Green tea leaf benefits. Can green tea be harmful?

Green tea is an ambiguous drink. It is made from tea tree leaves that have not been fermented. Known for the rich chemical composition of green tea. What a person eats and drinks affects his health. Drinks that are sold in stores contain chemicals that are not very good for the body.

What drink can not be doubted for a long time - it's green tea. However, it is worth knowing all its features, because green tea can bring benefits and harm to health to the same extent.


Due to the fact that the processing of fresh products mainly consists in evaporating moisture from the tea leaf, the color and composition of the finished tea leaves are as close as possible to the natural original product. Only concentration useful substances becomes many times larger.

The chemical composition includes such an abundance of elements that green tea is considered one of the most valuable products for the human body. It contains vitamins, microelements, and macronutrients.

Tea composition:

  1. Vitamins - for example, vitamin P, which contributes to the health and elasticity of blood vessels and supports the cardiovascular system as a whole; vitamin C, which is more in green tea than in lemons and oranges; vitamin K, which ensures normal blood clotting; vitamin B, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system; vitamins A, PP, D and E.
  2. Minerals and trace elements - for example, zinc, necessary for the growth and strengthening of hair, teeth and nails; as well as iodine, which supports the endocrine system; fluorine, which strengthens the gums and teeth; potassium is a friend of the heart muscle; copper contributing women's health, and manganese. Minerals contained in the leaves help to work properly internal organs, strengthen the immune system, maintain the balance of all body systems and normalize metabolism, which, among other things, contributes to weight loss.
  3. Caffeine - well, everyone knows caffeine, its invigorating and tonic properties are familiar to coffee lovers, but with green tea It is not that simple. The fact is that it contains “another caffeine” - theine, the effect of which is much softer, and at the same time longer. In addition, it is excreted from the body completely, without causing side effects. When I, an experienced coffee addict, suddenly began to jump pressure, my doctor recommended replacing morning coffee with green tea, and the positive experience inspired me so much that I completely switched to it. Surprisingly, the pressure returned to normal.
  4. Antioxidants - flavonoids (catechins), which not only slow down the aging process, but even protect against cancer. There is an opinion that green tea, rich in catechins like no other, slows down and even stops the growth of tumors. Catechins also regulate blood sugar, which makes this drink incredibly beneficial for diabetics.

Green tea contains four main catechin components. Only one of these components is 100 times the antioxidant properties of vitamin C. Studies have shown that a cup of green tea contains up to 40 mg of polyphenols, which is many times higher than the antioxidant effect of the same apples, spinach or broccoli.

Harm of green tea

The composition of green tea includes substances that have both positive and negative effects on the human body. In addition, green tea contains theophylline and theobromine, which have a stimulating effect on the human nervous system. That is why the infusion of tea leaves is not recommended for people with increased excitability and insomnia.

Remember that the recommended temperature of the brewing water is around 80-90 degrees. Without a thermometer at hand, determining the right temperature is quite simple. It is necessary to open the lid of the kettle and when the steam begins to rise, bring your hand to it. The steam must not burn the hand. This is the optimum temperature. Learn once and for all - boiling water destroys most of the beneficial substances in tea, making this drink useless!

A strong drink is definitely harmful in such situations:

  1. During pregnancy. It interferes with the natural breakdown of folic acid, which is so vital to the developing brain of an unborn baby. All this is due to the content in it of a large dose of a chemical drug with the unpronounceable name "gallatepigallocatechin". Again, we mention caffeine, which is contraindicated for pregnant women. Whether black tea prevents the breakdown of folic acid has not been proven for certain, but it does contain caffeine. Just a few cups of any tea per day can cause the birth of a child with low weight, stimulate premature labor with possible fetal death.
  2. With an unstable nervous system and with diseases of the cardiovascular tract. Of course, theine is bad for them. But tea is rich in more than just theine, it contains substances that actively affect these systems, which causes it harmful effect such as theobromine.
  3. With a stomach ulcer. Rather tea contraindicated, which is really harmful. Strong tea, and green tea in particular, increases the acidity of gastric juice, and this, in turn, prevents natural process wound healing. As a result, the patient's condition may worsen significantly.
  4. At a temperature. Tea contains theophylline, which can raise a person's temperature. Therefore, a patient with a temperature, drinking green tea, will worsen his condition even more.
  5. With an unhealthy liver. This is where green tea comes into play. Some of the compounds found in tea are extremely taxing on the liver, especially if the drink is drunk in large quantities. But in black tea, these compounds are very few.
  6. For the skeleton and bones. The analyzes put by scientists on animals showed unexpected results. It turns out that tea has a negative effect on the skeleton and, in particular, on the density of bone tissue. In fairness, we note that such studies have not been done on humans.
  7. Washout beneficial trace elements. Tea removes metals from the body. Again because of theine.
  8. For teeth. Although the opposite effect was mentioned here, there is evidence that tea has a detrimental effect on tooth enamel. What to believe? You can’t answer for sure, but it’s hardly worth rinsing your teeth with tea when brushing.
  9. Urea formation. Any tea is rich in purines, which in the process of assimilation synthesize urea. It is known to be poisonous, and is removed from the body with difficulty. Its salts synthesize crystals that develop gout. In addition, green tea disrupts the condition of people suffering from arthritis and rheumatism.

What is harmful green tea bags:

  1. The composition of the vast majority of brands of packaged teas includes the so-called tea debris (damaged leaves, petioles, sticks), which is rejected in the production of high-quality loose leaf teas. The taste and benefits of such tea dust are minimal.
  2. Many brands of tea in bags, in addition to the tea leaf itself, contain various plant components (tree leaves, grass) of dubious quality or origin.
  3. Often, expired tea leaves are used for the production of tea bags. The composition of the paper in which tea is packaged includes thermoplastic fiber (for shaping). This substance in contact with hot water emits various harmful substances.

Extremely hot drink should not be taken in large doses. Therefore, if you constantly consume excessively heated tea, burns of the internal organs inevitably occur. They are deformed, painfully shrink, cracks form on the tissues. These types of burns certainly increase the risk of cancer. It should be noted here that this is not a harm to tea as such.

Benefits of green tea

Beneficial features green tea has long been used in Asia - China, Japan, Central Asian peoples use this "health cocktail" every day: chilled in the heat, hot - in the cold season. Look at Japanese women - their wonderful skin, youthfulness and harmony have long served as a model for all women.

Of course, a seafood-rich diet also plays an important role in maintaining youth and health, but the "drink of life" - green tea - is one of the most important components of this diet. Do you think that in vain movie stars and glamorous divas in their expensive spas have long ago made it a fashion to indulge in a cup of green tea, which is excellent for cleansing and rejuvenating the body?

The product has a huge number of useful properties, but the most important of them are:

  1. Decreased growth of cancerous tumors. Ability to stop and retard growth different kind tumors and fight the activity of cancer cells (however, according to some studies, green tea is ineffective against breast tumors).
  2. The ability to remove free radicals from the body and protect against the effects of increased radiation.
  3. Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system up to heart attacks and strokes, lowering blood pressure.
  4. Breakdown of fats, removal of harmful cholesterol from the body, normalization of metabolism and weight control.
  5. Fight against diseases of the oral cavity, eliminate periodontal disease and bad breath, prevent tooth decay.
  6. Normalization and maintenance of healthy intestinal microflora.
  7. Removal from the body of toxins, salts, including compounds of radioactive metals.
  8. Maintaining vigor and daily activity, combating reduced vitality, drowsiness, headache.
  9. Improvement of brain (mental) activity, reactions.
  10. Removal of anxiety, depression, stress, normalization of sleep (with proper use).
  11. decline pernicious influence tobacco on the body.
  12. Fight against urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Restoration of water balance in the body.
  13. Slowing down the aging process, increasing the overall tone of the body.
  14. Improving the work of the endocrine, cardiovascular, immune and digestive systems.
  15. Maintaining visual acuity, good skin and hair condition.

How to prepare green tea

There are many recipes for making this drink, but first of all, you need to understand what kind of effect you want to achieve by using it. If it's a matter of taste preferences, then you can brew it almost anywhere - someone likes the combination of tea with milk or lemon, someone chooses flavored or mixed varieties, some add a drop of honey or sugar to their taste.

  • use ceramic, porcelain or glassware for brewing;
  • brew tea with not too hot water - 60-80 degrees will be enough (tea will be brewed even in absolutely cold water). In order to determine whether the water has reached the desired temperature, you need to listen - bubbles in boiling water should make noise like wind in a pine forest;
  • during brewing, you should not put sweet additives - it is better to add them immediately before use;
  • various additives to tea will help enhance certain properties of tea - tea with milk will help satisfy hunger; hibiscus will enhance metabolic processes and give the tea a slight diuretic effect.

Green tea will turn out much tastier if you heat the teapot with steam, pour tea at the rate of a teaspoon per glass, pour hot water over it. You can brew tea with milk, or make tea in the usual way and top up with milk to taste. Such a drink will help satisfy hunger and normalize blood pressure.

Green tea raises or lowers blood pressure?

As you know, the terms arterial hypertension and arterial hypertension are considered synonymous. Although, to be precise, “hypertension” means an increase in vascular tone, and “hypertension” means “an increase in pressure in the system.”

An increase in blood pressure up to 140/90 mm Hg. not always associated with an increase in vascular tone. High values ​​can be observed with their normal and even reduced tone due to an increase in cardiac output due to various reasons. Therefore, discussions about the benefits of green teas for lowering or increasing blood pressure continue.

  • According to one point of view, there is no change in indicators. Caffeine, which is part of the composition, stimulates cardiac activity, which initially increases blood pressure. At the same time, the vasomotor center of the medulla oblongata, which is responsible for the narrowing or expansion of blood vessels, gives the command to reduce the tone, as a result of which the indicators quickly return to normal. Research has established that green drink has the property of thinning the blood, making it more fluid. As a result, the load on the heart muscle is significantly reduced, pressure indicators are normalized, and the risk of stroke is reduced.
  • Other studies, with varying degrees of certainty, confirm the benefits of green tea to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels due to the high content of tannins in it. The best effect is achieved when using high-quality varieties made from the top young leaves.
  • Green tea varieties are useful for their diuretic effect and therefore can be used in the treatment of cardiovascular or kidney diseases, reducing swelling. The results obtained allow us to recommend that everyone who is healthy drink a green drink to reduce the risk of arterial hypertension, as well as in the initial stage of this disease. Many patients report normalization or a noticeable decrease in performance, improvement. But it is not necessary to talk about the complete cure of the disease in this way.

In order to draw a more definite conclusion about the benefits of green tea for reducing blood pressure in regular use, additional long-term studies are required.

Green tea with milk

Maybe, healthiest drink for tooth enamel, it is green tea with milk, in bags or brewed from the leaves. Due to the high content of calcium (495 mg), it effectively strengthens tooth enamel and prevents its thinning. In addition, when consumed with milk, tea does not stain teeth (unlike black tea, the pigment of which is not always neutralized even by milk).

Another useful feature green tea in bags with milk - it has an alkaline environment (thanks to milk), which means it is able to neutralize the acidity of the stomach. Therefore, the benefits of green tea with milk in any form for people suffering from heartburn, gastritis, and high acidity are obvious. When ingested, this drink, due to its alkaline environment, reduces the acidity of gastric juice. As a result, the severity of attacks of gastritis and heartburn decreases. To improve the taste, it can be consumed with honey, jasmine, mint, lemon balm and other additives.

What is the best way to drink green tea?

To bring green tea maximum benefit, choose high-quality large-leaf products. It is desirable that the product contains only one ingredient. If you want to improve taste qualities, then you can do it yourself by adding natural products, not flavors of unknown origin.

Tea is drunk freshly brewed. Within an hour, the concentration of vitamins in it is significantly reduced. Do not heat tea, because harmful compounds are formed in it. High-quality varieties are brewed 2-3 times, while the time for infusion increases by 20 seconds each time.

A hot drink destroys tooth enamel, irritates the stomach, and a cold drink is poorly absorbed and becomes less useful.

Numerous treatises by Chinese philosophers and Indian healers are devoted to green tea; this drink has many unique properties and is used as a medicine for certain diseases. It perfectly tones, breaks down animal fats, promotes digestion. After all, it's just delicious.

But is it as useful as we used to think? And can a cup of green tea hide not only the elixir of youth and health, but also poison?

Harmful properties of green tea

To begin with, green tea is considered a powerful antioxidant these days, but the actual benefit of oxidation inhibitors is questionable. Numerous studies prove that excessive consumption of antioxidants does nothing but harm - various diseases begin to develop, the body ceases to resist certain types of bacteria.

Therefore, green tea should not be abused. If you drink 5-6 small cups a day, then you won’t harm yourself, but those who drink more than 1.5 liters of strong brewed tea automatically fall into the risk group.

Green tea also adversely affects the nervous system. Again, we are talking about rich drink. In concentrated form, it provokes nervous overexcitation, because it contains much more caffeine (theine) than coffee itself.

So strong green tea is not recommended for those who suffer from any diseases. nervous system and those who are prone to frequent mood swings. You should not drink it at night, and even healthy people- often it is he who causes insomnia.

Caution should be taken with green tea for those who have problems with cardiovascular system, in particular, people suffering from tachycardia and arrhythmia. The substances contained in this drink provoke a rapid heartbeat, which can not only exacerbate diseases, but also cause heart rhythm failure.

What is harmful green tea

In addition, green tea irritates the stomach lining, so you should not drink it on an empty stomach. The fact is that it promotes digestion, which means it enhances the production of gastric juice, and if the stomach is empty, it begins to digest itself, respectively, erosion occurs that can turn into ulcers.

Especially do not drink green tea on an empty stomach for those who already have gastritis or an ulcer. Many sources write that this wonderful drink prevents these diseases, but here, as with poison, it all depends on the dosage and time of administration.

Therefore, at times of exacerbation of chronic gastric diseases, it is recommended either to completely abandon the use of green tea, or to drink it in a not very concentrated form after meals. Then it will really be a medicine and will not provoke a relapse.

Green tea and alcohol

Many believe that a cup of green tea, drunk in the morning, helps to cope with a hangover, because it allegedly removes toxins. However, it is not. The external and momentary effect of relief is incomparable with the harm that is done to the body. First of all, the cardiovascular and nervous systems suffer, and then the kidneys “join” them.

The stimulating effect of green tea, multiplied by hangover syndrome, can even lead to a heart attack, not to mention neuroses, well, renal colic is also not a very pleasant thing. By the way, it is impossible to mix green tea with alcohol not only in the morning - during "libations" this mixture also has a bad effect on the body. Yes, and toxins are not excreted, but, on the contrary, are formed.

In addition, both alcohol and green tea have a diuretic effect, so their combination leads to a sharp dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, leads to nervous excitement, aggression, and then to a decrease in vitality. Besides, frequent use alcohol combined with green tea accelerates skin aging.

Green tea and blood pressure

We often hear that green tea actively affects blood pressure. Surprisingly, both hypertensive patients and hypotensive patients write and talk about it. Someone complains that low blood pressure is getting even lower, someone - that high blood pressure jumps sharply to terrifying levels. But there are also those who speak with gratitude about this drink - in some it increases the low, in others it reduces the high. Which of them is right?

As it turns out, the truth is somewhere in between. For those on whom green tea has a positive effect, it simply regulates the pressure, that is, it raises or lowers it to an acceptable norm by the body. Those who, after drinking, suffer from too low or from excessively high blood pressure, belong to people with a personal intolerance to this drink.

So if after a cup of green tea you feel a breakdown or the back of your head starts to hurt, then this drink is not for you. Do not experiment, but abandon it in favor of teas and infusions, after which you do not experience discomfort. Or at least reduce the dosage or make a weak tea solution.

Green tea quality

What is harmful green tea

Absolutely healthy people should also pay attention to their well-being after drinking green tea. If you don't have hyperacidity, but at the same time, even a small cup of this drink causes heartburn, which means that you have purchased low-quality raw materials.

Remember that in regions where there are no tea plantations, tea, by definition, cannot be very cheap, because not only processing and packaging costs, but also transportation costs are required. Unscrupulous manufacturers often purchase tea dust, garbage and small crumbs left after packaging. quality tea, "hide" it in bags and attract buyers with a low price.

It is best to buy tea from trusted brands, and not in bags, but in bulk. It should not contain foreign impurities, unless it is provided for by the type of tea, that is, if it is not flavored with flower petals, zest or berries.

If you still prefer tea bags, then get the packaging, in which each of the bags is sealed in foil. This packaging method is not an attempt by the manufacturer to increase the price, but best method storage. It allows you to save all the flavors of tea and its beneficial properties.

Proper brewing of green tea

Incorrectly brewed green tea can also cause harm. Everyone knows perfectly well that a tea leaf that has not undergone fermentation can be poured with water 3-4 times. After the second brew, it only begins to truly open up and give off its taste and aroma. However, at the same time, few people think that the "life" of green tea is short-lived.

Green tea is obtained from an evergreen plant. The drink has been known in China since 2700 BC. Then it was used as medicine. In the 3rd century AD, the era of tea production and processing began. It became available to both the rich and the poor.

Green tea is produced in factories in China and grown in Japan, China, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The composition and calorie content of green tea

Green tea contains antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, C, B, H, and K, and minerals.

The calorie content of a cup of green tea without sugar is 5-7 kcal. The drink is ideal for weight loss.

Green tea is good for heart, eye and bone health. It is drunk for weight loss and type 2 diabetes. The benefits of green tea will be manifested if you consume 3 cups of the drink per day.

Green tea neutralizes the influence of harmful fats, bacteria and viruses, such as staphylococcus aureus and hepatitis B.

For the bones

Green tea relieves pain and inflammation in arthritis.

The drink strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

The caffeine in green tea improves movement and reduces fatigue.

For the heart and blood vessels

Green tea reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

People who drink green tea daily have a 31% lower risk of heart disease compared to non-drinkers.

The drink prevents atherosclerosis and thrombosis. It improves blood flow and relaxes the arteries.

Drinking 3 cups of green tea a day will reduce the risk of stroke by 21%.

For nerves

Green tea improves mental alertness and slows down brain degeneration. The drink calms and relaxes, but at the same time increases alertness.

Theanine in tea sends a “feel good” signal to the brain, improves memory, mood, and increases concentration.

Green tea is useful for treating mental disorders including dementia. The drink prevents nerve damage and memory loss that leads to Alzheimer's disease.

In a study presented at the 2015 International Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Conference, those who drank green tea 1-6 days a week experienced less depression than those who didn't. In addition, the researchers found that tea drinkers hardly suffered from dementia. The polyphenols in tea are beneficial in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

For eyes

Catechins protect the body from glaucoma and eye diseases.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Green tea improves digestion and protects the liver from obesity.

For teeth and gums

The drink improves the condition of the periodontium, reduces inflammation and inhibits the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

Green tea protects against bad smell from mouth.

A study found that people who consumed at least 6 cups of green tea a day had a 33% lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who drank 1 cup a week.

For kidneys and bladder

The caffeine in green tea acts as a mild diuretic.

For skin

Organic green tea extract ointment is useful for treating warts that are caused by human papillomavirus. The researchers selected more than 500 adults with the disease. After treatment, warts disappeared in 57% of patients.

For immunity

The polyphenols in tea protect against cancer. They reduce the risk of developing breast, colon, lung, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

Women who drank more than 3 cups of green tea a day reduced their risk of breast cancer recurrence because polyphenols stop the production and spread of cancer cells, as well as the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors. Green tea enhances the effect of chemotherapy.

Green tea fights cancer. It blocks tumor growth.

Many people love green tea! This drink, known since ancient times for its irreplaceable medicinal properties. Few people know that green tea, which we are used to seeing on the shelves in stores, is collected from the same tea plantations, but with different processing of the leaves, two sorts of tea are obtained - black and green.

Only black tea undergoes fermentation and processing such as withering. But green leaves do not undergo such processing, and this is good, because the maximum number of useful properties is preserved for our health.

Caffeine stimulates our nervous system, and doctors have proven that this tea has an advantage in caffeine content over natural coffee, in tea it was found many times more. This figure is approximately 1-5%.

Composition of green tea

When the research was done chemical composition green tea, we found that tannins account for more than half of the composition. Green tea contains tannin, and it turned out to be even three and a half times more than black tea. In the leaves of green tea, a high content of ascorbic acid was found, and it turned out to be several times more than in citrus fruits.
Green tea overtakes carrots in terms of the amount of carotene content, because in green tea this provitamin A turned out to be several times higher. These well-known antioxidants protect our body from free radicals, help the immune system, and protect cells from harmful damage.
Such a wonderful drink as green tea contains a lot of B vitamins responsible for the functioning of nerve cells, vitamin E and many trace elements and minerals. Lots of tea leaves essential oils, which stand out during the tea brewing stage, making this drink surprisingly unique and magical.

What can be useful?

  1. It's a wonderful fragrant vitamin drink, a real elixir of cheerfulness, excellent health and high spirits. The drink has powerful antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, stimulates the immune system.
  2. It has a good antioxidant effect. By the way, in Japan, this tea is included in the diet of anti-cancer therapy.
  3. The drink has an amazing ability to remove carcinogens from the cells of the body, it miraculously lowers blood sugar levels, promotes the breakdown of heavy metal salts and their removal from the body, such as mercury, lead and other toxins.

Some more useful features

  • There is such interesting fact that instead of a pill for the head, you can drink a glass of freshly brewed green loose leaf tea and the headache will subside. In addition, green tea is a good antidepressant, and a cup of this fragrant drink will help tone our nervous system, and stress will not be so terrible.
  • Doctors found another feature of this drink, it turns out that the drink helps to concentrate a person’s attention, and helps to activate the blood flow in the brain. Knowing this effect, ancient yogis chewed dry and fresh tea leaves.
  • Taking green tea with milk is a sure prevention against nervous diseases and stress.
  • Green tea saves you from motion sickness in the car, for this you need to chew a dry leaf of tea.
  • Confusion often arises, and tea lovers wonder what effect they will get after drinking a glass of green tea - will it cheer them up or, on the contrary, calm them down. It turns out when given tea brewed for 3-4 minutes - then it has an invigorating effect, and if more in time, for example, 5-6 minutes - then it is calming.

Benefits of green tea for women?

  • Green tea has long been used in the cosmetics industry for its antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
  • Cosmetologists use an extract from green tea leaves to help keep the skin fresh and beautiful. If you use this drink often, you will greatly improve the condition of your skin.
  • Thanks to the antioxidant action, the overall aging of the body slows down. By the way, frozen cubes strong tea pleasantly tone and refresh the skin of the face, it is especially useful to do this in the morning. Can be added to tea leaves lemon juice, this will enhance the antioxidant effect.
  • If you suffer from dry facial skin, then you should not expose your face to hypothermia, try making a face mask from slightly warm tea leaves. After the mask, the face must be well blotted with a towel, and then lubricated fat cream. Regular use of such a mask will help you keep your face young, and even get rid of the vascular network on your face.
  • It will be very useful for the skin to visit a bath or sauna, and it will be very useful to take green tea. Under the influence of steam and green tea, sweating increases, the pores on the skin expand. After this pleasant procedure, the skin acquires an unusual pleasant pink hue, becomes young and beautiful.

Benefits of green tea for men

Green tea is especially beneficial for men. This can be explained by the fact that green tea leaves contain high content zinc, and he, as you know, is the main "getter" of the production of male testosterone.

  • It affects the reproductive function of the male body. Also, a positive effect for men can be observed in the fact that the properties of tea help fight stress, improve mood and increase efficiency. Increases stress tolerance.
  • If you drink one to two cups of green tea daily, you can avoid problems with potency. In addition, this drink will give odds to any coffee, it tones and invigorates the body no worse.
  • This wonderful drink can be advised to our men as a prostate cancer prevention.

For digestive health

The drink has amazing abilities in regulating digestion, it activates the digestive tract and therefore green tea is widely used for weight loss, it speeds up metabolic processes, helps to remove toxins and body fat from the body.

  1. Tea helps to control the level of the hormone norenaline, which is responsible for the production of fat. If you regularly consume green tea, then you yourself will not notice how you will begin to lose weight in the waist, abdomen, hips and buttocks.
  2. This, of course, does not mean that tea will help solve all your weight loss problems, you definitely need to adjust your diet, exclude sweet, starchy and fatty foods, increase physical exercise. But if you decide to take this process seriously and start drinking green tea regularly, you will notice the result pretty quickly.
  3. No need to drink green tea large quantities, three to four cups a day will suffice. To achieve a positive effect in losing weight, it must be drunk both hot and cold.
  4. The taste of tea will become unique if, when brewing, add a small piece of lemon to it, sprinkle a little mint and lemon balm. With them, tea will acquire the magical aroma of a summer forest, it will become pleasant and tastier.

For the cardiovascular system

Doctors advise taking the drink as a cholesterol-lowering food. Substances contained in green tea prevent the formation of blood clots.
According to them, if you drink four glasses a day of this drink, plus jam with a small head of onion and one green apple This will help prevent myocardial infarction. Scientists made such a conclusion after studying a group of elderly people, and came to the conclusion that green tea can be honorably attributed to the food secrets of centenarians.
By the way, Japanese doctors note positive quality green tea and hypertension, especially in the earliest stages of its development. They noticed that this tea is able to lower high arterial pressure for 15-20 units.

Is green tea harmful?

Let's take a look at whether green tea can be harmful, how much it can be drunk without harm to health.

  • This tea drink can be harmful to the elderly, they should not drink this drink, because it has been proven that it has a negative effect on human joints, causing gout.
  • Green tea increases the acidity of the stomach and therefore people with malfunctions in the digestive tract, with gastritis and erosion should be more careful.
  • Tea increases the risk of gallstones and kidney stones. If you already have stones, then it is better to refuse to take tea.
  • Green tea is completely incompatible with alcohol, because the load on the kidneys increases many times over.
  • People with symptoms such as severe unexplained restlessness, anxiety, frequent arrhythmia, hypertension and nocturnal insomnia should be wary of taking such a drink. The caffeine in tea is a stimulant that can lead to sleep disturbances.
  • Spilled tea or just a stale drink contains great amount substances of purines, and in this form it is contraindicated in people with glaucoma, gout and hypertension.

Harm of green tea for women

Regular drinking will benefit or harm the female body?

We remind you that this tea product will be useful if used in moderation. At high doses, it causes harm, causes overexcitation, increases blood pressure, increases heart rate, reduces bone density and causes osteoporosis.

With anemia, this tea is better not to drink at all. It interferes with the absorption of iron from food. And therefore, you should not combine green tea and iron-rich foods at dinner.

When carrying a child, you should also not get carried away with green tea. It reduces the absorption of folic acid, and this threatens negative consequences for the baby in the womb during pregnancy.

Are tea bags healthy?

Many will probably agree that tea bags are very convenient, easy to use, you can take it with you on the road or on nature. It is a good alternative to loose leaf tea.
Cheap types of tea are potentially dangerous, because in the manufacture of such tea I use not very high-quality raw materials, there is a lot of tea dust, fungi and fluoride compounds accumulate in it, which adversely affect the urogenital excretory system. Yes, and the taste of such tea in best case will be "empty" and tasteless, and at worst you will get instead of invigorating and the healthiest drink pale liquid with an inexpressive odor.
If you choose an expensive type of tea in bags, you must first look at its composition, it should not contain anything superfluous, except for tea and aromatic additives. The quality of tea depends on the size of the tea leaves, the larger they are, the better the tea is.

When choosing tea, you need to focus on yourself tea bag. It is better that it is not made from ordinary glued paper, otherwise you should think more than once whether such tea can be useful. But cunning manufacturers have learned to mask the glue elements with aromatic additives. To avoid this, it is better to choose tea bags in the form of pyramids, they are made from a special translucent package, it keeps its shape well in water and does not swell. It doesn't add any extra flavor to the tea.

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The positive effect of green tea on the human body has been known for a long time. But why and how this happens, not everyone knows. And the thing is that it contains up to 300 chemical compounds. The most important of these are theine (tea caffeine), theophylline and theobromine.

In addition to these substances, the composition of the drink includes tannin - a tannin that improves digestive process and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. Tannin also removes radioactive substances from the body, and helps to get rid of germs.

Also, the effect of green tea on the body explains the presence of catechins in it, i.e. substances with antimicrobial properties. From 16 to 25 percent of the volume of this useful product is occupied by proteins and amino acids. The nutritional effect on the body of the tea leaf is so great that it is not inferior to legumes. Green tea contains 17 amino acids, of which glutamine amino acid must be isolated, which has a positive effect on the nervous system.

How does green tea affect the human body?

The composition of the drink includes minerals, which include fluorine, which protects teeth from caries, phosphorus, which is necessary for normal functioning nervous system, and iodine, which has an anti-sclerotic effect. Green tea also contains organic acids: malic, citric, succinic and oxalic, due to which the value of the product increases significantly.

He - excellent tool to relieve headaches, strengthen internal reserves and improve visual function. In addition, it affects the entire body, increasing its adaptive functions and resistance to various diseases.

Green tea has many health benefits. It relieves fatigue, gives strength and makes us more efficient. The drink contains caffeine, which acts in combination with other alkaloids, which makes the effect of tea on the body long and mild.

This product enhances the excitatory processes of the nervous system, dilates blood vessels and saturates them with oxygen. A person who consumes green tea increases resistance to infections and stress, he quickly remembers and assimilates new information.

Tea leaf is useful for respiratory diseases: bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia. Green tea acts in such a way that it relieves heat, expands Airways, enhances ventilation of the lungs, sweating and urination.

In addition to these properties, this drink has a warming and disinfecting effect on the nasopharynx. Washing the nose with warm tea leaves for rhinitis and gargling for sore throats and tonsillitis is very effective. Do not drink at high temperatures hot tea because it causes stress on the heart and kidneys. If you are overcooled, green tea with honey will help to avoid a cold.

The best thirst quencher during the heat is also green tea, due to its unique property during evaporation, remove more heat from the body than it contains in itself.

It has long been known about the effect of this drink on blood vessels. It expands them, reducing blood pressure at this time. Thanks to research by Japanese scientists, it became known that with regular use of green tea, patients with hypertension feel much better due to the fact that this product reduces blood pressure in the vessels by 10-20 percent.

To enhance the effect, drink the drink along with ascorbic acid. Tea leaf has a healing effect on the body of any person. It has a beneficial effect on the heart and strengthens the walls of capillaries and blood vessels.

It is impossible to ignore the fact that green tea does not allow fats and lipids to be deposited and even helps to get rid of already existing fat deposits. The drink contains a lot of salts of iron, potassium, and this contributes to the normalization of the function of the heart muscle. The activation of the spleen and liver is due to the catechins contained in tea. This makes this product so useful for stroke survivors.

Green tea is an excellent antiseptic and antibacterial agent. It contains a large number of tannins that suppress the processes of decay in the intestines, neutralize toxins and destroy pathogenic bacteria. It is necessary to choose high quality tea, because the effectiveness of its properties depends on it. Too not recommended Reviver people suffering from gastritis or ulcers, since in this case the acidity of gastric juice may increase. Also, do not use it without measure, so as not to get calcium leaching.

With all this, green tea is included in the list of the most useful products, so it should be included in the daily diet of every person who cares about health and wants to prolong their youth!


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