How long does salmon salt in salt. Simple and inexpensive recipes for salting pink salmon for salmon

Here are a few hallmarks of fresh fish:
- the carcass of the fish must be free of stains and foreign odors;
- the eyes look transparent, not cloudy, but the gills are bright red;
- to the touch (thawed fish) should remain elastic and dense;
- color in a section to be pale pink;

Both chilled and frozen fish are suitable for salting.
If your fish is frozen, then you should defrost it natural way- let it be slow, but still the most correct. Force defrosting with a microwave or hot water I do not advise - in the end it will affect the taste of the dish and nutritional value.

You should choose any container for salting - enameled, glass, plastic. But metal utensils should not be used, a specific, unpleasant aftertaste may appear in it.

For salting, of course, it is best to take the loin.
To do this, if you have whole carcass, you will have to separate this fillet.

First of all, you need to cut off the head, separate the fins and tail. In no case should you throw them away, just put them in a separate bag. Next, you should rip open the abdomen and remove all the insides, this is if you bought fish that was not gutted in the store. And now we will deal directly with thinning.

For this great sharp knife we cut the carcass from the side of the back, slightly stepping aside from the line of the dorsal fin along the radius bones of the fish; our task is to leave as much "meat" as possible and, along the way, to get rid of the bones to the maximum.

So gradually we reach the spine. Bending the meat on the skin, carefully cut along the ribs - and so on until the very incision of the abdomen.
We repeat all the same with the second half of the carcass, only already bending the spine with the ribs to the side.

Then the cropped "skeleton" can be put in a bag with the rest of the trimmings (head, fins) and sent to the freezer, for the time being - after all, this is an excellent basis for fish soup or uh.

Like it or not, but no matter how hard we try, small bones still remain after milling. They can be easily removed with tweezers.

If the butchered carcass is small, it can be left for salting and whole. The larger one must be cut into several parts.

The skin, if you have noticed, we will not cut. Firstly, it will be more convenient to cut the finished fish into thin slices. And, secondly, it is the skin that prevents the evaporation of moisture and the fish remains juicy.

Now about what spices you need for salting. Nothing fancy - salt, sugar, black pepper (optional) and bay leaf. The only important thing here is that salt should be taken coarse or medium grinding and without various additives such as iodine and fluorine. It is this salt that improves the taste and absorbs moisture from the fish well, i.e. has a preservative effect.

Now about the proportions of salt and sugar. Sugar to salt is taken in a ratio of 1:3. Of course, you can not use it at all or add a smaller amount, but ... I would advise you not to neglect this - after all, sugar gives the fish a delicate taste.

Now about the most "difficult" - about the process of salting. Put the pieces of fish in the selected container and sprinkle the right amount salt and sugar. Then add a little chopped bay leaf and, if desired, black pepper.

Salted fish must now be put under oppression. Let it stand for a couple of hours room temperature, and then you can put it in the refrigerator (already without oppression). In about a day (depending on the thickness of the fillet), the fish will be ready. You can, of course, do without the use of oppression - just the salting time will be a little delayed.

Under the influence of salt and sugar, quite a lot of liquid (brine) will appear in the container - it is not necessary to drain it.

Before slicing, just lightly blot excess liquid from the fish and "sweep" the spices (bay leaf and pepper) a little.
Such fish can be stored for about a week in the refrigerator.

It is convenient to cut thin slices with a sharp knife immediately from the skin. When serving, the cuts can be sprinkled with lemon juice and olive oil, and also decorated with fresh herbs.

Fish salted in this way goes well with avocados, apples, rice, tomatoes ... and just a banal sandwich with fresh bread - great option snacks, even on the festive table.

Various fish should be present in the diet of every person. Such a product is a wonderful source of easily digestible protein and many useful vitamins and minerals. In addition, it contains unique fatty acid, which are essential for a full-fledged work of cardio-vascular system, normal brain activity and nervous system, as well as for excellent appearance. Especially popular in our country is salty and canned fish, and it is quite possible to cook it on your own. The topic of our conversation today will be salting pink salmon at home, the recipes used for this.

Salted pink salmon in oil

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one kilogram of pink salmon, three teaspoons of salt and half a glass of vegetable oil.

Rinse the fish, remove the skin from it and remove the bones. You will end up with a couple of halves of a clean fillet. Cut it into slices across the thickness of about half a centimeter. Send the slices to a bowl, add salt and mix. Pour vegetable oil and stir again. Put the fish in a glass jar and refrigerate. After ten hours, it can be considered ready.

More salting in oil at home

To prepare such a fish, you need to stock up on seven hundred grams of pink salmon, one hundred milliliters of vegetable oil, a couple of tablespoons of salt, a teaspoon of sugar, some pepper and a bay leaf.

Rinse the fish and dry. Remove the skin from it and separate the fillet from the bones. Chop pink salmon into random pieces.

Now start preparing the brine. In a suitable sized container, mix vegetable oil with salt, sugar and bay leaf. You can also add pepper if you wish.

Mix the prepared fish thoroughly with the brine and send it to a clean jar. Seal with a suitable lid and refrigerate for eight to ten hours. During this time, the fish will be salted.

Salting pink salmon fish at home in vegetable oil with dill and mustard

To prepare such a fish, you need to stock up on one kilogram of pink salmon, a tablespoon of vegetable oil, three tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt, as well as a bunch of dill. Also use half a teaspoon of mustard, a couple of tablespoons of nine percent vinegar and a couple more tablespoons of vegetable oil.

First of all, clean the fish, remove the bones and skin from it. Fold the prepared fillet into a rectangular shape of a suitable size and brush it thickly with a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil. Chop up the dill.

Combine sugar, salt and prepared herbs. Sprinkle the fish with this mixture, distribute well. cover the container plastic wrap and press down with a load. Place in the refrigerator for one to two days.

To prepare a sauce for such a fish, combine a couple of varieties of mustard and vinegar, dilute with vegetable oil. Mix well until smooth.

Salted fish chop into slices and serve with the sauce.

Salting in brine at home with vegetable oil

To prepare this version of pink salmon, you need to prepare a couple of fish, a liter of water, five tablespoons of salt (with a slide), one hundred and fifty milliliters of vegetable oil and one medium onion.

First of all, gut the fish and cut it into portions. Put the resulting slices in a container of a suitable size.

Dissolve the salt in cold pre-boiled water and fill the fish with the resulting brine so that it completely covers it. Leave the pink salmon in the brine for an hour, then drain it.

Peel the onion and cut into rings. Spread it over the surface of the fish. Pour vegetable oil on top. Send the fish to the refrigerator for about forty minutes, then serve it to the table.

Pink salmon in brine with spices

To prepare such a dish, you need to prepare one kilogram of pink salmon, half a liter of water, one hundred grams of coarse salt and fifty grams of sugar (if you wish). Also use a tablespoon of nine percent vinegar, one bay leaf and five to six black peppercorns.

Defrost the fish, cut off the head and take out the insides. Rinse well. If you want to speed up the salting process, cut it into two fillets.

Prepare the brine: cool the boiling water to forty degrees, dissolve the salt and sugar in it, pour in the vinegar and add the pepper. Pour the prepared fish with brine, place oppression on top. Leave the pink salmon at room temperature for three to four hours, then put it in the refrigerator in the same brine for another day. Salting at home using a salt solution is finished.

In order to get even more delicious fish, cut it after salting into portioned pieces and pour over with vegetable oil. Put the pink salmon in a jar and leave for another twelve hours in the refrigerator.

Lightly salted pink salmon home-cooked is great dish for eating by itself, for making sandwiches and a variety of salads. And with your own hands, you can make this fish perfect, depending on your taste preferences.

Pink salmon is relatively inexpensive and very useful product for our health. Its meat contains all the necessary elements for digestive system and not only. The fluorine, iodine, sulfur, calcium included in the composition, help the nervous system, improve the functioning of the brain.

All these beneficial features are lost during cooking, so it is good for consumption in lightly salted form. In order to avoid buying low-quality salted pink salmon, it is best to cook it yourself at home.

Moreover, fish meat can be used in the preparation of many dishes. different cuisine: soups, salting, grilling, salads and consumption in fresh. This type of dish like slicing red fish wins the attention of guests. It's a sign good taste and a rich table.

The recipe is so simple that it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced hostess to master the process of "transformation". The secret is that salting occurs without the use of sugar. Literally an hour of time, and lean pink salmon turns into appetizing salted salmon.

For this you need:

  • Fillet 1 kg
  • Vegetable oil 100 ml
  • Boiled water 1.3 l
  • Salt 5 tbsp. spoons
  • black pepper pot

First of all, cut the fillet into pieces convenient for you. Prepare saline solution. To do this, in cooled boiled water, dissolve 5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt and mix well. Dip the fillet in the brine for 8 - 10 minutes. After carefully remove from the water, blot with a paper towel, thus getting rid of excess brine.

Next in suitable dishes we lay pink salmon in layers, while pouring each layer with vegetable oil. We send the finished salted dish to the refrigerator for 60 minutes. Cooled and salted “salmon” is served on the table with lemon, herbs and onions.

A delicacy on any table will, of course, be red salmon. But how safe is it to use? The point is that the high price of this species meat does not make it safe and possible to eat. The reason is specialized farms in the countries of America, which are engaged in the artificial cultivation of salmon, resorting to the use of genetically modified compounds.

How to catch more fish?

For 13 years of active fishing, I have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:
  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It's a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Read the relevant manuals for the particular type of tackle on the pages of my website.
  3. Lures based pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

This type is noticeably superior to others from the salmon family. What can not be said about pink salmon. Few people breed it artificially. Therefore, it is unlikely to buy "artificial" fish. It enters the trade in the form in which it is caught. That is, entirely.

First of all, defrost the fish. You need to do this naturally by putting it in the refrigerator. All water should come off. . After getting rid of the insides, rinse with running water. When cleaning, try not to leave a single bone.

The fillet should be soft. Be sure to weigh it after cleaning in order to correctly calculate the ratio. saline solution. Cut off unnecessary fins, tail and head. Cut into slices no more than 1.5 cm in thickness so that the middle of the piece is well saturated with brine.

Here are three easy and budget pickling recipes that will come in handy for every housewife.

"Under the salmon"


  • Salt 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l;.
  • vegetable oil 100 gr;
  • fillet 1 kg;

Cut into large slices. Mix salt and sugar together. We choose dishes for salting. Pour a mixture of salt and sugar on the bottom of the container, put the chopped fillet on top and sprinkle with salt and sugar again.

We send it to the refrigerator for 3 hours. As soon as the salting time has elapsed, we wet the excess salt on the fish with napkins and pour vegetable oil over the “salmon”.


  • fillet;
  • salt 5 tbsp. l;
  • water 1 l;
  • oil;

Dissolve salt in cold purified water. Cut the fish into thin slices. Dip in brine and leave for 30 minutes in the room. We take out the already prepared carcass, dry it and pour it with vegetable oil. If desired, you can add spices and sprinkle citric acid or lemon juice.

Perhaps pink salmon salted with lemon is the most popular recipe. There are always those who want to try elite fish with the addition of lemon. You can prepare such an extravagant delicacy at home.

For this you will need:

  • 1 kg fillet;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1.5 st. l. Sahara;
  • a pinch of black ground pepper;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 2 lemons;

Cut the fillet prepared in advance into pieces, such as you like. It should be borne in mind that the larger the slices, the longer the salting will last. Mix salt, sugar and black pepper.

Carefully rub the chopped fillet on all sides. Cut the lemon into thin slices. We put the fish in prepared dishes in layers, be sure to put a slice of lemon in each layer. Leave for 10 hours to salt. Then fill it with vegetable oil. Three hours later, the dish is ready.

Since pink salmon is a fish rich in vitamins and minerals, eating it every day, you maintain a balance of vital nutrients. To festive table cut into thin slices and served as a separate fish snack with onions and herbs.

The fish, which will be discussed today, is very healthy, tasty, and its proteins are easily absorbed by our body.

Apparently, because of this, salted pink salmon at home (very tasty, like salmon) is often served not only as a main course, but also as an appetizer. On any table, such a treat is literally in great demand, because the fish delicacy literally melts in your mouth and shares its piquancy with the taster.

Today I will tell you how to properly salt your favorite pink salmon at home with your own hands. different ways and also share simple secrets selection of quality fish. We will talk about all this in more detail later.

How to choose a good salmon for salting

To pickle your own delicious pink salmon- the product is dietary and very delicate - you first need to buy a high-quality fish carcass. This is easy to do if you know exactly what to look for when buying.

  • Among all the fish diversity, choosing a fresh, not rotten and unspoiled carcass is quite simple. Fresh pink salmon does not have bad smell, her eyes are not cloudy, and her gills are red.
  • For the salting process, fresh frozen and chilled fish are ideal.

***It is not recommended to use fresh fish that has not been frozen, as it is the exposure low temperatures lets kill in raw salmon all harmful microorganisms.

  • It is also very important to buy fish from trusted producers. If you have any in mind, then I advise you to definitely use their services. A seller unknown to you may turn out to be unscrupulous, and this may manifest itself in the fact that before selling, he will soak the fish in a special solution that will increase its weight.

General principles of salting pink salmon at home

  • When using frozen fish, remember to defrost it properly. Natural defrosting falls under this concept, and, accordingly, a complete rejection of quick ways defrosting.

*** It is highly undesirable to defrost pink salmon in the microwave or using hot water. No matter how you hurry, the fish carcass should move away from the cold itself.

  • First, let it thaw in the refrigerator (transfer it from the freezer to the middle or bottom shelf of the refrigerator), and then put it on a plate, where it will continue, or rather, complete the defrosting process - slow and even.
  • Cleaning the fish from the fins should be carried out with special shears - they greatly facilitate this unpleasant process.

*** But the knife must be used very carefully, as there is a high risk of damaging the delicate skin of an expensive representative of the salmon family.

  • It is fundamentally necessary to salt pink salmon in glassware. Containers made of plastic, and even more metal, should not be used.
  • Salt for salting is suitable for any, except for iodized.
  • Chopped fresh herbs (any to your taste) and fragrant chopped garlic will help to give an unusual spicy aroma and taste to appetizing, like salmon, salty (at home) pink salmon. But they can make it softer and more delicate Apple vinegar and lemon juice.
  • Store the finished salted pink salmon fish for a short time on the shelf of the refrigerator. It is not worth increasing the shelf life of a delicacy by keeping it in the freezer.

Delicious salted pink salmon at home, like salmon (dry salted recipe)

The first recipe that we will consider is the salting technology without marinade. Only three dry ingredients will be used: salt, sugar and, in fact, red fish itself.

Of course, you will have to tinker with cooking red fish, but if you know what awaits you - fragrant and hearty snack- and you can try.


  • Pink salmon - 1-1.5 kg;
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.

We salt correctly and tasty pink salmon at home without marinade in steps

We cut the carcass of red fish for dry salting

  • We completely defrost pink salmon in advance (as described above), but not completely. Let the carcass remain a little icy - it will be easier to carve it.
  • So, we clean the slightly frozen fish from scales, then cut off the head (it will not work for salting, but delicious fish soup you can make it out of it) and rip open the abdomen, removing all the insides.
  • Under running water, wash the cut peeled pink salmon from the inside and out.
  • Now we make an incision on the back. The fins can be removed at this stage, but if they do not bother you, then you can cut them off later along with the skin.

*** For those who wish to salt the red flesh with the skin, I advise you to cut off the fins not with a knife, but with scissors (as already mentioned above).

  • With a knife and own hands delicacy meat from the salmon family is separated from the skin. If the skin is separated from the meat, carefully cut it off. We perform such a laborious procedure on each side.
  • We also cut off the tail - we don’t need it: there are quite a lot of bones and veins in it, so you can safely leave it, like the head, for cooking homemade fish soup.
  • Finally, we separate the fish from the ridge. We do this exclusively with our hands, since they feel the bones that need to be removed better than any device. On this, the cutting of the humpback is over - beautiful tender fillet ready to be salted.

Step-by-step dry salting of pink salmon in pieces

  • First, combine the indicated amount of salt and sugar in a bowl.
  • We divide the fillet into pieces (but if you want to salt the fillet, then you can skip this step).
  • Pour the sweet-salty mixture into the bottom of a glass container (for example, a food container).
  • Next, put fish pieces on it, sprinkle them carefully with the same mixture and cover with a second layer of chopped pink salmon. Sprinkle the second layer with plenty of salt and sugar and tightly cover the container with a lid.
  • For a day, we put the red fish to salt in the refrigerator (not to be confused with the freezer). After 24 hours, the fish will be completely salted and ready for tasting.

This completes the classic dry salting process. You can try your delicacy and enjoy its extraordinary aroma and even more original taste.

How to quickly salt pink salmon steaks in a spicy-salty marinade

This cooking instruction very similar to the previous one, even their salting time is the same, the only difference is that the method of salting is different.


  • Fish steaks (pink salmon) - 5 pcs.;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Bay leaf- 3-4 pieces;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.

Salting pink salmon in the marinade: a quick recipe at home

  • We spread the finished steaks on the bottom of the salting container (if you have a whole fish and you get the steaks yourself, then see the method of cutting the carcass in the recipe above) and flavor them with spices.
  • We make the marinade: boil water, then bring its temperature to room temperature, then mix with sugar, salt and stir until they are completely dissolved.
  • Pour the pieces of fish with the finished marinade - the liquid should completely cover them. Next, cover the glass container with a lid and place in the refrigerator exactly for a day.
  • After a day, we remove the fish from the marinade, transfer it to a dry, clean container and pour it with sunflower (in our case it will be vegetable) oil to soften it a little.

*** The calorie content of pink salmon in salty form is not so high - only 160-170 kcal per 100 g. Such indicators allow you to enjoy your favorite product from the heart and enrich your body with useful elements that are fully contained in this variety in such a “delicious” way red fish.

From salted pink salmon you can do a lot delicious meals: canapes, sandwiches, salads and many more unusual snacks. The main thing is to know how delicious salted pink salmon is prepared at home.

Since it also belongs to the salmon family, housewives often try to pickle pink salmon for salmon and make it just as tasty. I described salting recipes in marinade (brine), oil and without them (“dry” option) - you just have to choose the most suitable one for yourself and try it in your kitchen.

I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Salting pink salmon at home quickly and tasty is a simple matter. The main thing is to decide on the method of salting (dry or classic with brine).

Salting pink salmon is a quick and easy way to cook fish that allows you to store finished product in the refrigerator for several days. Salted fish can be served as a separate dish, garnished with fresh herbs and lemon, as part of stuffed pancakes, salads, as the main ingredient for sandwiches with butter.

Salted salmon fillet recipe with mustard sauce


  • Pink salmon - 1 kg,
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 3 large spoons,
  • Olive oil - 5 large spoons,
  • Dill - to taste.

For sauce:


Useful advice. It is much easier to remove the insides from slightly frozen fish, rather than completely thawed.

  1. I clean the fish from scales, gut and decapitate. I remove the skin, remove the spine and bones. Thoroughly wash the sirloin.
  2. After receiving the sirloin without bones, I proceed to slicing. I cut into neat pieces of the same size.
  3. I take large saucepan. I grease the edges with olive oil, pour a part to the bottom. I put the pieces in layers, add finely chopped dill, sugar and salt. I close the pot with a lid. I put it in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

I serve salted fish with a special sauce made from vinegar, two types of mustard and olive oil. It is enough to mix the components in a separate tank.

How to pickle pink salmon "under the salmon" in oil

Pink salmon is an affordable alternative to the more expensive fish of the Salmon family. Inferior to salmon palatability, but due to its affordable cost and high prevalence, it looks more preferable in the preparation of everyday dishes.

To cook delicious salmon salmon, you need to take good and fresh fish with a dense structure, uniform color without bright and unnatural shades. When buying a fish with a head, pay attention to the eyes (should be transparent, not bloody or cloudy).


  • Fillet - 1 kg,
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • Boiled water - 1.3 l,
  • Salt - 5 large spoons,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Lemon - half a fruit
  • Fresh herbs - to taste.


  1. I cut the fillet into beautiful pieces of the same size. I put it aside.
  2. I turn to the preparation of a pickling solution. In the cooled boiled water I stir the salt. I dip the pieces of pink salmon in salted water for 7-9 minutes.
  3. I take it out, let the liquid drain and dip it with paper towels to get rid of excess salt.
  4. I take beautiful glassware. I spread the salted fish in layers. Each layer of pink salmon is poured with vegetable oil. Ready meal I send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Cooled and salted pink salmon is served on the table, garnished with lemon slices, thin onion half rings and fresh herbs.

Salted pink salmon in 1 hour


  • Frozen fish fillet - 800 g,
  • Water - 400 ml,
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. I do not defrost the fillet completely, so that it is easier to cut into portioned pieces. I put the neat bits aside.
  2. I'm preparing saline solution. In 400 ml boiled warm water I stir 2 large spoons of salt. Dip the peeled potatoes in to check if they are salty enough. If the vegetable floats, you can start salting.
  3. I dip pink salmon for 6-7 minutes in the prepared solution with salt.
  4. I catch, wash in cool boiled water to wash off excess salt. I dry it with kitchen paper towels or napkins, removing the liquid.
  5. In parts I shift into a glass dish, adding olive oil. I spread all the pink salmon and pour all the olive oil. I put it in the fridge for 40 minutes.

After the allotted time, I take it out of the refrigerator and use it in salads or for cooking delicious sandwiches. Enjoy your meal!

Unusual recipe with spicy sauce


  • Fresh fish- 1 kg,
  • Salt- 100 g,
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon,
  • Orange - 2 things,
  • Dill - 1 bunch.

For sauce:

  • Mustard with grains (French) - 20 g,
  • Honey - 20 g,
  • Vinegar - 20 g,
  • Olive oil - 40 g.


  1. I clean the fish, remove excess parts, rinse thoroughly. Finished fillet dry with paper towels.
  2. I cut oranges into thin slices.
  3. I rub the fillet with a mixture of sugar and salt. I'm not in a hurry, I do it carefully so that the fish is completely salted.
  4. I shift the pink salmon into a glass cup, pour finely chopped dill. Place thin slices of orange on top.
  5. I put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  6. I'm preparing a sauce for salted fish. Mix in a small bowl french mustard and honey. I add vinegar and olive oil to the resulting mixture. I mix thoroughly.

I serve the dish with unusual sauce.

Dry salting method


  • Fish fillet- 1 kg,
  • Salt - 2 large spoons,
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon
  • Ground pepper- 5 g,
  • Bay leaf - 2 things,
  • Allspice - 5 peas.