How many calories in dried fruits and juice. Composition and useful properties of pears.

Calorie and nutritional value of pear

Pears have long been used in traditional medicine. They are characterized mainly by fixing, diuretic, disinfectant, antipyretic and antitussive effects. This effect is possessed not only by fresh, but also by dried fruits, as well as juice, decoctions (fresh and dried fruits), jelly.

And yet the fruit of the pear tree is one of the healthiest delicacies. Pear is rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides. Pears usually seem sweeter than apples although they contain less sugar. Many varieties of pears are rich in trace elements, including iodine.

The main value of the pear is in the content of nutritional fibers (2.3 g/100 g). The content of vitamin C in it is not high. In terms of folic acid content, pear surpasses even blackcurrant.

The fruits of pears should be consumed correctly: eat on an empty stomach and drink water. Also, they should not be eaten with meat and regaled on them earlier than half an hour after the end of the meal. Only ripe, fragrant, juicy, delicate fruits have medicinal properties.

Pear juice is an excellent tonic, tonic and vitamin remedy, it is also extremely useful in the treatment of certain gastric diseases. Pears contain a lot of folic acid, which is important for children, pregnant women and those who are concerned about the problem of hematopoiesis.

Ancient doctors valued pear fruits as a means of promoting the rapid healing of wounds and lowering the temperature. In ancient Arabic works on medicine, it was indicated that pears help treat lung diseases. Pear juice and fruit decoctions have antibacterial activity due to the content of the antibiotic arbutin. They are also used as a means to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

The benefits of this fruit for the digestive system are invaluable. Ripe juicy and sweet pears promote digestion, have fixative properties and are therefore useful for intestinal disorders. Pear pulp is more easily tolerated by the body than apple pulp. Sour and very tart varieties of pears strengthen the stomach and liver, stimulate appetite, but they are more difficult for the body to digest. therefore this species pears are contraindicated in the elderly and those who suffer from severe disorders of the nervous system.

With liver diseases, cholecystitis, gastritis, two pears eaten in the morning will relieve pain and heartburn, and eliminate discomfort in the intestines.

Pears have an invigorating, refreshing and cheerful effect, improve mood.

Pear is very useful for the heart in general and for cardiac arrhythmias in particular. This is due to the fact that the pear contains a lot of potassium, which means that it has alkaline properties that have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. By the way, the better and stronger the smell of a pear, the greater its benefits, especially for the heart. Unlike apples, pears are also good for the lungs.

For cosmetic purposes, ripe pear fruits are used (gruel from them), preferably wild stale pears - they contain more vitamins, organic and biologically active substances.

A pleasant crunch when biting a pear is explained by the presence of stony cells in the pulp, the shells of which consist of lignified fiber. This very fiber irritates the mucous membrane of the small intestine, therefore, with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, eating pears is better refrain.

Below is a table of calories and nutritional value pears.

The product's name Number of grams of the product Contains
pear 100g 47 kcal
one medium pear 135 grams 63.7 kcal
conference pear 100g 56 kcal
proteins 100g 0.4 gr.
fat 100g 0.3 gr
carbohydrates 100g 10.3 gr.
dietary fiber 100g 2.8 gr.
water 100g 85 gr.

100 grams of pear contains the following trace elements: Iron 2.3 mg, Zinc 0.19 mg, Iodine 1 mcg, Copper 120 mcg, Manganese 0.065 mg, Selenium 0.1 mcg, Fluorine 10 mcg, Molybdenum 5 mcg, Boron 130 mcg, Vanadium 5 mcg, Silicon 6 mg, Cobalt 10 mcg, Nickel 17 mcg, Rubidium 44 mc.

100 grams of pear contains the following vitamins:
Beta-carotene 0.01 mg
Vitamin A (RE)2 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.05 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.03 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic) 2 mcg
Vitamin C 5 mg
Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg
Vitamin H (biotin) 0.1 mcg
Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 4.5 mcg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent) 0.2 mg

Pears are used in the pear diet for weight loss

See also: orange calories

©Nika Sestrinskaya - especially for the site

How many calories are in a pear?

The right diet for weight loss necessarily includes foods that help increase metabolism. A pear is just one of these products, and along with kiwi and grapefruit, it should always be present in the diet. In addition to this useful property, it normalizes the digestive tract and liver. In addition, its sweet taste can easily replace your dessert.

How many calories are in a pear?

Exist great amount varieties of pears, and everyone can choose among them the one that tastes better than the rest. Interestingly, the calorie content of red, yellow, green pears is the same - 42 kcal per 100 grams.

Thanks to this indicator, the pear has long secured its position in the list. dietary products. This does not mean that during any diet it can be eaten indefinitely. It can replace your usual desserts to reduce the daily calorie content of the diet and force the body to break down already accumulated body fat.

Knowing how many calories are in a pear (green, yellow or red - it doesn’t matter), nevertheless, it is not recommended to consume more than two pieces per day. One or two fruits is enough to speed up the metabolism. It will be better if you divide one pear into two meals and eat the parts at different times. The more often you eat small portions, the more the metabolism accelerates, which causes the body to expend energy stored in fat.

Calories per pear

The average fruit weighs about 135 g, which means that the calorie content of 1 pc. pears - about 56 calories. If we consider a pear as a dessert, then it is easy to see that this is one of the easiest options. Of course, if you come across large or small fruits, this figure will vary.

Dried pear calories

Many people love sun-dried pears - this is special kind natural dessert, something in between, between dried and fresh fruit. When dieting for weight loss, you should not get carried away with such sweetness, since its calorie content is quite high - 246 kcal per 100 grams. The maximum that you can afford is to add a few slices of such a pear to an unsweetened morning porridge on water to improve its taste. However, after dinner, it is not recommended to use such a product during weight loss.

Another use case dried pear- This is the removal of severe hunger. If you can't have a snack, just slowly chew one slice of dried pear and drink it with a glass of water. Due to the high calorie content, it will satisfy hunger and make it easy to wait for a meal.

How many calories are in a pear and an apple?

Sweet pear and sour apple - where do you think more calories? Many believe that the sweet taste of a pear indicates a large amount of sugars in its composition, which means that it is more nutritious. In fact, they are approximately equal: a pear has 42 kcal, and an apple has 47 kcal per 100 grams.

Accordingly, an average pear weighing 135 g contains 56 kcal, and an average apple (165 g) contains 77. Therefore, if the diet you are using includes apples in the diet, you can safely replace them with pears.

Only an apple eaten on an empty stomach cannot be replaced: this fruit does not contain coarse fiber and has a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane, but a pear, due to the abundance of fibers, can cause abdominal pain. It is better to use it as a separate meal, between breakfast and lunch, for example.

By the way, due to the same coarse fiber, the pear is not recommended for people who suffer from stomach and duodenal ulcers. In this case, it is better to avoid any foods that can potentially irritate the mucous membranes, and instead of a fresh pear, eat a pear casserole, a baked pear, or similar dishes from this fruit.

Pear calories. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Product Calculator

Not all foods contain a complete set of essential vitamins and minerals, so it is very important to eat various products to replenish the body's nutrient needs. The calculator will allow you to easily see the pros and cons of the product and help you create a diet that will be completely balanced.

Chemical composition

Nutritional value and chemical composition "Pear".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 g of the edible part.

The nutritional value

Calories 47 kcal Proteins 0.4 g Fats 0.3 g Carbohydrates 10.3 g Dietary fiber 2.8 g Organic acids 0.5 g Water 85 g Mono- and disaccharides 9.8 g Starch 0.5 g Ash 0.7 g


Vitamin PP 0.1 mg Beta-carotene 0.01 mg Vitamin A (RE) 2 µg Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 0.02 mg Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 0.03 mg Vitamin B5 (pantothenic) 0.05 mg Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) 0.03 mg Vitamin B9 ( folate) 2 mcg Vitamin C5 mg Vitamin E (TE) 0.4 mg Vitamin H (biotin) 0.1 mcg Vitamin K (phylloquinone) 4.5 mcg Vitamin PP (niacin equivalent) 0.2 mg


Calcium 19 mg Magnesium 12 mg Sodium 14 mg Potassium 155 mg Phosphorus 16 mg Chlorine 1 mg Sulfur 6 mg

trace elements

Iron 2.3 mg Zinc 0.19 mg Iodine 1 µg Copper 120 µg Manganese 0.065 mg Selenium 0.1 µg Fluorine 10 µg Molybdenum 5 µg Boron 130 µg Vanadium 5 µg Silicon 6 mg Cobalt 10 µg Nickel 17 µg Rubidium 44 µg

Energy value Pear is 47 kcal.

  • Piece \u003d 135 gr (63.5 kcal)

Calorie content and chemical composition of other products:

Recipes with the product "Pear"

Product calorie analysis

Energy (caloric content) of food accumulates in nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates). It is known that 1 g of fat gives 9 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4 kcal, and 1 g of proteins - 4 kcal. The energy balance chart shows the ratio of these substances in the product based on their contribution to the calorie content of this product. Why do you need this information? Many popular diets are based on this knowledge. For example, the US Department of Health recommends 60% of calories come from carbohydrates and only 30% from fat. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake. Whichever way you choose, our chart will show you how different foods fit your goal.

Pear, calorie content 47 kcal, chemical composition, nutritional value, vitamins, minerals, what is useful Pear, calories, nutrients, beneficial features Pear.

  • Analysis nutritional value- How useful is the product!
  • Diagrams - chemical composition in graphs.

Home - Composition of products - Composition of fruits and berries - Chemical composition "Pear"

What is useful Pear

pear rich the following vitamins and minerals: organic acids - 25 %, silicon - 20 %, cobalt - 100 %.

Where % is the percentage of satisfaction daily allowance per 100 gr.

The complete guide to the most useful products you can look in the My Healthy Diet app.

Useful properties of Pear


Energy value or calories is the amount of energy released in the human body from food during digestion. The energy value of the product is measured in kilo-calories (kcal) or kilo-joules (kJ) per 100 grams. product. Kilocalorie used for measurement energy value foodstuffs, also known as food calorie”, therefore, when indicating calories in (kilo) calories, the prefix kilo is often omitted. You can see detailed tables of energy value for Russian products here.

The nutritional value- the content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the product.

Nutritional value of a food product- a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic matter required in small quantities in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during food preparation or processing. food products.

How to cook the dish "Green Salad with Pear"

  1. Wash lettuce leaves, dry and spread on big dish to be served at the table.
  2. Wash and peel fresh cucumbers, remove seeds from them. Cut peeled cucumbers into small cubes.
  3. Also wash and peel the pears. Cut into cubes the same size as the cucumber.
  4. Place the pears and cucumber in a pile on the lettuce leaves in the center of the dish and season with a little salt.
  5. Make the dressing: mash with a fork homogeneous mass cheese with sour cream. Finely chop the dill and add to the mixture. Pepper everything. Spread dressing over pears and cucumber.
  6. Toast the sesame seeds in a dry frying pan and sprinkle them over the salad.

Sesame, pears, cheese and green leaves- the most exquisite combination in one salad! Please your loved ones with bright, juicy dish with amazing taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Ingredients for Green Pear Salad Recipe:

  • Pears - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Feta cheese - 200 gr.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Sesame - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Dill - 40 gr.
  • Salad - 1 pc.
  • Salt (to taste) - 2 gr.
  • Pepper (to taste) - 2 gr.

The nutritional value of the dish Green salad with pear "(per 100 grams):

Calories: 120.1 kcal.

Proteins: 5.4 gr.

Fats: 8.7 gr.

Carbohydrates: 5.1 gr.

Servings: 4

Green salad with pear - step by step recipe with photo

Components and calorie content of the recipe "Green salad with pear"

(the calorie and bju data are calculated approximately, excluding uvarki and uzharki)

Product Measure Weight, gr Bel, gr Fat, gr Ang, gr Cal, kcal
pear 2 pcs 270 1.08 0.81 29.43 113.4
cucumber 2 pcs 200 1.6 0.2 5.6 30
Chees Feta 200 gr 200 34 48 0 580
sour cream 10% (low fat) 100 gr 100 3 10 2.9 115
sesame 2 tbsp 40 7.76 19.48 4.88 226
dill 40 gr 40 1 0.2 2.52 15.2
salad 1 PC 50 0.6 0.15 0.65 6
salt 2 gr 2 0 0 0 0
ground red pepper 2 gr 2 0.01 0.01 0.09 0.42
Total 904 49.1 78.9 46.1 1086
1 portion 226 12.3 19.7 11.5 271.5
100g 100 5.4 8.7 5.1 120.1

Recipe card

Click on the card to enlarge. To save the card, right-click on the picture and select "Save Image As..." or similar.

Is a pear high in calories?

Tatyana Serzhantova

Calorie pear (100 grams) - 42-44 kcal.
Pears - very useful and delicious fruit. Pears are rich in sugars, organic acids, enzymes, fiber, tannins, nitrogen and pectin, vitamins C, B1, P, PP, carotene (provitamin A), as well as flavonoids and phytoncides.
Especially useful are pears that smell fragrant, so when buying pears, pay attention to their smell.
Useful substances contained in pears (content per 100 g of product):
Vitamins: Carotene - 0.01 mg, B1 - 0.02 mg, B2 - 0.03 mg, B5 - 0.05 mg, B6 - 0.03 mg, Sun - 2.0 mg, C - 2-10, 0 mg, E - 0.36 mg, H - 0.1 μg, PP-0.1 mg.
Macroelements: potassium - 155 mg, calcium - 19 mg, magnesium - 12 mg, sodium - 14 mg, phosphorus - 16 mg.
Trace elements: iron - 450-2300 mcg, cobalt - 1 mcg, manganese - 261 mcg, copper - 135 mcg, molybdenum - 41 mcg, nickel - 7 mcg, zinc - 130 mcg.

What are the benefits of pears
Eating pears is recommended in a very large number of cases. Moreover, it is recommended by both traditional medicine recipes and doctors.
* Pear has a low calorie content, so it is recommended in many diets.
* Pears have a lot of folic acid (even more than blackcurrants). Therefore, the pear is especially useful for children and pregnant women.
* Tannins contained in pear fruits - have a strengthening effect on the stomach and intestines.
* Pear contains a large amount of potassium, which has beneficial effect on the heart and heart rate.
* Pears improve mood and have an invigorating effect on the body.
* Decoctions of pears have antibacterial properties and help to remove toxins from the body.

Pears should be eaten properly
* Pears should not be eaten on an empty stomach
* pears can not be washed down with water
* after pears you can not eat meat
* after eating, wait at least 30 minutes before eating a pear



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When it comes to weight loss, every calorie counts! The more correctly you compose your diet, the faster and brighter the results will be. It is worth considering not only the calorie content of products, but also useful material that they contain. After all, it often happens that the weight is only because of the reduced. The composition and calorie content of the pear makes this fruit an ideal assistant for those who seek to reduce weight.

pear calories

Like most herbal products, the pear has a fairly low calorie content - only 42 kcal. Of these, 0.4 g of protein, 0.3 g of fat and 10.9 g of carbohydrates.

This allows you to use pears as a dessert on a diet. It is very difficult for many sweet tooths without sweet foods at all, and most break down. Instead of pouncing on an extraordinary cake, it is better to include pears in your diet - this will harmonize your diet, and most importantly, will suit your tastes.

Taking into account the fact that the calorie content of a pear is 42 kcal per 100 grams, one standard-sized fruit weighing 135 g contains 56 calories. Almost any other dessert, be it cookies, cake, pastries, chocolate or other familiar sweets, with the same weight will be much more high-calorie.

It is worth noting that the calorie content of a yellow pear (or, as it is also called, sand, Asian), is also equal to 42 kcal per 100 grams.

dried pear calories

During the drying process, dehydration occurs - the removal of moisture from the product. It is moisture that forms the basis of the weight of fruits, therefore, after such a procedure, the raw material becomes much lighter, but the substances in it are concentrated, which provokes an increase in the calorie content of the product.

So, for example, a dried pear has a calorie content of 249 kcal. Because of this, they are recommended to be used for compotes, but not eaten directly in a dry form - this can cause a set of extra calories.

Calories in apples and pears

Many people believe that a pear has more calories than an apple. People draw this false conclusion based on the taste of fruits - after all, a pear is sweeter. But there are more sugars in an apple, and their taste is interrupted large quantity fruit acids, which are contained in it in very large quantities.

If we compare the calorie content of these two popular fruits, it turns out that an apple is somewhat larger in this indicator: 47 kcal versus 42. The difference in these numbers only seems insignificant, because if you eat fruits in large quantities, the gap will increase.

In addition, if a standard pear weighs about 135 grams, then a standard apple weighs 165 grams. Therefore, the calorie content of one pear is 56 kcal, and one apple is 77 kcal. You can easily calculate how this difference will increase if you eat at least a couple of fruits a day.

Pears on a diet

For those with a sweet tooth, pears are an ideal substitute for sweets in the diet. To make yours as tasty as possible and not yearn for sweets, try this menu for the day:

Note - all sweets are supposed to be eaten with a separate meal, and preferably in the morning (maximum until 16.00). Dinner should take place no later than three hours before bedtime. If you didn’t have time to eat during this period, replace dinner with a glass of fat-free kefir and go to bed.

With this approach, you will quickly lose extra pounds and gain beautiful figure without harm to health and the rejection of delicious dishes.

Pear is a frequent guest on our table during the harvest period. This unique fruit has a special taste, and besides, the pear is very useful for the human body. Today it is difficult to say how long humanity has been growing a pear, but one thing is clear: its history has been lost for centuries. Two thousand years ago there were treatises on how to grow a pear, and it can be assumed that since by that time mankind had experience in this matter, it means that the history of the pear began even earlier.

The pear was valued in the ancient world by no means for the calorie content of the pear. Probably, already in those days, our ancestors appreciated its beneficial properties. Modern pear varieties have not become less useful, but something has changed in them. According to research, ancient pears were quite tough fruits, while today this fruit literally melts in your mouth. It was possible to achieve such a qualitative improvement in the taste properties of a pear relatively recently, only in the 18th century. Belgian and French breeders worked on this. At the same time, the calorie content of the pear remained practically unchanged.

Growing a pear is not as easy as it might seem. This plant requires good care. But the harvest from young trees can be harvested no earlier than in a few years, but the size of the crop will be quite significant. Today the autumn and winter varieties pears They differ in their taste, and besides, winter varieties are very hard immediately after they are removed from the branches, and become soft only after they lie down for some time in a cool place.

The benefits of a pear

Like many other fruits, the pear has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine. This is due to its constituent useful trace elements and vitamins. The pear is also a rich source of pectins and organic acids. It is rich in sugars, but despite this, the calorie content of the pear makes it possible to use it in diet menu. The pear contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamin K, retinol and folic acid, which is especially necessary for pregnant women. In addition, the composition of the pear includes minerals. These include iodine, sulfur, cobalt, molybdenum, selenium, zinc, silicon and boron, a rare trace element that helps retain calcium in the body. Pear is rich in fiber, which normalizes the work of the digestive tract and removes toxins from the body.

Regular consumption of pears will bring invaluable benefits to the body. First of all, strengthen the immune system, mood improves and depressive states disappear, the work of the circulatory system is restored, blood vessels are cleansed and strengthened. Pear has diuretic properties, so it is recommended to use it for people suffering from kidney disease. Dietary Properties pears allow it to be used in the diet of those who suffer from diabetes, obesity and disorders of the pancreas. First of all, this is due to the low calorie content of the pear.

The pear is called the "queen of fruits" for its extraordinary delicate fragrance and tender pulp. Interestingly, the pear is consumed almost entirely. Unlike other fruits, there is almost no waste from it. The softness of the pear makes it indispensable in the nutrition of children, since the pear practically melts in the mouth and is easily digested. Also, it is worth noting that the pear is one of the few fruits that does not cause food allergies. Giving a pear to a baby, you can not worry about the fact that after a while an allergic reaction will follow. The use of a pear prolongs youth and beauty.

Despite the enormous benefits of the pear, there are certain contraindications to its use, and this is not at all the calorie content of the pear. You need to know that it is worth consuming only fully ripened fruits, then the benefits of the pear are fully manifested. Hard and sour fruits are not recommended for the elderly and young children. Fresh pears are contraindicated in the stage of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In addition, pears should not be eaten on an empty stomach or washed down with water. After a hearty dinner and before eating a pear, at least 1.5 hours should pass.

As already mentioned, the pear is a source of natural sugars, and this fact is of particular concern to those who count how many calories are in a pear. However, nutritionists recommend including pears in diets aimed at weight loss. This is largely due to the presence of a large number fiber. The vitamin and mineral composition of the pear allows you to meet the body's needs for vitamins and trace elements during the diet. So how many calories are in a pear and is this indicator dangerous for the waist?

The calorie content of a pear is 47 kcal per 100 g. As you can see, this is not much at all, however, since the average fruit weighs slightly more than 100 g, the calorie content of 1 pear will be slightly higher. On average, one medium pear weighs about 150 g, which means that the calorie content of 1 pear will be about 71 kcal. Thus, you can easily calculate how many pears a day you can eat so as not to exceed the recommended daily allowance calories. As you can see, the calorie content of 1 pear allows you to include at least one such fruit in your daily diet. Given the calorie content of pears, 1 piece can satisfy your hunger, and two pears will be a great substitute for one main meal.

In this regard, it is quite natural to use a pear as a product for a mono-diet. After staying on it for 2-3 days, you can lose a few extra pounds, and most importantly, cleanse the body of toxins and significantly improve well-being. Knowing the calorie content of 1 pear, you can easily calculate how many calories per day you will consume while on a pear diet. I must say that such a diet will become very effective, but at the same time, before deciding to sit on it, you should definitely consult a doctor. But almost everyone can withstand a fasting day on pears without much difficulty. The calorie content of 1 pear should not scare those who follow their figure. This amazing fruit will not cause extra pounds if consumed in reasonable amounts. But the benefits of a pear cannot be overestimated.

4.5714285714286 4.57 out of 5 (7 Votes)

A pear is a fruit that grows both in young countries and in the central black earth zone, this decorative tree which pleases with its delicious fruits both adults and children.

One hundred grams of pear contains only 42 calories. The weight of one pear is approximately 130 grams, respectively, there are slightly more calories in it - 63. The content of proteins in 100g of pear is 0.4 g; fat - 0.3; carbohydrates 10.8 gr..

The conference pear contains about 56 kcal. The Neshi pear (Chinese pear) contains 40-42 kcal per 100 g of fruit. In the pear "Williams" 50-54 kcal.

Concerning pear jam, then its calorie content increases to 270 kcal per 100 g of the product, due to the addition of sugar.

Pear juice is fermented, but it does not lose its beneficial properties. Its calorie content is per 100 gr. - 249, in dried fruit 270 kcal.

The composition and benefits of pears

The benefits of pears for the human body are invaluable. It is rich in such useful elements as:

  • organic acids,
  • fiber,
  • enzymes
  • tannins
  • pectin,
  • nitrogen substances
  • vitamins B1, C, P, A, PP,
  • carotene,
  • flavonoids
  • Phytoncides,
  • folic acid.

It seems to many that a pear has more calories than an apple. But it's not. Despite. That she's much sweeter and tastier than apples. It contains less sugar than apples.

Pear has a beneficial effect on the body and helps to get rid of many problems, it is also used in traditional medicine. It has on the body:

  1. antipyretic action,
  2. strengthening action,
  3. diuretic action,
  4. antitussive action,
  5. Disinfectant action

In order for the pear to nourish the body, it is important to use it separately from meat dishes, you can eat a pear after eating in 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to drink several times a week as a general tonic. pear juice. Pear broth is used as an antiseptic for the body.

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  • Review: Girls, what you are reading here is complete BULLSHIT! I have suffered from OVERWEIGHT since childhood. I tried exercises, all diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

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    WARNING, she is DANGEROUS! There are even girls who abused it and became anorexics! After that, they even want to ban him!!!

    Here's what PROFESSIONAL NUTRITIONISTS say about it 👉 👈 this site is banned‼ ❌ Be careful, I heard there are fakes!

  • Review: Women, what you are reading here is complete BULLSHIT! I suffered from OBESITY for a very long time. I tried sports, diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

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    WARNING, she is DANGEROUS! There are even girls who abused this thing and became anorexics! After that, they even want to ban him in our country!!!

    Here is what DOCTORS write about him 👉 👈 this is a banned site❗ ✖ Be careful, I read that there are many fakes!

  • Review: Girls, what you see here is NON-SHELL! I have suffered from OVERWEIGHT for many years. I tried exercises, all diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

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    I lost weight that my friends stopped recognizing me😋 And most importantly, my beloved looks at me in a completely different way, he says that he fell in love with me again❤

    But WARNING, it is VERY DANGEROUS! There are even girls who abused this thing and became anorexics! After that, they want to ban it!!!

    Here's what DIETOLOGISTS write about it 👉 👈 this is a banned site❗ ⚠ Be careful, I read that there are a lot of fakes!

  • Feedback: Girls, what you see here is FULL! I suffered from OBESITY for a very long time. I tried sports, diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

    Then I found one remedy and I LOST WEIGHT WITHOUT DIETS by 21kg PER MONTH!
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    I lost weight that my friends don’t recognize me😃 And most importantly, my beloved looks at me differently, he says that he FALLED in love with me again😘

    But WARNING, it is VERY DANGEROUS! There are even girls who abused this thing and became anorexics! After that, it will even soon be banned in our country!!!

    Here's what DOCTORS say about him 👉 👈 this is a banned site‼ ⛔ Be careful, I heard that there are a lot of fakes!

  • Review: Women, what you are reading here is NONUS! I have suffered from OVERWEIGHT for many years. I tried exercises, diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

    Then a friend advised me one remedy and I LOST WEIGHT WITHOUT DIETS by 19kg PER MONTH!
    I was SHOCKED!!! From this thing you really lose weight INSTANTLY!
    I lost weight so quickly that my girlfriends don’t recognize me😃 And now my beloved looks at me differently, he says that he fell in love with me again😍

    But WARNING, it is VERY DANGEROUS! There are girls who abused it and became anarexic! After that, it will even soon be banned in our country!!!

    Here's what DIETOLOGISTS write about him 👉 👈 this site is banned‼ ✖ Be careful, I read there are a lot of fakes!

  • Review: Women, what you see here is NON-SHELL! I have suffered from OBESITY for many years. I tried sports, all diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

    Then a friend recommended one remedy to me and I LOST WEIGHT WITHOUT DIETS by 23kg in just a MONTH!
    I was SHOCKED!!! From this you lose weight INSTANTLY!
    I lost weight that my friends don’t recognize me😋 And most importantly, my beloved looks at me in a completely different way, he says that he fell in love with me again😘

    But WARNING, it's DANGEROUS! There are even women who have abused it and become anarexic! After that, it will soon be banned from us!!!

    Here's what DIETOLOGISTS say about him 👉 👈 this is a banned site‼ ✖ Be careful, I read there are fakes!

  • Feedback: Girls, what you see here is FULL! I have suffered from OVERWEIGHT since childhood. I tried exercises, diets and folk remedies, but nothing helped ((

    Then my friend recommended the product to me and I LOADED WITHOUT DIETS for 19kg in just a month!
    I was SHOCKED!!! From this thing you really lose weight FAST!
    I lost weight so quickly that my friends stopped recognizing me😜 And most importantly, my beloved now looks at me completely differently, he says that he fell in love with me again❤

    But WARNING, she is VERY DANGEROUS! There are even girls who abused this thing and became anexics! After that, they even want to ban him in our country!!!

    This is what PROFESSIONAL DIETISTICS write about it 👉 👈 this site is banned‼ ⛔ Be careful, I read that there are fakes!

  • Jun-24-2014

    About pear

    Pear. Well, who does not know her! Man has discovered the fruits of this fruit tree since time immemorial. Surely, each of us remembered in childhood the wonderful taste and indescribable aroma of these fruits. And in the skillful hands of our mothers and grandmothers, pear fruits turned into sweet jams, jams and compotes. The pear can be dried in reserve.

    First, let's remember the beneficial properties of pears. The composition of these fruits includes biologically active substances that will help us get rid of depression, strengthen immunity, and tend to relieve inflammation. Due to the presence of vitamins in the pear (for example, A, B, C, E, P, PP), as well as glucose, sucrose and mineral components, the use of this fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscles, metabolic processes, and digestion. The pear is considered low-calorie product, and you can use it even when dieting.

    Pear fruits are a highly valuable food product. They contain 10% sugars, 0.3% tannins, 2.6% fiber, vitamins, organic acids. The fruits of culture and wild pears used in fresh, dried and canned form, as well as for the preparation of candied fruits, jam, jam, bekmes ( pear honey), pastilles. Produced from pear fruit soft drinks, juices, kvass, vinegar, special wines, alcohol.

    Pears are used fresh, boiled and dried, for the preparation of marmalade, jam, compotes, juices, etc. Fruit seeds are part of coffee liqueurs. For dessert, varieties of pears with tender pulp are usually served. In folk medicine, they are prescribed as a fixing, diuretic, antipyretic and antitussive agent. Pears have anti-inflammatory and anti-sclerotic effects. Their diuretic property is explained by the presence in the fruits of a large amount of potassium, which contributes to the excretion of water and salt from the human body.

    The low calorie content of the pear and the low content of carbohydrates makes it possible to use it for patients with diabetes, people suffering from various disorders in the pancreas and obesity. It has also been found that the pear stimulates the immune system, helps to remove toxins, heavy metals, and the astringents contained in it strengthen the stomach and intestines.

    Before use, fresh fruits are recommended to be peeled, as there are indigestible stony cells under it. However, it should be removed in a thin layer, because in the upper part of the pulp there are many vitamins and aromatic substances.

    A good result for cleansing the body, preventing cardiovascular diseases is given by unloading "pear" days. Given the low calorie content of the pear, the fruit thus additionally helps to fight overweight. Should only eat twice a week fresh pears: 1.5 or 2 kilograms per day. If the fruits are very hard, they can be welded a little.

    There are simple rules for eating pears:

    • You can not eat pears on an empty stomach.
    • You need to eat pears only half an hour after eating.
    • It is not recommended to drink pears with water, especially cold.
    • After pears, you should not eat heavy food, such as meat.
    • Fresh pears are difficult for digestion, but boiled pears are more beneficial for the stomach.

    Pear fruit is necessary and healthy, and besides it is also very tasty. The pear is sweet, although it contains much less sugar than, for example, an apple. The pear is oily or crunchy, depending on the variety, but always juicy. And even sour varieties of pears, which are distinguished by a tart taste, are still good for health, as they strengthen the stomach.

    The more aromatic the pear, the more useful it is, because fragrant pear varieties also contain essential oils helping to strengthen the immune system and fight depression.

    Very often you can hear the question - how many calories are in a pear? The calorie content of a pear is primarily of interest to those people who are used to monitoring their weight and therefore counting calories, as well as those who want to get rid of extra pounds and follow a diet. Let's try to answer this question.

    How many calories in a conference pear:

    Conference is an old English variety of pear. Its fruits have a tender and fragrant pulp, very sweet, with wonderful taste properties.

    Calorie pear conference - 46 kcal per 100 gr. product

    How many calories in a duchess pear:

    The Duchess variety is deservedly ranked among the best dessert pear varieties. Pear fruits have a yellowish-white flesh, sweet and juicy, with a slight nutmeg aroma.

    Calorie pear Duchesse - 42 kcal per 100 gr. product

    How many calories in Chinese pear:

    Until recently considered "exotic", the Chinese pear has become a familiar guest on our table today. This fruit comes from China. It is also called "our" or "nasi". Its fruits have a characteristic shape - a cross between a pear and an apple. The pear has a very juicy pulp. The taste is sweetish, with a slight sourness.

    calories Chinese pear- 42 kcal per 100 gr. product

    How many calories in pakham pear:

    Pakham is called one of the most fragrant varieties of pears. The fruits of this pear variety have a tender, sweet-sour pulp.

    Calorie pear Pakham - 42 kcal per 100 gr. product

    How many calories in 1 pear:

    Not everyone is used to measuring the amount of food consumed in grams. For many of us, quantities such as “spoon”, “cup”, or “thing” are much more familiar. So, how many calories are in one pear fruit?

    Calorie content of one pear - an average of about 30 kcal

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    More on the same topic:

    1. Konkretno writes,

      There are several rules for eating pears. Although we eat them without any rules. But still. It is not recommended to eat pears on an empty stomach, but it is recommended to eat them only half an hour after eating. Don't drink pears cold water, do not eat meat after pears. And all will be well!

    2. Senya writes,

      Highly useful pear is with anemia, because it is rich in iron. It is also recommended to use pears with increased fatigue, with dizziness and frequent heartbeat, with poor appetite. We should not forget about potassium, the content of which in a pear is very significant - it is useful for violations of the functions of the heart muscle, with slow tissue growth, with nervousness and insomnia, with high level cholesterol in the blood.