Tan and ayran: what is the difference between the drinks? Which is better, healthier drink: tan or ayran? How to drink tan and ayran drink correctly: tips. What is the difference between tan and ayran

Good afternoon, dear blog readers! Once I noticed in a store the fermented milk drink tan and ayran. I hesitated a little, couldn’t decide which one to take for testing. Not knowing the difference between tan and ayran, I took both bottles.

The labels indicate that these drinks have a beneficial effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, cardiovascular system, diseases of the stomach, liver, and kidneys. They help cope with dysbacteriosis and allergies, increase tone, muscle strength, and sexual activity.

  • 1. What is the fermented milk drink ayran?
  • 1.1 Useful properties of ayran.
  • 2. What is tan fermented milk drink?
  • 2.1 Useful properties of tan.
  • 3. What is the difference between tan and ayran?
  • 3.1. What contraindications do these drinks have?
  • 4. The use of fermented milk drinks in cooking.
  • 5. Is it possible to prepare such drinks at home?

What is fermented milk drink ayran?

Ayran is a sour drink, which is a type of fermented fermented milk product. One and a half millennia ago, Turkic nomads, being constantly on the move, came up with most interesting method fermenting milk and turning it into a healthy drink.

They poured milk (both cow's, camel's, sheep's, mare's, and goat's milk was used) into a leather wineskin hanging on the horse's side, adding salt or leaven to it. Thermophilic streptococcus was used as a starter in combination with yeast and Bulgarian bacillus, which gave rise to fermentation and was an excellent preservative. Nowadays, a relative of ayran can be called yoghurts, which are also prepared using a Bulgarian stick.

For several days the waterskin was not removed from the horse. Thus, a certain thermal regime necessary for fermentation was created. The result was an excellent food product and thirst-quenching drink, which, if desired, was diluted with spring water or kumiss.

Balkaria and Karachay are considered to be the birthplace of the fermented milk drink ayran, but gradually this healthy drink gained recognition among the peoples of the Caucasus, Central Asia, Bashkiria and Tataria.

Each nation, mastering the preparation of this drink, contributed its own wisdom, so it differs not only in its name (auron, ayran, eiran, uiran, eiren), but also in its composition, consistency, and preparation technology.

Among settled people, it is more liquid, to quench thirst; among nomadic peoples, it is thick, for convenient storage and transportation, which is diluted with water or milk for drinking (and this is already a shalap). But they all have a common feature - these drinks are prepared using lactic acid bacteria.

Nowadays, the fermented milk drink ayran is produced industrially in almost all corners of Russia.

Useful properties of ayran.

Like all mixed fermentations, natural drink Ayran prepared using old technologies is characterized by increased digestibility, because the original product has already been partially processed by enzymes into simple compounds that are easily absorbed by the human body.

Its beneficial properties are so obvious that in the Caucasus, ayran is considered a drink for long-livers, given its enormous abilities:

  • have a beneficial effect on the secretory functioning of the digestive tract;
  • suppress harmful intestinal microflora and fight putrefactive bacteria, normalize normal intestinal microflora;
  • restore metabolism, water-salt balance, protecting against dehydration,
  • enhance the removal of waste products from the body,
  • improve the functioning of the respiratory center due to the flow of oxygen into the lungs,
  • strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular system,
  • having bactericidal properties, promote health and longevity,
  • build strong immunity,
  • increase body tone,
  • stimulate appetite and relieve hangover.

This ayran drink brings great benefits to people trying to lose weight. After all, even a small portion of it significantly reduces appetite, has low calorie content(100 ml - 90 kcal), does not cause bloating and gas formation. Therefore it is often used in fasting days, taking instead of dinner. Availability large quantity vitamins and microelements, during short-term diets, provide only benefit and support to the body.

What is tan fermented milk drink?

For some reason it is believed that tan is much superior in healing properties ayran, only because it is made from matsoni. I decided to study this issue more deeply. It turned out that matsoni (matsun) is also a fermented milk product of Armenian and Georgian cuisine, which is also prepared from milk, only boiled. Use different milk (cow, goat, buffalo, camel) or take a mixture different milks and ferment it with heat-loving lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus in Georgia and Bacillus acidophilus in Armenia, and put it to ripening. Matsun has a jelly-like consistency, like yogurt, and a sour taste.

This product is subsequently used for the production of fermented milk drink tana by adding water. The drink can be carbonated or non-carbonated and is considered the best thirst quencher.

Its preparation recipe is very similar to the preparation of ayran, and is also common among the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia. Armenia is considered the birthplace of this drink, but in Russia it began to be used only in the 19th century.

Useful properties of tan.

The tan drink is rich in bactericidal flora, which has a detrimental effect on putrefactive bacteria and harmful intestinal microflora. Regular use of the drink relieves gastrointestinal disorders, normalizes the functioning of the intestines and stomach, increases appetite, and strengthens the immune system.

Lactic acids and easily digestible proteins, essential microelements (phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium), help normalize the functioning of all human organs, so it is recommended to drink this drink for people engaged in physical labor and daily sports training to strengthen bone and muscle tissue.

Magnesium and potassium support the cardiovascular system, protecting vascular walls from cholesterol deposits, and help enrich the heart muscle and pulmonary system with oxygen.

B vitamins support the functioning of brain cells, activate memory and thinking. Lactic acid and amino acids have a beneficial effect on the appearance of the skin, relieving it of dryness and redness, and improving the condition of nails and hair.

The use of the tana drink is a preventive measure that inhibits the development of heart diseases (hypertension, heart attack), stroke and atherosclerosis, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases, and gout.

Possessing bacteriological properties, it protects the body from poisoning and copes well with hangover syndrome.

This drink, like ayran, is considered the basis Caucasian longevity and recipes for fermented milk products are carefully passed down from generation to generation. Widely used in dietary nutrition, its calorie content is 60-80 kcal/per 100 ml of product, promotes weight loss.

IN industrial production Tan drink is made with the addition of flavorings. I recently bought cucumber-flavored tan, in addition to this they add mint, basil, and dill.

What is the difference between tan and ayran?

Now that I have told you about the production of tan and ayran and their useful properties ah, can you answer the question, what is the difference between tan and ayran?

Ayran is prepared using a special starter; tan is made from matsoni, which is prepared from the same starter as ayran. Only for matsoni take boiled milk or a mixture of milk from different animals.

Ayran is thicker in consistency, tan is liquid, it contains more water and salt and it has slightly fewer calories than ayran.

Tang is prepared both carbonated and non-carbonated, and may contain spicy additives and cucumber.

What contraindications do these drinks have?

Ayran and tan - sour drinks, therefore, they should be used with great caution by people with increased acidity gastric juice, there may be individual intolerance to lactose contained in milk.

The presence of salt in these drinks makes people be careful when drinking high blood pressure and kidney diseases. When treating with ayran and tan, it is recommended to reduce the amount of salt in regular food and drink more water.

Ayran is contraindicated for stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, and erosions.

The use of fermented milk drinks in cooking.

Tan and ayran quench thirst well, which is important for hot days, improve appetite and tone the body. Therefore, they are used as a base for preparing cold vegetable soup. It turns out something reminiscent of Russian okroshka.

Drinks not only improve their taste if you add fresh parsley, basil, cilantro, but also become even more healing and healthy. To soften the taste, in Armenia sometimes fruit slices are added to the drink and allowed to brew. The drink takes on a new taste.

Dough for flatbreads is kneaded on tan, used for baking fish and meat, and added to mung bean soup.

Is it possible to prepare such drinks at home?

I came across several recipes on the Internet for preparing ayran and tan at home. Innovators suggest adding a starter for yogurt or kefir to boiled milk; others argue that it is necessary to add a silver coin during the fermentation period to destroy putrefactive flora and a crust of black bread.

And then after fermentation, the fermented drink is diluted with salted water or sparkling water containing salts.

According to experts, this produces a drink that tastes like ayran. Of course, it is also useful, since milk is taken from yoghurt starter containing probiotics. But still, this drink has somewhat different medicinal properties. The beneficial properties of ayran prepared using a special starter (thermophilic streptococcus in combination with yeast and Bulgarian bacillus) perform slightly different functions. And to prepare such a drink at home, you only need this starter. Otherwise, you will get a product that only resembles ayran or tan in its taste.

Be healthy!

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Do you consider tan and ayran to be the same drink? Indeed, at first glance it may seem that they have the same taste. But in fact, differences exist and we will discuss them in detail below.

What is the difference between tan and ayran?

First of all, let's figure out what ayran and tan are made from. Different starters are used for tan and ayran. In the case of tan, it is prepared on the basis of boiled milk and with the participation of Bulgarian bacillus and milk streptococci. For ayran, along with the same streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus, yeast is also added to the starter, and the milk is not boiled.

We also note that along with cow, goat and sheep milk, as for preparing ayran, in the case of tan, buffalo and camel products are also used.

The consistency of ayran can be either liquid or quite thick. Tan is always liquid, which is why regular or mineral carbonated water is often added to it. Let us also note that it is tan that is most often supplemented with cucumbers, salt and other flavoring additives, which can be observed much less often in the case of ayran.

As you can see, there are differences between tan and ayran and in certain cases they are quite significant. So, for example, if you compare tan made from buffalo or camel milk and diluted with salted sparkling water with classic ayran made from cow's milk, the difference between them will be noticeable both in composition and taste.

However, at present, for the production of tan and ayran in industrial scale, as a rule, they use similar mixed technologies, which really gives reason to consider them related and equal in taste drinks. Anyone who has not tried tan and ayran classic version, made taking into account all traditional requirements the correct recipe, but is content with a purchased product, that’s exactly what he thinks. And you can convince him otherwise only by offering to taste the original product.

What is better - tan or ayran?

Considering both drinks, it is impossible to say for sure which one is better. Residents of Transcaucasia are more likely to give preference to tan, since geographically it is most widespread in this region. Karachay and Balkaria are considered the homeland of the ayran, therefore, the tan here yields primacy to it. As for the rest, everyone chooses for themselves best drink yourself, focusing on your taste preferences.

Having analyzed the information given in this material, you now know how tan differs from ayran, and you can make it yourself right choice in favor of one of the drinks.

Useful information about fermented milk products tan and ayran.

More recently, the range of fermented milk products has been supplemented with tan and ayran drinks. Let's take a closer look at them in this article.

What is tan and ayran drink and what is it made from?

These two drinks are fermented milk products.

  • The basis of tan is matsoni, obtained by fermenting boiled milk. Streptococci with Bulgarian bacillus are used for sourdough. Next, it is diluted to the desired consistency with water and salted. If sparkling water is added to a drink, it becomes carbonated.
  • To prepare ayran, two main products are needed: lactic acid and alcohol. Leaven (katyk) and salt are added to warm milk. No or very little water is added.

What is the difference between tan and ayran: comparison of drinks, difference

The average person using these tonics occasionally will hardly notice the difference. For true lovers of these products, these are completely different products.
In reality, ayran and tan have differences:

  1. In production technology
  2. In appearance
  3. According to taste
Ayran Tan
Raw materials for production
  • Cow, goat, sheep milk is sometimes added with katyk
  • Buffalo and camel milk
Preparation method
  • Using starter culture, bacteria and yeast, adding katyk, water and a small portion of salt to the milk.
  • Katyk is made from boiled milk and lactic acid bacteria.
  • The fermentation process is carried out with Bulgarian bacillus, Streptococcus thermophilus and yeast.
  • The milk is allowed to stand in a warm place until it sours until it becomes like kefir.
  • Prepared using a yeast-free method.
  • The basis is matsun starter, which is poured into milk and then diluted with salted water.
  • Matsoni is very similar to yogurt.
  • For its production, Bulgarian bacillus and Streptococcus thermophilus are also used.
  • Can be thin or thick
  • Always liquid
Flavoring additives
  • Doesn't have
  • Cucumbers or greens
  • Soft, almost not salty.
  • No sparkling water added.
  • It is an optimal base for cold summer soups.
  • Due to its low saltiness, it goes well with fruit.
  • The thick consistency of the drink helps satisfy hunger.
  • If diluted with water or milk, it can be successfully used to quench thirst.
  • Full-bodied, with a strong sense of salt.
  • It can be both non-carbonated and carbonated. In connection with which it is optimally suited for preparing okroshka
  • It is impossible to prepare ayran from tan, but ayran makes an excellent fermented milk product - tan

Video: Tan and ayran: what is the difference

Which is better, healthier - tan or ayran: benefits of drinks and harm

Having significant differences, both fermented milk drinks are very healthy. The bacteria present in the starter contribute to the production of various vitamins.
The unique composition of the products contributes to:

  • Improving intestinal microflora
  • Breakdown of fats
  • Removing toxic substances from the body
  • Cleansing the body of metabolic intermediate products
  • Increased tone
  • Relieving muscle fatigue syndrome
  • Normalization of appetite
  • Activation of digestive and metabolic functions

Having many beneficial properties, there are some contraindications to the use of fermented milk drinks.
You should not take products if you have:

  • Hypertensive diseases
  • Increased stomach acidity
  • Kidney pathologies
  • Individual intolerance

In addition, you should only drink fresh and properly prepared drinks. Otherwise, the body's reaction may be unpredictable

Tan and ayran drink: chemical composition, calorie content


  1. calcium
  2. phosphorus
  3. proteins
  4. vitamins
  5. amino acids
  6. lactic acid
  7. fermentation bacteria

Traditional composition of drinks:

  • Water – approximately 90%
  • Fat, protein – about 2%
  • Lactic acid – not less than 1%

They have a minimum calorie content of 20 to 100 kcal per 100 ml/

Which carbonated drink: tan or ayran?

  • The technology for preparing tana involves diluting it with water, sometimes carbonated
  • Ayran is never carbonated
  • Before using the products in question fermented milk drinks shake them. This is done to combine the protein base and separated whey
  • Take cocktails fresh, preferably no later than 24 hours from the date of preparation.
  • When using for the first time, take 2-3 small sips to check your body’s reaction.
  • To enhance the encouraging, tonic taste, add pieces of ice and herbs:
  • basilica
  • dill
  • cilantro
  • parsley
  • mint, etc.
  • You should not drink tonic at night, as it has diuretic properties.

Tan or ayran: which is better for a hangover?

Both drinks perfectly normalize water-salt metabolism in the body, which helps fight hangover.

The drinks in question have been consumed by most residents of mountainous areas and deserts for many years.

  • They are filling and nutritious
  • Great for thirst management
  • Saturated a huge amount vitamins, microelements and amino acids

Thanks to this, it is currently becoming more and more in demand among modern residents of megacities.

Video: Ayran: benefits and harms

Not so long ago, many had not even heard of these drinks, since both ayran and tan were the privilege of the peoples of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

But thanks to free movement across countries and continents, as well as familiarity with the customs and culinary preferences, ayran and tan began to appear in stores in European countries, as well as Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

Many people, having tried these two drinks, see virtually no difference. What outrages you to the core true connoisseurs these national drinks. Indeed, in fact, ayran and tan differ from each other both in production technology and in appearance, and taste.

To understand this, you need to touch on the topic of the production of these two drinks.

Ayran is a fermented milk drink that is most often made from cow's milk. Although sometimes both goat and sheep milk are used. As usual cow's milk add starter, water and a little salt. Ayran ferment is a katyk made from boiled milk and lactic acid bacteria. Bulgarian bacillus, streptococcus thermophilus and yeast help ayran to ferment.

The milk is placed in a warm place for several hours, and it sours safely. It becomes similar to kefir. Ayran can be either thick or liquid. Once upon a time, among nomadic peoples, ayran was both food and drink. That is, thick ayran quenched hunger, and liquid ayran, previously diluted with water or milk, quenched thirst.

Tang is also a fermented milk drink. But its technology is a little different, although very similar. Tan is made from cow, sheep, goat, camel milk with the addition of sourdough, very similar to yogurt - matsoni. This starter is made using the same Bulgarian bacillus and Streptococcus thermophilus. But this drink is more liquid. It is diluted with water (often carbonated) and added large quantity salt.

So it turns out that ayran and tan are fermented milk drinks, but differ in the method of fermentation, initial raw materials (milk), consistency, amount of water and salt.

Also, ayran and tan differ in taste. Ayran has a milder taste than tan.

There is almost no salt in the ayran. And tan is a rather salty drink.

IN classic version Ayran does not add herbs and spices. Various seasonings are often added to the tan drink., greens and even fresh cucumbers.

Ayran can be either thick or liquid. It can also be of varying degrees of fat content (it all depends on the fat content of the pellet). Tan is always liquid.

Carbonated water is not added to ayran. Ayran quenches thirst well; cold dishes are prepared on its basis. summer soups. Since it is unsalted, it can be combined with fruits.

Tan can be either still or carbonated. Therefore, tan is very good for making okroshka, because it already contains enough salt, and the carbonated liquid makes okroshka incredibly tasty.

It is impossible to make ayran from tan, but ayran makes an excellent drink - tan.

But, despite this difference, both ayran and tan are very healthy fermented milk drinks. They improve intestinal microflora, help in the fight against overweight, remove toxins from the body.


It is not difficult to predict the consequences of a fun evening, which included unlimited quantities of strong drinks. In order not to suffer in the morning from headaches, thirst and other delights of a hangover, you need to worry about this in advance. Many people solve the problem by taking it for a hangover. dairy products. For example, Ayran and Tan performed well. What are they, and should we expect any effect from using them?

Tan or Airan?

Using alcoholic drinks, it should be understood that the body derives little benefit from this. Penetrating into the body, ethanol is able to influence water-salt metabolism, disrupting it. What does this mean:

  • Changes in acid-base balance occur.
  • Vitamins and minerals do not reach the tissues in the required quantities.
  • The heart and kidneys suffer.
  • Blood pressure rises and heart failure may develop.

In order to avoid these consequences of a hangover, this problem must be eliminated.

The best remedy for normalizing water-salt metabolism is Tan or Ayran. Residents of the Caucasus know about the miraculous power of these fermented milk drinks, and in the fight against hangover they rely exclusively on them.

What is the difference between these two drinks:

What effect can you expect with a hangover?

Ayran from hangover syndrome accepted for the purpose of:

  • Normalize intestinal microflora.
  • Improve the body's absorption of nutrients.
  • Increase the flow of oxygen into the lungs.
  • Normalize breathing.
  • Strengthen the nervous system.

Tan also saves you from a hangover and here's why:

  • Normalizes the water-salt balance of the body.
  • Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tones, relieves hangover symptoms.

How much can I use?

In order for Ayran or Tan from a hangover to bring exceptional benefits to the body and improve well-being, you need to know the optimal amount that is recommended to drink. It makes 2-3 glasses or 500-600 milliliters of drink. This is enough to tone the body and bring it to its senses.

Alternative to these drinks

What to do in the case when neither Airan nor Tan were at hand, and the symptoms of a hangover need to be removed? In this case, there are two alternative options:

  • Brine - it will replace Tan and Ayran. In terms of salt content, both brine and the mentioned fermented milk drinks are very similar. In order to make you feel better in the morning, it is recommended to drink a glass of brine. It is not worth increasing the recommended volume, because this can lead to tissue swelling, which will cause increased headaches and put a strain on the heart.
  • Personally prepared Ayran. In order to make it, you will need a blender in which all the ingredients for the future drink will be ground. Place a glass into the blender jar mineral water, the same amount of yogurt (the best option is white yogurt, which does not contain any additives), fresh herbs (this can be dill, parsley, basil), salt to taste. Grind all ingredients. Pour the resulting mixture into a glass and add ice if desired.


Ayran and Tan are universal drinks. They help not only to get rid of a hangover, but also have a positive effect on the functioning of the whole body:

  • They cleanse it and tone it.
  • They have a positive effect on muscles, promoting their relaxation.
  • Improves appetite and digestion.
  • Have a positive effect on liver function.

Despite all the benefits and wide spectrum of action of Tan and Ayran, these drinks are not recommended for all people. It is recommended that people with:

  • Increased acidity.
  • Gastritis.
  • Ulcers.
  • Peptic ulcer of the duodenum, stomach.
  • Intolerance to the product or certain of its components.

In order to avoid intestinal infection or poisoning from being added to the symptoms of a hangover, before consuming Tan or Ayran, you need to pay attention to their expiration date and also make sure that they were stored correctly.