Recipes are made from red rowan jam. With citrus and walnuts


Red rowan jam- this is the best way to prepare this berry, and, in general, a good way to eat it, because fresh fruits have bitterness. The taste of the jam itself turns out to be pronounced sweet and sour, very pleasant and somewhat spicy. It is also worth noting the fact that red rowan jam, like the berries themselves, contains a whole complex of vitamins and minerals. So, ascorbic acid or vitamin C occupies a leading position. Thanks to this, jam has general strengthening properties and will be especially useful during the period of widespread colds. Thus, rowan jam will be an excellent prophylactic against acute respiratory infections and influenza. In addition, it will be useful even if you have already caught a cold. The fact is that red rowan has diaphoretic properties, which will help reduce fever, as well as diuretic properties, which will help to quickly remove the infection or virus from the body.

Making red rowan jam is as easy as shelling pears, and even a novice in making jams will cope with this task. Following all the recommendations of this step by step recipe Without much effort, you can make delicious and healthy jam!


  • (1 kg)

  • (1/2 l)

  • (1 kg)

  • (1/3 tsp)

Cooking steps

    The first thing to do is to harvest. This can be done starting in September, but it is still better after the first frost.

    Now you need to sort out the berries, removing the spoiled ones. In addition, you should get rid of the leaves that have fallen into the berry crop.

    We lay out the mountain ash in bags and send it to freezer for 2-3 days. Skip this step if you picked the berries after frost.

    We take out the frozen berries and soak them in cold water for a day, then drain the water and soak them again for a day.

    Now you need to remove the stalks from the berries. Act carefully, as the mountain ash has become very tender and bursts easily in your hands.

    At this stage, we have to weld sugar syrup for berries. To do this, we take ½ liter of water and 1 kg of sugar for 1 kg of mountain ash. So, dissolve sugar in water and keep the resulting syrup over low heat until boiling. Now pour the berries into it, and, bringing them to a boil, keep on the stove for about 5 minutes. After that, remove the pan from the stove and leave it for 10-12 hours, after covering it with a clean kitchen towel.

    After the time specified earlier, we again send the saucepan to the fire and bring the jam in it to a boil, keep it on the stove for 5 minutes, and then turn off the heat and let it stand for 10-12 hours.

    Now again we send the jam to the stove, again bring it to a boil and again hold for five minutes. At the end of cooking, add a third of a teaspoon of citric acid. Then let the jam cool down.

    * During the cooking process, do not forget to remove the resulting foam.

    If the jam turns out to be liquid, and you want to make it thicker, then there is a way out! So, before the third cooking, we take out the berries from the sugar syrup and put them in a separate bowl.

    We send the remaining syrup to the stove, bring it to a boil and hold for 15 minutes. During this time, it will boil down and you can return the berries to it. After that, perform the manipulations of the fifth paragraph regarding the third brew.

    We lay out the cooled red rowan jam in pre-sterilized jars, roll them up and send them to the pantry for storage.

    It remains only to wait for winter!


diets and healthy eating 04.11.2017

Dear readers, today I would like to tell you about delicious and healthy jam from red rowan, which we can prepare with you for the winter. You will not often find such jam on the table of lovers of homemade preparations. And you can't find it in stores at all. Meanwhile, this is a tasty, fragrant and healthy delicacy.

Try to cook the original rowan sweet to winter evenings pamper yourself and loved ones with a cup of hot tea.

The benefits of rowan jam

ABOUT useful properties Oh autumn berry there have always been legends. It was necessarily dried for the winter or mixed with honey in order to escape from various ailments in the cold. Of course, we need to know that some of the vitamins are destroyed during the heat treatment of berries. But only 1-2 teaspoons of such jam will support our blood vessels, replenish the body with useful substances during the autumn-winter period and early spring.

Rowan is different high content ascorbic acid and provitamin A, contains tannins, flavonoids, as well as potassium, calcium, sodium and magnesium.

This jam is used for anemia, hypertension, as a diuretic, for problems with blood vessels, for diabetes, vitamin deficiency and some other diseases. You can read more about the benefits of red rowan and recipes for our health in the article.

Preparing berries

Before processing healthy berries you need to remove from the brushes, remove the stalks and wash thoroughly. If you collected mountain ash for jam before the onset of frost, then without pre-treatment it can't be welded delicious treat. The berry will give off bitterness, and this will ruin all your blanks. How to remove bitterness from mountain ash? Experienced housewives offer several solutions.


If the berries have not been exposed low temperatures naturally Why don't we do it ourselves with them? According to observations, mountain ash must be kept in the freezer for at least 3 days so that bitterness leaves it. However, there are other opinions - someone claims that 3 hours is enough for this, and someone keeps the fruits in the freezer for a week.

This method, apparently, began to be used by analogy with the removal of the unpleasant aftertaste of eggplant. To achieve the desired result, boil water with a small amount of salt, pour it over the mountain ash, hold for 1 minute and drain the liquid.

Rowan for jam is poured cold water and leave in a cool place for at least a day. At the same time, water is changed at intervals of 3-6 hours. Some recommend soaking the berries for 2 days.

I note that even such preparation does not guarantee the complete removal of the bitter taste. If you are going to cook rowan jam for the winter, remember that this berry itself has a specific taste and should be moderately bitter. Although there are varieties of mountain ash, characterized by reduced bitterness. These are garden hybrids. Their berries are larger and fleshy.

And now we will talk about the features of making rowan jam at home. Let's find out the details.

Recipe Features

As for the methods of making homemade sweets from this berry, there are not so many of them. The simplest recipe is mono-varenie, that is, jam only from the mountain ash itself. You can also use some additives to diversify and shade the taste properties of the berry. Most often this sour apples, oranges, pumpkin, as well as vanilla and cinnamon.

Five-minute jam

To prepare the most useful and beautiful jam, you can use the five-minute principle. That is, bring the delicacy to a boil and cook for 5 minutes, and then leave it in a cool place to cool. It is recommended to repeat this procedure 4-5 times. Berries will acquire an amber transparency and retain more vitamins than if they were boiled for a long time and continuously.

This recipe for red rowan jam is for those who love the "nothing more" principle. The berries are moderately hard, do not boil soft, remain whole.


Bring the water to a boil over medium heat, add half the sugar to it, cook, stirring for about 10 minutes.

Pour rowan into the pan and leave for 3-4 hours. She must insist.

Then drain the syrup. It will turn saturated red, and the berries, on the contrary, will become more orange.

Add the rest of the sugar to the syrup, bring to a boil, add the berries there, cook for 40 minutes. After that, you can pour the jam into jars and roll up for the winter. And if you want to recharge with vitamins right now, do not put off tasting goodies indefinitely.

Those who still want to shade the taste of a tart berry will like the recipe for red rowan jam with apples. It is better to choose sour varieties for cooking. Feel free to experiment with the amount of fruit added. And cinnamon, which goes well with apples, will come in handy in this jam.


  • red rowan berries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • medium-sized apples - 3 pcs.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l.

Make syrup from water and sugar, boil it for 5-10 minutes, add rowan there. Leave on low heat for 15 minutes.

At this time, you can do apples. Wash them, remove the seed part and cut into small cubes. Some housewives remove the peel from apples. It is not necessary to do this, but if you want the fruit to be minimally noticeable in the jam, cut it off.

Add apples to the pan with rowan, cook for another 30 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness, add cinnamon to the jam. Close the delicacy in sterile jars, turn over to cool.

A special item in this hit parade of rowan delicacies is royal red rowan jam. We will never know who is the author of this masterpiece, but this option is one of the most popular among lovers of original types of jam.

Peculiarity royal recipe in that we add oranges to rowan berries and walnuts. These products also carry many useful properties, and this is especially well felt in combination with mountain ash.

If you buy shelled nuts, be sure to check them for shell chips. Nuts must be cleaned of debris.


  • red rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • walnuts - 30-40 g;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Bring water to a boil, add sugar, stir until completely dissolved. Dip the prepared rowan berries into the pan. Boil 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare other ingredients. Peel oranges and cut into slices. Cut them into cubes. Grind the peeled walnuts in a coffee grinder or mortar. I prefer not too finely chopped nuts.

Add oranges to the jam and cook it for 20 minutes. Then dip the chopped walnuts into the pan.

Leave the treat on the fire for another 20 minutes. After this time fragrant jam will be ready. Pour it into jars.

Let's see another version of the royal rowan jam recipe.

This recipe for red rowan jam is the brightest. Together with it, we get a double portion of carotene in each spoonful of goodies. Lemon acid makes the flavor more intense. Lemon juice can be used instead.


  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • pumpkin pulp - 600 g;
  • citric acid - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • water - 1.5 l.

Prepare sugar syrup by boiling water and dissolving sugar in it. Dip the rowan berries into the pan, hold on the fire until boiling, and then remove for 3-4 hours.

Cut pumpkin flesh into small cubes. Send to jam, put it on fire again and cook for another 40 minutes. After that, rowan jam can be closed for the winter.

This is the easiest recipe for red rowan jam. Takes the most time preliminary preparation berries. After that, you just need to put everything in the bowl and press the button.

Of course, if you cook red rowan jam for the winter in this way, then it will contain much less vitamins than in the "five-minute". But when only this cooking method is available to you in terms of time and opportunities, then it’s better to use it than to completely abandon the idea of ​​​​making mountain ash jam.

If you wish, you can add any of the fruits listed above to the recipe and everything that you like. So the jam will be brighter and tastier.


  • rowan berries - 500 g;
  • water - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • vanilla - 1 g.

Dip the rowan in a microwaveable bowl, add water and sugar. Set the quenching mode and cook on it for 1.5-2 hours.

Then let the jam cool down room temperature, puree with a blender, add vanillin and cook on the stewing mode for another 1 hour.

Ready hot jam can be rolled into jars for the winter or eaten immediately after cooling.

Spin Features

To prevent red rowan jam prepared for the winter from spoiling, it is important to follow the rules for rolling it into sterile jars. Quality covers play a big role. They must be made of soft metal. The key should fit snugly against the lid and roll smoothly over it.

After closing the jars, be sure to turn over and keep them covered until the jam has completely cooled. This measure will help you determine which of the cans is poorly closed, and will also allow the blanks to be further sterilized due to the hot contents.

Black chokeberry. Beneficial features

Not many people know what is edible. How to cook delicious red rowan jam, we will tell below.

How to cook red rowan jam?


  • purified water - 700 ml;
  • sugar - 1.4 kg;
  • red rowan berries - 1.3 kg.


We remove the mountain ash from the bunches and sort it out. Fill them with cold water and keep for a day. During this time, the water needs to be changed 3 times. We prepare sugar syrup, put the berries in it, let it boil, remove from the stove and cool. Then, using a slotted spoon, transfer the berries to another pan. We put the syrup on the stove, let it boil again and boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat, removing the foam. Again we return the mountain ash to the syrup and cook for a quarter of an hour. Now the jam is ready!

Jam "Five minutes" from red rowan at home


  • rowan fruits - 750 g;
  • sugar - 1.3 kg;
  • purified water - 0.5 liters;
  • apples - 350 g.


We carefully sort out the rowan berries, removing the damaged fruits at the same time. Blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes. Let the water boil in a saucepan, pour in about 2/3 of the sugar. We place rowan berries and apples, previously cut into slices, into the syrup. After boiling, remove the jam from the stove and leave for 10 hours. Then pour the rest of the sugar, let it boil again and set aside for another 8 hours. Distribute the resulting jam from red rowan with apples into jars.

Very delicious recipe red berry jam


  • red rowan berries - 1.2 kg;
  • peeled - 270 g;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • purified water - 700 ml.


It is good to wash the rowan berries peeled from the branches, dry them, scatter them on the table and crush them a little with a rolling pin. After that, put the mountain ash in a saucepan, pour over with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After that, we throw the mountain ash into a colander. We prepare the syrup and pour the berries into it. We place the pan on the stove and cook, periodically removing the foam, for about 20 minutes. Then pour in the kernels walnuts, boil for 5 minutes and distribute the jam in jars.

delicious jam from red rowan


  • frozen rowan berries - 1.2 kg;
  • purified water - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg.


After frosts, bitterness leaves the mountain ash. It is for this reason that it is preferable to use such berries for jam. We sort them out, wash them, lay them out on a baking sheet and keep them in the oven at 50 degrees for about 2 hours. After that, we lower them for 5 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water and pour the freshly brewed syrup from water and sugar. After the jam boils, remove it from the heat and insist for 10 minutes. Let it boil again and set aside for 10 minutes. We repeat the procedure 3 more times. Then we leave the jam for 12 hours so that the berries are well saturated with syrup. After that, drain the syrup, boil it so that it becomes thicker. At this time, the berries are laid out in jars and pour the prepared syrup. We roll them up and put them away for storage.

How to cook red rowan jam?

Rowan is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances. And the jam from its tart berries will be appreciated by true gourmets, as it has not only great taste with spicy bitterness and sourness, but also a delicate aroma. Especially important is the use of such jam in cold autumn and winter, when you need to increase the level of body resistance to viruses and bacteria.


The health benefits of rowan are obvious. It has almost the same amount of carotene and vitamin C as carrots (9 mg/100 g and 70 mg/100 g, respectively). In addition, rowan jam contains vitamins PP, A, B1, B2 and B6, as well as minerals such as manganese, copper, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc and iron. Doctors advise using this berry to strengthen immunity, with beriberi, anemia and general exhaustion of the body after illnesses or operations. After all, it was not without reason that traditional healers in Rus' recommended that patients not only eat berries for food, but also “lie down under a mountain ash” so that it “kills” all bad energy.

Jam and juice from mountain ash normalize the level of blood pressure, have a beneficial effect on the condition of cardio-vascular system, reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood and remove toxins from the body. Rowan berries are also indicated for use in case of dysfunction thyroid gland, as well as those who have problems with the intestines, since the mountain ash has a laxative effect. This is also true for people who are struggling with overweight or are on a diet.

Regular consumption of rowan jam with tea can provide the increased needs of the "starving" body for minerals and vitamins.

Like any other product, rowan has contraindications for use, so pay attention to whom it is not recommended to eat rowan jam. It is worth avoiding this powerful immunostimulating agent for infants under one year old and pregnant women. Since the essential extracts of this berry can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. And nursing mothers can use the product if the child is not allergic to it.

Those people who have hyperacidity stomach or gastritis, jam is also not recommended. And, of course, allergy sufferers should be wary of mountain ash, first trying a small amount of and checking the body's reaction to this berry.


There are a lot of recipes for making rowan jam. There are both simple and complex variations - for example, with the addition of citrus fruits, apples or walnuts. We present the most popular of them.

Classic "budget" option

To prepare regular rowanberry jam, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh or frozen rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • soda - 650 ml.

Sort the mountain ash, separating the stalks, rinse the berries several times and fill with water for a day. This is necessary so that the mountain ash loses its bitterness. At the same time, if possible, change the water as often as possible. IN cold water add all the sugar and heat over low heat until it dissolves. The syrup is gradually brought to a boil and pour the rowan berries there, boiling the contents again, and then remove the jam from the heat.

The cooled jam should be filtered, and the syrup without berries should be boiled again over low heat for about half an hour. Then we pour the mountain ash into the thickened syrup, which we previously separated, and cook over low heat for another half hour. Delicious jam is ready. We pre-sterilize jars and metal lids in the oven or steam. Pour hot jam into jars and seal tightly with lids.

Banks should be turned over and left to cool overnight under a blanket or blanket at room temperature.

Rowan jam with apples

To diversify the taste of rowan jam and in the presence of a rich harvest of apples, you can cook rowan-apple jam. It is more tender and contains no less vitamins and healing substances than classic version. You will need:

  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 2 kg;
  • apples - 1 kg;
  • water - 450 ml;

Sort the mountain ash, separating it from the stalks. Rinse and soak the berries for several hours, changing the water from time to time. Peel the apples and peel and cut into cubes. The syrup can be cooked according to the technology described in recipe No. 1. After boiling in the syrup, add rowan and apples, cook for 45 minutes, stirring regularly. Put hot jam into sterilized jars and roll up.

With citrus and walnuts

Even more savory recipe- with the addition of citruses and walnuts. You will get a tasty and fragrant jam with a slight sourness. You will need:

  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • oranges - 2 pieces;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • a couple of tablespoons of ground walnuts.

We sort out the berries and separate the stalks. Wash the rowan and put it in the freezer for several hours. This is necessary in order to remove the bitterness of the mountain ash as much as possible, so soaking in water in this case will not need. Mix frozen fruits with water and put on a small fire. After boiling, drain the water and transfer the berries to a separate bowl. Boil the broth with sugar for several minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. We return the berries to the finished syrup and add the pulp of oranges cut into small pieces. Cook everything in syrup for about 40 minutes, then add the walnuts and boil the jam for about 10 minutes. Pour the delicacy into sterile jars and roll up.

Pureed rowanberry jam with walnuts

Another original recipe for gourmets includes the following components:

  • rowan - 1 kg;
  • walnuts - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 7 glasses;
  • water - 3 cups.

Peeled and washed rowan berries should be crushed so that they release the juice. Pour boiling water over them and leave for 20 minutes. Prepare sugar syrup in advance by boiling sugar and water until completely dissolved, and pour berries into it. Cook the jam over low heat until the mountain ash becomes soft. And do not forget to stir the brew from time to time and remove the foam from the jam. Just before the end, add chopped walnuts and boil this mixture for a couple more minutes, stirring so that all the ingredients are combined.

Pureed rowan with sugar

If you don’t have time to mess around with jam and want to roll the mountain ash into jars “quickly”, we advise you to use the “dry jam” recipe, or rather, prepare pureed mountain ash with sugar.

You will need 1.2-1.3 kg of sugar per 1 kg of frozen rowan berries. They need to be rubbed in a blender or meat grinder and mixed with sugar, leaving for several hours until the latter is completely dissolved. Ready mix it is laid out in pre-sterilized jars, closed with boiled plastic lids and placed in a dark, cool place.

And if you want maximum benefit for health, and you are not limited in finances, add 2 cups of chopped walnuts and 2 cups of honey to 1 kg of pureed rowan berries. Such an elixir of health should be stored in a cool place and taken in moderation so as not to overdose on vitamins.

Tightly rolled cans are stored in a dark, cool room - for example, a cellar. Under such storage conditions, all vitamins and healing properties mountain ash will remain in jam for more than one year. And after the jam is opened, it can remain in the refrigerator for a maximum of a couple of months. But it is unlikely that you will have to keep it there for so long - usually households eat such delicacies in a few days.

To taste qualities mountain ash were as high as possible, it is worth collecting it after the first frost. Then it will be juicy, ripe and not so bitter. You can also use rowan berries pre-frozen in the freezer. They should be washed thoroughly, put in a colander and dried on a towel. We send the mountain ash folded into trays to the freezer, and the very next day you can use fresh berries for making pies, jam or juice.

And finally, one more little trick: the jam will be even tastier and more aromatic if you serve it to the table, decorating it with lemon slices.

Recipe in the next video raw jam from red rowan with walnuts and honey.

Red rowan jam, with the recipes of which I will introduce you today, will amaze you with seemingly incompatible taste sensations. It contains a slight sourness, and a pleasant sweetness, and characteristic of the fruits of this useful tree, taste. It is necessary to get acquainted with him, at least in order to know that there is such original dessert prepared for the winter.

Red rowan jam - recipes for the winter

To make you feel more confident when you are going to prepare rowan jam for the winter for the first time, I will talk a little about preparing the berry for cooking, and I will share other secrets.

  • Almost everyone knows that it is best to harvest red berries immediately after the first frost, then it will lose its characteristic bitterness. But after picking, many housewives, however, put the berries in the freezer for a short time so that the jam does not have a bitter taste with a guarantee. They also do it with red mountain ash in the case when the fruit was picked before frost.
  • Sometimes it is advised to soak the fruits for a day before cooking the jam, occasionally changing the water, but the best way will be blanching the berries in salted water - the bitterness will go away.
  • By the way, a berry that has been soaked for at least 12 hours before cooking will cook faster and become juicier. Having done this, do not rush to pour in the full amount of water indicated in the recipe, pour in 2/3, and then act according to the situation, you need to add it.
  • Due to its characteristic taste, red rowan does not combine well with other fruits or berries. The exceptions were apples, pumpkin and orange, the recipe for harvesting mountain ash with the latter has already been invented today, as you understand. It is such a friendly citrus that it can now be found in many winter jam preparations. Also, cinnamon, vanillin or walnuts are added to rowan jam and this improves the taste of the workpiece.

Easy jam recipe

The easiest recipe for red berry jam, which can rightfully be called a classic.


  • Rowan red - 1 kg.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

We cook correctly:

  1. Rinse the slightly frozen fruits thoroughly and, in order to completely remove the bitterness, blanch it in lightly salted water for a couple of minutes. Put a teaspoon of salt per liter of water.
  2. When starting cooking, first of all you need to make a syrup: put in water required amount sugar and bring to a boil over low heat. Stir the syrup until the sugar dissolves completely.
  3. Put the rowan in boiling syrup, and cook the workpiece for 15 minutes (after boiling). Then set the jam aside for a while, let the berry soak in the syrup. I usually let the workpiece cool down and proceed to the second cooking.
  4. Let the jam boil again, cook for 15-20 minutes. You can make a third cooking, after letting the jam cool again, but with a previously soaked berry, usually it doesn’t come to this. If there are only 2 brews, then cook not for 15 minutes, but until fully cooked. Then put into jars. I never sterilize them, I just pour boiling water over them and close them with nylon caps.

Rowan jam with walnuts

Nuts are often added to various jams, and in a blank of red rowan berries they will look perfect. By the way, are you thinking of making a dessert with the addition of apples, there walnuts would also be appropriate. And if you are interested in jam from, directly, the walnuts themselves, then welcome.

You will need:

  • Rowan - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 7-7.5 cups.
  • Water - 3 glasses.
  • Walnuts - 2 cups.
  1. Squeeze the pure fruits of mountain ash a little with a rolling pin (another device), let them let the juice out a little. Then pour boiling water over the rowan and hold for 15 minutes.
  2. Make syrup in the usual way and add rowan. Boil until the berry is reduced and soft, remembering to skim off the foam. Shortly before the end of cooking, add coarsely chopped walnuts and cook everything together for a few more minutes.

Video with a recipe for raw jam with nuts and honey

Recipe for red rowan jam without cooking

In this red rowan dessert, you can preserve the entire set of vitamins and microelements, which will make winter harvesting as healthy as possible. What, I wrote the other day, read how important it is to protect vitamins from destruction.

  • Take: per 1 kg. rowan berries 1.5 - 2 kg. sugar, depending on how sweet your berry will be. If you are the lucky owner a large number honey, then according to this recipe, make at least a little honey rowan.
  1. Blanch the rowan berries for several minutes in slightly salted water, then chop the berries either with a blender or in a meat grinder, or you can simply crush them with a crush.
  2. Add sugar and stir well.
  3. It remains for the mountain ash to infuse, let the juice so that the sugar is completely dissolved in it. It is better to store the workpiece in the refrigerator.

Rowan jam with oranges

A delicacy cooked with an orange will become piquant, and vitamins will increase. You can take the first, classic recipe as the basis for cooking.

  • Rowan - 1 kg.
  • Orange - 1 pc. medium size.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking step by step:

  1. Remove the skin from the orange and divide into slices. It is advisable to clean them from the film and cut them into 2-3 more parts. The zest can be chopped with a blender or torn into small pieces with your hands, and also added to the jam.
  2. Now boil the syrup, and while it comes to a boil, blanch the mountain ash.
  3. Fold the orange and rowan into the syrup, and cook after boiling for 15-20 minutes. As in other recipes for preparing red mountain ash for the winter, if you wish, you can make 2-3 boils so that the rowan berries are well saturated with syrup.

Rowan jam with apples

Most Common Recipe winter harvest red rowan jam with additives. Apples go well with it, but taste better with hard and slightly sour varieties. Add a cinnamon stick (remove it after cooking) and the dessert will become more fragrant.


  • Rowan - 1 kg.
  • Apples - 1 - 1.5 kg. (Take the quantity at will, I put more sweet ones).
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 glass.


  1. After removing the core from the apples, cut them into slices of any size. I usually don’t peel the peel, although there is such an option - see for yourself how to do it here.
  2. Make syrup from 500 gr. sugar and water in the usual way.
  3. Blanch rowanberries in salted water for 2-3 minutes.
  4. When the sugar dissolves, throw in the rowan with apples and bring to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes.
  5. Let the jam brew, the berries and apple slices will soak in the syrup. It is enough to wait for complete cooling.
  6. Now proceed to the second cooking: add the remaining 500 gr. sugar, again let the jam boil and boil for about 15-20 minutes. Set aside the container again and let it cool down.
  7. I advise you to make another, third brew and then decompose ready jam by jars.

Pumpkin jam

I hope that you know, women need to eat pumpkin as often as possible and in unlimited quantities - this is our, female vegetable. It makes a wonderful jam, and with red rowan it will acquire an unexpected and very unusual taste.

  • Pumpkin - 1 kg.
  • Rowan - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.
  • Zest of one lemon, you can also add a bit of vanilla for flavor.


  1. Prepare rowan for cooking - blanch it in salted water for 2-3 minutes. Cut pumpkin into small cubes.
  2. Pour the pumpkin with sugar, put not all, about 2/3 of the total and let stand, let the juice stand out. Pumpkin caught not too juicy, and not enough juice - pour in some water.
  3. Boil the pumpkin to soften it, add the mountain ash and the remaining sugar. When the berries are completely soft, put the lemon zest in the jam and vanilla sugar add for flavor.
  4. Boil the jam until fully cooked, then divide into jars and hide until winter gatherings - now you will have something to surprise your guests.

So that winter does not seem too harsh and boring to you, it is not at all difficult to properly prepare for it. And red rowan jam, with the recipes of which I introduced you, will help you. Be healthy, with love… Galina Nekrasova.