Making fortune cookies. Chinese fortune cookies - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to prepare them at home

Best Cookie Recipes by step by step instructions with photo

fortune cookies

30 minutes

380 kcal

3 /5 (2 )

On the eve of the holidays, you always want to please your friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbors... I don’t know about you, but for me full list“gifted” takes up a page of the diary. Naturally, you can’t buy everyone an expensive gift, so I try to make something with my own hands, preferably something simple and inexpensive. This year I decided to bake fortune cookies, because such a cute present, and even made with my own hands, will surely be liked by everyone.

By the way, these cookies are often called Chinese, but the Japanese are sure that it was in their country that such a dessert was invented. The right of the latest version to live is confirmed by the tradition of distributing sweets with wishes inside in Japanese temples. Although the Chinese have a legend about how the future first emperor of the Ming dynasty baked pies, inside of which there were leaves with a proclamation for an uprising against the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, which ruled at that time.

However, stories are stories, and let’s get down to cooking. Moreover, making such cookies is very simple and quick!

Kitchen appliances. To quickly make these cookies, prepare a mixer and oven. Heat the latter to a temperature of 160-180 degrees.

List of ingredients

Let me emphasize that these cookies are very simple and cheap. Simpler and more accessible, perhaps, is only my mother’s favorite. Let's figure out which products you can't do without?

Did you know? Vanilla can be replaced with other spices (in the original cookies they put cinnamon, but I don’t like it) or essences. To make the cookies more original, you can add a little dye to the dough. Prepare narrow strips of paper or ready-made predictions.

How to choose the right ingredients

  • Be sure to check the eggs for freshness: put them in water. If they lie on the bottom - great, a little worse if they “stand”. Those that floated have already deteriorated.
  • Starch can be taken from both potato and corn– in the latter case, the cookies will be crispier.
  • If you use a dye, choose a natural-based product.

Step-by-step recipe for fortune cookies at home

Stage one, preparing the dough

  1. Sift flour and starch through a sieve and mix.

  2. Add sugar and vanilla and mix again.

  3. Separate the whites, beat into a fluffy foam.

  4. Carefully pour in water and butter (if using butter, melt first), beat again.

  5. Gradually add the sugar-flour mixture without stopping whisking. Ready dough should resemble liquid sour cream.

Stage two, baking

Stage three, “predictive”.

How to Serve Chinese Fortune Cookies

I have already started preparing boxes for these cookies: putting them in bags will not work due to their fragility. But a box made of thick cardboard, tied with a ribbon, is what you need. The “gift option” can also be placed in muffin tins - this way you won’t crush the cookies while you bring them to the recipient.

If you don’t want to give such cookies to anyone or are making them for yourself, put the baked goods on a large plate. Can be served with cookies hot chocolate or liquid chocolate glaze(for the biggest sweet tooth).

As for drinks - Chinese green tea, herbal infusions, milk and even homemade compote make a great pair for cookies! In addition, by preparing them, you can arrange a real tea ceremony.

Fortune cookie video recipe

Want to see how to bake these cookies? Then watch the following video, which shows all the steps and also gives cooking tips.


Fortune cookies are so easy to make but so creative! These cookies will be a great surprise for your beloved friends :)

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↝ Flour, 1/2 cup (250 ml glass
↝ Sugar, 1/2 cup
↝ Starch, 1.5 tsp.
Egg whites, 2 pcs.
Vanilla sugar
↝ Salt, pinch
Vegetable oil, 3 tbsp.
↝ Water, 3 tsp.
↝ Dye optional

Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 5 minutes.

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The composition “Daily Beetle” belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
Original version:


Variations on a theme

  • Instead of leaflets with predictions, you can put a nut or almond chips inside.
  • Try replacing sugar with honey: melt the latter and add to the whites while beating.
  • Above Ready-made cookies can be glazed, however, do this carefully so that the dough does not become soggy.
  • If you love coconut, try brushing the tops of the cookies and sprinkling them on top coconut flakes. This easy way combine two in one: the delicate taste of coconut and predictions. By the way, easy recipe for exotic lovers you will find it in a separate article.

As you can see, even novice cooks can bake fortune cookies. It's a lot of fun to make these baked goods with the kids (don't forget to bring them some protective gloves!). By the way, a great addition for family tea party will become and, which even preschoolers can prepare. It's good to bake for kids. And if you are inspired by the idea of ​​making sweet gifts, try baking some delicious Gingerbread Cookie or make something simple but tasty.

Did you like the recipe? How would you add or change it? Share your opinion in the comments and be sure to tell us if you managed to cook this original delicacy. Bon appetit!

Do you believe in miracles? What about predictions? Even if you don't take it too seriously, don't miss out on the opportunity to have great fun with simple baking. Simple but unusual - fortune cookies are perfect for holidays, various parties and feasts. It's very simple - inside every cookie baked in a special way, put foil or paper with a fortune. Some believe that this tradition came to us from the Chinese.

First, a thick pancake is baked and wrapped hot in a corner. A piece of paper with an inscription is placed in the pocket. You can make them in the form of rolls or in several layers. Guests choose cookies and unfold the fortune. What exactly to write on the pieces of paper is a matter of your imagination, the main thing is that it is fun. In any case, cookies of good luck, or happiness - as they are sometimes called, will add a lively note and excitement to your holiday. Wishes of love and happiness, wealth, a comic poem, a prediction about your future profession, and so on - everything that comes to your mind and is in tune with the holiday.

Entertainment meets with a bang as a company on children's day birth, and an adult feast, for example, a student one. Americans believe in omens; they call them cookies of Fate or Fortune and often put in numbers that they later use in lotteries. There are cases when options chosen in this way brought winnings to the lottery. So, we bake fortune cookies to give our loved ones hope and good luck.

Fortune cookies - food preparation

For a child's birthday, you can make crumbly sweet cookies. We will write about the predictions themselves at the end, but now we will focus on the baking recipe. More crumbly cookies It will work if you take only yolks, not whole eggs, and use powdered sugar instead of sugar. Products baked fastest are made from shortcrust pastry, the main ingredients are flour, sugar and butter, with the addition of eggs.

Fortune cookies - best recipes

Recipe 1: Fortune Cookies (Chinese Rolls)

These cookies can be prepared with with different fillings- the bigger, the better. It could be raisins, chocolate, nuts, dried apricots, prunes - children will get double pleasure from waiting not only for predictions, but also for the filling.

Ingredients: butter: 100 grams, powdered sugar (0.5 -1 cup), yolks (3 pcs), flour (1 cup), vodka (1 spoon).

Cooking method

Come up with a text for your predictions in advance. It's better if it's a surprise for the children. Wrap the leaves in foil.
Grind the yolks with sugar and butter at room temperature. Add vodka, add enough flour so that the dough is plastic and not crumbly. Roll out the layer on the table and cut into rectangles. We put the pieces of paper and filling inside and roll up the rolls. Bake in the oven for about 10-15 minutes, temperature t=200~220°C. As soon as the rolls are browned, the cookies are ready. To sprinkle finished goods powdered sugar, and some of them can be poured with melted chocolate.

Recipe 2: Fortune Cookies (Cinnamon)

The egg white dough will be more airy and crispy. The triangles come out with a beautiful wavy shape.

Ingredients: flour (130 grams), sugar (50 grams), vanillin (0.5 teaspoon, or sachet vanilla sugar), salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, vegetable oil (corn and rapeseed can be used), proteins (3 pieces).

Cooking method

Combine flour and granulated sugar with salt, a pinch of cinnamon, nutmeg, and starch. Beat the butter and egg whites until foamy, stir in a spoonful of water and add vanillin. Use a teaspoon to spread the dough with the back of the spoon and smooth it out to form a circle with a diameter of 5-7 centimeters. Bake two mugs at a time, place them at a distance of 10 cm. Baking time is 10-12 minutes. The edges of the tortillas should be slightly toasted.

Open the oven and lift out the circle. On a cutting board, quickly place the prediction and wrap the cake 2 times, pinch the edges. Quickly wrap the resulting semicircle around the edges of the cup and place it edges down so that when it hardens, the same shape remains. Bake all cookies in this manner. You can use melted toffee for decoration. boiled condensed milk, multi-colored sprinkles.

Recipe 3: Fortune cookies (starch)

Starch and flour will make the cookies more airy, they hold their shape well and harden in the form of a triangular envelope. Besides, it is very tasty.

Ingredients: proteins (2 pcs), starch (1.5 spoons). Flour (60 grams), vanillin, vegetable oil (3 tablespoons), powdered sugar (50 grams), salt.

Cooking method

Beat the whites, add butter and powder, add vanillin and stir everything until foam appears. Add starch to flour and salt. Spread baking paper on a roasting pan and spoon out a tablespoon of dough. Flatten the thin flat cakes. Bake for 10 – 12 minutes. The center will be light and the edges will be golden. Quickly remove the cookies from the sheet and insert the prediction. Fold in half and do the same again. It turns out to be a nice triangle with jagged edges. Place the “corners” in the glasses and wait until they cool down.

Prediction options:

Examples of texts for children

— A trip to the zoo with your parents is just around the corner!
- Your cherished dream will come true - you will receive a prize!
- You will grow 2 cm by next summer!
- If you hear your favorite song on the radio, you will be lucky.
— Laughter prolongs life. A joke from you!
- The hero's power increases three times.
- On New Year wait for a letter from Dela Moroz.
“You’ll be hungry again in an hour.”
— Your future profession is a trainer of hedgehogs (guinea pigs, elephants, etc.)
— A giraffe will smile at you at the zoo.
- A fun journey awaits you.
- You will have a new girlfriend.
- Virtual kiss.
— Soon you will see your favorite cartoon.

Prediction options for adults

- Your love is mutual.
- Don’t resist the new, life will change for the better.
- Ask for help from the audience - your friends will help you.
— Your goals are quite achievable. Develop an action plan immediately.
- The rusty lock will finally open, and you will do it!
- Your hopes will come true faster than you expect.
“Your cause is just, you will achieve victory, success is yours.”
- Buy a lottery immediately - you will win.
- Hopelessly in love with you.
- Don't listen to anyone's advice, and luck will be on your side.
— An interesting adventure awaits you.
- Money will fall straight from heaven to you.
- Look around! You're just walking with money!
— The darkness is dissipating, there is light ahead!
- The one who walks will master the road.
- It's time for you to get out of the house.
- Just say “Yes!”
— By autumn, your feelings will become deeper.

To make the dough, prepare: 2.5 cups flour, 2 eggs, 250 g margarine, 2/3 cup sugar, cocoa.

Prepare shortbread dough very easy:

1. First mix until homogeneous mass softened margarine, eggs and sugar. Add cocoa and flour to them. You can knead the dough.

2. Now take a rolling pin and roll out the dough to a thickness 1 cm. Using cutters, cut out hearts(squares, Christmas trees, diamonds - whatever), use a cocktail straw to make two holes in the middle of the cookies.

3. Place the figures on a baking sheet, having previously covered it with a sheet of parchment. Bake in preheated oven until done(about 20 min).

Let's get to the fun part! Decorating our cookies.

To decorate the finished cookies you will need: glaze (powdered sugar - 200 g, white of one egg), food colorings, pastry bag and nozzle No. 1, scissors, paper, colored satin ribbons.

1. Mix powdered sugar with egg white and beat well until the glaze becomes thick.

2. You can leave the glaze white, or add a few drops of food coloring.

3. Place the icing in a bag with a tip and decorate the cookies.

First, trace the outline of the cookies and the holes, then fill the entire surface.

Cookies must dry for at least 5 hours.

4. On small pieces of paper the size of cookies. write your wishes: happiness, health, love, fulfillment of wishes, etc. Roll each wish into a tube.

5. Pull ribbons through the holes in the cookies. and tie wishes with them, don’t forget to tie a bow.

Hooray! Sweet cookies, a creative surprise and an unusual gift are ready. Hurry up and treat your friends!

We so often surprise our loved ones with our taste and... appearance baking or any other dishes that we simply forget that we can make a kind of game out of it. So, with the help of cookies you can confess your feelings or predict your fate, as they do in China. But why, if the Chinese are doing it, can't we do the same? Firstly, the method of preparing such cookies seems at all original, and secondly, the process of inventing various phrases that you will place inside the cookies is quite creative. As for the taste of the cookies, it is very original, and resembles koala cookies or a slightly flattened sponge cake. Although here, most likely, I am judging the cookie recipe, because it resembles the cooking method, on chicken eggs. So let's get started.


  • chicken proteins – 2 pieces;
  • wheat flour – 60 grams;
  • powdered sugar – 50 grams;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tablespoons;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • dye - optional.
  • total cooking time: 20 minutes;
  • total number of cookies: 12 pieces.

How to make fortune cookies:

1. First you need to prepare the filling for our cookies. You can find templates for wishes and predictions on the Internet, or you can write something from the bottom of your heart. For the master class, I chose wishes taken from the Internet. Afterwards, as soon as you print or write the text, you should cut it into thin strips that will definitely fit into our future cookies.

2. Beat the chicken whites in a completely dry and clean bowl. It is advisable to add salt to them so that the process goes faster and more actively. As soon as you get a stable but slightly loose mass, add powdered sugar. The mass will become more tender and homogeneous, almost perfectly white. Using a kitchen spatula or spoon, place it in a bowl.

3. Using a sieve, add to the whites wheat flour. Mix everything with a spoon, from bottom to top and from right to left. We do not use a mixer at this stage when preparing this type of dough. After flour, vegetable oil is added to the dough and everything is mixed again.

4. The dough is ready!

5. Typically, parchment paper is used when making these cookies. Some people use a silicone mat, but for some reason I didn’t experiment with it. And it’s much easier to draw circles of the same size on paper. The dough should be spread on parchment and put into the oven. Bake the cookies for about 5-7 minutes until the edges are golden. Recommended heating temperature is 200 degrees.

6. Ready-made cookies must be removed from the oven one by one, otherwise they will harden very quickly and become unyielding. Once you have extracted it, place your prediction or wish in the center.

Please note that I wear gloves. Postpone hot temperature I can't handle cookies just out of a hot oven yet. You can do the same.

7. As soon as the filling is inside, press the edges of the cookies together and make a “dumpling” out of it.

8. The dumplings should be pressed against the edge of the glass as shown in the photo. Explaining this action in words will not be so easy.

9. The finished cookies should be placed in a narrow container so that they take shape. If you do not fix the cookies with wishes, they will turn back into dumplings from the 7th step.

10. Dry the cookies in the air for a couple of minutes and they can be easily broken, but meanwhile, they will remain as tender and tasty as it was originally intended.

Bon appetit and have a nice evening!!!

Best regards, Yulia.

Fortune Cookie Recipes

If you want to experiment at home and try baking fortune cookies yourself, we have prepared a selection for you various recipes, choose which one you like best!

Your Happy Cookies

You can decorate fortune cookies baked according to these recipes: different ways: Cover with glaze, melted toffee, boiled condensed milk and apply colorful sprinkles on top.

The dough is prepared depending on the preferences of relatives and friends. It can be either shortbread or biscuit. IN in this case the main problem is how to fit the paper into each cookie. Some housewives cook soft dough, similar to pancake batter. In this case, the cookies are taken out of the oven while still soft, then a piece of paper with a fortune is wrapped in each product. For convenience, the cookies are covered with an “envelope” or like a regular dumpling.

There is a recipe for fortune cookies and a slightly different type - dough for cupcakes is prepared, only tighter. In this case, the papers are still placed in raw dough when forming cookies. Therefore, everything depends only on imagination and taste preferences. The delicacy can also be oatmeal with raisins and nuts or cottage cheese. Of course, the main role in such mysterious cookies, no matter what dough they are baked from, is played by the predictions themselves.

We wish you good luck in your culinary creativity!

Recipe No. 1

1) Beat the egg whites thoroughly. Add sugar or powdered sugar and continue beating until strong white peaks form. Add melted and cooled butter, flour with salt, vanillin and a couple of drops lemon juice. Mix everything well until a homogeneous dough forms.

2) Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.

3) Roll out the dough into a layer 3-4 mm thick, cut it into a round shape. Place a paper strip with a fortune in the center. Fold the cookie in half so that there is a piece of paper inside. Fold the resulting semicircle in half again in a straight line. Carefully place the cookies on a greased baking sheet. Bake for a few minutes until light brown. Serve completely cooled.

Advice: It is best to print the inscription on paper on a laser printer, since if you write with a pen, then during baking the ink may float and the inscription will not be readable.

Ingredients: 2 egg whites, 1/3 cup sugar or powdered sugar, 4 tbsp. spoons butter, 1/2 cup flour, a whisper of salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla, a few drops of lemon juice.

Recipe No. 2

1) Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and grease thoroughly with butter.

2) Beat the whites until a thick foam forms. Add powdered sugar, butter, flour and mix. Leave for 15 minutes.

3) Bake 2-3 pieces at a time, dropping 1 dessert spoon on a baking sheet. Flatten to form a circle with a diameter of 8 cm.

4) Bake for 5-7 minutes until the cookies are light brown around the edges. Quickly and carefully remove the cookies from the baking sheet with a wide spatula.

5) Place a fortune note in the middle of each cookie. Fold the cookies in half and then bend them in half, pressing them to the edge of the glass. Leave for a while until the cookies take shape. Do the same with the remaining dough.

Advice: In order for the cookies to be easily removed from the baking sheet, you need to change them every time. parchment paper, generously lubricating with oil.

Ingredients for 25-30 pieces: 3 egg whites, 125 g powdered sugar, 45 g melted butter, 65 g flour

Recipe No. 3

1) Write various predictions or wishes on long pieces of paper in advance.

2) Roll up the pieces of paper and wrap them in pieces of foil.

3) Grind the yolks with sugar, vodka and butter at room temperature. Add enough flour to form a plastic, not crumbly dough.

4) Roll out the dough on a floured table into a layer 5~7mm thick.

5) Cut into rectangles measuring approximately 7x10cm.

6) Place papers with fortunes and roll them into rolls.

Advice: Some cookies can be made with other fillings - with raisins, chocolate, nuts, dried apricots and prunes; guests will have an additional interest - the cookies will come with a piece of paper or a berry.

Ingredients: 100g butter, 0.5~1 cup powdered sugar, 3 yolks, ~1 cup flour, 1 tbsp vodka

Recipe No. 4

1) Combine flour, starch, granulated sugar, salt, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

2) Add butter and egg whites, beat until smooth. Stir in 1 tablespoon water and vanilla.

3) Using a teaspoon, place the dough on a well-greased baking sheet. Level the dough with the back of a spoon to form a thin circle with a diameter of 7-8 cm. Repeat the procedure (make another circle at a distance of 10 cm from the first).

4) Bake in an oven preheated to 150°C for about 10-12 minutes (until the edges of the cakes are slightly toasted).

5) Open the oven, pry out 1 cookie with a spatula (leave the second one for now). Quickly, before it cools down, place it on a cutting board and place a piece of paper with a fortune in the middle of the circle.

6) Fold in half, carefully pinch the edges (like dumplings). We bend the resulting semicircle over the edge of the cup and place it in small muffin tins (silicone is possible) with the edges down - so that the cookies retain the same shape after cooling. We do the same with the second cookie.

7) Continue baking fortune cookies, 2 at a time, until we have used all the dough.

8) Leave the cookies in the molds at room temperature until completely cooled.

Ingredients: flour - half a glass; corn starch - 1 tbsp; vegetable oil (rapeseed or corn) – 50 ml; egg whites – 3 pcs.; sugar – 50 g; vanillin – 0.5 tsp; salt - on the tip of the knife; cinnamon; nutmeg.

Recipe No. 5

1) First, let's stock up on colored paper and a pen. We cut out strips 8x1 cm and write humorous wishes on them. You can print on a color printer if you are concerned that the ink will bleed.

3) Lightly beat the butter and egg whites with a whisk and add to the flour mixture. Stir until smooth.

4) Add vanillin and essence (or water) and knead again. The consistency of the dough should resemble condensed milk.

5) Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Next you can go in 2 ways. Traditionally 1 tsp. The dough is poured onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and leveled with a spoon into a circle with a diameter of 8 cm. If you like the cookies to be perfectly smooth and identical, then take 2 identical baking dishes with a diameter of 10 cm.

6) Grease thoroughly with vegetable oil and pour in 1 dessert spoon of dough. It spreads over the mold and there is no need to level it.

7) Place in the oven for 5-7 minutes. The dough should brown slightly at the edges. We quickly take out and immediately put the second form in the oven. Using a spatula, remove the cookies.

8) Place a piece of paper with predictions in the middle.

9) Fold it in half, then in four and give it the shape of a sort of “wigwam.” Let it cool until it cools down. If you don't have time, you can put it in a muffin tin until it cools completely.

10) While the first cookie was being shaped, the second one was already ready. We repeat everything from the beginning. We take one out, put the second in the oven. Don't forget to grease your baking pan every time!

Ingredients: ½ cup flour, Corn starch 1 tbsp., Vegetable oil 50 ml., Egg whites 3 pcs., Sugar 50 g, Vanillin ¼ tsp., Salt on the tip of a knife, Cinnamon 1 pinch, Nutmeg 1 pinch, Almond essence or Amaretto 1 tsp. (or 1 tbsp water). Baking dish with a diameter of 10 cm (bottom) 2 pcs.