How to properly make beef chops. Beef chops in a frying pan

It seems there is nothing easier than frying meat in a frying pan! Sliced ​​and fried. But everyone wants not just a fried piece of meat, but soft, juicy and aromatic piece! To get this you need to know a few tricks. To achieve excellent results and cook juicy beef chops in a frying pan, we will make a multi-layer breading. It will help all the juices and flavors stay inside, sealing them tightly under the crispy crust. Also, a breading of starch, eggs and breadcrumbs will nourish vegetable oil at a minimum.

The recipe for beef chops is basic; the same principle can be used to prepare it from other meats. However, the highlight here is that this is beef - the meat is obviously tougher than, for example, pork. Meanwhile, the chops turn out very juicy.


  • beef tenderloin 300 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • potato starch 2 tbsp. l.
  • breadcrumbs 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste
  • vegetable oil for frying

How to cook juicy beef chops

  1. I am preparing everything necessary.

  2. I cut the beef into slices about 1 cm thick. It is more convenient to do this when the meat is slightly frozen. Using a kitchen hammer, I beat the beef thoroughly on both sides, it should become twice as thin. I sprinkle each piece with salt and spices. If you have time, it is advisable to put the chopped meat in a container and send it to the refrigerator so that it is better salted. IN as a last resort, an hour is enough for this, but already at room temperature.

  3. For breading, I first roll the future chops in starch.

  4. Then I dip it into the beaten egg.

  5. And finally, I generously sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

  6. I do this sequence of actions with all beef.

  7. Heat the vegetable oil well in a frying pan. I lay out the preparations and fry them over high heat.

  8. For thinly chopped meat, a minute on each side will be enough. You need to get a thick golden crust.

Juicy beef chops in a frying pan are ready. I serve immediately, any side dish is suitable.

On a note:

  • for greater piquancy, add spices to breadcrumbs;
  • Fully breaded chops can be made in advance and stored in the refrigerator for several hours, frying just before guests arrive.

Beef in this sense is a kind of raw material for chops. Some chefs consider beef perfect meat and they use it not only to prepare chops, steaks and beef stroganoff, but also burgers, meatballs and dumplings. Others do not like beef because it is tough and prefer more pliable varieties of meat (pork, chicken) or at least veal. But, if you do not profess Hinduism, we suggest that you still cook beef chops and make sure that all the effort expended is worth the result.

Composition, benefits and rules for cooking beef
Not all beef is suitable for making chops. More precisely, you can, of course, try to fry them from beef rump or brisket, but the most delicious chops are made from tenderloin. This part of the carcass is distinguished by the special tenderness of the meat, because during the life of the animal it receives the least muscle load. It is almost impossible to confuse the tenderloin with other parts of the carcass, but if you are not very knowledgeable about meat, be guided by the elongated smooth muscle cut from the side of the spine. As a last resort, you can replace the tenderloin with another part, but no less meaty.

Beef suitable for chops has a uniform and bright red color, without grey, yellowing or spots. If there are residues of fat and film on a piece of meat, they are thin and white, translucent. Veal for chops should meet the same parameters, but be lighter, dark pink in color. Yes, such meat is not cheap. But you have to choose: savings or delicious chops. But when making the right choice meat, in addition to taste, you will get considerable benefits from beef chops. Firstly, tenderloin is a source of complete protein with a complex amino acid composition, necessary not only for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts, but also for children, teenagers, recovering from illness, men and women.

In addition to the “building material” for muscles, beef contains elastin and collagen - proteins that form the ligaments between joints, the epidermis and the walls of blood vessels. It is no coincidence that fresh beef is red in color: the heme iron in its composition prevents anemia and increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Accordingly, cells and tissues are better supplied with oxygen for the absorption and inclusion into metabolism of magnesium, zinc, vitamins A, PP and group B, also supplied in abundance with beef. In general, the chops from beef tenderloin– really useful and no less tasty dish which you need to be able to prepare correctly.

How to cut beef for chops?
Delicious chops are prepared from fresh beef, only slightly chilled after slaughter. If necessary, you can use a frozen piece, but the chops from it will be less juicy. Prepare the meat for the chops:

  • Do not defrost frozen meat 100% to make it easier to cut into thin slices.
  • Defrost the meat first in the refrigerator, then at room temperature. Do not use hot water, radiator, microwave oven.
  • Two small pieces of meat for chops are preferable to one bulky one.
  • Cut fresh or defrosted meat with a sharp knife with a thin straight blade across the grain.
  • Maintain the same thickness of the cut pieces: no more than 1.5-2 cm.
When the meat is cut, pat it dry with a paper towel and cover cling film and beat lightly on a cutting board, on one side and the other. Be careful not to tear the chops.

How to cook beef chops in a frying pan?
A frying pan is the traditional and most accessible tool for frying chops at home. It is advisable to use a heavy frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides. This type of cookware optimally heats the meat and protects against oil splashing. Beef chops are prepared in batter:

  1. For half a kilo of meat you will need 3-4 large chicken eggs, gram 100 fine breadcrumbs, 1 teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and ground pepper and vegetable oil for frying (refined).
  2. Mix pepper and sugar with bread crumbs.
  3. In a second bowl, lightly beat the eggs with salt: not until foamy, but until the whites and yolks are smooth.
  4. Dip each piece of meat entirely into the egg, then transfer to breadcrumbs and bread on all sides. You can repeat both steps to make the breading more dense.
  5. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the chops, covered, for 5 minutes on each side. When turning them over with a spatula, be careful not to remove the breading.
You can further decorate the chops by applying a mesh pattern over the layer of breadcrumbs with the tip of a knife before frying. This will not affect the taste, but will make the dish more appetizing. Dry the finished chops on a plate with a paper towel and serve hot.

How to cook beef chops in the oven?
It's easier to make beef chops juicy in the oven than in a frying pan. They turn out soft and fragrant. Therefore, this recipe is ideal for novice cooks and those who want to diversify the standard home menu:

  1. For half a kilo of tenderloin, take 4 raw eggs, half a liter of milk, a large onion, 200 grams hard cheese, half a glass of flour, 1 level tablespoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, ground pepper and dried herbs to taste.
  2. Mix salt with pepper and sugar and rub the pieces of meat with this mixture.
  3. Place the meat in a deep non-metallic bowl, sprinkle with herbs and pour milk. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours (longer if possible).
  4. Beat the eggs until a homogeneous liquid forms.
  5. Once the meat has been marinated in the milk, dip each chop in the egg mixture, then dredge in flour.
  6. Peel the onion and cut into rings. Grate the cheese onto coarse grater.
  7. Place the chops in an even layer in a pan or on a rimmed sheet that has been greased with oil. Place onions on top and cover with cheese.
  8. Preheat the oven to 160°C and bake the chops for 15-20 minutes.
When the cheese forms golden brown crust, remove the dish from the oven and serve with a sprinkle of lemon juice and sprinkled with chopped fresh herbs.

How to cook beef chops in a slow cooker?
The multicooker is a relatively new appliance in the kitchen, but savvy housewives are convinced that it can be used to cook beef chops simply and quickly, and the results are excellent:

  1. For half a kilo of beef tenderloin, take 1 large or 2 medium onions, 50-75 ml of vegetable oil, 50 grams of ready-made mustard, a clove of garlic, a pinch of salt and ground pepper.
  2. Start cooking the meat in advance. To do this, mix mustard with half the oil, add peeled and crushed garlic and rub each chop with this mixture. Cover with film and refrigerate for 3-5 hours (or overnight).
  3. Pour the remaining oil into the multicooker bowl and distribute evenly over its bottom. Heat for 1 minute.
  4. Place some of the chops in a single layer on the bottom of the bowl and fry on each side until golden brown. Cook all the chops in the same manner.
  5. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Return all the fried chops to the slow cooker, place the onion on top of them, add salt and cook in the “Stew” mode for 15 minutes.
You can optimize this process by frying the chops in a frying pan, and only then simmering them with onions in a slow cooker. Either way, slow cooker beef chops turn out juicy and tender, which is difficult to achieve with just a frying pan or oven.

All of these beef chop recipes are traditional and easy enough to use every day at home. In addition to them, there are methods for preparing beef chops on the bone, dry grill pan, barbecue and other devices for frying and stewing meat. Whatever you use, it's not the technique or even the beef marinade that matters. The main thing is to choose the right meat and not to overcook or dry out the chops during the cooking process. If the chops turned out juicy, flavorful and not tough, then you did everything right and can safely say that you know how to cook beef chops.

If you are not a fan of vegetarianism, then our article today will certainly be useful to you. We will tell you how to properly cook tasty and juicy in a frying pan.

How to fry beef chops?

For a successful result, choose fresh, not old beef or veal that is light red in color, without streaks or films. Ideal option To prepare the chops there will be a steamed beef tenderloin.

We cut the washed and necessarily dried beef across the meat fibers into slices approximately one to one and a half centimeters thick and beat it with a culinary hammer, but not very thinly, the meat should not be visible through.

Another secret to an excellent juicy result when frying chops is a sufficiently high temperature of the surface of the pan before a piece of meat lands on it.

How long to fry beef chops is determined depending on the chosen recipe, the thickness of the chopped piece of beef and the maximum temperature of the frying pan. On average, it takes four minutes on each side to get golden brown and juicy dish. When pierced, clear juice should flow out, this tells us that the dish is ready.

Beef chops in batter


  • beef tenderloin – 500 g;
  • mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • onions – 1/2 pcs.;
  • mixture ground peppers- taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml.


Rub the prepared chopped pieces of beef, according to our recommendations above, with a mixture of ground peppers, coat them first with the juice squeezed from the grated half of the onion, then with mayonnaise and leave for twenty to thirty minutes. Then dip each slice in eggs mixed with salt, then in breadcrumbs and immediately place in a very hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry for three to four minutes on both sides.

Soft beef chops with mustard



Prepared and chopped pieces beef meat Season with pepper, coat with mustard and leave for one to two hours. Then dip each slice into an egg beaten with salt, then into breadcrumbs and place in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry for three to four minutes on both sides. Serve hot.

Beef is healthier than pork. Everyone who is interested in the questions knows about this healthy eating. However, many housewives continue to cook pork chops, believing that beef chops will turn out too tough and dry. In fact, you can make juicy and soft chops from beef if you know a few secrets. If you bake beef chops in the oven, it will turn out truly gourmet dish, which you won’t be ashamed to offer to guests.

Cooking features

If you don't know some subtleties, you can't really make soft and juicy beef chops. However experienced chefs yet they cope with this task perfectly.

  • Not every cut of beef is suitable for chops. Tenderloin is most suitable for this purpose. If you can’t get it, you can take the pulp, but it needs to be beaten better and cooked longer.
  • To prepare beef chops, it is advisable to use fresh or chilled meat. It is more difficult to make juicy chops from meat that has survived freezing. But this is also possible if the beef is defrosted correctly. Proper defrosting involves thawing with a minimal change in temperature, that is, gradual. Speed ​​up the process with hot water or microwaves are not allowed.
  • When purchasing beef, pay attention to its color and fiber size. It is better that the fibers are smaller and the color is bright rather than dark. Dark color and large fibers indicate the age of the cow, its meat is tough and not juicy. Veal chops will turn out no less tender than pork chops.
  • Do not overdry the meat in the oven, do not exceed the cooking time specified in the recipe.
  • Using rich sauces and vegetables will result in juicier beef chops in the oven.
  • The pieces should be cut into chops across the grain and then beaten well. If you beat the meat through a bag or cling film, splashes will not fly in all directions. And the hammer will not stick to the meat, so there will be little risk of tearing the piece.

There are many recipes for cooking beef chops in the oven, and the technology for preparing the dish may depend on the specific recipe. Study them carefully before you begin.

Beef chops in mustard sauce

  • beef (tenderloin) – 0.5 kg;
  • hard cheese – 0.35 kg;
  • onions – 0.3 kg;
  • mustard (sauce) – 10 ml;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • salt, pepper, spices for meat - to taste;

Cooking method:

  • Wash the meat and dry it with a towel. Cut across the grain into pieces about a centimeter thick.
  • Place the pieces in a bag and beat them well on both sides with a mallet.
  • Rub with salt and pepper.
  • Mix mustard with mayonnaise and spices for meat. The sauce should be smooth.
  • Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil.
  • Coat the beef chops on both sides with sauce and place in the prepared pan.
  • Peel the onion, cut it into rings or half rings depending on the size of the onions.
  • Place a thick layer over the chops.
  • Finely grate the cheese of any of the durum varieties. Sprinkle it over the chops.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the pan with the chops in it. After about 40 minutes, when the cheese has browned, the chops can be removed from the oven.

Beef chops prepared according to this recipe require a side dish. The dish is almost universal, and the most suitable side dishes different dishes: potatoes and other vegetables, stewed, fried or baked, buckwheat, pasta, rice. It's a good idea to serve the chops with a fresh vegetable salad.

Beef chops with potatoes

  • beef – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 0.7 kg;
  • hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • mayonnaise – 0.2 l;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Place parchment paper soaked in vegetable oil on a baking sheet.
  • Wash the meat, dry it with napkins, cut into portioned pieces and beat thoroughly on both sides.
  • Salt and pepper the chops and place on a baking sheet.
  • Remove the skins from the onion. Cut each onion in half and cut into thin halves of rings. Sprinkle the onion half rings over the beef.
  • Peel the raw potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Squeeze to remove excess juice. Cover the chops with grated potatoes.
  • Lubricate the potato layer well with mayonnaise.
  • Finely grate the cheese and pour it over the chops.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a baking sheet with beef chops in it. Bake for 45 minutes.

Beef chops baked under a potato “coat” are an unusual and very tasty dish. Serve it well with a sauce, such as sour cream. But no side dish is required for this dish.

Beef chops with tomatoes

  • beef – 0.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 0.5 kg;
  • wheat flour – 70 g;
  • hard cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • milk – 0.5 l;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed;
  • fresh herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the beef tenderloin in running water and pat dry kitchen towel. Cut into layers about 1 cm wide. Cover with cling film and beat through it on one side. Then remove the film, turn the chops over, return the film to its place, and beat the meat on the other side.
  • Salt and pepper each layer of beef to taste.
  • Crush the garlic clove with a special press.
  • Melt the butter in a frying pan, add garlic to it, fry it for a couple of minutes.
  • Add flour, stir vigorously.
  • Pour the milk into the pan in a thin stream, constantly stirring the sauce as it cooks. Stir it so that there are no lumps left. Cook until the sauce thickens.
  • Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place beef chops in it. Pour the sauce over them thickly, trying to distribute it evenly.
  • Wash and dry the tomatoes, remove the stems and the thick piece of pulp near them. With a sharp knife cut the tomatoes into thin slices.
  • Place tomato slices on chops.
  • Finely grate the cheese and sprinkle it over the tomatoes.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, place the form with chops in it. Cook for 50 minutes.

Beef chops with tomatoes are tender and juicy. To make them look even more appetizing, it doesn’t hurt to sprinkle them with chopped herbs before serving. Use the sauce as a gravy. Prepare a side dish for the chops (mashed potatoes are ideal).

Beef chops in sour cream

  • beef tenderloin or pulp – 1 kg;
  • onions – 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.2 l;
  • tomatoes – 0.3 kg;
  • fresh parsley – 100 g;
  • spices for meat with salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

Cooking method:

  • Cut the washed and dried beef into slices one centimeter thick. Beat them on both sides and rub with spices.
  • Peel and cut the onion into small half rings.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onion in it until golden brown.
  • Transfer the onions to a clean plate. In the same skillet, sear the beef chops on both sides, spending about 5 minutes on each side.
  • Grease a roasting pan with oil and place the chops in it.
  • Cover the chops with a layer of fried onions.
  • Brush the chops with sour cream, using half the amount indicated in the recipe.
  • Wash the tomatoes, cut them into circles or semicircles if the fruits are large.
  • Place them on top of the meat and onions.
  • Brush the tomatoes with the remaining sour cream.
  • Chop the parsley with a knife and sprinkle it on top of the dish.
  • Turn on the oven. When the temperature reaches 120 degrees, place the roasting pan with the chops in it. Cover the roasting pan with a lid.
  • After 15 minutes, the roasting pan can be removed from the oven, and the chops can be placed on plates.

Chops baked in the oven with sour cream turn out so juicy that your guests will be pleasantly surprised.

Beef chops, if baked in the oven according to good recipe, turn out tender and juicy. They are suitable for both family lunch, and for a dinner party.

This recipe can be seen in the 1.07 minute video of photos, which is presented at the end of the article.

Secrets to Cooking Tender and Juicy Beef Chops

Choosing meat for chops

It is very important to buy meat not from an old bull or cow, but also not from a young calf, but from a one-year-old bull. This is true, plus or minus.

When choosing meat, pay attention to its appearance.

Which part of meat to choose, which will be softer and tastier? Buyers often ask this question.

The fat on beef should not be yellow, a good one fresh meat white fat.

You should not use frozen meat because the chops will be tough or dry. The meat must be fresh.

Veins and sinews, if present, must be removed as the chops can be tough.

How to properly cut and pound meat

Meat for chops should be cut into thin pieces, about 8 - 10 mm. It is advisable to cut perpendicular to the grain (not along the grain), this way the chops will cut better and be softer.

It is better to hit under the film. This way, splashes from hitting the meat with a hammer will not scatter throughout the kitchen.

How to fry properly

I would like to note that these are not turkey chops or chicken chops, these are beef and the cooking time increases.

When frying meat, cover the pan with a lid, but only when the chops are browned on one side. Turn them over and cover with a lid.

There is no need to fry the meat over high heat, but low heat will not work either. It is optimal to make it medium heat.

How to cook beef chops in a frying pan - recipe with photos

There are no strict proportions here. It all depends on the amount of meat, on the number of guests, if it’s a holiday. And also on your preferences. We try not to cook a lot. Fresh chops always taste better.


  • meat - 500 grams
  • salt and black pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying meat (preferably refined)

Batter for chops:

  • 3 eggs

I used 500 grams of meat. I have a “turtle”, this part of the beef was recommended to us by a seller at the market and assured us that the chops would be soft, juicy and tasty. And also that this is the part that people buy for chops and come back again because the dish turns out excellent. You can take the back tenderloin, but then you need to beat it better, and there is a chance that it will be dry.

The first thing you need to do is remove films and fat from the meat. The meat should be washed with cold running water and dried on a paper towel.

Cut the beef into pieces; we got pieces of about 5-10 mm. The thickness of the meat should not be more than 1 cm. Then you will have to beat it more, and you can smash it hard, to the point of holes, with a hammer.

The meat must be beaten. There is no need to “puncture” the meat into holes; beating it well on both sides is quite enough.

To do everything according to the rules, the beef should be covered with cling film and beaten with a kitchen hammer, first on one side and then on the other.

Place the finished, already beaten meat into a plate. At the same time, add salt and pepper on both sides. As practice shows, if you salt and pepper the meat on both sides, it turns out much tastier.

So we beat, salt and pepper all the meat. It is also important to leave it in the plate, so to speak, to marinate, for at least 10 minutes. But you can do it for several hours, or even up to a day, if you don’t have time to fry.

And so as not to waste time, we will prepare the batter. But I don’t cook batter as such, where flour and eggs are mixed.

I beat the eggs separately in a plate with a whisk or fork (but only lightly, without fanaticism), add a little salt. And pour flour into another plate.

But you can fry beef chops by dipping them in breadcrumbs, or prepare a batter by mixing eggs and flour together. If you want to make a thicker batter, mix 2 eggs with a tablespoon of flour.

You can dip the chops in flour, in egg, and then again in flour. Choose the batter option that you like best.

I dredge the meat first in flour and then dip it in eggs.

Fry on both sides in a preheated frying pan over medium heat. After the meat is fried on one side, I turn it over and cover it with a lid and fry it on the other side.

Cooking time: approximately 3-4 minutes on each side, but it all depends on the thickness of the pieces.

This is how I sear all my beef chops. I dry it on a paper towel to remove excess vegetable oil, but many people don’t do this. I do this when I fry pork, beef, chicken, turkey, fish and even vegetables, for example, eggplant. And I recommend that you do so.

This is how I remove excess oil from chops, but this is optional. Maybe you, on the contrary, like fattier meat.

I just fry the chops on both sides, covering the pan with a lid. But you can simmer the chops additionally or place them in a preheated oven for 10 minutes.

Then it will be enough to fry in a hot frying pan until golden crust and put them in a mold for further heat treatment.

You can serve beef chops with vegetables, cabbage, pickles, and cauliflower. But it can also be served with a traditional side dish: porridge, potatoes, pasta.

This is how my beef chops turned out, juicy and soft. Not raw, but well fried. Of course, beef meat cannot be compared with chicken; it does not melt in your mouth, but is quite soft. Look at the cut of the meat.

Chops are delicious both warm and cold. But in my opinion, I liked them better warm.

Fried chops can be placed on a baking sheet, greased with mayonnaise, sprinkled with finely chopped onions, added tomato, mushrooms (if desired) sprinkled with grated hard cheese. Or just pour it tomato juice like we did with . And put it in the oven for 10 minutes, or simmer on the stove.

The most important thing is to choose, prepare and cook the meat correctly. I am sure you will prepare equally delicious chops.

Whether you make beef chops, it's very interesting to know your cooking recipe. I would be grateful if you share it below in the comments.
And the same recipe without further ado.