What meat steaks are best. What to look for when buying the perfect beef steak meat

In order to know how to choose meat for beef steak, you need to understand what it is. Steak it whole piece a certain thickness.

The main rule of a real steak: do not save on products!

For a steak, you can take any part of the beef carcass, but it is preferable that it does not participate in the motor activity of the animal. It can be tenderloin with uncut edges or marbled meat. A steak from another part of the carcass will be tougher and more rubbery.

Marbling of beef meat is given by streaks of fat, due to which a pattern is obtained on the cut that looks like marble. When the steak is fried, this fat melts and moistens the steak, which makes it unusually tender. This is achieved by a special balanced fattening of the animal.

Fat on the edges of the tenderloin pieces will also add juiciness to the steak, but not throughout the entire thickness of the piece.
You can also use the rib or lumbar part of the beef carcass.

How to cut your own steaks

  • be sure to cut across the fibers;
  • the best thickness for a steak is 2.5 to 4 cm.

Only this type of cutting and thickness will keep the meat juice in the cooked steak and make the dish tender and juicy.

You can also purchase vacuum-packed pre-cut steaks from the grocery store.
But, following the rule “do not skimp on meat for steak”, follow him to the market or to familiar and trusted butchers. In the market, the quality of meat is much higher than in stores.

The best chefs for cooking perfect steak use the meat of young bulls (from 1 to 1.5 years) of certain breeds. Hereford and Angus breeds are considered the most suitable. They are distinguished by tender marbled meat.

How to choose the right meat for beef steak in the market

The first rule is quality! There should not be a discrediting smell and signs of mucus on the surface, blood smudges and spots.

The consistency is elastic. When pressed with a finger, a small hole should remain, which immediately straightens. The color of fat is from white to yellow, it is solid in consistency. If the fat is colored red, it means that the meat has been repeatedly frozen and thawed, that is, a part of the meat juice has already been lost. On the surface of the piece there should be a dry, drying crust of pale red or pink color.

The second rule is to choose meat of the highest and selected category! It must be admitted that a steak is an expensive dish and the raw materials for its preparation are not cheap!

The third rule - the meat should not be fresh or fresh. This is very rigid and quickly loses part of its mass due to the evaporation of moisture. This is due to the physicochemical processes occurring in the structure muscle mass. After some time after the slaughter of the animal, the enzymes begin to soften the connective tissue and the meat piece becomes softer and more suitable for use.

But if you have already purchased fresh meat, just let it “ripen”. To do this, you need to cut it into portioned pieces for steak, wrap in cling film and keep for several days in the refrigerator or other cool place at a temperature not exceeding 4-5 ° C.
Remember! The longer the meat “ripens”, the softer and juicier it is!

How to choose the right frozen beef for steak?

When choosing meat in the market or in the store, pay attention to its color, if possible, put your finger on the piece and release. The place you press will be dark red, and around it the color will be red-gray. When tapped on fresh frozen meat with a hard object, it makes a clear sound.

It should also be remembered that you need to defrost steaks without sudden changes in temperature. Meat juice remains in the meat only when defrosted in the air or in the refrigerator.
Never defrost steaks in warm water or at high temperatures! This will lead to a large loss of moisture and even a marbled meat steak will turn out tough.

Basic rules for cooking beef steak

  • correctly selected raw materials;
  • a real steak is not fried in a pan, but on an open fire (for example, a wood-burning stove or charcoal stoves), where there is a special temperature regime and heat, which envelops the product, allows you to achieve the perfect roasting result.

How to choose meat for a steak - video

Together with the Bizon steakhouse, we continue to study cuts. Today we will talk about the most popular types of steak.

The quality of meat is mainly determined by two factors: the cut and the degree of marbling. The tenderness of a steak depends on the location of the particular cut from which it was made. In general, the less muscle involved, the more tender the cooked meat will be. The muscles located farthest from the neck, legs and buttocks will be the most tender. The type of steak you choose will determine the level of taste and aroma and the tenderness of the steak, the degree of marbling (fat fibers inside the meat).

filet mignon

Also Known As: Tenderloin, Fillet, Tenderloin

The most tender cut. The smallest. And the most valuable. It has a mild taste of meat. Very soft "creamy" texture. Must be thick. It contains little fat, so it is suitable for those who monitor their weight or fat intake.

Strip Steak

Also Known As: Kansas Steak NY, Striploin.

Juicy kind of steak, has a moderately pronounced "steak" taste and strong aroma. It can be both boneless and on the bone.


If you can't choose between filet mignon and striploin, why not take both? T-Bone combines both steaks. T-Bone \u003d Tenderloin + Strip Steak, connected by a bone in the shape of the letter T.


An enlarged version of the T-Bone steak. In that steak the cutting width is larger.

ribeye steak

Also Known As: Delmonico Steak, Scotch Loin, Entrecote

The most popular steak. Has small fibers. Rich beef flavor. It is considered a juicy and flavorful steak.

Meat on the bone vs Boneless meat

Bones make cooked meat more flavorful and tastier. When you cook meat on the bone, this steak bone marrow and other substances from the bones add flavor to the meat, adding juiciness and a depth of flavor that is simply not achievable in a boneless cut. The bones also keep the juiciness and help the heat spread through the meat so it cooks more evenly.

Steak Tomahawk

Also known as: Rib-eye on the bone, Côtes-du-Boeuf

Tomahawk steak is a rib-eye steak on the bone, with a whole rib bone. This long bone is stripped of meat and fat, making it look like the handle and the meat like the blade of an Indian tomahawk.

This steak looks great on the table and deserves its own Instagram selfie. Tomahawk has a high degree of marbling, which makes it the most flavorful cut. Its size depends on the thickness of the bone and its weight reaches up to 1.5 kg!

Steak Cowboy

Also Known As: Tomahawk, Rib eye on the bone

Sometimes this steak is called Tomahawk, because in fact it is the same thing. It may weigh a little less. If you want to impress a woman on a date, eat this whole steak. Then order filet mignon for dessert.

Flat Iron Steak

Also Known As: Book Steak, Butler Steak, Shoulder Steak

Steak with a good degree of marbling, tender and juicy. It yields in tenderness only to tenderloin. Boneless steak with excellent beef flavor, unique structure and taste.

Prime Rib

Also Known As: Rib Roast, Baked Ribeye

Prime rib is a classic grilled rib cut meat, usually baked with the bone and served with its own juices. Juicy, tender, with a rich aroma and a high degree of marbling.

minced meat

Also Known As: Mince, Hamburger

This is not a steak cut, but it is used to make burger patties. The combination of cuts from the neck, rump and thick edge, minced in a meat grinder.

Many are interested in the question of how to choose meat for a steak. To make the finished dish tasty, when buying, you need to follow a number of certain rules. It doesn't matter if you buy meat from a supermarket or a gourmet specialty store. The problem is that often people have somewhat preconceived ideas about how good steak and end up buying the worst product. What do you need to know when buying meat?

Check out the types of steaks

You need to have some idea of ​​the type of steak you want to buy. At the very least, you should know how many cuts of meat you need, how you intend to cook them, and how much you expect. There are many options on the market today. Depending on how you intend to cook and serve the meat, you must make the right choice.

Steaks come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on the part of the carcass from which they were cut, their cost and cooking technique are determined. The question most often arises is how to choose meat for a ribeye steak. It requires a thick piece of meat with dense bone, obtained from the subscapular region of the carcass, starting from the fifth and ending with the 12th rib. Apart from good taste, ribeye also has an attractive appearance after cooking. This can be a very successful serving dish for a small dinner party as this type is the easiest to prepare.

The thicker cuts of meat obtained from the 13th rib to the rump will allow you to make a New York steak that can be an integral part of many dishes. This meat is less fatty, but its taste is very rich.

You can also find softer cuts that are great for grilling if they have enough marble veins. If you need to choose meat for steaks for a large company, it is better to purchase a large piece of tenderloin. Just cut it into thin steaks, cook them in the oven and serve with cream sauce with hell.

Decide what part of the carcass you need

How to choose the right meat for a steak? To do this, you should study which parts of the carcass are used for this product, and how to distinguish between primary cuts. This is necessary so that you can ask the seller questions and understand his answers.

As you can imagine, the back of the carcass is denser than the area around the waist and ribs. The back cuts are more rigid. This means that they are better suited for stewing and roasting. Softer cuts come from muscles that don't work as hard. This includes the loin and the tenderloin.

In addition, intermediate parts of the carcass are used, which can be either harsh or soft, depending on where they are cut from. For example, in the rib section, you can find soft, fatty cuts that are ideal for grilling, but there are also denser cuts of meat.

Speaking of the back of the cow, it is worth highlighting the fillet separately. How to choose the right meat from this part? You need to know the difference between the top and bottom notches. The first variety is more delicate than the second, but does not have such a flavor. The top fillet is firmer than the bottom fillet, and if cooked correctly, it can be a less expensive alternative to deli steaks from the loin.

Buy the best meat you can afford

Most of us rarely have the opportunity to buy and taste premium beef. This is explained by the fact that only 1-2.5% of all meat that goes on sale can be valued so highly. There are many criteria for such an assessment, but for consumers, the main thing is "marbling" - a network of fat that runs throughout the meat. This is the hallmark of beef steak. What kind of meat to choose in this case?

When it comes to purchasing non-premium meat, buyers often make a big mistake. When choosing between a completely defatted cut of beef and soaked lines of fat running through it, many settle for a leaner steak. In fact, it is fat that allows you to get incredibly rich, juicy, delicate taste and the texture that everyone wants to achieve.

Despite the fact that the premium class is not available to everyone, in a more modest price range you can do the same a good choice.

Should I buy packaged pieces?

In the markets and in some stores, you can see unpackaged meat, which is simply stored in the refrigerator section. In specialized places, the pieces are usually sold in foam trays covered with cling film. How to choose meat for a steak in this case?

The big advantage of buying a packaged product is that there is usually a label with comprehensive information in this case. If you are unfamiliar with a given cut of beef, variety or the best way cooking a certain steak, you will be able to read about it on the package. However, this way you cannot get a piece of meat to look at both sides of it, smell the smell, check the humidity and make sure that there are no brown spots. It is impossible to tell when the product is on a piece of foam under a layer of plastic wrap. A wrapped steak might look great on the side you see, but you won't be able to tell what's on the back until you make a purchase and open it at home. And then it might be too late.

Quality steaks are expensive, so don't be afraid to ask the seller to check the meat you buy. At the same time, choose a piece with the largest number marble veins to make it tender and tasty. There is nothing worse than chewing tough meat with difficulty.

Color, smell and texture

If you're shopping at a specialty store that sells beef for steaks, you'll see a variety of fattening cows. You will immediately notice a huge difference in color. Grass-fed beef will be much darker in color than marbled "grain" steak. It has a nice bright look. When a freshly cut surface is exposed to oxygen, the myoglobin in the meat turns bright red.

Such beef will oxidize faster and turn brownish red over time. Actually it's not bad. Marble on grain beef should be white or cream. On grass-fed meat, it is usually yellow in color. In any case, there should be no brown spots in the fat or around the edges of the piece.

If the meat you are buying has a sour or ammonia smell, it is not fresh. Don't buy it! Fresh steaks should smell slightly meaty, but not overpowering. It is impossible to determine what a packaged product smells like, but if you notice traces of staleness at home, return the purchase.

Determining the quality of meat by touch is difficult until you buy it. It is impossible to feel the packaged piece, and most sellers will not allow you to touch the unpackaged. But if, after buying, you find that the meat is sticky, it means that it is not fresh.

Choose fresh meat, or inspect the packaging

Not all stores have a section where you can buy unwrapped steaks or ask the salesperson to cut a particular piece. In these situations, you're likely to find cooked steaks laid out on styrofoam trays and wrapped in cling film. There is nothing wrong with buying such products as long as you pay attention to the details.

If you find that there is excess liquid in the tray, this may mean that the meat has been frozen and then thawed. This is a poor quality product that is better not to buy. You should also inspect the packaging. If the styrofoam tray is cracked or the plastic film is torn, don't buy it.

Check the expiration date

The next thing to do is check the expiration date. Some stores list the arrival or packaging date instead. If you don't understand what these terms mean, be sure to ask the seller. In no case should you buy steaks with an expiring shelf life. Also, you can sometimes see cuts of meat that look a lot less fresh but have the same date on the label. This means that the steaks have been repackaged.

marble veins

Whether you're buying grass-fed or grain-based beef, the "marble" layers are a very important quality ingredient. The layer of fat gives the steak both flavor and tenderness. How to choose meat for a steak by the presence and distribution of layers? The best marbling is small patches of fat evenly distributed over very fine textured protein.

What else needs to be considered?

Above, tips were offered on how to choose meat in the market or in a steak shop. In addition to the correct purchase, it is also important to be able to cook it correctly. Only in this way you will get tasty and tender dish.

How to prepare meat for grilling?

T-bone steak, like ribeye, is the best type of meat for grilling. What needs to be done to make it tender and tasty? First of all, it is important to let the meat warm up to room temperature before you start cooking it. This relaxes the flesh and allows it to cook more evenly.

Once you start the grilling process, beware of the biggest trap - overcooking the meat. Cook only until some juice or blood still comes out when gently pressed. Flip the piece once and lightly brown on the other side, then remove it from the grill while it's still pink in the middle. Place the steak on a plate where it will continue to cook as it cools.

AT classic version steaks can only be made from beef. But today under this name they use different kinds meat. Such a dish can be called a steak conditionally. Grilled lamb is also fine. How to choose meat so that it looks like a steak? Regarding the freshness of the product, the selection criteria are the same as for beef. Try to get pieces of lamb on the bone. So you get tender juicy meat after frying. This is because the bone helps retain moisture and texture in the meat. In addition, red fish and chicken steaks are good on the grill.

What kind of meat to take for frying?

If you do not have the opportunity to cook, you can do it on a regular frying pan. This is the best beef steak. What meat to choose? A boneless piece with layers of fat is best. Filet mignon is excellent for this preparation, as it is the most tender. How to cook it this way? Simply sprinkle the piece with salt and pepper and quickly sear each side for a very hot pan. Then add a little oil and fry for a few minutes on each side, then put on a plate for a while. If you are using a thicker piece of meat, you can additionally bake it in the oven.

Meat for baking

How to choose meat for pork steak? This product is not very suitable for such preparation, since it cannot be eaten raw. If you really want pork steak, stop your choice on an even and not too thick piece. It should be prepared by baking. This can be done on a rack placed in the center of the oven. The cooking temperature should be 180 degrees. The finished pork steak should have a temperature of at least 55 degrees in the center of the piece. Beef can be cooked in the oven at any degree of roasting.

Pork or beef for roasting in the oven? A piece of meat with a bone is also preferable here, especially if you plan to cook a steak on a grill. Tender fillet also good fit.

Taste, texture and aroma directly depend on the location of the pulp in the carcass. Do not forget that each cut has its own culinary value, method of preparation, optimal roasting.

Tenderloin, thin and thick edge, scapular part, flank differ in structure, fiber thickness, amount of fatty layers. Experienced chefs pay attention to the degree of marbling, the presence of bones and other important nuances. To choose the right meat, it is advisable to understand its types, find out from which part of the beef the steak is made. So, let's look at the kitchen of steakhouses ...

A variety of steaks, their culinary features and names

For cooking delicious steaks, ordinary veal tenderloin is suitable, but experts buy meat of specially bred breeds. There are only a few of them: Scottish Angus (Aberdeen-Angus), Japanese Wagyu, English Hereford, their hybrids.

Angus and Hereford inherit best qualities: a high degree of marbling, a large mass of muscles, a small percentage of waste.

The usual beef cue ball (entrecote, thick edge) is not quite suitable for frying, because its structure is quite dense, and the fat layers are completely absent. The steak will come out too dry, tough, not appetizing in appearance. It is better to marinate such a product and prepare another dish: veal chops, roast, medallions in sauce.


Juiciness and tenderness depend on the type of cut fried meat, its aroma, flavor range, even the choice of garnish and sauce.

So, consider the optimal parts of the carcass and types of beef steaks.

Tenderloin or Tenderloin - lean and tender meat

The meat is located under the spine, does not participate in the loads of the animal, therefore it is considered the softest part of the carcass. The tenderloin contains a sufficient amount of valuable protein, which is necessary for children and pregnant women. One piece is able to restore strength after physical or mental labor. Suitable for diet food, because there are practically no fat inclusions in it.

In the market, it is easy to confuse the tenderloin with the cheaper and tougher entrecote. Cunning sellers skillfully disguise it, passing it off as a tender and expensive cut. Often, the flesh is cut from the shoulder blade or thigh, giving the piece an oblong shape.

How to distinguish Tenderloin from thick edge and other meat?

  • no veins;
  • on one side there is a thin and long film;
  • loose texture;
  • fibers are large and long;
  • the tenderloin is much narrower than the entrecote;
  • the pulp is evenly colored;
  • the color is darker than at the thick edge;
  • slices can be seen on a piece, the surface is not smooth;
  • piece length no more than 45 cm;
  • The tenderloin tapers evenly.

Chefs recommend buying unpeeled tenderloin, because she has a peculiar muscle structure, not like other cuts. It consists of a head, a central part, a tail and a cuff. Between themselves, the pieces differ in thickness and density, so not all segments are used for steaks.

Culinary features of tenderloin

Head located in the widest part of the Tenderloin, resembles a weighty process. It has more fat layers than other segments. A piece is good for cooking beef stroganoff, steak, goulash (tail and cuffs can be used for these dishes). Often they make carpaccio from it. However, in inexpensive restaurants it is often used for steaks, although they turn out to be harsh.

cuff- the thinnest strip of meat that runs along the entire length of the tail, and is connected to the “torso” with a film. The meat is tender and cooks very quickly. Mainly used for frying meat dishes with sauce.

Tail- the narrowed part of the Tenderloin, which dries quickly in the pan. In budget restaurants, culinary specialists are cunning: they cut a piece, turn it inside out and fix it with foil, then fry it, and serve it as a favorite dish!

The central part is worth its weight in gold for chefs, because the most tender beef steaks (Mignon and Chateaubriand) are prepared from it.

For filet Mignon, only the middle part is taken, so only two thick pieces are obtained from one tenderloin. In cheap restaurants, they can use all the pulp, along with the head. Mignon is considered to be a female steak, as it is the softest and leanest. Meat fascinates with bright taste, juiciness and tenderness.

Chateaubriand is made from the thick part of the tenderloin that is near the head. Cooks fry whole, with the expectation of two people, or divided into 2 pieces. The steak comes out a little wider and thicker than the Mignon. It was invented by the personal chef of the Viscount Chateaubriand. Served with an amazing white wine sauce with wormwood, shallots and lemon juice.

Rib eye or thick edge is a popular restaurant dish.

The thick edge is distinguished by a special structure, valued for its high degree of marbling and original taste. The name of the cut is translated as "eye on the bone."

Closer to the neck, it consists of three muscles that smoothly merge into one. The steak comes out fatty, tender and juicy, which is why men often order it.

"Eye" is a professional term that refers to the size of the muscular section, although in the cut the contours of the muscles slightly resemble the organ of vision.

The ribeye is located in the upper back, between the 5th and 13th ribs, connected to a thin edge (Striploin). Practically does not participate in the life of the animal, so the meat is quite soft. Fat layers accumulate more actively than in other muscles. The most valuable part is the first third of the cut, which is located near the neck. It is along the thick edge that conclusions are drawn about the marbling of the rest of the meat!

Steaks from a thick edge can be of two types:

  1. The rib (Cowboy Steak or Prime Rib) is cut along with the rib bone. During frying, it gives an incredible aroma, slightly nutty flavor.
  2. Ribeye is tender meat without bones. The rib is removed immediately when cutting the carcass.

Striploin (thin edge) - chic meat for frying

Striploin is translated as a flat tenderloin, as the cut is slightly wider and lower in shape than Ribeye. The meat is cut from the lumbar part of the carcass, after the 13th rib.

The fibers are large, but quite tender and soft. On the edge is a dense vein, which is cut only in the kitchen of expensive restaurants. A small vertebral muscle runs along the entire length (on the side). During cooking, it can fall off, so you need to turn the piece over very carefully. The cut frames a thick layer of fat, but only on one side.

Steaks fascinate with a concentrated meat flavor, which is why they are rightfully considered a masculine dish. Two types of steaks are prepared from a thin edge: Striploin and New York.

Butt or Sirloin – Moderately tough and lean meat

Sirloin - the pulp of the lumbar part, which is located near the head of the tenderloin. The meat is a bit harsh, lean and with large fibers.

Fat layers are concentrated on one side, giving the dish an original aftertaste.


Due to the low degree of marbling, the steak is easy to dry, so it is undesirable to overcook it on fire.

A piece of butt is roasted over an open fire, mostly on charcoal. It is not as juicy and tender as Ribeye, but we love it for its amazing meat taste, which is quite bright and rich.

The cut is divided into several types:

  1. Sirloin flap has a rough texture. To soften the fibers a little, the piece is pre-marinated. Cooks advise medium roasting, otherwise the meat will turn into crackers.
  2. Top sirloin is taken from the central loin, fried at a high temperature, like other steaks. Recommended roast medium re.

Large bone-in steaks are food for real men!

Some types of steaks are gigantic, mostly served without garnish. A piece is cut from the carcass along with the costal bones and vertebrae. There are different cuts on both sides: tenderloin and Striploin (or Ribeye). They differ in the structure of the fibers, the number of fatty inclusions, density and stiffness.

Each part requires a different cooking time, so this dish is trusted exclusively by experienced chefs.

Due to the large size, the meat is fried for a long time. There is a risk of overdrying the lean part, and not bringing the thick or thin edge to the desired degree of roasting.

Giant steaks are prized for their overwhelming flavor. The stone enriches the food: the pulp fascinates with amazing taste, and with each piece new notes appear. The dish is considered to be masculine, because girls practically do not order it because of its impressive weight and rich aftertaste.

Meat on the bone is of two types:

  1. T-bone is a delicacy of real gourmets. Distinctive feature– T-shaped bone. On one side there is a small piece of tenderloin (mostly the narrow part), and on the other side there is a striploin with a thick fat layer. raw steak weighs more than 450 grams, can reach up to a kilogram.
  2. Porterhouse is the king of steaks. The heaviest, most satisfying piece of meat, which is cut from the lumbar. It looks like a T-bone, but the cuts in the cut are an order of magnitude larger, and the bone itself is several times smaller. One serving can weigh about a kilogram. In the 18th century, London taverns were called porterhouses, where workers came to drink beer or porter. Over time, the establishments turned into restaurants that impress with a variety of delicious steaks.

Budget steaks - amazing food at a low cost

Who said that cheap meat is not suitable for preparing a chic dish? From the pulp of the shoulder blade, thigh and flank, you can create an amazing dish!

Flank - the highlight of steakhouses

Flank - a small cut that supports the stomach and intestines of the animal, does not participate in its movement. The piece is unusually flat and wide, resembling a rectangle. Fat streaks are located on top, but in a small amount. Muscle fibers are quite large and loose, which must be taken into account during cooking. They are directed differently than other cuts: at an angle, almost parallel to the plane of the grill.

Flank is considered a lean and tough steak, so it is undesirable to overexpose it on fire. The degree of marbling is much lower than that of Ribeye, so the cut is easy to overdry. Despite the low quality, it has an amazing meat taste.: refined and pronounced. Usually a piece weighs more than a kilogram.

When serving, be sure to cut it, since the degree of softness of the dish depends on the slope of the cut. Meat counts budget option, initially settled in the kitchen of the poor.

From the Flank cut, you can cook several steaks:

  1. Flank steak is cut from the flank. Differs in fine juiciness, aroma and smart taste scale.
  2. Steak Machete- a long and narrow piece of internal diaphragm with relatively good marbling. He was loved for his intense and pronounced taste. The piece visually resembles a Latin American knife, which is why it owes its name.
  3. Butcher's steak is cut from the diaphragm. Butchers and merchants initially did not put it on the counter, but left it for themselves. He is valued for bright taste, original and delicate texture. Like all Flank cut steaks, it must be cut or divided into two parts when serving.

Chuck - rich variety of steaks

Chuck cut is cut from the neck and shoulder part of the bulls. There are few fat inclusions in it, but the dish comes out quite juicy and moderately hard. During cooking, cooks take into account all the nuances, so several steaks can be made from one cut, completely different in taste and texture.

Denver steak. The pulp is under the shoulder blade of the animal. Marbling is quite high, so the dish turns out tasty, juicy, not too hard. The average weight is about 700 grams.

Top Blade. The meat has a dense texture. A dense vein runs through the entire length of the piece. During the cooking process, it practically does not soften, so the product is used in budgetary institutions. If you cut the core, you get wonderful dish Flat Iron. The weight of a piece is about 600 grams. Marbling is quite good, fatty streaks are scattered over the entire surface. The steak comes out quite juicy, so it is not marinated before cooking. Chefs recommend buying a wet-aged product to make the meat taste more harmonious.

Flat Iron(Kansas or Top Blade) has an incredible aroma and taste. The flesh is cut from the shoulder part, which is adjacent to the shoulder blade. The piece resembles the shape of an iron soleplate, which is how it got its name. It has a good degree of marbling, so the food comes out quite juicy and tender. Before cooking, the meat is opened, the vein is carefully removed, leaving all the fatty layers. The weight of one steak can be about 200 grams, so a dozen servings will be obtained from one cut. Gourmets determined Flat Iron second place after Tenderloin.

Chuck I Roll cut from the neck cut. The steak is tough but juicy enough. Gourmets are sure that it tastes like Ribeye, but cooks a little longer due to the dense texture. The piece is sinewy, narrows on one side, there are connective tissues. Fat filaments are not scattered over the surface of the meat, but are concentrated closer to the center and edge.

Vegas Strip tastes like New York, but comes out a little tougher. It attracts with an amazing aftertaste. The marbling is good: the fried piece is quite juicy.

Specific Steaks Round

Round - a cut from the hip part of the carcass. It has a low degree of marbling, so the dish will not be as juicy as Tenderloin or Striploin. Depending on the cutting, the pulp may contain a thigh bone.

The piece is framed by a dense film with a small amount fat. Before cooking, the meat must be marinated to soften the tough fibers. It is often beaten and grilled, stewed in savory sauces, make roast beef, stuff, bake with low temperatures(in foil or vacuum bags).

From the cut, you can cook several types of steak:

  • Rump (Romsteak);
  • Top Side;
  • I of the Round;
  • Bottom Round.

Each type has a wonderful taste and aroma. After marinating, 10 minutes is enough to prepare an excellent dish!

When choosing meat for future steaks, it is advisable to take into account the personal preferences of the guests, the specific flavor range, saturation and fat content of the cut. It is easy to prepare a chic dish from a properly selected piece of pulp!

Useful video

The meat specialist talks in detail about how to choose the right steak and how one meat differs from another.

A guide to the most popular types of steak based on the American carcass cutting scheme. You can order any of these pieces in Baranienbaum and cook them yourself at home.

All stakes can be divided into two large groups: premium and alternative.

Premium steaks are cut from the back: cuts ribeye, striploin (New York steak), tenderloin (filet mignon steak) and their derivatives with the inclusion of various bones - porterhouse, tee-bone, ribeye on the bone, etc. They are valued for the best combination palatability, my nice shape with meat fibers located across the steak and the convenience of even portion cutting. All this is important for expensive restaurants and discerning consumers. The percentage of such meat in total weight animal is quite small, and high demand causes a corresponding price.

Rib eye on the bone (Cowboy steak)

It's amazingly gentle and juicy steak contains a part of the rib that adds even more flavor to this beautiful marbled cut of meat. If the rib in the steak is whole, but short, then the steak is called a Cowboy, if it is very long, then a Tomahawk. Buy Rib eye on the bone in Baranienbaum.

New York steak (Striploin steak, strip steak)

The New York steak has a firmer texture than the rib eye. It is less oily but more flavorful. New York is our favorite premium steak, it perfectly balances all the important qualities for a steak. It is important to understand that both the rib-eye and the ny are cut off from different halves of the same dorsal muscle, so that the "last" rib-eye is adjacent to the "first" NY. Buy New York steak in Baranienbaum.

filet mignon

Very expensive and velvety tender, this steak may seem lean to some and will not please with a rich meaty taste. But they appreciate him for one thing - incredible tenderness, and in this he simply has no equal. Buy filet mignon in Baranienbaum.

Florentine Steak (Porterhouse)

This is a classic premium steak that combines two very different types meat: fragrant New York and tender filet mignon, separated by a T-shaped bone. Buy Porterhouse in Baranienbaum.


T-bone - this is the same porterhouse, only the part with filet mignon in it is not so big, because the steak is cut a little further to the head of the animal, where the thickness of the tenderloin decreases and gradually disappears. Buy T-bone in Baranienbaum.

Top blade

The top blade is the tenderest part of the shoulder blade and defies all notions of being tough and not meant for steaks. If the cut is cut into steaks across, with a vein that runs through the center of the piece, then they are called top blade steaks. If the meat is removed from the vein so that long strips are obtained, then such a steak is called a flat iron. Buy top blade steak in Baranienbaum.

flank steak

Flank is easily recognizable by its oval shape and long, well-defined meat fibers. This is an alternative steak, so it can be quite tough unless you're cooking top quality meats. After cooking, it is customary to cut this steak across the grain into thin slices. Buy flank steak in Baranienbaum.

Skert steak

Like the flank, this alternative belly steak has large, pronounced fibers. Over the years, the skert has been the most popular steak among our customers and has received only excellent ratings. Prepare it from meat of the highest quality categories, cut it into slices across the grain before serving, and then it will delight you with its signature juicy taste and softness. Buy a skert steak in Baranienbaum.

Hanger steak (onglet)

very rare and delicious steak. Unlike all other cuts, this one is not paired. That is, one animal - one onglet, weighing only about 1–1.5 kg. Incredible meat flavor and tenderness comparable to filet mignon distinguish this steak. There is one but: the tendon runs through the center of the piece and, if it bothers you, cut it out before cooking. Buy onglet steak in Baranienbaum.

Sirloin steak

Sirloin is a large and relatively inexpensive steak that can feel dry compared to the premium cuts. However, it has a lot excellent meat for your price. Cook sirloin in the oven, don't dry it out, and it has every chance of becoming your favorite everyday steak. Buy sirloin steak in Baranienbaum.

Tri Type

Tray type is a small cut from the loin that is usually cooked as a whole, like one steak. It is little known among us, but it deserves attention if you already have something to compare with. It has a very high marbling and will delight you with excellent juiciness, the main thing is not to overcook and withstand low roasting.