream, you need to enter hot, boiled water into the egg foam without stopping the mixer. You can be calm, the eggs will not curl up from boiling water, it has been repeatedly tested in practice! The dough is very airy, and increases in volume, several times.

Step 4 Pour a glass of kefir into the lush mass. We mix. Kefir can be replaced with other liquid, fermented milk product, or sourdough.

Step 5 Sift 2.5 cups of flour, and mix well with soda.

Step 6 Add flour to the resulting liquid mass, and continue to mix. An important point, because no one wants to get flour lumps in the consistency.

Step 7 We fall asleep sugar to taste, for sweet pancakes, half a glass will be enough. Mix again.

Step 8 Pour in 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, continue to stir with a mixer for another minute.

The dough is ready!