Quick compote of cherries in a saucepan. Compote for the winter of cherries with or without a stone

Cherry compote is a drink loved by almost every one of us since childhood. Apart from good taste, it has many useful properties, and has a general strengthening effect on the body due to high content in berries of vitamins and microelements.

At the same time, it is surprising - many women do not even think about the fact that such a healthy drink as compote must still be able to cook properly. So, how to cook cherry compote?

Secrets of delicious compote

Compliance with these simple rules will make the drink as tasty and healthy as possible:

Cherry compote from fresh berries

Even the most inexperienced hostess will cope with such a task, how to prepare a drink from fresh cherries. The drink is very rich, fragrant and pleasant to taste.

And most importantly, its preparation will not require unbearable costs - neither physical nor material.

Recipes required for cooking the following ingredients:

  • 2.5–3 liters of water;
  • 500-700 grams of fresh cherries;
  • 1 cup of sugar.

Cooking method. You need to put water on the fire and wait for it to boil. At this time, we sort out the berries, throw out the spoiled ones, if any, wash the good cherries thoroughly. We lower the fruits into boiling water, turn off the fire and cook for about 5 minutes.

In the end add sugar(be sure to try compote before this - if the berries are very sweet, the amount of sugar needed will be less, when they are too sour, more sugar will be needed). Turn off the burner with the drink, let it cool well and put it in the refrigerator.

frozen cherry compote recipe

Freezing cherries for the winter is very a good option. Firstly, because in frozen berries there is always more vitamins remain c, and secondly, in the winter you always want something summer.

The recipe for such a compote is no more complicated than from fresh berries, and it will bring even more pleasure.

For cooking, you will need the following components:

  1. Three liters of water.
  2. Two glasses of frozen cherries.
  3. Half a lemon.
  4. One glass of sugar.

Cooking method. Frozen berries are added to cherry compote not at the beginning, but, on the contrary, at the end of cooking. First you need to boil water, then squeeze the juice of half a lemon into it and add sugar.

Cherries are the last to go into boiling water - they must be put in a pan directly from the freezer, in no case without defrosting or washing before that. When the compote boils, it is immediately turned off and the drink is allowed to brew well.

Recipe for compote of frozen cherries with mint

The method of preparing this drink is not much different from the previous one, but lovers of traditional compote will have a novelty with an exotic taste. To prepare such a compote, you will need the following products:

As in the previous recipe, boil water, add sugar to it and lemon peel, then cherry. After adding the berries, we send sprigs of mint to the pan, reduce the heat and we simmer the drink for another 5 minutes. It is served exclusively chilled, sometimes with lemon wedges and fresh mint.

Recipes for cherry compotes for the winter

Of course, it is very pleasant to feel the aroma of summer in winter weather by opening a jar of prepared compote. Moreover, such a drink is not only suitable for daily drinking, but will also become a real decoration for holiday table.

There are quite a few options for preparing this drink, the simplest are described below.

Cherry compote with apples for the winter. This option will please with its sweet and unusual taste lovers of sweet juices and carbonated drinks. For cooking you will need:

  • 3 liters of water;
  • 300 grams of fresh cherries;
  • 5 apples;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sugar (maybe a little more or a little less).

Cooking method. Wash the apples well cut into thin slices(They don't peel the skin). Boil water and send chopped apples to boiling water. Pour pre-washed cherries there. Boil everything for 5 minutes, add sugar and pour ready drink in pre-prepared jars. Seal carefully and store.

Cherry compote cooked in a slow cooker

A slow cooker is a real salvation for the ever-busy housewives, since cooking in it does not need special supervision.

Weld in this miracle of technology delicious compote easy peasy. For this method, both fresh and dried or frozen cherries will fit.

And also for the preparation of such a recipe you will need:

  1. One liter of water.
  2. 900 grams of cherries.
  3. 300 grams of sugar.

We wash the three-liter jar well, pour it over with boiling water, wipe it dry. Berries need sort, wash and dry on a towel. Then we put the cherries tightly in a jar (you can shake it slightly in the process so that the berries lie more tightly).

In a slow cooker about 5 minutes boil sugar with water at 160 degrees in the “Cooking” mode. Ready syrup should be poured into a jar of berries, again fill the slow cooker with water, set the same mode and sterilize the jar for 10 minutes, then tightly cork with a lid.

Strawberry cherry compote

The combination of strawberries and cherries will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmets. The main thing is to prepare such a drink according to the correct recipe.

For cooking you will need: 2.1 liters of water; 600 grams of cherries; 350 grams of strawberries; 500 grams of sugar.

We sort the strawberries, remove the stalks, wash thoroughly. My cherries, remove the seeds from the berries. In a sterilized three-liter jar put the berries.

At the same time, water must be boiled. Pour the contents of the jar with boiling water, let stand for 10 minutes, and then drain the water back into the pan, add sugar and boil 3 minutes. Pour the berries with the resulting syrup and roll up the jar.

The following recipes will help answer the seemingly simple question of how to cook cherry compote. It turns out that such a simple drink, to which we are all accustomed since childhood, has its own nuances in preparation, on which the taste of compote largely depends. It is about how much to cook cherry compote, at what temperature and from what ingredients, we will describe below.

About how to cook cherry compote from frozen berries, you can tell in a few minutes. There is nothing complicated in this recipe, and its advantage lies in the fact that such a drink can be prepared at any time of the year, since frozen cherries are always sold in stores.


  • frozen cherries - 500 g;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to pour water into a deep saucepan, immediately add frozen berries, sugar to it and put the dishes on fire. When the water boils, cook the compote for 5-7 minutes over low heat, then let it cool completely.

Cherry and apple compote

Instructions on how to cook compote from cherries and apples are also quite short. You can use either fresh or frozen cherries in this recipe.


  • cherry - 300 g;
  • apples - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 l.


First of all, you need to wash the apples and cut them into small slices. Cherries, if fresh, are best separated from the pits, but you can immediately buy a bag of frozen berries that have already undergone such an operation.

Next, you need to send cherries and apples to a bowl with water and sugar and put it on fire. While the compote is boiling, it is not necessary to cover the pan with a lid, but when the water boils, reduce the fire and cover with a lid, and then cook the fruit for another 15-20 minutes.

In this recipe, the cooking time is increased because apples take longer to cook than cherries. The finished drink must be cooled before serving.

Cherry compote - recipe with mint

The preparation of compote from cherries and mint differs slightly from previous recipes. But its taste, on the contrary, is unlike anything, because it has sourness and freshness at the same time.


  • frozen cherries - 200 g;
  • sugar - ½ tbsp.;
  • lemon zest - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • fresh mint - 2 sprigs;
  • water - 2 l.


As before, the first step is to send all the ingredients to the pan, only the mint sprigs should be left aside.

When the water boils, you need to reduce the heat and add mint to the drink, then boil it for another 5 minutes. You can serve such a compote with fresh lemon slices and mint, but always chilled.

Cherry and strawberry compote

Making cherry compote with strawberries is as easy as the previous drinks. The advantage of such a compote is that it can also be cooked in winter, when you want to remember summer, because frozen berries are good because they are stored in freezer all year round.

The following recipe will tell you how to cook cherry compote with an unusual taste.



V large saucepan you need to pour out the water, add sugar, cherries and strawberries to it and put the dishes on the fire. While the water is heating, you need to periodically stir the fruit so that the sugar is completely dissolved.

When the compote boils, you need to cook it for a few more minutes, or rather - 5-7, then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and wait until the drink has completely cooled down. You can serve it with ice and sprigs of mint, or you can drink it warm, especially in winter.

Ready compote can be drunk just like that, or you can use it for cooking, and add the remaining berries to it.

Bright, beautiful cherry berry contains great amount beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Its versatility in cooking allows you to cook a lot of good, tasty, unique dishes. Learn how to cook an excellent compote that will not only quench your thirst, but also heal your body.

How to cook cherry compote

Many housewives know that compote cooked with red berries is extraordinary product, preserving all the benefits of fruits, vitamins, useful material, trace elements that are so necessary for our body. If your child is very fond of lemonade, then it is easy to replace it with a healthy drink. To date, there are many recipes for making this wonderful drink. It can be made with fresh or dried fruits, with the addition of various fruits, lemon, mint, etc. Choose your cooking method and delight your family and friends with such a delicious, bright drink.

With fresh berries

Cooking an unusual drink with the help of fresh berries will not be difficult even for novice housewives. The drink turns out to be rich, very bright, tasty, wonderful. With it, you can satisfy the whims of even the most demanding guests. To do this, you will only need a little time and a minimum of ingredients:

  • water - 2.5-3 l;
  • berries - 500-700 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

How to cook everything:

  1. The fruits must be sorted out and washed thoroughly.
  2. The water must be brought to a boil.
  3. Dip the fruits in it and cook for about five minutes.
  4. At the end, add sugar. Its amount depends on the taste and on the acid of the berries themselves.
  5. Let it simmer a little more, remove from heat. The drink needs to be cooled, you can put it in the refrigerator.

From frozen berries

V winter time I especially want something warm, beautiful, summery. This period pleases us with such a wonderful drink, which is brewed from frozen cherries. It is very easy to prepare it in the cold season, and it does not take much time. You just need to know how to do everything right to get a rich, full-fledged taste. You will need the following ingredients:

  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • half a lemon;
  • berries - 2 cups.

How to cook:

  1. Water must be brought to a boil.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, you can directly into the pan.
  3. Pour a glass of sugar, with or without a slide.
  4. At the very end, add berries. They do not need to be washed and thawed in advance.
  5. After everything boils, remove the pan from the heat and let the drink brew.

Cherry compote for the winter

In winter, we feel a lack of vitamins, bright summer colors, so it's so nice to open a jar of a beautiful drink with red fruits and please your body with not only tasty, but also healthy drink. Red cherry compote is perfect for this time of year. The special sweet and sour taste of berries, wonderful color will not leave anyone indifferent. It is ideal for the festive table, as well as daily use. Cooking for the winter without sterilization - perfect option for those who do not really like to devote a lot of time to conservation, freeze.

With cherries and apples

fruit drink- a great substitute for tea and sweet soda. The combination of red berries with apples will delight fans of summer juices with its unusual taste. This drink is ideal for lovers of something exceptional, new, sweet. You need the following ingredients:

  • water - 3 l;
  • fresh cherry- 300 g;
  • apples - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (to taste)

Cherry compote recipe:

  1. Water must first be brought to a boil.
  2. Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into thin slices, while peeling them is not necessary.
  3. Sliced ​​apples are sent to boiling water.
  4. Add the washed red berries to the apples.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes and add sugar.
  6. We remove the finished drink from the fire and pour it into jars prepared in advance for clogging.

Cherry compote in a slow cooker

The recipe for a delicious, bright drink in a slow cooker is very simple, it will suit even those who have started using this technique quite recently. For this drink, both fresh berries and frozen, dry ones are suitable. Dark cherry compote in a slow cooker is very easy to cook. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • cherry - 900 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 1 l.

The process of creating a drink:

  1. We prepare a three-liter jar for clogging: rinse thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry.
  2. We sort the berries, wash them, let them dry.
  3. We put them in a jar very tightly, while you can shake it a little.
  4. In a bowl, boil water and sugar in the "Cooking" mode at 160 degrees, about 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished syrup into a pre-prepared jar with fruits.
  6. Pour water into the bowl again, set it to the same mode, sterilize the finished jar for 10 minutes.
  7. We cork berry drink for the winter. If desired, it is easy to repeat the recipe with apples.

Strawberry and cherry compote

Summer is a period of harvesting, conservation, when you need to have time to freeze fruits, greens, and stock up for the winter. It will not be difficult for you to close cherry compote for your relatives, friends, friends, the main thing is to know great recipe. The combination of these fruits will please gourmets, and lovers of sweets will be delighted with it. Required Products:

  • water - 2.1 l;
  • cherry - 600 g;
  • strawberries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 500 g.

Compote preparation:

  1. Strawberries must be sorted out from the stalks, washed.
  2. We sort out the cherry berries, wash them well, clean them from the stones.
  3. We prepare a sterilized three-liter jar.
  4. We put red berries in it.
  5. Separately, bring water to a boil and pour the fruit.
  6. Cover with a lid, let stand for 10 minutes, then pour back into the pan.
  7. Add sugar to the water, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes.
  8. Pour fruits with ready-made syrup, roll up.

Video: how to cook cherry compote

One of the most healthy drinks for adults and children is fruit compote. It has been scientifically proven that daily use compote helps to strengthen the immune system, as well as prevent various diseases especially during the off-season. In addition, compote is an excellent substitute shop juices. It is extremely natural composition and far fewer “fast” sugars. According to nutritionists, the most useful and least “dangerous” for the figure is compote from berries, in particular from cherries. Below are a few simple recipes making this homemade drink.

Traditional cherry compote

The standard recipe for making cherry compote requires ingredients such as:

  • cherry - 500 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 1 or 1.5 faceted glass;
  • filtered water - 3 liters.

The algorithm of actions is extremely simple and easy.

  • First you need to prepare the berry: rinse and sort out, removing the seeds, if available fresh berry. Defrost, rinse (if necessary), drain the juice if only frozen berries are available.
  • Filtered water, previously poured into the existing dishes (pot, etc.), should be brought to a boil. After that, pour out the granulated sugar and mix the solution thoroughly.
  • And only after that you should add the berries, boil them for 3-5 minutes, and then reduce the heat and tightly close the pan with a lid. Remember , how less compote will boil, the more useful elements will remain in it!
  • As soon as the berries float, you can turn off the stove. Approximately this process will take no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Ready compote should be cooled, poured into a decanter and served.

Cherry compote without sugar

If you decide to limit your intake fast carbohydrates due to some circumstances, if for medical reasons you are forbidden to use granulated sugar, you do not need to despair, because cherry compote can be cooked without sugar. Such a drink will be no less tasty, since it will be based on all kinds of spices. To prepare spicy cherry compote without sugar, you will need:

  • cherry - 500 grams;
  • filtered water - 3 liters;
  • sweetener (fructose, stevia, etc.) - a few tablespoons. Attention, the amount of added sweetener is calculated based on the properties of the natural sweetener that is available in the kitchen. For example, fructose is much sweeter than granulated sugar, so very little is needed.
  • spices - to taste (cloves, cinnamon, etc.)

This compote is prepared very quickly.

  • First you need to prepare the berry: wash, sort, defrost (if necessary), remove the seeds, etc.
  • Water must be poured into a bowl for cooking and sent to the stove, bring to a boil, add sweetener and spices, mix thoroughly.
  • After that, you need to pour the berries into the solution, gently stir the compote with a wooden spoon.
  • It is necessary to boil the berry in sweet-spicy syrup for 5-7 minutes, and then reduce the heat.
  • You should cook cherry compote for 10-15 minutes, then turn off the stove and cool the resulting drink.
  • Finally, you can pour it into a beautiful decanter and serve it to the table.

Cherry compote is not a simple delicacy. This drink is rich in all kinds of vitamins, vital substances that help maintain health - strengthen immune system person. homemade compote Tastes better than store-bought packaged juices. Nutritionists all over the world advise accustoming yourself and your children to this wonderful drink. In addition, compote can be cooked from any fruit available in the house. The result is a unique decoction, in every drop of which there is an immeasurable benefit!

Not a single housewife will refuse to conserve A simple recipe (and absolutely no difficulties are foreseen), the speed of preparation, and most importantly - a full guarantee against explosions are attractive to everyone. Especially since everyone loves it. There may be doubts about other fruits. For example, a gooseberry drink is sour and rather fresh, and raspberry or strawberry is rarely obtained with whole non-spreading berries (in connection with which it is preferable to make jam from them). And cherry compote is drunk almost immediately upon opening. Moreover, quarrels over berries happen!

How to roll up a wonderful compote of cherries for the winter: a simple recipe, but careful preparation

In order for the workpiece to be unambiguously successful, it is necessary to follow simple, but well-defined rules.

  1. Cherries must be carefully sorted. Broken, bursting, crushed berries are ruthlessly set aside - you can even put them into dumplings. Unripe or too small specimens are not suitable for seaming.
  2. It is advisable to select cherries in compote, in which the tails are not torn off: the stalks are torn off immediately before laying in the jar, so the juice will not be lost, and bacteria will not penetrate through the hole.
  3. When cherry compote is closed for the winter, a simple recipe instructs to leave the bones in the berries. With this approach, the latter remain tight and beautiful. But compote will be stored no longer than a year; if the bones are taken out, it will not deteriorate even all three.
  4. After washing, the water from the cherries must be carefully drained. Usually, the berries are left in a colander for half an hour with occasional shaking.
  5. Banks for compote are washed thoroughly; whether to sterilize them or not depends on the particular recipe.
  6. Cherry is "friends" with any berries, fruits and even vegetables (with zucchini you get a very original compote). But experienced housewives it is advised to combine it with pale berries - cherries, gooseberries, etc.

Fast and hassle-free

Even an inexperienced housewife can roll up the simplest cherry compote. Moreover, simple does not mean tasteless: it will turn out fragrant, ruby ​​​​color and resistant to storage. The only simplicity is that such cherry compote is made without sterilization, which greatly simplifies life and speeds up the process. Berries are packed in clean containers. It is not necessary to sterilize them before. Cherries should occupy half the volume, a maximum of two thirds. To avoid unnecessary voids, they are shaken when pouring. Pure water is boiled, poured into jars flush with the upper edge of the neck, the dishes are covered with clean lids and left for a third of an hour. Then the water is drained back and boiled again, and sugar is poured into the jars (a glass for a three-liter bottle). They are again filled with boiling water, immediately twisted, turned over and hidden under the covers. After cooling, the cherry compote is stored in the pantry or under the bed - it does not need coolness.

Rich taste

There is another way to roll cherry compote for the winter - a simple recipe, but for the patient. The beginning of its implementation is similar to that described above, but after pouring boiling water, the berries are left for half a day to infuse. Then the water is drained, supplemented with sugar in the same amount, syrup is boiled. Already they are filled with containers, after which they are closed. They are cooled in the same mode as in the previous recipe.

Compote on syrup

You can do without pre-filling with boiling water. In this case, the washed cherries are scalded before being packaged in jars, and the syrup is boiled immediately (proportions of water and sugar: two and a half liters per three hundred grams). The dishes are filled with boiling dressing, immediately sealed and sent to cool, as in other canning methods.

Fragrant Recipe

It is useful for those who are afraid that simple ways won't give enough long storage. Fruits are laid out in bottles, poured with steep syrup (half a kilo of sugar per liter of water), flavored with a pinch of vanilla or a few cloves - it will turn out amazing fragrant compote from cherry. Sterilization underway in the usual way, about half an hour for a three-liter. If you prefer smaller dishes, then reduce the time to twenty minutes.

Cherry Apple Joy: Version #1

Cherries are combined with any other fruits and berries. However, compote of apples and cherries has almost the highest taste harmony. For the winter it can be closed in several ways. For those who are not lazy, who are not afraid of pasteurization with sterilization, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Fruits are washed well and get rid of tails. If the apples are small, you can use them whole. But the seeds can give a specific taste, so it is better to cut the apples into quarters and remove most of the seeds.
  2. Cherry with apples mixed in is placed in cylinders.
  3. An incomplete glass of sugar is poured into each and boiling water is poured “under the neck”.
  4. The jars will be sterilized for three quarters of an hour - this is due to the high density of apples.

Version #2

On the one hand, the recipe is simpler - there is no sterilization in it. On the other hand, it is longer because it requires pre-treatment apples. Cherries are immediately packaged in the right amount on the dishes, poured with boiling water and strained from it after a quarter of an hour. Cherry-flavored water is poured into a large saucepan, sugar is poured into it and apple slices. After about seven minutes of boiling, they are laid out with a slotted spoon to the cherries, the syrup is boiled again and poured. Received for the winter rolls up, turns over and turns warm until it cools.

Juicy compote

Very interesting recipe for which you don't even need sugar. True, it is feasible only if you have a lot of cherries. Part of it is poured into cylinders, juice is squeezed out of the bulk. They are filled with packaging, and the jars are pasteurized (a quarter of an hour - liter, twice as long - "three rubles") at 85 ° Celsius. Even tastier if you combine cherries with juice wild berries, for example, blueberries.