Salted pink salmon. Pink salmon for salmon - it doesn't get faster! Tender and juicy like salmon

It's no secret that lovers of tasty and hearty food, fish dishes are a separate article in their diet. And now among fish dishes delicacies from red fish stand out separately. Sandwiches and canapes with caviar and meat are the most popular in Russia salmon breeds. Making a sandwich at home always turns out quickly and tasty, it does not require special utensils, cooking, frying, etc., just bread and fish. But if you carefully study the preferences of people, then most of the variety of breeds of red fish will choose salmon. Why is salmon so popular among gourmets? Everything is very simple. The meat of this fish, in addition to its delicate and appetizing pink color, has a pleasant oily taste and texture.

Few people know that you can cook ordinary pink salmon so that it cannot be distinguished from salmon. But first of all, let's consider how these two breeds of red fish differ. First of all, it is an areola of habitat in the wild. Salmon is found in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean, the Barents Sea, and is also found in some northern lakes in Norway, Russia and Finland. Pink salmon lives in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, in the eastern part of the coastal waters of the Arctic Ocean, and comes to spawn in fresh water headwaters of rivers flowing into these oceans.

Salmon and pink salmon also differ in size and weight. Salmon are much larger, the average representatives of this genus can reach one and a half meters in length and weigh about forty to fifty kilograms. Pink salmon is not so “huge”, rather modest. Large representatives reach seventy centimeters in length and have a weight of two to five kilograms.

We can say with confidence that cooking from these fish species is quite popular. Meat and salmon and pink salmon are used in salads, soups, canned food, cold appetizers. There are also many recipes for salting these types of fish.

Salmon meat is also different from pink salmon meat. Salmon has a pleasant pink-reddish color with white streaks. It is in the veins that it focuses the largest number fats. In cooking, the meat retains juiciness and looks very appetizing. Pink salmon meat has a more orange hue without white streaks, palatability more dry and crumbly. Accordingly, the price for salmon is almost twice as high as for pink salmon.

But it doesn't matter! A folk trick will come to the rescue. There is such salmon dish under salmon. How to salt pink salmon so that it is indistinguishable from salmon in taste? Salmon meat has a more viscous structure, it is denser and more elastic. It is quite possible to salt pink salmon and give it an equally attractive look and taste. In short, we salt pink salmon, we get awesome salmon.

Pink salmon recipe:

First you need to cook the fish, clean and separate the fillets. To do this, it is better to freeze pink salmon, frozen meat is easier to cut into slices. Do not make them too thick, a maximum of three centimeters.

Then you need to prepare the brine. It should be quite saturated, otherwise it happens that light-salted pink salmon is obtained. For one glass of cold boiled water, five to six tablespoons of salt. Approximately 1.3 liters of brine are needed for one kilogram of fish.

Keep the meat in the brine for five to ten minutes. Salted pink salmon is blotted with a napkin or towel, spread on a plate and poured vegetable oil, preferably odorless, and put in the refrigerator for thirty to forty minutes. It turned out that during the time spent in the refrigerator, the fish was soaked with salt and oil and acquired the necessary taste.

Best of all, fish salted in this way is suitable for making delicious sandwiches and canapes. Spread natural butter on White bread thin layer, and put slices of fish on top. Don't forget to cut the lemon or lime wedges. To decorate the dish, you can use fantasy and creativity to make the resulting fish look more appetizing on the table. Fans of experiments can add spices to the brine.

I would like to note that today salmon is grown on fish farms, where special dyes are added to the fish feed so that the meat has a more attractive appearance when sold. Pink salmon is not bred in captivity and, accordingly, the meat is much cleaner environmentally. The price criterion is also on the side of pink salmon. Therefore, if there is a strong desire to taste delicious fish, then you should not spend money, but taking a little time, get tasty and healthy dish, such as "salted pink salmon".
Cold snacks from red fish are always in demand on any table. Perfect for wine drinks and beer. Helpful Hints on registration a simple dish can be viewed on the internet.

Salting pink salmon at home quickly and tasty is a simple matter. The main thing is to decide on the method of salting (dry or classic with brine).

Salting pink salmon is a quick and easy way to cook fish that allows you to store finished product in the refrigerator for several days. Salted fish can be served as a separate dish, garnished with fresh herbs and lemon, as part of stuffed pancakes, salads, as the main ingredient for sandwiches with butter.

Salted salmon fillet recipe with mustard sauce


  • Pink salmon - 1 kg,
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • Salt - 3 large spoons,
  • Olive oil - 5 large spoons,
  • Dill - to taste.

For sauce:


Useful advice. It is much easier to remove the insides from slightly frozen fish, rather than completely thawed.

  1. I clean the fish from scales, gut and decapitate. I remove the skin, remove the spine and bones. Thoroughly wash the sirloin.
  2. After receiving the sirloin without bones, I proceed to slicing. I cut into neat pieces of the same size.
  3. I take large saucepan. I grease the edges with olive oil, pour a part to the bottom. I put the pieces in layers, add finely chopped dill, sugar and salt. I close the pot with a lid. I put it in the refrigerator for 48 hours.

I serve salted fish with special sauce made from vinegar, two types of mustard and olive oil. It is enough to mix the components in a separate tank.

How to pickle pink salmon "under the salmon" in oil

Pink salmon is an affordable alternative to the more expensive fish of the Salmon family. It is inferior to salmon in taste, but due to its affordable cost and high prevalence, it looks more preferable in the preparation of everyday dishes.

To prepare delicious pink salmon"for salmon", you need to take a good and fresh fish with a dense structure, uniform color without bright and unnatural shades. When buying a fish with a head, pay attention to the eyes (should be transparent, not bloody or cloudy).


  • Fillet - 1 kg,
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml,
  • Boiled water - 1.3 l,
  • Salt - 5 large spoons,
  • Onion - 1 head,
  • Lemon - half a fruit
  • fresh greens- taste.


  1. I cut the fillet into beautiful pieces of the same size. I put it aside.
  2. I turn to the preparation of a pickling solution. In the cooled boiled water I stir the salt. I dip the pieces of pink salmon in salted water for 7-9 minutes.
  3. I take it out, let the liquid drain and dip it with paper towels to get rid of excess salt.
  4. I take beautiful glassware. I spread the salted fish in layers. Each layer of pink salmon is poured with vegetable oil. Ready meal I send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Cooled and salted pink salmon is served on the table, garnished with lemon slices, thin onion half rings and fresh herbs.

Salted pink salmon in 1 hour


  • Frozen fish fillet - 800 g,
  • Water - 400 ml,
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • Olive oil - 100 ml.


  1. I do not defrost the fillet completely, so that it is easier to cut into portioned pieces. I put the neat bits aside.
  2. I'm preparing saline solution. In 400 ml boiled warm water I stir 2 large spoons of salt. Dip the peeled potatoes in to check if they are salty enough. If the vegetable floats, you can start salting.
  3. I dip pink salmon for 6-7 minutes in the prepared solution with salt.
  4. I catch, wash in cool boiled water to wash off excess salt. I dry it with kitchen paper towels or napkins, removing the liquid.
  5. In parts I shift into a glass dish, adding olive oil. I spread all the pink salmon and pour all the olive oil. I put it in the fridge for 40 minutes.

After the allotted time, I take it out of the refrigerator and use it in salads or to make delicious sandwiches. Enjoy your meal!

Unusual recipe with spicy sauce


  • Fresh fish- 1 kg,
  • Table salt - 100 g,
  • Sugar - 1 large spoon,
  • Orange - 2 things,
  • Dill - 1 bunch.

For sauce:

  • Mustard with grains (French) - 20 g,
  • Honey - 20 g,
  • Vinegar - 20 g,
  • Olive oil - 40 g.


  1. I clean the fish, remove excess parts, rinse thoroughly. Finished fillet dry with paper towels.
  2. I cut oranges into thin slices.
  3. I rub the fillet with a mixture of sugar and salt. I'm not in a hurry, I do it carefully so that the fish is completely salted.
  4. I shift the pink salmon into a glass cup, pour finely chopped dill. Place thin slices of orange on top.
  5. I put it in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  6. I'm preparing a sauce for salted fish. Mix in a small bowl french mustard and honey. I add vinegar and olive oil to the resulting mixture. I mix thoroughly.

I serve the dish with unusual sauce.

Dry salting method


As a child, I did not like fish - neither fried, nor boiled, nor smoked - none. The only exceptions were roach and the like, most often medium-sized fish dried to a wooden state, unbearably salty, but so desirable - was there not enough salt in the body? And the so-called “red fish” is an invariable attribute of the Soviet holiday table.

Trout, salmon, coho salmon and other noble salmon in those ancient times had party, trade union and other caste affiliations, and were known to the general public only from the “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” of the 50s. On the festive tables of ordinary citizens, chum salmon was presented - if you're lucky, and more often pink salmon, not much different from my favorite roach - also dry and extremely salty. In our family, it was served like this: they were cut into thin slices right with the skin and the ridge, laid in an elegant fan on a flat plate and decorated with lemon slices.

Ranked from best to worst among salmon fish pink salmon takes the last place. But the first, according to experts, is salmon (and not just salmon) Arkhangelsk and Mezen. What kind of salmon is this, whether it is found now, I don’t know for sure, and further discussion will not be about her. Today my heroine is modest and relatively inexpensive pink salmon, which is now easier to buy.

Despite the fact that pink salmon is considered an outsider in the prestigious salmon society and has long been off the list of delicacies, it should not be neglected. The variety of health benefits in this familiar product is surprising: there is vitamin PP, phosphorus, sulfur, a lot of iodine and chromium, as well as cobalt. Rich in pink salmon - as pink salmon is sometimes called - unsaturated fatty acids. However, fish is generally useful, unless, of course, there is an allergy to it.

Another point in favor of pink salmon is enough low calorie compared to other representatives of this family of valuable fish species: only 140 kilocalories per 100 grams of edible part. Internet sources claim that, say, there are 220 kilocalories in salmon. because of high content in pink salmon protein (almost 60%), saturation is achieved faster, but digestion is slower - after dishes from pink salmon you don’t want to eat for a long time.

With all the advantages, pink salmon has one significant drawback - a rather dry fish. If you just fry or bake steaks, then the dish turns out to be lean and insipid, and it asks for some kind of rich sauce - creamy or sour cream, which means that you will have to forget about low calorie content.

But there is a salting recipe, when using which unpretentious pink salmon turns into noble salmon - well, or into something very close to it in taste and appearance.

The cooking method is extremely unpretentious, but the result exceeds all expectations - the most delicate slightly salted fish will decorate not only a home meal, but also a festive table. And if you don't complain salted fish from the store - it still does not say anything. With the purchased "salted" red fish in vacuum packs, homemade has about the same thing in common as "bacon-flavored" chips with bacon itself. And they have fundamentally different purposes. Slicing in a vacuum should lie beautiful on the window for as long as possible and not deteriorate, and more is not required of it. Homemade is stored for several days, but the taste is unforgettable.

So let's get started. Pink salmon needs to be deep frozen - it doesn’t matter if it’s a carcass or a fillet. There is less fuss with fillets, or rather, there is no fuss. If you got a whole fish, like me this time, then it should be slightly thawed in order to remove the skin. This savage procedure is quite easy, you just need to cut off the head and slightly pick up the skin in the place of the “cut” - it is removed with a “stocking” from the frozen carcass. I do not recommend cooking with the skin - then you will get tired of spitting from the scales.

Then we cut the fish into fillets in any way known to you. Again, in a state of "frostbite", the spine and bones are separated without problems and unnecessary losses. We quickly cut clean fillets into pieces of arbitrary size - practice shows that their optimal width is about two centimeters.

Now we are preparing brine - saturated saline solution. In a liter of cold boiled or simply purified water, dissolve 4-5 tablespoons of large table salt. The readiness of the brine is checked as follows: if a small peeled potato does not sink, then everything is in order.

The next step is to lower the prepared pieces of pink salmon into the brine. How much? In the original recipe, the recommended time was 5-8 minutes. For some reason, this seemed not enough to me, and I always endure at least half an hour. Neither undersalting nor oversalting was ever observed.

After the set minutes have elapsed, we take out the fish, dry it slightly with a napkin and put it in a container convenient for storage in the refrigerator (for example, in a plastic container), then pour it with vegetable oil. I don’t really like oil in salted fish, so I just sprinkle it sincerely. But it should be remembered that if the oil covers the fish completely, then it is stored much longer. You can add your favorite spices, but for me, and so good.

You can enjoy the delicate and mild taste of “improved” pink salmon already 5–6 hours after “setting” it in the refrigerator. I usually cook fish in the evening and serve it for breakfast delicious sandwiches. Such fish is good both on black bread and on white.

On the dinner table, pink salmon prepared in this way goes well with young boiled potatoes: it is sprinkled with dill, crumbly, emanating light steam, slightly flavored with butter; she is soft pink, melting in the mouth. Puree is great too. Such pink salmon behaves well in salads, and if someone tries to cook rolls or sushi at home, then nothing better is needed.

In general, cook - it's very simple, fast and tasty.

How to pickle pink salmon at home

When buying fish in a store, pay attention to its appearance. Fresh pink salmon has light bellies and silvery scales, which are distributed throughout the carcass.

If the fish was not chilled, but frozen, then it is completely defrosted before salting.

The next step is to cut the fish into layers, freeing it from the bones, and also remove the skin. If you do not know, then use my master class on cutting it.

Boneless layers of pink salmon are cut portioned pieces, 4-4.5 centimeters wide.

Now let's prepare the brine. To do this, dissolve 5 tablespoons of ordinary table salt without a slide in 1 liter of cold water. Water must be taken purified to avoid the taste of bleach in salted fish.

Prepared pieces of pink salmon are placed in brine. The fish must be completely submerged in the brine. If you wish, you can use a not very heavy load, but I usually salt pink salmon without oppression.

We mark the time. The fish will be salted for 30-40 minutes.

After aging, carefully remove the fish pieces from the liquid and lightly dry them with paper towels.

We spread the salmon in a container for salting. It can be, for example, an ordinary plastic container with high sides. I laid out the pieces in two layers, but if the container is smaller in diameter, then there may be several layers.

Top the fish with vegetable oil so that the upper pieces are immersed in fat, at least half. The secret of pink salmon salted for salmon is in oil, so do not spare it.

We close the container with a lid and send it to the refrigerator. The exposure time in the cold is 8-10 hours. I usually salt pink salmon in the evening, and in the morning I serve tender and tasty fish for breakfast.

Salted pink salmon cooked according to this recipe is incredibly tender.

To taste, it really is very similar to salmon. Since the price of these types of fish is strikingly different, the pink salmon salted independently at home gets a clear advantage.

So many soon public holidays that your head is spinning. We are already, willy-nilly, thinking about what we will treat unexpected guests. In our family, there is always fish on the table. Salted or slightly salted. The main thing is that she was. But it is expensive to buy salmon or trout, so I began to use mainly pink salmon.

This fish is quite cheap and turns out to be very tasty when cooked properly. Although some housewives do not like her for dryness, there are some tricks that eliminate this. We have already cooked it quite recently and it was very juicy, as well as for salmon. Today we will lightly salt it under the same fatty fish.

It is unrealistic to buy ready-made in the store. Just because then the prices start to bite, and the quality of the purchase leaves much to be desired. For example, I then use pink salmon in salads or sandwiches. Yes, I just cut it on the table. No one can really say what kind of fish they eat, since they confuse it very much with salmon. But I usually don’t reveal my secret, but why? Let them think it is.

Salted pink salmon for salmon - a recipe in 5 minutes (it doesn't get faster)

This is perhaps the most fast way. Then the fish turns out to be very tender and lightly salted. But we all know that the degree of salinity depends on the time of salting. Therefore, the fewer minutes, the less salt it absorbs. We will cook this option in brine, for this, prepare it in advance, since you need to apply it cold! And how to cook it, read the recipe.


  • Pink salmon - 1 pc.;
  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Salt - 6 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.


1. We will need a fillet, of course, a tenderloin can be purchased immediately, but it is better to buy a whole fish. Defrost it natural way. That is, we leave it on the table at room temperature or in the refrigerator. But to make it easier to remove the skin, then thaw quite a bit. We cut off the head and tail, remove the insides. Then we make an incision along the ridge and remove the skin. Now we separate the fillet from the bones.

2. To lightly salt faster, the pulp must be chopped into thin pieces about 5 mm thick. This is best done with a sharp knife.

The thinner the pieces, the faster the fish will cook.

3. Prepare the brine. AT a small amount boiling water dissolve salt and sugar. Then top up cold water. The total amount of liquid should be 1 liter.

You can make a brine completely from boiling water, but then be sure to cool it to room temperature. Otherwise, the fish will cook in hot water.

4. Place the fillet in the brine for exactly five minutes. During this time, prepare paper towels. After the lapse of time, we take it out and put it on napkins. We soak up all the liquid.

5. We will need a container in which we will infuse the fish. We put pieces in it and sprinkle each layer with pepper if desired and be sure to coat with a silicone brush with vegetable oil. Put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then we serve it on the table.

Salted pink salmon is tender and juicy like salmon - a fabulous yummy

I usually do this with onions. Of course, you can do without it. But it tastes better to me. This is also prepared quite quickly. Moreover, we will use a dry ambassador. Only marinating takes a little longer. But from this pink salmon will become just a fabulous taste!


  • Pink salmon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 cup;
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Black peppercorns - to taste;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil - 0.5 cups.


1. Defrost the fish. Separate the head and tail. We also remove the insides. Separate the fillet from the bones. You can use the backbone for the fish soup or also grind it with the rest. We cut the pulp into portioned pieces.

2. Prepare the mixture. To do this, mix salt and sugar together.

3. We dip each piece completely into white sand and put it in a deep container. We leave exactly 20 minutes.

Roll in the mixture very quickly. this way the fish will cook at the same time.

4. During this time, prepare the bow. Peel it and cut into rings or half rings.

5. Wash the fillets under running water and dry a little with paper towels. We lay in layers in a deep bowl: fish, onion, pepper, a little oil. So we repeat until the products run out. We put oppression on top and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

It is best to serve such a yummy with potatoes, but also on festive table she will fly away as an appetizer along with onions.

Pink salmon for salmon at home - fast and tasty


  • Pink salmon - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.


1. Cut off the head and tail from the fish. We remove the insides. Separate the fillet from the bones. We will not remove the skin, we will do it later.

2. Mix salt and sugar together.

3. Sprinkle both halves with a dry mixture on both sides. You can even rub it in a little. We put the parts together and wrap tightly in plastic bag. Leave at room temperature for 24 hours. But after 12 hours, be sure to turn the bag over to the other side.

To prevent the liquid from leaking out of the bag, be sure to place the fish in another one, or place it in some other container.

4. After we wash the fish under the tap and dry it with a towel. Cut into portioned pieces while immediately cutting off the peel. Place in a small bowl and drizzle with vegetable oil.

You can eat it right away, but it's better to leave it in the fridge for a while.

I bring to your attention a video that I found on the Internet. I must say right away that I did not cook for him. But I liked that the author tells in detail how to salt the fish. In this case, the recipe is suitable for any kind. If you use the same, then share with us the result below in the comments. We will only be happy about it.

Here are the wonderful ways I told you. I hope you liked them and you have already looked for some for yourself. Be sure to cook this for the next holiday or dinner. Please your loved ones. And I say goodbye to you, until we meet again!