Cook trout in the oven. Trout baked with potatoes

Step 1: clean the trout carcass.

We buy fresh uncleaned trout in the markets. Trout, which is cleaned and frozen, has lost a little of its taste. Therefore, for our dish we need fresh fish. We take a trout carcass. We wash it under running water.
Lay on a cutting board. We clean it with a fish knife from small scales. To do this, we hold the tail with one hand, and with the other we scrape it “against the coat” with a knife - from the tail to the head. We remove the scale from all sides.
We cut the belly of the trout with scissors and remove the intestines, gallbladder, black thin film on the insides of the fish. With the same scissors for fish, we remove the head and fins.
We again wash the cleaned trout under water from blood, small scales that could remain after cleaning the fish and put it on a plate. Let the fish dry (you can wipe it with a paper towel).

Step 2: Step: 2 stuff the trout.

Cut with a knife on a cutting board butter into flat rectangular pieces, put them on a plate and put in freezer to keep them cold.
We take dill and parsley, wash them under running water. We shake off bunches of greens from excess water, and finely chop them on a cutting board with a knife. Place chopped greens on a plate.
Cut the lemon in half. We put one half aside, we will need it. Squeeze the juice from the lemon directly onto the stuffed fish. Wipe the squeezed juice all over the trout inside and out.
Fish, grated with lemon juice, three types of ground pepper and salt, stuffed with chopped dill and dry coriander. We lay on a cutting board and let marinate with lemon juice and seasonings for 10 – 15 minutes.

Step 3: prepare the fish, baking sheet and oven for baking.

Cut into rings, the remaining and set aside by us lemon. Turn on the oven and heat it up up to 180 degrees.
We take a baking sheet and lay a sheet of foil on it, put lemon rings on top of the sheet.
We take a baking sheet and lay a sheet of foil on it, put lemon rings on top of the sheet. On top of the lemon, lay the pickled and stuffed with herbs trout. We do it on the open side of the fish, cutting a little oblique shape. We take out the frozen butter from the refrigerator and put a piece of butter in each cut on the fish.
Wrap the fish tightly in foil. It is better to wrap the trout in two layers of foil. So for sure the juice from the fish will not leak onto the baking sheet.

Step 4: Step: 4 Bake the fish in foil.

We put the fish laid on a baking sheet in a heated up to 180 degrees oven. Bake trout in foil for 30-40 minutes. When heated, the frozen butter will begin to gradually melt and soak the pickled lemon, different types peppers and coriander fish. A lemon that lies under the fish will acidify the side it is on. And it will help to ensure that the foil does not stick to the side on which the fish lies. After 30 - 40 minutes, you will catch with your nose how the spicy, sour smell of baked trout spreads through the kitchen. Believe me, it is felt even through the foil. The seasonings that we put added and improved the flavor, the lemon enhanced the taste of the fish with its juice and added sourness, the butter made the fish softer and covered it with a thin layer on top, which, by the end of baking, helped lightly fry the trout skin on top. We check the readiness of the fish with a fork directly through the foil if it enters easily into the trout flesh, then the fish is ready. Trout baked in foil is ready. We take out a baking sheet with trout. We lay the trout unopened on a cutting board and make a small cut in the foil. Let's let the steam, gathered under the foil, come out a little. Remove the foil from the fully cooked trout and place the baked fish on a plate.

Step 5: serve Trout baked in foil.

Trout baked in foil, served with warm, decorated greens, lemon wedges with cracker sauce. With a glass of dry French white wine. If you don't like wine, don't worry. This fish goes very well with grape juice. My family enjoys eating such a fish with sour cream, black homemade bread and drinking tea. I really hope that you were satisfied with the taste of the fish and the recipe with which they prepared it. wonderful dish! Enjoy your meal and to health!

- − Any boneless fish can be baked this way.

- − Trout baked in foil goes well with tomato, sweet pepper, onion and basil. If you cut all these vegetables and stuff the trout, the taste will be very pleasant and, on top of everything else, the fish will already have a side dish.

- - You can take any trout for baking, both sea and river fish very tasty after cooking. And they don't have much of a difference in taste.

- - Sauces such as sour cream, wine, cream are suitable for baked trout.

- − Never cut vegetables, fruits and fish with one knife! Raw fish, like raw meat, contain various microbes that, during contact with moisture, can begin to multiply. These germs die after you clean the knife or cutting board you were working on. Knives for raw meat, fish and vegetable products should be separate, as well as cutting boards!

Today you can meet great amount different recipes cooking trout in the oven. Unfortunately, the list of so many ways to bake this wonderful fish includes too a large number of spices, flavored seasonings and other ingredients that completely "etch away" the exquisite taste of the main product.

If you are going to cook trout in the oven for the first time with your own hands, then we strongly recommend trying to bake fish in foil according to the classic recipe - a minimum of flavors (pepper, salt, fresh lemon juice) and roasting a carefully sealed whole trout.

In this article you will find the most best recipes with photo step by step cooking trout both whole and in pieces (fish steaks). Emphasis will be placed on easy complication of the rich palatability this river fish without the use of absolutely unnecessary gastronomic excesses.


EXPAND: Trout baked whole in the oven. Step-by-step recipe with a photo of cooking trout in foil (with herbs, lemon, spices) .

+ This is useful to know:

baked trout goes well with products such as: kefir, ginger, rosemary, cranberries, citrus fruit, White wine.

This fish can be baked in the oven as a whole or cut into pieces.

for baking rainbow trout, you can use both foil and a sleeve or salt crust. Any of these options for cooking fish will allow you to get an appetizing crispy crust and melting in your mouth steamed flesh of fish meat, which will be saturated with juices and refined flavors that do not interrupt the taste of the main dish.

another important point - 5 minutes before full cooking dishes, be sure to fully open the sealed shell in which the trout is baked.

it is highly undesirable to overexpose rainbow trout in the oven. Remove the baked fish according to the time indicated in the recipe.

Stage 4
- carefully cleaned and washed trout put on top of potatoes, sprinkle with grated cheese, and then salt;

Stage 5
- prepare a sauce of oregano, cream and pepper and evenly pour it over the fish;

Stage 6
- put a second sheet of foil on top of the workpiece and tightly twist the free ends of both sheets to make a box;

Stage 7
- put the trout in foil on an oven tray and set the temperature to 200 degrees;

Stage 8
- after 45 minutes, we take out the baked fish and potatoes from the oven. Serve without a side dish with a salad of fresh vegetables.

√ in foil with vegetables

Ingredients: rainbow trout 1.2 kg, strong medium-sized tomatoes - 2 pcs, sweet onions - 1 pc, half a lemon, a bunch of dill, ground black pepper, salt, vegetable oil

7 stages of cooking fish:

Stage 1
- We cut the rainbow trout, making an incision along the abdomen and removing the fins and gills;

Stage 2
- after removing the spine and thoroughly washing the fillet under running water, unfold and put the chopped fish on the foil greased with vegetable oil with the outside;

Stage 3

- carefully place the foil with the fish on a baking sheet. Salt and pepper the fish;

Stage 4
- Put the tray in the oven for 20 minutes. Temperature - 200 degrees;

Stage 5
- cut lemon, onion, tomatoes into thin rings, and also chop the dill;

Stage 6
- remove the baking sheet from the oven and spread the chopped vegetables on the browned trout, and then put the baking sheet back in the oven for another 20 minutes to bake further;

Stage 7

- after that, take the baked trout out of the oven and sprinkle it with chopped dill.

√ in foil with cheese

Ingredients: trout - 1 kg, half a lemon, onion- 3 pcs, tomatoes - 2 pcs, white pepper - 1 pc, cheese - 200 gr, parsley - 1 bunch, dill - 1 bunch, potatoes 3 pcs, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt

6 stages of cooking trout:

Stage 1
- we cut the fish, cut off the gills and fins, carefully wash the carcass;

Stage 2
- put the carcass on the foil with chopped herbs and sprinkle with salt. Add white pepper and squeeze lemon juice onto the surface of the fish;

Stage 3
- sprinkle chopped onion and chopped tomato slices on top, put the foil on a baking sheet. Then - into the oven. temperature - 200 degrees;

Stage 4
- in parallel, peel the potatoes and put them in the microwave for 6 minutes;

Stage 5
- we take the trout out of the oven after 10 minutes and add the potatoes greased with vegetable oil to the fish, and then generously sprinkle everything with chopped cheese;

Stage 6

- then put the baking sheet back in the oven for 20 minutes until a crust appears on the cheese. Trout baked with cheese has a unique and refined taste that will impress even the most sophisticated gourmet!


baked in own juice trout with the addition of lemon juice, potatoes, some vegetables - this is a wonderful dish that will surely delight your household! Do not wait for the next holiday or significant event. This dish is prepared very simply and all the ingredients for it can be easily purchased at the nearest supermarket, and the oven will do its job without any hassle. Cook trout baked in foil or in a sleeve right now!

If you have any more trout recipes different ways please share your culinary secrets with our visitors! They will be very grateful to you! You can post your wishes, tips and recipes for cooking in the Comments below.

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The easiest way to cook trout is to roast it in the oven. You can bake both whole fish and trout steaks, fillets. For baking whole, it is better to buy rainbow or golden trout. As a rule, such a trout is small in size, weighing about 200-300 grams on average. More big fish it is better to cut into steaks or remove only the fillet.

Trout is delicious and tender fish and does not require a lot of seasonings and spices. The easiest way to cook trout in the oven is to drizzle with olive oil or melted butter, lemon juice, season with pepper and that will be enough.

Whole trout can be baked with or without the head. The head can then be used to make fish broth. You just need to remove the gills first.

Trout is baked at a temperature of 170-200 degrees. It is best to set the temperature higher first and then lower it.

When baked in foil, the aromas and taste of fish are better preserved. But maybe that's how it seems to me.

Before baking in foil, lightly grease the foil and then lay out the fish. It is not necessary to wrap the fish in foil tightly, but to form, as it were, a package.

You can bake fish in a bag or sleeve.

Depending on the size of the trout, the cooking time is from 10 minutes to half an hour.

From herbs when baking, you can use tarragon, rosemary, dill or parsley. Herbs can be taken fresh or dried.

And now the recipes for baked trout in the oven. All recipes are not dogma. Feel free to make your own changes. I'm sure the trout won't get worse.

Oven baked trout recipes

Whole trout baked in the oven

This baked trout recipe is the easiest. I have mirror trout. But you can also bake rainbow trout.

Trout - 1 piece (about 200-250 grams)

Butter - 50 grams

Lemon - 1 piece

Lemon juice - 1-2 tablespoons

Fresh parsley - 2 tablespoons (or rosemary)

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Clean and wash the trout. Cover the form with foil.

Melt the butter and let it simmer for about a minute.

Put the fish in a mold. Water the trout on both sides a small amount melted butter. Salt and season with pepper.

Put a few circles of lemon and a sprig of parsley or rosemary inside the trout. Lemon can also be placed on top.

Place the trout in the oven and bake until done.

Mix the rest of the oil with lemon juice. Put on the stove and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared trout with this sauce when serving.

Trout fillet in the oven

Trout fillet - 1 piece

Butter - 4 tablespoons

Shallots - 1 piece (or leek)

Garlic - 2 cloves

Lemon - 1 piece

Dill - 1-2 tablespoons

How to cook trout:

Melt the butter in a small saucepan or bowl. Peel shallots and finely chop. When using leeks, take only the bleached part.

Saute the onion for 3-4 minutes until the onion is soft.

Finely chop the garlic or pass through the garlic.

Wash the lemon and remove the zest. Cut in half and squeeze juice from one half.

Add garlic and lemon peel to the bow. Fry for about 40-60 seconds more and remove from the stove.

Let cool slightly and add lemon juice.

Line a baking sheet or baking sheet with foil or baking paper. Lay out the prepared trout fillet.

Season with salt and pepper. Drizzle with prepared onion and garlic mixture. Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top.

Put the fish in the oven and bake at 200-280 degrees for about 12-15 minutes. Depends on the size of the fish.

Transfer the finished trout fillet to a dish. Drizzle with squeezed lemon juice from the other half. Sprinkle with the remaining dill.

According to this recipe, you can also cook salmon fillet or salmon.

Baked trout with lemon and rosemary

This recipe for baked trout in the oven is suitable for baking other fish, such as salmon, salmon or catfish.

Trout fillet - 450-500 grams

Garlic - 1 clove

Lemon - 1 piece

Fresh rosemary - 1.5 tablespoons

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Wash rosemary and chop coarsely.

Wash the lemon. Remove the zest and squeeze the juice from the lemon.

Crush the garlic with the handle of a knife or a garlic press.

Mix lemon zest in a bowl olive oil, garlic, rosemary and lemon juice.

Wash the trout fillet and pat dry. Grate with salt and pepper.

Line a mold or baking sheet with foil. Lay the fillets skin side down. Lubricate with the prepared mixture.

Put in the oven and bake at a temperature of 180-150 degrees until the fish is ready.

Do not place the baking sheet close to the oven heater. Better in the middle or down.

Baked trout fillet in walnut breading

For cooking fish according to this recipe, it is better to use river trout fillets.

Trout fillet - 300 grams

Pecans - 100-150 grams (or almonds)

Rosemary - 1.5 teaspoons

Egg - 1 piece

Flour - 1 tablespoon

Salt pepper

Rinse and dry the fish. Season with salt and pepper.

Grind nuts in a blender or coffee grinder.

Mix chopped nuts and rosemary (dried) in a bowl.

Break the egg into a bowl and beat with a fork.

Pour flour into a plate.

Dredge the trout fillets in flour, shaking out the excess. Then dip in the egg and roll in the nuts, pressing the fillet lightly so that they cover the fish better.

Put the fish on a baking sheet lined with foil or baking paper and place in the oven. Grease the foil lightly with vegetable oil.

Bake until crispy on one side first. Then carefully turn over to the other side and let the crust form.

Rainbow trout in foil in the oven

Rainbow trout - 4 pieces (weighing 150-200 grams)

Lemon - 1-2 pieces

Fresh dill - 8 sprigs (or tarragon)

Olive oil - 1 - 2 tablespoons

Salt pepper

Clean the carcasses of the fish from the insides and clean the scales. Rinse well and dry.

Cut out 8 squares of foil 3-5 centimeters larger than the fish carcass.

Place them on a baking sheet and brush with olive oil.

Wash and dry dill.

Rub the fish with salt and pepper on both sides. Lay out on foil squares. Put 2 sprigs of dill or tarragon inside each fish.

Wash the lemon and cut into thin circles. Put 2 circles inside each fish.

Drizzle olive oil over fish.

Cover with other fish foil squares, pressing well around the edges.

Put in the oven and bake for about 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-180 degrees.

Remove the finished fish from the oven. Carefully cut the top foil with a knife or scissors and transfer the fish to a dish. Pour over the juice released during baking, garnish with dill or tarragon, chopped lemon.

Baked trout with white wine

Trout - 2-3 pieces

White wine - 200 ml

Olive oil - 1 tablespoon

Lemon - 1 piece

Salt pepper

How to cook rainbow trout:

Clean the fish. You can bake the fish with the head or cut off. If together with the head, then remove the gills and rinse well. Dry the fish carcasses with paper towels.

Make several diagonal cuts on the carcass on each side.

Brush the fish on each side with olive oil.

Wash the lemon and cut into slices.

Salt and pepper the inside of the carcass to taste. Insert a slice of lemon into the slits. Put the rest of the lemon slices into the cavity of the fish.

If there is a lemon left, put under the fish and on top. Pour wine over fish. You can take red wine, but then the color of the fish meat will change. Therefore, it is better to cook with white wine.

Cover the form with foil and put in the oven. Bake trout for about half an hour at a temperature of 170-180 degrees.

Baked trout stuffed with bacon

This recipe is good for baking rainbow or golden trout.

Trout - 1 piece (weighing 350-450 grams)

Bacon - 2 pieces

Butter - 50 grams

Lemon - 1 piece

Spicy pepper - 2 tablespoons

Green onion - 2 tablespoons

Garlic - 1 clove (small)

Dill - 2-3 sprigs

Salt pepper

How to cook trout:

Gut the carcass of the fish, clean and rinse. Dry with paper towel.

Squeeze juice from lemon.

Wash and chop the onion.

Clean out the seeds spicy pepper. Cut in small pieces.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife or pass through a press.

Melt the butter in a small saucepan. Add to it green onion, pepper, garlic and lemon juice. Stir and season with salt and pepper.

Line a mold or baking sheet with foil. Lay out the prepared trout. Fill the cavity of the fish with the stuffing.

Place a sprig of fresh dill and a slice of bacon on top of the filling. Roll up the foil.

Put the fish in the oven and bake at a temperature of about 200-180 degrees for about 20-25 minutes. Depends on the size of the fish. It may take longer if the fish are larger. In this case, you also need to take more ingredients for the filling.

Transfer the finished fish in foil to a dish and let it lie down without unrolling for 4-5 minutes. Then unfold the foil, and transfer the fish to a plate. Remove bacon and decorate fresh dill and lemon slices.

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Joint eating is considered the most important tradition that is forever rooted in our society. For such an event, many cook trout baked in the oven. This magnificent fish is different unsurpassed taste and a number of useful items. Even after heat treatment, it is rich in vitamins, zinc, fatty acids, magnesium. In addition, fish is considered a low-calorie dietary product.

Trout baked in the oven is often the main dish of a family meal. It is loved by almost everyone - adults and children, for the excellent aroma and juiciness of meat. Cooks have developed a huge number of options for cooking trout. After reviewing some of them, many managed to create an incredible experience in their kitchen. tasty dish.

If the cook buys fresh trout from the store, it should be baked as quickly as possible.

When time is running out

Today's pace of life encourages busy people to set aside as little time as possible for cooking. I want to do everything quickly, but with excellent taste. Several recipes for trout baked in the oven are suitable for such people.

Lemon flavored fish

To create a dish you will need a set of ingredients:

  • trout carcass;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • dill;
  • vegetable oil;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

The process begins with the preparation of the fish. With a sharp knife cut the abdomen and remove the insides. After that, thoroughly wash inside and out. Then the carcass is actively rubbed with salt and black pepper.

Place a piece of foil on a wide baking sheet. Lubricate it sunflower oil. The lemon is cut into thin circles, and then laid out on paper. Fish is placed on top, wrapped and baked for 10 minutes.
Then it is opened and kept in the oven for the same amount. Such a simple recipe for baked trout in the oven in foil can be used when time is running out and homemade are hungry.

Royal fish with cream sauce

To prepare the dish, you need to take:

  • fillet of red fish;
  • butter;
  • high fat cream;
  • garlic;
  • lemon for juice;
  • bulb;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • parsley.

If the cook knows how to bake a whole trout in the oven, it will not be difficult for him to cook it quickly. No wonder they say that knowledge is a great power.

First of all, the oven is heated to a maximum of 200 ° C. The cleaned, washed fish is rubbed on both sides with pepper mixed with salt.

Cream, butter, mustard, salt, pepper, garlic (passed through a press) are placed in a separate container. All ingredients are mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Red fish spread on a baking sheet. Sprinkle generously with finely chopped onions and pour over the sauce. The oven is held for approximately 15 minutes.
Serve trout baked in cream, with parsley sprigs, lemon slices, pouring over the remaining sauce.

So that the fish does not lose its integrity, it is advisable to monitor the baking process. In case of loss of vigilance, the dish can turn into porridge.

The invariable ingredient of the dish is hard cheese

Experienced housewives often use for cooking hearty meals hard cheese. By combining it with red fish, it turns out unusual taste which is simply impossible to forget. The recipe for baked trout with cheese contains simple ingredients:

  • trout meat;
  • hard cheese of any kind;
  • cream;
  • medium sized lemon;
  • spices for fish;
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

Under the heading - "Cooked with love"

At all times, it was believed that if the hostess did not add a drop of love to the dish, it turns out to be tasteless. Who wants to eat this kind of food regularly? To prevent this from happening, consider recipes with photos of trout baked in the oven to support inspiration. When you imagine in advance what will be final result, it gives courage and excitement. No wonder people say that it is much wiser to see once than to read a hundred times. Someone will say: paraphrased, but has the meaning changed? And if you know how much to bake trout in the oven, you can use your time rationally.

Red fish with vegetables

To prepare this dietary product You will need a simple set of components:

  • rainbow trout;
  • tomatoes;
  • onion;
  • vegetable oil;
  • lemon;
  • coriander;
  • laurel;
  • curry;
  • rosemary;
  • pepper;
  • marjoram;
  • basil;
  • parsley;
  • salt.

Spice connoisseurs can safely use other options for popular seasonings. For example, fennel - gives the fish an amazing lemon flavor. And saffron (the most expensive seasoning) emphasizes the aroma and color of the dish.

Trout baked with vegetables is prepared in several stages:

  1. Peel the onion from the husk, wash under the tap, lightly dry with a paper towel. Cut into large cubes.
  2. Eggplants are rinsed with running water. Shredded in equal pieces.
  3. Tomatoes, preferably dense, cut into large quarters.
  4. Heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan. Spread the onion and fry over moderate heat until a brown crust appears.
  5. During this period fish is prepared. It is cleaned of the insides, the fins are removed with scissors, the ridge, gills and all the bones are cut out.

  6. The trout carcass is marinated and sprinkled with a set of spices. Leave for a few minutes.
  7. Next, eggplant is added to the onion, followed by tomatoes. Simmer for 5 minutes.

  8. When the vegetables have cooled, they are seasoned with dried herbs. You can use dill, parsley or cilantro.
  9. Pieces of lemon are put into the head of a trout so that it is saturated with juice.
  10. The belly of the fish is stuffed with stewed vegetables, after which it is sewn up with a thread.

  11. The prepared semi-finished product is laid out on parchment and sent to a hot oven for half an hour.

Served with rainbow trout baked in the oven with slices of lemon and fresh tomatoes. For garnish use mashed potatoes.

Excellent dish "Dream come true"

Great idea for family dinner- trout with soy sauce. Harmonious combination meat with citrus sweetness creates a unique taste of the product. It is prepared from the following ingredients:

  • trout carcass;
  • one large orange;
  • mayonnaise (optional, you can replace unsweetened yogurt);
  • mustard;
  • soy sauce;
  • pepper;
  • saffron (if available);
  • salt.

When a set of products is at hand, they begin to create a dish with the romantic name "Dream Fulfillment".

First of all, the orange is peeled, the pits are removed. Cut in equal circles. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and arrange the oranges tightly.

Soy sauce, mayonnaise, mustard and honey are mixed in a small container.

Pieces of trout are tightly laid on top of the orange. Then generously lubricate the prepared filling.

Trout sprinkled ground pepper and saffron, after which they are sent to the oven.
The dish is served with potatoes, rice or buckwheat porridge.

Baked red fish with champignons

lovers hearty meals will not refuse an exquisite combination of trout with mushrooms and vegetables. Prepare a product from the following set of products:

  • medium sized trout;
  • fresh;
  • onion;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • lemon;
  • vegetable fat;
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

First of all, chopped onion is fried in a pan until a brown tint appears. Then add mushrooms, tomatoes and bell pepper and mix well. Pass for 15 minutes.

Pass the garlic cloves through a special press. Then mix it with vegetable oil(2 tablespoons) and lemon juice.

Spread the fish on a baking sheet covered with foil and generously grease with garlic mixture on all sides. Next, the trout belly is stuffed with vegetables, after which it is sewn up and wrapped in foil.
Bake at a temperature of about 200 degrees for no more than 30 minutes. To get a crispy crust, the paper is removed a few minutes before readiness.

The dish is served for a family meal with any side dish for sweet wine.

Trout is amazing delicious fish which is rich in useful material. Its taste is delicate and refined. The best option cooking is baked trout in foil in the oven. Why in foil? Because, by preparing it in this way, all the useful elements and aromatic properties of the food remain, respectively, the food becomes saturated with juices and aromas. Special delights in cooking delicious trout not required, when cooking it uses a minimum of spices. The trout is quickly baked, which simplifies the cooking process. This dish is suitable for a festive menu and for an ordinary dinner, the fish goes well with a variety of side dishes.

Trout Roast Recipe

The most delicious food is prepared from fresh fish, but if you purchased frozen, then you need to properly defrost it. To do this, we put the fish on the shelf of the refrigerator, which is located below for a couple of hours, the finally melted fish must be washed and the scales removed.

When buying fish, you need to carefully monitor its quality. The eyes should be bulging and clean, the gills should have a bright and rich color, the “skin” should be elastic, moist without cuts. Fresh fish has a pleasant taste.

To cook fish we need

  • Fresh trout carcass - 1 kg.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Dill and parsley greens - 1 bunch each.
  • Creamy. oil - 100 gr.
  • Pepper black, fragrant and red ground.
  • Dried coriander.
  • Salt.

Cooking process

We prepare the carcass. With the help of a knife, we clean from scales on each side. We cut the abdomen and remove the insides, head and fins. The cleaned carcass is thoroughly washed again. Transfer to a plate and let dry.

You need a small fish, and cut a large one into steaks or cut fillets out of it.

Cut the butter into small cubes and send it to the freezer to freeze. Wash greens and finely chop. Place in a separate bowl. We divide the lemon into halves. From one we squeeze the juice immediately onto the fish. Wipe it inside and out with this juice, all kinds of pepper and salt. Stuffed with chopped herbs and dry coriander. Let her marinate for 15 minutes.

The taste of trout is well set off by olive oil, lemon, orange, Provencal herbs, rosemary, thyme, sage and ground pepper.

Cut the remaining half of the lemon into slices. We heat the oven to 180 gr. Place the lemon boxes on a baking sheet lined with foil. We put the stuffed fish on top of the citrus, make cuts on top and place a piece of butter in each cut.

Tighten tightly so that the juice does not leak out during cooking. Place the prepared dish in a heated oven for 40 minutes. When heated, the butter will melt and the fish will begin to soak. The lemon that is under the trout will sour the underside. And will not let the foil stick to the fish. The added seasonings will make the flavor better, the lemon will add pleasant sourness, the oil will make the fish softer and contributed to the appearance of a thin top layer, which at the end of cooking will help to lightly brown the skin.

In the process of baking, you need to monitor the time - overcooked fish becomes tough and tasteless.

We eat the finished dish warm, pre-decorated with herbs, lemon wedges and sauce. This fish goes well with white wine or grape juice.

Trout in foil harmonizes well with tomatoes, onions or basil. You can stuff the fish with all these vegetables, the taste will be amazing, and the fish will turn out already with a side dish.