Diet recipes for smoothies and cocktails in a blender for weight loss. Slimming cocktail in a blender

Cooked in a blender. There are many types of this drink. In our article we will consider different. Some vitamin shakes will be from vegetables, while others will be from fruits.

Anyone who wants to lose a couple of extra pounds should take note of these recipes. Any cocktail for weight loss in a blender is prepared very quickly. And it usually turns out tasty and healthy.

With kiwi

This home will appeal to those who love exotic fruit called kiwi. The fruit has unique properties it helps to lose weight. The process of dealing with overweight on such drinks will pass without problems.

For cooking you will need:

  • 7 sprigs of parsley, mint;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey;
  • kiwi;
  • two rings of lemon;
  • 100 ml of water.

Preparing a cocktail for weight loss in a blender:

  1. First peel the kiwi, then cut the fruit into pieces.
  2. Throw them in a blender, grind.
  3. Then add lemon.
  4. After - parsley, honey, water and mint. Then grind again. Drink the drink within twenty minutes of preparation to prevent sediment from forming.

Ginger lemon drink

If you are looking for a cleansing cocktail, then this one is just that. It is useful, consists only of natural components. To prepare it, you need a piece of ginger root, one lemon, 200 ml of water.

First, peel the ginger, fill it with liquid. Give him time to settle down. Then squeeze the juice from the lemon. Next, strain the ginger, add juice, clean water. Here you have it healthy drink. It is prepared even without using a blender. This drink perfectly quenches thirst. It is advisable not to use it more than twice a week.

with celery

What else should you try a cleansing cocktail? For example, from celery. This product is indispensable in the process of losing weight, it also contains many vitamins and useful elements.

To prepare a healthy drink, you need one stalk of celery, and a small bunch of greens to taste. Throw the chopped ingredients into the blender. Grind until smooth. Drink right away.


Of course, watermelon is useful for weight loss. Grapefruit also helps in the fight against extra pounds. Why not combine these ingredients and make a delicious drink? To create it, you need 500 grams of watermelon and three hundred ml of grapefruit juice. Mix these two ingredients in a blender. That's it, the cocktail is ready.

with spinach

You can cook healthy from spinach. One bundle is required. Can be used both fresh and frozen. You will also need one green apple. Cut the apple and spinach, beat with a blender. Here you have a delicious diet cocktail.

Kefir with ginger

It's a pretty healthy drink. It's the best way to start the day. Ginger will burn extra calories, activate metabolic processes, and give vigor. Kefir with ginger must be insisted. Then the cocktail will acquire a full-fledged taste, while not losing its aroma and properties.

For cooking you need:

  • a slice of ginger (about two by two cm);
  • 200 ml of kefir.


  1. First prepare the components.
  2. Peel a piece of ginger, rinse under water.
  3. Next, grate it on a fine grater.
  4. Then add to kefir.
  5. Then mix thoroughly, leave to infuse for about forty minutes. If you wish, you can hold more, for example, 60 minutes.
  6. Then strain the kefir. That's all, we can assume that our drink is ready. You need to use it on an empty stomach.


This green cocktail for weight loss is not only useful, but also tasty. The drink cleanses the body and also removes toxins. Thanks to these properties, it helps to lose weight.

Apples and grapes contain many acids that are necessary for cleansing.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • a glass of water, grapes;
  • two green apples;
  • a bunch of greens (lettuce, spinach, dandelions and mint).


  1. First wash all the components, then let the water drain.
  2. Cut apples into pieces, remove seeds.
  3. Remove the grapes from the branches. Then remove the bones.
  4. Then put the apples, greens and grapes into the blender bowl. Pour a glass of water on top.
  5. Grind up uniform consistency. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning.

Celery + apple

The cooking process itself will not take much time. But the drink will give the body a lot of vitamins. In addition, the cocktail improves digestion.

  • one green apple;
  • two st. spoons of lemon juice;
  • two pieces. stalk of celery;
  • teaspoon of finely grated ginger root.

Preparing a drink:

  1. Wash the apple, peel it, discard the core.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from the pulp.
  3. Grind celery in a blender.
  4. Connect the mass of the apple, add lemon juice, ginger (pre-grated). Whisk with a blender. The drink is ready.

With grapefruit and pineapple

This drink can be drunk not only on an empty stomach, but also after a meal.

For cooking you will need:

  • half a grapefruit;
  • four rings of pineapple;
  • tsp honey.


  1. First, mix all the ingredients, in addition to ice, in a blender.
  2. If the cocktail turned out to be too saturated, then dilute it with a little water. Then add ice. A healthy drink is ready.

Grapefruit-lemon with ginger

All components are useful in this cocktail. They help fight excess calories, and also protect the immune system in the autumn-winter period.

To create a drink you will need:

  • 50 grams of ginger;
  • grapefruit;
  • lemon with zest;
  • some honey.


  1. First, peel the grapefruit, then cut into slices.
  2. Grate the ginger on a fine grater.
  3. Cut the lemon into small pieces.
  4. Mix all ingredients in a blender. Next, add honey.
  5. Then stir again. Next, add some water.


Now we will tell you how to prepare a berry cocktail. This drink is filled with vitamins and minerals.

  • 150 grams of strawberries, blueberries and raspberries + a few berries for decoration;
  • one large apple;
  • two hundred milliliters of apple juice;
  • liquid honey (1 tsp).

Preparation of a fragrant berry drink:

  1. Wash berries and fruits first.
  2. Then peel the apples, cut into four parts, while cutting out the core.
  3. Then cut the pulp into large pieces.
  4. Separate the stalks from the berries.
  5. Next, grind the apple slices, berries and honey with a blender into a puree. Drain the juice as you go. After the berry cocktail, pour into cups and you can drink.

With greenery

This vitamin drink heal the body, recharge life force, energies. A healthy slimming cocktail is being prepared in a blender. It turns out very bright, fragrant.

You need to use it at least twice a week. It is especially useful for those who play sports.

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • 120 grams of fresh herbs (dill, parsley, spinach, arugula);
  • 150 ml of water;
  • half a glass of sprouted green buckwheat.

Preparing a healthy drink:

  1. First, take half a glass (maybe a little more) of sprouted buckwheat.
  2. Wash fresh herbs thoroughly.
  3. Then tear it into pieces with your hands.
  4. Then put in a bowl with buckwheat, pour in water.
  5. Then beat everything thoroughly with a blender. The whole mixture should become homogeneous. If more water is needed during mixing, add a little. Our healthy drink is ready, drink right away. You can add some fruit for a more pleasant taste.

If you are looking for vitamin shakes, then check out this one. It has a lot of useful elements. We wish you all a good appetite!


Now you know how to prepare smoothies for weight loss. These drinks help not only in the fight against excess weight, they also give the body a large number of vitamins. Therefore, the process of losing weight occurs without much effort. What else pleases? Of course, the taste of drinks. Almost all of them smell very appetizing and pleasant to the taste.

– are an ideal dietary remedy for excess weight, as they are rich in nutrients, fiber and contain virtually no fat. However, not all cocktails contribute to weight loss. In this article, we will try to give you the main components of diet cocktails and consider a few popular recipes.

1) Avoid dairy products whenever possible.
This includes foods such as yogurt and milk. If you need calcium, it is better to get it from fruits, vegetables or cottage cheese. Milk and yogurt can contain harmful fats, hormones, and other additives that will undermine your weight loss efforts. In slimming shakes, it is best to add water or, if your diet allows, fat-free kefir.

2) Limit fats and simple carbohydrates.
Too much fat (albeit healthy) combined with simple carbohydrates can cause bloating and gas. Also, fats prevent the proper absorption of carbohydrates, which will negatively affect your figure.

3) Do not use sugar and juice.
Avoid smoothies containing honey, sugar, or juice. All this contains simple sugars, which contribute to the formation of "thickness" on the hips and waist. Replace them with natural fresh fruits.

4) Avoid canned fruits.
Fresh fruits and vegetables contain alimentary fiber, vitamins and trace elements that improve your metabolism. If you want to save money, then buy a frozen berry or freeze it yourself.

5) Do not abuse food additives and powders.
Protein shakes are certainly good, but replacing natural food with them is not only not healthy, but also dangerous to health. Use protein blends no more than 1-2 times a day.

(xtypo_quote)From all of the above, it follows that diet shakes may not contain sugar, canned juice, milk or canned foods. The content of at least one of the above elements turns dietary product to normal. Remember this.(/xtypo_quote)

How to prepare a cocktail for weight loss.

Cocktails can be quite varied and contain a combination of different fruits and berries. There are no specific criteria, and everything depends only on your taste and imagination.

For example: a green apple, kiwi, kefir (or water) and ice can be turned into a very tasty and most important useful tool for weight loss, and adding a little protein to it, we will have a full meal that can replace breakfast or dinner.

We have learned the basic principles of making diet cocktails and now let's look at some popular recipes.

Diet cocktail recipes.

- Berry cocktail for weight loss. This shake is a great way to recuperate after a workout, because. it contains a lot of nutrients. In addition, the berry does not need to be cut and peeled, which greatly simplifies the cooking process and saves our precious time. For cooking, you can use a frozen berry.

Mix in a blender 80 g raspberries, 80 g blueberries 200 ml. kefir.

- Kiwi cocktail contains potassium fiber and antioxidants, which will certainly benefit everyone who wants to lose weight quickly.
Peel two ripe kiwis, a pear and small apple. Finely chop and put into a blender. Add 200 ml. fat-free kefir or yogurt and mix everything well.

- Banana blueberry smoothie contains only 136 calories and is excellent remedy quench your thirst.
We will need half a banana, a quarter cup of blueberries, one scoop protein shake, 200 ml of water and some ice. The cooking method is standard.

- Fruity - Strawberry cocktail has been recommended by the Dietetic Association of America as one of the best natural remedies for weight loss. For cooking, we need: a glass of strawberries, half a glass of flavored water, some ice and any fruit.

Blueberries and linseed oil- these are the main ingredients of the next cocktail on the list. Mix blueberries with fat-free kefir and add a little oil.

The next cocktail contains an apple, half a glass of water, some ice and lemon juice. It's the best thirst quencher after an intense workout, and lemon juice is a natural antioxidant and free radical scavenger.

Diet shakesgreat way saturate the body with vitamins, prolong youth and improve health. In addition, diet cocktails are a good prevention of obesity. If you replace dinner with a berry or fruit smoothie, you will quickly say goodbye to a couple of extra pounds.

Instead of a straw, take a teaspoon and enjoy your vitamin cocktail. Diet cocktails are prepared on the basis of mineral water, natural yogurt, soy milk and low-calorie kefir.

Smoothies and smoothies based on fresh juices are refreshing in the heat and are extremely easy to prepare. We arm ourselves with a blender, a juicer and start experimenting! Here is a selection of recipes for very tasty and healthy diet cocktails.

citrus explosion

Try to cook vitamin cocktail based on citrus fruits, extremely rich in vitamin C. Such a cocktail is guaranteed to energize you, relieve the blues and relieve fatigue. In addition, the cocktail stimulates cellular metabolism and strengthens the immune system.


Mix 50 ml of lemon juice with 100 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice and 100 ml of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Vegetable fresh

Unlike fruits, vegetables do not provoke a sharp jump in insulin in the blood. Cocktail based on the three most healthy vegetables is able to saturate your body with vitamins, relieve fatigue, improve blood composition, prolong youth and remove harmful substances from the body. Due to the high content of betacortin in the cocktail, this cocktail is also an excellent prevention of vision problems.


Combine 200 ml freshly squeezed carrot juice, 70 ml freshly squeezed beet juice and 70 ml freshly squeezed celery juice.

green smoothie

A green smoothie based on spinach, celery, apple and cucumber will help cleanse the body and activate the process of losing weight. In addition, spinach is an excellent prevention of cancer.


Blend cucumber, green apple, 2 celery stalks, 1 bunch spinach leaves, a pinch of red pepper and ginger in a blender. The basis can be low calorie yogurt or mineral water.

carob cocktail

A cocktail with carob activates the metabolism and promotes fat burning in the body.


Beat in a blender 150 ml of soy milk, 2 tbsp. natural yogurt, 2 tsp oils walnuts, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp carob powder. Garnish with cinnamon before serving.

Cocktail "Eternal youth"

cocktail with high content vitamin E, antioxidants and fatty acids omega-3 slows down the aging process, protects against solar radiation, promotes increased collagen reproduction.


Blend a handful of blueberries, cherries and strawberries in a blender, adding 2 tbsp. l. wheat germ and flaxseed and 100 g of chilled kefir.

Smoothie for a bronzed tan

The cocktail contains beta-carotene, folic acid, vitamin C, as well as sulfur and magnesium. These components not only contribute to a fast, lasting and intense tan, but also give the skin a radiance.


Blend 2 celery stalks, 1 small carrot, 1/2 peeled apple in a blender.

Smoothies for slimness

This pineapple-based smoothie speeds up the metabolism and enhances the fat burning process. The antioxidants contained in the cocktail prolong youth.


Cut the pineapple into cubes. Prepare lemon juice. Mix all ingredients in a blender and whisk. Dilute with yogurt or mineral water.

Pineapple cocktail

This cocktail improves digestion and serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Blend 1 kiwi, 1 green apple, 10 red grapes and 1/4 pineapple in a blender. Garnish with berries before serving.

Cocktail "Detox"

Skin problems often indicate problems with the gastrointestinal tract and are associated with a general slagging of the body. Detox cocktail will help remove toxins and restore normal functioning stomach and intestines.


Mix and grind in a blender 1 orange, 10 green grapes, the pulp of 1 watermelon slice and a few mint leaves.

Tonic cocktail

A spinach-based tonic cocktail will help relieve fatigue and energize for the whole day.


Blend ½ beetroot, 1 handful of spinach leaves, ½ carrot, 1 red apple, 1/4 cup fresh chopped dill in a blender.

The essence of the diet on cocktails

Everyone who tries to throw excess weight, probably heard about such a diet as a "diet on cocktails" or "drinking diet", but not everyone risks their health to try it on themselves. And this is quite justified, because the usual meal for many people completely disappears from the diet - a meal. Rather, it is replaced by cocktails home cooking, which, in fact, includes healthy foods food that we get during breakfast or lunch.

However, their number is sharply reduced, so there is a strong feeling of hunger, which is accompanied by dizziness and weakness for almost the entire period of stay on such a diet.

You can lose weight on cocktails quickly, but you should understand that this method of weight loss is very harmful to health and requires constant monitoring by specialists, as exacerbations are possible chronic diseases and hunger pangs.

Diet on cocktails - description and general principles

In addition, such a diet can cause severe psychological disorders and lead to a depressive state, so if you are not confident in yourself, it is better not to risk it and find another way to lose weight.

However, those who have tried the drinking diet on themselves claim that side effects accompany only the first two weeks, then the feeling of hunger becomes dull, the desire to eat something tasty goes away, the mood improves and there is a noticeable lightness in the body.

If you still decide to “sit down” on a drinking diet, you must prepare your body in advance. To do this, it is necessary to reduce the number and volume of meals in two weeks, to replace 1-2 meals with cocktails in a week. And for 2 days, try to eat food only once, while other meals should be replaced with cocktails. You should also gradually eliminate fried, smoked, salty and spicy foods from your diet, which stimulate appetite.

Cocktails "Energy Diet"

If you are not sure that you can properly prepare low-calorie cocktails for yourself, then Energy Diet will come to your aid. This nutrition program is based on the use of concentrates for the preparation of smoothies, soups and omelettes. AT this case we are only interested in cocktails.

Probably, like any reasonable person, you are interested in the composition of Energy Diet cocktails. Their composition, according to experts, is similar to the composition of the usual powdered milk formula, only here there are still inorganic vitamins, flavors and taste enhancers.

It should be noted that inorganic substances are poorly absorbed human body, and various chemical additives are also not useful. Most of the fats and proteins in vegetable-derived smoothies, which are palm and soy oils.

As you can see, there is nothing useful in them, but strangely enough, many who have lost weight in this way are grateful to the manufacturers for their products, even despite the fact that they overpaid for a simple dry milk mixture, which was produced by Energy diet manufacturers, 50 times more expensive.

Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to prepare your own slimming cocktails or use Energy Diet cocktails. You can lose weight in any case, but unfortunately, you will not be able to maintain your health.

How to use Cocktails for weight loss Energy Diet

The weight loss program with cocktails is divided into 3 stages:

  • start - 5 meals from cocktails, plus 2 servings of allowed vegetables (all salad greens, chard, celery, etc., and vegetables will have to be chewed, salad dressings cannot be eaten, so cooking from them is not possible). They adhere to this stage from 3 to 5 days, during this cycle the calorie content drops to 1200-1500 kcal on average, although if you count by standard portion cocktail, it usually turns out no more than 1200 kcal / day;
  • weight loss stage - 2 doses of cocktails are replaced with a regular balanced meal. Think of something like chicken breast with a couple of spoons of buckwheat and vegetable salad, or even about fish with vegetable salad without any buckwheat there, and not about something like borscht with a piece of bread. Portions of “regular food” should be very moderate and should not give the feeling of overeating, since one of the main principles of the Energy Diet weight loss program is just fractional nutrition. However, the manufacturer guarantees the absence of hunger;
  • support stage - now 3 normal meals return to the "diet". Conditional breakfast, lunch and dinner you need to learn how to cook on your own. Again, focus on what fitness women usually eat, and not on 1.5 leaves of salad from professional skinny women, and not on your usual breakfast, lunch, dinner before the diet. 2 snacks can be obtained from cocktails.

Slimming with cocktails is based on a simple and only calorie theory of nutrition approved by all doctors. Manufacturers recommend that everyone reduce calories to 1200-1500 kcal at the stage of losing weight. This gently hints to us that for physically active or just tall people, products are suitable only with additional food. In the "corridor", if you count according to the Mifflin-Saint Geor formula, fit mainly young ladies up to 166 cm tall and weighing up to 66 kg, and the rest of the population is forced to eat more. However, usually no one complains about this.

Pros and Cons of Weight Loss Cocktails Energy Diets

This product is more expensive than anything on the market. sports nutrition our country. Any complex protein of the middle price category (ON, Dymatize) usually costs no more than $ 50 for a small jar on specialized sites. A "small" jar weighs 900 g.

At Energy, a bank weighing 450 g already costs about 60 dollars. The only plus is that you can ask a company representative to come to your work or home so as not to use postal services. Yes, in fairness, in our country it is difficult to find a freeze-dried omelette, but with puddings different kind no problem at all - any good casein protein is diluted to this consistency with water. As the saying goes, just add oatmeal for carbs and bon appetit.

Energy has several trump cards up its sleeve - the same scrambled eggs, freeze-dried soups, and an excellent cappuccino-flavored mixture. True, some brands of sports nutrition also have cappuccino. Basically, the palette of flavors is standard - banana, vanilla, chocolate, fruits and berries.

In general, 60 ye is expensive for you. for the bank or not, you will have to decide on your own. The manufacturer only encourages you to buy several flavors at once. So, you won't get bored.

A significant advantage of such products in general is the ability to lose weight "on the machine." You don't have to cook. Convenient to take with you last resort, you can "settle" a couple of cans at work if you always forget to take food.

A significant disadvantage is the same convenience. If a person does not have the skill healthy eating in the field, all that remains for him is an eternal diet of cocktails, which, of course, bothers him, no matter how delicious cocktails were not either a constant set of new knowledge. That is, learning to cook and eat healthy food still have to. What's the point then of postponing all this action by purchasing cocktails? Well, unless you want something chocolate and too lazy to count calories.

The benefits and harms of freeze-dried food are debated. On the Internet you can find a lot of negative reviews about any cocktails, including these. Basically, they write that the gastrointestinal tract does not really want to digest vegetable proteins, of which there are a sufficient amount in the composition of the cocktail. According to wits, the reaction to cocktails is the same as to the mixture of "Baby" eaten with spoons. In general, for some citizens, the cleansing of the body is included. Theoretically, normal flora should digest freeze-dried food without problems. But is there a “normal flora” in a person who has avoided vegetables and fruits for years, but regularly uses, for example, antibiotics?

There are also reviews of those who have not lost weight on cocktails. Of course, it is not possible to establish in each case whether only vegetables were eaten in addition and whether a “balanced additional meal” was prepared in a fast food restaurant is not possible. But it is worth taking into account the fact that for many people the calorie content offered by Energy Diet is too low, and adaptation processes may well be to blame for the lack of results.

Slimming Cocktails: Recipes

So, if you decide to prepare your own slimming cocktails, you need to know how to prepare them correctly. However, first you should tell you how to take them correctly and when.

Slimming cocktails are taken 6 times a day. That is, one glass of drink (250 ml) replaces a full meal. You need to drink cocktails slowly, as if stretching the pleasure. And for their preparation, it is necessary to use only fresh food and clean dishes (at the time of maintaining the diet, the body weakens, due to which it decreases the immune system and its protective functions against bacteria and infections do not work in full). You will also need a blender with which you will grind food.

Now let's move on to the slimming milkshake recipes that will help you survive such a tough diet.

cherry cocktail

Put a little in a container fresh fruit and grenadine, add to them a little milk of 1.5% fat content, 1 tablespoon of honey and 100 g of natural yogurt. We beat everything with a blender. The cocktail is ready to drink.

pear cocktail

To prepare a pear drink, you will need 2 pears, which must be cut into 4 parts, 1 glass of 1.5% fat milk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. We also beat everything with a blender.

Pineapple cocktail

To prepare a drink, place 500 g of pineapple cut into small pieces in a container, add 400 g of low-calorie ice cream to it, 1 glass skimmed milk and a pinch of cinnamon. Blend everything in a blender.

berry cocktail

Place 1 cup strawberries, ½ cup raspberries and ¼ cup blueberries in a bowl and beat until combined. homogeneous mass. Then add 1 liter of sparkling water (mineral water works well) and add a few ice cubes. Such a drink perfectly removes thirst and is suitable for drinking on hot summer days.

Carrot tomato smoothie

It will take one raw carrot and one tomato, which must be ground with a blender until smooth. Then add 1 cup of 1% kefir or milk to them, as well as a pinch of cinnamon or red pepper.


Like any diet, the cocktail diet has its own contraindications, which include:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic diseases;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violations of the kidneys;
  • hepatitis A, B, C;
  • age up to 18 years.

Diet shakes: strategy cons

Think now what will happen after you lose weight with cocktails. Indeed, the manufacturers of the product say that you can always establish a normal diet, first replacing a cocktail with lunch, and then including normal breakfasts in your life. That's just the problem of "what to eat" from you will not go away. In fact, weight loss with cocktails replaces natural process weight loss, when you gradually select the dietary and low calorie foods. Naturally, you can always return to cocktails as soon as you get too much. But it will be more and more difficult to lose weight every time - the body adapts perfectly to almost any of our dietary tricks.

The drinking diet requires a lot of willpower, so think twice before trying it out for yourself.

What could be better for a nutritious breakfast or afternoon snack for adults and children. Made from fresh milk with the addition of juices, fruits, berries or maybe vegetables, as well as bran, in general, whatever your imagination desires, they can not only become an independent dish, but will also help mothers diversify the diet of babies, especially those who do not drink milk. The presence of calcium and vitamins makes such an afternoon snack not only tasty, but also healthy. And for those who are on a diet, there is also a recipe: after all, milkshakes can be prepared from low-fat foods, add a handful of low-calorie berries and a couple of tablespoons of bran - it will turn out so that it cannot be compared with store-bought counterparts. So, let's learn how to do something useful in our kitchen, especially since this dish gives a wide field for creativity and does not take much time to prepare.

homemade milkshake recipe

Let's start with cooking classic drink. For him, take:

150 ml. milk of any fat content;
- 50 gr. ice cream to your taste.

When preparing, it should be taken into account that very cold milk has absolutely no taste, so milkshakes are best prepared with this ingredient brought to room (or slightly lower) temperature. It is better to mix the drink in a mixer or blender for 30 to 60 seconds, so the ingredients will combine well with each other, and a beautiful foam will turn out on top. But what to add - your imagination will tell. For chocolate - rub 30 gr. sweets on a fine grater and add to the shake, for a fruit shake - any fruit, if you want, especially in winter, just something tasty, you can put a couple of spoons of your favorite jam. Tip: if you are planning to add syrup or jam as an additive, first mix them with milk, and only then add ice cream. The main rule is to drink the drink immediately after you have prepared it, it is highly undesirable to store it in the refrigerator even for a short time.

Diet milkshakes

Those who monitor the calorie content of their diet or are on a diet should not deny themselves this delicacy. Just use the following tips and your breakfast or afternoon snack will delight you. great taste with a minimum of calories. Here is one option:
- 400 ml. fat-free kefir;
- half a ripe banana
- a few fresh or frozen strawberries.

Blend the above ingredients in a mixer or blender for up to 60 seconds and enjoy a delicious and healthy low calorie drink. Also, to increase the benefits and the amount of fiber in a cocktail, you can add a couple of tablespoons of wheat or those who do not have time to prepare a drink can pay attention to Miracle milkshakes from Russian manufacturer With low content fat - only 2-3%. With a wide choice of flavors: chocolate, vanilla, fruit or berry - you can drink every day new cocktail Or feed them to your family. This is a great way out for those who value their time and health, because milk shake is a healthy snack at work or on a trip, or a milk replacement for those who don't like to consume it on the go. pure form. One way or another, homemade or industrially prepared, this drink is undoubted benefit and an element of healthy nutrition for the whole family.