How long does dry salted pink salmon salt. How to pickle pink salmon for salmon

A festive feast at home is accompanied by gourmet dishes that the hostess wants to pamper guests with. Salted red fish can become a special delicacy. If salting is done in different variations, then many new and interesting dishes will appear on the table. How to pickle pink salmon will be discussed in this article.

For this salting option, the following ingredients are required:

  • chopped pink salmon carcass - 1 kg;
  • fine granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • coarse salt - 40 g.

The process itself is quite simple and, by the way, men often deal with salted fish.

  1. Pink salmon should be cut into 2 fillets.
  2. Salt and granulated sugar are mixed in a separate bowl. The fish pulp is rubbed with a mixture of dry ingredients.
  3. Both halves of the fish are put together. Further, the skin is abundantly sprinkled with a dry mixture.
  4. The fish must be wrapped in cling film, then put in a pan under oppression and put in the refrigerator for a day.

Attention! The oppression should evenly lie on top of all the fish.

It's easy to do it like this:

  • put a cutting board on top of the fish;
  • wrap a pack of salt 1 kg with a film and put on top.

Salted fish with fresh dill

Greens lovers can add fresh dill to the dry mixture when salting fish. The carcass is salted according to the above recipe, but before the two halves are put together, the pink salmon fillet is sprinkled abundantly with finely chopped dill. For 1 kg of fish, 150 g of spices are required.

It's important to remember that for more flavor, it's best to use the leaves of the green rather than the stems.

Pink salmon fillet, salted in haste

In order to salt the fish very quickly, it is worth buying an already cut carcass in the store.

  1. At home, the pulp should be soaked for 15 minutes in water with lemon juice to disinfect. For 1 liter of water, take 2 tablespoons of citrus juice. This will give the finished dish a light lemon flavor.
  2. Further, salting is carried out according to the above recipes.

How delicious to pickle fish in a marinade

If there is time to prepare the marinade, then this will significantly embroider the gastronomic line of fish dishes served on the table. Pink salmon in brine is obtained with a wonderful delicate taste.

In brine with sugar

  • red fish fillet - 1 kg;
  • coarse salt - 40 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • filtered water - 500 ml;
  • laurel leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • juniper and black pepper - 3 - 4 each;
  • olive oil or grape seed oil - 30 ml.

Having prepared the products, follow a simple algorithm of actions:

  1. Put water on fire and dissolve salt and sugar in it. Add spices and boil for 2 minutes.
  2. Remove from heat and wait until the marinade is warm.
  3. Put the fillet in a rectangular container with sides. It should freely accommodate the whole fish.
  4. Pour the warm marinade over the carcass so that it completely drowns.
  5. Close the container with a lid or wrap in cling film and refrigerate.

After a day, the fish can be transferred to a food container, after watering it with oil.

Cooking in mustard sauce

It is best to marinate such fish in a jar.

  • pink salmon - 1 kg;
  • mustard - 30 g;
  • coarse salt - 60 g for salting fish + 10 g for mustard sauce;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • onion - 200 g;
  • mustard seed - 20 g;
  • white pepper - a pinch;
  • lemon fresh - 20 ml;
  • grape seed oil - 150 ml.

Let's get to the fun part:

  1. The fish must be divided into slices, after removing the bones from it.
  2. Mix sugar with salt for pickling.
  3. Put the fish slices in a container and sprinkle generously with a mixture of salt and sugar. Put the load on top and hide the entire structure in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  4. Peel the onion from the top husk and chop finely into half rings.
  5. Mustard seed should be poured with boiling water for 5 minutes, then drained. Mix mustard until smooth with vegetable oil, add salt, white pepper and steamed seeds, as well as onions.
  6. Remove the pink salmon from the container, put it in a colander and wait until the excess liquid drains. Shake the fish a little so that excess salt and sugar crumble.
  7. Put the carcass in a clean container and pour over the sauce. Gently mix the fish in the marinade by hand.
  8. Scald the prepared jar with boiling water and put pink salmon into it with a clean spoon.

The fish should stand in the refrigerator for two days, after which you can serve it to the table.

Did you know that the fish will be especially tasty if you also cook the mustard yourself.

  • mustard powder - 80 g;
  • filtered water - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • fine salt - 20 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

Well, then everything is quite simple:

  1. Stir the water with mustard until smooth and leave in a warm place for 10 hours.
  2. After that, remove excess moisture that should form on the surface.
  3. The remaining ingredients are added to the prepared mixture and everything is mixed.

Quick salting of pink salmon in one hour

If you need to cook something tasty for the table in a short time, then the option of salting fish in an hour is the surest way.

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • carbonated water - 100 ml;
  • filtered water - 150 ml;
  • fine salt - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • whiskey - 30 ml;
  • pepper mixture (peas) - 20 g;
  • dill leaves - 100 g.

We put on an apron and proceed:

  1. The fish should be cut into thin slices. For this procedure, the knife must be very sharp.
  2. Dissolve salt and sugar in water. Finely chop the dill leaves.
  3. Chop the peppercorns with a knife or crush in a mortar. Mix the salt mixture, whiskey, pepper and dill in a separate container.
  4. Put the fish in a container and carefully spread the mixture over it.
  5. Quickly pour the prepared ingredients with sparkling water, cover and put in the refrigerator.

After an hour, the fish can be served at the table.

An excellent flavor composition for such a dish will be salted cucumbers, also cooked in an hour. Moreover, you do not have to pour out the remaining sparkling water.

  • fresh cucumbers - 200 g;
  • salt - 80 g;
  • granulated sugar - 10 g;
  • dill stalks - a small bunch;
  • carbonated water - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 5 cloves.

Cucumbers should be cut lengthwise into halves and grated garlic. Put cucumbers, garlic, salt, sugar and whole dill stalks into a strong plastic bag. Top everything with soda and shake the bag vigorously for about two minutes. Tie it in a knot and put it in the fridge.

Spicy fish in honey marinade

Honey marinade can be prepared in three variations:

  1. Honey-soy. To do this, mix two tablespoons of honey and 100 ml of soy sauce.
  2. Honey mustard. A tablespoon of mustard is mixed with two tablespoons of light honey and a pinch of red hot pepper.
  3. Honey-lemon. Stir freshly squeezed lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey until smooth.

Any chosen mixture is lubricated with fish, salted according to the classical method and placed in an airtight container for a day.

How to pickle pink salmon for salmon

If, nevertheless, pink salmon seems dryish, then it can be salted in such a way that it will taste indistinguishable from salmon.

  • pink salmon fillet - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml;
  • cooled boiling water - 1 l;
  • coarse salt - 100 g.

Only three steps separate us from delicious pink salmon a la salmon:

  1. Dissolve salt in water. Cut the fish into slices and put in the solution for 15 minutes.
  2. Throw the carcass in a colander and dry.
  3. Place salmon in a container and pour oil over it.

A day later, the most delicate pulp of red fish, imitating salmon, is ready.

Attention! If such fish is poured with hot oil, then it can be stored for about a month in the refrigerator.

with lime

Lime has a rich flavor palette, so the fish is excellent. The salting technology is as follows.

  • salted pink salmon - 1 kg;
  • lime - 3 pcs.;
  • white pepper - a pinch;
  • salt - 20 g.

And here, too, no difficulties await you:

  1. The fish is salted according to the classic recipe.
  2. Lime zest is rubbed on a grater, and citrus pulp is cut into pieces and whipped in a blender.
  3. Pulp, zest, salt and pepper should be mixed.
  4. Cut the fish into thin slices and place in a container. Spread the citrus mixture evenly on top.

Keep the workpiece in the refrigerator for a day.

If we salt the salmon as a whole, then the fish is rubbed inside and out, and then wrapped in cling film.

Lightly salted fish in one day

  • pink salmon carcass - 1.5 kg;
  • coarse salt - 50 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20g;
  • vegetable oil - 80 g;
  • white and lemon pepper - a pinch each.


  1. Rinse the carcass well.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients in the oil and rub the fish inside and out with it.
  3. Wrap the carcass in cling film and cloth.
  4. Put the fish in a container under oppression.

After five or six hours, the snack will be ready.

It is important to remember that such salting is only suitable for fish bought in a store or on a farm. If the fish is wild, then it is better to salt it properly.

Salting pink salmon correctly is not difficult, but you need to strictly adhere to the recipe.

The key to successful cooking will be the right initial product, that is, the fish itself:

  • the skin should be elastic;
  • the pulp, when pressed with a finger, immediately returns to its original state;
  • meat should have a pleasant cucumber aroma.

Red fish is valued both as a delicious delicacy and as a healthy food. If you salt pink salmon on your own, the delicacy can be consumed at any time of the year. It's economical and simple. There are many fish recipes.

If it was not possible to purchase a fresh catch, use frozen products. Everyone is subject to learn the subtleties of how to salt pink salmon after freezing. Salted fish can be used for various dishes.

How to prepare frozen pink salmon for salting?

Do not thaw fish with hot water or microwave. The carcass should depart gradually in the cool. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator is best suited for this.

Skills are needed on how to properly prepare the carcass for salting. Scales are peeled off pink salmon. Get rid of the head, tail and fins. The abdomen is incised, the entrails are removed, and the carcass is rinsed. Usually the product is cut into loin pieces. The fillet is optionally left skinless or with it. 10 cm tail is not used.

For salting, choose a dry method or in brine (wet). For dry, prepared fish is sprinkled with a mixture of salt and spices. This is the simplest salting in its own juice, which dissolves the salt, thereby soaking the entire fish with the marinade mixture.

For wet salting, you will need marinade, brine and juice. Fish is prepared by soaking in cold filling. Pink salmon caviar is also salted.

Simple dry method

For a kilogram of pink salmon, you need sugar and salt, 3 tablespoons each. So you can deliciously salt and salmon. Thawed fish is cleaned of the remaining scales. Cut off unnecessary parts that will be used to prepare the fish soup. It is necessary to get rid of the ridge and large bones. There will be two fillets in the skin. Each part is cut in half or the fillet is left as is.

A simple mixture is prepared from salt and sugar, which must be sprinkled on each piece. Place the salmon in the bottom of the container, skin side down. The products are sprinkled with the remnants of spices.

The fish is salted in the refrigerator for a day or three, during which time the pieces are turned over twice. After the product has been salted, it is wiped on top with a paper towel. Tip: To make the pieces juicier, you can grease them with a small amount of vegetable oil.

If you ask yourself how long it takes to salt the fish in a dry way, then this is possible in the range from 15 to 20 minutes. Salted products will turn out in a day, after 3 days a salty delicacy will be ready.

Marinated homemade

For wet salting, a liter of water, three tablespoons of salt, two sugar, a bay leaf, a spoonful of dry mustard and ten peas of pepper will be enough for one carcass.

When pink salmon is salted at home in the marinade, the carcass is cut and cut into pieces, keeping a width of 5 centimeters. To prepare the brine, mix all the ingredients, boil and, after turning off the fire, cool until the temperature of the broth is equal to room temperature.

When the marinade has cooled, fill it with pieces of fish, close the container with a lid. A delicious fragrant delicacy is removed in brine in a cool place for a period of 8 to 12 hours. You can withstand 3 days, but no more. The pink salmon taken out of the liquid is transferred to a clean dish, where it will be in oil.

In tangerines

You can salt pink salmon at home with citrus fruits. You will need two fillets of fish, tangerines (4 pcs.) Or oranges (2 pcs.), Salt. Cut up a whole fish or use a ready-made fillet. The rind is peeled off the fructine, the lobules are separated. Each slice must be cut into pieces of 5 millimeters.

One fillet is laid out in the container. Salt is sprinkled on top and half of the fruit is laid out. Put the second part of the fish on top, season it well with salt and add the remaining tangerines or oranges. Tightly closing the dishes with products, leave it for a day. A fragrant, tender and juicy delicacy reminiscent of salmon.

How fast is salmon fish salted?

Pink salmon or salmon are cooked in whole carcasses, but it is better to salt the pink salmon in pieces. For a kilogram of fish, you need a tablespoon of sugar and two salts. Grate each piece or fish with a mixture of ingredients. Cotton cloth or gauze is taken. It is tightly necessary to tightly wrap the salmon or pink salmon carcass in it.

In the refrigerator in a rag, the product should lie for a week. To get a salted delicacy yummy, 5 days are enough. Ready fish is cleaned from the skin. The pink salmon fillet is cut into thin slices at an acute angle. The remaining salty pieces are wrapped and put away on the refrigerator shelf.

Salmon salting method

Before salting pink salmon in the same way as preparing salmon, cut the fish into fillets. For a kilogram of fish, you will need coarse salt in the amount of three tablespoons, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. spoons, 3 bay leaves, a bunch of parsley with dill and freshly ground black pepper, a teaspoon without a slide is enough.

Sugar is mixed with salt and sprinkled on salmon (pink salmon). Pepper falls. Greens are laid out over the meat with sprigs and an even layer. One sirloin is superimposed on the other, both with meat inside. The fish is wrapped in a clean piece of cloth or gauze.

A fish bundle on a tray is placed in the refrigerator for two days. After a day of salting, the meat turns over. When the meat is completely salted, they take it out and wash off all the salt.

Advice: To make the fish preparation the most delicious, before serving, salmon or pink salmon is sprinkled with juice squeezed from a lemon.

What you need to know about salting pink salmon?

To salt pink salmon at home, you need to use glass, plastic or earthenware.

Pink salmon caviar is prepared either in the same way as fish fillet, or salted pink salmon caviar at home is taken separately. The film is removed and poured with marinade from 200 grams of water, 2 teaspoons with salt and spoons with sugar.

Salt milk is required as well as caviar. All components of the marinade are mixed, boiled, cooled and infused for 3 hours.

Salting pink salmon caviar at home is tasty and fast.

Pink salmon has not only excellent taste, it is also very useful. It contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. For the normal functioning of the human body, fish contains Omega-3, phosphoric acid and pyridoxine. There is no doubt that fish should be consumed 2-3 times a week in order to feel good. We offer one of the useful ways of cooking fish - salting. There are "dry" and "wet" methods of salting. The main composition remains, only the authors add their highlights.

Features of salting red fish

In order for the product to be tasty, healthy, have a pleasant aroma and color, the following rules must be applied:

  • at home, it is better to choose a frozen or fresh-frozen product, since harmful microorganisms die in the carcass at low temperatures;
  • salt with refined sunflower oil;
  • take regular salt or with herbs, you can do it in a 50/50 ratio;
  • salt pink salmon preferably immediately after freezing (at room temperature or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator);
  • store in a glass, ceramic or plastic container for a week in a cool place.

Fish preparation

In general, the preparatory stage consists of the following points:

  • unfreeze;
  • rinse well;
  • cut off the head, tail and fins;
  • remove the spine and bones, pull them out with tweezers;
  • remove the skin, you can leave it - it all depends on the recipe and preferences;
  • dry on a paper towel.

Marinating the fish

Marinade is a saline solution with spices. Based on 1 kg of pink salmon:

  • liter of water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • spices to taste.

The ingredients are added to boiling water so that they dissolve well. Cool to room temperature. Fill the fillets with brine. We keep 20-30 minutes.

Salt at home

Option 1

Pieces 0.5 cm thick.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 6 art. l. salt;
  • 2 tsp Sahara.

Cool it to room temperature and add 1 tablespoon of cognac, pour marinade. Leave for 10 minutes. Then spread on a towel and let dry. Transfer carefully to a platter. Lubricate with vegetable oil. Sprinkle black pepper on top. We leave to "rest" for 40 minutes.

Option 2

We will need:

  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • 5 st. l. ordinary salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • a few peas of black pepper.

Mix everything, chill. Add 1 tbsp. l. cognac. It gives a unique taste and zest. Cut the loin into strips 2 cm wide.

Pour, leave for 20 minutes. Dry on a paper towel or on a dish. In a container greased with vegetable oil, spread in layers. Add black pepper. Send to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Option 3

We make an aqueous solution at room temperature: 2 tablespoons of coarse salt, 2 tablespoons of seasoned salt and 1 tablespoon of sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until the loose components dissolve.

Pour over the fish and leave for 15-20 minutes. Let it dry to get a beautiful pink color. Pack tightly into a container. Fill with sunflower oil so that the oil covers it. We clean the dishes in the refrigerator for 3 hours.

When serving, sprinkle generously with lemon juice. It will give a unique flavor to the dish.

Option 4

Cut the flesh of one pink salmon into pieces, mix with 3 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar. We put everything in an oblong container. Do not add water. The product gives juice and so salted. We put in a cold place for three days. You can add various spices, such as mustard seeds or red bell peppers.

Option 5


  • good and beautiful carcass;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • peppercorns, can be fragrant or a mixture of peppers - 1 handful;
  • brine - per liter of water we take 4 tbsp. l. coarse salt, 4 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Let's make a pickle. To do this, put in a bowl: bay leaf, pepper, salt, sugar. Pour boiling water over the mixture, mix well and leave to cool. Can be taken out to the balcony in the cold season. In the summer, the process takes longer.

You can pour one container into another, and so several times. You can put the bowl in a bowl of cold water.

We cut the fish into portions and place it in a two-liter glass jar, fill it with brine. Peas and bay leaves should also be in the jar. We close with an enamel lid. The jar needs to be shaken well. Put in the refrigerator for a day.

Option 6

We cut the fish, remove the inner film, rinse. We make a deep incision to the skin of the back. Pour salt (100 gr.) inside the fish and rub the entire surface of the fish with it. We wrap the processed pink salmon in chintz or cotton fabric. We send it to the refrigerator. You can use it after two days.

If you learn to salt fish at home, then you can refuse to buy it in the store. Red fish can be added to sushi, sandwiches, salads, stuffed pancakes with it, cook pies and bake in tartlets.

Do not forget that from the remains of red fish you can cook a rich ear. Caviar and milk are also salted, the composition is the same as for the main dish.

You can easily and quickly pickle pink salmon for any holiday. The step by step recipe is in the video below.

Pink salmon is a fish from the salmon family, the meat of which has an excellent taste. The taste of pink salmon is better revealed in salting, so the question: how to salt pink salmon worries many housewives. The fact is that pink salmon meat is a bit dry, especially after boiling or frying. But when salting, this drawback is not felt at all.

How to prepare fish for salting

To pickle pink salmon, you first need to choose the fish itself. Fresh fish is checked not only by the appearance of the scales. The main feature is a "clean" look and pink-red gills. Frozen fish can be checked on the certificate or after defrosting.

The next step after choosing the fish will be cleaning and cutting. If the fish is frozen, then defrosting is necessary. This step should go smoothly. To preserve the taste, the temperature is lowered gradually.

It is best to transfer pink salmon from the freezer to the refrigerator on the eve of cooking, and leave it in the kitchen a couple of hours before salting. Never thaw in a hurry under running hot water or in the microwave. This will kill the taste.

Even if the question: how to pickle pink salmon requires an immediate answer, do not resort to accelerating methods, because this will affect the quality of the fish. Better cook something else. The fish is sold mostly gutted, so after defrosting, you need to separate the head and tail.

From the head, tail and fins, you can make a rich broth for soup. Delicious cabbage soup will also come out of it!

And cut the rest of the fish into pieces, about one or two fingers wide or a couple of centimeters wide. Those that are thinner will seep faster. But someone prefers solid pieces, even if they take a long time to cook. We have done half of the work in order to get a recipe for salting pink salmon.

How to get a delicious snack

There are many recipes for salting pink salmon at home. Each woman has her own secret, thanks to which the fish is much tastier than the purchased one. How to achieve this? Add your favorite spices, observe the salting time - these are the main tips.

Let's find out together how to pickle pink salmon at home deliciously. In order to please your loved ones with a variety of dishes from this fish, it is enough to know 4-5 recipes and cook them in turn.

Do not use iodized salt for salting pink salmon!

Easy pickling method


  • chopped fish;
  • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons "without top";
  • sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp. spoons "without top";
  • olive oil - 2-3 tablespoons.

This is the easiest and, at the same time, the most delicious way to pickle pink salmon. If you are salting the fish for the first time, we advise you to pay attention to the fact that the pieces are approximately the same thickness, you do not need to remove the skin. The fish is cut across.

This simple recipe is also suitable for those who are absorbed in work and do not have time or if you want to treat your loved ones or guests with something tasty. Salt pink salmon a day before you plan to serve it on the table. And better - a little more, then the fish will turn out more tender and tastier.

First, prepare the dishes for salting. Aluminum or metal will not work. You can take a tray made of food-grade plastic or ceramics. Another option is enamelware, but the enamel must not be damaged. Place the pieces in one layer and sprinkle with a thick layer of pre-mixed salt and sugar.

Before putting it in the refrigerator, keep the pink salmon for a couple of hours just in the kitchen. Then put a not very heavy load on the fish and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Take out after 24 hours, wash with clean water, dry on a napkin and coat with oil and put in the refrigerator for a while. You can cook pink salmon in advance and store it in a small amount of oil in the refrigerator. Place the pieces first in a glass jar. This method is called dry.

Piquant with lime


  • fresh pink salmon - one kilogram;
  • lime - 1 piece;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon with a "slide";
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon with a "slide";
  • ready - 2 tbsp. spoons.

How delicious to pickle pink salmon? Seasonings are very important. Everyone notes the harmony of tastes of fish and lime (or lemon). Let's try this recipe. Also, as in the previous one, cut the pink salmon. Cut the lime into thin slices just before cooking.

Lubricate pink salmon with a thin layer of mustard and lay in layers. Between the layers, sprinkle with a mixture of salt and sugar, and also lay thin slices of lime. A day later, a delicious fish is ready. It can be greased with a little vegetable oil and held for another hour or two.

And you can serve it on the table, washing off excess salt and sugar and drying it a little. You can cook fish without mustard, only with lime or. If desired, add some herbs or spices. For example, dill, which is combined with citrus fruits, will be appropriate here.

When experimenting, do not forget that spices and pepper should not be added too much. Firstly, they may not be combined, and secondly, they can "hammer" the taste of pink salmon.

How to pickle pink salmon for salmon


  • fresh pink salmon - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • 1 laurel sheet;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of lemon juice;
  • black peppercorns - 10-15 pieces;
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons.

In order to succeed in salting pink salmon for salmon at home, several conditions must be observed. Fish should be fresh, preferably fillets. The color of pink salmon should be uniform.

Thinly slice the fillet so that the fish is more tender. Place the slices in a bowl in which you will salt it. Squeeze some lemon juice into it and mix well. Sprinkle the top with salt, sugar, pepper and mashed bay leaf.

Do not take too much bay leaf for salting any fish, it is good only in small doses.

Put the dishes with the fillet in the refrigerator for a day, after pressing it with a small load. A day later, the fish can be oiled and served.

Video recipe for salting pink salmon in brine

As a resident of Sakhalin, although already in the past, I know firsthand about salting fish, I myself had a chance to salt a lot, I tried different methods.

To make pink salmon well salted and tasty, you need to follow only a few rules, which I will discuss below. They are quite simple, so let's get started.

Preparing pink salmon for salting

Yes, my dear readers. Preparation is an important process. Not everyone knows how to properly cut, especially if it is with. After all, you want to keep this delicacy intact and also tasty salt.

Sometimes, especially in coastal areas, they sell fresh, but already gutted fish, so you can immediately start salting without any headache. But not everyone is so lucky, more often we buy fresh-frozen in the store, but also an option for salting.

Frozen fish must first be properly thawed. I do not recommend using a microwave for this, the fish will heat up in places and will be unsuitable for salting. It is better to defrost naturally, well, if you really need it, then put the fish in a bowl of cold water.

In pink salmon, before salting, you need to cut off all the fins, remove the insides, you can through the stomach or cut the fish along the ridge. The head and tail are removed, then with a sharp knife you need to carefully separate the ridge from the meat and pull it out. thus it turns out two parts of the fillet. Here, at will and depending on the recipe, leave the fillets whole or cut into pieces.

How to pickle pink salmon at home

When choosing a salting method, keep in mind that pink salmon is a little drier and tougher than sockeye salmon or chum salmon. And there are only two ways:

  • Dry, easiest
  • Wet, i.e. using brine

How to quickly and tasty pickle pink salmon at home? Which salting method to choose? I will answer that you will find out only when you try all the methods.

The fish is especially tasty if you salted it not defrosted, but fresh.

How to pickle pink salmon at home in a tasty dry way

Traditional dry pickling recipe

We will take:

For a kilogram of pink salmon fillet, two hundred grams of coarse salt

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fish into fillets, wash well.
  2. We lay out both halves on the skin, meat side up and sprinkle thickly with salt.
  3. We put one half on the other so that the meat is inside and wrap it in cheesecloth or paper towel.
  4. We spread the fish on a flat plate and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. After five hours, turn the bundle over to the other side.
  6. After a day, we take out the fish, unfold and wash off the remaining salt.
  7. Cut into pieces and pour with fragrant sunflower oil.

Salmon ambassador of pink salmon

We use the following ingredients:

  • Per kilo salmon fillet
  • Three tablespoons coarse salt
  • Three tablespoons of sugar
  • bunch of parsley
  • bunch of dill
  • Three laurel leaves
  • Teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

How to cook such a fish:

  1. Again, prepare the fillets.
  2. We do not remove the skin from the fish, we put the fish on the rack up with the meat.
  3. Mix salt and sugar and sprinkle over meat.
  4. Sprinkle pepper on top
  5. Spread dill and parsley sprigs evenly throughout the fillet
  6. We fold the parts with the meat inside, wrap in gauze.
  7. We put the bundle with the fish on a tray and hide it in the refrigerator for two days.
  8. After a day, turn the fish over.
  9. After complete salting, the fish must be removed and washed off all the salt. Before serving, you can sprinkle with lemon juice.

Dry salted pink salmon with mustard

We take the following products:

  • Kilo of clean fish fillet
  • 2/3 cup coarse salt
  • 2/3 cups granulated sugar
  • Half a bunch of dill
  • Three tablespoons of mustard
  • Two tablespoons of table vinegar
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil

How to cook:

  1. Cut the fillet into pieces one and a half centimeters wide.
  2. We take an enameled or glass bowl, grease the inside with oil and put our fish there.
  3. In another bowl, mix finely chopped dill, salt and sugar.
  4. Pour this mixture over the fish and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  5. Mix mustard, vinegar and oil. We take out the finished fish and grease each piece with this sauce.

How to pickle pink salmon in a marinade

A quick way to "wet" salting

We use ingredients:

  • One medium fish
  • Liter of purified water
  • Two tablespoons of sugar
  • Three tablespoons of salt
  • Tablespoon of mustard powder
  • Ten peas of black pepper
  • One Lavrushka

Salting process:

  1. We cut the fish, remove the tail with the head and the ridge, clean the insides and cut off the fins.
  2. We wash the fillet and cut into pieces about five centimeters.
  3. We put the fish in a convenient container, you can jar.
  4. We make a marinade, boil water with spices and let it cool.
  5. Fill the fish and hide for twelve hours in the refrigerator.

Salting pink salmon in a marinade in the traditional way

We will take the following products:

  • Per kilo salmon fillet
  • Liter of water
  • Two hundred grams of salt with sugar

Salting process:

This is an emergency way of salting when you need it urgently. Clean the fish, separate the fillet and divide into pieces. In a convenient bowl, dilute sugar and salt in water and lower pieces of fish there, leave for four hours. After you take it out, pour it with vegetable oil and serve it to the table.

Pink salmon in spicy marinade

We will need:

  • Kilo fish fillet
  • Half a cup of sugar and salt
  • Liter of water
  • Two tablespoons of prepared mustard
  • A couple of lavrushka leaves
  • A few peas of black pepper

Salting process:

  • We cut the fish into fillets.
  • We put water with sugar and salt on the stove, let it boil for five minutes, then turn it off and add mustard, parsley and pepper.
  • Let the marinade cool and pour over the slices of pink salmon.
  • Leave in the refrigerator for a day, then you can eat.