What can be made from fresh watermelon. What can be prepared from watermelon: unusual recipes

With the onset of the hot season, people want to diversify their menu, make it lighter, but at the same time tasty. All kinds of fruits and berries appear on store shelves, including everyone’s favorite watermelon. Usually it is simply cut up and eaten, but it turns out that many delicious dishes can be prepared from watermelon.

In addition to the obvious option of cutting the watermelon into slices and serving as a dessert after dinner, this unusual berry allows you to show culinary skill and imagination

In addition to the obvious option of cutting the watermelon into slices and serving as a dessert after dinner, this unusual berry allows you to show culinary skill and imagination.

Among the delicious and unusual ways There are two most popular ones to prepare and serve watermelon:

  • jam;
  • candied fruit.

Sugar watermelon jam

To make jam you will need the following ingredients:

  • Granulated sugar (or lump, but it will need to be ground) – 0.9-1 kg.
  • Watermelon rinds – 1.3 kg.

The jam will cause a sensation and delight

Cooking process:

  1. Cut off the top part of the crusts with a knife (dark green, hard);
  2. Cut the peeled crusts into small pieces;
  3. Rinse them well in cool water;
  4. Soak in saline solution for 30 minutes - this will allow the pieces to retain their shape;
  5. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes;
  6. Prepare sugar syrup (from 0.6 liters of water and 0.4 kg of sugar), pour over the crusts and cook over medium heat for 15 minutes, then cool and repeat cooking 3 more times for 15 minutes (after each time the jam will need to be cooled).

The preparations for the winter will need to be placed in a glass container, rolled up, and stored in a cool place.

Candied crusts

You can prepare candied fruits using the following ingredients:

  • Prepared watermelon rinds (peeled and washed) – 1.2 kg.
  • Water – 600 ml.
  • Citric acid – 5 g.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

How have you eaten watermelon in your life? Most, for sure, are only raw or in a cocktail. But with a little magic, you can do amazing things with watermelon: ice cream, shakes, fried and even savory dishes.

(Total 10 photos)

1. Appetizer salad with fried watermelon, mint and Feta cheese

Fried watermelon sounds scary, but in fact it is juicy and crispy on the inside, with a smoky and sweet crust on the outside. Throw to him salted cheese Feta, add some zing with lime and some fresh mint. And now you're ready wonderful salad for a picnic!

For the appetizer salad you will need:

  • 8 seedless watermelon slices (about the size of a deck of cards);
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 5 teaspoons lime juice;
  • 5 slices of Feta cheese (just over 100 grams);
  • a handful of fresh leaves mint;
  • 3 cups greens (arugula, lettuce, watercress);
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • roasted pumpkin seeds.

Heat up the grill. Dry the watermelon pieces with a paper towel and place them on the grill. Fry on one side, without turning, for 2 minutes.
Toss the greens with 2 tablespoons of lime juice, olive oil and a pinch of salt. Place the greens on large dish, top with grilled watermelon slices, browned side up. Add Feta and a few watermelon pieces. Pour the remaining lime juice over them and sprinkle a little salt (pepper to taste). All that remains is to decorate everything with mint and pumpkin seeds.

2. Delicious watermelon slices with mint and lime

For delicious slices you will need:

  • 1 chilled seedless watermelon;
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh mint;
  • 4 limes (from 2 - zest, from 2 - juice);
  • 3/4 cup sugar.

Cut the watermelon into 4 parts and then into slices approximately 5 cm thick (see picture). Chop the mint leaves and mix in a bowl with 2 tablespoons of lime zest. Add sugar and mix everything well. Place the watermelon slices on a large flat plate and top with lime juice. Then sprinkle the pieces with the mint-lime sugar you made.

3. Watermelon-Mint Sherbet

Classic watermelon in a new version: frozen pulp + mint + lime = juicy and refreshing ice cream (or in other words, sherbet). Sherbet contains virtually no sugar and can be added with a few tablespoons of rum for even greater pleasure.

For sherbet you will need:

  • watermelon (about 2 kg, seeded and broken into pieces);
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon sugar;
  • 3 limes (juice from them);
  • 3 tablespoons white rum;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon chopped mint leaves.

Watermelon pieces, sugar, lime juice and rum - put everything into a blender. And bring it to a puree state. Add mint and mix everything until it turns into small particles and is no longer visible. Afterwards, pack the mixture into an airtight container and freeze for several hours.

Having an ice cream maker makes the process much easier. If it is not there, then every hour we take the mixture out of the freezer and mix it thoroughly with a spoon or mixer as long as possible. This is to prevent ice crystals from forming in the ice cream. To completely freeze the sherbet, keep it in the freezer for 6-8 hours.

4. Watermelon-tomato salad with Feta

You'll be surprised how well watermelon and feta cheese go together. With each bite, the salty, sweet and at the same time invigorating notes begin to play more and more brightly. This salad is simple, but not without some creativity, as you can add other summer vegetables(except tomatoes). The dish is best served with fried fish or steak.

For the salad you will need:

  • 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil;
  • 1 small cucumber, peeled;
  • 1/2 small red onion;
  • 3 tomatoes, cut into pieces;
  • 3 1/2 cups seedless watermelon, cut into small pieces;
  • 1 red bell pepper, cut into pieces;
  • 200 grams of Feta cheese, cut into cubes 1-1.5 cm in size;
  • 1 cup finely chopped fresh mint leaves.

We start by preparing the dressing. To do this, mix vinegar, salt and pepper in a medium bowl. Then add olive oil and beat well. Set aside for now.

Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise and remove the seeds with a spoon if necessary. Then cut it into thin slices in the shape of a crescent. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Finally, place the cucumber, onion, tomatoes, watermelon pieces, pepper, cheese and mint in a large bowl. Add dressing. It is advisable to serve immediately.

5. Milk-watermelon shake

Try this incredible shake that blends juicy watermelon with ice and milk. This is incredible! Foamy, sweet, delicate pinkish color... The milky watermelon shake is neither cloying nor heavy. The consistency is more like juice with the addition of something similar to cream.

Watermelon must be frozen first. To do this, cut it into pieces and place them on a sheet parchment paper in one layer and place in the freezer. This way the pieces of watermelon will not stick together, and you can take as many of them as you need. Once frozen, you can transfer them to airtight bags and store them for up to three months.

For the neck you will need:

  • 3 cups frozen watermelon chunks;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar.

Mix all ingredients in a blender and bring to consistency milkshake. You can add sugar to taste. Actually, it's ready!

6. Refreshing watermelon water

Do you habitually quench your thirst with soda in the summer? We urge you to give up this business and drink exclusively natural homemade drinks. Since today our key figure is watermelon, we offer you wonderful recipe cold watermelon water. There is practically no sugar in it, and it is super refreshing.

For watermelon water you will need:

  • half a large watermelon (without rind, cut into large pieces);
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • 8 fresh mint leaves (to taste);
  • juice of half a lime (about 1-1.5 tablespoons);
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar or honey.

Half watermelon pulp and place half of the water in a blender and turn into a homogeneous puree. Then we taste the resulting mass to see if it is sweet enough. If we feel that it is not very sweet, we remember to add sugar to the next batch. Strain the liquid through a sieve into a jug or large bowl. Repeat the procedure with the remaining pieces of watermelon and water, adding mint leaves and sugar. Mix everything until homogeneous mass. Strain again. Add lime juice. Cool before serving.

7. Watermelon popsicle

Eskimo is, in a way, synonymous with childhood. And here in front of us lies a large or not very large, but undoubtedly very desirable, watermelon - can it really be turned into everyone’s favorite dessert? This is exactly what we suggest you do!

For watermelon popsicle you will need:

  • about 700 grams of watermelon pulp, without peel and seeds;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 4 tablespoons chopped fresh mint leaves;
  • 2 teaspoons grated lemon zest;
  • a pinch of salt.

Grind the watermelon pulp with sugar in a blender. After a while add mint lemon zest, salt.

Pour the resulting mixture into popsicle molds available on the farm. Then we put the future watermelon ice cream in the refrigerator. After an hour and a half, you can insert the sticks into the molds. Leave the watermelon popsicle in the freezer for at least 3 hours until it is thoroughly frozen.

8. Watermelon jelly

Watermelon is delicious on its own. But why not treat yourself to a wonderful dessert? Watermelon jelly is not a standard dish. It has a delicious taste, delicate color and texture. This dessert will definitely please both adults and children.

For the jelly you will need:

  • watermelon (about 3 kg with peel);
  • gelatin (bag, about 20 grams);
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice;
  • vegetable oil.

Cut the watermelon into big pieces, peel off the peel. Place the pulp in a blender and turn it into puree. Strain the pureed watermelon through a sieve. The result should be about 3 glasses of juice.

In a small bowl, mix gelatin with 1 glass of watermelon juice. Let it brew for 3 minutes.

In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the rest of the watermelon juice and add the sugar. Keep it on the fire until the sugar completely dissolves. Then add pre-prepared gelatin and lemon juice to this mixture. Remove from heat.

Pour the prepared mixture into molds previously coated with oil. Cover and refrigerate overnight. Before serving, cut the jelly into cubes and distribute into bowls.

9. Watermelon-orange smoothie

This cocktail is delicious and very refreshing. Watermelon, however, like Orange juice, is an excellent source of antioxidants and vitamin C. What do we do with pepper in it, you ask? It very subtly emphasizes the taste of watermelon. You shouldn't be afraid to add it to your smoothie.

For the smoothie you will need:

  • 2.5 cups chopped seedless watermelon;
  • 1 cup ice;
  • 1/2 cup orange juice;
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper.

Cut the watermelon into pieces, removing the seeds if possible. Place watermelon slices, orange juice, pepper and ice into a blender. Mix everything. You can add a little honey to make the drink sweeter. That's how quick and easy it is, and your smoothie is ready. Enjoy!

10. Super refreshing strawberry watermelon drink

Excellent refreshing soft drink with a wonderful aroma and rich hue. The main thing in it is to comply correct proportion strawberries: if there are too many of them, then it will become candy; if there are too few, then the drink will not have enough sweetness. So try and experiment!

For the drink you will need:

  • 4 cups diced watermelon;
  • 1 cup peeled strawberries;
  • juice of half a lime;
  • 6 mint leaves (+ for decoration);

If you have a juicer, then in accordance with the instructions we obtain juice from watermelon, strawberries, and lime. We don't use pulp.

If we use a blender, then mix the watermelon, strawberries, and lime until smooth. Strain through a sieve, helping with a spatula.

We take glasses and put 3 mint leaves in each of them. Put ice on top. Pour the juice mixture (watermelon, strawberry and lime) into glasses and serve.

As you can see, everything is simple and accessible. Recipes whose main ingredient is watermelon are so good that you want to make them right now!

And what original recipes with watermelon, do you know?

What can you make from watermelon to please your household, surprise guests, and enjoy cold winter evenings fragrant aromas of summer? From a large striped berry, which, like you and me, consists of 80% water, you can prepare a lot of goodies.

Excellent berry - virtually waste-free! You shouldn't throw away the crusts - you need to... fry them! Like regular potatoes, just cut off the thin outer green skin before cooking. Cook with pleasure and discover new tastes of familiar products.

Wonderful aroma of green peels

Fragrant jam from watermelon rinds “Naslazhdenie”

What you need: granulated sugar – 950 g, fruit crust – 1-1.2 kg.

How to cook: Remove sharp knife hard peel with crusts. Cut them into small pieces (1.5 by 1.5 cm), rinse with cool water. To prevent them from boiling, soak for half an hour in a 3% salt solution.

Next, immerse them for 10 minutes in water heated to 85-95 degrees C. Place in a saucepan (excellent - in a pressure cooker, multicooker), pour in cooled sweet syrup (400 g sugar - 600 ml water). Boil the mixture 4 times for 15 minutes. Count the time from the moment the syrup boils. The container should be removed from the burner (turned off) and cooled every 3 hours after the next welding. Roll up the finished jam.

This wonderful sweetness can be spread on fresh bread, or served with pancakes and pancakes, or used in pies and cakes. Even capricious children will like the curd with aromatic pieces. Have you ever eaten ice cream topped with jam from a fragrant “ball”? The taste is amazing!

Candied fruits with pear flavor

Surprise your guests with fragrant candied fruits. Such a treat will be a real delight during winter tea parties or just a get-together with friends.

What you need: granulated sugar - 1.2 kg, crusts (peeled) - 1 kg.

How to prepare: Remove the green dense top from the skins. Cut the pulp into small triangles or strips. These will be the candied fruits. Pour cool water over the chopped pieces and boil for 10-15 minutes. Drain in a colander and place in very cold (ice) water.

Dip the cooled slices into boiling syrup (200 g sugar - 400 ml water). Boil for 5 minutes, leave for 10-12 hours. Repeat the process 4-5 times until the pieces become transparent. During the last cooking, add a pinch citric acid. Dry the boiled candied fruits in the oven, sprinkle powdered sugar. Store in parchment paper.

Tip: Decorate your favorite cake with crispy and fragrant candied fruits.

We salt, ferment and pickle... berries!

Are you deciding what you can make from watermelon for the winter? Prepare salted watermelons! Crispy and aromatic, salty and sour, they go perfectly with boiled potatoes, meat, and are also suitable as dessert dish. At any time of the year, you can easily decorate the table with striped gifts of nature. In addition, it can also be preserved in salted form - it will be an excellent natural diuretic in the house.

So, let's master salting watermelons in a barrel.

Salty stripes

Select fruits weighing 4-5 kg. Using a wooden knitting needle, pierce their rounded “barrels” in 12-15 places to speed up the fermentation process. Carefully place the “balls” in wooden barrel and fill with brine (500 g sugar – 200 g salt – 10 l water). The first day the barrel is kept at room temperature, and then moved to the cellar. After three weeks, the salty delicacies can be served.

Tip: To prevent the fruits from floating in the barrel, cover them with a clean cloth, place a wooden circle on top and press down with a heavy stone, previously washed and scalded.

You already know how to pickle green “balls” for the winter, but soaked fruits are no less tasty. own juice. A savory snack would be appropriate for festive table, and to the usual family dinner. People often ask, salted and soaked? The answer is clear: yes! This is an excellent and healthy component of the diet menu.

Soaked watermelons

We place small fruits in rows in a barrel - wooden or plastic. Every two rows we alternate them with juicy pulp. The alternation continues until it is completely filled. Next, the barrel is sealed and filled with juice through the shunt hole. The berries “ferment” for a week. Containers should be stored in a cool place.

Have you prepared pickled watermelons for the winter? Surprise your guests unusual dish! Recipes can be selected to suit every taste. Canning watermelons is easy even for very young housewives. We offer a simple option that requires very little money and effort. The result will please you.

So, sweet and sour delicacies

Cut the watermelon into pieces - squares or slices. Place in the prepared jar up to the neck. Pour boiling water over it. Drain it immediately and add salt, sugar, vinegar and boil again. Flavorful marinade pour over the slices and roll up. Proportions on three liter jar: sugar – 4 tbsp. spoons, salt - 2 tbsp. spoons and vinegar - 70 gr.

Watermelon canned for the winter is an interesting addition to meat dishes. Do not roll up the jars or add vinegar. You will have a wonderful lightly salted snack. She is especially good at tender meat rabbit or turkey. Lightly salted watermelon diabetes mellitus It won't hurt either, but you'll have to use it instead of sugar. Is it possible to get poisoned by watermelon if you smell sour? Yes. This product should not be eaten.

Delicious cool treats

Do you know that you can even make homemade ice cream from watermelon? I always want to eat ice cream - and... quick breakfast, and on romantic dinner… IN summer heat– this is the hit of the season! Making watermelon ice cream is easier than you think. It is very, very tasty, healthy and cheaper than store bought...

Pink ice cream

Peel the striped “ball” from the crust and seeds, cut into pieces. Mix flavorful pieces, orange and lemon juice, blend in a blender or food processor. Freeze a little and beat again, and so on 3-4 times. Then place the delicacy in the molds and freeze a little again. Enjoy!

Exotic watermelon smoothie


  • 2 cups of seedless fruit pieces,
  • 2 cups of yogurt (preferably without additives),
  • 2 pieces of kiwi,
  • ice cubes,
  • mint leaves.

Preparation: Mix all ingredients and beat with a blender at the lowest speed. Pour the delicious mixture into tall glasses, garnish with fresh mint leaves.

Refreshing cocktail

The rich taste of the cocktail will perfectly complement any festive event, even true gourmets will enjoy it. Everyone knows how beneficial melon is for the body. In combination with fragrant berry its taste takes on new shades, concealing the smell of sun and summer.


  • 2 cups of berry pulp,
  • 1 cup melon pulp,
  • 220 ml cream

Preparation: Beat the ingredients until smooth. The cocktail goes perfectly with creamy ice cream.

We make jam and compote, prepare wine

Jam made from the pulp of sunny gifts is a very delicate and incredibly tasty dessert. The “glowing” pieces and light texture will delight your guests and will please your loved ones. It occurs much less frequently than traditional jam from strawberries and raspberries, apples, plums and apricots. However, it is very easy to prepare and has a wonderful taste and pleasant aroma.

“Amber” watermelon jam for the winter


  • 1 kg of ripe pulp,
  • 800 g sugar,
  • 2 glasses of water,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice,
  • vanillin.

Peel the juicy crumb from the seeds and cut into small cubes. Fill them with water, put on low heat and cook for exactly 5 minutes. Cool the pieces in ice water, keep it in it for 6-7 hours.

Boil syrup from water and sugar, pour it over the cooled chopped core. After 10 hours, drain the syrup, add lemon juice, vanillin and boil. Pour over the pieces again and place on low heat for 5 minutes. Repeat the cooling and boiling procedure 3 times until the pieces become elastic and transparent. Pour the product into jars and roll up.


You can cook from this wonderful fruit delicious compote for the winter.


  • 600 g sugar,
  • 0.5 kg chopped berries,
  • 600 ml water.

Weld thick syrup from water and sugar. Place the chopped striped pulp into it and bring it to 90 degrees C. Pour into jars and roll up.

Tip: Add a few sprigs of lemon balm or mint to the syrup, 1 dessert spoon of lemon juice - this will refresh the drink and give it a little tartness.

Homemade watermelon wine

From the southern “guest” you can cook delicious light wine. The main feature is that the drink must mature for at least 1 year.


  • 10 kg pulp (red and ripe),
  • 1.2 kg sugar,
  • 4.5 g tartaric acid,
  • 1 teaspoon of ammonia.

Mash the pulp quickly and pour into a prepared glass bottle (10 l). Add the remaining ingredients and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cover the neck of the vessel with three layers of gauze and place in a warm place for three days.

Pour the fermented juice into another container, squeeze out the pulp here, and install a water lock. After fermentation is complete, pour the young wine into another bottle and place it in the cellar (cellar) until fully matured. After about a year you can enjoy it to your heart's content.

We tried to tell you what can be made from watermelon. Experiment, create and then a wonderful product will nourish the body useful substances and delight you with a pleasant taste at any time of the year.

Prepare interesting dishes making watermelon is not as difficult as it seems. You just need to really want it and use your imagination. Many people believe that berries are only suitable for jam, but this is a very big mistake.

Unusual drink

Everyone is used to the fact that watermelon should be eaten without pre-treatment, simply cutting it into slices and savoring the juicy, tender pulp. But few know that from this unusual berry can be cooked great amount the most unexpected dishes. Some recipes don't even fit into my head. For example, the simplest version of a watermelon dish is a drink. It's not difficult to prepare. For 4 servings you will need:

120 grams of watermelon pulp, ½ lime, a tablespoon of sugar, 60 milliliters of white rum, 4 mint leaves and a little ice.

Preparation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cut the lime into pieces and crush in a specially prepared container along with sugar and mint.
  2. Add watermelon and mash everything again.
  3. Pour rum and throw pieces of ice into the container.
  4. Mix the contents well and pour into glasses.

No one will refuse such an exquisite drink, which is reminiscent of Mojito in composition. But if you suddenly find guests who do not drink, then the rum can easily be replaced with Sprite.

"Magic" salad

There is another option for preparing a watermelon dish. This is a salad. Enough unusual combination components ultimately gives surprisingly pleasant taste. To prepare this salad you will need:

1.5 kilograms of watermelon pulp, 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, 300 grams of Feta cheese, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and a little ground black pepper.

An unusual culinary “miracle” is prepared as follows:

  1. To begin, preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
  2. Send the seeds into it for 10 minutes, after mixing them with two tablespoons of oil.
  3. Cut the watermelon randomly into medium-sized pieces and place them on plates.
  4. Grind the cheese using a large-mesh grater and sprinkle the resulting crumbs on top of the watermelon.
  5. Then scatter the seeds on a plate.
  6. The resulting mass remains to be peppered and sprinkled with the remaining oil.

When serving such a watermelon dish on the table, you must also remember to place a small plate with lemon slices next to it.

For the little ones

When choosing watermelon dishes, you can choose recipes for everyone: both adults and children. Kids should especially like popsicles. This delicacy gives them special pleasure. It requires very little:

For half a watermelon, take 1 lemon, 3 oranges and a little sugar to taste.

In order to prepare such ice cream, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Cut the peeled watermelon pulp into arbitrary pieces and place them in a blender.
  2. Pour in the juice squeezed from the fruit and add sugar.
  3. Mix the products well, pour the resulting mixture into prepared molds and place in the freezer for 3 hours. This time will be quite enough.

Children will definitely like this fragrant dessert. You can prepare other watermelon dishes for them. The recipes and technology for their preparation are not complicated, but original taste and unusual appearance will definitely bring pleasure to the kids.

Medicinal mixtures

Watermelon and melon dishes are not only delicious. They are also very useful for humans. These products can boost immunity, remove harmful toxins from the body and simply lift your spirits. For example, a summer salad of fragrant melon and juicy watermelon looks very impressive on the table. It consists of the following components:

0.5 kilograms each of watermelon and melon pulp, 2 tablespoons of lime juice, 4 tablespoons of blackberries and several sprigs of mint.

You can prepare the salad as follows:

  1. Using a special spoon, cut out balls from the pulp of both products. Such devices are sold in hardware stores. Otherwise, you can just cut cubes of the same size.
  2. Mash the blackberries with a fork along with the juice into a paste. If the berries taste a little sour, you can add a little powdered sugar or honey.
  3. Combine the prepared products, mix and place in the refrigerator to cool.

At the right moment, all that remains is to put everything on plates and decorate the dish on top with mint leaves.

Preparations for the winter

Surprisingly, watermelons, like other products, can be prepared for the winter. Of course, because to the human body need vitamins all year round. How else can you preserve this delicate product? As a rule, watermelons are prepared in jars. To do this, you first need to prepare all the ingredients:

for 1 watermelon 50 grams of salt, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 100 grams of vinegar.

The cooking process is very similar to canning tomatoes:

  1. First you need to prepare the jars and lids.
  2. Then cut the watermelon large slices together with the crust and place them tightly in jars.
  3. Pour boiling water over the products and wait 20 minutes.
  4. Then you need to drain the water into a separate pan and prepare the marinade. To do this, add salt and sugar and boil for 3 minutes.
  5. First pour vinegar into each jar, then fill it to the top with the prepared marinade and roll it up.

In winter this unusual, but very delicious product It will be like a godsend. And if you remember about the benefits that watermelon brings, you will want to eat it more and more often.

Unusual delicacy

It should be noted that jam is still the most common way of preparing berries and fruits for future use. True, few people make watermelon jam. But in vain. It tastes no worse than cherry or strawberry. You can prepare this delicacy in two ways: from the pulp or from watermelon rinds. In the first case, the mixture turns out to be very tender and more homogeneous. To prepare it you will definitely need:

700 grams of pulp ripe watermelon, a kilogram of sugar, 10 grams of citric acid and vanilla sugar.

You need to prepare this jam slowly:

  1. Cut the watermelon pulp into pieces, place in a basin, sprinkle with sugar and leave it in this state for a couple of hours. During this time, the juice should stand out.
  2. Place the bowl on the fire, bring the mixture to a boil and boil it over medium heat for about 15 minutes. After that, remove and leave to cool completely.
  3. These steps must be repeated 3 times.
  4. The last time at the end of cooking, pour the remaining ingredients into the basin and boil the mixture for another 5 minutes.

Apple-watermelon jam

Ingredients for Apple-Watermelon Jam:
Watermelon (red flesh only) - 1 kg
Apple (peeled and seeds removed) - 1 kg
Sugar - 1 kg
Lemon - 1 piece

Cut the watermelon pulp into cubes, peel and core the apples, cut into pieces. Place in a saucepan and heat until softened.
When the watermelon and apples become soft, turn them into a homogeneous mass in a blender. Put it back on the fire, adding sugar. Cook until medium thick, about min. thirty.
10 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped lemon with peel.
Pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Watermelon delicacies

Using watermelon in cooking does not end with simple operations, such as: bring it, wash it, cut it and eat it. Fresh juices are made from the giant berry and used to prepare lungs. summer salads and desserts, salted and even fried. Try the watermelon delicacies too.

Watermelon salad with tomatoes

Cut the watermelon pulp, from which the seeds have been removed, cut the cucumbers and tomatoes into cubes, mix, pour over vegetable oil, add a little cognac, lemon juice, season with salt and black ground pepper. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before serving, carefully place in a salad bowl and garnish with dill.

Watermelon salad with avocado and feta cheese

Peel the avocado, halve, remove the pit, and cut into slices. Cut the watermelon pulp, from which the seeds have been removed, into small wedges. Place the watermelon and avocado in a salad bowl, sprinkle crumbled feta on top, and drizzle with a dressing of olive oil, lemon juice and ground black pepper. Garnish the salad with arugula leaves and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Serve chilled.

Watermelon and ham salad

Cut 200-300 g of watermelon pulp, 100 g of feta cheese and one medium-sized unsweetened apple into cubes (watermelon cubes should be larger), cut 150-200 g of ham into strips and add red sweet onion or 1-2 coarsely torn green lettuce leaves. For the dressing, mix vegetable oil with lemon juice, ground black pepper and salt.

Watermelon and strawberry “soup”

Grind the strawberries and watermelon pulp in a blender (set aside a third of it). Cut the reserved watermelon pulp into small cubes and mix with watermelon-strawberry puree. Add candied watermelon rinds to the “soup” and stir. Pour the watermelon “soup” into bowls and top each bowl with a scoop of ice cream or a spoonful of whipped cream. This delicacy, of course, is best eaten for dessert. You can use raspberries instead of strawberries.

Watermelon “soup” in a glass

Cut 500 g of watermelon pulp into cubes, grind another 500 g of watermelon pulp in a blender and strain. Cut 1-2 stalks of celery and 1 apple into thin strips. Strained watermelon juice pour into martini glasses, add watermelon cubes, celery, apple, season with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, a pinch of black pepper and a drop balsamic vinegar.

Fried watermelon

To prepare this unusual delicious dessert cut the watermelon into cubes about 2 cm thick, roll in flour, then in beaten egg white, repeating the operation twice, and fry in boiling refined vegetable oil until a light brown crust forms. Place the pieces of fried watermelon on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar, and serve immediately.

Watermelon cocktail

Cut the watermelon pulp into pieces and place in a blender. Beat for 30 seconds until smooth. Add dry champagne. Add ice and stir. Pour the cocktail into glasses and garnish with mint sprigs and a slice of watermelon.


Cut from a ripe watermelon top part, and scoop out the pulp with a spoon. After removing all the seeds from the pulp, add 0.5 cups of cognac, 2 cups of dry wine or champagne, orange slices, peach slices, mango or grapes. Place the resulting mixture in the watermelon and cover with the previously cut “lid”. Put the watermelon in the refrigerator, after 2 hours you can treat yourself to a cup.

Watermelon sorbet

To prepare this dessert, refreshing in hot weather, remove the seeds from the watermelon pulp, cut it into small pieces, grind in a blender, add lemon juice and put the sorbet in freezer. After 3 hours, remove from the refrigerator and blend again in a blender. Serve the finished sorbet in bowls.

Watermelon honey

Watermelon honey (nardek, bekmes) is obtained by evaporating watermelon juice until honey becomes thick. It contains up to 20% sucrose and 40% inverted (that is, broken down sugar). To prepare this wonderful delicacy, washed watermelons are divided into 4 parts over a basin, the pulp is separated with a spoon, then squeezed out under a weight through a napkin. The resulting juice should be brought to a boil, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam, and strain through gauze folded in 3-4 layers. After this, cook again until you get thick brown honey. Honey is ready when a drop of it does not spread on a cold plate. Watermelon honey is very aromatic, tasty and sweet. Store honey in a cool place, preferably in jars with tin lids.

Watermelon honey is contraindicated for patients with diabetes and obesity.

Watermelon marshmallow

At the same time as preparing watermelon honey, you can make delicious marshmallow. For 1 part of honey, put 2 parts of squeezed watermelon pulp and cook over low heat until thick, then add 4-5 drops of any fruit essence per 1 kilogram of mass, 4 egg whites and stir quickly. Place the hot mixture on a cutting board to cool. Cut the cooled marshmallow into pieces and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Store marshmallows in glass jars or cardboard boxes.

Watermelon rind jam

Wash and cut several thick-skinned watermelons into pieces. Peel the peels from the pulp and cut off the green layer from the peel in a thin layer. Cut these peels into small cubes, rinse and put them in salt water for 25-30 minutes (2-3 teaspoons per 1 liter of water). This is done so that the peels do not boil over. Then hold the peels in water heated to a boil (but not boiling!), after 10 minutes transfer them to a bowl with cold sugar syrup. Cook the jam in 3-4 batches, 10-15 minutes from the start of boiling, with breaks of 2-3 hours. The jam should be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.

For 1 kg of watermelon rinds you will need 1.2 kg of sugar and 1.5-2 glasses of water. The “correct” jam is transparent, golden, like amber, and the crusts crunch pleasantly, like candied fruits. You need to put the cooled jam into jars. It should be stored in a cool place.

This tasty, but high-calorie jam is strictly contraindicated for diabetes and obesity; it should not be included in the diet of people with chronic gastrointestinal diseases and a tendency to intestinal disorders. In limited quantities, it can be given to children from 10 years of age.

Candied watermelon rinds

Wash a watermelon with a thick rind weighing 3–4 kg and cut off the top green layer of skin no more than 2 mm thick. Cut the watermelon into pieces, remove the pulp with a spoon to a white layer. Cut the remaining peels into small cubes and cook for 3-4 minutes. blanch in boiling water with the addition of 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. Place in a colander and pour over cold water and dry.

Boil syrup from 750 g of sugar and 0.5 liters of water until the sugar is completely dissolved and pour it over watermelon rinds. Cook over low heat for 10–12 minutes, let steep for 8–10 hours.

Repeat this procedure twice more. The third time during cooking, add another 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice. Place the resulting mixture in a colander and let the liquid drain for 1 hour.

Place the crusts on a sieve and place to dry in a barely heated (up to 40ºC) oven for 1 hour. Roll the dried candied fruits in fine sugar, mix, shaking to remove excess sugar and leave at room temperature for 2-3 days. Store in a cardboard box or dry glass jar, covered with a lid.

Candied fruit syrup can be poured over cottage cheese, sweet casserole, oatmeal, ice cream, you can add it to baked goods or use it to make jam.

Salted watermelons

Watermelons can also be prepared for future use. Salted watermelons are a real delicacy! Exist various ways pickling watermelons.

Watermelons in a tub

It is better to salt small ripe watermelons of late varieties, if possible of the same size. Wash the watermelons, drain the water and, to speed up fermentation, pierce each one in several places with a sharp wooden pin or a sharpened splinter. Place tightly in a well-washed tub, scalded with boiling water, fill with brine (2 cups of salt per 1 bucket of water), cover with a cloth, a wooden circle and place a weight. After 2-3 days, put it in the cold. Fermentation at a temperature of +3 degrees lasts 25-30 days.

Watermelons in plastic bags

Place the weighed and washed watermelon in a thick bag. polyethylene film and fill with brine so that for every kilogram of watermelon there are 400 g of liquid. Add 1.5 tbsp to 1 liter of water in the brine. spoons of salt. The edges of the bag are melted: they are clamped with two metal strips and a candle flame is passed along them. The bags can be stored in a cold place (for example, in a cellar) for 10 months. For pickling, it is better to use watermelons with a thin rind, unripe or at least not overripe.

Watermelons in a jar

Cut the watermelon along with the rind into small triangular slices, place in a clean three-liter jar heated for 30 minutes in the oven and fill with brine (for 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of honey), previously boiled and slightly cooled. Immediately close the jar with a plastic lid. The jar should stand at room temperature for two to three days, then put it in the refrigerator. Salted watermelon stored until spring. It is an excellent source of magnesium, which is essential for the heart muscle.

You can also peel the skin from the green thin layer and cook it like zucchini. With onions and carrots.