What drinks are good for health? The most useful drinks for health. Properties and calories of healthy drinks

When it comes to food and drink choices, most people are guided by simple principle: delicious, convenient and fast. However, this choice is not always beneficial to our health. Most of the drinks that are on the market contain a lot of preservatives, chemical additives, sugar or its substitutes. However, the body is given to us one for life, and it is in our power to maintain its strength, strength and vigor. Let taking care of your own health be your main motivator so that healthy drinks in your diet rightfully take their rightful place.

What drinks are good

To answer the question of which drinks are healthy, we bring to your attention the definition of American researchers: “A healthy drink is a liquid containing a large number of vitamins, microelements necessary to maintain balance in the human body, able to strengthen the immune system and energize.

First of all, our body needs ordinary clean water every day, without which we simply cannot exist. Besides, beneficial effect milk, kefir, whey, red wine have health benefits.

Serum perfectly refreshes on a hot day, tones, has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system, contains a lot of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and B vitamins. Red wine contains antioxidants, in moderation it is good for health: it contributes to the normal functioning of the heart and stomach, as well as thins the blood, reducing the risk of stroke. Milk replenishes the reserves of calcium and phosphorus in the body, strengthening the skeletal system. But kefir is indispensable in solving problems with digestion.

Undoubtedly, tea is a healthy drink, the main thing is to prepare it correctly. Green tea known for its ability to improve metabolism, prevent the development of diabetes, break down fats, remove toxins, tone up, increase immunity, relieve stress and refresh the complexion. Doctors recommend that we consume at least 5 cups of green tea a day. Melissa, mint and lemon will help diversify habitual taste. Hibiscus is a real treasure trove of antioxidants, which is the key to your youth. It improves liver function, lowers cholesterol and strengthens blood vessels. What to say about herbal teas- depending on the composition, they can be useful in various diseases.

Among natural juices, a special place is occupied by pomegranate, apple, carrot, grape, blueberry and cranberry. The range of their influence is very wide, ranging from increasing the level of hemoglobin, vitaminization, regulation of the work of all body systems, and ending with the improvement of the condition of the skin, nails, hair, teeth, rejuvenation of the body and weight correction.

The healthiest drink

Healthy drinks, the recipes of which we will offer you, are extremely easy to prepare, affordable and very effective.

  • Ginger tea is the drink of youth. A piece of ginger 4-5 cm long is peeled, cut and poured with a liter of boiling water. Boil the ginger for 10 minutes, then strain. Lemon juice can be added to improve taste and aroma.
  • The juice of one lemon and the juice of 1 kg of carrots are diluted with 300 ml boiled water room temperature and add a couple of tablespoons of honey. Such a drink should be drunk during the day so that it does not deteriorate.
  • Pumpkin drink is able to calm the nerves and restore healthy sleep. Add sugar to the juice of one lemon and one orange. Pour diced pumpkin with water and boil for 10 minutes, then add sweet citrus juice and bring to a boil (but do not boil). When cool, grind the mixture with a blender. It will turn out a thick, but very healthy drink.

The most useful drink is, first of all, natural drink, which contains no components that can adversely affect your health. However, it is worth remembering that drinks that are good for some people can negatively affect others. The reason for this may be individual characteristics or having certain health problems. For example, drinking acidic juices can exacerbate existing gastritis, while milk does not the best way for people with a lack of enzymes for digestion milk sugar. Even ordinary black tea is not suitable for everyone: it can increase constipation if there is such a tendency or raise already high blood pressure. So everything needs wisdom, moderation and an individual approach.

We hope that you and your loved ones will like this simple, but tasty and healthy drink:

  • 3 glasses of water
  • 1 cup each oats and dried apples
  • 6 art. l. honey
  • a few slices of lemon to taste

Rinse apples and oats with running water, pour boiling water and bring to a boil. Let the broth infuse in a warm place for 3 hours. Half an hour before the end of the infusion process, add the lemon zest. Ready drink strain, add honey and lemon juice. You can easily come up with other healthy drinks for health on your own by combining the ingredients you like and connecting a little imagination.

Everyone knows this: to be healthy, you need to drink at least two liters of water a day. And to increase activity and enhance vitality, it is necessary to include in the daily diet, in addition to water, healthy drinks for health, which not only quench thirst, but also help improve metabolism, relieve stress, promote hydration from the inside, and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Since ancient times, people have been looking for drinks that would have miraculous properties and help them stay healthy throughout their lives. They mixed flower preparations and herbs, added biologically active natural substances, even sprinkled poisons with the hope of finding a wonderful elixir of youth. Unfortunately, no one has found a recipe for such a drink. The absolute truth is that health does not depend only on what we drink. It is mostly influenced by nutrition, physical exercise, sleep and rest, emotional state. However, it is possible to strengthen the body by drinking daily health drinks.

In the cold season, this can be done by drinking a few cups of herbal tea. And in summer heat when there are a lot of fruits and vegetables, it is better to drink natural juices, cocktails and drinks with berries, juices, fruits, prepared by hand.

Health Drink Recipes

1. Citrus, ginger, berries and mint

When the temperature is high outside, try a drink that will not only relieve lethargy and fatigue, but also energize the whole body for the whole day.

In a small jug with clean cold water add slices of citrus fruits (orange, lemon, lime,). After them, cut the ginger into small slices or the cucumber into slices. Throw in a few of your favorite berries and mint leaves. Don't forget the ice cubes!

2. Orange juice, honey, nuts

Using citrus fruits, you can also prepare a rejuvenating miracle drink that helps maintain energy and strength throughout the day.

Mix half a glass of orange juice with a glass of clean water at room temperature. Add liquid honey and chopped nut kernels (2 tablespoons each).

3. Orange juice, pineapple, cranberry

In anticipation of the arrival of guests, it will not be superfluous to prepare a wonderful drink by mixing water, orange juice, pineapple cubes and cranberries. Conceived as a treat, in addition to pleasure, it will provide triple protection against colds by supplying the body with a sufficient dose of vitamin C.

Vitamin drinks against cancer

On berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, currants and others), you can prepare extremely healthy summer drinks for health.

1. Raspberry and mint

Take half a glass of raspberries, chop with a blender (or a fork), dilute with water in a ratio of 1:2. Raspberries will enrich the drink with vitamin C and. If you add a few mint leaves to the drink, this will further enhance the antioxidant properties of the drink.

By the way, blackberries have more antioxidant activity than blueberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries and therefore more useful in the fight against cancer cells.

2. Watermelon

In the season of watermelons, enjoy their fresh juicy juice. Watermelon is the main source of lycopene, which helps reduce the risk of prostate cancer, vascular disease and atherosclerosis.

3. Orange juice, mango, blackberry, tofu

Start your day with a drink that includes mango slices, blackberries, orange juice and tofu cheese. Rich in vitamin C, fiber and protein, it helps maintain a healthy heart and boosts energy levels. The enzymes contained in mango also help the digestive process.

4. Green tea with mint

As you know, green tea is a powerful antioxidant that not only inhibits the growth of cancer cells, but also kills cancer cells without damaging healthy tissues. Green tea can increase mental activity, help reduce weight and blood cholesterol levels, and protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Isn't that enough to enjoy a glass of such tea every day, adding berries or mint leaves to it?

Healthy drinks for rejuvenation

If you want to look young and attractive, lean on dairy products, including drinks made from them.

1. Milk and apricot juice

To rejuvenate the body, an hour before a meal, it is useful to drink half a glass of milk mixed with natural apricot juice with pulp. If there is no juice, it can be replaced with 2-3 apricots crushed to a state of puree. If you forgot to drink a “heavenly” drink before a meal, do not forget about it an hour after it. The effect will be amazing.

2. Kefir and grapefruit

And in the evening it is very useful to drink homemade yogurt- kefir with crushed grapefruit or juice. You can make the same kefir.

Healthy drinks for stress relief

And, finally, about the main drink for health, which is desirable to use daily, so that in the crazy bustle of our lives with endless stress, worries and anxiety, stay positive, active, smiling and never lose heart!

pomegranate and mangosteen

German scientists in the course of experiments found that a daily glass of pomegranate juice can relieve stress, negative reactions to external stimuli, provide emotional uplift and intensify activity. Pomegranate is considered and, when consumed, has a significant effect on the processes of hematopoiesis in the body, actively neutralizes them, turning them into stable normal cells. If during your vacation you have the opportunity to mix pomegranate juice with mangosteen juice - then you can look younger for several years. A mixture of pomegranate and mangosteen juices should not be drunk in glasses. It is enough to consume 2-3 tablespoons a day so as not to feel tired, relieve tension, be cheerful, active, in a great mood!

Consuming healthy drinks for health citrus fruits, berries, jasmine, mint, apricots and fruit juices You protect your health and strengthen the body. Do not forget at the same time to “cleanse” the body with clean water with lemon juice, apple cider vinegar with the addition of fiber, and healthy greens. And the highlight of any drink, the recipe of which is given above, can be grated. It actively absorbs cancer cells without destroying healthy ones and is able to fight cancerous tumors.

Take care of your health and your family, live long and be happy!

It has long been known that each person should drink about two liters of any liquid per day. This is the norm. But what exactly should we drink? What drinks are good for health?

Most of the drinks that benefit our body are fruit and especially vegetable juices.

Nutritionists consider tomato juice to be the most useful of vegetable juices. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. In addition, tomato juice is a strong antioxidant. It protects the body from many types of cancer. But it is contraindicated in people with gastric ulcer and gastritis.

You can not ignore such a drink as cranberry juice. Cranberries are one of the most vitamin foods. It contains many substances that protect against the appearance of cancer and help blood vessels, cure urogenital infections and reduce the risk of kidney stones. Cranberry juice is called a natural antibiotic. It must be drunk with flu, colds, as it reduces the temperature. But they should not be washed down with aspirin, as this causes an overdose, and can provoke gastric bleeding.

Green hour contains much more bioactive substances than ordinary black. When adding lemon, these substances are absorbed better. Therefore, it is better to drink green tea with lemon. But you should be careful. Green tea causes blood clotting, so excessive consumption of this drink can lead to blood clots. Therefore, for people with coronary heart disease, varicose veins and heavy smokers, this drink is contraindicated.

For many years, scientists have been arguing about the benefits and harms of coffee - the favorite drink of so many women. But most researchers have concluded that coffee is good for health. It protects against kidney stones and gallbladder, as well as protects against diabetes. Coffee relieves headaches and clears the mind. Of course, this refers to a drink brewed from freshly ground coffee beans. And of course, you should not drink it in large quantities.

Water is essential for our body. The body loses moisture and our direct task is to replenish the water balance.

Of course, sometimes you get tired of drinking plain water. But we know an effective solution to this problem - healthy drinks based on plain water.
There are recipes that not only quench thirst, but also supply vitamins to the body and energize.

Healthy Drinks [ Recipes ]

Watermelon smoothie with chia seeds

Watermelon smoothie with chia seeds - perfect summer drink. It can safely replace a full snack. This smoothie contains quite a lot of nutrients, and chia seeds turn this drink into a real gastronomic miracle. Treat family and friends to this cool, refreshing plain water drink.


  • chia seeds 3 tablespoons;
  • watermelon pulp (pitted) 600 gr.;
  • water 300 ml;
  • lemon 1/2 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the chia seeds into a pitcher and fill with water.
  2. Grind the pulp of watermelon in a blender, adding the juice of half a lemon.
  3. Add crushed watermelon to pitcher and stir.
  4. Before serving, it is desirable to cool the drink.

mango drink

Maximum flavor with minimum ingredients? It's quite real! See for yourself by preparing a drink with mango. It will especially appeal to lovers of exotic and tropical flavors. Mango is the best natural energy drink. From one of its smells, you already want to jump up and move mountains.


  • mango;
  • agave syrup;
  • mint several branches;
  • water 1 l.;
  • ice as desired.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the mango and cut into cubes. Place the mango in a blender, reserving a little to garnish the drink.
  2. Add agave syrup and ice to blender.
  3. Whisk everything, and then add 1 liter. water and beat again.
  4. Pour the drink into suitable glasses, garnish with mango slices and mint leaves.

Lemon drink with honey and rosemary

The weather outside the window does not please and makes you treacherously wrap yourself in a raincoat? It happens. Warming up and lifting your spirits is quite simple: treat yourself to a cup of lemon drink with honey and rosemary. Checked: if it's raining outside, then this drink seems even tastier and more aromatic.


  • lemon 1 pc.;
  • honey 2 tsp;
  • rosemary 2 sprigs.

Cooking method:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour it into 2 cups.
  2. Add a sprig of rosemary to each cup and pour over everything hot water. Leave for 5 minutes.
  3. Then add honey and mix.

Peach smoothie with almonds

Peach smoothie is the benchmark delicate taste. The juicy fruit makes this drink unforgettable. The mood after such a smoothie is rapidly rising, and productivity is growing inexorably. If you want to experiment a little, then just add almonds to the list of ingredients. This nut goes great with peach.


  • oat flakes 2 tablespoons;
  • hot (boiling) 2-3 tablespoons;
  • peaches 1.5 pcs.;
  • almond milk 1 cup;
  • almonds 10 pcs.;
  • vanilla extract to taste;
  • agave syrup to taste;
  • ice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour boiling water over oatmeal. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix all ingredients in a blender bowl.
  3. Beat up homogeneous mass within 1 minute.
  4. Pour smoothie into tall glasses and serve.

Lemonade with lemon and lavender

Lemonade with lemon and lavender is a delicious combination. Even the most fastidious gourmets and gastronomic aesthetes will appreciate this summer drink. Such lemonade in this hot season should be tried without exaggeration by everyone!


  • lavender 3 branches;
  • 1/2 lemon zest;
  • sugar 1 glass;
  • water 1 glass;
  • sparkling water 10 glasses.

Cooking method:

  1. In a small saucepan, combine the lavender, lemon zest, sugar, and a glass of water.
  2. Simmer for 15 minutes, but do not boil.
  3. Refrigerate the resulting syrup and store in an airtight container for 1 to 2 weeks (in the refrigerator).
  4. To make a glass of lemonade, mix 1-2 tablespoons of syrup with 1 glass of sparkling water.
  5. Mix well. Garnish with a slice of lemon and a sprig of lavender.

Green veggie smoothie

Everyone knows that vegetables are the concentration of vitamins, minerals, fiber and other useful and nutritious substances. And if the vegetables are green, then the benefits of such a drink for human health simply roll over. We know a cool alternative to vegetable salads - green veggie smoothies. This drink is great for energizing and satisfies the feeling of hunger.


  • spinach 1 cup;
  • kale 1 cup;
  • celery 1/2 cup;
  • ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp;
  • green apple 1 pc.;
  • pear 1 pc.;
  • banana 2 pcs.;
  • water 2 cups;
  • mint for serving.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the apple and pear into small cubes.
  2. Combine all ingredients (except mint) in a blender.
  3. Beat until smooth.
  4. Pour into tall glasses.
  5. Garnish with mint and serve.

ginger lemonade

It just so happened that spicy and rich combinations more effectively invigorate and save from the heat. Ginger lemonade just has these properties. This drink will surely become one of your favorites. Its advantage is that ginger lemonade is relevant at any time of the year.


  • cane sugar 50 gr.;
  • lemon 4 pcs.;
  • ginger 50 gr.;
  • water 2 l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour a glass of water into a small saucepan and place over moderate heat.
  2. Add sugar and wait until it dissolves.
  3. Mix the mixture with grated ginger and bring to a boil.
  4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it cool for 10 minutes. The syrup should be properly infused.
  5. Then add the juice of four lemons and the remaining water to the syrup.
  6. Mix and serve.

Lemonade with mint, tarragon and strawberries

The lemonade parade continues. Summer is! We present you another drink that will remain in your hearts for a long time - lemonade with mint, tarragon and strawberries. His amazing taste cannot be described otherwise than as a riot of rich colors. And the taste of tarragon will remind you of childhood.


  • water 1 l.;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • lime 1/2 pc.;
  • mint to taste;
  • tarragon to taste;
  • strawberries 6 pcs.;
  • sugar to taste;
    ice to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the lemon and lime into pieces and squeeze the juice into a clear jug.
  2. Send the remaining citrus peels, strawberries, sprigs of mint and tarragon to it.
  3. Pour in the sugar.
  4. Pour into a pitcher hot water about 1/5 and let it brew a little.
  5. Pour in cold water, stir and add ice.
  6. Garnish with a slice of lemon or a strawberry before serving.

Banana smoothie with oatmeal

Tired of the usual breakfasts? Banana smoothie with oatmeal is a great alternative to scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, toast and porridge. Sometimes you can treat yourself to such a light and original breakfast. A banana will add a nice sweet flavor to your smoothie that will instantly lift your spirits. And hearty oatmeal will give you a boost of energy, which is so necessary in the morning.


  • oatmeal 2 tbsp;
  • boiled water 2-3 tablespoons;
  • almond milk 1 cup
  • vanilla extract 1/2 tsp
  • banana 1 pc.
  • almond oil 1 tbsp
  • agave syrup 1 tsp
  • chia seeds 1 tbsp

Cooking method:

  1. In a small bowl, mix oatmeal and water. Leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Place all ingredients in a blender and blend for 1 minute.
  3. Serve to the table.

Moroccan mint tea

In summer, you need to drink not only cold, but also hot drinks. It has been scientifically proven that tea perfectly cools the body suffering from hot temperatures and invigorates worse than coffee. Of course, not every drink is suitable for these purposes. Choose Moroccan Mint tea. You definitely won't regret it.


  • mint 10 branches;
  • green tea 3 tsp;
  • water 4 cups;
  • sugar 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil water.
  2. Combine mint, green tea and sugar in a French press.
  3. Fill the kettle with boiling water. Let it brew for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Pour tea into cups and serve.

The sages of ancient China considered healthy drinks to be a guarantee good health and longevity. Modern scientists confirm the wisdom of the ancestors with scientific data. Our body is 70% water, and health is directly related to biochemical composition blood and tissue fluid. That is why it is so important to drink the “right” drinks, which include various minerals, vitamins and biologically active substances.

1. Water

Water tops the list of healthy drinks. The properties of this drink should not be underestimated. To obtain maximum benefit for the body, experts advise drinking about 2 liters still water in a day. Water helps to dissolve most valuable human nutrients. It is necessary for the full functioning of the kidneys, brain and heart. In addition, water speeds up metabolism and helps to normalize weight. In order to get rid of extra pounds, you need to develop a habit: drink a glass of clean water 15-20 minutes before meals.

2. Milk

Cow and goat milk has large quantity useful substances: proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins A, D and calcium. It has long been established that the calcium contained in milk is absorbed in the human body by 97%. That is why milk helps to strengthen the skeletal system. Due to its high nutrient content, one glass of milk is enough to satisfy your hunger. In addition, this drink prevents the deposition of excess fat in the body. Experts advise against drinking fat milk. A person receives the most benefit from milk with 1% fat content.

Soy milk also has a beneficial effect on the human body. It helps to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. As a result, it prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases. However, completely abandon the cow or goat milk in favor of soy is not worth it. In the latter, there is very little vitamin D necessary for the full functioning of the body.

3. Serum

The ideal drink for the summer is whey. It not only perfectly tones and quenches thirst, but also has a large amount of useful substances. This drink is rich in calcium, B vitamins, phosphorus and potassium. One liter of serum per day is able to fill the body's daily need for calcium by 2/3, 40% of the body's need for potassium is replenished and 80% for vitamin B2.

In addition, whey has a beneficial effect on digestion. It helps to remove toxins and excess fat and also breaks down harmful substances in the body. Serum low-calorie product, however, it has a large amount of nutrients and is able, like milk, to satisfy hunger. This drink is great for those on a diet.

4. Kefir

Do not forget about kefir. Thanks to lactic acid and a large number of beneficial bacteria, kefir improves digestion and helps in the absorption of other foods. In case of indigestion, kefir acts as an antiseptic, prevents the appearance of fermentation and putrefaction in the stomach. In addition, kefir removes toxins from the body and harmful products decay. It is recommended to drink kefir at 12-13 o'clock or during an afternoon snack.

5. Cocoa

Cocoa is not only very delicious drink but also useful. Substances contained in cocoa slow down the aging process and almost halve the risk of developing diabetes. Theophylline, which is in the drink, has a vasodilating effect and activates the activity of the central nervous system. Cocao, like coffee, improves performance. By stimulating the production of serotonin, the hormone of happiness, cocoa improves mood and prevents depression. It also has a beneficial effect during the period of premenstrual syndrome in women. Cocoa is effective in the treatment of stress and neurosis.

6. Green tea

Green tea contains a large amount of vitamins: C, A, E, D, B, and trace elements: fluorine, iodine, zinc, copper, phosphorus, calcium. Few people know that green tea contains more vitamin C than citrus fruits. This drink is a strong antioxidant, it helps to strengthen the immune system. Green tea has a positive effect on the circulatory system and improves the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. This drink has an invigorating effect on the human body, helps to improve thinking processes and mood. Thein (tea caffeine) contained in the drink contributes to this. By the way, it is completely excreted from the body and does not have any side effects. Green tea is good for heart disease. It does not cause heart palpitations and evens out breathing, helps to keep cholesterol levels within normal limits.

Oriental drink is able to remove heavy metals and toxins from the body. It speeds up the digestion process. Nutritionists advise to complete each meal with a cup of green tea, as it neutralizes the fats that have entered the body with food.

Green tea helps not only in the fight against overweight but also with a hangover. In order to avoid morning headaches, it is recommended to drink several cups of green tea after drinking alcohol. There is an opinion that this drink even prevents addiction to alcohol.

7. Citrus juices

Orange juice is rich in vitamin C. It activates the immune system. It is considered an excellent diuretic and hematopoietic agent. Possesses useful substances that prevent cancer. Orange juice helps the body burn fat and stimulates metabolism. The high acidity of the drink can have a negative effect on tooth enamel. To protect the enamel, it is recommended to drink the juice through a straw.

Grapefruit juice helps relieve fatigue and increase appetite. Promotes the removal of excess cholesterol from the body. It is recommended to take people with hypertension. An indispensable tool for the prevention of influenza and SARS.

8. carrot juice

This juice is the richest source of vitamin A in a natural, natural form. Freshly squeezed carrot juice contains many minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus). This drink improves vision, appetite, digestion processes, the structure of teeth and bones, and also has a beneficial effect on nervous system. Carrot juice is good for beriberi and general loss of strength, helps to strengthen the immune system. For better absorption of juice, you should drink it during a meal. Well absorbed with vegetable salad filled with oil.

9. Tomato juice

V tomato juice contains lycopene, which contributes to the prevention of oncological diseases of many organs, such as: lungs, stomach, intestines, liver, mammary glands. Lycolene also reduces the risk of occurrence and development of cardiovascular diseases and “smoothes” the symptoms of a stroke.

10. Coffee

Coffee, like wine, is healthy in moderation. Experts advise to consume no more than one or two cups a day. Numerous studies have shown that caffeine is preventative in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and some forms of cancer. In addition, coffee is able to reduce muscle pain by 48% after an intense workout. Coffee reduces harmful effect radiation on the human body, softens asthma attacks, helps with allergies, activates the intestines.

A cup of coffee reduces fatigue, improves attention and increases the speed of reactions. But large doses lead to the opposite effect. Irritability and nervousness may appear. Excessive coffee consumption increases the risk of heart disease.

Experts do not advise taking coffee on an empty stomach, in this case, the drink, one might say, “turns off the brain.”