Chicken breast soufflé in the oven. Chicken fillet soufflé.

French cuisine has given the world more than one dish that is easily assimilated into the cuisines of other peoples of the world, while remaining truly French. In this recipe, we will take a detailed look at the technology of making French soufflé chicken in the oven, with several variations in ingredients and their processing. But the main ingredients are egg whites and bechamel sauce - must be present in without fail, otherwise the final product will lose the desired splendor.

Chicken soufflé can be served as a cold appetizer or as a hot dish. meat dish. In any case, this is a very tasty and aesthetically attractive dish that will be highly appreciated by your loved ones. The meat is very tender and juicy, and the taste is delicious!

Basic Recipe


  • - 500 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - 3 tbsp. l. + -
  • Premium flour- 1 tsp + -
  • for mold lubrication+ -
  • - taste + -
  • - taste + -


  1. We wash the fillet, put it on a cutting board covered with a paper towel. Let excess moisture drain and cut excess fat and tendons. Cut the prepared fillets into small pieces and chop with a meat grinder.
  2. Add greens to the minced meat (if desired). Scroll through the meat grinder again. The stuffing should be as homogeneous as possible.
  3. Add salt, yolk to the chicken mass (we carefully separate the protein and put it in the refrigerator for a while), flour and cream. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Prepare the baking dish in advance: grease it with oil (any) and sprinkle with semolina or breadcrumbs. You should also turn on the oven to heat up to 200 degrees.
  5. Beat the chilled protein until a thick, strong foam and begin to add one tablespoon to chicken puree, mixing thoroughly each time.
  6. We spread the whole mass in a baking dish, level the surface with a knife and grease it with a beaten egg and sprinkle with oil (vegetable or creamy).
  7. We put the form in the oven and immediately reduce the temperature in it to 150-160 degrees. Bake for 30-40 minutes.
  8. We spread the soufflé on a flat dish, cut into portioned pieces. Serve with herbs and sauce.

Bon Appetit!

*Advice from Cook
It is preferable to bake chicken soufflé in special Teflon or silicone molds and serve in portions vegetable cutting and greenery. You can also use cut-out cookie cutters (without a bottom). Please note that for such molds, the baking time must be reduced.

Chicken soufflé "Fairy of color"


  • - 3 pcs. major + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • — 200 ml + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. + -
  • Frozen vegetable mix- 400 g + -
  • Seasonings - to taste + -
  • - taste + -


  1. We wash the chicken fillet, clean it from tendons and fat, wipe it with paper towels and pass it twice through a meat grinder.
  2. Separate the yolks from the proteins (the proteins are placed in the cold). Frozen vegetable mix put in a colander and dip in salted boiling water for 1-2. For further use, the mixture must be room temperature.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients to the chopped chicken meat: cream, yolks, melted butter, salt and seasonings and mix until homogeneous mass. And only then we pour vegetables into this mass and try to distribute them evenly in the minced meat.
  4. Slightly add the cooled proteins and beat them into a stable and dense foam and gently fold in small portions into the souffled mixture with gentle slow movements.
  5. In the prepared baking dish (previously greased with oil), spread the meat and vegetable mixture, level the surface and grease it with cream. We put in a preheated oven and bake for 30-35 minutes at 200 degrees.
  6. After the set time, turn off the oven and leave the chicken soufflé inside oven minutes for 20-30. During this time, the released juice will be absorbed into the souffle again, which will make it very juicy and tender.
  7. We take out our dish from the oven, cut it into beautiful pieces, put it on a flat plate, decorate with vegetables and herbs. Serve sauce or sour cream in a separate bowl.

Bon Appetit!

Cook's Tip:
For the Extravaganza of Color recipe, choose a mixture of vegetables with different contrasting colors: carrots (orange), peas (green), leeks (white), corn (yellow), beans (brown), etc. Then in the context of the soufflé it will look like a scattering of confetti. It looks fun and positive, besides, it also enriches chicken meat very much. useful substances and taste!

We offer you another dish that is necessary not only for adults, but also for children from 7 months. This is an airy and juicy chicken soufflé in the oven. This recipe contains all the available ingredients, and it is also very quick to prepare.


  • chicken fillet - 150-200 gr. (1 PC.);
  • butter - 40 gr. (or 2 tablespoons);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • onion medium bulb - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream 15% - 120 ml (or 3.5 tablespoons);
  • a mixture of peppers and salt;

Cooking time - 60 minutes.
Calorie content of 100 g of the product - 104 kcal.


1. Soak for 15 minutes in cold water chicken breast. Then rinse it again, remove the film from it and cut into medium slices. Transfer the meat cubes to a blender bowl.

2. Cut the peeled and washed onion into 4-8 parts and also put in the bowl.

3. Cut the cooled butter into random bars and put it with the rest of the chopped ingredients.

4. Remove the yolk from the chilled egg and place in the blender bowl. Send the protein back to the refrigerator. Season the contents of the bowl with the pepper and salt mixture.

6. Pour sour cream over everything you need for minced chicken.

7. Close the bowl and beat everything intensively with a blender at high speed until completely homogeneous. Taste the minced meat and add more spices if necessary.

8. Beat the chilled protein with a pinch of salt into a very strong foam, which is mixed into the prepared minced chicken with a wooden spatula in slow upward movements so as not to destroy the consistency of the protein foam.

9. Thoroughly grease the souffle molds with oil (vegetable or cream of your choice) and spread the prepared mass over them. Keep in mind that the contents of the mold will increase by 1/3 of the volume.

10. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for 20-25 minutes.

11. Cool down chicken soufflé and remove carefully from the molds. Garnish it with a sprig of greens and serve with a side dish of potatoes or rice.

  • for a more dietary option, use instead of sour cream skimmed milk, a minimum of salt and pepper, and replace the butter for minced meat and lubrication with olive oil;
  • if you want to make the soufflé even more tender, then replace the sour cream with cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • use paper liners for molds, this will ensure a clean and not burnt mold after baking;
  • after cooking, do not immediately take the dish out of the oven, just turn off the gas and leave the cooked soufflé inside for another 5-7 minutes so that it does not sit down.

How to cook lasagna at home

eggplant stuffed with meat and vegetables

This gourmet treat belongs to french cuisine, which is perfectly assimilated by other peoples. Soufflé from chicken fillet has several options for creating, you can use a slow cooker, oven, steam and with different side dishes. This dish is served hot or cold appetizer.

How to make chicken soufflé

To create treats, you need to have shapes, both large and small are suitable. The latter are convenient because you immediately get portions and do not have to cut anything. Chicken soufflé can be prepared from boiled or raw product. To get the desired taste, airiness, it is recommended to buy white meat. It must first be crushed, you can use a food processor, blender or meat grinder (in the latter case, raw poultry must be skipped twice to obtain the desired uniformity).

In the oven, you can create both very airy and denser treats. In the first case, additional eggs (whipped proteins) are used, added right before baking, carefully so that the airy foam does not settle. To create a unique taste, different products are used, sometimes milk, cream, butter and vegetables are added. Forms should not be filled to the brim so that the meat juice does not leak out during cooking, otherwise the treat will turn out dry.

Chicken Soufflé - Recipe

This treat can be safely attributed to the options for dietary dishes. Soufflé from chicken meat(especially breast) is easily absorbed by the body, saturates with proteins. For the same reason in kindergarten often the child is fed such tender and simple food. traditional recipe chicken soufflé is very simple, if desired, you can diversify it with additional components: garnish, vegetables, spices. You can choose any of the options below.

Chicken soufflé like in kindergarten - recipe

Cooking time: 90 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 3-4.

Calorie content of the dish: 141 kcal / 100 grams.

Cuisine: French.

The recipe for chicken soufflé like in kindergarten is simple, all the components are easy to find and buy in the store. Not all kindergartens serve such treats to children, but for the child's body it will be very useful and nutritious. Most of the time it will take baking in the oven, you can immediately lay out in small portioned molds or cook in a large one and then cut. Below is a way to make chicken soufflé for kids.


• milk - 100 ml;

• flour - 80 g;

• butter - 40 g;

• chicken breast - 500 g;

• egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Put the chicken in a saucepan, pour in the liquid, boil for 40 minutes over medium heat. regularly remove the foam, the finished meat must be taken out, cooled.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Tear the chicken with your hands, put in a blender. Add flour, milk, butter, yolks here. Beat on high speed until pureed. Put the mass in a deep plate.

3. Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks in a separate bowl. Transfer and gently mix them with the rest of the ingredients so that they do not lose their splendor (the movements should be up and down).

4. Lubricate the molds with butter, spread the chicken mass in them, filling 2/3 of the volume.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, it will take 60 minutes to bake.

6. Turn off the oven and for another 10 minutes. leave the dish with the door slightly open.

Chicken breast soufflé

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Servings Per Container: 3-4.

Calorie content of the dish: 140 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken breast souffle is perfect for those who decide to go on a diet. The treat is very light, nutritious and low-calorie. The airiness of the treat is given by proteins, which must be whipped into a stable foam. The main difficulty is to gently mix the components so that the peaks do not fall asleep. Below is step by step recipe, which will help you make a delicious soufflé out of chicken.


• hard cheese - 45 g;

• chicken breasts - 510 g;

• flour - 30 g;

• sour cream - 30 g;

• cream 20% - 200 ml;

• carrots - 45 g;

• spices;

• vegetable oil;

green pea- 45 g.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and pat chicken dry with paper towels, place in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Put flour, cream, egg, ground pepper, salt, spices here and beat again.

2. If a blender is not available, then a meat grinder will do. Skip the meat several times and mix the minced meat with the rest of the ingredients, but the finished dish will be less uniform, lush.

3. Boil carrots, cut into medium cubes. Canned peas are suitable, but it is better to boil frozen or fresh until tender.

4. Pour vegetables to the rest of the mass, mix. You can use a blender for this again, but whole multi-colored vegetable additives look more beautiful on the cut.

5. Put the prepared base in a mold that you pre-lubricate vegetable oil. top grease with sour cream, pass cheese through a grater and crush them with a treat.

6. Heat the oven to 175-180 degrees, baking will take 30-35 minutes.

7. Serve the finished treat with baked / fresh vegetables.

Chicken soufflé - recipe in the oven

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 4-5.

Calorie content of the dish: 145 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé in the oven classic version creating this meal. it turns out very gentle, airy, melts right in your mouth. If desired, you can cook it on a steamer or a slow cooker. You can bake in a deep form, like a pie, or use portion molds. Below is a step-by-step recipe for chicken soufflé in the oven, for which you will need the following ingredients.


• chicken breasts - 400 g;

• butter - 40 g;

• flour - 1.5 tbsp. l.;

• milk - 1 glass;

chicken bouillon- 0.5 st.;

• egg - 2 pcs.;

• nutmeg powder, salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the breast in salted water, cool directly in the broth. Separate the boiled chicken with your hands small pieces, chop with a blender along with chicken broth to make a pasty state.

2. Dissolve the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add the flour. Stirring constantly, fry for about 2 minutes until lightly creamy.

3. Stir the contents intensively with a whisk, pour milk in a thin stream. Bring the sauce to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly so it doesn't burn.

4. Slightly salt, sprinkle with nutmeg, pounded in a mortar, pepper. Stir in the yolks beaten with a whisk, stir quickly, remove from heat.

5. Combine the sauce with chopped chicken, taste, add salt if desired. Let the dish cool down.

6. Beat the chilled egg whites in a dry, clean bowl with the salt until firm, firm peaks form. Use the mixer at medium speed first, then move to high speed.

7. Combine the meat and protein mass. Stir slowly from bottom to top, no need to whisk. To make the soufflé airy, the protein structure must not be disturbed.

8. Lubricate the baking dishes with oil, spread the chicken over them, send them to bake for 25 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Chicken soufflé in a slow cooker

Cooking time: 70-90 min.

Servings Per Container: 6-7.

Calorie content of the dish: 142 kcal / 100 g

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé in a slow cooker is well suited as a hot dish for dinner / lunch, it can be safely served on the festive table. With the advent of modern kitchen appliances It's easier for women to cook gourmet dish. Chicken in a slow cooker will turn out tender, appetizing and light. The taste largely depends on the spices you add to your recipe.


• garlic - 3 cloves;

• chicken - 600 g;

• cream - 150 ml;

• spices, salt;


• starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;

• egg - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken with cool water, pass through a meat grinder or use a blender.

2. Chop the garlic, onion, put it in minced meat, salt, add spices.

3. Use the blender again to achieve a homogeneous mass.

4. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Place the latter in the refrigerator, combine the yolks with cream, beat well.

5. Put minced meat in small portions into the resulting mass. stir until smooth each time.

7. Remove the squirrels from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt to them, beat until thick foam. Then pour them into the meat mass.

8. Gently mix the ingredients with a spoon so as not to disturb the structure.

9. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with vegetable oil, put the souffle blank, smooth with a spoon. Close the appliance, remove the steam valve, select the "Baking" mode and set the timer for an hour.

10. The chicken will be completely cooked, the color is slightly pale on top, but it forms on the bottom golden brown.

Soufflé minced chicken in the oven

Cooking time: 80 min.

Servings Per Container: 4-5.

Calorie content of the dish: 141 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Minced chicken soufflé in the oven may seem unusual dish for many people. You could rather call it steam cutlets or cake, very tender and airy. Traditionally, soufflé is supposed to be sweet, but chicken can make a delicious treat on festive table. The dish belongs to dietary options, even a novice in this business can cook it.


• greenery;

• chicken - 600 g;

• flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

• egg - 2 pcs.;

• melted butter - 1 tbsp. l.;

• milk - 0.5 tbsp.;

• black pepper, nutmeg;

• vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Clean, wash the chicken, you need to cut into small pieces and pass 2 times through a meat grinder to get tender minced meat.

2. Separate the yolks, put in a bowl with the meat, mix the ingredients.

3. Put the melted butter in the same bowl, take milk at room temperature and pour it into the ingredients, mix thoroughly.

4. Chop the greens, put together with pepper, salt, nutmeg into a bowl. If this dish is prepared for children, then it is better not to add spices. Mix the base thoroughly.

5. Pour a spoonful of flour, mix.

6. Whisk the whites and gently fold into the existing minced meat.

7. You can put the minced meat on a greased baking sheet or in portion molds. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes.

Diet chicken soufflé

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 4-5.

Calorie content of the dish: 130 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When a person goes on a diet, it becomes a problem to make up correct menu. Chicken soufflé diet delicious, healthy dish which you can safely include in your diet. The bird is considered one of the best options if you want to lose weight and at the same time not lose muscle, because it contains a lot of protein. Below is a step by step recipe on how to make a delicious chicken treat.


• egg - 2 pcs.;

• chicken - 800 g;

• cream - 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse, dry the chicken fillet, cut and mince (you can use a blender).

2. Separate the yolks, mix with ½ part of the cream.

3. Put a pinch of salt to the whites, beat to make strong peaks.

4. Stir the minced meat, add the remaining cream. The base should not be too liquid. Add the whites carefully, gradually mixing in the minced meat so that airiness is not lost.

5. Transfer the workpiece into molds; a slow cooker or a double boiler is well suited for cooking. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

6. Take out the finished treat, let it cool slightly and can be laid out on plates.

Boiled chicken soufflé

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 3-4.

Calorie content of the dish: 135 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Boiled chicken souffle is another option for creating this treat. As a rule, raw poultry is used, but it can also be pre-prepared. This dish belongs to diet table With low content calories, great for young children. The recipe is not difficult, even a novice cook can handle it. below is step-by-step instruction how to make chicken soufflé.


• butter - 30 g;

• chicken - 300 g;

• pepper, salt;

• flour - 1 tbsp. l.;

• milk - 150 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Boil the chicken fillet in a saucepan until tender. Break into small pieces with your hands, then grind in a blender.

2. Melt a little butter in a pan, fry the flour in it. Slowly add milk, stirring constantly. Keep the sauce on fire until thickened, do not allow the formation of lumps.

3. Mix the minced meat with the milk mass.

5. Beat the whites until a stable, thick foam, gently fold into the main ingredients.

6. Spread the resulting mass into molds, leave ¼ not filled so that the juice from the chicken does not spill out during cooking.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the treat until it appears golden crust.

Steam chicken soufflé

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 2

Calorie content of the dish: 140 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Steamed chicken soufflé can be prepared even by a novice cook. This method of cooking is considered one of the most successful, the finished dish is airy and appetizing. Also, chicken is considered very useful for a growing body, so this treat is well suited for children. Below is a step-by-step recipe on how to make an airy meat soufflé.


• cream - 200 ml;

• green peas - 50 g;

• egg - 2 pcs.;

• chicken fillet - 300 g;

fresh pumpkin- 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the chicken (wash, dry), chop with a blender until smooth.

2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, transfer to a colander, drain the peas there. Next, blanch the vegetables in boiling water for 4 minutes.

3. Using a mixer, beat the eggs with cream. Put them in minced meat, mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the base into a steaming dish. Cooking time - 40 minutes.

6. Ready meal can be cut into portions or served whole on the table.

Chicken soufflé with rice

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Servings Per Container: 2-3.

Calorie content of the dish: 180 kcal / 100 g.

Purpose: hot / snack.

Cuisine: French.

Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé with rice perfect combination meat component and side dish. As the latter, some use potatoes, but this recipe will focus on this cereal. if you need to go on a diet, but you don’t want to give up delicious food, then this dish is perfect for a balanced and healthy eating. Below is a step-by-step recipe for a delicious soufflé with chicken rice.


• pepper - to taste;

• egg - 1 piece;

• salt - to taste;

• chicken fillet - 300 g;

• lettuce leaves;

• curry - 1 tsp;

• long-grain boiled rice - 300 g;

• butter - 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. The fillet needs to be turned into minced meat, rinse and dry it, pass it 2 times through a meat grinder. mix boiled rice with meat, sprinkle with curry.

2. Separate the yolk and egg white, immediately send the first to the meat mixture. Pepper, salt and mix well.

3. Whip the protein to stable peaks, gently fold into meat mass. Put in some butter for flavor.

4. Gently mix the mass to form a mass of soufflé, can be made in the form of a pie or cutlets.

5. Steam the dish for 15 minutes. Turn over and leave for 20 minutes, then remove from the double boiler, garnish with lettuce leaves and you can serve a treat on the table.

This meat treat is not particularly difficult, so you can safely try to cook it. You can make chicken soufflé not only tasty, but also beautiful with the help of vegetables. choose specially their bright and different colors (carrots, green peas, beans, etc.). In the context, this option will look bright and appetizing. For cooking in the oven, it is recommended to use Teflon coasters, silicone molds. Such containers do not have to be lubricated with oil, if desired, you can take cookie cutters if you want to speed up the baking process.

Video: Chicken soufflé for children

You can cook many dishes from chicken that are both tasty and healthy. The meat of this bird is dietary product. Now we will tell you a few interesting recipes cooking lung and incredibly delicious chicken soufflé.

chicken soufflé recipe


  • chicken breasts - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cream 20% fat - 150 ml;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • salt - to taste.


Separate the whites from the yolks in the eggs. Beat the yolks until foamy. boil. Grind the finished meat with a blender. Add half the butter to the minced meat, mix and gradually add the cream, whipped yolks, salt, and the remaining butter. Knead again. At the very end, add the whites whipped into a strong foam, gently mix the mass. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, lay out the minced meat and distribute it evenly. We send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees for 40 minutes. During cooking, the oven must not be opened so that the chicken does not fall.

chicken soufflé


  • chicken breasts - 500 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cream 22% fat - 200 ml;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt.


We clean the chicken breasts from the skin, wash them and cut them into pieces, which we then pass through the middle grate of the meat grinder. Separate the whites from the yolks. We chop the onion. Beat minced chicken, onion, butter, cream and egg yolks with a blender. Whip egg whites separately with salt. And gently mix them with the previously prepared mass. We spread the resulting mixture in molds greased with butter, and send it to the oven heated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

Chicken soufflé in the oven


  • minced chicken - 500 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • ground paprika - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.


Put in a deep bowl minced chicken, add flour, egg, salt, pepper and mix well. Add milk and stir again until smooth. The resulting mass is poured into a deep mold, greased with vegetable oil. Top with sour cream and sprinkle with paprika. At a temperature of 200 degrees, bake for about half an hour until a crust forms.

Chicken soufflé in a steamer


  • chicken fillet - 800 g;
  • white bread - 50 g;
  • milk - 250 ml;
  • protein - 1 pc.;
  • butter;
  • salt pepper.


Grind chicken breasts with a blender. WITH white bread cut off the crust. Fill the crumb with milk. Melt the butter in a water bath. We combine minced chicken, squeezed bread, butter, pepper and salt. Mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then again grind everything together in a blender, adding milk. Crack the egg, separating the white from the yolk. Beat the protein in a strong foam with the addition of a pinch of salt. We introduce the protein mass into the prepared minced meat and mix. Lubricate the capacity of the double boiler with butter, spread the minced meat, leveling the surface. We cook the soufflé for a couple of 35 minutes.

Diet chicken soufflé



Cut the chicken fillet, carrots, onions and cabbage into arbitrary pieces and grind with a blender until smooth. Add spices, salt, herbs, milk, egg and mix everything again with a blender. The resulting chicken mass is laid out in molds and baked at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes.

1. Wash the chicken fillet and put it into the cooking pot. If you prefer more diet dish then remove the skin from it. Otherwise, you can leave it. Fill it with drinking water and send it to the stove to cook. After boiling, remove the resulting foam, reduce the heat and cook under the lid for 45 minutes.

Season the broth with salt 15 minutes before it is done. ground pepper. You can also add for more flavor. Bay leaf, allspice peas, clove buds and other spices.

2. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil. On medium heat, sauté the carrots grated on a medium grater and the onion, cut into quarter rings. Bring the vegetables to a light golden color. Don't overcook them.

3. Install a meat grinder with a fine grate and pass through it boiled chicken, fried vegetables and a pre-boiled hard-boiled egg.

4. Stir the products until smooth. Season with salt, ground pepper and any spices to taste. Dilute the minced meat with the broth in which the chicken was cooked so that its consistency is more tender.

5. Put the chicken mass into a convenient baking dish and tamp it tightly. Cut the butter into thin slices and lay on top of the meat mass.

6. Heat the oven to 180°C and let the soufflé warm up for 15 minutes. It is necessary that the butter melts and soaks the products.

7. Serve the food to the table hot or chilled. It can be eaten with a spoon or made into sandwiches.