How to make batter - advice from experienced housewives. Fish batter - delicious simple recipes.

Batter is batter, in which food is dipped before frying. Most often, pieces of food are dipped in batter and deep-fried. The dish turns out with a fragrant, rosy, crispy crust. It is for the appetizing nature of this crust that the whole world loves this method of cooking.

IN Japanese cuisine The batter is called tempura, and the Portuguese taught the Japanese how to cook tempura in the 16th century. Since then it has been an essential part of Japanese cuisine.

Any batter always contains flour, egg and aromatic filling. It can be prepared using yeast. There are three varieties of batter: sweet, fresh and salty. Depending on the products used, the most suitable one is selected.

What can you cook

The most popular dishes are pork or chicken chops Breaded . Fish is also often prepared, which, thanks to the batter, retains its shape, even if you use thawed tender fillets. Using batter, you can fry almost anything - cheese, any minced meat, offal, cutlets, squid rings, onion rings, potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables, vegetable or meat croquettes, rice balls.

One of the most favorite dishes from the dessert menu is fruits with fillings in batter. Bananas, strawberries, cherries are a real treat for those with a sweet tooth.

Vegetables are very tasty cauliflower, eggplants, pumpkin pieces, zucchini, bell peppers, tomatoes. Leaves of sorrel, lettuce, celery, and asparagus are also prepared in batter. It is best to boil any hard vegetables in advance until half cooked.

What liquid should I use to prepare the batter?

The batter is always prepared using a liquid component. The most simple options– this is water or milk. Some cooks prefer mineral or sparkling water, while some make more interesting batters based on wine, beer, vodka, cognac, fruit drinks and juices. It is important that the drink matches the filling.

You can use part of the liquid that is served as a drink with the dish. For batter for shrimp, seafood, squid, and fish, it is appropriate to use white wine or light beer. We recommend trying red wine or vodka with meat. Homemade sweet liqueurs, apple or plum wines work well for sweet batters. Any fruit drinks and juices are also suitable for sweet batters. For salty foods – broths and fermented milk products.

Flavoring additives for batter

You can add dried herbs and spices, fresh herbs and herbs, finely chopped onions, garlic, mushrooms, and sweet peppers to the batter. True, it is better to add them to a thick batter; a liquid one simply will not hold them when frying inside.

The taste of the batter will be original if you add mashed potatoes or pumpkin. Ground nuts – from nutmeg to walnuts – good addition to any batter. Also as aromatic additives We recommend trying different hard cheeses.

Subtleties of cooking

  • It is important to thoroughly mix all ingredients until as smooth as possible. When adding eggs, beat the white and yolk separately. Whipped whites are added to the dough just before frying and after that the bowl with the batter is kept in a mold with cold water.
  • It is best to use very cold liquids.
  • Carbonated water adds airiness and lightness to the batter. It turns out not at all greasy.
  • The quantitative ratio of batter and products is 1:1. For 100 grams of vegetables – 100 grams of batter.
  • It is better to prepare the batter in advance, at least an hour before preparing the dish. During this time, gluten loses its elasticity, the dough sticks to the product better and does not dry out when frying. After cooking, it is better to keep the batter in the refrigerator; the dough becomes more elastic and homogeneous.
  • It is not difficult to check the desired consistency of the batter - you just need to dip a spoon in it, and if it covers it evenly and does not show through the surface of the spoon, then everything is as it should be.

Batter is a special dough in which fish, meat, fruits and vegetables are rolled before frying. Every housewife will appreciate the ease of preparing batter. It is remarkable in that it allows you to preserve the natural juiciness of products. How to make batter that is tasty and suitable for different dishes you can find out from this article.

Products needed for making batter:

  • flour, chicken eggs and salt
  • vegetable oil
  • cream, milk, sour cream
  • lemon
  • pepper

It is important to understand that none of the recipes uses all of the listed products at the same time. How to make the batter is, in fact, decided by the cook himself. The first three ingredients, flour, chicken eggs and salt are the constant components and the basis of any batter. All others are added depending on the recipe, as well as culinary fantasy and the preferences of the author of the dish.

How to make fish batter

There are many recipes for making fish batter. The most delicious and popular for your attention:

Recipe 1

  • 200 ml milk
  • three eggs
  • 200 g flour
  • salt to taste

It is necessary to beat the eggs with salt, then pour in the milk and mix, add the flour and mix well until homogeneous mass. Voila! Delicious batter ready for the fish!

Recipe 2

  • one large egg
  • five tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • three to four tablespoons of flour

Mix the egg and mayonnaise, add flour and beat the dough with a fork. It should have a consistency similar to pancake batter.

Recipe 3

  • three eggs
  • 200 g flour
  • 200 ml beer
  • salt to taste

This batter is recommended for pike perch. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat the whites into a stiff foam, and mix the yolks, beer, flour and salt into a dough. When you mix the yolks with beer, you will get a very foamy mixture - let it settle. Slowly, stirring constantly, fold the whipped whites into the resulting dough. The batter is ready!

How to make chicken batter

Just as in the case of fish, batter recipes for chicken meat countless numbers. You can find out classic and time-tested recipes below.

Recipe 1

This recipe is similar to the recipe for pike perch batter. The ingredients are the same, the only difference is that you first need to add 0.5 teaspoon of sugar to the yolks, beat, and only then add beer, and then flour. Add the whipped whites, as mentioned above, and start frying the meat.

Recipe 2

  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 200 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • salt to taste

This recipe is extremely simple - mix all the ingredients until smooth and the wonderful batter is ready.

An important rule for frying food in batter is that the pan must be well heated, otherwise the batter will spread over it and you will not get beautiful pieces of the dish. Bon appetit!

Many dishes turn out juicy and aromatic in batter. But there are many options for preparing it. How to make batter and choose the right recipe for each product?

The simplest recipe consists of following ingredients. You need to take 200 ml of milk and three eggs. These products need to be beaten well to make the batter airy. Next, salt the mixture and add flour. Mix everything well until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The batter is ready. It can be used for fish, poultry and vegetables.

More tender and lush? To do this, separate the whites from the yolks into different bowls. Approximately five chicken eggs are used per serving. Then combine the yolks with milk or cream (6 tablespoons). Mix everything and gradually pour in a glass of flour. Bring the mixture to a homogeneous state. Beat the whites separately and add them to the prepared batter. Thanks to them, it turns out lush and tender.

People often ask how to make a simple recipe. Take 100 ml of any beer and add two chicken eggs to it. Lightly beat the resulting mixture and add salt to taste. Next, add flour. This must be done gradually, stirring thoroughly so that all lumps dissolve and the mixture is homogeneous. The consistency of the batter should resemble thick sour cream. This is a universal batter suitable for any product.

Sometimes meat cooked in batter turns out more delicious. This is achieved due to the shell that it forms, retaining all the juices and aromas. If desired, you can add any seasonings to the batter, which will later give the dish aroma and unusual notes of taste. But when making batter, you need to take into account what seasonings and spices were sprinkled on the meat or other product. Otherwise, you may over-salt the dish, or there will be too much pepper in it.

Adding to batter mineral water also makes it more airy. To do this, take 100 ml of any carbonated mineral water and mix it with one egg. Add three tablespoons of flour, salt and mix everything very well. This batter goes well with sea ​​fish and seafood.

To prepare the batter, it is better to use sifted flour. Then, regardless of the other ingredients, it will have an airy and delicate consistency. The prepared batter must be used immediately so that it does not lose its properties. Therefore, before making the meat batter, you need to prepare the rest of the ingredients.

Almost any food can be cooked in batter. Cut the suluguni into pieces and place in the freezer. Prepare the batter with the addition of beer. We take out the cheese and immediately start frying. Dip each piece in batter and lower into hot oil. Fry on all sides. Suluguni in batter is ready.

Colored is not only great snack. She is also very helpful. Any batter is suitable for its preparation. You can use mineral water. Mix it with eggs and flour and dip lightly boiled cabbage in it. Place it in a frying pan and fry. Sprinkle cheese or sauce on top.

How to make batter if there is no flour? Very simple. Add starch instead. Take two eggs and mix them with three tablespoons of starch. Add salt and pepper to taste. The consistency should resemble not very liquid sour cream. If necessary, add more starch. Everything must be mixed until smooth.

If you don't know how to do it, choose one of listed recipes. Each of them is suitable for any products. It all depends on your preferences and available ingredients.

A dish cooked in batter will be unusual and original. It will decorate any table. In addition, the preparation itself takes very little time.

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Batter is of French origin and is translated as (liquid). In simple words, this is a liquid dough, they roll it in various products before frying. The most basic option is a mixture of flour and egg. Everyone remembers what they gave us back in school days fried fish, which was exactly in the batter.

If the batter is prepared according to the right technology, then it should turn out viscous. Everyone makes it for themselves, so it can be both sweet and salty. For frying fish, salted is best. Fish is not always fried in a frying pan; sometimes deep frying is used.

It is worth considering that the frying process varies, and accordingly the batter must be made for a specific method. Rare is suitable for a frying pan, but for deep frying it is better to make it thicker. Don't forget to take this into account when cooking, because most recipes are written for frying in a pan.

The batter is needed so that the fried product does not come into direct contact with the oil, otherwise it will burn. With batter, the fish in our case will have a crispy crust.

If you don’t have enough fish, then batter will be appropriate, as it will make each piece more voluminous. If you are expecting guests, then you should fry it this way.

Preparing the batter

  1. Beat the eggs.
  2. Add flour until lumps disappear.
  3. We add other components.

Preparing the fish

  1. First we clean, then we rinse.
  2. Divide into bars.
  3. Salt all the pieces of fish well, even though we will also salt the batter. You can add seasonings according to your taste.

A couple of points when frying:

  1. First, heat the frying pan, and only then add the fish; the batter will spread in the warm frying pan.
  2. To get a soft crust, you can cover the pan with a lid.

I'll tell you the most popular batter recipes.

ATTENTION : You need to make as much batter as you have fish. The examples are based on a fish weight of 1 kg. The ideal ratio would be:

These figures are approximate, the fish may be different and the eggs may be of a different size, but I told you something statistically average.

Now I will share with you my favorite recipes!

The simplest batter

  1. flour 3-4 tbsp.
  2. eggs 2 pcs.
  3. salt 0.5 tsp

Option with greens

  1. flour 2 tbsp.
  2. eggs 4-5 pcs.
  3. greens 100-150 g.
  4. salt 0.5 tsp

If you do this, you will feel all the tenderness of the batter. According to this recipe, the fish remains juicy after frying. When cooking in the oven, no flour is needed.

Beer batter

  1. eggs 3-4 pcs.
  2. flour 150-200 g.
  3. half a pinch of salt.
  4. beer 200 ml.

cooking process:

  • First of all, separate the yolks and whites into different containers.
  • Add flour to the yolks and pour beer.
  • The whites need to be beaten and then added to ready mixture from yolks. Mix everything. This batter will add a strong aroma to any product. Recently I had to fry beef in it, the result was amazing - it turned out very tender and aromatic.

Wine batter

  1. egg 1 pc.
  2. white wine 50 ml.
  3. flour 2-3 tbsp.
  4. red sweet pepper on the edge of a knife.
  5. salt to taste.

Do not buy sour wine - the batter will not taste good.

Cheese batter

  1. eggs 3-4 pcs.
  2. grated cheese 150-200 g.
  3. Flour 2-3 tbsp.
  4. Salt to taste.

Fried fish will be completely covered in cheese. It's incredibly delicious.


  1. flour 200 g.
  2. milk 100-150 ml.
  3. eggs 3 pcs.
  4. saffron - edge of the knife.
  5. salt to taste.

This recipe will allow you to make a lot of batter, its color will be bright orange. Saffron gives it this shade.


  1. 1-2 medium sized onions.
  2. flour 3.5 tbsp.
  3. eggs 2-3 pcs.
  4. chopped dill 2 tsp.
  5. mayonnaise 2 tbsp.
  6. pepper and salt to taste.

First, divide the onion into several parts, then put it together with the rest of the ingredients in a blender and beat. If you don't have a blender, grate the onion and mix the other ingredients thoroughly.

Potato batter

  1. potatoes 3 pcs.
  2. eggs 2 pcs.
  3. mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp.
  4. flour 2-3 tbsp.
  5. salt to taste.

Cooking process

  • Grate the potatoes.
  • Mix all ingredients except potatoes.
  • First of all, dip the fish in batter, then in potatoes.
  • We begin the frying process.

I also prepared a couple of recipes for making “lush” batter.

With “fish” mayonnaise

  1. mayonnaise 2-3 tbsp.
  2. egg 2 pcs.
  3. flour 4-5 tbsp.
  4. lemon juice 4-5 drops.
  5. salt to taste.

Fish with mineral water

  1. highly carbonated water 150 ml.
  2. flour 1.5 cups.
  3. eggs 2-3 pcs.
  4. salt.
  5. soda 0.25 tsp
  • First, pour some water from the bottle and place it in freezer to form ice pieces.
  • Pour half a portion of mineral water and beat the eggs with it.
  • Now you can combine flour with soda and salt.
  • Our batter is done, now we start frying the fish.

The oil has a very high temperature, so when interacting with ice water will create splashes when frying. Therefore, it is better to use this batter for deep-frying. If you want to impress your guests with something unusual, then add sesame seeds to the batter, it will give a special aroma!


Tell VK

The secrets of preparing such a product as batter came to us many years ago from France, like many other refined and sophisticated dishes. It is no coincidence that the word “claire” itself is translated into Russian as “liquid”, because this is the liquid dough in which products are rolled before frying.

It is also called liquid breading, which is intended for dipping small pieces of meat (both poultry and fish) into it. It harmonizes very well with seafood, vegetables, cereal cutlets, mushrooms, leafy greens and fruits.

Frying in this way allows you to get an appetizing golden crust, which preserves the juice and tenderness of the processed products, allows you to preserve all the vitamins and nutritional value in them.

Batter dough: basic properties

The main ingredients are flour and eggs (sometimes whipped whites, depending on the cooking method), this mixture is diluted with milk, mineral water or sometimes even alcoholic drinks. He may have liquid consistency or be viscous. To taste there are salty, sweet, fresh or spicy - it all depends on the recipes and ingredients.

Sometimes, to add fluffiness, soda or yeast is added to this mixture. Pieces necessary products dipped in this liquid, deep-fried until golden brown crust and place on a plate with a paper towel to absorb excess fat and oil. Sometimes it is even used for making pancakes and pancakes.

How to make batter for a culinary beginner: tips

  • Most products must first be boiled or fried before frying in batter. Exception: fruits and fish, which will have time to be completely fried along with the dough.
  • You need to thoroughly beat everything using a whisk, mixer or blender. The more thoroughly the ingredients are mixed, the more tender and fluffy the dish will be.
  • The thick consistency is in perfect harmony with juicy products, because it forms a dense crust through which the juice does not flow out, while the liquid consistency is excellent for dry contents, because it will let the oil through and make the pieces juicy and soft.
  • Carbonated water and mineral water will make the crust exceptionally golden brown, loose and porous, tender, but not greasy.
  • Add spices and aromatic herbs, this will improve its aroma, taste qualities and will give dishes a “zest”. A very original and unforgettable taste can be obtained by adding sautéed onions, garlic, finely chopped bell pepper, greens, mushrooms, pumpkin or mashed potatoes, grated cheese, ground nuts, sweet spices.
  • Whipped egg whites will make it lighter and fluffier, but only add them right before cooking. Please note that the food must be cold, even icy.
  • If you want a savory crispy crust, use mineral water, beer, cognac, red wine or homemade alcoholic liqueur instead of milk.
  • It is advisable to allow it to stand for about an hour at room temperature so that flour gluten gets rid of its elasticity. In this case, the composition will not dry out during frying and will better “stick” to the product.
  • Proper execution of the batter also includes preparing the dough with the correct consistency, and to understand the degree of viscosity and liquid, it is enough to dip a spoon into the bowl and its contents. If it smoothly and equally covers the entire spoon, then the dough has been mixed with the correct amount. wheat flour, and if there are gaps in it, then this means that there is not enough flour.
  • When preparing, use well-chilled products, and fry the pieces in well-heated oil.
  • To prevent the dough from dripping onto the pan from the food, you must first place it on a cutting board and lightly sprinkle it with starch.

Batter recipe for frying fish in dough

Take: egg– 1 piece, half a glass of flour and cold water, a third of a tablespoon of salt.

Beat the egg into a deep bowl, stir with salt and add a third of the prepared water. Mix everything well. Gradually add flour, stir and make sure that all lumps are well mixed. Now water. Gradually pour in the remaining water, watching the consistency.

The secret is: than colder water, the more airy and lighter the batter will turn out! Leave the resulting mixture approximately like pancake dough. With this consistency, the batter will not drain and the fish will have time to fry.

The second version of the test for fish batter on beer

Take: 2-3 eggs, 200 g of flour, a glass of dark beer, a third of a tsp. salt.

Separate the whites from the yolks. Separately mix the yolks and beer. Whip the whites into a strong foam and add a little into the flour with the yolks. Stir gently and gently. The result will please you delicate taste. When fried, beer gives the fish softness and an unusual aroma.

Batter for frying sausages in dough

If there is no opportunity and time to do a full meat dish, please your guests with homemade fast food. The dish will look like an American hot dog. Children will definitely be delighted!

Take: half a kilo of sausages (it is better to take milk sausages, small in size so that they are completely fried), a couple of eggs, a glass of flour less than two fingers full, a glass of milk, oil for frying.

While the water for the sausages is heating up, let's do the rest. Beat the eggs with salt, gradually add the flour and mix thoroughly. Continuing to stir vigorously, pour in cold milk in a thin stream. Cook the sausages for just a couple of minutes from the moment the water boils. Tip: insert a toothpick or skewer of fruit into each one, this will make it easier to dip it in the batter and then eat it. But you can get by with a fork. Fry in hot oil for a couple of minutes and serve with vegetables. Beautiful and tasty!

Batter batter for frying chicken

You can fry any part of the chicken: drumsticks, thighs, even wings. You can even dip it into the batter several times if you fry a raw product.

That is, they dipped it, fried it, took it out again, dipped it into the frying pan. So the layer of dough can be up to 1 cm, but this will not spoil the delicate taste.

Take: a glass of ice-cold mineral water, the white of one egg, half a glass of flour, 1 tbsp. starch, salt, spices - to taste.

Beat the whites thoroughly, gradually add water, flour and spices, remembering to knead well.

Dip the chicken into the mixture and fry. Nothing complicated, but the taste is excellent!

Fast food chicken recipe

Take: for the marinade - 100 g of flour, 50 g of starch, a head of garlic, your favorite seasonings (paprika, cayenne pepper, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, dill, curry, pepper are good), do not forget to add salt. For rolling - a glass of flour and more seasonings.

Combine all ingredients for the marinade. Before adding the herbs, rub them with your fingers - this will make them much more fragrant. Pour in enough water so that the consistency of the dough becomes a little thinner than you usually prepare for pancakes. Cut the chicken into pieces, cut out the spine, there is still not enough meat in it. Place the pieces in a pre-prepared marinade and leave at room temperature for a couple of hours.

Mix all ingredients for rolling. In a deep fryer or deep pan, heat the refined sunflower oil. Remove the chicken from the marinade in small pieces, roll in the flour mixture and place in hot oil. Fry 2-3 pieces at a time - no more (this will prevent the chicken from absorbing too much oil, because when frying a small amount, the temperature of the oil will not drop much).

Batter for apples in dough with cinnamon

If the apples are too hard, then pour boiling water over them or pre-boil them for a couple of minutes in boiling water.

Take: a couple of apples, cinnamon to taste, one egg, a quarter glass of milk and half a glass of flour, sugar.

Mix flour, egg, sugar, and cinnamon. Pour warm milk into it. Mix thoroughly with a whisk or, better yet, a blender. Cut the apples into rings. Dip them in the resulting liquid and fry over a hot vegetable oil. The dessert is wonderful, but it is better to prepare it right before serving.

Bon appetit!